dream smp томи и дрим. Автор видео: дрим смп здесь?:да, мемы здесь?: да а подписщке 22-09-2023 | | 243446 | Продолжительность: 08:8:8. Фанфик dreaming. Dream smp Томми арт. Что если бы после очередного конфликта с Томми Дрим не выдержал бы и удалил сервер или перезапустил игру? If you're looking for the best Dream SMP fanfiction, check out this post for summaries of some of the top fanfics on AO3! Время замедлилось, как Томми продолжал кричать на Чеда и его банду, его голос медленно исчезает и звон в ушах усиливается.
Фанфики дрим и томми - фотоподборка
Fundy MCYT. Фанди и Вилбур. Fundy DSMP. Dream smp Technoblade. Technoblade x Philza. Dream Technoblade шипы.
Dream x Technoblade шип. Tommy innit. Томми smp. Томми Дрим СМП. Вилбур и Томми арт.
Томми и Вилбур шип. Джордж Дрим тим арты. Сапнап Джордж и Дрим. Дрим фан арт. Dream Team Фандом.
Томми и таббо арты. Томми и Дрим арт. Томми Фанарт. Dream smp Tommy арты. Уилбур и Томми.
MCYT Tommy. Томми ДСМП. Dream x Wilbur. Dream x Wilbur Soot. Dream Team Уилбур.
Ghostbur Art. Ghostbur арт. Томми MCYT. Томми Dream smp. Фанди майнкрафт.
Вилбур Dream smp. Дрим, Томми и Уилбур. Dream smp Дрим. Дрим СМП арт. Дрим СМП арты.
Фуллиш Дрим СМП. Дрим и Вилбур арты. Fundy and Wilbur. Dream smp Томми арт.
It happens again in early Season 3 in a much more twisted way. The twist is that Tommy was killed by Dream but got resurrected, and no one knew that he came Back from the Dead until he returned from the prison. He also appeared to suffer from Sensory Overload after being stuck in a dark, soundless void for what felt like months, screaming in agony when Dream so much as pinched him, completely amazed at the fact that he felt hungry, and startling hard every time the Elder Guardian made a noise, saying that the sounds were more "pure" this was also reflected on a meta-level, as Tommy turned up his game volume to max after being revived.
Safety in Indifference : He showed shades of this mindset after his resurrection. He eventually breaks out of this mindset and adopts a spider as a pet, naming him Shroud after a Twitch streamer of the same name. This likely stemmed from a combination of his own self-hatred and general impression that no one cared when he was dead, and his experience during the Disc War Finale, where Tubbo was moments away from accepting his own death so that Tommy could retrieve his discs. The second iteration involved Ghostbur visiting the prison and Tommy sneaking inside with him while invisible, which went... Sent Into Hiding : Due to being mistaken for dead , Techno was forced to keep Tommy hidden to avoid anyone knowing that he was still alive. Seriously Scruffy : When he lived alone in Logstedshire, his hair and clothes became very unkempt. Around BadBoyHalo , Tommy makes an effort to swear as much as possible.
As a big Anti-Drug Guy, this is really just fucked up to me. Canon Tommy would never smoke, or even second hand smoke. I hold my breath whenever canon Wilbur chooses to smoke. Stepford Smiler : His bright personality had returned quickly after moving in with Technoblade, but a closer look makes it quite obvious that it was a front, and that Tommy was actively repressing his trauma instead of dealing with it in a healthy way. He prefers living in a dirt hut over an actual house, and likes building materials that are both easy to get and easy to replace cobblestone and oak wood being his favorites. When he needs items, he usually resorts to stealing or begging from others, and what items he does manage to get, he clings to, hiding them away in secret chests he buries under the floor. When asked about his parents, Tommy answered that he raised himself, and at one point even claimed to have been created in a lab though whether this is true remains to be seen.
Lastly, Wilbur is implied to have taken Tommy in, as Wilbur acted like a Big Brother Mentor before his mental health started to decline, and Ghostbur even claims that Wilbur named Tommy. Supporting Protagonist : Zig-zagged throughout Season 1. Talking Down the Suicidal : Tommy does this twice, though with some twists regarding both times. What qualifies it for this trope is that Wilbur intended to blow himself up with Manburg by going down with the country he built but was taken over by Schlatt. In Season 2, he manages to do this with himself during the end of the Exile Arc, as he realizes that Dream was trying to keep him from fighting back against him. This eventually ends with Tommy jumping down to safety into a pool of water and escaping Logstedshire. However, his short-sighted focus on his discs leads him to make decisions or actions detrimental to everyone else around him, driving away the people he cares about and making him look extremely selfish for prioritizing objects over other people.
Third Wheel : Tommy comments that he felt like one during his first visit to Las Nevadas with Wilbur, who was having Belligerent Sexual Tension with Quackity for half the stream. This Is for Emphasis, Bitch! Those Two Guys : With Tubbo, to the point they have been referred to as brothers. Too Unhappy to Be Hungry : During his time in Logstedshire, there were several instances where Tommy actively refused to eat despite his hunger meter becoming dangerously low, likely demonstrating that this is the case. Locations that remind him of past traumatic events, like Logstedshire where he gets incredibly anxious and the Final Control Room which caused him to have a full-on panic attack, hyperventilating and scrambling for an exit , and things that remind him of his time in exile cause him to become incredibly panicked. Tubbo: Plains biomes, especially. Let me think, let me think.
The hole-stuff really gets me, the um... Seeing [Dream] being nice to us, seeing him all cocky and laughing at us, that... After dying and being revived, Tommy has flashbacks and flies into a screaming panic whenever he takes damage of any kind, no matter how minor, and any reminders of what happened trigger new panic attacks, to the point where he starts begging people to stop asking him to talk about it. Trauma Conga Line : From being betrayed over and over, to watching his country be blown up no less than three times. Watching Wilbur, who he idolized, slowly fall into insanity, blow up their country, and then get killed by his father. Getting murdered by the person that kept him under tyranny, twice, and then get manipulated and driven into a suicidal state by the same guy. Watching his best friend be publicly executed by his ally, and almost watching him sacrifice himself.
Being exiled and getting so lonely and depressed that he stopped caring about himself altogether , stopped eating and sleeping properly. Just when it seems things were starting to look up for him, Tommy was then locked in a jail cell with his abuser for an entire week, surrounded by things that remind him of his time in exile, killed again after being brutally beaten by Dream costing him his last life , spent two days in the afterlife with Wilbur except for Tommy it felt like two months had passed , and then suddenly revived by Dream, not only having to deal with Sensory Overload but more torment from his abuser. Unwitting Instigator of Doom : Downplayed. Especially back in Season 1, Tommy can sometimes be a bit insensitive, which can unintentionally lead to conflicts, e. However, during the Exile arc, Dream stated that Tommy was to remain in exile until he turned 18, implying that he was still a minor at that point. The fandom usually puts Tommy as the same age as his content creator counterpart, that being 16 when he joined the server and older as the series progresses. Verbal Tic : When rambling, Tommy will end most of his sentences with "Alright?
What does he save? Pictures of Tubbo. He even tries to make a contract with Sam saying that the building of the hotel will be attributed to his name, just so he can ask if Phil was proud of him. Wilbur seems to be trying to invoke this trope on him. However, this is also justified in that he lives in a Crapsack World and has been through such an arduous Trauma Conga Line that he was essentially forced to grow up fast. Adopt the Food : Tommy got attached to Henry before he could kill him for food, and quickly named and adopted the cow. Informed Deformity : Tommy describes Henry as outright ugly at one point, but naturally, he looks just like any other cow.
In a Single Bound : Juorse was one of the most athletic horses on the server, with the ability to jump four blocks high. Cherry Tapping : Somehow Clarencio manages to kill Ranboo just by continuously spitting on him. Memetic Badass : In-Universe. Tommy and Techno joke that Clarencio is secretly a genius criminal. Tommy: Well, neither is Clarencio! Or maybe he is. Tommy: He seems like a bit of a...
Дрим вытирает мокроту, даже не морщась. Дрим пытается помочь, но подросток вновь шипит, и блондин поднимает руки. Каким-то образом ему удаётся завернуть себя в кокон одной рукой. Томми надеется, что его стыдливый румянец не будет виден на его лице. Техно закрывает шторы и включает лампу на тумбочке и, чёрт, ладно, его щеки будут видны. Он спешно прячет лицо. Его осторожно берут за руку и он вздрагивает, когда Техно аккуратно — невозможно, он ведь Техноблэйд — проводит пальцами по его опухшей коже. Когда Томми и Дрим остаются в одной комнате, подросток смущённо ёрзает.
Запах лайма всё ещё наполняет помещение, успокаивая его, и он недовольно фыркает. Подходит Техно со слегка светящимся зельем, и открывает его, подавая подростку. Томми благодарно кивает. Зелье оказывается отвратительным на вкус — цена здоровья, думает он и невольно вспоминает о лекарстве, которое ему дают каждое утро — ладонь сильно пульсирует, и он обхватывает бутылёк другой рукой. Когда боль затихает, он недовольно смотрит в ответ на разглядывающих его Техно и Дрима, и только тогда замечает растрёпанные волосы блондина, в безмерной чёрной футболке, и запутанные длинные волосы гибрида, в ночной рубашке. Кажется, они оба бурчат: «Томми». Техно уходит следом, тихо закрывая за собой дверь. Комната вдруг становится холодной, даже если лампа светит тёплым ровным светом, и Томми как никогда прежде желает, чтобы они вернулись назад.
Ему до ужаса сильно хотелось обследовать дом с верху до низу, включая улицу, но Техно едва ли разрешает ему самостоятельно шагать из комнаты в комнату. Гибрид в своей манере поднимает бровь и глазами указывает на его ноги. Блондин резко отпускает его руку, когда ему удаётся перестать качаться. Амброуз спала в одном из кресел, укрытая одеялом, голова Техно лежала на коленях Дрима, который зарывался в его волосы, читая книгу. Видеть их такими... Подросток даже не задумывался о том, что Дрим вообще способен расслабляться и делать хоть что-то, кроме как докучать ему и остальной части сервера, и, о нет, он вспоминает вчерашний кошмар и часть его громко кричит, что это не Дрим, а демон — Дримон. Резко покачав головой и видя, что ничего не поменялось, он откидывается на спинку дивана. В его сторону даже не косятся и он стонет чуть громче.
В Логстедшире он ежедневно добывал ресурсы, чтобы к вечеру Дрим Дримон взорвал всё. Он хмурится, пытаясь вспомнить, что делал до этого — ну, он читал книжки для стратегии или готовился к войнам и битвам.
How odd. The great Tommyinnit not wanting to fight anymore. Tommy smiles as he watches Ghostbur fly away. Tommy goes to live in the Nether with the lava that he loves and no one knows where he went, not even Dream. Tommy left a note addressed to Ranboo though. You have to step off the trail to find your path. Even worse.
Tommy had been betrayed once again. These are real people, and some are minors.
Dreamnotfound Истории
See the end of the chapter for more notes. Returning and missed the update? Basically the part about Tommy and Siren getting Noodles gone, erased, not cannon. That whole chapter was deleted. First part is the same but with a few changes if it seems like you read it before. Tommy continued to work at the cafe, dealing with Karens and entitled shit heads. Money had gotten slightly tighter as food prices went up in the low districts due to some issue in Hermit city. Zephyrus was back, wing good as new, Nuke and Ender were getting credit for their hard work. The heroes were busy trying to stop them from doing nothing but good in this harsh world. Tommy had just walked into the cafe to start his shift and was greeted by Bad and Skeppy. Do you think that you can manage this shift by yourself?
Me and Bad wanted to go and get supper with a few friends. Go enjoy your date! Plus there are going to be others there. Also if anything happens give me a call. Tommy was expecting a slow shift that he could handle and it was that give or take. There was a spill here and there but that was all the excitement he saw. At one point he considered leaving the coffee and seeing who slips on it but he knew it would have been him. His shift dragged to a close soon enough and he started doing his closing routine. Which was just him tuning the world out with his earbuds as he mops and sweeps the floor. He started his playlist up on shuffle.
Oh, Bad and Skeppy were back. At least one of them had good humor. Outside was slightly cooler than when he arrived but it still was nice. He made sure to stay under the streetlights as he walked and stayed on the far side of the sidewalk when passing alleys.
БТС арт Юнги и Чимин. Юнмины нсфв. Шип куро и Ромео 13 карт.
Пик и Ромео шип. Пик и Ромео яой. Шипы с Феликсом 13 карт. Земля королей Феликс и Ромео. Т Кейо. Окей Кео. Кей о будем героями.
Окей Кео персонажи. БТС Чимин и его девушка арт. Фанфики БТС Чимин. Чимин и его девушка арт. Томми Дрим СМП арты. Томми ИНИТ скин. Чарли и Аластор 18 шип.
Аластор Чарли и Люцифер. Ральф и Ванилопа шип. Ральф и Ванилопа любовь аниме. Профессор Веномус и Кей о. Профессор Веномус и Кэрол. Профессор Веномус скрины. Окей Кей о будем героями профессор Веномус.
Dream smp Дрим. Dream smp Minecraft. Karl Dream smp. Фанди Дрим СМП. Айзава Шота и Даби. Даби и Айзава шип. Айзава Шота шипы.
Айзава Минетта. Рейнбоу Дрим СМП. Каллахан Дрим СМП. Уилбур Дрим СМП. БТС С девушками арт Чимин. Карл Джакобс Фанарт. Карл Dream smp.
Карл Дрим СМП арты. MCYT Quackity. Борис и капхед любовь. Yoonmin Чимин Альфа. Юнги Омега Чимин Альфа. Юнмины Чимин Альфа Юнги Омега. Пак Чимин Ким те хён чён чён Гук.
Фанфики кантрихуманс. Countryhumans Россия фанфики. Фанфик fem Россия и Америка контрихуманс. Фем Антон и Рома. Лука фем версия. Годжо фем версия. Фем лав.
Варузонт 13 карт шип. Фф 13 карт зонтик и вару 18. Фф 13 карт вару Феликс шип. Джарвис и Тони. Джарвис Старк.
Томми и Вилбур арты. Томми Фанарт. Dream smp Tommy арты. Dream and Fundy.
Sad-ist Art. Sad ist Ranboo. Дрим СМП арты дриста и Дрим. Philza and Technoblade. DSMP Philza. Филза Дрим СМП. Бенч трио Дрим СМП. Dream and Tommy Love. Dream smp icon Dream and Tommy.
Ranboo and tubbo. Арты Ranboo and tubbo. Dream Team Ranboo. Шлатт и Квакити. Джей Шлатт. Шлатт ДСМП. Шлатт smp. Томми Дрим СМП арты. Томми и Дрим майнкрафт.
Tommy innit. Томми Дрим СМП. Уилбур и Томми. Drista Art. Drista Dream. Drista Dream smp. Dream x drista. Фуллиш Дрим СМП. Dream smp Animatic.
Ангус Animatic. Джордж Дрим тим арты. Сапнап Джордж и Дрим. Дрим фан арт. Dream Team Фандом. Karl sapnap George Dream. Дрим СМП Чиби. Fundy Fan Art. Фанфики Техно и Дрим.
As a big Anti-Drug Guy, this is really just fucked up to me. Canon Tommy would never smoke, or even second hand smoke. I hold my breath whenever canon Wilbur chooses to smoke. Stepford Smiler : His bright personality had returned quickly after moving in with Technoblade, but a closer look makes it quite obvious that it was a front, and that Tommy was actively repressing his trauma instead of dealing with it in a healthy way. He prefers living in a dirt hut over an actual house, and likes building materials that are both easy to get and easy to replace cobblestone and oak wood being his favorites. When he needs items, he usually resorts to stealing or begging from others, and what items he does manage to get, he clings to, hiding them away in secret chests he buries under the floor. When asked about his parents, Tommy answered that he raised himself, and at one point even claimed to have been created in a lab though whether this is true remains to be seen.
Lastly, Wilbur is implied to have taken Tommy in, as Wilbur acted like a Big Brother Mentor before his mental health started to decline, and Ghostbur even claims that Wilbur named Tommy. Supporting Protagonist : Zig-zagged throughout Season 1. Talking Down the Suicidal : Tommy does this twice, though with some twists regarding both times. What qualifies it for this trope is that Wilbur intended to blow himself up with Manburg by going down with the country he built but was taken over by Schlatt. In Season 2, he manages to do this with himself during the end of the Exile Arc, as he realizes that Dream was trying to keep him from fighting back against him. This eventually ends with Tommy jumping down to safety into a pool of water and escaping Logstedshire. However, his short-sighted focus on his discs leads him to make decisions or actions detrimental to everyone else around him, driving away the people he cares about and making him look extremely selfish for prioritizing objects over other people.
Third Wheel : Tommy comments that he felt like one during his first visit to Las Nevadas with Wilbur, who was having Belligerent Sexual Tension with Quackity for half the stream. This Is for Emphasis, Bitch! Those Two Guys : With Tubbo, to the point they have been referred to as brothers. Too Unhappy to Be Hungry : During his time in Logstedshire, there were several instances where Tommy actively refused to eat despite his hunger meter becoming dangerously low, likely demonstrating that this is the case. Locations that remind him of past traumatic events, like Logstedshire where he gets incredibly anxious and the Final Control Room which caused him to have a full-on panic attack, hyperventilating and scrambling for an exit , and things that remind him of his time in exile cause him to become incredibly panicked. Tubbo: Plains biomes, especially. Let me think, let me think.
The hole-stuff really gets me, the um... Seeing [Dream] being nice to us, seeing him all cocky and laughing at us, that... After dying and being revived, Tommy has flashbacks and flies into a screaming panic whenever he takes damage of any kind, no matter how minor, and any reminders of what happened trigger new panic attacks, to the point where he starts begging people to stop asking him to talk about it. Trauma Conga Line : From being betrayed over and over, to watching his country be blown up no less than three times. Watching Wilbur, who he idolized, slowly fall into insanity, blow up their country, and then get killed by his father. Getting murdered by the person that kept him under tyranny, twice, and then get manipulated and driven into a suicidal state by the same guy. Watching his best friend be publicly executed by his ally, and almost watching him sacrifice himself.
Being exiled and getting so lonely and depressed that he stopped caring about himself altogether , stopped eating and sleeping properly. Just when it seems things were starting to look up for him, Tommy was then locked in a jail cell with his abuser for an entire week, surrounded by things that remind him of his time in exile, killed again after being brutally beaten by Dream costing him his last life , spent two days in the afterlife with Wilbur except for Tommy it felt like two months had passed , and then suddenly revived by Dream, not only having to deal with Sensory Overload but more torment from his abuser. Unwitting Instigator of Doom : Downplayed. Especially back in Season 1, Tommy can sometimes be a bit insensitive, which can unintentionally lead to conflicts, e. However, during the Exile arc, Dream stated that Tommy was to remain in exile until he turned 18, implying that he was still a minor at that point. The fandom usually puts Tommy as the same age as his content creator counterpart, that being 16 when he joined the server and older as the series progresses. Verbal Tic : When rambling, Tommy will end most of his sentences with "Alright?
What does he save? Pictures of Tubbo. He even tries to make a contract with Sam saying that the building of the hotel will be attributed to his name, just so he can ask if Phil was proud of him. Wilbur seems to be trying to invoke this trope on him. However, this is also justified in that he lives in a Crapsack World and has been through such an arduous Trauma Conga Line that he was essentially forced to grow up fast. Adopt the Food : Tommy got attached to Henry before he could kill him for food, and quickly named and adopted the cow. Informed Deformity : Tommy describes Henry as outright ugly at one point, but naturally, he looks just like any other cow.
In a Single Bound : Juorse was one of the most athletic horses on the server, with the ability to jump four blocks high. Cherry Tapping : Somehow Clarencio manages to kill Ranboo just by continuously spitting on him. Memetic Badass : In-Universe. Tommy and Techno joke that Clarencio is secretly a genius criminal. Tommy: Well, neither is Clarencio! Or maybe he is. Tommy: He seems like a bit of a...
Tommy: He seems like a pretty sneaky fellow! Shroud A spider that Tommy adopted while fixing up his house after Puffy pranked it. Friendly Neighborhood Spider : When they first met, Shroud directly approached Tommy, who immediately gained a soft spot for him. Giant Spider : Considering the size of Minecraft spiders, this is a given. Named After Somebody Famous : Tommy named him after a Twitch streamer of the same name, who he was and still is a huge fan of. Chat "The poor child.. The phone buzzes every time he gets a sub.
Audience Participation : As with other canon chats, they are the canonical version of the audience. Made of Indestructium : Implied , as they take the form of a "Nokia brick" phone , which are infamous for being pretty much this. Mass "Oh, Crap!
Welcome to the Playground (Arcane AU)
Не сказать, что я очень сильно на этом зацикливаюсь, просто... Просто брат нежно обнял сестру. Через пять дней мы переедем в другой город и возможно мы никогда не увидимся. Ты очень много раз обманывал меня таким способом. Я про такое даже врать не стал бы.
Если ты мне не веришь, то спроси у своего отца. Я спрошу у него и,если это окажется неправдой, то я тебя ударю.
Наш коллектив был создан совсем недавно и мы бы хотели видеть именно Вас! Разностороннее комьюнити готовое на коммуникации и взаимодействия с новичками, отзывчивые и понимающие админы, дискорд сервер и плагины, которые разнообразят Ваш геймплей. Вы можете создать свой собственный город, организацию, коалицию, семью, культ, можете присоединится к уже существующим фракциям.
Либо же отстаивать свою позицию анархиста. Откройте казино, кафе, клубы, бары.
Не сказать, что я очень сильно на этом зацикливаюсь, просто... Просто брат нежно обнял сестру. Через пять дней мы переедем в другой город и возможно мы никогда не увидимся. Ты очень много раз обманывал меня таким способом.
Я про такое даже врать не стал бы. Если ты мне не веришь, то спроси у своего отца. Я спрошу у него и,если это окажется неправдой, то я тебя ударю.
Путин не пожалел Китай, Россия спасла свой двигатель от копирования!
Поиск производится по множеству источников. Поэтому вы стопроцентно найдёте то, что вас интересует. Вниманию посетителей нашего сайта будет предложено: огромная база кинолент; отличное качество видео; воспроизведение контента на любом браузере, установленном у пользователя.
Последняя переписка Томми и Дрима яой 18+ 🥵
Tommy admitted, not looking up from where he had buried his head in Dream's chest. Turn your dreams into reality. Найтмер подошел к Дриму и грозно посмотрел ему в глаза — ты знал об этом. Dream SMP In A Timeloop. Dream smp Томми арт.
Dream And Tommy
Фанфик dream | Dream x Tommy 26130 stories for dream, dreamsmp, ranboo, sapnap, technoblade, tommyinnit, tubbo, wilbursoot, The best collection of stories. |
Tommy Dream Fanfic Food | dream smp томи и дрим. Автор видео: дрим смп здесь?:да, мемы здесь?: да а подписщке 22-09-2023 | | 243446 | Продолжительность: 08:8:8. |
Фанфики дрим и томми - фото сборник
Время замедлилось, как Томми продолжал кричать на Чеда и его банду, его голос медленно исчезает и звон в ушах усиливается. Томми начал расслабляться, руками обвив Дрима в ответ и заскулив, когда его больная ладонь слегка ударилась об спину блондина. Просмотрите доску «Dream and Tommy» пользователя VasilekoO в Pinterest. Дрим СМП Томми и Вилбур. Что если бы после очередного конфликта с Томми Дрим не выдержал бы и удалил сервер или перезапустил игру? Что если бы после очередного конфликта с Томми Дрим не выдержал бы и удалил сервер или перезапустил игру?
фанфики с пейрингом "Томми/Дрим" (недоперевод)
It was me that reorganized your beach party, it was me that blew up the Community House! I see an insecure, sad little man. So fuck off. It happens again in early Season 3 in a much more twisted way. The twist is that Tommy was killed by Dream but got resurrected, and no one knew that he came Back from the Dead until he returned from the prison. He also appeared to suffer from Sensory Overload after being stuck in a dark, soundless void for what felt like months, screaming in agony when Dream so much as pinched him, completely amazed at the fact that he felt hungry, and startling hard every time the Elder Guardian made a noise, saying that the sounds were more "pure" this was also reflected on a meta-level, as Tommy turned up his game volume to max after being revived. Safety in Indifference : He showed shades of this mindset after his resurrection. He eventually breaks out of this mindset and adopts a spider as a pet, naming him Shroud after a Twitch streamer of the same name.
This likely stemmed from a combination of his own self-hatred and general impression that no one cared when he was dead, and his experience during the Disc War Finale, where Tubbo was moments away from accepting his own death so that Tommy could retrieve his discs. The second iteration involved Ghostbur visiting the prison and Tommy sneaking inside with him while invisible, which went... Sent Into Hiding : Due to being mistaken for dead , Techno was forced to keep Tommy hidden to avoid anyone knowing that he was still alive. Seriously Scruffy : When he lived alone in Logstedshire, his hair and clothes became very unkempt. Around BadBoyHalo , Tommy makes an effort to swear as much as possible. As a big Anti-Drug Guy, this is really just fucked up to me. Canon Tommy would never smoke, or even second hand smoke.
I hold my breath whenever canon Wilbur chooses to smoke. Stepford Smiler : His bright personality had returned quickly after moving in with Technoblade, but a closer look makes it quite obvious that it was a front, and that Tommy was actively repressing his trauma instead of dealing with it in a healthy way. He prefers living in a dirt hut over an actual house, and likes building materials that are both easy to get and easy to replace cobblestone and oak wood being his favorites. When he needs items, he usually resorts to stealing or begging from others, and what items he does manage to get, he clings to, hiding them away in secret chests he buries under the floor. When asked about his parents, Tommy answered that he raised himself, and at one point even claimed to have been created in a lab though whether this is true remains to be seen. Lastly, Wilbur is implied to have taken Tommy in, as Wilbur acted like a Big Brother Mentor before his mental health started to decline, and Ghostbur even claims that Wilbur named Tommy. Supporting Protagonist : Zig-zagged throughout Season 1.
Talking Down the Suicidal : Tommy does this twice, though with some twists regarding both times. What qualifies it for this trope is that Wilbur intended to blow himself up with Manburg by going down with the country he built but was taken over by Schlatt. In Season 2, he manages to do this with himself during the end of the Exile Arc, as he realizes that Dream was trying to keep him from fighting back against him. This eventually ends with Tommy jumping down to safety into a pool of water and escaping Logstedshire. However, his short-sighted focus on his discs leads him to make decisions or actions detrimental to everyone else around him, driving away the people he cares about and making him look extremely selfish for prioritizing objects over other people. Third Wheel : Tommy comments that he felt like one during his first visit to Las Nevadas with Wilbur, who was having Belligerent Sexual Tension with Quackity for half the stream. This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!
Those Two Guys : With Tubbo, to the point they have been referred to as brothers. Too Unhappy to Be Hungry : During his time in Logstedshire, there were several instances where Tommy actively refused to eat despite his hunger meter becoming dangerously low, likely demonstrating that this is the case. Locations that remind him of past traumatic events, like Logstedshire where he gets incredibly anxious and the Final Control Room which caused him to have a full-on panic attack, hyperventilating and scrambling for an exit , and things that remind him of his time in exile cause him to become incredibly panicked. Tubbo: Plains biomes, especially. Let me think, let me think. The hole-stuff really gets me, the um... Seeing [Dream] being nice to us, seeing him all cocky and laughing at us, that...
After dying and being revived, Tommy has flashbacks and flies into a screaming panic whenever he takes damage of any kind, no matter how minor, and any reminders of what happened trigger new panic attacks, to the point where he starts begging people to stop asking him to talk about it. Trauma Conga Line : From being betrayed over and over, to watching his country be blown up no less than three times. Watching Wilbur, who he idolized, slowly fall into insanity, blow up their country, and then get killed by his father. Getting murdered by the person that kept him under tyranny, twice, and then get manipulated and driven into a suicidal state by the same guy. Watching his best friend be publicly executed by his ally, and almost watching him sacrifice himself. Being exiled and getting so lonely and depressed that he stopped caring about himself altogether , stopped eating and sleeping properly. Just when it seems things were starting to look up for him, Tommy was then locked in a jail cell with his abuser for an entire week, surrounded by things that remind him of his time in exile, killed again after being brutally beaten by Dream costing him his last life , spent two days in the afterlife with Wilbur except for Tommy it felt like two months had passed , and then suddenly revived by Dream, not only having to deal with Sensory Overload but more torment from his abuser.
Unwitting Instigator of Doom : Downplayed. Especially back in Season 1, Tommy can sometimes be a bit insensitive, which can unintentionally lead to conflicts, e. However, during the Exile arc, Dream stated that Tommy was to remain in exile until he turned 18, implying that he was still a minor at that point. The fandom usually puts Tommy as the same age as his content creator counterpart, that being 16 when he joined the server and older as the series progresses. Verbal Tic : When rambling, Tommy will end most of his sentences with "Alright? What does he save? Pictures of Tubbo.
He even tries to make a contract with Sam saying that the building of the hotel will be attributed to his name, just so he can ask if Phil was proud of him. Wilbur seems to be trying to invoke this trope on him. However, this is also justified in that he lives in a Crapsack World and has been through such an arduous Trauma Conga Line that he was essentially forced to grow up fast. Adopt the Food : Tommy got attached to Henry before he could kill him for food, and quickly named and adopted the cow. Informed Deformity : Tommy describes Henry as outright ugly at one point, but naturally, he looks just like any other cow. In a Single Bound : Juorse was one of the most athletic horses on the server, with the ability to jump four blocks high. Cherry Tapping : Somehow Clarencio manages to kill Ranboo just by continuously spitting on him.
Memetic Badass : In-Universe. Tommy and Techno joke that Clarencio is secretly a genius criminal.
Когда Джордж нервничает, надевая очки, Дрим подбадривает его, говоря, что он Дрим будет первым, что Джордж увидит в очках.
В течение нескольких минут Джордж удивляется, что аватар Дрима на самом деле зелёный, и просит его встать рядом с одуванчиком, чтобы сравнить цвета. На протяжении всего видео Дрим помогает Джорджу описать и определить новые цвета, которые он видит. Джордж признался Дриму в любви в самом конце своего стрима MC Championship.
Они снялись вместе в качестве одной из пар в видеоролике Dangthatsalongname также известного как Скотт Смаджор « Escape Room Valentines Edition ». Хотя они не победили в этом легкомысленном соревновании, многие зрители отметили их превосходное общение по сравнению с другими парами. Лайвстримы В « Minecraft Ultimate Tag...
Джордж предоставил разделу комментариев решать, что он должен написать маме Дрима, в итоге получилось: «Привет, это парень вашего сына». Он отправил смс маме Дрима в прямом эфире 28 апреля 2020 года. К концу разговора мама Дрима поприветствовала его в семье.
Однако когда Бэд спросил, выйдет ли Дрим за Джорджа, Дрим сделал паузу, а затем ответил «может быть» и что он подумает об этом. Позже в том же стриме Дрим сказал, что он бы женился на Джордже, если бы тот был женщиной. По словам Дрима на одном из фэйскам-лайвстримов Джорджа, последний пытался накануне уговорить Дрима выйти за него замуж вне камеры, под предлогом получения визы в США.
Очевидно, это продолжалось пятнадцать минут, Джордж рассказывал Дриму о преимуществах их брака и о том, что если Дрим захочет выйти замуж за кого-то другого, они могут просто развестись. Некоторые фанаты описывают реакцию Джорджа на рассказ Дрима на стриме как смущённую. На 1:46:24 в одном из одном из фэйскам-лайвстримов Джорджа он читает «isle of dream» из донатов, которое звучит как «I love Dream».
Он не понимает, что сказал, пока Дрим не начинает смеяться. Во время последних двух часов 8-часового стрима MC Championship 13 июня 2020 года Дрим и Джордж заключили «сделку». Учитывая, что оба эти действия выходили за рамки их зон комфорта, это считалось большой сделкой как для стримеров, так и для зрителей.
Дрим без проблем общался с Сапнапом на стриме, но, похоже, нервничал, когда показывал Джорджу своё лицо. Дрим настаивал, что Джордж уже видел его лицо раньше, но Джордж сказал, что не может «припомнить» ничего подобного. Когда пришло время «пообщаться», Дрим показал Джорджу фотографию своего профиля, а не своё лицо, утверждая, что Джордж просил показать лицо Дрима, а не Клэя Клэй — настоящее имя Дрима.
Дрим начинает злиться на Джорджа, говоря, что даже если бы он показал ему своё лицо, Джордж нашёл бы способ не выполнить свою часть сделки, по сути, он мошенник. Он запрещает Джорджу общаться с ними в тимспик и отменяет запрет через пару минут. Джордж тратит пару минут на то, чтобы собраться с духом, затем выключает свою фейс камеру и говорит: «Я люблю тебя, Дрим».
Стрим заканчивается сразу после того, как он это сказал. Когда Джордж спрашивает Дрима, почему он отказывается показать ему своё лицо, Дрим отвечает, что Джордж «заставляет его стесняться».
Он смотрит на лицо Томми, едва видное из-за его отросших волос, и его сердце сжимается, осознавая насколько маленьким и худым он кажется. Техно не понимает, откуда это — раньше, когда они всё ещё буквально помещались под крылом Филзы, он бы лишь усмехнулся на это, тихо шепча, что он рад, что Томми наконец заткнулся и перестал шуметь. Возможно, это отцовский инстинкт, о котором иногда говорил Фил, пробудившийся в нём?
И вот теперь, он подходит к своей семье, стараясь сделать свои действия плавными и нежными в силу своих возможностей, обнимая их, как прошлым вечером на диване. Томми хмурится и хочет сонно протереть глаза, но с шипением вспоминает, что сломал запястье. Осмотревшись, слегка краснеет — боже, они увидели как он переживает кошмар — и грубым голосом говорит: — Какого хрена вы тут делаете? Чья-то рука слегка похлопывала по спине, блять, он не может сделать вздох, нагибаясь и хватаясь за грудь, пока что-то мерзкое не появляется на его здоровой руке. Ему протягивают влажную салфетку и он дотрагивается до неё, но шипит, всё также забывая про сломанную кисть.
Дрим вытирает мокроту, даже не морщась. Дрим пытается помочь, но подросток вновь шипит, и блондин поднимает руки. Каким-то образом ему удаётся завернуть себя в кокон одной рукой. Томми надеется, что его стыдливый румянец не будет виден на его лице. Техно закрывает шторы и включает лампу на тумбочке и, чёрт, ладно, его щеки будут видны.
Он спешно прячет лицо. Его осторожно берут за руку и он вздрагивает, когда Техно аккуратно — невозможно, он ведь Техноблэйд — проводит пальцами по его опухшей коже. Когда Томми и Дрим остаются в одной комнате, подросток смущённо ёрзает. Запах лайма всё ещё наполняет помещение, успокаивая его, и он недовольно фыркает. Подходит Техно со слегка светящимся зельем, и открывает его, подавая подростку.
Томми благодарно кивает. Зелье оказывается отвратительным на вкус — цена здоровья, думает он и невольно вспоминает о лекарстве, которое ему дают каждое утро — ладонь сильно пульсирует, и он обхватывает бутылёк другой рукой. Когда боль затихает, он недовольно смотрит в ответ на разглядывающих его Техно и Дрима, и только тогда замечает растрёпанные волосы блондина, в безмерной чёрной футболке, и запутанные длинные волосы гибрида, в ночной рубашке. Кажется, они оба бурчат: «Томми». Техно уходит следом, тихо закрывая за собой дверь.
Комната вдруг становится холодной, даже если лампа светит тёплым ровным светом, и Томми как никогда прежде желает, чтобы они вернулись назад. Ему до ужаса сильно хотелось обследовать дом с верху до низу, включая улицу, но Техно едва ли разрешает ему самостоятельно шагать из комнаты в комнату. Гибрид в своей манере поднимает бровь и глазами указывает на его ноги.
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Последняя переписка Томми и Дрима яой 18+ 🥵
Иллюстрация томми и дрим в стиле 2d, декоративный, другое |. Томми начал расслабляться, руками обвив Дрима в ответ и заскулив, когда его больная ладонь слегка ударилась об спину блондина. Смотрите видео на тему «Tommy X Dream Fanart Ship» в TikTok. Dream smp Томми арт.
Дрим и Томми:)
Арты с Томми Dream smp. Томми арт Дрим СМП. Томми Dream smp. Томми арт Дрим СМП. Просмотрите доску «Дрим и Томми:)» пользователя КлешМобайл в Pinterest. Tommy, sixteen, lives with Tubbo in an orphanage, the two of them running around in the cold streets of their town. Tommy continued to work at the cafe, dealing with Karens and entitled shit heads.