Карасуно Цукишима. Фф волейбол Хината и Кагеяма.
Кагеяма Тобио — Волейбол
He has attended Shiratorizawa since Junior High. He is known for his incredible power, as seen in his explosive jump serves and spikes, which are extremely difficult to receive and block. He is a left-handed hitter, which causes difficulty to oppose teams by forcing them to adjust their blocks and receptions accordingly. He is a stoic, quiet, and serious individual; he speaks candidly without sugarcoating his words, often causing others to interpret his words offensively. As of 2020, he plays in the Schweiden Adlers. If he guesses correctly, he will undoubtedly block the ball; however, if he guesses wrong, there is no way he can stop it, as he will have blocked in the wrong direction. After he was bullied as a kid he has developed a slightly sadistic streak, as he relishes in and enjoys watching opposing teams struggle when he blocks them. Post-timeskip, he has a buzzcut and is a chocolatier in France.
He is the up and coming ace of the team, with powerful straight and cross-court spikes. He looks up to his elders, especially Ushijima, although he constantly challenges Ushijima for the position of the top ace and tries to prove his worth to him. He is often described as simple-minded and easy to fire up, but is dependable. He, unlike the other Shiratorizawa players, did not receive a sports scholarship to Shiratorizawa and got in after passing the entrance exam. He decided to join Shiratorizawa in his third year of Junior High when he watched the match between Shiratorizawa Junior High division and Kitagawa Daichi, because based on Shiratorizawa playstyle, the pressure of winning relied on their ace Wakatoshi Ushijima , not the setter. Shirabu is a calm and calculating setter, solely focused on getting the ball to Ushijima at all costs. He is easily irritated.
After the timeskip, Shirabu is a fifth-year medical student. He is dependable at both receiving and spiking. He is a highly skilled player with a quiet desire to showcase his skills when he plays; however, he was replaced by Shirabu because his playstyle was riskier, whereas Shirabu only focuses on sending the ball to Wakatoshi Ushijima. After being replaced, Semi is used as a pinch server, as his serves are both powerful and effective. It is also shown that he and Shirabu are close friends. The team is highly popular and fan favorites for winning Nationals, and are supported by their strong lineup, particularly the Miya twins, Atsumu and Osamu Miya. Inarizaki has a large marching band, orchestra, and cheer team at their games.
They have a passionate fanbase known for booing at opposing teams. He is a wing spiker and the captain of his volleyball team. He is not an exceptional player like his teammates are, but his strength comes from his ability to maintain calm even in the most stressful situations. Up until his third year of high school, Kita never played in an official match and did not even receive a uniform in his middle school years. Upon being named captain of Inarizaki, he showed a rare moment of emotion and cried tears of joy. As a captain, Kita is extremely thoughtful and considerate with his teammates, watching them closely and often giving them blunt feedback and advice. For this reason, his teammates are somewhat scared of him.
As of 2020, he runs a rice farm. He is a very tall and skilled blocker. He is the ace of Inarizaki and regarded as one of the top 5 best high school spikers in Japan. He is shown to be very mature and is good friends with the whole team. He has been playing volleyball for a long time and has known the Miya twins since they were kids, who admired his volleyball skills and his foreign-sounding name. He is shown to be a very skilled spiker who is good friends with his teammates. He is first shown when Tobio Kageyama meets him during the All-Japan Youth training camp, where he demonstrates exceptional skills as a player.
Though talented and dedicated to volleyball, Atsumu is immature and demanding, which often puts him at odds with his teammates. Atsumu is also a feared player for his serving abilities; he is able to make use of a powerful jump serve as well as a jump float serve. Despite being relatively short for a middle blocker, he is an extremely powerful and peculiar player due to his ability to spike the ball using his whole torso. This technique gives him a larger spiking range and makes his attacks difficult to block. Having been recruited from Aichi prefecture, he is the only player on the Inarizaki team that does not speak in a Kansai dialect.
Цукишима сначала изображался как неприятный персонаж с талантом к волейболу. Поначалу его действия были «отталкивающими».
Главный герой истории, Хината, должен был разработать рабочую стратегию: сила прыжка, чтобы компенсировать его невыгодный волейбольный рост. В соответствии с действиями Хинаты, идеалы Цукишимы имели раздражающий элемент, поскольку они преуменьшали усилия ревностного персонажа. Статья в тему: SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake анонсирована для консолей и ПК Несмотря на язвительное поведение Цукишимы, он талантливый волейболист, способный хорошо показать себя в динамичном матче. В сочетании с его талантами обращения с мячом Цукишима является удивительно умным и стратегическим игроком на волейбольной площадке. С этой точки зрения причина поведения Цукишимы, несмотря на его очевидные навыки, была не чем иным, как чудом. К сожалению, придурковатое поведение Цукишимы неизменно на протяжении всего первого сезона. Поскольку история предлагает заглянуть в прошлое Цукишимы, причина его действий становится очевидной и понятной.
Негативное отношение Цукишимы было плохой попыткой не позволить себе повторить ошибки, допущенные его братом. Цукишима воплощает в себе страх максимизировать свои усилия для достижения цели и ничего не показать для этого. Так что его действия по отношению к Хинате, скорее всего, были реакцией на его внутренние страхи.
He is the vice-captain and setter of the volleyball team. He is an intelligent, highly analytical player, usually running multiple scenarios and outcomes in his head before he decides what to do. Despite this, Akaashi deeply admires Bokuto as a player and has faith in his skills, the two seem to be close friends even off the court. He is noted as a talented setter and is able to accurately and quickly set up successful plays for the team. Currently, Akaashi is an editor for Shonen Jump. He is tall, stern, and fairly quiet. He is often nicknamed "Saru" by his teammates.
Konoha is relatively easy-going and is a well-balanced player; he was once called a "jack of all trades, master of none" by a Fukurodani crowd member, much to his annoyance. Their playstyle centers around their "left cannon", their ace and captain Wakatoshi Ushijima , who ranks within the top 3 high school aces in the country. Shiratorizawa is notorious for its ruthless academic entrance exams, which are extremely difficult to pass. As a result, most of its players excluding Shirabu were individually chosen through sports scholarships. Their school colours are white and purple, and their school banner is a Japanese idiom that roughly translates to "irresistible force". He is a wing spiker and the captain and ace of its volleyball team. He has attended Shiratorizawa since Junior High. He is known for his incredible power, as seen in his explosive jump serves and spikes, which are extremely difficult to receive and block. He is a left-handed hitter, which causes difficulty to oppose teams by forcing them to adjust their blocks and receptions accordingly. He is a stoic, quiet, and serious individual; he speaks candidly without sugarcoating his words, often causing others to interpret his words offensively.
As of 2020, he plays in the Schweiden Adlers. If he guesses correctly, he will undoubtedly block the ball; however, if he guesses wrong, there is no way he can stop it, as he will have blocked in the wrong direction. After he was bullied as a kid he has developed a slightly sadistic streak, as he relishes in and enjoys watching opposing teams struggle when he blocks them. Post-timeskip, he has a buzzcut and is a chocolatier in France. He is the up and coming ace of the team, with powerful straight and cross-court spikes. He looks up to his elders, especially Ushijima, although he constantly challenges Ushijima for the position of the top ace and tries to prove his worth to him. He is often described as simple-minded and easy to fire up, but is dependable. He, unlike the other Shiratorizawa players, did not receive a sports scholarship to Shiratorizawa and got in after passing the entrance exam. He decided to join Shiratorizawa in his third year of Junior High when he watched the match between Shiratorizawa Junior High division and Kitagawa Daichi, because based on Shiratorizawa playstyle, the pressure of winning relied on their ace Wakatoshi Ushijima , not the setter. Shirabu is a calm and calculating setter, solely focused on getting the ball to Ushijima at all costs.
He is easily irritated. After the timeskip, Shirabu is a fifth-year medical student. He is dependable at both receiving and spiking. He is a highly skilled player with a quiet desire to showcase his skills when he plays; however, he was replaced by Shirabu because his playstyle was riskier, whereas Shirabu only focuses on sending the ball to Wakatoshi Ushijima. After being replaced, Semi is used as a pinch server, as his serves are both powerful and effective. It is also shown that he and Shirabu are close friends. The team is highly popular and fan favorites for winning Nationals, and are supported by their strong lineup, particularly the Miya twins, Atsumu and Osamu Miya. Inarizaki has a large marching band, orchestra, and cheer team at their games. They have a passionate fanbase known for booing at opposing teams. He is a wing spiker and the captain of his volleyball team.
He is not an exceptional player like his teammates are, but his strength comes from his ability to maintain calm even in the most stressful situations. Up until his third year of high school, Kita never played in an official match and did not even receive a uniform in his middle school years. Upon being named captain of Inarizaki, he showed a rare moment of emotion and cried tears of joy. As a captain, Kita is extremely thoughtful and considerate with his teammates, watching them closely and often giving them blunt feedback and advice.
He is tall, stern, and fairly quiet. He is often nicknamed "Saru" by his teammates. Konoha is relatively easy-going and is a well-balanced player; he was once called a "jack of all trades, master of none" by a Fukurodani crowd member, much to his annoyance. Their playstyle centers around their "left cannon", their ace and captain Wakatoshi Ushijima , who ranks within the top 3 high school aces in the country. Shiratorizawa is notorious for its ruthless academic entrance exams, which are extremely difficult to pass. As a result, most of its players excluding Shirabu were individually chosen through sports scholarships.
Their school colours are white and purple, and their school banner is a Japanese idiom that roughly translates to "irresistible force". He is a wing spiker and the captain and ace of its volleyball team. He has attended Shiratorizawa since Junior High. He is known for his incredible power, as seen in his explosive jump serves and spikes, which are extremely difficult to receive and block. He is a left-handed hitter, which causes difficulty to oppose teams by forcing them to adjust their blocks and receptions accordingly. He is a stoic, quiet, and serious individual; he speaks candidly without sugarcoating his words, often causing others to interpret his words offensively. As of 2020, he plays in the Schweiden Adlers. If he guesses correctly, he will undoubtedly block the ball; however, if he guesses wrong, there is no way he can stop it, as he will have blocked in the wrong direction. After he was bullied as a kid he has developed a slightly sadistic streak, as he relishes in and enjoys watching opposing teams struggle when he blocks them. Post-timeskip, he has a buzzcut and is a chocolatier in France.
He is the up and coming ace of the team, with powerful straight and cross-court spikes. He looks up to his elders, especially Ushijima, although he constantly challenges Ushijima for the position of the top ace and tries to prove his worth to him. He is often described as simple-minded and easy to fire up, but is dependable. He, unlike the other Shiratorizawa players, did not receive a sports scholarship to Shiratorizawa and got in after passing the entrance exam. He decided to join Shiratorizawa in his third year of Junior High when he watched the match between Shiratorizawa Junior High division and Kitagawa Daichi, because based on Shiratorizawa playstyle, the pressure of winning relied on their ace Wakatoshi Ushijima , not the setter. Shirabu is a calm and calculating setter, solely focused on getting the ball to Ushijima at all costs. He is easily irritated. After the timeskip, Shirabu is a fifth-year medical student. He is dependable at both receiving and spiking. He is a highly skilled player with a quiet desire to showcase his skills when he plays; however, he was replaced by Shirabu because his playstyle was riskier, whereas Shirabu only focuses on sending the ball to Wakatoshi Ushijima.
After being replaced, Semi is used as a pinch server, as his serves are both powerful and effective. It is also shown that he and Shirabu are close friends. The team is highly popular and fan favorites for winning Nationals, and are supported by their strong lineup, particularly the Miya twins, Atsumu and Osamu Miya. Inarizaki has a large marching band, orchestra, and cheer team at their games. They have a passionate fanbase known for booing at opposing teams. He is a wing spiker and the captain of his volleyball team. He is not an exceptional player like his teammates are, but his strength comes from his ability to maintain calm even in the most stressful situations. Up until his third year of high school, Kita never played in an official match and did not even receive a uniform in his middle school years. Upon being named captain of Inarizaki, he showed a rare moment of emotion and cried tears of joy. As a captain, Kita is extremely thoughtful and considerate with his teammates, watching them closely and often giving them blunt feedback and advice.
For this reason, his teammates are somewhat scared of him. As of 2020, he runs a rice farm. He is a very tall and skilled blocker. He is the ace of Inarizaki and regarded as one of the top 5 best high school spikers in Japan. He is shown to be very mature and is good friends with the whole team.
Haikyuu!! – Clumsy Lovers. Hinata Shouyou X Kageyama Tobio (Doujinshi)
Кагеяма Тобио/Хината Шоё, Цукишима Кей/Ямагучи Тадаши, Козуме Кенма. Tobio Kageyama x Kei Tsukishima. Haikyuu!! Dj • Yaoi DJs. Как только прозвенел звонок, ты встала со своего места, подходя к парте Цукишимы и плюхаясь на стул перед ним.
Кей Цукишима. Пери, глава 2
Гистограмма просмотров видео «Цукишима И Хината (Яой) 18.11.2018» в сравнении с последними загруженными видео. Пейринг: Кагами Тайга х Куроко ТецуяПроблемы первой любви. Хината шоё и Кагеяма Тобио 18.
Готовый перевод Жизнь Ямагучи / Жизнь Ямагучи: Первая и последняя часть
Встань пожалуйста и представься! По классу раздались смешки. Тадаши взял тетрадь и положил её на учительский стол. Вернувшись на своё место он принялся отвечать на вопросы матери. Вопросы были по теме прошлого урока, а Ямагучи знал японский язык хорошо, по этому отвечал без ошибок.
Ямс сел за парту. Я ваша новая учительница японского языка. Меня зовут Ямагучи Хиёри. После последней фразы, весь класс обернулся на Тадаши.
Кроме Хинаты, ведь он всё знал. Кто то из учеников поднял руку. Просто однофамильцы. Ямагучи вздрогнул.
Дальнейший урок прошёл как никуда хуже. Тадаши всё время вызывали к доске отвечать на вопросы, на которые он не знал ответа. Но всё же прокрутив в голове весь урок и вспомнив правильный ответ, он отвечал. Следующий урок математика.
На нём должны были появиться новенькие. Ямагучи был не готов к знакомству с новыми людьми. На перемене пришли двое высоких парней. Один с черными волосами и с задумчивым видом, а второй, тот что повыше, с жёлтыми кудрявыми волосами и в очках.
Они прошли в класс и начали выбирать места, где сесть. И как на зло, одно из свободных мест было за Ямагучи и туда сел блондин. Брюнет же сел на первую парту, перед Хинатой. Разложив свои вещи они вышли из класса.
Ямагучи и Хината сидели на диванчиках и разговаривали, и они не сразу заметили, что пришли новенькие. За что? Всё ведь могло быть и хуже! Моя мать, с которой я к слову не лажу, моя учительница!
Разорались тут! Он начал повышать на них голос. Уже командуешь? Мы слишком громко говорили.
Не нужно было его обзывать. Через пару минут урок начался. Все пришли в класс, а также зашёл учитель.
Как только прозвенел звонок, ты встала со своего места, подходя к парте Цукишимы и плюхаясь на стул перед ним.
Парень поднял на тебя незаинтересованный взгляд поверх очков и вскинул одну бровь, очевидно, ожидая, когда ты начнёшь говорить; судя по телефону в его руках, у него были дела поинтереснее, чем обсуждение совместного задания. Ты немного задумалась, пробегаясь взглядом по Цукишиме, который вновь уткнулся в телефон, что-то быстро печатая на нём. На запястье парня ты заметила тонкую чёрную нить браслета с небольшой подвеской. Ты вскинула одну бровь, рассматривая подвеску в виде полумесяца серебристого цвета: на твоей памяти Кей никогда не носил аксессуары, тем более браслеты.
Haikyuu kurotsuki. Куро и Цукишима фанфики. Цукишима и куро Манга. Ойкава и Цукишима.
Куроо Тецуро х Цукишима. Куроо Ойкава и Цукишима. Цукишима Кей и Ойкава. Шип Цукишима и Ойкава.
Куроо Хината Тсукишима. Тсукишима Психопаспорт. Демон Куроо Тсукишима. Цукишима и Котаро.
Куроо Тэцуро и Кей Цукишима арт. Куроо Тэцуро. Haikyuu Куроо и Цукишима яой. Куроо Бокуто Цукишима и Акаши.
Куроо Цукки Бокуто и Акаши. Акаши и Цукишима 18. Акаши и Цукишима арт. Куроо и Цукишима Акитеру.
Цукишима и Акаши яой. Kuroo x Tsukishima. Куроо, Бокуто, Цукишима и Акааши. Акаши и Цукишима.
Цукишима и Хината. Цукишима Ямагучи и Куроо. Куроо Тэцуро мафия. Бокуто и Тсукишима.
Шип Тсукишима Куроо. Куроо Тэцуро и Бокуто.
Мало спал, много работал, почти не обращая внимания на собственное состояние. Ты знала что сегодня Кей должен закрыть сессию и уйти на заслуженный отдых, поэтому решила купить ему любимый клубничный пирог любовь к этому блюду казалось будет вечной. Ты знала что Кей не любит сюрпризы, но ты уже несколько раз заходила в его квартиру без его согласия и он был не против, все же вы часто бывали там вместе. Ты зашла в его небольшое жилище, был лёгкий бардак, вообще Кей был довольно хозяйственным и держал квартиру чистой, но сейчас он особо не обращал внимания на это. Ты сделала лёгкую уборку, вытерла пыль и приготовила чай, стала ждать Кея. Точного времени его прихода ты не знала, но был уже вечер, поэтому он должен был скоро прийти. Вскоре дверь открылась и ты увидела высокий силуэт, парень бросил свою сумку на пол и увидел тебя, конечно слегка удивился но был очень рад видеть тебя спустя столько времени. Ты подошла к Кею и поцеловала его, а он обнял тебя в ответ.
Вы спокойно сидели и кушали, ты рассказывала Цукишиме о том как провела неделю, что интересного с тобой случилось, он же внимательно тебя слушал, ты всегда замечала что когда Кей уставший, он более добрый и "мягкий", хотя вы с ним в отношениях больше полугода и с тобой он часто показывает свои настоящие эмоции. По Цуки и правда было видно что он очень устал, поэтому после трапезы ты не стала утомлять его разговорами, а уложила его спать, он говорил что очень мало спал на этой неделе, поэтому уснул он быстро и крепко. Сколько у вас уже не было секса? Кей продолжал целовать шею, ключицы, пока ты держалась за простыню и тихо стонала от наслаждения и предвкушения. Он начал спускаться ещё ниже и уже залез под твою большую футболку хотя раньше это была вещь Цуки, но сейчас ты носила ее у него дома. Из-за его горячего дыхания ты покрывалась мурашками, была возбуждена и не могла дождаться когда тебе дадут желанное. Кей посмотрел на тебя, как бы спрашивая разрешения и когда ты одобрительно кивнула, он снял твоё нижнее белье и запрокинул твои ножки себе на плечи и в ту же секунду накрыл языком твою промежность, нежно целуя и посасывая, Кей редко занимался таким, но когда у него было очень хорошее настроение, он был на против сделать своей девушке приятно. От движений его языка ты сходила с ума, стоны становились громче, а ты была все ближе к оргазму.
Ты хоть что-нибудь знаешь о ВМО, Кагеяма-кун?!
А за нами бежали Цукишима и Кагеяма. меня опять закинули на плечо и понесли обратно. скачай mp3 песню бесплатно в высоком качестве. Сборник додзь пэйринг Хината/Кагеяма и наоборот от OlhaUl, Здесь вы можете увидеть отсортированые додзи по этому пэйрингу. Волейбол-эдит-Edit-Кагеяма-Хината-Цукишима-перезалив. Давно меня не было, постараюсь так не пропадать, посмотрела волейбол и вдохновилась, решила сделать эдит по нему, врятли зайдёт конечно но все равно. Просмотрите доску «Цукишима и Кагеяма» пользователя 学習方法教え в Pinterest. Kageyama and Tsukishima initially get along horribly and are always arguing whenever they interact.
Angsty Kageyama (as it needs a whole another category)
- Ты хоть что-нибудь знаешь о ВМО, Кагеяма-кун?!
- аудиофанфик||аниме волейбол||пейринг: ЦукиЯма | Видео
- Цукишима и Кагеяма
- Кей Цукишима. Пери, глава 2
Готовый перевод Жизнь Ямагучи / Жизнь Ямагучи: Первая и последняя часть
Глава №3: Цукишима Кей. Пейринг: Кагеяма/а любит целовать Хинату у всех на виду, и Хината хочет рассказать ему о приличии, в частности о ВМО (Время, место. Цукишима Кей Кагеяма Тобио, рассказы о героях известных фильмов, книг, аниме или игр, Книга Фанфиков. Цукишиму и Кагеяму оставили убирать зал после тренировки в качестве наказания. Фанфик "good luck kisses" от Garden State Пейринги: Цукишима Кей/Ямагучи Тадаши Жанры: AU Объем произведения: Драббл.
читать мангу онлайн
1710 drawings found. See more fan art related to #kageyama tobio, #Kei Tsukishima, #oshinagaki, #Haikyu!!, #fantasy, #yaoi, #manga, #kageyama tobio, #Kei Tsukishima, #Kei Tsukishima, #kageyama tobio, #Haikyu!! and #yamaguchi tadashi. 3 Цукишима Кей. Зарисовки с т/и,Цукишима Кей: Рзавалившись звёздочкой на кровати, ты смотришь в потолок и блаженно улыбаешься. Тонкое летнее одеяло скомканным покоится где-то на полу, а сквозь приоткрытое окно в комнату врываются порывы прохладн. Ещё один фф про Цукишиму и Хинату, всем приятного чтения:3.