Молодой форвард получил травму 6 января во втором периоде матча регулярного чемпионата с «Нью-Джерси» после силового приёма защитника соперника Брендана Смита. Департамент безопасности игроков НХЛ дисквалифицировал Перрона на шесть матчей за умышленную попытку нанести сопернику травму. Хоккей Беларуси НХЛ Новости новые Форвард «Вашингтона», скорее вс.
Травмированные игроки кхл на сегодня
Официальное заявление команды Там его несколько часов спасали местные врачи, которые пытались что-то сделать. Но все оказалось тщетно. В британской лиге EIHL сейчас траур, все воскресные матчи отложили в знак скорби из-за смерти Джонсона. Хоккеист участвовал в 13 матчах и забил одну шайбу. Эксперты говорят, что большую часть карьеры Джонсон выступал в Американской хоккейной лиге, но его можно было увидеть и в лигах Швеции и Германии.
За английский клуб он играл первый сезон.
Напомним, что Флери получил сотрясение мозга 13 октября в игре против «Детройт Ред Уингз» 3:6 , когда нападающий Энтони Манта врезался в его голову коленом.
За столичную команду выступает звездный российский форвард Александр Овечкин. Он всю карьеру в НХЛ играет за «Вашингтон» — с 2005 года. Овечкин занимает третье место в списке лучших снайперов в истории НХЛ 785 шайбы. Он уступает лишь Горди Хоу 801 и Уэйну Гретцки 894.
В игре между командами Колорадо Эвеланш и Виннипег Джетс, третьем матче четвертьфинала Западной конференции Кубка Стэнли, обе команды вступили в потасовку на льду. Колорадо одержало победу со счетом 6-2 и вышло вперед в серии со счетом 2-1 в свою пользу, учитывая, что это серия из семи матчей. Сразу после окончания матча, когда раздался сигнал окончания игры, практически все игроки обеих команд окружили драчунов и начали обмениваться ударами.
В списке травмированных «Вашингтона» находятся хоккеисты с общей зарплатой более $40 млн
Вижу, кое-кто из читателей не понял мою мысль о необходимости переключения Кучерова с личных подвигов регулярного чемпионата на суровую реальность плей-офф. Мол, как так, Никита же дважды выигрывал Кубок Стэнли и в обоих этих сезонах становился его лучшим бомбардиром — ему ли не знать, что такое плей-офф и как на него переключаться? А давайте-ка вспомним для иллюстрации того, что я имею в виду, как сложился для Кучерова Кубок Стэнли после прошлого «Арт Росса» со 128 очками в 2019 году. Сложился он так — суперфаворит в отличие от нынешней ситуации «Тампа», побившая все рекорды в регулярном чемпионате, отлетела 0-4 в серии с «Коламбусом», Никита ограничился двумя передачами, а в концовке второго матча серии схватил удаление до конца игры и дисквалификацию на третью за грубый фол на защитнике «Блю Джэкетс» Нутивааре. Но что произошло дальше? В следующем сезоне Кучеров, сытый регуляркой, зато голодный до Кубка Стэнли, был полностью сконцентрирован на последнем, набрал скромные для себя 85 очков, зато потом выдал сумасшедший плей-офф. При этом проводил его с травмой, после чего последовала операция и полностью пропущенная следующая регулярка, когда «Тампа» воспользовалась ситуацией и дырой в правилах НХЛ, поместив Никиту в долгосрочный список травмированных и выведя его зарплату за потолок.
К плей-офф он вернулся, и снова Кучеров стал лучшим бомбардиром, а «Тампа» взяла еще один трофей. А сегодня все это выглядит скорее как ситуация 2019 года. Тем более что «Лайтнинг» далек от себя того образца, и Куч персонально сейчас значит для «Молнии» намного больше — очень возможно, что без него и плей-офф никакого не было бы.
He is slated to be out until Thursday, April 25, 2024. Tampa Bay Lightning defenseman Haydn Fleury finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day because he sustained an undisclosed injury. He is slated to return on Thursday, April 25, 2024. With a career points total of 37, he has also earned a shooting rate of 2. Tampa Bay Lightning goalie Jonas Johansson finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day after he injured his lower body. He will be on the sideline until Thursday, April 25, 2024.
Carolina Hurricanes right wing Jesper Fast finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day after experiencing a upper body injury. This is expected to keep him out until Thursday, April 25, 2024. Over the course of his NHL career, Fast has compiled 91 goals on 724 shots at the opposing goalie. Carolina Hurricanes defenseman Brett Pesce finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day after he injured his lower body. He is expected to be out until Thursday, April 25, 2024. In addition to his 39 goals, Pesce has been helpful to his teammates 159 times with an apple. New York Rangers center Filip Chytil is on injured reserve long term because he sustained an injury to his head. He will remain sidelined until Friday, April 26, 2024. Shooting 9.
New York Rangers right wing Blake Wheeler is on injured reserve long term because of an injured leg. On top of his 321 goals, he has been of service to his team 622 times with a helper. Washington Capitals defenseman Nick Jensen finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day after experiencing a upper body injury. This will keep him out until Friday, April 26, 2024. Washington Capitals defenseman Rasmus Sandin finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day after experiencing a upper body injury. He hopes to come back on Friday, April 26, 2024. Over the course of his NHL career, Rasmus Sandin has a total of 16 goals on 237 shots at the opposing net. Washington Capitals defenseman Vincent Iorio finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day after experiencing a upper body injury. He is expected to come back on Friday, April 26, 2024.
Vancouver Canucks goalie Thatcher Demko finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day because he sustained an undisclosed injury. He will be out until Friday, April 26, 2024. Vancouver Canucks defenseman Tyler Myers finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day because he sustained an undisclosed injury. During his NHL career, Myers has earned 371 pts in his 995 games played. Colorado Avalanche defenseman Samuel Girard finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day because he endured a concussion. Over the course of his NHL career, Samuel Girard has recorded 199 pts during his 475 matchups played. Colorado Avalanche goalie Justus Annunen finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day after sustaining an illness. He will be on the sideline until Friday, April 26, 2024. Boston Bruins defenseman Derek Forbort is on injured reserve long term because he sustained an undisclosed injury.
This is expected to keep him out until Saturday, April 27, 2024. With a shooting rate of 3. Boston Bruins defenseman Andrew Peeke is currently listed as out after he sustained a finger injury. He is expected to be out until Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Winnipeg Jets left wing Morgan Barron is currently listed as out after he injured his lower body. He will be on the sideline until Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Boston Bruins left wing Justin Brazeau is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. This will keep him sidelined until Sunday, May 5, 2024. Colorado Avalanche center Jonathan Drouin is currently listed as out after he injured his lower body.
He is expected to be out until Sunday, May 5, 2024. Toronto Maple Leafs goalie Matt Murray is on injured reserve long term while he waits for his hip to recover. He hopes to return on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Colorado Avalanche left wing Gabriel Landeskog is on injured reserve long term while he recovers from a knee injury.
Но нашлись и те, кто стал защищать Кадри. Но я думаю, что в этом столкновении не было никакого нарушения. Это красота плей-офф, — сказал главный тренер «Торонто» Майк Бэбкок. От тренера «Торонто» было бы странно услышать что-то другое, но удивил эксперт и телеведущий Дон Черри, который всегда славился особенным отношением к Овечкину.
За такое нужно давать медаль! Он получил штраф, «Торонто» пропустил гол. Сейчас всегда так — игрок получает травму, и судьи сразу ищут повод, чтобы дать штраф. Но тут всё чисто. Это плохое решение судей, — сказал Дон Черри. К счастью, обошлось без серьезной травмы, и Овечкин вернулся на лед уже во втором периоде. Капитан «Вашингтона» сразу же принялся мстить игрокам «Лифс». Первым под раздачу попал Мэтт Мартин, который получил колющий удар клюшкой.
Затем форвард «Кэпиталз» провел жесткий хит и расколол Джейка Гардинера.
Новый сезон чемпионата НХЛ стартует уже сегодня ночью. Впервые в истории в регулярном первенстве примут участие 32 команды. Перед началом чемпионата в лигу был принят "Сиэтл Кракен". Овечкин, Малкин и все-все-все: Кто из российских хоккеистов зажжёт в новом сезоне НХЛ В 2004 году "Питтсбург" выбрал Малкина в первом раунде драфта под общим вторым номером.
NHL Injuries
«Вашингтон Кэпиталз» лидирует в Национальной хоккейной лиге по числу травмированных игроков. Сегодня, 18 февраля, «Миннесота Уайлд» на своей площадке проиграла «Баффало Сэйбрз» в матче регулярного чемпионата Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ). Фаворит драфта-2024 НХЛ Демидов получил травму в матче финала МХЛ. «Авангард» поместил Буше в список травмированных, потому что американец приболел. Вратаря клуба НХЛ "Айлендерс" Варламова поместили в список травмированных. IR (Lucic will be entering the NHL/NHLPA Player Assistance Program while he remains on indefinite leave.).
Изменения в списке травмированных: Менелл плюс, Соловьёв минус
Справочник Калебина» Списки» список травмированных игроков кхл на сегодня 2023. Одна из главных звезд Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ) Нэтан Маккиннон выбыл на неопределенный срок, сообщается на сайте турнира. IR (Lucic will be entering the NHL/NHLPA Player Assistance Program while he remains on indefinite leave.). Клуб НХЛ "Питтсбург Пингвинз" поместил российского форварда Евгения Малкина в долгосрочный список травмированных. Узнайте кто является лучшим бомбардиром, а также у кого наибольшее количество удалений и штрафных минут в хоккейном турнире: США: НХЛ 2023-2024.
«Питтсбург» поместил Малкина в долгосрочный список травмированных
This is expected to keep him out until Saturday, April 27, 2024. With a shooting rate of 3. Boston Bruins defenseman Andrew Peeke is currently listed as out after he sustained a finger injury. He is expected to be out until Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Winnipeg Jets left wing Morgan Barron is currently listed as out after he injured his lower body. He will be on the sideline until Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Boston Bruins left wing Justin Brazeau is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. This will keep him sidelined until Sunday, May 5, 2024. Colorado Avalanche center Jonathan Drouin is currently listed as out after he injured his lower body. He is expected to be out until Sunday, May 5, 2024. Toronto Maple Leafs goalie Matt Murray is on injured reserve long term while he waits for his hip to recover.
He hopes to return on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Colorado Avalanche left wing Gabriel Landeskog is on injured reserve long term while he recovers from a knee injury. This will keep him sidelined until Friday, May 10, 2024. During his NHL career, he has amassed 571 points in his 738 contests played. Tampa Bay Lightning defenseman Mikhail Sergachev is on injured reserve long term because of an injured leg. He will remain sidelined until Wednesday, May 15, 2024. With a points total of 257, Mikhail Sergachev has also earned a shooting rate of 5. Anaheim Ducks left wing Brock McGinn is currently listed as out because he sustained an injury to his back. He is expected to return on Sunday, September 15, 2024. Anaheim Ducks left wing Max Jones is currently listed as out while he waits on his shoulder to heal.
He is expected to be be sidelined until Sunday, September 15, 2024. Max Jones has been of service to his team 31 times with an assist, but he has harmed his team by spending 211 mins in the sin bin. Anaheim Ducks center Mason McTavish is currently listed as out while he recovers from a knee injury. He is hopeful to return on Sunday, September 15, 2024. With a shooting rate of 12. Anaheim Ducks defenseman Pavel Mintyukov is currently listed as out after he injured his lower body. He will stay sidelined until Sunday, September 15, 2024. Anaheim Ducks defenseman Tristan Luneau is currently listed as out while he recovers from a knee injury. This will keep him sidelined until Sunday, September 15, 2024. Arizona Coyotes center Bryan Little appears on the injured reserve list because he sustained an injury to his head.
Arizona Coyotes center Nick Bjugstad is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. He hopes to come back on Sunday, September 15, 2024. Over the course of his career, Nick Bjugstad is sitting with 311 points in his 694 games. Arizona Coyotes center Travis Boyd is currently listed as out because of a pectoral injury. Over the course of his career, he has earned 118 pts in his 296 contests. Arizona Coyotes defenseman Travis Dermott is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. This will keep him out until Sunday, September 15, 2024. With a goal scoring rate of 4. Arizona Coyotes center Barrett Hayton is currently listed as out after he injured his lower body. He is expected to come back on Sunday, September 15, 2024.
Buffalo Sabres center Tage Thompson is currently listed as out after he injured his lower body. Thompson has taken care of his teammates 121 times with a helper, but he has hurt his team by spending 168 mins in the bad box. Buffalo Sabres defenseman Riley Stillman is currently listed as out after he injured his lower body. He is slated to return on Sunday, September 15, 2024. Buffalo Sabres defenseman Mattias Samuelsson is currently listed as out while he waits on his shoulder to heal.
Не редкость видеть, как игроки бросают клюшки и снимают перчатки, чтобы начать драку в НХЛ, что кажется очень странным для болельщиков других видов спорта. Судьи, кажется, позволяют драке продолжаться до тех пор, пока она не иссякнет, а затем игра возобновляется, при этом исход драки не влияет на результат матча.
Хоккейные клубы Беларуси 2012 г хоккей. Дастин Бойд Барыс. Валерий орехов Барыс. Валерий орехов хоккеист. Третьяков Барыс. Гиматов Салават Юлаев. Эдуард Гиматов. Эдуард Гиматов хоккеист. Корешков тренер ЦСКА. Травма Салават Юлаев. Шлем Ежова Салават Юлаев. Салават Юлаев травмированные игроки. АК Барс статистика игроков травмы. Яков Рылов хоккеист. Яков Рылов Металлург. КХЛ Автомобилист Рылов. Рылов Вадим ночная хоккейная лига. Всероссийский день хоккея. Хоккеист поймал шайбу лицом. Денис Соколов хоккеист травма. Бовконюк Милан Андреевич травма. Список травмированных КХЛ на сегодняшний день. Список травмированных игроков КХЛ на сегодня. Галимов ЦСКА. Хк трактор хк Торпедо. Алексей Дементьев хк трактор. КХЛ трактор. Хк трактор КХЛ. Коледов хоккеист Салават Юлаев. Вратари Салавата Юлаева 2021. Вратарь хк Салават Юлаев. Андрей Мезин Салават Юлаев. Фролов Локомотив. Тренер хк Адмирал. Хк Адмирал 2007 тренер. Тренер хоккейной команды Адмирала. Фотографию главного тренера хоккейного клуба Адмирал. Судья хоккей. Судьи КХЛ. Судейство в хоккее. Судья в хоккее в хоккее. Джош Блэкер. Никита Клещенко КХЛ. Мартин Блэкер. Теренс Блэкер.
В их число входят нападающие Никлас Бекстрём до января 2023 года , Том Уилсон до декабря , Карл Хагелин до середины ноября , Коннор Браун до мая 2023 года , Ти Джей Оши до начала ноября , Бек Маленстин до начала ноября , а также защитник Джон Карлсон до начала ноября. За столичную команду выступает звездный российский форвард Александр Овечкин. Он всю карьеру в НХЛ играет за «Вашингтон» — с 2005 года. Овечкин занимает третье место в списке лучших снайперов в истории НХЛ 785 шайбы.
Последняя информация о травмированных игроках «Филадельфии»
Мироманов получил травму 31 декабря в матче против «Нэшвилл Предаторз» (5:4 ОТ). Узнайте кто является лучшим бомбардиром, а также у кого наибольшее количество удалений и штрафных минут в хоккейном турнире: США: НХЛ 2023-2024. Сегодня, 18 февраля, «Миннесота Уайлд» на своей площадке проиграла «Баффало Сэйбрз» в матче регулярного чемпионата Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ).
Игрок НХЛ дисквалифицирован на шесть матчей за удар россиянина в голову
Columbus Blue Jackets right wing Carson Meyer is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. Columbus Blue Jackets defenseman Adam Boqvist is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. In his career, Adam Boqvist is sitting with 23 goals on 266 shots at the opposing goalie. Columbus Blue Jackets right wing Yegor Chinakhov is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. He hopes to return on Sunday, September 15, 2024. In his career, Yegor Chinakhov has 27 goals on 252 attempts at the opposing goalie. Columbus Blue Jackets center Kent Johnson is currently listed as out while he waits on his shoulder to heal. With a shooting rate of 11.
Columbus Blue Jackets center Adam Fantilli is currently listed as out. Detroit Red Wings center Michael Rasmussen is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. In his career, he has a total of 49 goals on 453 shots at the opposing goalie. Minnesota Wild left wing Marcus Foligno is currently listed as out after he sustained an abdomen injury. Along with his 126 goals, he has been of service to his team 168 times with a helper. Minnesota Wild defenseman Jared Spurgeon is currently listed as out while he waits for his hip to recover. This is expected to keep him out until Sunday, September 15, 2024.
Over the course of his hockey career, he has a total of 384 points in his 867 games played. Minnesota Wild left wing Sam Hentges is currently listed as out because he sustained an undisclosed injury. Montreal Canadiens goalie Carey Price is on injured reserve long term while he recovers from a knee injury. Montreal Canadiens center Michael Pezzetta is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. Montreal Canadiens center Kirby Dach is currently listed as out while he recovers from a knee injury. Montreal Canadiens defenseman Kaiden Guhle is currently listed as out because he sustained an injury to his head. Kaiden Guhle has been helpful to his team 30 times with a helper, but he has hurt his team by spending 83 minutes in the penalty box.
Montreal Canadiens defenseman Arber Xhekaj is currently listed as out while he waits on his shoulder to heal. He will be on the sideline until Sunday, September 15, 2024. New Jersey Devils defenseman Dougie Hamilton is currently listed as out because of a pectoral injury. Together with his 142 goals, he has been helpful to his team 319 times with an assist. New Jersey Devils center Curtis Lazar is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. He has been of service to his teammates 75 different times with a helper, but he has hurt his team by spending 155 mins in the bad bin. New Jersey Devils left wing Timo Meier is currently listed as out while he waits on his shoulder to heal.
New Jersey Devils center Michael McLeod is currently listed as out with an issue regarded as personal. He has been helpful to his team 56 times with an apple, but he has impaired his team by spending 164 minutes in the sin bin. New Jersey Devils right wing Nathan Bastian is currently listed as out after he injured his lower body. New Jersey Devils defenseman Cal Foote is currently listed as out with an issue regarded as personal. New Jersey Devils center Jack Hughes is currently listed as out while he waits on his shoulder to heal. In his pro hockey career, Jack Hughes has accumulated 281 pts during his 306 matchups played. Ottawa Senators defenseman Travis Hamonic is currently listed as out after he injured his lower body.
With a goal scoring rate of 3. Ottawa Senators defenseman Thomas Chabot is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. Thomas Chabot has been of service to his teammates 197 different times with a helper, but he has harmed his team by spending 224 mins in the sin bin. Ottawa Senators center Josh Norris is currently listed as out while he waits on his shoulder to heal. He is hopeful to come back on Sunday, September 15, 2024. Ottawa Senators left wing Alex Formenton is currently listed as out with an issue regarded as personal. Ottawa Senators center Mark Kastelic is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury.
Ottawa Senators center Tim Stutzle is currently listed as out while he waits on his shoulder to heal. Philadelphia Flyers defenseman Ryan Ellis appears on the injured reserve list because he sustained an injury to his back. With a career points total of 275, Ellis has also accounted for a shooting percentage of 7.
In addition to his 39 goals, Pesce has been helpful to his teammates 159 times with an apple. New York Rangers center Filip Chytil is on injured reserve long term because he sustained an injury to his head. He will remain sidelined until Friday, April 26, 2024. Shooting 9. New York Rangers right wing Blake Wheeler is on injured reserve long term because of an injured leg. On top of his 321 goals, he has been of service to his team 622 times with a helper. Washington Capitals defenseman Nick Jensen finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day after experiencing a upper body injury. This will keep him out until Friday, April 26, 2024. Washington Capitals defenseman Rasmus Sandin finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day after experiencing a upper body injury. He hopes to come back on Friday, April 26, 2024. Over the course of his NHL career, Rasmus Sandin has a total of 16 goals on 237 shots at the opposing net. Washington Capitals defenseman Vincent Iorio finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day after experiencing a upper body injury. He is expected to come back on Friday, April 26, 2024. Vancouver Canucks goalie Thatcher Demko finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day because he sustained an undisclosed injury. He will be out until Friday, April 26, 2024. Vancouver Canucks defenseman Tyler Myers finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day because he sustained an undisclosed injury. During his NHL career, Myers has earned 371 pts in his 995 games played. Colorado Avalanche defenseman Samuel Girard finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day because he endured a concussion. Over the course of his NHL career, Samuel Girard has recorded 199 pts during his 475 matchups played. Colorado Avalanche goalie Justus Annunen finds himself on the injury list as day-to-day after sustaining an illness. He will be on the sideline until Friday, April 26, 2024. Boston Bruins defenseman Derek Forbort is on injured reserve long term because he sustained an undisclosed injury. This is expected to keep him out until Saturday, April 27, 2024. With a shooting rate of 3. Boston Bruins defenseman Andrew Peeke is currently listed as out after he sustained a finger injury. He is expected to be out until Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Winnipeg Jets left wing Morgan Barron is currently listed as out after he injured his lower body. He will be on the sideline until Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Boston Bruins left wing Justin Brazeau is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. This will keep him sidelined until Sunday, May 5, 2024. Colorado Avalanche center Jonathan Drouin is currently listed as out after he injured his lower body. He is expected to be out until Sunday, May 5, 2024. Toronto Maple Leafs goalie Matt Murray is on injured reserve long term while he waits for his hip to recover. He hopes to return on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Colorado Avalanche left wing Gabriel Landeskog is on injured reserve long term while he recovers from a knee injury. This will keep him sidelined until Friday, May 10, 2024. During his NHL career, he has amassed 571 points in his 738 contests played. Tampa Bay Lightning defenseman Mikhail Sergachev is on injured reserve long term because of an injured leg. He will remain sidelined until Wednesday, May 15, 2024. With a points total of 257, Mikhail Sergachev has also earned a shooting rate of 5. Anaheim Ducks left wing Brock McGinn is currently listed as out because he sustained an injury to his back. He is expected to return on Sunday, September 15, 2024. Anaheim Ducks left wing Max Jones is currently listed as out while he waits on his shoulder to heal. He is expected to be be sidelined until Sunday, September 15, 2024. Max Jones has been of service to his team 31 times with an assist, but he has harmed his team by spending 211 mins in the sin bin. Anaheim Ducks center Mason McTavish is currently listed as out while he recovers from a knee injury.
Нападающий Энтони Сирелли — растяжение акромиально-ключичного сустава на обоих плечах, ему потребуется операция. Получил травму одного плеча в серии против «Нью-Йорка», другого — в финале Кубка Стэнли. Нападающий Кори Перри — растяжение акромиально-ключичного сустава. Травмировался в серии против «Рейнджерс». Нападающий Ник Пол — растяжение акромиально-ключичного сустава. Получил травму в одном из матчей против «Нью-Йорка».
Chicago Blackhawks defenseman Nikita Zaitsev is currently listed as out after sustaining an illness. Chicago Blackhawks right wing Reese Johnson is currently listed as out because he endured a concussion. He is slated to come back on Sunday, September 15, 2024. Columbus Blue Jackets left wing Boone Jenner is currently listed as out with an issue regarded as personal. He will remain sidelined until Sunday, September 15, 2024. Columbus Blue Jackets right wing Patrik Laine is currently listed as out with an issue regarded as personal. Patrik Laine has helped his teammates score 184 different times with an apple, but he has hurt his team by spending 185 minutes in the penalty box. Columbus Blue Jackets defenseman Jake Bean is currently listed as out after injuring his hand. Columbus Blue Jackets goalie Daniil Tarasov is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. Columbus Blue Jackets right wing Carson Meyer is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. Columbus Blue Jackets defenseman Adam Boqvist is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. In his career, Adam Boqvist is sitting with 23 goals on 266 shots at the opposing goalie. Columbus Blue Jackets right wing Yegor Chinakhov is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. He hopes to return on Sunday, September 15, 2024. In his career, Yegor Chinakhov has 27 goals on 252 attempts at the opposing goalie. Columbus Blue Jackets center Kent Johnson is currently listed as out while he waits on his shoulder to heal. With a shooting rate of 11. Columbus Blue Jackets center Adam Fantilli is currently listed as out. Detroit Red Wings center Michael Rasmussen is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. In his career, he has a total of 49 goals on 453 shots at the opposing goalie. Minnesota Wild left wing Marcus Foligno is currently listed as out after he sustained an abdomen injury. Along with his 126 goals, he has been of service to his team 168 times with a helper. Minnesota Wild defenseman Jared Spurgeon is currently listed as out while he waits for his hip to recover. This is expected to keep him out until Sunday, September 15, 2024. Over the course of his hockey career, he has a total of 384 points in his 867 games played. Minnesota Wild left wing Sam Hentges is currently listed as out because he sustained an undisclosed injury. Montreal Canadiens goalie Carey Price is on injured reserve long term while he recovers from a knee injury. Montreal Canadiens center Michael Pezzetta is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. Montreal Canadiens center Kirby Dach is currently listed as out while he recovers from a knee injury. Montreal Canadiens defenseman Kaiden Guhle is currently listed as out because he sustained an injury to his head. Kaiden Guhle has been helpful to his team 30 times with a helper, but he has hurt his team by spending 83 minutes in the penalty box. Montreal Canadiens defenseman Arber Xhekaj is currently listed as out while he waits on his shoulder to heal. He will be on the sideline until Sunday, September 15, 2024. New Jersey Devils defenseman Dougie Hamilton is currently listed as out because of a pectoral injury. Together with his 142 goals, he has been helpful to his team 319 times with an assist. New Jersey Devils center Curtis Lazar is currently listed as out after experiencing a upper body injury. He has been of service to his teammates 75 different times with a helper, but he has hurt his team by spending 155 mins in the bad bin. New Jersey Devils left wing Timo Meier is currently listed as out while he waits on his shoulder to heal. New Jersey Devils center Michael McLeod is currently listed as out with an issue regarded as personal. He has been helpful to his team 56 times with an apple, but he has impaired his team by spending 164 minutes in the sin bin. New Jersey Devils right wing Nathan Bastian is currently listed as out after he injured his lower body. New Jersey Devils defenseman Cal Foote is currently listed as out with an issue regarded as personal. New Jersey Devils center Jack Hughes is currently listed as out while he waits on his shoulder to heal. In his pro hockey career, Jack Hughes has accumulated 281 pts during his 306 matchups played. Ottawa Senators defenseman Travis Hamonic is currently listed as out after he injured his lower body. With a goal scoring rate of 3.