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Payment for Subscription activation Codes or Subscriptions is made by the method chosen by the User, presented in the Service, taking into account the functionality of payment services.
The settlement between the Parties is made in Russian rubles. Rights and obligations of the Parties. The Contractor undertakes: 6. Provide the User, provided that the fact of payment of the Subscription Activation Code or Subscription is reflected in the electronic payment accounting system of the Service, the Subscription activation Code or remote access to additional functionality in the Network Graphics application, in case of Subscription payment. When using the Subscription Activation Code or Subscription payment by the User, provide the User with remote access via the Internet to additional functionality in the Network Graphics application, a detailed description of which is contained in the Service at the time of payment by the User of the Subscription Activation Code or Subscription. Provide the User with up-to-date information on prices for Subscription Activation Codes, Subscriptions, as well as a full description of additional functionality in the Network Graphics application provided to the User after Subscription activation. Provide the User with remote access via the Internet to additional functionality in the Network Graphics application, in ways not prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
Refund the funds paid for the Subscription Activation Code in case the User exercises the right provided for in clause 6. The Contractor has the right to: 6. Change the terms of this User Agreement and Subscription prices unilaterally, notifying the User by publishing a new version of the User Agreement in the Service. Require the User to pay for the Subscription Activation Code or Subscription in the amount of the cost of the Subscription Activation Code or Subscription, respectively, selected by the User at the time of acceptance of the User Agreement. Change the design of the Service, its content, the list of services at any time, change or supplement the software and other objects used or stored in the Service, any server applications at any time with or without prior notice. If necessary, send messages to the User by e-mail, through the Service and by other available means regarding the use of the Service. Request at any time and in any form from the User consent to the processing of personal data in the Service and that the personal data posted in the Service will be considered publicly available.
Establish additional restrictions on the use of the Service, as well as change such restrictions at any time. In case of systematic violations of the terms of the User Agreement and other legal documents regulating the relationship between the User and the Contractor, block the User account. The User undertakes: 6. Fully familiarize yourself with the User Agreement. Using the Service means full and unconditional acceptance by the User of the terms of the User Agreement in accordance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. At least once every two months to get acquainted with the terms of this User Agreement and prices for Services. Do not decompile, disassemble, modify the Network Graphics application.
Not to transfer the right to use your User Account to third parties who are not parties under this User Agreement. Not to transfer or provide access to the Subscription Activation Code or to the Subscription to third parties who are not parties under this User Agreement. To maintain the confidentiality of information and trade secrets that have become known as a result of the execution of the User Agreement. Independently monitor the Subscription status information in your User account. The User has the right to: 6. Require the Contractor to properly fulfill the terms of the User Agreement. Refuse the Subscription Activation Code and receive a refund of the funds paid for the cost of the Subscription Activation Code if the received Subscription Activation Code has not been activated.
A refund is possible only within seven days from the moment the User receives the Subscription Activation Code. Validity period, procedure for modification and termination of the User Agreement 7. The User Agreement comes into force from the moment of acceptance of its terms by the User acceptance , in accordance with the procedure established by this User Agreement. The User Agreement is terminated if the User exercises the right to refuse the Subscription Activation Code provided for in clause 6. Responsibility 8. The Parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under the User Agreement in accordance with its terms, and in the part not regulated by the User Agreement - in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The Contractor is not responsible if the User does not get access to the Service, but strives to achieve the result of uninterrupted operation of the Service.
Force majeure 9. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete non-fulfillment of obligations under the User Agreement, if such non-fulfillment was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of the Offer, which the Parties could not foresee or prevent. The circumstances of force majeure of the Parties include only the following events that make it impossible for the relevant Party to fulfill its obligations: earthquakes, floods, other natural disasters, fires, nuclear and other industrial accidents, as well as strikes, military actions, civil unrest or acts of state bodies that prevent the fulfillment of the terms of the Offer. All other obstacles, regardless of their nature or characteristics, are not considered force majeure, with the exception of those obstacles that will be specifically recognized by the Parties as caused by force majeure circumstances. The Party referring to force majeure circumstances is obliged to immediately inform the other Party about the occurrence and termination of such circumstances and their impact on the possibility of the relevant Party fulfilling its obligations under the User Agreement in electronic form sent to the email address of the other Party. The force majeure action postpones the fulfillment of obligations for the period during which such action takes place. Upon termination of force majeure circumstances, the Parties are obliged to immediately begin fulfilling their obligations.
In case of force majeure, the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry will be called upon to confirm the existence of these circumstances and their duration. Arbitration clause 10. In case of disputes arising on issues stipulated by the User Agreement or in connection with it, the Parties will take all measures to resolve them through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve these disputes through negotiations, they will be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. All disputes between the Parties on which no agreement has been reached are resolved in the judicial authorities at the location of the Contractor. Exclusive and copyright 11.
Смотра Рейдж скачать на ПК бесплатно | SMOTRArage — это совершенно новый проект на платформе RAGE Multiplayer, в игре GTA 5. Наш сервер находится в моде RPG (Role Play Game), который полностью противопоставлен RP режиму. На нашем проекте Вы сможете реализовать в игроке свои личные качества и сделать. |
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If you have changed your PC configuration or want to transfer the status to another system once, contact technical support.
To use the status on two or more PCs simultaneously, purchase multiple activation codes and activate them on different accounts. Why are bank card details required for a trial subscription? Can I install third-party mods along with Network Graphics mods? We do not guarantee compatibility with third-party modifications, as ours work differently. Installing third-party mods alongside Network Graphics can lead to crashes and errors. Will the mods remain in the game when the subscription ends?
Upon the end of the subscription period, the mods will expire and stop working. You will need to either remove them or renew the subscription. General provisions This personal data processing policy has been compiled in accordance with the requirements Federal Law No. The Operator sets as its most important goal and condition for the implementation of its activities compliance with the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen in the processing of his personal data, including the protection of rights the right to privacy, personal and family secrets. Basic concepts used in Politics 2. Automated processing of personal data — processing of personal data using computer equipment; 2.
Blocking of personal data — temporary termination of processing of personal data except in cases where processing is necessary to clarify personal data ; 2. Personal data information system — a set of data contained in databases personal data, and information technologies and technical means ensuring their processing; 2. Depersonalization of personal data — actions as a result of which it is impossible to determine without use of additional information ownership of personal data to a specific user or another subject of personal data; 2. Processing of personal data — any action operation or a set of actions operations , committed with or without the use of automation tools with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification update, modification , extraction, use, transfer distribution, provision, access , depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data; 2. Operator — state body, municipal body, legal entity or individual, independently or jointly with other persons organizing and or carrying out processing personal data, as well as defining the purposes of personal data processing, the composition of personal data data to be processed, actions operations performed with personal data; 2. Provision of personal data — actions aimed at disclosure of personal data to a certain person or a certain circle of persons; 2.
Dissemination of personal data — any actions aimed at disclosure of personal data data to an indefinite circle of persons transfer of personal data or for familiarization with personal data data of an unlimited number of persons, including the disclosure of personal data in the media mass media, placement in information and telecommunication networks or provision of access to personal data in any other way; 2. Cross-border transfer of personal data — transfer of personal data to the territory a foreign state authority of a foreign state, a foreign individual or a foreign legal entity; 2. Destruction of personal data — any actions resulting in personal data they are permanently destroyed with the impossibility of further restoration of the content of personal data in the information system of personal data and or the material carriers of personal data are destroyed data. The operator can process the following personal data of the user 3. Surname, first name, patronymic; 3. Email address; 3.
Phone numbers; 3. The site also collects and processes depersonalized data about visitors including files a "cookie" through the services of Internet statistics Yandex Metric and Google Analytics and others. The above data, hereinafter referred to in the text of the Policy, are combined by the general concept of Personal Data. Purposes of personal data processing 4. The Operator also has the right to send notifications to the User about new products and services, special offers and various events. The user can always refuse to receive information messages by sending the Operator a letter to the e-mail address [email protected] with marked "Refusal of notifications about new products and services and special offers".
Depersonalized User data collected using Internet statistics services are used for collecting information about User actions on the site, improving the quality of the site and its content. Legal grounds for processing personal data 5. The procedure for the collection, storage, transfer and other types of processing of personal data The security of personal data processed by the Operator is ensured by the implementation of legal, organizational and technical measures necessary to fully meet the requirements current legislation in the field of personal data protection. The Operator ensures the safety of personal data and takes all possible measures, excluding access to the personal data of unauthorized persons. The term of processing of personal data is unlimited. Cross-border transfer of personal data 7.
Before the start of the cross-border transfer of personal data, the erator is obliged to make sure that that the foreign state to whose territory the transfer is supposed to be carried out personal data, provides reliable protection of the rights of personal data subjects. Final provisions 8. The User can receive any clarifications on issues of interest concerning the processing of his personal data by contacting the Operator via e-mail [email protected]. This document will reflect any changes to the personal data processing policy The operator. The policy is valid indefinitely until it is replaced by a new version. This User Agreement is a public offer hereinafter referred to as the Offer in accordance with Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, that is, it contains all the essential terms of the agreement concluded between the Contractor and the User.
This Offer, concluded by acceptance, does not require a two-way signature and is valid in electronic form. The use of the Service by the User means that the User accepts and undertakes to comply with all of the following terms of the Offer in full, without any reservations and exceptions. Terms and definitions 1. A service is an identified place on the Internet virtual space in which information is located, designed and structured in a certain way. User Agreement — this document, which contains all the essential conditions on the basis of which the Service operates, as well as all the processes of the relationship between the Contractor and the User. The User is a physically capable person who has reached the age required in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to complete the transaction provided for in the User Agreement, who has paid for the selected Subscription Activation Code.
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