Расскажем про Мультиклассирование в D&D поначалу может показаться пугающим, но оно может помочь вам создать сильных персонажей как с точки зрения сюжета. Мультиклассирование позволяет получить уровни в нескольких классах. Мультиклассирование сложно и сильно влияет на персонажей, особенно на кастеров. Бард\Чародей, считаю гармоничной сборкой т.к.
Guide To Optimized DnD 5E Multiclassing
Мультиклассирование | Советы Мудреца | Правила и термины [Rules] D&D 5e | В этой главе представлены два опциональных набора правил по индивидуальной настройке персонажей: мультиклассирование и черты. |
Сайт для ДнДшников (viva la Dungeons & Dragons) - Что такое ДнД? | Вы найдёте правила мультиклассирования на страницах 59-60 Руководства Игрока. |
Мультикласс - 5th Edition SRD | DnD Characters: Guides for DnD 5e – RPGBOT. DnD 5e Multiclassing: A Practical Guide – RPGBOT. |
Мультиклассирование в Baldur’s Gate 3: как работает и что дает
Woodchucks with Nunchucks Monks are adept warriors of discipline and skill who have trained and honed themselves into perfected instruments. Druids are masters of nature and primeval magics. Короче, прав был один мой друг из моддинга, когда говорил, что пятерка воплощает самые здравые идеи в истории ДнД. Одной из самых сильных сторон DnD является то, что ее повествование может охватывать несколько жанров. Multiclassing in DnD 5e works differently from the previous edition of DnD, 4e.
Как работает мультиклассирование в Baldur's Gate 3
Серьезно подумайте, прежде чем выбрать самый простой подкласс в игре, ведь у него не так много крутых фишек, по сравнению с другими ребятами. У других сборок противоположные проблемы. Суммонер на некроманте или друид пастырь действительно замедляют игру, требуют тонны подготовки со стороны игрока, и ДМа который готов играть с тоннами твоих миньонов [в варгейм. Мистик из Арканы поломен и сложен, до смешного. А может не соответствовать тону игры. Подкласс сильно зависит от прихоти ДМа и таблицам дикой магии, по которым он бросает, сначала спросите у него, ведь если он никогда не попросит бросок дикой магии, у вас по сути не будет подкласса. У этого много проблем, вы слишком привязываетесь, сложнее не метагеймить.
Пытайтесь добавить штуки, которые будут противоположны вашим собственным мнениям, реакциям, позициям. Затасканные и не работающие стереотипы, которые добавляют работы ДМу. Амнезия, слепота, немота, топ этого списка. Реально, вы ожидали пандусы в гоблинской пещере для тележки вашего Хокинга? Амнезия — просто ленивый способ не писать квенту. И не заставляйте меня стартовать за кенку.
Некоторые имеют в виду все официальные книги ксанатар, гайд по побережью меча, бекграунды из модулей, подклассы из Книги Мастера, выходящая книга Морденкайнена, элементальное зло , ЙОЛОгайд … или некоторые их части. Это материалы от разработчиков, которые опубликованы для массового бета теста, не релизные материалы. Есть два типа арканы. Текущая Аркана: то что проверяют сейчас, для включения в следующие материалы. Это текущий бета тест, вы реально ждали там причесанных и готовых механик? Старая, отброшенная и использованная Аркана.
То что уже проверили и часть которого включили в офф книги. Эта аркана менее приемлема для ДМов. Ревайзед Рейнджер обычно считается хорошим исправлением обычного бистмастера для многих ДМов, но прежде чем брать любые арканы спросите ДМа. Хоумбрю: То что сделали не разработчики игры. Есть много разных хоумбрю, некоторые из них хороши и ДМы разрешают ими пользоваться. Например работы Мерсера или других известных лиц, с кулачными бойцами или драгунами.
Есть еще некоторые балансные вещи, которые публикуются и отмечены в сабреддите о аркане. Дальше идет дандвики и она плоха. Ее репутация полностью заслужена. Но если вы влюбились в нечто из этого, приносите на форума, на реддит, тем пацанам, другим пацанам, советуйтесь с людьми, говорите с ДМом и объясните ситуацию. Скажите ДМу в чем поломы и нагибы и какие части вы хотите персонажу. Возможно напильником, рефлафом, другими хоумбрю и танцами с бубном получится получить адекватного персонажа в той концепции, которую хотите вы.
Возможно вам подскажут что-то лучше найденного вами. Мультиклассы, и почему вам лучше избежать мультикласса своих первых персонажей. Мультиклассирование сложно и сильно влияет на персонажей, особенно на кастеров. Совет новичкам — избегайте мультиклассировать первых персонажей и придерживайтесь одного класса. Мультиклассом очень легко сделать скам и юзлесс персонажа. А большинство компаний играется где-то до 10 уровня.
Не думайте о том, что будет делать ваш персонаж на 17 уровне, если ДМ планирует короткое приключение, которое идет где-то до 4, научитесь получать фан от текущей игры.
В похвалу респекингу: Колдуны Пакта клинка могут использовать модификатор харизмы вместо силы при атаке оружием Пакта, а значит, у вас есть все основания сбросить свои атрибуты на 5-м уровне, когда вы получите Пакт клинка, отказавшись от силы и ловкости в пользу конституции и харизмы. Если говорить о подклассах, то для этого типа строения с высоким уроном подходит Oath of Vengeance, но Oath of the Ancients имеет определенную синергию с Archfey Warlock. Ключевые способности: Заклинания волшебника, владение тяжелой броней, владение боевым оружием, владение щитом, усиление действия. Порядок получения уровней: Один или два уровня бойца, в зависимости от того, нужен ли вам Action Surge, затем все уровни волшебника. Многие классы, в том числе и заклинатели, найдут много пользы в получении одного-двух уровней бойца в начале своего развития, так как их многочисленные умения открывают возможности использования снаряжения для более ограниченных классов. Все они могут оказаться полезными, особенно для легко убиваемого мага, а на втором уровне бойцы получают Action Surge — дополнительное основное действие, используемое один раз за короткий отдых. Бонусные действия и умения могут оказаться полезными для любого количества ролей персонажей. Если поднять уровень бойца до 2, вы потеряете заклинания шестого круга в пользу Action Surge на протяжении всей игры. По сути, вы будете играть этим магом, обменяв чистую мощь заклинаний стеклянной пушки на чуть большую универсальность при попадании в угол.
В раннем доступе тяжелая броня не требует минимальной силы для использования, поэтому вы можете увеличить ловкость до 14 и сосредоточиться на тонком оружии, щите и любой броне, средней или тяжелой, обеспечивающей вам самый высокий класс брони или AC. Сильная потенциальная сборка Астариона. Рекомендуемая стартовая раса: Полуэльф, Лесной эльф, Дроу, Халфлинг. Порядок получения уровней: Четыре уровня Разбойника, пять Рейнджера, два Бойца, затем возьмите последний уровень Разбойника. Роги подкласса Assassin получают способность Assassinate, которая дает уникальные бонусы против врагов, еще не сделавших ход в бою, а также бонус к урону от атаки исподтишка. Комбинируйте эти способности и начинайте как можно больше боев, подкрадываясь к приоритетным противникам, что даст вам следующие преимущества в первом и, как правило, самом результативном раунде боя: Одна бесплатная атака хитростью с уроном 3d6 перед началом боя, вторая — в первом раунде боя Бонусная скорость передвижения Дополнительная атака с бонусным уроном 1d8 Преимущество при бросках атаки. Усиление действий бойца во время короткого отдыха означает еще две полные атаки Бонусная инициатива ассасина и мракоборца, благодаря которой вы почти всегда ходите первым Автоматические критические удары по врагам, которых вы успешно застали врасплох В этом билде все дело в том, чтобы провести первый ход. Поначалу я выбрал в качестве первого ASI Dual Wielder, чтобы воспользоваться преимуществами более мощного оружия, такого как изящный длинный меч Андердарка Phalar Aluve. В конце концов, я нашел множество отличных зачарованных коротких мечей, таких как Нож Подгорного Короля, который можно купить в Гитианском Храме, и перешел на прямое повышение очков способностей на 20 Ловкости и 16 Харизмы. Чешуйчатая кольчуга Юань-Ти, которую можно приобрести у арфиста в начале второго акта, отлично подходит для этого варианта: она дает полный бонус ловкости к AC и не накладывает никаких штрафов на скрытность, к тому же у вас будет средний навык владения броней, полученный на уровне рейнджера.
Можно привести аргументы в пользу того, чтобы спешить на 5-й уровень Рейнджера ради Дополнительной атаки, но мне очень не нравится оставлять на столе эти отличные умения 1-го уровня Роуга, а Убийство само по себе очень и очень хорошо.
Bard College, Expertise: The benefits of your bard college will vary by college. Expertise is useful on nearly every character, and you get to pick two proficiencies. But you can still turn a cart or wagon into a flying car. College of Eloquence Literally everything you get is fantastic, and relying more on Charisma makes it progressively better. Sure, your Bardic Inspiration die is only a d6, but the average roll on a d6 is 3. Mantle of Majesty: Absolutely not worth this many levels.
If you just want more skill proficiencies, College of Lore is a good choice. Bonus Proficiencies, Cutting Words: Three more skill proficiencies of your choice. Cutting Words offers a useful way to apply Bardic Inspiration defensively without spending the Bonus Action ahead of time to give your ally an inspiration die. College of Spirits The most likely reason to take College of Spirits is for Spirit Session, but spending the same number of levels in a different spellcasting class like the Sorcerer will likely get you more useful magical options. Spirit Session: This is a good feature, and the spell level advances based on your Proficiency Bonus so it works well as a multiclass feature. College of Swords This is a really hard choice. If you want spellcasting, other subclasses or even other classes offer better options.
Maybe rogue? Bonus Proficiencies, Fighting Style, Blade Flourish: The proficiencies seem silly in the face of other multiclass options, but you can use weapons as spellcasting focuses and you get a Fighting Style, both of which are appealing for characters looking to balance martial prowess and spellcasting. Extra Attack: A level later than martial classes on top of how long you may have postponed it to multiclass. College of Valor The only reasons I can think of to pursue College of Valor on a multiclassed character are for the armor and shield proficiencies without giving up the spellcasting progression. Extra Attack: Essential on any martial character, but valor bards get it a level late and multiclassing into bard to get it this late seems incredibly unwise. Words of Terror is neat, but really hard to bring into play. Mantle of Whispers: Not good enough to justify this many levels.
Just cast Disguise Self. Cleric Despite their role as the iconic divine spellcaster, the Cleric is an interesting class dip for numerous classes. Despite the proficiencies gained from multiclassing into cleric, you can use Divine Domain to get heavy armor proficiency with a single level, not to mention adding powerful low-level cleric spells like Bless and Healing word to your spellcasting options. Spellcasting, Divine Domain: Clerics have a lot of really great 1st-level spells, and Divine Domain allows you to choose from an unusually broad list of options since there are more Divine Domain options than any other type of subclass. Arcana Making wizard cantrips cleric spells also makes them Wisdom-based, which is fantastic for other Wisdom-based classes like the Druid, the Monk, and potentially the Ranger. Domain Spells, Arcane Initiate: If you want wizard spells, multiclass into wizard. The only excuse I can think of is that you want wizard cantrips but cleric leveled spells or that you want wizard spells but you want to cast them using Wisdom.
Maybe this is appealing for druids? Channel Divinity: Arcane Abjuration: Situational. If it works, it can remove a single target from a fight temporarily. Spell Breaker: Provided that your other levels advance your spellcasting, you can upcast Healing Word at whatever level you need to remove a spell on an ally. Death Reaper is a nice addition for School of Necromancy wizards, but beyond that I see very little reason why other classes would consider it. Channel Divinity: Touch of Death: Too dependent on class level. Inescapable Destruction: Tempting, but if you want to be necrotic-damage base blaster you likely need to stick to cleric levels.
Forge Great for a 1-level dip, but otherwise uninteresting. Soul of the Forge: Not worth the levels. If you want fire resistance, cast Absorb Elements. Spare the Dying as a Bonus Action is neat, but rarely important since you should be using Healing Word at that point. Eyes of the Grave is very situational. Channel Divinity: Path to the Grave: You want to follow this with the biggest single hit that your party can muster. Domain Spells, Blessing of Knowledge: Proficiency and expertise in two knowledge skills.
Neat, but not the sort of impactful new capability which justifies a class dip unless your entire build is about being good at knowledge skills. Domain Spells, Bonus Proficiency, Disciple of Life: Heavy armor is great, but Disciple of Life is only a meaningful improvement to healing spells if you cast a lot of them or if you have healing spells which provide repeated healing like Healing Spirit or which heal multiple creatures like Mass Healing Word. Blessed Healer: Similar to Disciple of life, this is much less useful unless your primary class has abundant healing options to capitalize on the effects. Light The only reason to consider the Light Domain is Warding Flare, and aside from clerics and druids no one has Wisdom high enough to justify it. Domain Spells, Bonus Cantrip, Warding Flare: Warding Flare is a great defensive option, but the uses are limited and since you get uses equal to your Wisdom modifier the characters most likely to use this are Wisdom casters. Unfortunately, there are only two Wisdom casters and clerics are half of them. So: is Warding Flare and access to 1st-level cleric spells worth taking a level away from Druid?
Clerics get a lot of great spells at 1st level. Channel Divinity: Radiance of the Dawn: Too situational. Improved Flare: Fantastic, but not worth 6 levels. Nature The primary reason to pursue Nature is to get heavy armor and a druid cantrip in one level. There are few other reasons to go this route. Turning your Wisdom into your attack stat means that you can easily disregard Strength and focus on Wisdom so that you can be really good at spellcasting and melee attacks at the same time. Combine that with heavy armor and shields, and one level of Nature Cleric can turn a high-Wisdom character into a martial threat.
Unfortunately, there are few classes who can actually benefit from that combination. Order For a spellcaster taking a 1-level dip into cleric, Order Domain is a fantastic choice. You also get heavy armor, which is really nice on a squishy character like a sorcerer. Heavy armor is great, and Voice of Authority allows you to give your allies a free weapon attack when you target them with a spell though only one ally gets the effect. Look for inexpensive low-level spells which you can use on your allies like Healing Word and Heroism. Abusing this ability will eat your 1st-level spell slots, so consider some levels in Sorcerer to get Font of Magic so that you can turn higher-level slots into cost-efficient 1st-level spell slots. However, the duration is only until the end of your next turn so you need to act quickly to capitalize on it.
Peace I recommend banning Peace Domain. We go into detail on why in our Cleric Subclasses Breakdown , and I detail both my problems with the subclass and some changes which would make Peace Domain less problematic. If you do allow Peace Domain, a 1-level dip for Emboldening Bond is the most powerful single-class dip in the game. Emboldening Bond makes the whole party overpowered. Emboldening Bond is perhaps the single most powerful 1-level class dip in the game. It progresses based on Proficiency Bonus and requires absolutely nothing related to the Cleric Channel Divinity, Wisdom, spell slots, etc. It has no usage limitations and a 10-minute duration.
Throw in Guidance for ability checks, and basically nothing will ever be hard again. Channel Divinity: Balm of Peace: Great on a low-level single-class cleric, but for a class dip it may not be especially impactful. Tempest Another option where you get heavy armor but need good Wisdom to make effective use of everything you get. Bonus Proficiencies, Wrath of the Storm: Martial weapons and heavy armor can do a lot to add martial capabilities to your build, but Wrath of the Storm needs high Wisdom to make it work meaningfully. Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath: Other classes including the Bard, the Druid, the Sorcerer, and the Wizard all have access to spells which deal lightning or thunder damage. Storm sorcery sorcerers might find this especially tempting, and if you take Metamagic Transmuted Spell , you can turn spells into lightning damage and then maximize their damage. Thunderbolt Strike: Interesting, but not worth 6 levels.
Trickery This would be an interesting option for a rogue or a similarly stealthy character looking to add some support capabilities and some magical options. Channel Divinity: Invoke Duplicity: This is a fun, deceptive option but the ability to cast spells through the duplicate is a difficult prospect unless you already have enough spellcasting to make it an interesting option. Channel Divinity: Cloak of Shadows: Definitely not worth 6 levels. Twilight An excellent class dip, and all the good stuff comes in the first two levels. If your party likes to fight in the dark or likes ambushing enemies, this is a great option. Twilight Sanctuary is a powerful defensive buff that will benefit any party. Eyes of Night, Vigilant Blessing: Crazy long range on Darkvision, and you can share it with your party without spending a 2nd-level spell slot to cast Darkvision.
Fantastic in a party which likes to fight at night or underground. Vigilant Blessing is a really fun buff, especially with an assassin rogue or an area control caster in the party. Channel Divinity: Twilight Sanctuary: An absolutely spectacular defensive buff. Even if you never got beyond 2nd level, using this twice per short rest is enough to cover roughly two of every three encounters. Steps of Night: Good but not worth the levels. Get an item or learn to cast Fly or Air Walk. War If you want a quick dip into cleric to pick up better proficiencies, War Domain is the best way to do it for martial characters.
Bonus Proficiencies, War Priest: Martial weapons, heavy armor, and an extra attack a few times per day. If you need the extra proficiencies, this is probably your best way to get it across any class. Druid Druids are a difficult choice as a multiclass option. Their class features are often heavily dependent on class level, and even one level in the class disallows metal armor so anything more protective than studded leather is off limits. Druidic, Spellcasting: This is a terrible level. Access to some Druid-exclusive spells like Shillelagh and Goodberry is nice, but rarely worth a level when you can get them from Magic Initiate. Druidic Circle Feature: Varies.
Circle of Dreams Nothing worth multiclassing to get. Balm of the Summer Court: Entirely dependent on class level. This is not unique or powerful enough to justify multiclassing. Symbiotic Entity is heavily dependent on class level. Your pool of temporary hit points is 4 times your druid class level, and symbiotic entity ends when those hit points go away. Star Map, Starry Form: Very tempting for a cleric, you get some free spells and Starry Form turns your two Wild Shape uses per short rest into a powerful and versatile buff. The bonuses are Wisdom-based so it all works great for the Cleric.
Archer for damage output, chalice when you desperately need healing, and dragon when you need to maintain Concentration. Circle of the Land Circle of the Land is great at being a single-class druid focused on spellcasting. Primal Strike: You should not invest this many levels to still be bad at using Wild Shape in combat. Mighty Summoner is hard to justify, and if you want to play a summoner a single-class Circle of the Shepherd Druid is likely your best choice. The Wildfire Spirit is too dependent on class level to be useful for a class dip. Enhanced Bond: Good for single-class builds, but not for a class dip. Fighter Heavy armor, shields, and Constitution saves make the Fighter a tempting first level for spellcaster builds, and Fighting Style and Action Surge are popular for nearly any character.
Fighter subclasses get excellent benefits at 3rd level, too. You can frequently find something fancier from other classes, but the Fighter is still an easy option to complement many builds. Still, other martial classes which are already happy with their armor proficiencies will enjoy Fighting Style even if they already have one. For example: is access to spells two levels higher better or worse than being able to cast an extra spell a few times per day? Martial Archetype: Varies. Extra Attack: Standard for most martial classes at this level. Arcane Archer Potentially tempting for rangers and rogues built for archery, but otherwise not worth the levels.
Новые способности, которые она даёт вам, порождают внутри чудовище, и вы теряете всё, что было раньше — дом, друзей, будущее. Однако сила растёт с тьмой, и она станет вашим спасением в жестоком мире, где боги, дьяволы и зловещие потусторонние силы ведут войну за Забытые Королевства. В этом огромном, разнообразном мире каждый квадратный метр наполнен секретами, и практически всё доступно для исследования — от глубин Подземья до сверкающих крыш Верхнего города.
Мультиклассирование | E5E
Dungeons and Dragons characters have many unique options when it comes to their classes. Чтобы иметь возможность взять уровень в новом классе, необходимо соответствовать необходимым условиям для мультиклассирования, приведенным в таблице ниже. Министатья ДНД. f09fa493 «Мультиклассирование и с чем его едят» или «И жнец и жрец и на дуде игрец». Мультиклассирование (Multiclassing) Правила и термины по D&D 5 редакции. Короче, прав был один мой друг из моддинга, когда говорил, что пятерка воплощает самые здравые идеи в истории ДнД. В этой статье на самом деле рассказывается не столько о том, как проводить мультиклассификацию, сколько о том, что такое мультиклассирование.
7 Любое сочетание классов харизмы
- Monk Druid Multiclass
- AD&D: настоящие ролевые игры / Компьютерные и мобильные игры / iXBT Live
- Мультикласс - Общие темы - World of Warcraft Forums
- DnD 5e Multiclassing: A Practical Guide – RPGBOT
- [Top 10] D&D Best Multiclass That Wreck Hard! | GAMERS DECIDE
- Что такое мультикласс?
Анонсирована новая редакция правил Dungeons & Dragons
Chapter 6: Customization Options. The combination of ability scores, race, class, and background defines your character’s capabilities in the game, and the personal details you create set your. The latest news in Unearthed Arcana comes in the form of a video. Chapter 6: Customization Options. The combination of ability scores, race, class, and background defines your character’s capabilities in the game, and the personal details you create set your. The five best classes to multiclass with Fighter in DnD 5E.
Dungeons & Dragons
Similarly, a spellcasting focus, such as a holy symbol, can be used only for the spells from the class associated with that focus. Spell Slots. You determine your available spell slots by adding together all your levels in the bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, and wizard classes, and half your levels rounded down in the paladin and ranger classes. Use this total to determine your spell slots by consulting the Multiclass Spellcaster table. If you have more than one spellcasting class, this table might give you spell slots of a level that is higher than the spells you know or can prepare. You can use those slots, but only to cast your lower-level spells.
Artificer 2 in particular is a more significant boost as the Repeating Shot Infusion allows you to wield a shield and a hand crossbow, boosting your resting AC by 2, but at the cost of an additional level. As above, bless, command, and healing word are valuable spells from Forge Cleric. Barbarian 2. As a rough estimate, you can assume that advantage against you means enemies will hit somewhere between 1. These dips are mainly to acquire the defensive reaction spells. Shield, and to a lesser extent, absorb elements, and if you can afford it, silvery barbs, can greatly improve your defensive capabilities. However, you will need the spell slots to keep casting these spells throughout the day, making this a preferable option for characters that already have spell slots and lack these spells, like Paladins, Artificers, Rangers, Arcane Trickster Rogues, or Eldritch Knight Fighters. War Magic Wizard 2. The Wizard multiclass has some downsides, notably in point buy as you need 13 Intelligence, taking away from your Wisdom score. But you can comfortably learn absorb elements, shield, silvery barbs, and find familiar, which are all very highly valuable spells that will significantly improve your defenses, and you can also pick up some handy rituals and cantrips as well. Even Barbarians can make use of this multiclass to some degree, relying on casting spells only outside of combat or during non-Rage encounters, and they can use Arcane Deflection without issue. Spellcaster Multiclassing Spellcasters, unlike martials, are significantly more fond of maintaining their class progression, since spell slots and spell access are much coveted features on their own. They instead are graced with the luxury of building up defenses before anything else. The main benefits to get out of multiclassing for spellcaster characters are: 1. This is your primary reason to multiclass, as a multiclassed spellcaster can be much sturdier than a martial. Sturdiness can involve Armor Class, saving throw benefits, or defensive spells—features that greatly improve your defensive capability, which we discuss in detail here. Offensive power. A two level dip into Warlock for eldritch blast with the classic Repelling Blast and Agonizing Blast invocations is a staple multiclass for its offensive power, and control that supersedes even the value you get out of its damage. Synergistic interactions. Aside from that, interactions are not the main reason you multiclass for, but rather a nice byproduct. General Principles for Spellcaster Multiclassing 1. Now that you are multiclassing, what should you be looking for? The things you should be after with a dip or combination of dips can be followed with a simple checklist: High AC: You want to get proficiency in at least medium armor and shields. A resting AC of 19 without magical items is easily achievable with a feat or multiclassing, and half plate resting AC of 20 or higher requires a bit more investment. Defensive spells: Shield, absorb elements, and to a lesser extent, silvery barbs. A high resting AC is important, but to be able to sharply raise your durability beyond that is what separates spellcasters from most martials. Concentration protection: Having a high spellcasting ability score is often seen as a reason to race to levels where you get an ASI, but concentration helps our spells even more. We usually get this concentration protection from proficiency in Constitution saving throws through dips, but make sure to start with a class that gives this proficiency, as that is the only time they grant you saving throw proficiencies. Utility: Offensive options, extra spell preparations, and other synergies are always welcome additions to your kit. Once again, most of these are further accentuated in our article on caster sturdiness, here. Always keep spell slot and spell level progression in mind. Many hesitate to multiclass with their spellcasters because they find the delay in spellcasting progression too great a cost. This is a very reasonable stance to take. Getting toys earlier is more fun than getting them later. However, from an optimization standpoint, we find that a multiclass of at least one level is more than worth it on just about any caster for long term survivability. A straight classed Wizard or Sorcerer is capable of achieving the sturdy spellcaster principles, but it does so at a much higher opportunity cost than a Wizard that multiclasses for the armor instead. The same goes for casters with innate armor that would multiclass for shield, such as Cleric and Druid. Parties tend to rely on their spellcasters in critical moments. If the Cleric or Druid goes down, the party may have lost their wielder of healing word and revivify, and at the same time a large amount of their offense. If a Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard goes down, there may be many monsters who were kept at bay by a control spell who are now free to focus their fire on the next party member. In our experience, the former is more common. In many games, focusing on impact or progression maximization might be more fun. But the reliable choice for challenging games is investing in defense. Durable casters are truly terrifying on the battlefield. The natural response to a concentration spell gumming up the monsters is to go after the guy in the bathrobe—but what about when there is no guy in a bathrobe? What about when the spellcaster concentrating on the big spell is more durable than the martials? A Guideline For Powerful Spellcaster Multiclasses Due to differences in primary ability score for different spellcasters, multiclassing is much more class specific for spellcasters than it is for martials. Every spellcaster has outstanding multiclassing options to make them powerful, which we will detail below. Artificer Artificer at first glance feels like a very self-sufficient class. You start with 19 AC, Constitution saving throw proficiency, and access to absorb elements right out the gate. At 3rd level, Artillerists and Battle Smiths get access to shield to round out their defenses. At 5th level, you get a small boost to your subclass feature, along with access to web. Eventually, Artificers get Spell-Storing Item to spam even more web at level 11. Of course, the prime candidate for this is the Wizard, which completes your trio of shield, absorb elements, and silvery barbs, and features much greater access to big gun spells when investing further. Battle Smiths in particular can fulfill a more martial-oriented role. Bard Bards can get proficiency in medium armor and shields as well as access to the shield spell at any time with a one level dip in Hexblade Warlock. This is sufficient to completely negate their frailty, a large weakness of the base Bard class.
Пройдя три уровня Разбойника, вы получите доступ к способности Убийца, которая является мощной в бою, поскольку гарантирует Критический удар по противникам, которые были удивлены. В сочетании с правильным оружием и всплеском действий на более поздних уровнях, в общей сложности шесть атак, сделают вас абсолютно разрушительным. Если каким-то образом ваша несчастная цель переживет этот первоначальный натиск, у нее не останется много что предложить в плане сопротивления, это точно. Варвар-истребитель Пересечение двух классов, которые воплощают физическое доминирование в ближнем бою, является очевидной, но эффективной комбинацией. Мультиклассируя в бойца, персонаж может получить ценный всплеск действия, стиль боя и выбор между маневрами или повышенным шансом критического удара. Решение добавить бойца к своему варвару добавляет немного полезности персонажу. Ролевая составляющая также может изменить направление развития традиционного варварского персонажа. В то время как варвары - все о ярости и необузданной ярости, прохождение уровней в классе бойцов может быть символом времени, проведенного с другими культурами, где они взаимодействуют со стратегическими, уравновешенными ветеранами-бойцами. Как бы вы ни объяснили это, сочетание классов обеспечит лучшего из наполненного яростью варвара здравым, осторожным умом тактика. Как и смесь Fighter-Rogue, убийство может привести к разрушительной атаке с расстояния.
Aside from that, interactions are not the main reason you multiclass for, but rather a nice byproduct. General Principles for Spellcaster Multiclassing 1. Now that you are multiclassing, what should you be looking for? The things you should be after with a dip or combination of dips can be followed with a simple checklist: High AC: You want to get proficiency in at least medium armor and shields. A resting AC of 19 without magical items is easily achievable with a feat or multiclassing, and half plate resting AC of 20 or higher requires a bit more investment. Defensive spells: Shield, absorb elements, and to a lesser extent, silvery barbs. A high resting AC is important, but to be able to sharply raise your durability beyond that is what separates spellcasters from most martials. Concentration protection: Having a high spellcasting ability score is often seen as a reason to race to levels where you get an ASI, but concentration helps our spells even more. We usually get this concentration protection from proficiency in Constitution saving throws through dips, but make sure to start with a class that gives this proficiency, as that is the only time they grant you saving throw proficiencies. Utility: Offensive options, extra spell preparations, and other synergies are always welcome additions to your kit. Once again, most of these are further accentuated in our article on caster sturdiness, here. Always keep spell slot and spell level progression in mind. Many hesitate to multiclass with their spellcasters because they find the delay in spellcasting progression too great a cost. This is a very reasonable stance to take. Getting toys earlier is more fun than getting them later. However, from an optimization standpoint, we find that a multiclass of at least one level is more than worth it on just about any caster for long term survivability. A straight classed Wizard or Sorcerer is capable of achieving the sturdy spellcaster principles, but it does so at a much higher opportunity cost than a Wizard that multiclasses for the armor instead. The same goes for casters with innate armor that would multiclass for shield, such as Cleric and Druid. Parties tend to rely on their spellcasters in critical moments. If the Cleric or Druid goes down, the party may have lost their wielder of healing word and revivify, and at the same time a large amount of their offense. If a Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard goes down, there may be many monsters who were kept at bay by a control spell who are now free to focus their fire on the next party member. In our experience, the former is more common. In many games, focusing on impact or progression maximization might be more fun. But the reliable choice for challenging games is investing in defense. Durable casters are truly terrifying on the battlefield. The natural response to a concentration spell gumming up the monsters is to go after the guy in the bathrobe—but what about when there is no guy in a bathrobe? What about when the spellcaster concentrating on the big spell is more durable than the martials? A Guideline For Powerful Spellcaster Multiclasses Due to differences in primary ability score for different spellcasters, multiclassing is much more class specific for spellcasters than it is for martials. Every spellcaster has outstanding multiclassing options to make them powerful, which we will detail below. Artificer Artificer at first glance feels like a very self-sufficient class. You start with 19 AC, Constitution saving throw proficiency, and access to absorb elements right out the gate. At 3rd level, Artillerists and Battle Smiths get access to shield to round out their defenses. At 5th level, you get a small boost to your subclass feature, along with access to web. Eventually, Artificers get Spell-Storing Item to spam even more web at level 11. Of course, the prime candidate for this is the Wizard, which completes your trio of shield, absorb elements, and silvery barbs, and features much greater access to big gun spells when investing further. Battle Smiths in particular can fulfill a more martial-oriented role. Bard Bards can get proficiency in medium armor and shields as well as access to the shield spell at any time with a one level dip in Hexblade Warlock. This is sufficient to completely negate their frailty, a large weakness of the base Bard class. Alternatively, Bards can take a one level dip in Divine Soul Sorcerer to start, which provides proficiency in Constitution saving throws, the shield and absorb elements spells, and an excellent saving throw bonus in the form of Favored by the Gods. Reliable offenses are something Bard usually lacks, so this is definitely welcome. Cleric Clerics start with sufficient resting AC, as they start with proficiency in medium armor and shields. However, there is one multiclass in particular which takes their defenses to the next level: Divine Soul Sorcerer. Similar to Bards, Clerics benefit greatly from proficiency in Constitution saving throws, the tail protection offered by Favored by the Gods, and the holy trinity of reaction spells: shield and one of silvery barbs and absorb elements. It is somewhat MAD, since the Cleric needs to invest in 13 Charisma to fulfill the multiclass requirement for Sorcerer. This might mean a Constitution score of 14 rather than 16, but the benefits of the dip directly counteract and more than make up for a slight decrease to hit points and Constitution saving throws. The main downside to taking Divine Soul Sorcerer 1 at character creation is that the character is particularly weak at level 1. One level in Sorcerer means an inability to swap out any spells learned here for later, poor AC, low Charisma and defensively oriented spell selections meant for Cleric play. If you expect to spend significant time at level 1, opting to dip Divine Soul Sorcerer or Clockwork Soul Sorcerer 1 discussed later in this article at character level 6 or 7 can work out well. Druid Do consult with your table on the classic question of Druid armor , whether it is hard mechanic or poorly-placed flavor text, how that flavor text interacts with multiclassing, or whether you can reliably acquire the non-metal version of half-plate in your game. Like Clerics, Druids start with armor proficiencies, but unfortunately they may or may not be able to make full use of them. Whether this dip is an armor upgrade or not, you should still consider it for the healing option and for command, which can synergize with summoning spells by causing enemies to provoke multiple opportunity attacks. Like Clerics, Druids also benefit greatly from one level of Divine Soul Sorcerer, for the aforementioned proficiency in Constitution saving throws, shield and silvery barbs spells, and Favored by the Gods. Sorcerer Like Bards, Sorcerers multiclass remarkably well with Hexblade Warlock, one level of which grants proficiency in medium armor and shields as well as the shield spell, saving the Sorcerer 2 spells known, mage armor and shield. This can provide Sorcerers with a burst damage option if they can spare the spell slots and learned spells, though eldritch blast could likely serve them just as well without as much resource expenditure. Finally, like Bards, Sorcerers can enjoy the offensive and control capabilities offered by a second level of Hexblade through Agonizing Blast and Repelling Blast. In fact, Sorcerers actually make better use of this than Bards or even Warlocks, because Repelling Blast synergizes with staple Sorcerer spells such as web and sleet storm. Access to Repelling Blast is one of the few reasons Sorcerers can be worth considering over Wizards when building a character.
Guide To Optimized DnD 5E Multiclassing
Перефразируя: два класса D&D, которые допускают мультиклассирование для произнесения заклинаний, являются сложной задачей по нескольким причинам. пожаловать1 шЩэвШ!Й жэйшшьршяшщрй,dnd мемы,Dungeons & Dragons,Подземелья и Драконы, D&D, dnd, днд. The five best classes to multiclass with Fighter in DnD 5E.
Chapter 6: Customization Options. The combination of ability scores, race, class, and background defines your character’s capabilities in the game, and the personal details you create set your. Сколько участников в одной DnD-команде? сайт, посвященный DnD 5-й редакции. Заклинания, магические предметы и бестиарий, статьи и руководства - все в одном месте в удобном формате. Что такое DnD и почему я решил написать бота для этой игры. ДнД – аббревиатура от Dungeon and Dragons, то есть Подземелья и Драконы. В этой статье на самом деле рассказывается не столько о том, как проводить мультиклассификацию, сколько о том, что такое мультиклассирование.