2 февраля в «королевской битве» Fortnite разработчики провели концерт диджея Криса Marshmello Комстока.
EDM-диджей Marshmello дал концерт в игре Fortnite. Его посмотрело более 10 миллионов игроков
Some have exclusive emotes, others evolve throughout each game. A newly datamined cosmetic looks to carry that trend forward in a new way. Given the emphasis on football in Season 6, with a special event catering to Neymar Jr fans, further evidence also supports this idea. Considering his history with the popular battle royale, a new Marshmello cosmetic certainly makes sense.
Also present a special object, the Marshy Smasher, or a useful pickaxe that will testify your participation in the events. Epic Games also stressed that all the Marshmello-themed content, including the event, will be free from any type of copyright but nevertheless can not in any way monetize the event, cutting out the publication on the most famous live streaming platforms such as Twitch and YouTube if for profit.
Fans would just go hang out as a Marshmello skin took the stage, dropping some hot jams.
Now, it is crazy to see the progression Fortnite has made with its live events. The idea of flying through space for one of these concerts was unheard of during the Marshmello x Fortnite era, making him a pioneer within the live concert Fortnite space. Since then, his skin has been in the Item Shop over 30 times, making him quite the popular Icon Skin. How to get the Marshmello skin in Fortnite Getting the popular Marshmello outfit is easy.
Gaming Fortnite season 4 week 9 challenge guide: Dancing at the highest and lowest spot Fortnite has just been updated for season 4 week 9, and not only does it include new challenges, but the map has gotten a spooky makeover, as well. Gaming Fortnite season 4 week 6 challenge guide: How to consume a Legendary fish Challenges for season 4 week 6 of Fortnite are ready to go and for the most part, they can be completed relatively quickly.
Fortnite Marshmello Skin
Fortnite is set to branch off into the world of trap and DJ thanks to a Fortnite x Marshmello collaboration. Новости Фортнайт | FortNews. вернуться к странице. На концерт Marshmello в Fortnite пришло больше 10 млн человек. Marshmello (Маршмеллоу) и Фортнайт снова сотрудничают, чтобы принести новую косметику в магазин товаров в феврале 2022 года! Эффект маршмеллоу Эффект маршмеллоу набрал популярность благодаря особому выступлению Marshmello внутри игрового мира Fortnite. Выступление маршмеллоу в игре Фортнайт было непревзойденным способом достичь огромной аудитории фанатов и показать свои композиции мировому сообществу.
Fortnite Wiki
This is not the first time Marshmello, real name Christopher Comstock, has cropped up in conjunction with Fortnite. Marshmello skin return release date in fortnite item shop 2023! Выступление маршмеллоу в игре Фортнайт было непревзойденным способом достичь огромной аудитории фанатов и показать свои композиции мировому сообществу. Marshmello plans to release Marshmello x Fortnite merch on December 14th at 1 PM Eastern Time to celebrate his new cosmetic sets variant that should be releasing in the item shop that same day.
Leak: Fortnite In-Game Marshmello Cosmetic Pack and Concert Leaked
Все статьи автора Marshmello — известный танцевальный диджей в маске, ведущий собственного кулинарного канала и друг стримера Ninja. В эти выходные он выступил с 10-минутным шоу в Pleasant Park в эти выходные. Шоу транслировалось на тысячи серверов.
It features hoodies, t-shirts and other apparel options following the same black and gold color scheme, as displayed above. He appreciates all esports titles but primarily focuses on Fortnite and Call of Duty. Matt continuously analyzes gameplay and plays the games himself to better understand in-game decisions by the best players in the world. Related content.
The two have played Fortnite together on numerous occasions before and since, ultimately making Marshmello not only a famous musician but a prominent figure in the Fortnite fan community as well. Spotify has a pretty handy playlist of essential Marshmello tunes for anyone that wants to get even more familiar with the musical artist before he becomes an even bigger part of the Fortnite community sometime in February.
Players will also have to dance on a truck stop sign, on top of the new Durrr Burger restaurant and on a concert stage. Finally, players will have to find a showtime poster, then visit the showtime venue. A poster was found in the game files too, advertising an event in Pleasant Park on February 2 at 2 p.
Marshmello Fortnite Event - Watch the Marshmello event AGAIN, here
Концерт Маршмеллоу в Фортнайт стал настоящим прорывом в развлекательной индустрии и открыл новую эру виртуальных выступлений. Эффект маршмеллоу Эффект маршмеллоу набрал популярность благодаря особому выступлению Marshmello внутри игрового мира Fortnite. Новый набор скинов Gold Marshmello Fortnite появится в магазине предметов 14-15 декабря 2021 года. Ивент с маршмелло прошел, появиться ли он в магазине когда нибудь? Прошлой ночью состоялся виртуальный концерт популярного диджея Marshmello в Fortnite.
Fortnite Marshmello Skin Leaked
It might even play a huge part in the upcoming Fortnite Season 8 next month. As part of a new version 7. But there is a digitized version of Marsmello that could feasibly be introduced to the game.
It was back in Chapter 1, Season 7 that Marshmello was given his own skin in Fortnite. Fortnite had already been notorious for hosting live events, but they decided to change the game up by hosting a live concert event.
Little did they know, this would change Fortnite forever. The event was held at Pleasant Park, right in the middle of the giant soccer field. Fans would just go hang out as a Marshmello skin took the stage, dropping some hot jams.
Having tied heavily into a sports theme this time around, football has been a key focus over the past few months. With the 2021 UEFA Champions League final around the corner, and Marshmello set to attend, players believe a mysterious new skin could tie everything together. Fortnite Marshmello already has his own skin in Fortnite; could a second be on the way? Leaked Fortnite skin hints at musical features A variety of skins in Fortnite come with their own unique features.
What makes me happiest about today is that so many people got to experience their first concert ever. All the videos I keep seeing of people laughing and smiling throughout the set are amazing. Во время выступления игроки некоторые были наряжены в костюм Marshmello развлекались как могли — использовали различные танцы, размахивали кирками и парили над землёй с помощью глайдеров. В особо энергичные моменты треков гравитация отключалась, и все присутствующие взмывали в воздух.
А вот пострелять в других участников было нельзя — на время мероприятия разработчики отключили эту возможность.
Скин ⚡️Маршмеллоу⚡️ Фортнайт — Концерт, Описание, Фото
Скин Маршмеллоу Фортнайт добавлен в игру в седьмом сезоне в составе одноименного набора косметических предметов. Особенности концерта Концерт маршмеллоу в игре Фортнайт стал уникальным и захватывающим событием для игроков и зрителей. Marshmello and Fortnite teamed up to deliver an amazing in-game concert. Check out the entire event with this video!
Fortnite Wiki
Marshmello is easily one of the most popular Icon Skins in Fortnite, but when exactly did he join the game? Концерт Маршмеллоу в Фортнайт стал настоящим прорывом в развлекательной индустрии и открыл новую эру виртуальных выступлений. After the release of Patch v7.20 for Fortnite, data-miners quickly found a video belonging to a possible Marshmello in-game concert.