Want more breaking news as it happens? Thomann has kicked off its Cyberweek 2023 with discounts on synthesizers, effects, MIDI gear, guitars, and more. Guitars & Basses.
Thomann LP-Style Guitar Case
Thomann Cyberweek 2023: deals on synths and more, the highlights | 141 reviews for Musikhaus Thomann e. K., 3.4 stars: “So I placed and order for a guitar about 6 weeks ago, it never got here so I check my CC if it was charged, it was and refunded since they never. |
Thomann - доставка в Россию | Elevate your sound with Thomann Guitar Set G2 Sunburst. Tune in to exceptional quality and revolutionary design. |
Пробуем петь на классической гитаре от Thomann 4/4 🥰 | Welcome to the live updates from NAMM ’24, brought to you by the Thomann Team (Kris & G.)! We’ll be regularly adding videos and providing live updates directly from the show#thoNAMM24. |
Guitars & Basses
My workshop has been founded 27 years ago and lots of wood have been transformed into guitars on my work bench since then. I admit I take some pride in so many guitar players trusting my abilities and have me made them their desired guitar. Not to forget all those hobby guitarists who enjoy the sound of their Sonntag guitar for their own pleasure. I am very pleased to know that the result of my own hands work gives fun and joy to so many people! Like no one else, Helmut shaped me and my work through his love of the jazz guitar. But soon after that Helmut Nieberle started to send his students to my shop, and one student after the other ordered guitars on his recommendation. In that year our cooperation commenced and lasted until his tragically premature passing. Just as Helmut cherished my guitars, I learned to love his subtle and humorous personality and his elegant and tasteful guitar playing.
I was enraptured by his unique style and ability to breathe new life into jazz standards, choros or any genre and let the music sing. However, the most beautiful moments happened when he took the guitar on evenings at workshops, bars or private venues and gave free rein to his desire to make music. Those intimate moments are unforgettable, and will keep Helmut in my heart forever. My only comfort is that he can sit in at the eternal jam sessions with all the jazz greats he so admired. I will miss Helmut so much. His death is a great loss for all, and an irreplaceable loss for all lovers of jazz guitar. He was my mentor, and especially, my dear friend.
Last May, by a series of miracles, Helmut and I were able to do a very spontaneous recording. We laughed, cried, and jammed at his dinner table, and recorded the next day, just the two of us, with the great Sven Faller. It was a truly spiritual musical conversation. Helmut touched many lives with his grace, wisdom, and unfailing humor: surely he touched mine. I am humbly grateful. Godspeed dear Helmut: I hope you are teaching all those guitar angels how to play with a singer!! Jeanne Gies New York Flashback What a nice reunion: one of my very first archtops is back at my shop for service.
Built in 1995, it was one of four in the second series. I was still searching for the final headstock shape, you can see the first version of my logo, deep cutaway, large f-holes. All features which were altered until the current version has evolved. This guitar is very well broken in and has nicely seasoned. Primarily Scott is known as a fusion player, which music he mainly plays on solid body guitars. But he can deliver mainstream jazz and bebop as well. For this purpose he got himself a Sonntag J16H Ballade.
Then he was hooked and I was super stoked when he got back to me and ordered the very same model. However, the headstock is not inlayed with the "Bruce Forman" character, of course "Scott Henderson" is written there. I regard it as a big honor to call a guitarist of his caliber a Sonntag-player.
Вечер открыл дерзкий дебют калужского Симфонического оркестра имени С. Рихтера под руководством дирижёра Алексея Шатского. Долгие годы ни одна цыганка не пела это произведение. Оно звучало только в репертуарах оперных певцов.
Я исполняю эту песню с 1992 года со всеми оркестрами мира», - рассказала Эсперанса Фернандес.
This strategic relationship will now open the door for a deep integration and collaboration — all for the benefit of the customer we all love to serve. For more guitar news, click here. Related Brands.
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Вместе с тем о прекращении доставок в Россию объявила и компания UPS, которая перевозила товары с Thomann. Стоимость уже оплаченных и отправленных посылок российским покупателя обещали возместить.
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Список лучших телеграм каналов про Гитары: Гитарный канал номер один, Гитарный клуб, Гитарный Новак, Гитара. Guitars & Basses. За гитару одного из основателей Pink Floyd заплатили 27,4 тысячи долларов. Новости города. fast delivery, 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee and 3-year Thomann warranty.
В Калуге прошло закрытие XXVI Международного фестиваля «Мир гитары»
He is absolutely the first guy there and the last to leave. His work is his life and joy. He is an inspired guitar lover and has seen me perform more than anyone on the planet, and is also frighteningly honest with his critique, which is helpful for me. But what I have discovered being of the greatest value is the friendship we have created over the years. Father Thomas, you are extraordinary, and we are grateful.
По его словам, инструмент почти 50 лет пролежал на чердаке. Источники издания уточняют, что речь идет о гитаре Леннона, которая появлялась в фильме «На помощь! Эксперты считают, что итоговая стоимость гитары Леннона может превысить 2,4 миллиона.
С 1997 года Thomann продает продукцию через собственный веб-сайт. В первый год онлайн-оборот достиг 800 000 марок. Musikhaus Thomann разделен на три бизнес-подразделения: Musikhaus Thomann - музыкальный магазин, склад и логистический центр Thomann Direktversand и Thomann Cyberstore - дистрибьюторское подразделение с примерно 3,1 млн клиентов и онлайн-платформа thomann. В 2004 году оборот компании составил 10 миллионов евро.
Я заказывал через UPS. Когда посылка ехала из соседнего города в мой, то я связался с региональными партнерами UPS в своем городе уточнив примерное время и дату доставки. Второй раз со мной связались по факту получения моей посылки и сообщили, что уже едут ко мне, поскольку я был дома, то просто принял посылку. Из своего личного опыта скажу, что лучше позвонить им немного заранее и согласовать удобное для вас время. Но у них есть платные услуги хранения на складах, т. При получении показываешь паспорт и забираешь посылку.
The best Guitar Deals in April 2024 – Thomann’s 70th Anniversary!
Интернет-магазин thomann имеет большой выбор музыкальных инструментов и аппаратуры. Guitars & Basses. Subscribe to the Thomann Newsletter and with a bit of luck win one of 70 vouchers worth 70 € each! Germany's Thomann Guitars & Basses has shared a new video featuring Steve Vai's guitar tech, the legendary Thomas Nordegg, who explains how Vai likes his guitars set up. Main entrance to Musikhaus Thomann. The Thomann is a family business and was 1954 in Treppendorf (today part of the market Burgebrach in Bavaria) sen by Hans Thomann. founded. In the 19-minute video below, Nita Strauss, the Los Angeles-based guitar shredder for the ALICE COOPER band, shows her new Ibanez signature guitar at Thomann Music's Thomann Gearhead.
Каталог Thomann LP-Style Guitar Case от магазина Multimusic | Гитарные новости NAMM 2023, слухи и прогнозы: все, что мы знаем на данный момент. |
Купить на THOMANN.DE с доставкой из Германии в Россию. | Официальная страница самого большого музыкального магазина в Европе! Товары и услуги сообщества "Thomann / Официальная группа" по выгодной цене в социальной сети ВКонтакте. |
Thomann — магазин музыкальных инструментов из Германии | fast delivery, 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee and 3-year Thomann warranty. |
Thomann Turns 70! And It’s Celebrating With MEGA DEALS | Welcome to the live updates from NAMM ’24, brought to you by the Thomann Team (Kris & G.)! We’ll be regularly adding videos and providing live updates directly from the show#thoNAMM24. |
- заказать Thomann из Германии в Россию в условиях санкций | Мы сделали подробную инструкцию как купить товар на THOMANN из России в условиях санкций. |
Musikhaus Thomann e. K.
Новые гитары LAVA ME 4 LAVA ME Play. LAVA Music представила линейку гитар LAVA ME 4 с увеличенной мощностью и новой операционной системой. Thomann | We inspire and enable people to speak music, everywhere. #musicisourpassion #wespreadmusic. Полный обзор и распаковку этой гитары вы сможете посмотреть у меня на втором канале. Купить Электрогитары и Гитары и Бас-гитары Thomann по выгодным ценам с доставкой по России в интернет магазине АудиоБеру. Вернётся ли Томанн обратно после ухода из России,стоит ли нам этого ждать, и как теперь экономить на покупке музыкальных инструментов? Germany's Thomann Guitars & Basses has shared a new video featuring Steve Vai's guitar tech, the legendary Thomas Nordegg, who explains how Vai likes his guitars set up.
Студент из Тамбова стал победителем международного конкурса «Время гитары»
Of course, Paulo also took the opportunity to play my guitars. And so, I guess he caught fire over the years and finally had a Brigit built in 2021. Why a Brigit? He likes the rich electric tone that the built in humbucker and the tick area of the top produces. And at the same time, he loves the acoustic touch, the wide dynamic range that comes from the thinner part of the top. Welcome to the club, Paulo, have fun with your Brigit! Robben was very pleased with the playability and the lively and dynamic sound of Ruby. That experience was ringing in his head over the years, which eventually led to the decicion to get his own Sonntag in 2020. He requested for a J16 Weltklang which I sent him to his place in Nashville. That guitar, an acoustic built J17H Weltklang, is almost done by now. They came visiting me and my shop in order to shoot a documentary on Sonntag Guitars and archtop guitars in general and particular.
I was happy to participate and to tell them about me, my shop, my career and my guitars. But better you watch yourself. Here you find the first part of the interview. The second part will be out soon... Sonntag Guitar 3000320 Beginning of March 2020 it was about that the 300th Sonntag guitar was completed. It is numbered 3000320 and the model is a J17X Standard which will serve as an inventory guitar in my show room. My workshop has been founded 27 years ago and lots of wood have been transformed into guitars on my work bench since then. I admit I take some pride in so many guitar players trusting my abilities and have me made them their desired guitar. Not to forget all those hobby guitarists who enjoy the sound of their Sonntag guitar for their own pleasure. I am very pleased to know that the result of my own hands work gives fun and joy to so many people!
Like no one else, Helmut shaped me and my work through his love of the jazz guitar. But soon after that Helmut Nieberle started to send his students to my shop, and one student after the other ordered guitars on his recommendation. In that year our cooperation commenced and lasted until his tragically premature passing. Just as Helmut cherished my guitars, I learned to love his subtle and humorous personality and his elegant and tasteful guitar playing. I was enraptured by his unique style and ability to breathe new life into jazz standards, choros or any genre and let the music sing. However, the most beautiful moments happened when he took the guitar on evenings at workshops, bars or private venues and gave free rein to his desire to make music. Those intimate moments are unforgettable, and will keep Helmut in my heart forever. My only comfort is that he can sit in at the eternal jam sessions with all the jazz greats he so admired. I will miss Helmut so much. His death is a great loss for all, and an irreplaceable loss for all lovers of jazz guitar.
He was my mentor, and especially, my dear friend.
We laughed, cried, and jammed at his dinner table, and recorded the next day, just the two of us, with the great Sven Faller. It was a truly spiritual musical conversation. Helmut touched many lives with his grace, wisdom, and unfailing humor: surely he touched mine. I am humbly grateful. Godspeed dear Helmut: I hope you are teaching all those guitar angels how to play with a singer!! Jeanne Gies New York Flashback What a nice reunion: one of my very first archtops is back at my shop for service. Built in 1995, it was one of four in the second series. I was still searching for the final headstock shape, you can see the first version of my logo, deep cutaway, large f-holes. All features which were altered until the current version has evolved.
This guitar is very well broken in and has nicely seasoned. Primarily Scott is known as a fusion player, which music he mainly plays on solid body guitars. But he can deliver mainstream jazz and bebop as well. For this purpose he got himself a Sonntag J16H Ballade. Then he was hooked and I was super stoked when he got back to me and ordered the very same model. However, the headstock is not inlayed with the "Bruce Forman" character, of course "Scott Henderson" is written there. I regard it as a big honor to call a guitarist of his caliber a Sonntag-player. I hope Scott will be inspired by his new Ballade to many more beautiful and acoustic sounding jazz tunes! The fan results from the use of two different scale lenghts. I use a 64,4cm-scale and a 67cm scale which combination turned out to be very handy.
To explain the sonic background: The bass strings have more tension due to the longer scale length. Therefore they sound more concise, clearer and more powerful. Which makes very much sense on a 7-string guitar. Actually I intended to use this new J17H Brigit pictured here as the new inventory guitar. But I showed it to Helmut Nieberle in advance and he immediately fell in love with this model. So I had to commit it to him, which was not a big sacrifice, since there is no better place for that guitar than in his hands. I will rebuild a new 7-string gutiar with fan fret fingerboard soon, which will become the official inventory gutiar then. On December 1st, 1993 I officially registered my workshop. At the beginning, the focus of my workshop was on the classical guitar. However, my model range quickly expanded to all kinds of guitars: electric solid bodies, steel string flat tops a total of five pieces , flamenco guitars a total of two pieces and Maccaferri copies also a total of five pieces.
The first order for an archtop guitar came in 1994. Most archtops that were recently built were made of plywood, and electrified, Ibanez, Gibson or other mass production manufacturers. So when Alexander Ruhland ordered the very first archtop from me, he founded my career as an archtop guitar specialist.
Пока сообщения открывать побаиваюсь, так как работы и по почте очень много, могу просто не справиться.
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An excerpt is available below. He loves his work with a wild-eyed passion. He is the kingpin on raising the enjoyment bar of any touring atmosphere he is part of. He rides a scooter and can transport virtually my entire rig on it. Almost everything he does or says makes us laugh.