Новости сорака билд

Here you will find all skins belonging to the Soraka champion. Программа Сорака LoL образы Сорака Программа Сорака League of Legends skin Loading. Разработчики пересчитают баланс ряда чемпионов и пересмотрят AP-билд Кай'Cы.

Soraka Pro Builds - How to Play Soraka in Season 14

If you notice your Arcane Comet is up, I would recommend using your E to status effect the enemy champion, raising the chances of the enemy being hit by said comet. I would recommend Gathering Storm over Scorch simply due to the fact that having more AP is more beneficial for Soraka players. No matter what your Q will always be the ability you power up first, however, the following is a breakdown of what each ability does and what power-ups do. If players hit at least one enemy, Soraka gains Rejuvenation which will heal her for 2. While Soraka is Rejuvenated, displayed by particle effects that surround her, she can also Rejuvenate others with Astral Infusion. Starcall should be used every time it is off cooldown. After 1.

Receiving the extra root duration and damage increase can be extremely beneficial when trying to secure kills in team fights or in clutch situations in ARAM. Yes, please. Those are some pretty sweet stats at the end of the day.

It might not be a good idea to play two squishy champions in the bot lane, especially when the enemy has assassin champions. Still, you can mitigate this by buying lots of wards on Soraka and preventing flanks from the enemy team. Vayne is an all-in champion that is very strong but also needs extensive peeling. Soraka can heal Vayne as she kites through multiple enemies in the late game. Soraka can also keep up with Vayne because her passive boosts her movement speed when her allies reach a certain hp threshold. This duo thrives on quick, decisive skirmishes.

Samira Samira loves to dash behind enemy lines and fight them there. This puts her at risk of dying fast, so a Soraka pick is natural for this champion.

Despite witnessing the continuous strife of the world, Soraka firmly believes in the untapped potential of its inhabitants. With a 0. However, with popularity comes the target of bans, and Soraka has a 0.

Dive into the world of Soraka Pro Builds and uncover the strategies that pros employ.

Первые 4 предметика обязательны. Статик если сапорт мешает фармить. Дальше никаких резистов вместо резистов сало под себя и молимся,молимся жони слишком изи,да и до лейта не дотягивают катки все ливают в ёрли.

Сорака: сборка

Он получит массу преимуществ от сочетания с Сампо Химеко Замена Сервал Если у вас есть Химеко, возьмите ее на роль главного дамагера. Она наносит урон от огненного элемента и с помощью пассивной способности может накладывать на врагов ДоТ 6. Статус суммируется до 5 раз Техника Накладывает на врагов в указанной области статус Слепота, который существует 10 секунд. Все, на кого действует Слепота, не могут увидеть членов вашей команды.

Если нагибают нас, то плавно после род оф эйджс собираю архангел стафф и ангел армор кольчуга с рессуректом.

Если игра затягивается, то собираю фрозен харт. Тапки апгрейдятся по обстоятельствам - или в меркури, или в бутс оф свифтнесс. Иннервейшн локет, который так часто советуют собирать сороке, покупать не вижу особого смысла - тот копеечный отхил, который он дает после каста, реально полезен только на первых левелах, а стоимость у локета как у род оф эйджс, который в сумме даст гораздо больше вкусняшек чем локет.

Играю хорошо на - Нами, Сорака, Треш, Алистар, Лулу, Люкс, Серафина I play well on - Nami, Soraka, Thresh, Alistair, Lulu, Lux, Seraphina lol wildrift support bestsupport nami alistar thresh thrash lulu leona swain braum seraphine lux lolmobile build lolwr navi wildriftmobile game stream gamewildrift вАнус вАнусSupport нами свейн треш леона адк браум лулу сорака билд билдсаппорт серафина ракан рейкан наутилус пайк триплкилл квадракилл пентакилл саппорт лол вайлдрифтстрим вайлдрифт вайлдрифтобзор люкс stream live livestream supportwr supportlol bestbuild buildwr buildsupport BaHyc BaHycwildrift Ванусвайлдрифт ванусwr ванусlol Смотрите также.

Составил я билд на Сораку. По рунам и доп спеллам думаю все понятно, но рассмотрим билд поближе. Ботинки покупаем на кдр, апаем в щит.

В замесах пригодится 3 айтем также на бурст хил, но уже зависит от АП Ability Power — сила умений. Кадильница для баффа адк, морелло для накладывания антихила на противников.

Wild Rift: Soraka Builds & Guides

Облачение духа — для доп. И да, не забывайте, что 1 скилл при попадании по чемпиона противника дает вам доп. Кидайте 3 скилл во вражеского мага или цель с противными умениями, так как 3 скилл накладывает немоту. На стадии лайнинга тоже не забывайте поглядывать на хп союзников в верхнем углу, вдруг ультануть для спасения нужно? И не забывайте подхиливать в замесах важного тиммейта, а также танка.

The following Soraka Support pro build will help you with that. Follow our build, pentakills will follow and you will learn how to play Soraka. Since Riot Games regularly releases a new patch, Soraka builds may change from time to time. It is important to keep up to date. Buying the right item can make the difference between winning and losing as Soraka. The order of items is also very important. Especially in early game, it is imperative to make the right decision on what to buy. You need to know the right starter item and starter trinket.

In recent matches, she won the greatest fraction of her rounds when built with these runes. We calculated our Сорака build recommendations by analyzing 131 510 recently ranked League matches with her in them. We only recommend the top winrate Сорака builds that were used by ranked LoL players enough times for us to suggest them.

Spectral Sickle Attack champions and structures to gain bonus gold This item is for support players. When equipped, it will reduce the gold you receive from killing minions and monsters. If there are multiples of this item within the party, only one of them can take effect at any given time.

Сборки – СОРАКА : Предметы / Руны [League of Legends: Wild Rift RU]

Хотела посмотреть как играется сорака на пк, но попалось это видео, так что считаю что могу высказаться будучи мейнером сораки в мобильной лиге. Best Soraka Wild Rift build guide for Season 11 Patch 5.0 in WR. With our Soraka guide you will learn which items to build, runes to select, skills order, and how to Use Soraka Abilities properly. Soraka converts 20% of her Bonus Magic Resist and Bonus Armor into Ability Power.,League of Legends,Лига Легенд,фэндомы,Soraka,Сорака. So if you’re a Soraka main and you want to shake things up a bit, I’d definitely recommend the full AD Soraka build in season 13 of League of Legends. Так как Сорака — саппорт, и все миньоны должны достаться вашему кэрри, встаёт вопрос о том, откуда брать золото? Узнайте, с какими предметами и рунами Сорака побеждает чаще!

the Starchild

  • Soraka/LoL/Patch history | League of Legends Wiki | Fandom
  • Starting Items
  • Soraka Guide: How to Play the Best Healer in LOL Wild Rift
  • ПОЛНЫЙ ГАЙД НА СОРАКУ | Wild Rift | Сорака | Билд и Руны
  • Наброски реворка / Soraka (Сорака) :: League of Legends (Лига Легенд) :: фэндомы

Программа Сорака

Build Guide Items Builds for SORAKA: Spells, Runes, Abilities, Skills Leveling, Counter pick and much more. Когда на Сораку действует эффект Обновления, затраты здоровья на применение Звездной пыли (10% от максимального запаса здоровья) уменьшаются на 60/70/80/90/100%. Check out the most used Build, Items, Boots, Skill Orders, Spells and learn how to play Soraka. Find Soraka builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds, and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, and support in S10.

Сорака League of Legends

Вторым заклинанием может быть Clarity, либо что то другое. Нужно понимать, что Сорака не только хороший суппорт, но иногда и хороший танк, по этому она не бежит с поля боя, а стоит до конца и пытается сохранить жизнь своим союзникам. Р уны собираются в принципе как для всех стандартных магов, то есть на повышение магической силы, реген маны, снижение задержки и пробивание магической брони. Дополнительные навыки также каются как и для всех магов, с прокачкой ветки поддержки. Закуп на Сораку мне встречался очень и очень разнообразный. Какие примерные артефакты необходимо покупать вы можете посмотреть в билдах представленных выше. Вообще герой далеко не самый популярный и в основном конечно рассчитан на быструю игру.

Follow-ups on a more aggressive Soraka can win lanes quicker regardless of the lanes. Predicting the movements of other players using Equinox is crucial. It is an important game-changer in objective matches as well as a nuisance for early game battles. Activate Starcall slowly to your benefit. Hence, you should be mindful of your map and learn how to warn your teammates of possible dangers with pings and wards. Identify an effective player or a potential carry. Prevent them from getting killed as much as possible since they are crucial to help you win games. If you require instant healing, simply tap the affected ally. On the other hand, precise healing requires smart aiming at your allies instead of tapping them. Only a few champions can survive HP trades in a Soraka bot lane. If you can target the 1st Starcall, you can destroy the opponent and utilize the 2nd Astral Infusion on your ADC with minimal consequences. For crucial times, preserve your Equinox for disengaging and securing kills. Command your ADC to provide you with Honeyfruits.

Q Звездопад По призыву Сораки с неба в указанную область падает звезда, нанося магический урон всем врагам в зоне поражения и замедляя их. Если умение поражает вражеского чемпиона, Сорака восстанавливает себе здоровье. W Сорака жертвует частью своего запаса здоровья, восстанавливая здоровье другому союзному чемпиону.

Bone Plating will protect you and allow you to take reduced damage. With Revitalize, this becomes even stronger. Transcendence Enchanter Supports like Soraka loves to build as much Ability Haste as possible so she can use her abilities more often. This means Sona can heal her allies more often. Flash Heal For summoner spells, Flash is a must on most champions. If this happens, then change Heal to Ignite to help kill the enemies. Early Game Soraka does ok in the early game, you can poke the enemy with Starcall and Equinox and you can heal your AD carry if they are low on health with Astral Infusion so you can survive and stay in lane longer.

Soraka Probuilds: Harnessing the Celestial Healer's Power

Описание Сорака Билд Splash Art Образы Избранный. Это популярный в последнее время билд Сорака, который отлично лечит союзников, когда вы сражаетесь против командных противников с тяжелым тычком, дальнобойностью или тяжелым. Soraka’s changes will remain on the League of Legends PBE for further testing and will go live with a later patch if approved. Soraka Wild Rift counter stats: All the Soraka info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more! Detailed League of Legends Soraka ARAM Build including spell order, summoner spells, the most important items as well as runes.

ПОЛНЫЙ ГАЙД НА СОРАКУ | Wild Rift | Сорака | Билд и Руны

Jhin hits his root on the enemy, and he can AA that champion to the full extent of his 4 bullets. Soraka can extend the root duration with her E and silence. With Jhin having an extremely strong early game because of his 4th shot, kills are almost guaranteed every time they hit this combo right. Soraka excels at prolonged fights because she can heal her allies often. Just make sure to never back down once a fight erupts. Thank you so much for reading my content, and I hope you enjoyed it as I invest time and effort in making these articles. I hope this article helps you in your future games summoner, GLHF, and see you on the rift. You Might Also Enjoy.

Если наша команда нагибает и много ассистим, то мейя соулстилер и левиафан, потом джония ринг и ангел армор. Если нагибают нас, то плавно после род оф эйджс собираю архангел стафф и ангел армор кольчуга с рессуректом. Если игра затягивается, то собираю фрозен харт.

Тапки апгрейдятся по обстоятельствам - или в меркури, или в бутс оф свифтнесс.

Tanky Runes can essentially make Soraka a healing cow, causing her and allies to become unkillable. Simply laid out, Grasp of the Undying will passively build stacks as players enter and exit battle. When players get 4 stacks they have 6 seconds to hit enemy champions to receive 2. To be honest, a tanky Soraka can be one of the best things to have on a team, especially in a longer game of ARAM. Demolish comes in especially handy if your team consists of primarily other tanks or magic damage.

While it can be useful for players to receive some extra health from you marking enemy champions, extra damage can really make the difference in ARAM. Second Wind can help Soraka players stay phat and full of health, but players can also substitute it with Bone Plating, which has a 45-second cooldown and merely reduces the damage Soraka takes. I personally love Second Wind because it has no cooldown and can be abused by taking a little bit of damage from enemy champions and backing out. Do I need to explain how overpowered that is? Thank you.

She literally is played for the sole purpose of healing her allies. It might not be a good idea to play two squishy champions in the bot lane, especially when the enemy has assassin champions. Still, you can mitigate this by buying lots of wards on Soraka and preventing flanks from the enemy team.

Vayne is an all-in champion that is very strong but also needs extensive peeling. Soraka can heal Vayne as she kites through multiple enemies in the late game. Soraka can also keep up with Vayne because her passive boosts her movement speed when her allies reach a certain hp threshold. This duo thrives on quick, decisive skirmishes. Samira Samira loves to dash behind enemy lines and fight them there.

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