Новости 372 уровень брайан тест

Ответы Brain Test: Уровень 10. Brain Test Уровень 372 ответы (Он хочет быть выше). На этой странице вы легко можете найти ответ на свой уровень игры, для этого нужно ввести часть вопроса в специальное поле, чтобы отфильтровать уровни, в которых нет таких слов. Here’s the solution for Brain Test Level 372. Брайан тест 2 худеем с Настей 17 уровень.

Brain Test 372 уровень — Он хочет быть выше

Новости. Путешествие. Игра г Brain Test уровень 372. Как пройти 372 уровень в игре Brain Test если не знаете правильных ответов. Here’s the solution for Brain Test Level 372. Brain Test уровень 372. Regarder la Ligue 1 avec le test Prime vidéo gratuit.

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372 уровень Brain Test. Por um escritor misterioso. 372 уровень Brain Test. Por um escritor misterioso. Brain Test Level 421 – 425 Answers. Игра Brain Test Уровень 372. Вы не знаете как пройти уровень 372 в игре Brain Test и вам нужна помощь с правельными ответами на головоломки? 372 Level Walkthrough | БЫСТРОЕ ПРОХОЖДЕНИЕ. Уровни могут немного меняться местами, но идут примерно в одном порядке, в сторону усложнения сложности. Так что не обращайте внимания на нумерацию, ориентируйтесь по вопросам, которые написаны на экране.

Brain Test: Ответы на уровень 372

Level 44: To find the chocolate egg, tap on each one of the eggs over and over a few times. One of them will break and spill a bunch of chocolate everywhere. So put some salt and some ice water in his porridge to cool it and to improve the flavor. Then give Timmy the oatmeal, and he will cheer and eat it happily. Level 46: To figure out which monkey is the carsick one, shake the phone and one of them will get carsick. Level 47: To make blue win the race against yellow or red, tap the nitrous capsule that is just barely sticking up above the crowd. When it pops out, give it to blue car, then tap the go button, and the blue car will win the race. Level 48: To help the turtle that got flipped on its back, put your phone screen face down and the turtle will be right side up.

You can burn the couch, the stuffed animal, and other stuff if you want to, also, but it has no bearing on whether you pass the level or not. Level 51: Jack did not study for the exam, but he has to pass. Level 52: To find out which building is the strongest, shake the phone, and all but one of the buildings will fall down. You can flip it by tapping the 9 and moving your finger around until the 9 becomes an upright 6. Then the six apples will be enough. Level 54: First, tap on the circle colored red. Then, tap on the circle colored yellow.

Then slide the bus through the gate and it will go through easily. Level 56: How many eggs are there? Drag upward on each of the eggs; one of them will be a kid with a bald head. There are 7 real eggs. Level 57: Scissor has to beat paper and rock. To make this happen, put the two rocks on the two papers to make them disappear. Then put the two papers on the pair of scissors, and the papers will disappear as well, leaving scissors as the only one there.

Level 58: To stop the alien invasion, tap on all of the aliens, but make sure not to tap the cats. To make it correct, tap the cannon to change its position. Then tap the wick to shoot the first X. Tap the cannon again to change position, then tap the wick to shoot the second X. Level 62: what occurs twice in a week, once in a year, and never in a month? The answer is the letter E. Level 64: To help the frog fly, hold your finger over its nose for five seconds.

The frog will inflate and fly away like in Shrek. Level 65: The cat is still hungry. To feed it again, pull the left side of the match box open, then take the match and strike it against the rough part of the box to light it. Repeat this three more times to get nine. Level 67: To click the numbers from low to high, click the numbers from the one on the bottom to the one on the top. In this case, lowest to highest is all shot height. Instead, give the birthday boy the daily gift box and he will be happy.

Level 69: To click on the animals from smallest to biggest, tap the mouse, the lion, then the elephant and hit submit. Leave the tree alone, because the tree is obviously not an animal. Level 70: How can this equation work? Level 72: There are zero squares in the picture. All of the shapes are triangles. So type zero and hit submit. Level 74: To help the fishermen catch a fish, tap the apples to split them in half.

One of them will have a worm inside. Put the worm on the hook at the end of the fishing line and the fisherman will catch a fish. Level 75: To cheer up the girl, wind the clock backwards using the small hand the hour hand and the food that she burned will suddenly not be burned anymore. Level 76: How many rectangles are there? Move the rectangle away from each other and then count them. There are a total of four rectangles. Level 77: There are a total of 10 balls.

Level 78: Think of the cubes in 3D. Level 79: Turn on the TV by putting one finger on each end of the charging cable, for a total of two fingers. Level 81: To make it so that the boxer on the left wins, take an iron ball from above one of the corners, put it inside his glove, then hit the fight button. Then both of the kids will be able to have a cookie. There will be 6 letters. Level 85: To show your patience, simply do nothing for about 30 seconds and you will pass the level automatically. There is no dot in the letter i in the word mistake.

Level 88: Who wins between 100 knights and 100 barbarians? Level 89: To let the cat in the door, tap on the door over and over to knock on it, then wait about five to ten seconds And shake the phone and the door will open up. Level 90: To turn on all of the lights, slide the right light off of the screen, then tap the switches until you turn on both of the other lights. Level 92: To click the blue button six times, tap it until the red button appears. Then move the red button by sliding it away, and tap the blue button again. Then give it to the girl. Level 95: Curiousity knocks off the cat, but can you as well?

Level 96: I want some mayo. So to get yourself some mayo, turn your phone or tablet upside down and shake it like you are trying to shake sauce out of the bottle. Level 97: To help him catch the rabbit, grab the rabbit trap and stick it in between the rabbit and the carrots. Then tap on the box of carrots and the rabbit will run toward it. Level 98: The baby is crying again and the narrator suspects that she is gassy. So to help her with her gas, rub her belly for about 5-10 seconds and she will be comfortable and happy again. Level 99: My widowed granny has 3 children.

They are all married with at least one child. My aunt has three nephews. What is the minimum number of chairs we need for dinner? Level 101: To give them all apples without emptying the plate, all you have to do is tap one apple, then the other, then two kids will get apples. Then drag the plate with the apple on it to the third kid. Level 102: To help to find the socks, zoom out on the picture multiple times to look with a wider angle. When you see the socks, then tap them.

Level 103: Tom the cat wants to fly. So put Tom onto the right side of the seesaw, then take the anvil and place it high above the left side of the seesaw to make it fall and send Tom flying. Level 104: To feed them all, give the leaf to the grasshopper, then give the grasshopper to the mouse, then give the mouse to the cat, and they will all be fed. Level 105: Each of the brothers has a sister. They are all brothers, therefore there is only one sister. That means there are six total siblings. Level 106: He refuses to eat his soup, but notice that the screw on the right side of the shelf that the coffee cup is sitting on is loose.

Tap the screw to loosen it and drop the coffee cup on his foot. Level 107: What is the total cost? Then tap on the mouse to make it go back inside. Quickly close off the third valve to trap it and catch it. Level 109: The teacher wants you to make a rectangle. In order to make one, move the rhombus with one pointy side to the top part of the paper cutter, then move it down into the blade. The blade will cut a rectangular piece off of it.

Level 110: To help the guy get his wallet back, first, put one finger into the mouth of the alligator in order to hold it open. Level 111: To help the car cross the river, find the cloud behind the tree and put it over the sun to freeze the river. Then tap the car. Level 112: To feed the fish one each, take one donut and give it to one fish. Then repeat for the other three fish. Level 114: His coffee has gotten cold! To warm it up, first, aim the two mirrors diagonally the top one facing the coffee and the bottom mirror, and the bottom one facing the flashlight and the top mirror , then tap on the flashlight to turn it on and warm the coffee.

Level 115: To find a frame for all of the colored objects, put the red square into the silhouette where it fits, then put the green and blue triangles into opposite sides of the same silhouette that the red square is in. They will both fit inside. Level 117: The order to click on the fruit in is by how many fruits are in the picture. There is one apple, two cherries, three bananas, and a bunch of grapes. So tap on the apple, then the cherries, then the bananas, then the grapes, then hit submit. Level 118: Birthday time! To figure out the true age of the birthday kid, drag the candles upwards to reveal a hidden cake.

Only five of the candles are inside of the cake, so change the number to five and hit OK. Level 119: To help her hit the target, drag your fingers outward in a zoom-in motion on the target to make it larger, then tap her so that she shoots the arrow and hits the target. Then tap Go and the rat will run to the cheese. Level 121: What should you put in place of a question mark in the following diagram: 1 3 5 2 4?

Здесь нам предстоит решать трудные и не очень задачки.

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Brain Test 367 уровень ответ. Игра Brain Test уровень 151.

Игра Brain Test уровень 153. Брайн тест 3 уровень 155. Семья Всезнайкиных 2 уровень. Брайан тест 2 семья 17.

Помоги починить машину уровень 253. Помоги мне починить машину. Брайан тест 183. Брайан тест 136.

Брайан тест 150. Brain Test 2 уровень 19. Ой ей ей зеленые человечки. Брайан тест 19 уровень ответ.

Brain Test 2 уровень 17. Brain Test уровень 113. Brain Test Level 111. Игра Brain Test уровень 111.

Brain Test уровень 111. Игра Brain Test уровень 112. Игра Brain Test уровень 113. Брайан тест уровень 121.

Brain Test ответы 121. Как пройти 121 уровень в Brain Test. Brain Test 37 уровень прохождение. Brain Test 4 ответы.

Как пройти уровень 37 в Brain tes. Проберёмся игра Brain Test 2. Brain out 12 уровень. Brain Test 12 уровень Пушок.

Prison Escape книги 968 как расставить. Брайан тест 185 уровень. Brain Test 4 37 уровень.

На нашем сайте вы можете посмотреть правильные ответы и пройти любой уровень в этой игре. Также на нашем сайте вы можете посмотреть ответы к игре Brain Test на уровне которые ожидают вас впереди и быть готовыми к ним!

Для того чтобы ответить на вопрос 372 уровня - Он хочет быть выше.

Brain Test Ответы и Прохождение | Все уровни

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Brain Test 2 семья Всезнайкиных 17 уровень. Как пройти уровень 17 в игре Brain Test 2 семья Всезнайкиных. Брайан тест 2.

Брайан тест уровень 17. Брайан тест уровень 249. Брайан тест 14 уровень. Брайан тест 181. Уровень 181 тебя поймали за превышение скорости.

Brian Test 181 уровень. Brain Test уровень 78. Brain Test 2 уровень 18. Игра Brine Test для взрослых. Игра Брайан тест 2 хитрые рассказы и головоломки ответы.

Брайан тест. Брайан тест 3 уровень 188. Brain Test 367 уровень ответ. Игра Brain Test уровень 151. Игра Brain Test уровень 153.

Брайн тест 3 уровень 155. Семья Всезнайкиных 2 уровень. Брайан тест 2 семья 17. Помоги починить машину уровень 253. Помоги мне починить машину.

Брайан тест 183. Брайан тест 136. Брайан тест 150. Brain Test 2 уровень 19. Ой ей ей зеленые человечки.

Брайан тест 19 уровень ответ. Brain Test 2 уровень 17. Brain Test уровень 113. Brain Test Level 111. Игра Brain Test уровень 111.

Level 422 Tap on the biggest animal. Then tap on the smaller cat and finally tap on the smallest animal there. Answer: Tap the elephant, then the smallest cat, and the caterpillar on one of the apples. Level 423 Help him see the time which is 9:00 right now.

Funny Response: I always wanted an organic clock! Level 424 Draw the shape without lifting your finger. Answer: Follow the instruction below. Level 425 Draw the shape without lifting your finger.

Level 176: To help the ghost hunter with his traps, tap the ghost hunter to see the ghosts. Remember the positions of the ghosts. Then tap him again to make the traps reappear, and put them where the ghosts were. Then tap him again to trap the ghosts. Level 177: What is the reverse of bad? Level 178: What does he see? He sees the blocks in this position 0 is a blank space and 1 is a block : 0000 0110 1111 Level 179: Ok, time to lift off!

Turn the phone sideways, so that the rocket is facing up, then tap on 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Level 180: There are no dots on the dog, only spots. The only dot on the screen is the period in the question, and the ellipses button, so change the number to 4 and then click OK. Level 182: To end this war, tap the cannons in order to aim them at each other, then hit the fire button and their cannonballs will collide and blow each other up. Level 183: To help carry the box to the dolly, flip the phone upward and rotate it twice to turn the box until it gets on the dolly. Level 184: You got caught speeding! To make the cop happy, tap on the glove box to open it, and then give the cop the box of donuts inside.

The mouse will slide down and right to the cat aka Tom. Level 186: To pick a gift for your birthday, ignore the gift boxes on the screen. Level 188: To complete the pairs match game, make all possible matches with the cards. With the little card with two carrots on it, swipe downward through the middle of the card to make one carrot each. Then tap the bull. It will turn into I Scream, which will automatically become ice cream and make the baby happy. They skip numbers so count to yourself instead.

Add 8 and 17 together since the question asks only about the siblings , and you get 25. Level 194: There are seven total circles. There are five in the main picture, and the plus and a minus sign are both inside of circles, making for a total of seven. Save all three of the pets by tapping them with three fingers at the same time. Level 196: Such moody weather! To fix it, take the picture of the sun and zoom out to expand it, then place it over the window. Level 197: To complete the equation quickly, take into account that the there is already a 3 in place on the bottom number.

Level 198: To clean up the dirty dog, first, grab the bucket of water and dump it on him. Then, shake the phone to shake off the water and dry the dog off. Level 199: They all need some warmth, so to give them some warmth, move the campfire to a better position, in between all four of them, until they stop shivering. Level 200: What is under the tree? Level 201: Tap the numbers in numerical order, but after tapping 6, watch out for 7 and 8 to switch places. Level 202: Light up one orb that touches 1, two orbs that touch 2, three orbs that touch 3, and four orbs and touch 4. Level 203: Some of the soccer players have circles around them.

Then shoot a goal. Level 204: To teach the cat how to hunt, put the box over the cat, then grab the cheese from the shelf and put it on the ground. When the mouse appears, move the box and the cat will hunt it. Level 205: To find the treasure, tap and drag the rocks around until you find a red X. Then grab the shovel and stick it in the red X to find the treasure. The rabbit will trip and the tortoise will win. Not the dream boy, the real boy.

Level 210: To make a choice with the genie, rub the left choice with your finger to erase it. Tap that one. When he moves the umbrella, tap the llama to spit at him. There are a total of 12 teeth. Your goal is to black out all of the grids. Level 214: To follow the correct pattern, simply watch the order in which the buttons light up and then copy it. Level 215: Horsy wishes for wings now.

Level 216: To separate the colors, simply tap the test tubes together to give colors from one to the other. Make it so that three of the test tubes are all one color apiece. Put the mattress on the left side of the screen underneath the trampoline, then move the trampoline. Level 219: Tom wants to jump again, but we ran out of mushrooms. Drag the left hill towards the right hill to close the gap, then hit the jump button. Level 220: To help our friend cross the street, drag the crosswalk from the bricks down into the street on his side so that he can cross. Level 221: To make an omelette, pop the balloon by dragging it to the knife, then pick up the egg and crack it onto the pan to cook it and make an omelette.

Level 222: She lost her balloon! Scroll the entire screen down to find it in the sky, then give her the balloon that you find up there. Level 223: How many dogs are there? There are a total of 12 dogs — some of them are hiding. Level 224: To get rid of all of the microbes, pick up the white cloth from on the ground, then wipe up all of the microbes. Then throw the cloth into the fire. Level 225: To get into the house, zoom in on the house with two fingers.

Then take the key and put it into the keyhole in the door. Level 226: To help me feed the lizard, first, swipe up on the serving tray to take the lid off and reveal the chicken. Then open the window by tapping on it. A fly will come in the window and the lizard will eat it. All reds go in one dish, all yellows in one dish, and all blues in one dish. Level 228: Tom has found another valley to jump! Drag the middle cloud down out of the sky and put it in the gap, then hit the jump button and the cat will bounce off of the cloud.

Level 229: To find all of the animals, find the five rabbits, two snakes, and one bird. Then take the acorn and put it in front of the middle tree hole to get the squirrel to come out. Level 231: He wants 5 glasses of milk and 3 cookies, so swap the 3 and the 5 around to turn the question into 3 glasses of milk and 5 cookies. Level 232: To help the man escape, the zombie will always mirror his movements. So trap the zombie behind the red wall at the top left corner, then make your way to the car. Level 233: To help our hero, flip the phone upside down. The hero will stay there, but the other ones will fall off of the screen.

Level 235: She is very tired. To help her out, tap the dishwasher to open it. Tap the cabinet to open it, then put the clean dishes inside. Then put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Level 236: To help her hit the target, drag the target into the path of the moving crosshair. Then tap her to shoot an arrow once the crosshair is over the target. Then hit fight to beat him.

Level 238: How can Tom jump this time? Easy — swipe to the right on Tom to move him to the edge of the platform, then tap the jump button and he will make it across. Level 239: We must stop this monster! Drag the paint can up above the monster to turn its health bar from red to green, which will make the monster turn green and friendly. Hit the wizard in the head with it, then drag the stars that pop up and put them into the sky. Level 241: To pick the apples, tap all of the apples on all three screens, but watch out for the tomato, which looks just like an apple but has a smooth bottom. Level 242: To start a fire, take his hat off, then move one of the clouds to reveal the sun.

The sun will bounce off of his head and light the firewood on fire. Level 243: To draw a triangle, move the middle dot downward, then draw lines between each set of two dots. Level 244: There are some weird things going on around here. To find them, tap on the red puffer fish, the pink crab, and the larger of the two green round fish in the middle. Level 245: He needs some help! Level 247: Which monkey has the longest tail? Swipe the monkeys up and you will see how long all of their tails are.

Swipe them all the way up to the top of the screen. Level 248: He wants the same burger. Simply build him the same burger, with the same ingredients in the same order as the other guy has. Level 249: The computer works too slow and it makes him sad. To make him happy again, take all of the dirt out of the fan shrouds so that the fans start blowing again, speeding up the computer. Level 250: Oh no, he is so late for work today! Level 251: To help the man reach his house, swipe up on the red shape to help him cross the first gap, then swipe back down on the shape to help him cross the second gap.

Level 252: Where is the dog hiding? Shine the light around the lower left quadrant of the screen to find the dog next to the wardrobe. Level 253: To get rid of the traffic, tilt your phone to the right to slide the traffic downhill and make it leave the bridge. Level 254: To complete your sword training, swipe around on his hands until he moves the sword two times. Level 255: To help the judge escape the traps, tap down, right, right, right, down, down, left, left, down, down, right, right, right, right, right.

Как пройти 60 уровень в brain test

Brain Test уровень 372. Брайан тест уровень 95. Игра Brain Test 61. Как пройти 161, 162, 163, 164, 165 уровни игры Brain Test? Брайан тест 2 Женина ферма.

Brain test 2 как пройти 6

The brain teasers share similarities with the puzzles from the first version of Brain Test, but they now come with even more clever tricks and tricky situations. Sometimes, finding the solution can be downright impossible without a few extra hints. We are fans of Brain Test 4 and here to help you tackle those tricky puzzles.

Уровень 29 Ответ: укажите, что отличий «0». Ответы Brain Test: Уровень 30 Вопрос: сколько дырок на футболке? Ответ: 8. Смотрите вы на футболку спереди или сзади, будут по 4 дырки в рукавах, внизу и для головы. Сложите их и получите «8». Ответ: 11. Неважно, что выше примеры неправильные.

Вам ведь нужен правильный ответ! Уровень 32 Вопрос: Помоги машине пересечь мост. Ответ: тапните по машинке, чтобы она поехала, затем задержите палец на середине моста, где есть разлом. Уровень 33 Вопрос: Он должен добраться до своей машины, чтобы спастись от зомби! Ответ: когда вы движетесь, зомби идут к вам. Поэтому сначала идите в правый верхний угол, затем — влево и вниз к машине, которая теперь не окружена зомби. Уровень 34 Ответ: потрясите телефоном. Открывашка вам не нужна. Ответ: опустите текст вопроса под животных и выберите единственного кота.

Уровень 36 Вопрос: вы видите сетку с цифрами 9 и 1.

Также на нашем сайте вы можете посмотреть ответы к игре Brain Test на уровне которые ожидают вас впереди и быть готовыми к ним! Для того чтобы ответить на вопрос 372 уровня - Он хочет быть выше. Вам нужно воспользоваться нашей подсказкой ответом : Пока нет текстового ответа на этот уровень, но он скоро появится.

Пожаловаться Brain Test 372. Брейн тест 372 уровень. Игра Brain Test 367. Он хочет быть выше 372 уровень. Brain Test 372. Brain Test 372 уровень ответ. Brain Test уровень 372. Брейн тест 372. Игра головоломка уровень 372. Как решить 372 уровень в Brain Test. Брайан тест 2 Женина ферма. Brain Test Женина ферма. Brain Test уровень 21. Как пройти Брайан тест ферма. Игра Brine Test. Игра Брайан тест 2. Игра Brine Test девушку. Капитан Маша уровень 2. Brain Test 2 семья Всезнайкиных 17 уровень. Как пройти уровень 17 в игре Brain Test 2 семья Всезнайкиных. Брайан тест 2. Брайан тест уровень 17. Брайан тест уровень 249. Брайан тест 14 уровень. Брайан тест 181. Уровень 181 тебя поймали за превышение скорости. Brian Test 181 уровень. Brain Test уровень 78. Brain Test 2 уровень 18. Игра Brine Test для взрослых. Игра Брайан тест 2 хитрые рассказы и головоломки ответы. Брайан тест. Брайан тест 3 уровень 188.

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