The top 250 of the highest rated Anime TV Miniseries on Letterboxd based on the user's average rating. What we should be focusing on is how the older anime has managed to remain in the top 500 list despite these changes. После долгих часов, проведенных перед экраном за просмотром любимого аниме сериала, эпизоды рано или поздно заканчиваются – Самые лучшие и интересные новости по теме: Видео, аниме, кино на развлекательном портале
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This is a list of anime television series by episode count for series with a minimum of 100 episodes. What we should be focusing on is how the older anime has managed to remain in the top 500 list despite these changes. If not, then here are the anime statistics that show all the most famous anime series in 2022! сайт №1 в России по японскому аниме! самая большая база аниме в русской озвучке и хорошем качестве.
Лучшие аниме всех времен
We analyzed anime popularity data in every country around the world to determine the most popular anime across every region on the globe. На сайте , вы можете смотреть лучшие новинки аниме 2024 года онлайн совершенно бесплатно в хорошем качестве на андроид, айфоне или компьютере с русской озвучкой и субтитрами! If not, then here are the anime statistics that show all the most famous anime series in 2022! Добавлены 124-125 серии с русской озвучкой. anime. Танец мечей: Пылающий Хоннодзи / Touken Ranbu Kai: Kyoden Moyuru Honnouji. Лучшие полнометражные аниме в истории: топ-16.
50. Baccano!
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Топ 100 Аниме
Боевые искусства Вампиры Гарем Демоны Детектив Дзёсей Драма Игры Исекай Исторический Киберпанк Комедия Магия Меха Мистика Музыка Пародия Повседневность Приключения Психологическое Романтика Сверхъестественное Сёдзе Сёдзе-ай Сейнен Сёнен Сёнен-ай. If not, then here are the anime statistics that show all the most famous anime series in 2022! После долгих часов, проведенных перед экраном за просмотром любимого аниме сериала, эпизоды рано или поздно заканчиваются – Самые лучшие и интересные новости по теме: Видео, аниме, кино на развлекательном портале Смотрите фильмы, сериалы, и мультфильмы из списка "Аниме – сериалы" в нашем онлайн-кинотеатре. Home» Anime and Manga» Anime Ranking» Top 500 Most-Watched Anime According to ANN.
100 лучших аниме-сериалов
Список самых популярных аниме 2024 года по версии читателей «КГ-Портала». Подборка топ-20 лучших аниме по жанрам: большой путеводитель по аниме от редакции Wink Блог. Read More 15 Websites to Watch Anime Online Free – The Best Anime Online. Top 24 Best Anime Movies of All Time.
Лучшие аниме-сериалы 2023 года
Это аниме сразу заинтересовало меня, оно запало мне в душу благодаря саундтрекам, персонажам, сюжету. Лучшее аниме, которое я когда-либо смотрела. Это лучшее из жанра аниме. Оно поднимает знакомые нам проблемы, подвигает на философские размышления. Но кроме этого, оно идеально: потрясающий сюжет, логичные начало и конец, глубоко проработанные персонажи, сложнейшие диалоги, красивое музыкальное сопровождение.
Новости Войти ТопНарода » Рейтинги » Фильмы » Аниме - сериалы Аниме - сериалы В сознании обывателей «анимэ» - японская версия привычных детских мультфильмов с узнаваемым стилем прорисовки персонажей. Однако истинные ценители знают, что это далеко не так.
The anime series of Attack on Titan also finished with the final part airing in November 2023. Totally, there are 94 episodes in the four seasons, which are worth watching to the end.
The conclusion of this anime delivered a different kind of impact to the audience, distinct from the conclusion of the manga. The setting of the anime is Japan in the parallel world after 2030 where the science technology is highly developed. Dragon Ball follows young Goku as he embarks on quests to find the seven magical Dragon Balls. It is so popular worldwide partly because the anime is completed with the relatively short story 37 episodes in addition to the well-elaborated storyline. In Death Note, high school student Light Yagami stumbles upon a mystical notebook with the power to kill anyone whose name is written within its pages. Possessed by a desire to reshape the world, Light adopts the alias Kira and starts eradicating wrongdoers. This sparks an intense, strategic cat-and-mouse chase with the enigmatic detective known only as L. New titles have been broadcasted every time a new game is released.
The season 1 started with 25 episodes in 2016; the newly-edited version was aired from the beginning of 2020. The season 2 of Re:Zero was broadcasted with 25 episodes during 2020 and 2021. However, he possesses a unique and burdensome ability: Return by Death, which resurrects him to a specific point each time he dies. His fate intertwines with Emilia, a silver-haired half-elf, and together they face dark and twisted challenges in this new world. The manga series tarted to be published from 1987 with its first part Phantom Blood and its latest and ninth part The JoJoLands just began in 2023. It has been adapted into the coolest anime series by David Production since 2012. Like its predecessors in the series, it has received widespread acclaim. While each part introduces a different protagonist from the lineage, they all bear the distinct JoJo moniker.
Whether confronting vampires, Stand users, or other mystical foes, the Joestar legacy is marked by their undying spirit, unique abilities, and a shared destiny of battling evil. The movies include Evangelion: 1. Operating massive humanoid robots called Evangelions, provided by the covert organization NERV, they not only confront external threats but also grapple with personal traumas, relationships, and the blurred line between human and machine. This anime is divided into two different anime: Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. The former Fullmetal Alchemist was broadcasted before the manga series did not finish the story, which means its story is different from the manga series. The alchemist brothers Edward and Alphonse loses a part or the whole of their body by violating a taboo: Using alchemy to try to revive their dead mother. And, they start traveling to find the way to retrieve their bodies. During the journey, they meet a variety of State Alchemists and vicious opponents Homunculi.
Недолго думая, Мидори соглашается, и просит у него странную способность: возможность тискать милых и пушистых животных. И Бог выполняет обещанное. Очутившись в новом мире, наша героиня обнаруживает, что все, кто находятся поблизости, будь то люди, животные, монстры или даже….
Лучшие аниме 2023 года
Режисер: Сакай Кадзуо Озвучка: Дубляж Описание: Глубокая и волнующая история о неукротимых девушках из рок-группы, каждая из которых пережила свои трудности. Нина Исэри, прервавшая обучение в школе, целеустремленно шагает к мечте о высшем образовании, несмотря на одиночество и трудности жизни в мегаполисе. Ее путь пересекается с судьбами других девушек: одна из них столкнулась с предательством близких, другая - с отвержением собственной семьей, вынуждена бороться за выживание в безжалостном городе, работая на неполный рабочий день.
Позже оказалось, что мэтр уходить не собирается, но мультик от этого хуже не стал. История мальчика, который теряет мать и оказывается в непростой ситуации, Миядзаки смог в своем стиле раскрасить необычайными разговорами, не забыв и о главном, о человеческом. Фильм до сих пор можно посмотреть в российских кинотеатрах. Провожающая в последний путь Фрирен Продолжительность: на текущий момент вышло 19 эпизодов, идет 1 сезон Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники Здесь и далее: прощадка для лицензированного просмотра аниме Crunchyroll не работает в России, там может не быть перевода и русскоязычных субтитров. Одна из самых ярких новинок этого года — история о долгоживущей эльфийке, которой тяжело понять ценность короткой человеческой жизни.
Фрирен возвращается в знакомые места, чтобы попрощаться с постаревшими спутниками, и собирает новую команду для приключений, уже внимательнее изучая чувства и эмоции людей вокруг. Магия и мускулы Продолжительность: 12 эпизодов 1-й сезон Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники Типичный сериал о фэнтези-мире и подростках — если бы не одно «но». Главный персонаж в магии слабоват, зато отлично развит физически: и в стремлении к своей цели готов противопоставить кулаки самым мощным заклинаниям. Семья шпиона Продолжительность: 12 эпизодов Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники В 2023 году сериал про секретного агента, который заводит подставную семью для нового задания и не в курсе, что жена и дочь — киллер и телепат, получил продолжение. Слегка филлерный старт второго сезона по итогу вышел очень ярким, а зимой создатели выпустили еще и фильм «Код белый», тоже собравший отличные оценки. Монолог фармацевта Продолжительность: вышло 15 эпизодов, идет 1-й сезон Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники Новинка, которая по итогам года попала во многие топы и рейтинги. Тайтлу про девушку-целительницу при китайском дворце удивительно хорошо удается сочетать в себе и детектив, и комедию.
Сериал полон дворцовых интриг, наблюдать за которыми всегда интересно, тем более что каждый эпизод рассказывает отдельную историю. Сто девушек, которые очень-очень-очень-очень-очень сильно тебя любят Продолжительность: 12 эпизодов 1-й сезон Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники Сериал исполняет мечту многих — местный бог откликается на мольбу школьника-неудачника и дает ему сотню фанаток, каждая из которых его обожает. Правда, есть одна проблема: любая девушка, которую отвергнет герой, погибнет в мучениях.
Приятного просмотра!
Несмотря на то что авторка рассказывает про вымышленные войны и нетерпимость несуществующих рас, для пущей достоверности она все равно общалась с реальными беженцами и ветеранами.
Результат — одновременно и зрелищный экшен, и роман взросления с сильным социальным подтекстом. Вампир Алукард состоит на службе у Королевского ордена протестантских рыцарей и противостоит всякой нечисти.
What’s the Most Popular Anime Around the World?
The story talks about clothing as parasitic alien creatures, although some of them are sentient, helpful, and quite powerful. Overall, it is a whirlwind of an anime, full of hype, adventure, and fanservice with a purpose. Ryuuko shows absolute confidence with or without clothes! Paprika If you want an anime movie that shows the amazing capabilities of the animated medium, Paprika is a great movie for that.
Unfortunately, this tech got stolen, and in the wrong hands, it could be a danger to the general public. The characters dive into the dream world to catch the culprit while also discovering something about themselves. Vampires, Stands, and cool poses?
Ultimately, at its heart, JJBA is about the fight between good and evil. Death Note Whenever people new to anime ask for recommendations, Death Note is usually one of the suggestions — and for a good reason! It has an interesting plot about a high school student with a god complex finding a notebook that can kill people.
The main character is an anti-hero or a villain protagonist, which make things quite engrossing. It also has some supernatural elements, like the existence of death gods or Shinigami. This show gets a two thumbs-up from us, too.
The story follows Dr. Kenzou Tenma as he slowly loses his former life after doing what he thought was right. A fair warning — this series can get pretty dark and serious.
One Piece Spanning more than a thousand episodes to date, with multiple movies and anime games under its belt, this pirate adventure anime is one of the best in its genre. Vinland Saga Speaking of anime adventures, take a trip back to the past and enjoy the Viking life with Vinland Saga! But this story is not all rainbows and sunshine.
As history tells us, Vikings are usually at the heart of fighting and raiding. In this story, we see young Thorfinn brave the harsh realities of his Viking life. Aside from the cold climate of his northern home, his village is asked to participate in a war as well.
This award-winning anime mixes history with gripping action-filled fiction. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica The mahou shoujo magical girl genre has been a staple in anime for a very long time. But Shaft Studio decided to make something new with the genre.
Some fans describe it as a deconstruction of the mahou shoujo genre, as it adds a lot of seriousness and darkness in its story. Madoka was a regular middle school student when she encountered a magical creature named Kyuubey. This adorable magical-girl-sidekick-looking character offered Madoka to be a magical girl!
But a brooding transfer student shows up and tries everything in her power to stop Madoka from turning into one.
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Главная Коллекции фильмов и сериалов 100 лучших аниме-сериалов По умолчанию По умолчанию По рейтингу film. Традиции аниме были заложены в начале 60-х писателем и художником Осамой Тэдзуки, определившим как характерный стиль отрисовки непропорционально большие глаза, необычная мимика и не перегруженный деталями фон , так и общую направленность на подростковую и взрослую аудиторию.
Вы не понимаете, это искусство: лучшие и самые ожидаемые аниме 2024 года
Всего в голосовании поучаствовало более 25 тыс. На втором месте с 17,4 тыс. Замкнул тройку лучших тайтл «Наруто», который все-таки смог на 200 голосов обогнать «Ванпанчмена».
The story was never wrapped up, and for a long time it appeared as though fans would never get the proper adaptation that they craved, but in 2019, a new anime from TMS Entertainment was released. The creators got it spot on this time, and the show went down well with fans. There have been two more seasons since then, with the third and final one released in 2021 a firm favorite on My Anime List. Viewers were able to follow the adventures of Ash Satoshi in the Japanese version, named after franchise creator Satoshi Tajiri and his trusty sidekick Pikachu for 25 years, with the long-running series coming to a close in 2023.
After all, with its iconic theme tune and unforgettable characters, the "Indigo League" series remains the very best. While Lucy has been hardened by the inhumane experimentation she was subjected to behind closed doors, her second personality Nyu is sweet and innocent. Together, they aim to protect their new friend from the government agents hunting her down. They were on their way to England together when they were attacked by a man named Askeladd, the leader of a small but formidable band of Vikings. The Wit Studio show has built a dedicated following since it debuted in 2019, and has already established itself as one of the best executed anime series of all time. Some have gone as far as calling it a modern masterpiece.
It begins when stressed-out character designer Tsukiko Sagi is attacked by a baseball bat-wielding child thug while walking home late one evening. When further attacks start happening and the victims describe what seems to be the same boy, however, the authorities are forced to take it seriously. With just 13 episodes, this show is perfect for binging, and it still hits as hard today. Berserk OLM Based on the beloved, long running manga series by Kentaro Miura who sadly died from a heart condition in 2021 at the age of 54 , "Berserk" is a critically acclaimed seinen series from OLM. This bloody, brutal series follows a lone wolf named Guts, who was brought up to be a mercenary by his no-good adoptive dad. After killing him in self defense, Guts wanders a medieval Europe-like land, selling his services to the highest bidder.
His fierce reputation piques the interest of Griffith, the leader of the mercenary group the Band of the Falcon which Miura named after the Millennium Falcon. The films and the follow-up series are must-sees for "Berserk" purists, but they pale in comparison to the brilliance of the original anime. Mobile Suit Gundam Nagoya TV Giant robots have been a thing in anime since the 1960s, but the foundations of the mecha genre as we know it today — with humans hopping inside big, humanoid vehicles to do battle — were laid by the "Gundam" franchise. Prior to this, the robots seen in anime were usually sentient as opposed to being pieces of machinery. When Zeon declares independence from Earth, a conflict that will claim the lives of half of all humanity erupts. Despite being much smaller than Earth, Zeon has the upper hand due to its advanced mobile suits.
Earth develops a suit of its own — the RX-78-2 Gundam — at another colony in order to level the playing field, but the crew sent to collect it are nearly annihilated en route to collecting it, along with many citizens. It falls to Amuro Ray, the 15-year-old son of the man who created the RX-78-2 Gundam, to pilot the mecha and fight Zeon. Ichigo Kurosaki gets his newfound powers after a chance encounter with a Hollow, the evil spirits of the series. During the confrontation, a Soul Reaper named Rukia Kuchiki shows up and transfers her powers to Ichigo, turning into a substitute Soul Reaper. It soon became known as one of the Big Three with "One Piece" and "Naruto" being the other two , gaining a dedicated fanbase. The original series ran until 2012, racking up 366 episodes in that time.
It came to be known as the weakest of the Big Three in the years that followed, but the series came back with a bang in 2022 when the belated sequel series "Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War" dropped. The comeback show has proven to be extremely popular with fans and critics alike, sitting comfortably in the top ten highest-rated series on My Anime List. Part 2 subtitled "The Separation" arrived to equally enthusiastic reviews in 2023. Slam Dunk Toei Animation There are plenty of basketball anime out there, but the king of the court is undoubtedly "Slam Dunk. It follows the journey of Hanamichi Sakuragi, a troublemaker and underachiever who laments his lack of luck with the ladies. He only gets into basketball after a girl he likes asks him about it, but he soon falls in love with the sport.
His natural athleticism makes him a great addition to the Shohoku High School team, which begins a meteoric rise from obscurity to nationwide fame with his help. Of course, these plot beats mirror most basketball anime, but what sets "Slam Dunk" apart is its dedication to capturing the passion and drama of the sport. Inoue is a huge basketball fan and is "credited by some with having popularized basketball amongst a whole generation of high school students," said CNN. After a professional boxer named Mamoru Takamura happens to witness him taking a beating from some local bullies, he takes Ippo to his gym to treat his wounds. An anime series from Madhouse came out in 2000, which made its way to North America under the name "Fighting Spirit. The first season remains the most compelling: With a score of 8.
In this world, the fictional Queen Elizabeth III fled to her Stateside colonies after her forces got trounced by Napoleon at the Battle of Trafalgar, and she never returned. The invaders from the West seek to strip the Japanese people of their culture and freedoms, rechristening the country Area 11 and dubbing its inhabitants "Elevens," which, needless to say, does not go down well with the locals. Lelouch adopts the moniker Zero and becomes a masked vigilante, giving the Japanese people a symbol of hope. With the help of his rebel group, The Black Knights, he leads the fight against the Brittanians. He was born with no powers whatsoever, though that never stopped him from wanting to become a hero. It takes place in a world in which humans are forced to live in underground villages by a tyrant named Lordgenome, aka The Spiral King.
They use these to keep the humans in check, though many prefer to fight on land rather than retreat below it. The series follows two teenagers named Simon and Kamina, who long to visit the surface world. They get the chance to do so after a Gunmen crashes through the surface into their village during a battle with a gun-wielding human girl named Yoko. Inspired, they decide to use a smaller Gunmen that they discovered underground to go to the surface and join the fight. After Kamina manages to steal a larger Gunmen, they combine the two and name it Gurren Lagann. Dubbed "emotionally resonant and outright epic" by Collider , the series received widespread acclaim for everything from its themes and visual humor to its art style, which would become the calling card of Trigger works.
It follows 25-year-old Japanese salaryman Rokuro "Rock" Okajima, who gets taken hostage by the crew of the titular ship. When his boss decides to declare him dead as opposed to paying him ransom, Rock joins the crew, which consists of former U.
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The proudly privileged top two students of an elite school each makes it their mission to be the first to extract a confession of love from the other. Over 7K anime fans have voted on the 20+ items on Best Anime Of 2023, Ranked. Они входят / были 500 самыми популярными в myimelist по состоянию на август 2019 года. Крутые и интересные тайтлы с честным рейтингом на YummyAnime | Ями Аниме.