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Кадзуха и Скарамучча ^^
Дотторе Геншин. Тарталья Чайльд Геншин. Scaramouche Геншин Impact. Скарамуш Кадзуха. Скамаручча Геншин. Скара Геншин. Геншин Импакт Мона и Скарамуш. Скарамуш Геншин.
Скоятаэль nc17. Чанликсы nc17. Снейп NC-17. Северус Снейп гет. Дилюк и Кэйа. Геншин Дилюк и Кэйа. Кэйя Геншин.
Венди Геншин яой. Скарамучча и Мона шип. Скарамуш и Мона арты. Мона фанфики. Скарамуччи Геншин. Чайльд Тарталья Геншин Импакт. Скарамучча яой.
Дотторе Геншин арты. Скарамуш и Казуха. Слэш NC-17. Ремус Люпин и Сириус Блэк слэш 18. Джек Воробей и Элизабет арт. Капитан Джек Воробей и Элизабет. Элизабет Суонн и Джек Воробей арт.
Капитан Джек Воробей и Анжелика фанфики. Айато Геншин. Геншин инпанк. Геншин Импакт мальчики. Скарамучча Геншин. Геншин Импакт Мона и Скарамучча. Скарамона Геншин Импакт.
Скамаруча Геншин. Северус Снейп и Гарри. Снейп и Гарри 18. Северус 18пэнси. Северус Снейп и Гарри Поттер. Доттер Геншин. Иль Дотторе Геншин.
Иль Дотторе Геншин Импакт. Дотторе и Скарамучча. Осоро Шидесу и Аяно Аиши. Хутао Геншин. Сяо Тао Геншин. Ху Тао и Сяо Геншин. Чжун ли и Хутао.
Венти и Дилюк шип. Вэнти Геншин. Шипы с Венти Геншин. Сяо Геншин шип. Дилюк Геншин. Гай Чжун Геншин. Тарталья Геншин.
Эл Рюдзаки и ОЖП. Эл Лоулайт и ОЖП. Эл Лоулайт фем. Леви и Кушель. Кушель атака титанов. Кушель Аккерман. Атака титанов Кушель Аккерман.
Дайнслейф Геншин. Итер Геншин Геншин. Шиппы Геншин. Дотторре Геншин. Дилюк и Венти Геншин. Адриан Хью Хэйтем. Хейтем Геншин.
Чжунли и Чайльд. Панталоне Геншин арт.
Геншин Импакт Мона и Скарамучча. Скарамона Геншин Импакт. Скамаруча Геншин. Шиппы Геншин. Дотторре Геншин.
Дилюк Геншин. Дилюк и Венти Геншин. Дотторо Геншин. Гань Юй и Мона Геншин. Синьора Геншин Импакт арты. Скарамучча Геншин Импакт арты. Тарталья Геншин.
Скарамучча и Тарталья. Дотторе Геншин арт. Синьора Геншин в полный рост. Дотторе Геншин в полный рост. Педролино Геншин. Винти Геншин. Скарамучча и Сяо Геншин.
Кадзухи Геншин. Сяо Геншин. Сяо и Венти. Хейтем Геншин. Чжунли и Чайльд. Панталоне Геншин арт. Скарамуш и Тарталья.
Скар Геншин. Чайльд и Скарамучча. Скарамучча фанфики. Скарамуш Геншин. Скарамучча и Тарталья фикбук. Тарталья комедия дель арте. Дель арте персонажи Тарталья.
Чайльд Тарталья. Тарталья дель арте описание. Кадзуха и Скарамучча шип. Казуха каэдехара и Скарамучча. Дайнслейф Геншин. Итер Геншин Геншин. Дотторе и альбедо.
Дотторе геешин. Иль Дотторе Геншин арты. Дотторе Манга. Scaramouche x Mona. Мона Манга. Скарамучча Геншин Манга. Синьора Геншин арт.
Скарамуччи Геншин. Геншин Импакт синьора арт.
Оба являются анемо-дамагерами. С выходом Странника появилось огромное количество видео сравнений их урона, полезности для команды и т. Грех было этих парней по итогу не зашипперить.
Наглядное видео сравнение героев: 2.
Your husband is crying. They have weapons. They have power.
The masked man practically growls at the wait. Instincts are not always smart one. Instincts sometimes need to be squashed. You smile.
It hurts, and your lips tremble, but you smile. Your back aches when you stand back up. The hollow, horrified look in his eyes does nothing to soften your own fear. Instead, they make you walk, marching on, ignoring the questions that occasionally leave your lips.
Where are you taking me? What have I done? When you stumble, the grip on your arm tightens. You ignore him, refusing to answer, pettiness stabbing at your heart.
Let him think what he wants. By the time you reach what your aching legs hope is your destination, your anxiety has forcibly abated. What would the Fatui want with you? And would the person who ordered this kidnapping be willing to listen to reason?
The tent itself is an ornate red monstrosity, and you wonder at such a waste. The money spent on the tent fabric alone, lush reds and gilding, could feed your village several times over. The man on your left, still keeping his now-painful grip on your arm, no longer looks grimly satisfied at having achieved his duty without needing to throw you over his shoulder. He looks… nervous.
Only murmured words and, oddly, the tinkling of bells. You stumble forward as the flaps are sealed behind you, leaving a red-tinged light in their wake. Your arm is sore and you rub it softly, remaining firmly rooted to the spot. The inside of the tent is surprisingly sparse, considering the ornateness and size of the outside.
Cut screens and candles offer lighting, but the red light filtering through the tent fabric itself makes it foreboding rather than elegant or comfortable. A wisp of movement from further in the tent catches your eye, and your stomach clenches in anxiety of who or what will be revealed. Will they listen to you, when you explain that this is all a mistake? Or will you simply be killed—or worse—on the spot?
You know that lithe body. The sapphire tone of his hair. The curve of his nose, even, as he turns and faces you. His face stops you from speaking.
This is not Kunikuzushi whose eyes followed you around the room, drinking in your every step with a childish greed. This is Kunikuzushi who has finally caught the canary, who has done something to make it possible to take what he wants. More importantly, who has finally filled in the gaps of himself in order to determine what he wants. The prospect of finding out what he wants with you is a question that you leave unspoken.
The thought of receiving a concrete answer makes you feel sick. His face. He looks the same as he did all those years ago. Your own body has seen the weathering of time, of childbirth; of pulling up buckets of water and mending shirts and hunching over the hearth.
But it is. Every step he takes rings with bells. Of funerals. You want to ask him what he means.
You want to ask him what he wants with you, why he expects you to be with him in public or private or anyway at all. You want to ask him why he left you all those years ago and never returned.
казуха и скарамучча
You would learn this soon enough because bit by bit, day by day, the strange man became less strange and more familiar. More comfortable with you. Not at first. You painted, sometimes, and you often caught him staring at you as you worked. It made your stomach flip. His name was Kunikuzushi. He was not some noble, but a mere traveler, he said. Your cheeks heat up even now when you think back to the first time he told you his name.
All inquiries for it had been ignored, in the past. Danced around, pushed aside. Until one day. You had been painting, and talking endlessly about the things you wanted to see, how you were even a bit jealous of him, really. As you prattled, you saw him lean forward. He whispered his name in your ear, like a secret, like a lover. And in the end, he became both.
Is it any wonder that you were drawn to him? Someone who had the life you dreamed of, someone who saw things you could barely imagine. Someone free from the shackles of expectations that others put on you, even here in your little home at the outskirts of the village. Someone different. And not different like you. Not a bit odd and dreamy, bucking against the norm. Someone who seemed… new.
Above this. Destined for something bigger than your little house and sets of paints and vegetable scrap stews. Kunikuzushi was blank, like clay; as if he was half-formed, waiting to be finished. As if when you would wrap your arms around him and press your fingers into his hips, pushing yourself forward as your mouths met in warm kisses, those fingertips might just leave permanent impressions. Maybe you did. Maybe you helped complete him, whoever he was, whatever he was missing. At night, bodies intertwined, sometimes laying out under the stars if it was warm enough, you would whisper to each other.
You told him about your hopes and dreams. About your refusal to marry the kindly butcher man your parents recommended. About your wish to someday live a life beyond slinging wet laundry into your arms to make enough money to keep your belly full and a few paints in your pots. About your hopes of painting the world, some day. He would take all of this in and accept it, just as you accepted him. He took in your body and mind and dreams, all wrapped up in your imperfect package, and you thanked him for it with every kiss. What he made of it all.
Life and people and the world. Sometimes he seemed amazed and at other times, bitter. He would never say why. There are things about Kunikuzushi you would never know. Things he would never tell you. And you learned to accept this, as you learned to accept all of his quirks and habits. The way he watched you whenever you went about your daily chores.
The way he was needy and a bit greedy without vocalizing it, expecting you to match his mood and indulge him before he got too gloomy. Yet there was a lightness there, something fresh, something you felt you were unpeeling as you lived together day by day. Something that kept you coming back for more, eager to see what might be finally revealed underneath if you just worked hard enough. And for all that he kept himself guarded, he never stopped you. He was yours, and you were his. And then one day, Kunikuzushi was gone.
Отпусти меня! Тебе приснился дурной сон? Я здесь, молю, не бойся. Полюбить тебя? Ты враг! Мерзкий предвестник! Отпусти меня. Я ненавижу тебя! Мы были очень дружны в детстве, так от чего же? Я исправлюсь, люби меня! Моя любимая. Моя дорогая. Великая колдунья, я поклонясь тебе, Мона. Почему ты так груба ко мне?
A word of praise here or there. You feel like you want more. To put up a fight, to resist it? What good does that do, really? Yes, if you let it happen, maybe you will finally be at ease. Resistance just makes things worse. So maybe acceptance will make things better. Maybe if you start working for the niceness and avoiding the meanness, trying to be good, trying to earn the niceness… maybe it would make you… happy. Maybe you really can love him. Bonus: Is there anything that makes them unique, in comparison to other yanderes? This is where we get into the idea of sadism as love. The natural reaction to the feeling of fondness is to hurt the object of that fondness. When he becomes fond of a person, he wants to harm them. He thinks you look pretty when you cry. It makes him feel powerful. Well, he likes to inflict both actually, preferably at the same time. To truly, completely own you means to be your whole world — responsible for every bit of pleasure, pain, happiness, misery, he wants to be the cause of all of those things. Other people hurting you and making you cry makes him just as mad as other people making you smile or feel happy. How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality? It changes gradually with time. At first, surprisingly somewhat reserved, and even more easily embarrassed, gets red in the face and shifts uncomfortably over certain topics. Ok, so maybe the collar is a fetish thing, which you accused him of at the very beginning but he adamantly denied. So what? And the touchiness is honestly partially neediness. Feeling your skin is comforting. How forceful are they? Do they care about your willingness? Which is easily fixable. What sort of kinks or fetishes do they have, or would they fill? But seriously, he likes to make you beg. And denial is great too, especially combined with edging. Hey, remember when you said you would do this or that when you were begging to cum? About time to follow through right? Getting your hopes up and just barely letting you reach the high before pulling away completely. No using your hands. And be sure to thank him for the graciousness of allowing you to do so. This means you can finally get out of the lingerie and into real clothes, right? Oh, they give out water at these meetings. People are watching — and you know people are watching. And people envy him. He knows that, and he loves the power rush that comes with that knowledge. And you? Again, not the center of attention, he prefers to remain a little more in the background, talking to you, soaking up your misery and beaming with pride over the glances people cast. No matter what, you say thank you after everything you get, be it rewards, punishment, anything really. And he likes to go out of his way to test the limits of that. See how far he can break down your pride before you refuse to give your proper thanks, so that he knows the limit of where he needs to start breaking you down more. Grabs your jaw and tells you to open your mouth at complete random to spit in your mouth and tells you to swallow. After you grind on his leg until you cum as aforementioned, you got gross slick all over his shoes and the floor, so lick it up. Smiles at you and tells you hey, come here a sec and gives you a good backhand across the face. And what do you say? You know the answer - thank you Master. Is any of it necessary? But he enjoys it. It reminds you of your place, and your thanks is a measure to prove your loyalty. You start to look forward to that.
Где Итэр детектив, а Скара работает на мафиози Фатуи. Они встречаются случайно. Знакомство через соц. Они начинают вместе жить и тогда в одно утро Скара говорила по телефону думая, что Итэр спит. Держа в руках пистолет Итэр отвечает стоя позади Скары. Дальше сами придумаем.
Геншин Инпакт ( Сакарамучча и т/и)
Скарамучча x ИТЭР. Скарамуш и Тарталья Геншин. #скарамучча #геншин #скарамуш #genhinimpact #автор #кадзуха. Будете ли вы со скарамуччей; ваши отношения / геншин играет. Статья автора «Фанфики, Истории, рассказы» в Дзене: __Скарамучча/ожп__ 2 часть По середине комнаты стоял письменный стол,в углу комнаты находился камин, перед которым стояли два кресла. Скарамучча и казуха.
фанфики скарамучча омп (120) фото
Not a bit odd and dreamy, bucking against the norm. Someone who seemed… new. Above this. Destined for something bigger than your little house and sets of paints and vegetable scrap stews. Kunikuzushi was blank, like clay; as if he was half-formed, waiting to be finished. As if when you would wrap your arms around him and press your fingers into his hips, pushing yourself forward as your mouths met in warm kisses, those fingertips might just leave permanent impressions. Maybe you did. Maybe you helped complete him, whoever he was, whatever he was missing. At night, bodies intertwined, sometimes laying out under the stars if it was warm enough, you would whisper to each other. You told him about your hopes and dreams.
About your refusal to marry the kindly butcher man your parents recommended. About your wish to someday live a life beyond slinging wet laundry into your arms to make enough money to keep your belly full and a few paints in your pots. About your hopes of painting the world, some day. He would take all of this in and accept it, just as you accepted him. He took in your body and mind and dreams, all wrapped up in your imperfect package, and you thanked him for it with every kiss. What he made of it all. Life and people and the world. Sometimes he seemed amazed and at other times, bitter. He would never say why.
There are things about Kunikuzushi you would never know. Things he would never tell you. And you learned to accept this, as you learned to accept all of his quirks and habits. The way he watched you whenever you went about your daily chores. The way he was needy and a bit greedy without vocalizing it, expecting you to match his mood and indulge him before he got too gloomy. Yet there was a lightness there, something fresh, something you felt you were unpeeling as you lived together day by day. Something that kept you coming back for more, eager to see what might be finally revealed underneath if you just worked hard enough. And for all that he kept himself guarded, he never stopped you. He was yours, and you were his.
And then one day, Kunikuzushi was gone. Just like that. An empty bed and an empty house in the morning. Not a note, not a goodbye, not a tearful farewell. Like he was once again ripped at the roots, only this time he tore off your own in the process, leaving most of you behind. Looking back, you can view those painful days afterwards with a wistful nostalgia, a half-smile as you shake your head at your own dramatics. At your tears, at the way you tore up your home in anger and disbelief, smashing a plate to the ground and feeling satisfied at the way the shards spread across the floor. Like you were nothing. But the years have passed, and you moved on.
Day by day, the pain lessened. Day by day, you forgot about those long nights under the stars, talking about your dreams. You forgot about chasing your dreams down the long dirt paths and met someone—not the butcher your parents envisioned, but someone just as safe, just as normal. Together, you moved closer into the village, so that your future children would have playmates nearby, so that you could gossip with the other women, so that your husband could drink with the other men. Your village is tucked away and safe. The people there have always tried to stay out of everything, to stay out of wars and politics and all those things engineered by those above and suffered by those below. Your life is not the dreary greyness you once dreaded when you were younger. Your child is not some greedy leeching thing that steals your dreams. Your friends are not empty gossips who care for nothing but the next bit of intimate news.
But, your life is not exactly the dream you once imagined with him, either. A life of travels and sights and new things, a life of adventure, of nights under the stars, of secrets and whispers, forever and always. You never forgot Kunikuzushi.
Здесь хочется отыграть первую их встречу по оригиналу игры, но просто отыграть по своему. Здесь уже мир Геншина оригинальный. Предлагай свои предложения, я не против. Посты от пяти строк и больше.
Динамичность три поста в день и больше. Литературный стиль.
Скарамучча и Сяо Геншин. Кадзухи Геншин. Сяо Геншин. Сяо и Венти. Хейтем Геншин. Чжунли и Чайльд.
Панталоне Геншин арт. Скарамуш и Тарталья. Скар Геншин. Чайльд и Скарамучча. Скарамучча фанфики. Скарамуш Геншин. Скарамучча и Тарталья фикбук. Тарталья комедия дель арте.
Дель арте персонажи Тарталья. Чайльд Тарталья. Тарталья дель арте описание. Кадзуха и Скарамучча шип. Казуха каэдехара и Скарамучча. Дайнслейф Геншин. Итер Геншин Геншин. Дотторе и альбедо.
Дотторе геешин. Иль Дотторе Геншин арты. Дотторе Манга. Scaramouche x Mona. Мона Манга. Скарамучча Геншин Манга. Синьора Геншин арт. Скарамуччи Геншин.
Геншин Импакт синьора арт. Дотторе Генгин. Дотторе Геншин Импакт. Доктор Дотторе Геншин. Дотторе и Скарамучча Геншин. Ветни Геншин. Сяо и Венти Геншин. Сяо Джун Геншин.
Сяо Венти Джун ли. Childe Scaramouche. Tartamouche Genshin. Тарталья Геншин Чиби. Скара Геншин. Геншин Импакт Мона и Скарамуш. Персонажи Геншин по оружию. Архонты Геншин персонажи.
Геншин персонажи имена. Персонажи Геншин по элементам. Childe Геншин.
Тот опускается значительно ниже, делая это глубже и совсем не задумываясь, доходя до основания. Чуть отстранившись, Казуха наблюдает за ним заинтересованно, протягивая руку к длинным волосам и аккуратно заправляет мешающиеся пряди за ухо.
Скарамучча сдерживает отрывистые, довольные стоны, но внезапно ощутив, как глубоко Итэр принимает его член, больше не терпит и позволяет отчетливо услышать, как он прямо сейчас получает особое удовольствие. Наклонившись вперед и протянув руку к светлым волосам парня, Скара настойчиво подталкивает его поближе, заставляя вновь принять поглубже и как следует поработать языком. Не хочется прерываться, так и не почувствовав достаточно сильное возбуждение, чтобы кончить. Переведя взгляд на Казуху — немного неуверенного и непривыкшего к таким откровенностям на виду у всех — Скара хитро улыбается и разрешает блондину отстраниться, чтобы уступить место. Скарамучча приподнимает ласково подбородок Каэдэхары и проводит пальцами по губам, аккуратно поднося позже свой возбужденный член и настаивая показать еще раз свои навыки.
Улыбаясь довольно и наблюдая за парнем, Скара разрешает и ему послушать свои стоны. Скара обычно никому бы не позволил увидеть себя таким, но сейчас особый случай и вечер — праздник, который помогает им сблизиться еще лучше и довериться друг другу. К тому же атмосфера замечательного клуба "Shooting Stars" располагает к дальнейшему уединению с бокалом нового алкогольного напитка. Несдержанно кончив в рот Казухе и отстранившись медленно, Скарамучча заботливо утирает его губы и наклоняется, чтобы подарить поцелуй. Вскоре вернув свое внимание к Итэру, он касается его затылка и наклоняет к себе, ногой осторожно надавив на пах и посмеявшись.
Казуха немного медлит, прежде чем проглотить. Смущенно волосы поправляет, снова прядь за ухо убирая, когда облизывает губы и слышит со стороны Итэра протяжный стон. Итэр не сдерживается от такого действия со стороны Скарамуччи и раздвигает ножки, ничуть не смущаясь того, что на него могут смотреть в этот момент. Не успевая даже перевести свое внимание на Казуху, как он целует его, поддавшись секундному порыву. На этот раз их поцелуй более развратный и Скара может наблюдать, как в процессе переплетаются их языки.
Вы оба не откажитесь пойти в более уединенное место, чтобы продолжить начатое? Казуха поднимается первым вслед за Скарой, прижимаясь к нему и скрывая свое лицо в его плече. Кивает в ответ, стараясь не показывать то, насколько ему неловко идти сейчас с ними, когда любой, кто хоть немного видел происходящее — сразу же поймет куда и зачем они уходят.
Geko 6800 ED-AA/HHBA Handbücher
Скарамучча и Казуха Геншин Импакт шип. Скарамуччу перестает лихорадить, и свет проливается в их мрачную холостяцкую берлогу. Статья автора «Фанфики, Истории, рассказы» в Дзене: __Скарамучча/ожп__ 2 часть По середине комнаты стоял письменный стол,в углу комнаты находился камин, перед которым стояли два кресла.
Почему шипперят героев
- Скарамучча ожп - фото сборник
- Геншин Инпакт ( Сакарамучча и т/и)
- Почему шипперят Кадзуху и Скарамуччу? История возникновения пейринга - смотреть бесплатно
- Скарамучча и кадзуха шип арты - 59 фото
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Она в моём ДНК (по фэндому "сказочный патруль")
тарталья и скарамучча фанфики сборник (120) фото. Скарамучча и Итэр впервые встречаются в Мондштадте во время временного внутриигрового события «Заблудшие звёзды». Yandere Scaramouche x Reader /// A Single Dendrobium Summary: • Inspired by the myth of Hades and Persephone After encountering you, a medic from Bubu Pharmacy, in Liyue, Scaramouche uses his Dendro.
казуха и скарамучча
Проблема кукол и матерей | Озвучка комиксов Genshin Impact | Райден Эи, Скарамучча, Странник. kamiiart,Raiden (Genshin Impact),baal, Райдэн, Райден,Genshin Impact,Геншин Импакт,фэндомы,Raiden Mei,Honkai Impact,Benghuai Xueyuan,Игры,acheron (honkai star rail),kamiiart_,Scaramouche (Genshin Impact),Скарамучча. АСМР С СКАРАМУЧЧЕЙ Слушатель х Яндере Скарамучча ГЕНШИН 18 youtube Фанфики с участием персонажей: Кирилл Рейзов Валерия Высоцкая ПЕРЕВОД ИНТЕРВЬЮ СЭЙЮ СКАРАМУЧЧИ ТЭЦУЯ КАКИХАРА.