Новости фигма комьюнити

If you've been hearing the buzz about Figma community beta and want to know what it's all about (and how to get access!), this guide will save you time.

Мастхэв для дизайнера: 16 файлов и плагинов в Figma Community

Community Engagement and Figma Plugins Community-Driven Design Resources: Figma has always strongly emphasized community engagement, and 2024 is no exception. The platform now features an expanded set of community-driven design resources, including templates, icon sets, and design kits. This collaborative approach enriches the design ecosystem and empowers designers with a wealth of readily available assets. Plugin Ecosystem Flourishes: The Figma plugin ecosystem continues to thrive, with an influx of new and enhanced plugins in 2024. Figma Education Initiatives Figma for Education Program: Acknowledging the role of Figma in design education, the platform introduces the "Figma for Education" program. This initiative aims to make Figma more accessible to students and educators, providing educational institutions with tools and resources to integrate Figma into their design curricula. By fostering early familiarity with Figma, the program sets the stage for future designers to enter the industry with a solid foundation in collaborative design tools. Webinars and Tutorials: Figma is ramping up its webinar and tutorial offerings to support the learning curve for new and existing users.

В основе подхода лежит принцип атомарного дизайна.

Руководство по стилю бренда Brand guidelines. Классно, когда дизайн-система также включает также и рекомендации по бренд-айдентике, в которых развернуты доступным языком ценности бренда, идентичность, обещания бренда и демонстрация ценности бренда в мире. Ресурсы Resources. Технический блок про инструменты и подключаемые модули, наборы пользовательского интерфейса, статьи и видеоуроки — все, что поможет работать с дизайн-системой для решения прикладных задач. Первым делом, если вы только начинаете работать с дизайн-системами, я всегда рекомендую заглянуть в КОД — каталог компонентных дизайн-систем проектов, реализованных на технологическом уровне часть из них уже доступна в исходниках на github. Как понять, что дизайн-система клевая для изучения на ресурсе КОД: ищем иконку котенка исходники github — ваши программисты смогут попробовать ее в работе ; затем ищем иконку Figma в Figma-файле обязательно ищите компоненты, а не просто гайды по стилю ; дополнительный критерий — сайт дизайн-системы с клевой подачей и подробной документацией. КОД — каталог компонентных дизайн-систем проектов, реализованных на технологическом уровне. Google Material Design — это дизайн-язык, разработанный Google, с целью помочь продуктовым командам создавать высококлассные приложения для Android, iOS, Flutter и Web-приложений и онлайн-сервисов.

Material design — это гибкая система руководств создания digital-продуктов, компонентов и инструментов, оснащенная передовыми практиками проектирования пользовательских интерфейсов. Система интенсивно развивается, свежее обновление Material 3 вышло в 2022 году. Философия дизайна Google Material Design В основе дизайн-системы метафора материала — это значит, что компоненты создаются как имитация физического мира и его текстур например, того, как объекты отражают свет и отбрасывают тени. Идея заключается в том, что когда компоненты ведут себя как объекты реального мира, они кажутся более знакомыми, дружелюбными и предсказуемыми, что, в свою очередь, снижает когнитивную нагрузку на пользователей. Даже движение в Google Material Design отражает смысл — движение фокусирует внимание и поддерживает непрерывность — поддерживает связь пользователя в потоке решения задачи.

The platform has integrated AI algorithms to provide design assistance, automate repetitive tasks, and offer intelligent suggestions. This expedites the design process and empowers designers to focus on more creative aspects, knowing that routine elements are handled with finesse. Enhanced Prototyping Capabilities: Prototyping is a cornerstone of the design process, and Figma is taking it a step further in 2024. The platform now boasts enhanced prototyping capabilities, allowing designers to create more interactive and dynamic prototypes. With micro-interactions, advanced transitions, and the ability to simulate user flows, Figma is positioning itself as a one-stop solution for the entire design workflow. Designers can seamlessly integrate 3D models into their projects, opening up new possibilities for creating immersive and visually stunning user experiences. Collaboration Beyond Design: In 2024, Figma is expanding its collaboration features beyond design. The platform now supports collaboration on design systems, allowing teams to work together in defining and maintaining design principles, components, and patterns.

Virtual Assets Users design and upload visual assets for other community members. Assets can be anything visual, from icons, illustrations, animations, and so much more. Development Users create plugins designed to make navigating Figma easier than ever while streamlining the design process with custom developer tools. This opens up accessibility and the potential of Figma, making it easier to use and giving it more features than would otherwise be available. Community members are mostly designers sharing their designs and learnings with each other. Users also help each other use Figma, and provide support and troubleshooting should members run into problems while using the program. The Community Forum is moderated and secure, giving a safe and educational experience with other designers who use the platform. Its vibrant and active community has created a space where creative teams and those who think outside the box share their ideas and creations with others just like them. Figma has been compared to Google Docs for its ease of use and collaboration, a blank canvas where teams can realize their dreams through brainstorming, experimentation, design, and execution. This encourages community members to participate in the space and to use Figma as a product rather than competitors with more stringent sharing policies. Basically, Figma chose one thing and made it really, really good.

Figma Templates, UI kits & Resources

How to join the Figma community to share your designs? кросс-платформенный облачный сервис для дизайнеров, позволяющий нескольким людям в режиме реального времени работать над одним и тем же проектом. |.
Figma 2024: The Future of Design Unveiled - Fronty Анимация в фигме Фигму снова посетило улучшение.
Adobe отказалась покупать Figma Figma has announced the first-ever Figma Community Awards to celebrate plugins, widgets, and files that make the community happy.
Config 2023: 15 важных обновлений Figma The Figma Community is a public place where you can publish design files that anybody can view, remix and learn.

Figma Community Beta: Explained

Файлы сообщества — это снимки файлов Figma или FigJam, которые были опубликованы в сообществе. Figma is bringing together the design systems community on April 16 to share new features, best practices, and a peek into what’s coming next in the half-day event. 15 сентября 2022 года в блоге Figma и в блоке новостей на сайте Adobe вышли новости о сделке между двумя компаниями. Figma's community-driven approach, thriving plugin ecosystem, and educational initiatives further solidify its role as a design tool and a catalyst for fostering creativity and collaboration within the global. Дизайнеры негативно отреагировали на новость о покупке компанией Adobe графического редактора Figma. Do you have more questions about Figma or the next steps you should take?

Яндекс Образование

Keeping with the Community theme, Figma is redesigning its platform to be centered on team members instead of folders and files. Сообщество Figma, анонсированное в прошлом году, представляет собой пространство, в котором вы можете публиковать файлы Figma, чтобы каждый мог их проверить, повторно. The Figma community allows you to access a range of categorized resources to shortcut your design process from ideation to collaboration and hand-off. Последние новости и обновления в Figma. Чтобы перейти в раздел Figma Community: Из чего состоит раздел Фигма комьюнити? Figma’s Systems community category is aimed at giving designers a head start with interactive designs such as UI kits and wireframe templates. Figma is bringing together the design systems community on April 16 to share new features, best practices, and a peek into what’s coming next in the half-day event.

Community Case Study: Figma

Зачем делать это внимательно и проверять на соответствие результата требованиям? Если что - поправим. Как результат - полнейший ад. Я уже не говорю даже про то что плоды "труда" в этой фигме обычно крайне примитивны в виду отсутствия достаточного инструментария, и как следствие, лени сделать нормально. Я прямо вижу боль верстальщиков и программистов рисователи рукой не думают о том что многие их телодвижения влияют на труд не только верстальщика, но и работающего с ним в паре по проекту бекендщика каждый раз, когда внезапно выясняется что в переданным им макете что-то изменилось само, внезапно.

Ведь дизайнера заказчик попросил очень - разве может отказать? Бомбит, в общем.

Now the project preview will have a price tag or an inscription that there are in-app purchases. Figma is launching a major update to its Community platform. The Community was launched in 2019 as a shared library where Figma creators could share the plugins, widgets, and various apps they created and others could use them mostly for free.

If the content creator wanted to get paid for it, he had to create a project in Figma and leave a link to a third-party site inside it.

The Figma Community is a great place to get answers to your questions and to connect with other designers. Getting Started: Getting started with the Figma Community is easy! All you need to do is create an account on their website, which only takes a few minutes. There are channels dedicated to design tips and tricks, sharing projects, discussing features, and more! You can ask questions in existing threads or start new ones yourself. You can also join in conversations about different design topics or share your own projects for feedback from other community members.

Профили сообществ Знакомство с сообществом Figma Вы можете находить ресурсы, просматривая категории возможностей, топ-теги и ротируемые коллекции ресурсов, курируемые Figma. Также можно искать конкретные ресурсы и авторов по имени, тегам или профилю например, learn. Введите поисковый запрос в поле Search в верхней части экрана и нажмите Enter. Подсчеты рядом с каждой опцией позволяют узнать, сколько результатов получено по каждому ресурсу.

Publish Design to Community

Adobe же намерена интегрировать собственные решения в Figma, а также открыть доступ к шрифтам и изображениям. This is the story of how Rust dramatically improving Figma’s server-side performance (one of their most important features). The Community was launched in 2019 as a shared library where Figma creators could share the plugins, widgets, and various apps they created and others could use them mostly for free. Команда Figma обновила API-документацию, чтобы расширить функциональность переменных и упростить масштабирование дизайн-систем. 15 сентября 2022 года в блоге Figma и в блоке новостей на сайте Adobe вышли новости о сделке между двумя компаниями.

Figma’s community-driven path to success

Back in 2018, they started a Spectrum-based chat community [23]. Spectrum was a community platform co-created by Bryn alongside his work at Figma. It was later acquired and subsequently closed down by GitHub [24]. Around this time, they also launched Figma Local Communities [25]. So this program aimed to connect its global community. This initiative was piloted in Africa, with 21 ambassadors in 11 cities and 7 countries who organized 25 meetups. They also started an online Slack group, which included just over 2,000 people [28]. The cities chosen included places where evangelists had already self-organized meetups or where they had a large concentration of Figma users. Volunteers would organize local events, enabling Figma fans to get together and discuss best practices. Friends of Figma landing page These efforts were supported by its designer advocates, who by then had grown to 3 people based in the U. Initially, this effort was run using Meetup, but they later switched over to using Bevy [12] and there are now over 150 regional groups, as well as a dozen topic-based groups, including product design, illustration, accessibility, and ones for specific products like FigJam, too [22].

Outside of this they also have a Discourse-based forum. Community Advocates Aside from its team of Designer Advocates, who are paid Figma employees, it also has a Community Advocate program, for volunteers to become group leaders and run its regional user groups [27]. In return, advocates are identified as a Figma expert within Friends of Figma, they get access to a private Discord channel and are invited to a quarterly meeting where advocates share top tips. You also get a free Figma Pro account, access to beta features, and opportunities to represent Figma at events [27]. Swag Store In January 2022, Figma launched a swag store [11]. Figma Store got swag 4. By this time, its community growth engine was in full effect. Its pricing is set up to enable time to build up internal adoption and advocacy before having to pay. They provide unlimited viewers, charging just for editors, which means a designer can work with multiple other team members, like product managers, and marketing who can all add comments.

Любой человек, имеющий учетную запись Figma, может просматривать, дублировать и переделывать файлы Сообщества.

Изучайте файлы дизайна FigJam и Figma, взаимодействуйте с прототипами и просматривайте соответствующую информацию на странице файла. Узнайте больше о файлах Сообщества:.

In this article we show you how to integrate the figma community so you can start sharing your web projects and designs. Step 1: Login to your Figma account Start by logging into your Figma account.

By default, all new Figma accounts are private, so all the projects you create are only visible to you and the people you share them with. Once connected, do not enter a Figma project, stay on your dashboard. Click on the "Community" tab to access your Figma community settings.

Все основные функции и плагины платформы тоже доступны бесплатно для индивидуальных пользователей. Пользователям сервиса из Украины, обратившимся в компанию за поддержкой, Figma предоставит долгосрочный доступ к платным функциям.

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