Новости фанфики леон кеннеди и ожп

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Фанфики по фэндому «Дневники вампира / The Vampire Diaries»

My name is Leon Kennedy, I am a college student and most of the time I have to study. Leon Kennedy is ephemeral in his nature, daydream-present and lucid-absent in your life all at once. — Леон Кеннеди, — он столь же уверенно ответил на крепкое рукопожатие и едва заметно кивнул.

Leon Kennedy, Comics

He broke once more and you loved him so much that your tried to fix him once again with paper mashe, reinforce the pieces with a stronger layer. Month upon months would pass this way, you smiling and trying to enjoy yourself as the nagging of you secret clawed at your brain inching itself closer and closer to release and the push it needed soon arrived. The night was like any other, you had the day off and Leon was coming home early so you decided to cook him his favourite for dinner all the while keeping your mind occupied with anything other than the darkness that dwelled inside of you. When he arrived he seemed more happy than usual, you assumed a promotion he wanted to tell you about over dinner so as you set down you anticipated the news only to have that completely pushed out of your mind as he began to speak, hesitantly at first before growing more confident. You get that and so I was thinking that maybe…we could do that…for the rest of our lives.

You gasped as would most and he watched your marvel as he grinned. It was now only a matter of time before it made its way out revealing the ugly truth to him You were on borrowed time Then you shattered…it was too much to handle, you hoped that the reinforcements were enough for him to not break one final time. They told me that you were out of it all morning. It was just your own guilt eating you up inside!

Did you really need to tell him after suffering so long as to not tell him of such things. He enters the room and approaches yet you shift away from him. You barely glanced up to him tears beginning to prick your eyes as they did his own.

You watched him as he approached you slowly, seeing his erect member yearn for your touch. You smirked and started to pick up the pace, seeing Leon roll his eyes to the back of his head, thinking he was the most lucky man. You kept going and getting faster — not breaking eye contact with him.

When you nodded, he let go and left you catching your breath, turning around and arching your back with your hands on the cold bathroom tiled walls. When you opened up your mouth to beg, he then slammed his hard cock inside you — making you release a loud moan. After getting comfortable, he started to move his hips, not letting you adjust and making you take it; his hands placed on your hips and violently moved your body at his will.

He dreams of his mother sitting next to him when he was bedridden as a child, Dante snoring on his bed a few feet away. Her voice is decades away, a murmur in time. He squints against the light in his dream, and he wakes to a dark room. To his surprise, you had fallen asleep watching over him, your head cushioned by your arms on the side of his bed. He weakly smiles, staring into the ceiling before closing his eyes again.

V Another stubborn devil who tries to take care of himself. His cane shakes, his head aching and he is dizzy. He pushes his hair from his face, sniffling. Shakespeare got the sniffles. V softly laughs, a raspy noise. He is propped up, a dark angel in white pillows and sheets reading from his book. V looks practically translucently pale, dark eye circles pronounced and his lips cracked. Shadow is against him, a purring source of heat.

Metal Family ди и его девушка Элли. Скетчи метал Фэмили официальные. Ди арты. Ди и его девушка металл Фэмили арты. Магазинчик ужасов Граф ди и Леон поцелуй. Граф ди и Леон Оркотт яой.

Граф ди и Леон Оркотт. Граф ди и Леон Оркотт поцелуй. Линали Канда и Аллен. Лави Канда Аллен Линали. Аллен Уолкер, Канда юу, лави и Линали ли. Ди грей мен лави и Линали.

Эрен Йегер и Микаса. Микаса Аккерман и Эрен Йегер. Эрен и Микаса. Эрен Йегер и Микаса Аккерман 18. Бруно и ОЖП. Луи и ОЖП фанфики.

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Комикс метал Фэмили ди хеви и Лидия. Лидия фанфики метал Фэмили. Лидия метал Фэмили арт. Джеймс Поттер мародеры. Лили и Джеймс Поттер. Лили Эванс и Гарри Поттер арт.

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Фанфики Леви и ты. Teenage Drama Джон. Вебтун «Secret Romance». Подростка драма. БТС И блэкпинк. БТС арт Чонгук.

Розэ и Чимин арт. Блэк Пинк и БТС арт. Изая Орихара и Намиэ Ягири. Изая и Намие арт. Изая Орихара и его девушка. Дюрарара якудза.

Аниме Наруто гендер Бендер. Персонажи Наруто гендер Бендер. Гендер Бендер Наруто команда 7.

Ди и ожп фанфики - фото сборник

Арт Леон Кеннеди Resident Evil 2019 21. Леон Кеннеди резидент ИВЛ 6 22. Леон резидент ивел 6 23. Резидент эвил Леон и Клэр 24. Леон Кеннеди Resident Evil 6 27. Леон Скотт Кеннеди 4 резидент 28. Леон Кеннеди резидент эвил 4 30. Леон Скотт Кеннеди обитель зла 4 31. Леон Кеннеди проклятие 32.

Леон Скотт Кеннеди обитель зла вырождение 33. Леон Скотт Кеннеди арт 34. Леон Кеннеди резидент ивел 2 37.

You were silent for some time as you just lightly swayed on the swing before you came up with a rather silly idea to atleast try make him laugh.

Tapping his shoulder he stiffed but stopped focusing on his hands turning to you. You smile and motion for his hand which he hesitantly takes growing wary of you. You began to push your swing forward and back gaining a little sway and he just sighed knowing your exact plan. Laughter and yells of excitement could be heard by anyone passing by two fully grown and emotionally hardened beings just enjoying the night.

It was the first time in the past few weeks you saw him enjoy himself. So you tried again with super glue this time which seemed to work. You being there for him seemed to have helped him get back on his feet he seemed to be coping alot better with what was going on around him growing more and more stable by the day and finally he made the decision to move away from his mother once more but only if you came with him so naturally you did so following him in his journey. Your comforts and support however had slowly began to break the barrier of friendship and he slowly grew too love you much to your dismay.

When you moved out together you grew closer emotionally and you found yourself just sharing kisses and other such things and finally it advanced to dates all while in the back of your mind you knew of your guilt driven passions to keep him happy that tainted your actual love for him. Month passed before he considered it an finally he was out looking for a place in the force which he had found not too long after. Life seemed to be coming up roses for the both of you but then a bad day had set him off.

You okay? You started spacing out on me" he said, now only a few inches away from her. Leon got the message and rested a hand on her shoulder reassuringly to give her some sort of comfort. She looked up at him with tears in the corner of her eyes before feeling his fingers wipe them away.

Why not stick with me? Two heads are better than one. You never know when a B. W will try to attack" he hummed. Nodding in response, they sneaked around the back alleyways before a noise was heard.

DarthDvachevskiy Наконец-то появилась хорошая работа по Resident evil. Тем более тут попаданец в Леона. И тут ещё гарем запланирован удивлён что я не нашёл ни одной работы с гаремом в Resident evil. Сюжет по большей части оригинальный из-за гг с каноничными моментами как же без них.

Ошибок немного и не так критичны.

☆彡The sky longs to see the sun go down

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Resident Evil | Never alone again [Leon Kennedy/Claire Redfield]

Читайте самые интересные и обсуждаемые посты по теме Leon Kennedy. Сюда, конечно же, входят Леон Кеннеди и Клэр Редфилд, звезды Resident Evil 2, ласково прозванные 'Клеон'. Cleon is the het ship between Claire Redfield and Leon Kennedy from the Resident Evil fandom. Leon Scott Kennedy. Leon got the message and rested a hand on her shoulder reassuringly to give her some sort of comfort.

Ди и ожп фанфики - фото сборник

He crawls beneath the sheets to join you, apologizing while he does. But if it had at the start been the latter, it was now the former, as he starts to play along, eyes sliding closed as you lean in to kiss him. The spot where your lips meet is warm, and his arms curl around you to bring you closer. Once you pull away, you murmur that you love him, and he feels his heart stop. He brings a hand up to caress your cheek, where a rosy flush has settled, and says he loves you too. He runs his thumb across your bottom lip, smooth and plush, and he wants to kiss you again so he does. His fingers tangle in your hair, his free hand sneaking beneath the oversized shirt you wear to run along the heated skin of your waist, and everything feels fine. Everything feels perfect. Or something close. Are you okay? His chest is bursting with a love that feels too real to be mere imagination.

He never wants to let go. They say things get worse before they better, but in this case, they get so bad Leon doubts there could be any improvement. He ventures lower underground, in pursuit of Annette and the G-Virus. Twisting around, he gets a short glimpse of Annette before the bridge collapses and the G-Virus sample tumbles down to the depths below, but Leon grabs Ada before she can fall too. Attempts to pull her up put stress on the already unstable bridge and it sinks to an even sharper angle, and he spits out a curse of frustration. He had to let go of you and leave you behind once he returned to consciousness, and it had hurt more than it should have. And her wrist slides out of his grip, and she disappears in the darkness. The self-destruct sequence has begun.

Just seeing your red face and being able to tease you is a good motivation for him to keep smirking at you. He has you wrapped around his finger. He just flashes you a grin and you do whatever he pleases.

Сможет ли сказать всему миру "They are alive"? Вы узнаете это во время прочтения книги и запомните, одно действие или слово может изменить всё... Чтобы прочитать фанфик пройдите по ссылке в профиле Share to.

Имеет рукавицы с обрезанными пальцами. Ещё когда Бенфорд был просто высокопоставленным чиновником, он обратил внимание на Леона, карьера которого стремительно пошла вверх. У них была одна благородная цель: очистить мир от биотерроризма и не допустить повторения того, что в 1998 году случилось в Ракун-Сити. Про Адама говорили, что это один из немногих последовательных политиков и человек слова. Агент Кеннеди смог довериться ему, хотя тот и не встречался с ужасами биотеррора лицом к лицу. Общая цель объединила их, а взаимное уважение и десять лет совместной борьбы сделали друзьями. К сожалению, финал их дружбы был трагическим. Во время биологической атаки — одного из жутких повторений трагедии Ракун-Сити — агент Кеннеди был вынужден застрелить президента Бенфорда. Ей изначальным предназначением было обеспечение поддержки агентов различных разведывательных служб США, действующих по всему миру. Но когда основной угрозой Соединённым Штатам стал биотерроризм, ППО переключилась на координацию и поддержку всех операций, направленных на предотвращение терактов и уничтожение террористов. ППО была основана в 2011 году Адамом Бенфордом. Её оперативным координатором является Ингрид Ханниган, а ведущим полевым агентом — Леон Кеннеди. В 1998 году созданный учёными вирус вырвался на свободу и заразил всех жителей Ракун-Сити. Город с населением более 100 000 человек стал жертвой самой крупной биологической катастрофы XX века. Эта трагедия вошла в отчёты как «Происшествие Ракун-Сити», что, конечно же, совершенно не отражает ужас событий, которые обрушились на тихий американский городок.

Leon Kennedy

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The senator and the head researcher Frederic Downing , blame her and the protests of Terra-Save for having slowed the process of approving the use of the medicament, which facilitated the death of agents in this rescue mission. Claire isolates herself in one of the medical tents, feeling guilty Terra-Save made things worse and Leon goes after her to remind her the real villains were the one who created, and now the one who used, the virus. Their lives changed forever because of Umbrella and promising her he would wipe out this virus from the face of the earth. Leon soothes her by saying she was not wrong in choosing the path to be a rescuer - something he could not be. Claire is touched and thanks him for his support. While Leon goes to investigate a suspect with another agent, Downing invites Claire to the WilPharma base in the city, as a peace offering. During the tour she learns they had bought the G-virus on the black market to make a vaccine and that the senator was one of those responsible for the decision to exterminate Raccoon City back in 1998. Claire decides to call Leon to alert him, unfortunately the conversation is interrupted when a bomb explodes in the building, leaving Claire unconscious and Leon is uneasily when the call is abruptly cut. Leon wanders through the quiet halls of what remains of the ruined building until he finds Claire hobbling.

When he realizes she has a serious leg injury, he hurries to try to carry her out. Claire interrupts him by warning about the enemy and making him focus on the biohazard situation that was about to happen. Leon supports Claire while they walk, when they take an elevator and Leon kills all the zombies when the doors open. Before taking separate paths, Leon asks Claire to try not to get killed and she winks at him wishing him the same as the elevator doors close again. He clicks a button, shaking his head with a sigh. Instead of going to the exit, Claire manages to go to the center control room, and helps Leon remotely in the final battle and discovers the fight was being recorded. Learning Downing was the one responsible, manipulating everyone and using the recordings to sell the virus and vaccine to the terrorists, Leon and Claire surprise him at the meeting point pretending to be the contact while he waits to escape. In the morning, after everything has been resolved and they are getting ready to go, Leon asks if Claire wants a helicopter ride, though she refuses saying she already has a car waiting for her - with Rani and her aunt.

Leon says he hopes the next time they meet it will be in some place a little more normal, which Claire definitely agrees. They say goodbye, and Leon goes to the helicopter and Claire watches him leave with a soft smile, before then going on her own way. In 2006, Claire is on location at the White House, wanting to speak with Press Secretary Spacer, unaware he was killed the previous night in an attack on White House grounds. She meets Leon there who is on his own assignment, looking for hackers who stole classified files. The two meet as Leon passes her by, she recognizes him, calling out his name, causing him to turn back around. Upon seeing it is Claire, he stops and asks what she is doing there. Leon questions this, with Claire claiming the US wants a military presences there. As she has his attention, she asks Leon if he could look at a drawing done by a child that depicts a zombie outbreak that had occurred six years prior in 2000.

Claire notes it looks a lot like the Raccoon City incident that they both survived back in 1998. Leon does not comment on the drawing as he hears his fellow agent Jason , about getting back on schedule. Leon turns to leave Claire, not before telling her not to do anything stupid, while giving her a warm smile. As Leon departs, Claire is left standing alone, bewildered. Just before Leon leaves completely, Claire calls out to him one last time, commenting how his fancy outfit does not suit him, leading to Leon laughing a little. Leon and Claire meet again undisclosed amount of time later in an underground bioweapon facility. Claire has been abducted under the orders of Secretary of Defense Wilson, while Leon, now partnered with agent Shenmei head for the same facility. Claire sees Leon first, calling out his name, however he does not hear her and she is unable to move due do her restraints binding her to a chair.

Leon pulls Claire to safety, leading to Claire falling on top of him. With him having mutated, a safety precaution within the facility dumps acid into the massive room, slowly flooding it, destroying all other B. Ws and anything else that gets in its path. Claire manages to unbind herself before the acid dissolves the chair. Leon, in his own peril, nearly falls into the acid, though is able to land on a platform across from Claire. Claire calls out to him again, this time with Leon hearing her. As Leon sees Claire, without hesitation, he immediately rushes across the walkway to her aid, desperately reaching to take her hand. The two grab hands and Leon pulls her over to him, with Claire landing on top of him.

Аннотация Проснуться и осознать, что ты персонаж компьютерной игры про кровожадных зомби? Что может быть лучше в качестве первого дня на работе для выпускника полицейской академии? Только обнаружить, что ты укушен, и смертельный вирус уже струится в твоей крови.

И Леону Скотту Кеннеди придется как-то с этим жить, ведь впереди - город, умирающий от страшной эпидемии и в нем еще остались люди которым можно помочь. Читать онлайн Gheist - Леон Скоттович Кеннеди Это было похоже на кошмарный сон или наркотический трип. Я находился в каком-то пограничном состоянии между реальностью и бредом, неспособный осознать, кто я есть и что вообще происходит.

Даже имя вспомнить получилось с огромным трудом из-за той мешанины мыслей и никак не связанных друг с другом воспоминаний, все тело казалось тяжелым и густым, как кисель, а голова раскалывалась так, будто в нее вонзили тысячу раскаленных до бела гвоздей.

Глава 1 "Cell". Чувствую, что сердце готово вот-вот выпрыгнуть из груди.

Тошнота, головокружение, резкое поднятие температуры… - эти симптомы не оставляют меня уже который год. И вновь я осознаю, что это опять был сон.

And Ada loves Leon but will never say or admit it because of who she is and does. But her actions speak louder than words so its obvious she loves him in her own way. Takedown request View complete answer on reddit. This is all speculation, however.

In the Vendetta film, this is made apparent when Leon expresses his dismay after having to fight battle after battle against zombies with no end in sight. In RE2 1998 , she kisses him before she "dies". Ada shoots Mr X so Leon can escape Which if you think about it, she had no real reason to do unless she really cared about him and ends up getting seriously injured in the process. Takedown request View complete answer on shipping. Takedown request View complete answer on lunettes-selection. Because the RE universe is the most sexless universe.

Leon Kennedy/Ada Wong

Новости проекта. admirxation: “Beg Me | Leon Kennedy drabble Pairing: Leon S. Kennedy x fem!reader (afab) Summary: Leon joins the reader in the shower, a little surprise that gets her turned on and begging for. [leon s. kennedy/gn! reader] Until death do us apart. You're merely supposed to be Lord Saddler's puppet and test subject, locked within the church as you witnessed the brutality and massacre done by people you once loved. Леон Скотт Кеннеди ОЖП, рассказы о героях известных фильмов, книг, аниме или игр, Книга Фанфиков. My name is Leon Kennedy, I am a college student and most of the time I have to study. you & i ; leon kennedy / reader.

Леонов ожп

Two heads are better than one. You never know when a B. W will try to attack" he hummed. Nodding in response, they sneaked around the back alleyways before a noise was heard. Suddenly a group of B. As it came very close to biting her jugular off, it was suddenly pulled away before a blade came through its brain. Blood splattered onto her cheek as it dropped dead, revealing Leon with his bloody knife. He suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her along through the streets before spotting a five-story building.

They climbed the fire escape routes as fast as they could before finally getting up to the 5th floor, locking the doors and barricading the windows when they got inside.

Takedown request View complete answer on reddit. This is all speculation, however. In the Vendetta film, this is made apparent when Leon expresses his dismay after having to fight battle after battle against zombies with no end in sight. In RE2 1998 , she kisses him before she "dies". Ada shoots Mr X so Leon can escape Which if you think about it, she had no real reason to do unless she really cared about him and ends up getting seriously injured in the process. Takedown request View complete answer on shipping. Takedown request View complete answer on lunettes-selection.

Because the RE universe is the most sexless universe. She brings up Ada and he just rolls with it. Ada is only three years older than Leon and Jill is a year younger than Chris.

Глэм и Вики 18 метал Фэмили.

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След и Гарри Поттер фанфики. Роулинг Стонем. Гарри Поттер 2 часть. Книга фанфиков.

Николай Гоголь и ОЖП. Фанфики пятый и ОЖП. ОЖП зайчик. Граф ди магазинчик ужасов.

Аниме магазинчик ужасов Граф ди. Энни Леонхарт и Леви. Микаса Энни и Райнер. Энни леонхардт и мина.

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Леви Аккерман романтика. Деймон Сальваторе аниме. Елена Деймон и Стефан. Дневники вампира Деймон арт.

Дневники вампира Деймон и Елена арт. Viria13 Роксана.

Suddenly she heard footsteps behind her, she quickly grabbed the nearest item, which was a metal pipe, and raised it as if about to strike while shaking in fear. Slowly turning around, she saw a figure coming towards her. He had blueish-green eyes and dirty blonde hair that was styled with an undercut which almost covered his right eye. He carefully placed his gun in its holster, that was strapped to his thigh, and kept his distance in case she tried to bash his head in if he made the wrong move. Calm down. Leon smiled a bit more as he came closer to her small form since she was shorter than him. You okay? You started spacing out on me" he said, now only a few inches away from her.

Leon got the message and rested a hand on her shoulder reassuringly to give her some sort of comfort.

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