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- Цукишима Кей | Волейбол
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Haikyu!! Season 5 | Battle of the Garbage Dump [FAN ANIMATION]
Никто никогда не задумывался, могут ли они чувствовать к друг другу что-то большее? А я вот задумалась.. Где-то в 2D мире.. Аниме: Волейбол. Ямагучи: Хэй, Цукки! Я: побрасай мне мяч..
Ц: окей.. После тренировки, парни решили пойти на поле, которое находилось недалеко, чтобы побрасать мяч. Они готовились к матчу, который должен был состояться на следующей неделе. Тадаши очень тщательно готовился к этому событию, и старался изо всех сил.
He also teases Kageyama both by calling him "the king" as well as referring to the rest of the players as common folk, which angers him to the core.
Source: Haikyuu!!
Ты тихо хмыкнула и вернула взгляд на лицо парня, который даже не обратил внимание на то, как ты его разглядывала. Ты же это любишь. Слова парня, который продолжал ехидно усмехаться, вызвали неприятное чувство, которое тут же расползлось по всей груди.
Ты поджала губы; именно этого ты и боялась, когда не хотела расставаться с Цукишимой: Кей, который знал о тебе достаточно, никогда бы не упустил шанс пошутить над тобой. Шутки парня и до вашего общения были весьма специфичны, а такой юмор понимали однозначно не все.
Is it okay to kneel on the washboard? Lame Young Master: Oh, I caught you. You are my only light. Did I do anything wrong for you to look at me with such contempt in your eyes? Was loving you such a sin?
Haikyu!! Season 5 | Battle of the Garbage Dump [FAN ANIMATION]
В надежде на лучшую жизнь он поступил в школу для лучших из лучших, чтобы скрыться от своего прошлого и начать новую жизнь. Но с самого начала что-то да идёт не так, его сбил грузовик, он пропустил вступительную церемонию, а дальше всё по новой... Хотя, может, и не всё, он встретил парня, что без тени страха или ненависти с ним заговорил.
Interactions The interactions between the characters should be engaging and provide fans with enough moments that showcase their potential as a couple, be it through dialogue, shared experiences, or challenges they overcome together. This can include deepening bonds, changing dynamics, or newfound understandings of one another. Fan Love and Support A significant factor in determining the popularity of a ship is the dedication and enthusiasm of the fanbase. This includes fan art, fanfiction, and active engagement in online communities, social media platforms, and forums. Complementary traits create a balanced and fulfilling relationship, while shared interests or backgrounds may provide common ground to strengthen their bond. Conflict and Resolution Couples in romantic stories often face conflicts, both internal and external.
Пишите свои идеи постараюсь выполнить все. Тут будут следующие персонажи:1. Мидория Изуку2.
Бакуго Кацуки3. Тодороки Шото4. Фумикаге Токоями5.
Шоджи Мезо6. Айзава Шота7. Кейго Таками скоро 11.
Тсукишима Кей, фем! Хината мелькает на периферии, Кагеяма упоминается Рейтинг: G Предупреждения: OOC, Смена пола gender switch , Элементы гета Размер: Драббл, 2 страницы, 1 часть Статус: закончен Безжизненная пустыня, простирающая за окном иллюминатора, была по-своему красива: песчаные, с красным отливом, барханы, видневшиеся тут и там кратеры, оставшиеся от давно раскрошившихся в мелкую крошку метеоритов, камни, раскиданные среди песков и выделяющиеся среди них тёмными пятнами вплоть до самой бордовой полоски горизонта.
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Tsukishima x Yamaguchi
Acc to her: Tsukishima cares little for Yamaguchi. One day when Hinata questions the friendship between Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, Yamaguchi takes this chance to confront Tsukishima about him being a bad friend lately. Цукишима и куро. Цукишима и т/и фанфики. Недавние чаты. Кэй Цукишима. @RainCloud210 2.7k. Саркастичный, остроумный, умный, флиртующий, холодный.
Кей фанфик
Yamaguchi appears to idolize Tsukishima, which stems from Tsukishima scaring off bullies when they were children. Пейринг: Цукишима/Ямагучи. Если Цукишима надел наушники, это не значит что он вас не слышит. Каждое утро, где бы они не засыпали, Кагеяма и Цукишима просыпаются вместе. Haikyuu!! – Clumsy Lovers. Hinata Shouyou X Kageyama Tobio (Doujinshi). Объектом любви Ямагучи стал его друг детства — Цукишима.
Цукишима Stories
Сам говоришь, стучать,а потом заходить. Когда девушка ругала очкарика, она забыла, что голая. Маленькая грудь, тонкие руки и ноги. Стройное тельце, странно, почему никто ещё не приставал к ней? Почему никто не мучает её с признаниями? А может он будет первым. Взгляд Цукки скользнул по тельцу девушки, в осмотре очкарик увидел несколько порезов. Оглядев комнату блондин увидел их.
Несколько алых и густых капель. По плечу у девушки скользнула ещё одна капля крови. Ни капли не смущаясь Цукки спросил беря за талию и притягивая к себе Ямагучи: -Откуда у тебя порезы?
Ushijima points out that Hinata cannot fight with height and calls his playing style clumsy, shocking Hinata greatly.
As the fourth set begins, both teams maintain an even score as each of their techniques and skills gain points. After failing to win at the Inter-High Championship, their captain urges them that if they have the chance to win nationals, they need to take it. The fourth set continues between Karasuno and Shiratorizawa, and Karasuno pulls ahead then Ushijima manages to find the hole against the defense. Although Karasuno are utilizing new tactics, they also face the fatigue including the sets of Kageyama that comes with a longer game.
Despite the trouble he causes, the team, particularly Akaashi, is very patient with him, and they work together to boost his morale usually with some form of praise in order to bring him back to his best. He is a very social person who makes friends with other schools easily and tends to have a positive attitude. During the training camp, Bokuto bonds with Shoyo Hinata and teaches him various techniques, calling him his "star-pupil". He appears to be close friends with Kuroo and Akaashi, the latter of whom Bokuto is typically seen with at practice, between games, and at school. Ittetsu Takeda notes that Bokuto is a "weird" player who can lift the spirit of both his teammates and rivals, and is a player you want to cheer for regardless of the team you are rooting for. He is the vice-captain and setter of the volleyball team. He is an intelligent, highly analytical player, usually running multiple scenarios and outcomes in his head before he decides what to do. Despite this, Akaashi deeply admires Bokuto as a player and has faith in his skills, the two seem to be close friends even off the court. He is noted as a talented setter and is able to accurately and quickly set up successful plays for the team.
Currently, Akaashi is an editor for Shonen Jump. He is tall, stern, and fairly quiet. He is often nicknamed "Saru" by his teammates. Konoha is relatively easy-going and is a well-balanced player; he was once called a "jack of all trades, master of none" by a Fukurodani crowd member, much to his annoyance. Their playstyle centers around their "left cannon", their ace and captain Wakatoshi Ushijima , who ranks within the top 3 high school aces in the country. Shiratorizawa is notorious for its ruthless academic entrance exams, which are extremely difficult to pass. As a result, most of its players excluding Shirabu were individually chosen through sports scholarships. Their school colours are white and purple, and their school banner is a Japanese idiom that roughly translates to "irresistible force". He is a wing spiker and the captain and ace of its volleyball team.
He has attended Shiratorizawa since Junior High. He is known for his incredible power, as seen in his explosive jump serves and spikes, which are extremely difficult to receive and block. He is a left-handed hitter, which causes difficulty to oppose teams by forcing them to adjust their blocks and receptions accordingly. He is a stoic, quiet, and serious individual; he speaks candidly without sugarcoating his words, often causing others to interpret his words offensively. As of 2020, he plays in the Schweiden Adlers. If he guesses correctly, he will undoubtedly block the ball; however, if he guesses wrong, there is no way he can stop it, as he will have blocked in the wrong direction. After he was bullied as a kid he has developed a slightly sadistic streak, as he relishes in and enjoys watching opposing teams struggle when he blocks them. Post-timeskip, he has a buzzcut and is a chocolatier in France. He is the up and coming ace of the team, with powerful straight and cross-court spikes.
He looks up to his elders, especially Ushijima, although he constantly challenges Ushijima for the position of the top ace and tries to prove his worth to him. He is often described as simple-minded and easy to fire up, but is dependable. He, unlike the other Shiratorizawa players, did not receive a sports scholarship to Shiratorizawa and got in after passing the entrance exam. He decided to join Shiratorizawa in his third year of Junior High when he watched the match between Shiratorizawa Junior High division and Kitagawa Daichi, because based on Shiratorizawa playstyle, the pressure of winning relied on their ace Wakatoshi Ushijima , not the setter. Shirabu is a calm and calculating setter, solely focused on getting the ball to Ushijima at all costs. He is easily irritated. After the timeskip, Shirabu is a fifth-year medical student. He is dependable at both receiving and spiking. He is a highly skilled player with a quiet desire to showcase his skills when he plays; however, he was replaced by Shirabu because his playstyle was riskier, whereas Shirabu only focuses on sending the ball to Wakatoshi Ushijima.
After being replaced, Semi is used as a pinch server, as his serves are both powerful and effective. It is also shown that he and Shirabu are close friends. The team is highly popular and fan favorites for winning Nationals, and are supported by their strong lineup, particularly the Miya twins, Atsumu and Osamu Miya. Inarizaki has a large marching band, orchestra, and cheer team at their games. They have a passionate fanbase known for booing at opposing teams.
Хината мелькает на периферии, Кагеяма упоминается Рейтинг: G Предупреждения: OOC, Смена пола gender switch , Элементы гета Размер: Драббл, 2 страницы, 1 часть Статус: закончен Безжизненная пустыня, простирающая за окном иллюминатора, была по-своему красива: песчаные, с красным отливом, барханы, видневшиеся тут и там кратеры, оставшиеся от давно раскрошившихся в мелкую крошку метеоритов, камни, раскиданные среди песков и выделяющиеся среди них тёмными пятнами вплоть до самой бордовой полоски горизонта. Тсукишима вздохнула, отдала команду искину закрыть створки и, бренча, оставленной в кружке ложкой, вновь устремила свой взгляд к хитросплетениям очередной трассы.
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Haikyuu!! – Clumsy Lovers. Hinata Shouyou X Kageyama Tobio (Doujinshi)
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Цукишима Кей | Волейбол | Я Ямагучи и я люблю Цукишиму,он этого не знает и я это скрываю и так же я не люблю свои веснушки всё говорят что они ужасны и я с ними согласен. |
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