Richard Serra’s massive steel sculpture Tilted Arc (1981) provoked furious debate. Любые интерпретации работ Ричарда Серры бессмысленны: американский скульптор настаивал на том, что его искусство не является отражением его внутреннего мира или метафорой чего-либо. Город Париж может повторно установить высокую стальную скульптуру покойного американского художника Ричарда Серры после его смерти в прошлом месяце.
Death of Richard Serra, the artist who turned sculpture into architecture
Работа Splashing в 1968-м, например, была создана путем разливания расплавленного свинца по углам помещений. Но известным Серру сделали монументальные стальные скульптуры, причудливая геометрия которых словно искажает пространство. Его работы можно увидеть во многих ведущих музеях мира, включая Музей Гуггенхайма в Бильбао и Боннефантен-музей в Нидерландах, а также на улицах европейских и американских городов.
He studied fine art at Yale alongside peers who included Chuck Close and his eventual first wife Nancy Graves — but was suspended for two weeks after pulling a prank on the visiting critic, artist Robert Rauschenberg, that involved bringing a live chicken into class. The content is you! But it was his urban sculptures that caused the most controversy. Serra went as far as to sue the US government over the verdict but failed.
The work was cut into three parts and now resides in a warehouse in Brooklyn.
The term sublime is to be understood in its original meaning, as the artwork raises our awareness about the fragility of mankind in the face of the omnipotence of the world, in the manner of 19th-century German Romantic painters, such as Caspar David Friedrich. Except that here, the viewers can wander around inside the painting. In fact, they can paint it to some extent, depending on their viewpoints - on top of the dunes or diving headlong into the deep shadows - and on the time of their visit, during the day or at night. However, the invitation sent by the true culture queen of the kingdom, Sheikha Al-Mayassa, princess and chairwoman of Qatar Museums, might not have been so far-fetched. In the 1960s, the young artist, who freshly graduated from Yale, tried his hand at painting, while financing his education by working in... His fascination with steel thus gained an artistic purpose - the artist tranlated the weight, density and gravity characteristics of this industrial material into plastic qualities. Radical, simple and austere, his pieces never intended to convey a political or social message about the context in which they were integrated. They represent their sole point reference.
Later, in the 1970s, Serra began experimenting with the material that has since become his global signature. COR-TEN steel, as it is known by its genericised trademark, is a type of weathering steel that develops a stable rust-like appearance after extended exposure to the elements so as to eliminate the need for painting. Excellent early examples include Terminal, a 40ft trapezium comprised of four enormous sheets of rolled steel created for documenta VI 1977.
Легендарный скульптор Ричард Серра ушел из жизни на 86-м году
В 1960-х годах Серра произвел революцию в скульптуре: вместо отдельных предметов, обычно стоящих на пьедесталах, она стала ассоциироваться еще и с крупными инсталляциями. Аскетичные работы художника часто вступали в противостояние с пространством вокруг.
The students have been protesting and the college administration is trying to maintain a low profile. Go nerds! From the New York Times: Monumental works by Serra, Noguchi and many others occupy the grounds, and the collection of Louise and Leonard Riggio continues inside their house. By Hilarie M.
В 1966 году состоялась первая персональная выставка художника в Риме, за ней последовали выставки в Кельне и участие в documenta. В 1960—1970-е годы Серра увлекся кино и пробовал себя в роли постановщика фильмов. Тогда же начал делать первые масштабные композиции из стали, а в 1981 году создал одну из самых известных своих работ — «Опрокинутая дуга». В 2005 году появилась его композиция «Материя времени» по заказу музея Гуггенхайма в Бильбао.
When people wander onto the grounds to peer up close, he will often come out and invite them to look out back at some two dozen other sculptures integrated into the 12-acre landscape by artists including Isamu Noguchi, Donald Judd, Maya Lin, Walter De Maria and Louise Nevelson—much to the dismay of his wife, who has concerns about privacy. Dalton, Waldenbooks, and Crown. Dress British and think Yiddish. And there was a fine bookstore devoted to stage plays on Broadway and some good used bookstores on Clark.
Стало известно о смерти «мистического» скульптора Ричарда Серры
Go nerds! From the New York Times: Monumental works by Serra, Noguchi and many others occupy the grounds, and the collection of Louise and Leonard Riggio continues inside their house. By Hilarie M. When people wander onto the grounds to peer up close, he will often come out and invite them to look out back at some two dozen other sculptures integrated into the 12-acre landscape by artists including Isamu Noguchi, Donald Judd, Maya Lin, Walter De Maria and Louise Nevelson—much to the dismay of his wife, who has concerns about privacy.
At an indeterminate point in the near future, two enormous Corten steel plates will be installed on the grounds to the east of the small sculpture museum. The first, Plate A, is 10 feet 6 inches high, 20 feet long, and eight inches wide. Plate B will be placed to its right and punches in at nine feet high, 20 feet long, and eight inches thick. The Serra installation is a result of a massive new donation by art collectors Keith and Kathy Sachs, who have dedicated most of their holdings to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. This includes the Serra sculptures, which they commissioned in 1988.
The inside-out aesthetic spread to many arts, notably music and dance, and remains a tacit lingua franca of curated exhibitions to this day. He was born in San Francisco in 1938, to a Spanish-American father and a mother who had Russian-Jewish immigrant parents. With the truculent personality of some physically strong, emotionally hypersensitive people, he swaggered into action by ladling molten lead into junctions of gallery walls and floors. It was a way of moving beyond the finished objects of the first-generation minimalists by making things—ragged lengths of lead, pulled out into rooms—whose subject was the making of them. Did the cool effects secrete hot rage? Those were, and remain, terrific as more than representations of the real—they are realities, raising the stakes of minimalist confrontation. Almost by the by, they are elegant, too. Earthworks, as they were termed, were an overshoot, functioning as art mainly by way of documentation or dedicated tourism. Serra kept his evolution to gigantism primarily in town and in art parks, where it could relate to existing structures and tended landscapes. The works, rather than complementing their settings, oppose them, with right-angled forms in nature and sinuous ones against angular architecture. Pieces by Serra command public spaces in cities from Berlin to Pittsburgh. Most involve ship-size steel slabs, curved or torqued and very long or tipped together and soaring. Some form corridors and enclosures that can feel mazelike, though their footprints are rationally simple enough. They jolt you awake. It is a phrase composed of two nouns. The hundred-and-twenty-foot-long, twelve-foot-high leaning slab looked graceful when viewed from its ends but faced anyone emerging from the building with a grim wall, and, in effect, cancelled any other use for the plaza.
Известные произведения Ричарда Серры включают в себя грандиозные металлические конструкции, часто вызывающие у зрителей различные эмоции и ассоциации. Источник фото: Фото редакции Это не первая утрата в мире искусства в этом году. В прошлом году также скончался скульптор Николай Распопов, умерший в возрасте 91 года в Тюмени. В марте текущего года ушла из жизни коллекционер и дизайнер Айрис Апфель.
Умер американский скульптор Ричард Серра
Легендарный американский художник Ричард Серра скончался в возрасте 85 лет. Mr. Serra, the best-known living sculptor in America, might seem out of step with our increasingly virtual world. In 2014, SLAM's exhibit "Sight Lines: Richard Serra’s Drawings for Twain" explored the model Serra made for his large-scale sculpture, Twain, in downtown St. Louis. Город Париж может повторно установить высокую стальную скульптуру покойного американского художника Ричарда Серры после его смерти в прошлом месяце.
Richard Serra, master of large-scale sculpture, dies aged 85
Изгибы и повороты Ричарда Серра: odri_maat — LiveJournal | Richard Serra's Tilted Arc. Aerial view of sculptor Richard Serra's controversial piece 'Tilted Arc', prior to its removal, at Federal Plaza, New York, May 10, 1985. |
Умер известный американский скульптор Ричард Серра | Richard Serra’s largest public artwork to date, a line of four 45-foot-tall steel plates spanning nearly four miles in the western Qatari desert, has been vandalized once again. |
Richard Serra Will Jolt You Awake
В возрасте 85 лет скончался известный американский скульптор Ричард Серра. Причина смерти — пневмония, сообщила газета The New York Times со ссылкой на адвоката скульптора Джона Зильбермана. Rendering of Richard Serra sculpture on the Rodin Museum grounds, presented at December 2016 Art Commission meeting. NYT: скульптор Ричард Серра умер на 86-м году жизни. Richard Serra, the sculptor celebrated for his pioneering large-scale steel artworks, has passed away at 85. Richard Serra's Tilted Arc. Aerial view of sculptor Richard Serra's controversial piece 'Tilted Arc', prior to its removal, at Federal Plaza, New York, May 10, 1985. Minimalist sculptor Richard Serra built an international career forging steel into curvy, gravity-defying forms, but a gallery show of his latest sculptures in New York reveals a few new sharper angles.
Скончался скульптор Ричард Серра
Famed American artist and sculptor Richard Serra, known for turning curving walls of rusting steel and other malleable materials into large-scale pieces of outdoor artwork that are now dotted across the world, died Tuesday at his home in Long Island, New York. He was 85. His death was confirmed Tuesday night by his lawyer, John Silberman, whose firm is based in New York. He said the cause of death was pneumonia. He was closely identified with the minimalist movement of the 1970s.
Серра не создавал движущиеся объекты, его занимала скорее сама идея движения. Закрученные в спирали или разрезающие пространство стальные листы статичны примерно в том же смысле, что и стоп-кадр — они как будто предполагают не только «сейчас», но также «до» и «после», а ржавчина становится видимым маркером времени, придает скульптуре черты процесса. Фильм «Рука, ловящая свинец», 1968 «Лента» 2006 , Музей современного искусства в Нью-Йорке Серра — монументалист и минималист.
Его работы по масштабу приближаются к архитектуре, и применительно к ним сравнение с застывшей музыкой перестает быть штампом. Они структурны и репетитивны, как музыка композиторов-минималистов, искавших свой метод в те же годы, что и Серра. Один из самых знаменитых представителей этого направления, Филип Гласс, даже работал в 1960-х у Серры ассистентом, раскатывая вместе с ним листы свинца, из которого создавались модели будущих скульптур.
Их дружба и сотрудничество, общие открытия — прекрасный пример того, как разные искусства двигались параллельными курсами. Кадры из фильма «Рука, ловящая свинец», 1968 Фильм «Связанные руки», 1968 Джексон Поллок, 1950 К стилю, сделавшему его знаменитым, Серра пришел не сразу.
Ричард Серра родился в 1938 году в Сан-Франциско. Он выпускник Калифорнийского университета - бакалавр английской литературы. После он учился в Йельском университете, получив степени бакалавра B.
COR-TEN steel, as it is known by its genericised trademark, is a type of weathering steel that develops a stable rust-like appearance after extended exposure to the elements so as to eliminate the need for painting. Excellent early examples include Terminal, a 40ft trapezium comprised of four enormous sheets of rolled steel created for documenta VI 1977. Seen from the viewing gallery above, these eight enormous works of weathered steel curve, fold and torque with a fluidity that belies the supposed rigidity of their material, spiralling like pieces of card or ribbon.
Легендарный американский скульптор Ричард Серра скончался на 86-м году жизни
Sculptor Richard Serra in front of his new installation (Getty Images). Легендарный американский художник Ричард Серра скончался в возрасте 85 лет. Ричард Серра знаменит размахом своих творений: "Фулькрум" в Лондоне достигает 17 метров, "Значение времени" в Музее Гуггенхайма в Бильбао весит более 1000 тонн. With works on view throughout the Museum and in The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden, Richard Serra Sculpture: Forty Years displays the extraordinary vision of this formidable artist, who has radicalized and extended the definition of sculpture. Ричард Серра признается многими критиками самым влиятельным скульптором 20-го века.
Стало известно о смерти «мистического» скульптора Ричарда Серры
Тогда же начал делать первые масштабные композиции из стали, а в 1981 году создал одну из самых известных своих работ — «Опрокинутая дуга». В 2005 году появилась его композиция «Материя времени» по заказу музея Гуггенхайма в Бильбао. Источник: The New York Times.
Скандальная скульптура Ричарда Серры может вернуться навсегда в Париже Читайте дальше Леди Гагу заподозрили в помолвке Город Париж может повторно установить высокую стальную скульптуру покойного американского художника Ричарда Серры после его смерти в прошлом месяце.
Публикация от narcyb Всего через два года после открытия « Клара-Клара» была куплена городом и перенесена в меньший парк в 13-м округе Парижа, что вызвало критику со стороны общественности, которая испортила ее граффити и потребовала ее убрать.
His enormous ellipses, spirals, and arcs made of bare steel defied ideas of form and space, earning him recognition as one of the greatest sculptors of his time. Sierra worked with renowned architects and artists throughout his career, making a lasting impression on the architectural world.
Richard Serra, Tilted Arc pic. Throughout his career, Serra pushed the limits of his medium and produced a wide range of works, including films, prints, and videos.
Serra died at home on Tuesday at his home in New York. Read more Serra was best known for his gigantic curved sheets of oxidised steel, such as the 1,034-tonne series The Matter of Time that fills the main hall of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. Such weighty works radically transformed the spaces where they were installed and were often said to instil a physical reaction in their viewers. Serra was born in San Francisco in 1939 to a Russian-Jewish mother and a Spanish father, who fitted pipes in a shipyard. The young Serra was inspired by seeing a ship launched as a child and was encouraged to draw by his mother.