Новости сансет шиммер характер

Возложив на себя Элемент Магии, Сансет Шиммер узрела скрывающееся в ней чудовище.

Сансет Шиммер. 25 интересных фактов о персонаже

She bonds with Trixie in Forgotten Friendship after Trixie admits to feeling the same as Sunset in wanting to be perceived in a much better way. In Rollercoaster of Friendship, Sunset gets increasingly angry when she and Twilight keep losing at a ring toss game, despite knowing that the game is rigged. Sunset even rejects a pity prize out of principle. When she struggles to get a handle on the controls for a seemingly simple video game in "Game Stream" while Fluttershy a gaming novice masters it easily, she starts yelling at the screen, burying her face on her bed and unleashing a Skyward Scream. Fluttershy takes it in stride and, when the game is over, Sunset snaps out of it and congratulates Fluttershy. Composite Character : Sunset Shimmer has similarities with several antagonists from the original show. She was once close to Celestia and is beaten by the Elements of Harmony like Nightmare Moon, is a smug Evil Counterpart to Twilight Sparkle like Trixie, drives the Mane Six apart like Discord, attempts to discredit Twilight like Queen Chrysalis, and using magic to enslave the school in a manner similar to how King Sombra took over the Crystal Empire. Sunset also talks Twilight out of leaving the camp for supposedly being the cause for all the trouble there and near the end of the film, she finally convinces Twilight to use her magic willingly to help defeat the villain. Sunset spends much of her time at camp looking after Human Twilight and trying to help her cope with her new magic and the lingering self-doubt from Friendship Games, often by referring to her own experiences.

Notably, her first appearance as a pony toy on display had her wearing it, which concealed the fact of whether she was an Earth Pony or Unicorn until her toy box was revealed. Costume Evolution : She has an entirely new outfit in the post-Rainbow Rocks music videos featuring a teal shirt with a semitransparent skirt and blue leggings, along with a new pair of boots and a new jacket, both with orange chevron stripes. Again, when she tosses aside the jacket in "My Past Is Not Today", the lighter color scheme is all the more noticeable. This becomes her default outfit in Friendship Games. After the Summertime Shorts she gets a third outfit more similar to her original, but with the shirt and skirt colors reversed, and a sleeveless leather vest. Crossing the Burnt Bridge : After Celestia rejected her demand to become a princess, Sunset stormed out of Canterlot and into the human world. Crucified Hero Shot : In Rainbow Rocks, she takes this pose when she rises into the air to "pony up". Damn You, Muscle Memory!

She also begins to feel very upset about the responsibility she feels for bringing magic into the world in the first place, and her own inability to solve their current problems — all of which she thinks are either directly or indirectly her fault. She really begins to despair when Twilight is unable to answer her calls and the portal to Equestria gets closed off. In the end, she ends up taking the hero mantle, giving Midnight Sparkle her Kirk Summation and proceeds to stop her. At the end, she realizes her purpose is to help others. Deuteragonist : In Rainbow Rocks, while Twilight is still The Protagonist and the Rainbooms are the Main Characters , the film is just as much about Sunset regaining her confidence and overcoming her self-doubt as it is the Rainbooms fighting the Dazzlings. Perhaps because she takes her studies seriously? Then the lights come back, startling Fluttershy into fleeing. Dispel Magic : In her Golden Super Mode , she has the ability to fix the tears in reality made by Midnight Sparkle with magic of her own.

She ends up battered by magic and the results themselves are inconclusive. The Dreaded : Was this in the first movie. In her first scene as a human, she scares a student into his locker with little more than a glare. Subverted in the sequels, where she is trying to be liked. Drives Like Crazy : Sunset, when she tries to flee the festival site in the middle of the night. Drunk on the Dark Side : Sunset takes a few levels in psycho and hamminess when she finally gets the crown and is transformed by its magic. Prior to it, she was nasty but had some standards and operated on a more rational level. She confirms in Friendship Games that the power of the crown was so great that it overwhelmed her.

It all culminates with three possible bad endings and two really bad endings, resulting in getting permanently trapped in the time-loop for all eternity. Earn Your Happy Ending : She spends most of Rainbow Rocks being hated by everyone in the school except the Rainbooms, and being forced to watch from the sidelines as her friends fight. And yet, through it all, she tries her very best to shed her old self and become as supportive of her friends as possible. This eventually works out by the end when she joins the Rainbooms in defeating the Dazzlings, leading to her bad reputation beginning to dwindle and her staying in touch with Twilight through her book. In the end, she decides that her purpose in life is to help people. Easily Forgiven : Zig-Zagged. Even Principal Celestia, who had been more tolerant of her in the first film, has it in for her now. Elemental Punch : As Daydream Shimmer, her first attack towards Midnight Sparkle is a Rasengan-esque palm strike as both girls thrust their magic charged hands forward and crash into each other in mid-air.

Incidentally, a similar type of clash is also a very iconic occurrence between The Hero and his Rival in Naruto. Establishing Character Moment : Each of the first three films opens with a scene focusing on Sunset Shimmer either before or after the opening credits, to show her Character Development in various stage of progress. Then before entering the mirror portal, she says to Twilight "sorry it had to be this way, Princess," sneering the last word. This sets her up as clever, ambitious, knowledgable about the Elements, powerful enough to rival Twilight teleportation is a rare skill , and derisive of Twilight and her status. In Rainbow Rocks, she offers to help the Crusaders with their banner, but is rebuffed. The rest of the Equestria Girls call her over, prompting a smile, but she then shrinks back when the rest of the gym takes notice of her presence and starts glaring and whispering, and she awkwardly walks through them to the girls. Finally, when Celestia mentions the Fall Formal, Sunset is once again on the receiving end of glares and whispering and falls against the wall in a Troubled Fetal Position. This immediately shows her as much more humble and kind than before, repentant and ashamed of her past actions, and while the Equestria Girls accept her as a friend, no one else does yet.

When Rainbow admits it was just a broken guitar string, Sunset makes her frustration at the "emergency" clear, but as the rest of the group leaves she smiles and shakes her head. Also served as one to Princess Celestia. Evil Feels Good : Subverted. Evil Is Bigger : After the Element of Magic turns her into a crazed demon in the first movie, she becomes about twice the size of a human being. In contrast, as Daydream Shimmer and in her ponied-up forms she retains her normal size. She also gains Flaming Hair and fireball magic in her demon form.

After the Equestria Girls stops her, she understands that she had been the bad guy even before this, and promptly repents. Hell-Bent for Leather : Three of her casual outfits come with a leather jacket or a vest. In the first movie, her leather jacket is a sure sign of her being a bad girl and she keeps it post-redemption presumably for the Rule of Cool. She even gets a new one starting with the Rainbow Rocks Encore music videos and Equestria Girls: Digital Series has her wear a leather vest instead. At the end of the movie, she steps on the field with her friends, giving them their Heroic Second Wind. Thanks to her friends finding out Sunset really was their friend, all seven of them recover after destroying the Memory Stone. In Rainbow Rocks, Sunset is riddled with guilt over her actions in the first movie. This leads to her not being as assertive as she should be, and questioning if she is even worth forgiveness, as she often states she understands why everyone dislikes her. In Friendship Games, Sunset is shown to easily get down on herself, taking the blame for all magical problems and negatively comparing herself to Princess Twilight, with Sunset even saying that everything relating to magic is somehow her own fault. Heroism Motive Speech : Sunset gets two. The first when she realizes it is her place to step in and help the girls stop bickering and resolve their issues. This leads to her gaining a hybrid form of her own. With Twilight dealing with her duties in Equestria while Sunset covers magical matters and trials in the human realm. She has the advantage of years of experience in the human world manipulating others, and enough magical knowledge to know that taking the Element of Magic to an Alternate Universe would bypass it only working for its bearer and let her use it. Her ability to improvise and switch plans on the fly the moment circumstances change is also worth a mention. Several of the Equestria Girls shorts have shown Sunset to be quite the artist. She draws comic books in her spare time, and does graffiti art under the pseudonym "Flanksy". In the first film, she does use "somepony" and "hooves" when talking to or about Twilight, but she does that on purpose. When her memories of the human world are briefly erased in Forgotten Friendship, she slips back into "somepony". Sunset Shimmer: Studying ancient books is fine for some people, but I like to solve magical mysteries by rolling up my sleeves and getting my hooves... In the novelized version of Equestria Girls and Rainbow Rocks, her demon form has a gnarled horn while her normal ponied-up form has a regular unicorn horn, both of which are absent in the movies. As Daydream Shimmer she does have a horn made of light, the same as her wings. She then has a transformation in Friendship Games that also has wings made of light. How Do I Shot Web? Once Sunset finds out she had Touch Telepathy all this time, instead of having to learn to control them, she focuses on helping Twilight and the others with their Power Incontinence. Humble Pie : Her defeat at the end of Equestria Girls and her loss of control before then leaves her begging for forgiveness at the bottom of a crater. By the sequel, her haughty tone has reduced considerably. Humanizing Tears : She breaks down after her demonic influence is purged and she lies defeated and humiliated in a crater in front of the school, begging for forgiveness. Hypnotic Eyes : In Equestria Girls her demon form has these along with Pstandard Psychic Pstance while casting a spell to mind control the people at the prom. Hypocrite : In her origin story "The Fall of Sunset Shimmer", she proclaims Celestia as selfish for not granting her the power of an alicorn, despite Celestia trying to tell her numerous times it has to be earned; at the time, Sunset is in no position to be talking about who is selfish, much less worthy of said power. Fluttershy briefly comments on this before Sunset shouts her down. It is about her resolve to become a more heroic and friendly person. I Choose to Stay : After the events of Equestria Girls, she decides to stay in the human world rather than return to Equestria, largely to atone for her actions and possibly too ashamed to face Celestia again. Celestia even mentions this in the comic during the "Reflections" comic arc. The thing is, Twilight earned the honor; Sunset felt she should have it but was trying to take the easy way to get it. Ironically, once Sunset puts this attitude behind her, she eventually does legitimately earn much of what she wanted. By the end, the group and the whole school begins to accept her again and her situation has greatly improved by the next movie. She then properly tells Pinkie to go on without her while Sunset gets revenge on whoever hit her in the face with that snowball. It is a rare western example. Inadequate Inheritor : In the first movie, she was sneering at Twilight that she was the best that Celestia could come up with as a replacement star pupil. Inferiority Superiority Complex : Smugly confident in her own abilities and status at Canterlot High when Twilight first runs into her. The switch is flipped when Twilight refuses to hand over the crown under the threat of Sunset destroying the portal and her friends call her a true princess. Sunset then proceeds to lunge at Twilight. But in the series she never, without external sources, displays any more advanced magic than teleportation which is normal for unicorn prodigies. The Loose Canon comic prequel showed her cunning enough to get how break said friends up out of them, but this was implied to before she got her reputation to overcome. Innocently Insensitive : She shows shades of this in Legend of Everfree. She also tells Flash that he needs to "get over Twilight" without adding much else to the matter. What are we doing? How are we going to win this?! Intelligence Equals Isolation : Sunset was ambitious and arrogant where Twilight was neurotic and uncertain, and unlike Twilight, she never got an order to go find friends. Sunset ended up parting ways with the Princess, moving to another world, and figuring as the Big Bad of the first movie and becoming socially isolated once again , but like Twilight, she gets better about it once she makes genuine friends. I Resemble That Remark! She does it again in Forgotten Friendship, after everyone loses their good memories of Sunset and thinks she is still a bully. Jerkass : Starts out as this. At least until her Heel—Face Turn.

По словам человека-Флаттершай, Сансет делает жизнь невыносимой для «тех, кто стоит у неё на пути». Во втором фильме она полностью исправилась, и даже начинает дружить с другими главными героями. Однако все остальные ученики школы презирают её, а лучшие друзья постоянно вспоминают инцидент на Осеннем Балу, что создаёт героине ещё больший дискомфорт.

Хмурый понедельник [ ] Сансет появляется в музыкальной короткометражке «Хмурый понедельник», где показывается место жительства Сансет Шиммер. В песне Сансет вместе с Сумеречной Искоркой поют о том, как утренние планы идут наперекосяк. My Little Pony Девочки из Эквестрии: Забытая дружба [ ] В мультфильме «Забытая дружба» Сансет Шиммер становится главой комиссии по составлению школьного ежегодника и его главным редактором. Она с большим энтузиазмом участвует в фотографировании своих друзей и одноклассников, однако отказывает Трикси в присуждении ей номинации «Величайшая и Могущественная», чем сильно злит её. Кроме того, она совершенно не обращает внимание на Уоллфлауэр Блаш , пока та не заговорила с ней, и даже выключает за собой свет в кабинете, несмотря на то, что Блаш всё ещё была там. Сансет и Основная Шестёрка договариваются о встрече на пляже в субботу, чтобы сделать групповое селфи. Главная Шестёрка как-то странно косится на Сансет. И вот, наконец, наступила суббота. Сансет встречает своих подруг на пляже, но неожиданно замечает, что они злятся на неё, вспоминая то, как она издевалась над ними в прошлом, и прогоняют её прочь, говоря: «Мы вовсе не друзья! Сансет пишет письмо Сумеречной Искорке из Эквестрии, и отправляется к ней за помощью. В мире пони она по совету Искорки встречает свою бывшую наставницу — Принцессу Селестию , которая сперва встречает её весьма недружелюбно, но после того как Шиммер объясняет ей, что изменилась с момента её побега в мир людей и кражи короны Искорки, обнимает её и говорит, что очень по ней скучала. Искорка даёт последний совет Сансет. Селестия, Луна , Искорка и Сансет отправляются в архив Кантерлотской библиотеки, где Искорка находит свиток «Семь испытаний Мудрого Кловера », в котором рассказывается о некоем Камне Памяти, который может стирать память любого пони о каких-либо событиях. Сансет решает вернуться в мир людей, чтобы разыскать этот камень. Уже после ухода Сансет Искорка находит утраченную страницу свитка, в которой говорится, что если не уничтожить Камень до захода солнца, все украденные воспоминания исчезнут навсегда. Вернувшись, Сансет замечает, как отзывается о ней Трикси, и думает, что именно ей принадлежит Камень. Но Трикси ничего не знает об этом камне, однако видя, как Шиммер расстроена, решает ей помочь, с условием: та включит её в ежегодник. Девочки открывают своё собственное расследование и опрашивают всех, кому может принадлежать Камень Памяти, но никто о нём не знает. Наконец, их взгляд останавливается на Уоллфлауэр Блаш, которая как раз и оказывается воровкой — как выяснилось, Уоллфлауэр всегда была в тени ещё до начала событий первого мультфильма ДиЭ, и очень переживала по этому поводу, пока неожиданно для себя не нашла Камень Памяти, который оказался закопанным в её саду. У Сансет амнезия! В конце концов, Сансет и Уоллфлауэр сталкиваются в финальной схватке, на глазах у Научно-Искорки и остальных подруг. Блаш очень злится на Сансет, ведь та сумела обрести любовь и дружбу, а она так и осталась «невидимкой». Чтобы вконец отомстить Шиммер, Уоллфлауэр решает полностью стереть воспоминания Основной Шестёрки о школе и друг друге, но Сансет не позволяет этого сделать и в последний момент буквально жертвует собой, попав под луч Камня. Научно-Искорка и её друзья, видя такой благородный поступок, тут же просят прощения и, объединившись с Сансет с помощью кристаллов, разбивают путём магии дружбы Камень Памяти вдребезги, тем самым вернув память и себе, и Сансет. Вместе они прощают Уоллфлауэр за её поступок. Кроме того, с этих пор Трикси тоже становится подругой Сансет.

Кто родители Сансет Шиммер?

Sunset Shimmer resembles the G3 Earth pony Sunshimmer in pony design and name. She has a light amber coat, red and brilliant yellow mane and tail, and a cutie mark of a red and yellow shimmering sun. What does Sunset Shimmer do with her magic Geode? Also according to Hadley, Sunset is bisexual, but Hadley added that this is open to fan interpretation.

They are often able to see patterns in what other people are saying, which allows them to devise plans to best achieve their goals. Thinking, or clairvoyant, is the third trait of an ENTJ. They are able to find solutions to problems that other people might not even be aware of. Judging, or critical, is the fourth trait of an ENTJ.

What does Sunset Shimmer do with her magic Geode?

Also according to Hadley, Sunset is bisexual, but Hadley added that this is open to fan interpretation. Who is Sunset Shimmer in Legend of Everfree? In the film Legend of Everfree, Sunset Shimmer appears as the secondary central character, serving as moral support for human Twilight.

Дружба будет вечной [ ] Сансет появляется в музыкальной короткометражке «Дружба будет вечной» и имеет незначительный вокал во время исполнения песни. Она взаимодействует с Рэйнбумс одна за одной, прежде чем встретиться со всей группой в конце и тепло обняться. В третьей части полнометражного мультфильма «Девочки из Эквестрии» Сансет Шиммер показана, как уже полноценный положительный персонаж и одна из протагонистов. Началось всё с того, что Сансет, всерьёз обеспокоенная отсутствием писем от принцессы Искорки, вдруг заметила, как кто-то ошивается возле портала. Сансет пытается поймать его, но неизвестный убегает, оказавшись Сумеречной Искоркой из мира людей. Вместе с другими учениками школы-противника приезжает и Сумеречная Искорка. Сначала Сансет, как и все, радуется, но потом осознаёт, что это не принцесса, а всего лишь её двойник из мира людей.

Ситуацию усугубляет то, что этот двойник сначала запечатывает портал в Эквестрию, а потом начинает открыто тянуть магию из главных героев. Сансет злится, и, так и не добившись ответа от принцессы, решает сама разобраться, что к чему. Сансет принимает участие в соревнованиях по мотокроссу, и побеждает, несмотря на злобные растения, пытающиеся закусить участниками. Сумеречная Искорка признается, что не понимает, каким образом действует её устройство — Сансет кричит на неё, обвиняя в том, что из-за Искорки чуть не погибли Радуга и остальные. На последнем этапе Искорка, подстрекаемая сокурсниками, выпускает всю магию, и превращается в демоническое рогатое существо с чёрными крыльями. Сансет в ответ принимает облик светлого существа с сияющими крыльями, впервые в одиночку вступая в открытое противостояние со злыми силами. После недолгой битвы ей удаётся убедить ученицу Кристальной Академии не идти по этому пути. В финале Сансет и остальные получают нового лучшего друга. Когда Флаттершай спрашивает, нет ли ответа от принцессы, Сансет качает головой, и замечает, что, похоже, им впредь придётся разбираться со своими проблемами самостоятельно. Наука волшебства [ ] В этой короткометражке Сансет решает провести эксперименты над своими друзьями, чтобы увидеть, почему они превращаются в пони, когда играют музыку.

К сожалению, полученные результаты ничего не дают. My Little Pony Девочки из Эквестрии: Легенды вечнозелёного леса [ ] Сумеречная Искорка бывшая ученица Кристальной Академии из мира людей переживает кошмары, связанные с её превращением в Полуночную Искорку, и боится, что та может вернуться опять, но утаивает это от друзей. В поисках новых впечатлений, вся компания и часть школы отправляется в туристический лагерь Эверфри, которым заправляют двое вожатых — Глориоса Дейзи и её брат Тимбер Спрус. Последний сразу кладёт глаз на Искорку, и в первый же вечер рассказывает легенду о чудовище по имени Гая Эверфри, которое обитает где-то в лесу, но однажды придёт, чтобы уничтожить лагерь и забрать свою часть территории. На следующее утро Искорка обнаруживает в себе способность перемещать предметы по воздуху, тогда как Сансет начинает слышать из ниоткуда странные голоса, и сразу связывает это с услышанной историей. Решив, что Полуночная Искорка снова завладевает её сознанием, Искорка просит подругу ничего не говорить остальным. Сансет открывает в себе способность к чтению мыслей. Вскоре необычайные способности начинают проявляться и у других членов группы. Так, Эпплджек получает супер-физическую силу, Радуга Дэш — супер-скорость, Пинки Пай — возможность взрывать сладости, Рарити — создавать силовое поле, а Флаттершай — разговаривать с животными.

Что такое элемент Сансет Шиммер?

Both songs also happen to show the girls their old Superpowered Evil Sides in a reflection. Forgiveness : A key point of her Character Development , and shown differently in each movie. In Equestria Girls she learns to ask for forgiveness after realizing how evil she really was. In Rainbow Rocks she learns to forgive herself and accept herself, through which she gains the forgiveness of the school. And in Friendship Games she learns to forgive others who are in situations like hers.

In Legend of Everfree she has to mentor Human Twilight to help her overcome her fear of turning back into Midnight Sparkle, basically facilitating the same development Sunset herself got in Rainbow Rocks while also giving her someone to commiserate with regarding becoming a "raging she-demon". The Rainbooms unintentionally snub Sunset by not offering to let her be part of the band. Likewise, Princess Twilight is also hesitant around Sunset when Twilight first enters the human world again. She forgets that her native species are quadrupeds, walking on her back legs until she notices Starlight stare at her in confusion.

After Starlight tries handing over the book, it hits the floor and Sunset repeatedly tries picking it up with her hoof, also forgetting how those work until Starlight reminds her that she has unicorn telekinesis she can use instead. Frame-Up : Sunset Shimmer frames Twilight for trashing the gymnasium to get her out of running for the Fall Formal crown. Fortunately, Flash is able to clear her name at the last minute. The prequel comic shows that ponies did try to be friends with her, but she brushed them off as being frivolous and irrelevant, more likely to slow her down than to help her.

In the Equestria Girls holiday comic, she tells Applejack that she was always alone on the holidays, both in Equestria and in the human world. But by the end of the movie, this state of affairs is thoroughly dispelled. In the fourth movie, their new costumes are materialized on top of their current ones and they also get personal Transformation Trinkets. In the first two movies, she was always referred to by her full name.

She plays a video game with Fluttershy about squirrels collecting nuts, expecting to win easily. Instead, Sunset ends up on the wrong end of a Curb-Stomp Battle. In Holidays Unwrapped, Sunset gets a Berserk Button pushed when Applejack calls her favorite video games "silly" during a snowball fight. Generation Xerox : Like her former teacher Celestia, she ends up using the Magic of Friendship to defeat a night-themed villain driven to evil by a lack of friends.

She mellows out after her Heel—Face Turn. Glowing Eyes of Doom : Her demon form has these in her teal magic color when she launches a fireball at The Protagonists. This is especially true after Rainbow Rocks where she starts being accepted by the rest of the school beyond the Rainbooms. It is most evident in Forgotten Friendship, when both her and Twilight refers to the human dimension as "her world".

In addition, her magic turns from teal-green to gold. Her speech in Friendship Games confirms it when Sunset admits the magic in the crown overwhelmed her. In the story itself, though, it is more Trixie as the "obnoxious cop" and Sunset as the "eye-rolling cop". The loss of the black clothing makes her look significantly more benevolent than with it.

She also gains an anthropony form in contrast with her demon form in Equestria Girls. Now that she understands friendship, she can use the Element of Magic and the power of friendship without losing control, giving her a Golden Super Mode instead of turning into a demon. Good Eyes, Evil Eyes : When turning into a demon, her sclera first turn black and then swirly when concentrating for a Mind Control spell. Her subsequent post- Heel—Face Turn transformations have her with normal eyes.

While Twilight is clearly more book-smart, Sunset is more street-smart, able to navigate social graces much easier. Also, while both Princess Twilight and Human Twilight are smarter than her, Sunset is at least able to keep pace with the two of them by experimentation. In Friendship Games she only barely loses to Human Twilight in a math competition. Graceful Loser : Played with.

Sunset says that the magical goings-on around the Rainbooms are her fault, because she brought magic to the human world in the first place. This allows the Dazzlings to manipulate Sunset with her guilt in order to keep her quiet. In Friendship Games, Sunset confesses that she sees all of the magic incidents around Canterlot High as being her fault. Spring Breakdown has Sunset going after Rainbow Dash during a major lightning storm because Rainbow claimed to see evil magic around the boat.

This ends up leading to Sunset, Rainbow, and Human Twilight being sent to Equestria through a hitherto unknown portal. Hair-Trigger Temper : Sunset has a tendency to snap as things get further out of her control. This was especially bad when she was a villain, as she spent a good chunk of the first movie perpetually angry. Hated by All : Rainbow Rocks has no-one, save for the Rainbooms, caring for her—and even then there can still be tension between them.

After defeating the Sirens, this goes away. Heel—Face Turn : After she is defeated in the first film, she tearfully admits that she knows nothing about friendship, and accepts the chance to make amends. This lasts into Rainbow Rocks, where she actively tries to overcome her bad reputation, and even helps the Rainbooms defeat the Dazzlings at the end of the film. After the Equestria Girls stops her, she understands that she had been the bad guy even before this, and promptly repents.

Hell-Bent for Leather : Three of her casual outfits come with a leather jacket or a vest. In the first movie, her leather jacket is a sure sign of her being a bad girl and she keeps it post-redemption presumably for the Rule of Cool. She even gets a new one starting with the Rainbow Rocks Encore music videos and Equestria Girls: Digital Series has her wear a leather vest instead. At the end of the movie, she steps on the field with her friends, giving them their Heroic Second Wind.

Thanks to her friends finding out Sunset really was their friend, all seven of them recover after destroying the Memory Stone. In Rainbow Rocks, Sunset is riddled with guilt over her actions in the first movie.

Первой то, что с ними что-то не так, поняла как раз Сансет — нелюбимая в школе никем, кроме новых подруг. Тем более, что у неё оказалось средство связаться с Эквестрией и принцессой Твайлайт. Но долго-долго она считала себя чужой и кругом виноватой перед другими, пока в решающий момент её помощь не понадобилась в музыкальном бою с сиренами. Тогда песня группы Rainbooms смела сирен, восстановила порядок в школе и принесла Сансет новую славу — теперь доброго и готового прийти каждому на помощь человека. Игры Дружбы [ править ] Сансет, уже окружённая дружбой и хорошим отношением окружающих, узнаёт, что грядут новые Игры Дружбы Canterlot High с академией Crystal High судя по всему, проводимые раз в несколько лет , участники которой до этого всё время побеждали кантерлотских. Среди учеников другой школы Сансет замечает версию Твайлайт из человеческого мира.

Местная СайТвай давно наблюдала за Canterlot High и собрала вундервафлю, которая поглощает эквестрийскую магию и открывает порталы в случайные точки Эквестрии. Сансет в попытках поговорить с Твайлайт до и во время Игр замечает, как устройство высасывает магию из неё и её подруг. Желая обратиться за помощью к Твайлайт из Эквестрии, Сансет пытается войти в оригинальный портал, но магия исчезла и из него, и Шиммер приходится разбираться со всем самостоятельно. После того, как устройство Твайлайт чуть не убивает её подруг, Сансет в гневе орёт на неё и говорит ей не использовать вещи, сути которых та не понимает. Но под давлением одноклассников и директрисы Твайлайт всё же использует устройство и выпускает всю собранную магическую энергию, которая увеличивает обиду и страсть к исследованиям в десятки раз и трансформирует Твайлайт в злобную демонессу. Сансет поднимает брошенное Твайлайт устройство, и объясняя Твайлайт, почему та не права, объединяет магию дружбы подруг и превращается в ангела с рогом и крыльями. В ходе дальнейшей драки Сансет с трудом сдерживает натиск Твайлайт, но местная версия Спайка вовремя оказывается рядом и на мгновение пробуждает в СайТвай человечность, чего Шиммер оказывается достаточно для того, что нанести победный удар. После этого Сансет предлагает СайТвай прощение и дружбу и подаёт ей руку, как когда-то сделали и с ней.

В итоге Твайлайт переходит в Canterlot High, Сансет понимает, что ей не нужна была помощь из Эквестрии, а ключ к победе уже лежал в ней самой [2]. Характеристики [ править ] Альфа-сука — это была лишь маска Сансет Шиммер. Всё было намного серьёзнее. Видеоподборка всех случаев, когда Сансет злится Бешеный гнев — как и Рэйнбоу Дэш, у Сансет есть трудности с конструктивным выражением ярости. С той лишь разницей, что у неё возможности шире и более творческие. Булли — такой она представлена в первом фильме «Девушки из Эквестрии».

Hair-Trigger Temper : Sunset has a tendency to snap as things get further out of her control. This was especially bad when she was a villain, as she spent a good chunk of the first movie perpetually angry. Hated by All : Rainbow Rocks has no-one, save for the Rainbooms, caring for her—and even then there can still be tension between them.

After defeating the Sirens, this goes away. Heel—Face Turn : After she is defeated in the first film, she tearfully admits that she knows nothing about friendship, and accepts the chance to make amends. This lasts into Rainbow Rocks, where she actively tries to overcome her bad reputation, and even helps the Rainbooms defeat the Dazzlings at the end of the film. After the Equestria Girls stops her, she understands that she had been the bad guy even before this, and promptly repents. Hell-Bent for Leather : Three of her casual outfits come with a leather jacket or a vest. In the first movie, her leather jacket is a sure sign of her being a bad girl and she keeps it post-redemption presumably for the Rule of Cool. She even gets a new one starting with the Rainbow Rocks Encore music videos and Equestria Girls: Digital Series has her wear a leather vest instead. At the end of the movie, she steps on the field with her friends, giving them their Heroic Second Wind. Thanks to her friends finding out Sunset really was their friend, all seven of them recover after destroying the Memory Stone.

In Rainbow Rocks, Sunset is riddled with guilt over her actions in the first movie. This leads to her not being as assertive as she should be, and questioning if she is even worth forgiveness, as she often states she understands why everyone dislikes her. In Friendship Games, Sunset is shown to easily get down on herself, taking the blame for all magical problems and negatively comparing herself to Princess Twilight, with Sunset even saying that everything relating to magic is somehow her own fault. Heroism Motive Speech : Sunset gets two. The first when she realizes it is her place to step in and help the girls stop bickering and resolve their issues. This leads to her gaining a hybrid form of her own. With Twilight dealing with her duties in Equestria while Sunset covers magical matters and trials in the human realm. She has the advantage of years of experience in the human world manipulating others, and enough magical knowledge to know that taking the Element of Magic to an Alternate Universe would bypass it only working for its bearer and let her use it. Her ability to improvise and switch plans on the fly the moment circumstances change is also worth a mention.

Several of the Equestria Girls shorts have shown Sunset to be quite the artist. She draws comic books in her spare time, and does graffiti art under the pseudonym "Flanksy". In the first film, she does use "somepony" and "hooves" when talking to or about Twilight, but she does that on purpose. When her memories of the human world are briefly erased in Forgotten Friendship, she slips back into "somepony". Sunset Shimmer: Studying ancient books is fine for some people, but I like to solve magical mysteries by rolling up my sleeves and getting my hooves... In the novelized version of Equestria Girls and Rainbow Rocks, her demon form has a gnarled horn while her normal ponied-up form has a regular unicorn horn, both of which are absent in the movies. As Daydream Shimmer she does have a horn made of light, the same as her wings. She then has a transformation in Friendship Games that also has wings made of light. How Do I Shot Web?

Once Sunset finds out she had Touch Telepathy all this time, instead of having to learn to control them, she focuses on helping Twilight and the others with their Power Incontinence. Humble Pie : Her defeat at the end of Equestria Girls and her loss of control before then leaves her begging for forgiveness at the bottom of a crater. By the sequel, her haughty tone has reduced considerably. Humanizing Tears : She breaks down after her demonic influence is purged and she lies defeated and humiliated in a crater in front of the school, begging for forgiveness. Hypnotic Eyes : In Equestria Girls her demon form has these along with Pstandard Psychic Pstance while casting a spell to mind control the people at the prom. Hypocrite : In her origin story "The Fall of Sunset Shimmer", she proclaims Celestia as selfish for not granting her the power of an alicorn, despite Celestia trying to tell her numerous times it has to be earned; at the time, Sunset is in no position to be talking about who is selfish, much less worthy of said power. Fluttershy briefly comments on this before Sunset shouts her down. It is about her resolve to become a more heroic and friendly person. I Choose to Stay : After the events of Equestria Girls, she decides to stay in the human world rather than return to Equestria, largely to atone for her actions and possibly too ashamed to face Celestia again.

Celestia even mentions this in the comic during the "Reflections" comic arc. The thing is, Twilight earned the honor; Sunset felt she should have it but was trying to take the easy way to get it. Ironically, once Sunset puts this attitude behind her, she eventually does legitimately earn much of what she wanted. By the end, the group and the whole school begins to accept her again and her situation has greatly improved by the next movie. She then properly tells Pinkie to go on without her while Sunset gets revenge on whoever hit her in the face with that snowball. It is a rare western example. Inadequate Inheritor : In the first movie, she was sneering at Twilight that she was the best that Celestia could come up with as a replacement star pupil. Inferiority Superiority Complex : Smugly confident in her own abilities and status at Canterlot High when Twilight first runs into her. The switch is flipped when Twilight refuses to hand over the crown under the threat of Sunset destroying the portal and her friends call her a true princess.

Sunset then proceeds to lunge at Twilight. But in the series she never, without external sources, displays any more advanced magic than teleportation which is normal for unicorn prodigies. The Loose Canon comic prequel showed her cunning enough to get how break said friends up out of them, but this was implied to before she got her reputation to overcome. Innocently Insensitive : She shows shades of this in Legend of Everfree. She also tells Flash that he needs to "get over Twilight" without adding much else to the matter. What are we doing? How are we going to win this?!

Она пытается выяснить, почему друзья продолжают трансформироваться в полу-пони ведь корону забрали обратно в Эквестрию и злится, что не может получить ответ на послания эквестрийской принцессе. Четвёртая часть демонстрирует Сансет уже как вполне жизнерадостную, уверенную в себе особу. Очевидно, глядя на то, как ошиблась в своих стремлениях Сумеречная Искорка из мира людей, Сансет понимает, что каждого может подстерегать неверное направление, что плохого, что хорошего.

Что такое элемент Сансет Шиммер?

Overall, Sunset Shimmer’s dominant traits and behaviors make her a fitting example of the ENTJ personality type. 1. Имя Сансет Шиммер сокращённо Сансет 2. Возраст: 16 лет по человечьи, 21 год по-понячьи. Таким образом, Сансет общается, передает новости и получает советы от Твайлайт. Сансет шиммер – это невероятное явление, которое создает впечатление, что небо и вода сливаются воедино, словно волшебное зеркало.

Сансет Шиммер

  • Какой элемент представляет Сумеречная Искорка?
  • Сансет Шиммер да здравствует аналог Спаркл
  • Содержание
  • Sunset Shimmer

Сансет Шиммер. 25 интересных фактов о персонаже

Сансет Шиммер картинки Когда-то не было большего задиры, манипулятора и вруна в школе Кантерлота, чем рыжеволосая бестия Сансет Шиммер. Возложив на себя Элемент Магии, Сансет Шиммер узрела скрывающееся в ней чудовище. Хотя, посмотрим какой характер будет у Шиммер И да кто то там говорил, что Твай могут заменить на Сансет: Пошел слух.

:rainbow: Девочки из Эквестрии (MLP) :rainbow:

В третьей части Сансет уже показана как полноценный положительный персонаж. Она пытается выяснить, почему друзья продолжают трансформироваться в полу-пони ведь корону забрали обратно в Эквестрию и злится, что не может получить ответ на послания эквестрийской принцессе. Четвёртая часть демонстрирует Сансет уже как вполне жизнерадостную, уверенную в себе особу.

They are often able to see patterns in what other people are saying, which allows them to devise plans to best achieve their goals. Thinking, or clairvoyant, is the third trait of an ENTJ. They are able to find solutions to problems that other people might not even be aware of. Judging, or critical, is the fourth trait of an ENTJ.

Сумеречная Искорка была главной соперницей Сансет Шиммер. И наша добрая принцесса делала все, чтобы потеснить злую и беспринципную Сансет на ее троне. Но все изменилось. Теперь Сансет Шиммер стала участницей группы Rainbooms.

How do you think her character growth was handled and what sort of movies or other content would you have liked to see if EqG had continued? Talk about all of that and more in the comments!

Сансент Шиммер из мультсериала «Мой маленький пони: дружба — это чудо» (40 фото)

10 фактов о сансет шиммер. Сансет Шиммер (Sunset Shimmer) — героиня фильмов-спин-оффов по сериалу My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic о. Видно что Сансет Шиммер является целеустремленной и решительной личностью. so/sp - 386 in Enneagram, SCOAI in Big 5, LIE in Socionics. News of Sunset's behavior spread and before long, Celestia herself tried to confront her about it. so/sp - 386 in Enneagram, SCOAI in Big 5, LIE in Socionics.

Equestria Daily Settings

Сансет Шиммер (Sunset Shimmer) — героиня фильмов-спин-оффов по сериалу My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic о. Сансет Шиммер сделала свой любовный тест, чтобы узнать, насколько хорошо её знают друзья. На протяжении всего первого фильма Сансет Шиммер показана как эгоистичная, жестокая, снисходительная и нечестная. Sunset Shimmer Discussion: Character Growth, Movie Ideas and More! Если Сансет Шиммер сумела выжить и устроиться в чужом мире, у нее вполне могло хватить ума и ловкости обзавестись арсеналом.

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