Новости тампа бэй лайтнинг детройт ред уингз

В очередном матче в рамках регулярного чемпионата Национальной хоккейной лиги "Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг" проиграла "Детройт Ред Уингз". Детройт Ред Уингз прервал серию из трёх проигрышей, одержав победу в матче с Коламбусом со счётом 2:4, который прошел 5 декабря.

Tampa Bay Lightning Roster 2023-24

По итогам встречи он был признан третьей звездой. Голкипер Андрей Василевский участие в матче не принимал. Защитник Михаил Сергачев и нападающий Владислав Наместников очков не набрали. В составе победителей по дублю оформили Майкл Расмуссен и Дилан Ларкин.

Общие награды выдаются каждый день в 3 ночи по МСК. Они зависят не только от урона, но и от набранного рейтинга в общей таблице; он также сбрасывается ежедневно... Но при этом в стойбище есть всё необходимое для комфортной жизни.

Ездят на снегоходах, используют генераторы и бензопилы. Даже легковой автомобиль видела в стойбище. Видимо, проехали летом, когда в лесу было сухо. Ханты живут в глухой тайге вдалеке от цивилизации. Несколько деревянных избушек, до которых добираться надо на снегоходе или вездеходе от ближайшего посёлка. Расстояние — около 100 километров.

Их быт устроен немного по-другому по сравнению с ханты с Ямала, которые кочуют и живут в чумах... По данным Ассоциации туроператоров России, за последние годы в санатории стали ездить намного чаще, а возраст отдыхающих заметно снизился. Современные санатории напоминают, скорее, модные спа с массажем и украшенными ваннами. Мы подобрали несколько мест, где можно отдохнуть и зарядиться энергией.

Первый период закончился результативной ничьей — 2:2. В составе хозяев отличились Даниэль Спронг и Алекс Дебринкэт. В начале второй двадцатиминутки Лукас Рэймонд вывел «Детройт» вперёд.

Фото: Reuters За океаном в Национальной хоккейной лиге состоялся матч регулярного чемпионата, в котором «Детройт Ред Уингз» на своем льду принимал «Тампу-Бэй Лайтнинг». Встреча завершилась с разгромным счетом 7:4 в пользу «красных крыльев». В составе гостей площадки заброшенными шайбами отметились Брейден Пойнт, Алекс Киллорн, Росс Колтон и российский нападающий Никита Кучеров, на счету которого также голевой ассист.

Теперь в активе форварда 13 голов и 36 голевых передач в текущем сезоне.

Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг - Детройт Ред Уингз прямая трансляция матча

Verhaeghe ranks 11th amongst active players in playoff game-winning goals with eight. Verhaeghe notched another overtime winner in game two to put the Panthers up 2-0 in the series against the Lightning. Plus, Tkachuk has a goal in two of the first three games. Steven Stamkos is a pending unrestricted free agent, and the organization has yet to work out a new contract for their captain. With back-to-back first-round exits approaching, Stamkos might turn elsewhere for the 2024-25 season. For the Panthers, they are thriving in their cup window. This Florida roster stands prepared and structured for another deep playoff run. However, the Sam Bennett injury might end up hurting them down the road.

Голкипер Сергей Бобровский сделал 26 сейвов за «Пантерз», которые имеют показатель 5-1-0 против «Тампа-Бэй» в этом сезоне. В первом периоде «Флорида» успешно отбила оба большинства соперника, что привело к тому, что они вышли вперед 1:0 благодаря голу Ткачука. Его гол был результатом паса Антона Лунделла на открытого Ткачука, который забил с близкого расстояния. Во втором периоде «Лайтнинг» впервые в этой серии вышли вперед, забив дважды за 2:12.

В составе хозяев отличились Даниэль Спронг и Алекс Дебринкэт. В начале второй двадцатиминутки Лукас Рэймонд вывел «Детройт» вперёд. Через восемь минут Стивен Стэмкос оформил дубль.

Команда, находится в слабой форме. Клуб в крайних встречах, показывал низкую результативность в домашних матчах. Рассмотрим как команда провела недавние матчи: В последний раз 2 дня назад команда провела домашний поединок с клубом Вегас Голден Найтс. Но команде хозяев он принес поражение. Команды играли без оглядки на свои ворота, что вылилось в 6 забитых шайб. Согласно линии БК, домашняя игра для Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг, с высокой вероятностью закончиться для них победой. Коэффициент на такой исход составляет 1. Поставить ИТБ1 3.

«Детройт» обыграл «Тампу», забросив шесть шайб

Все о хоккейной команде Детройт Ред Уингз: последняя информация о составах команды, трансферах и слухах, статистика игроков, положение клуба в турнирных таблицах, рейтинги, результаты игр, последние новости. Юный форвард прошел с «Вашингтоном» всю предсезонку, венцом которой стали две результативные передачи в матче против «Детройт Ред Уингз». Тампа-Бэй, 2023-10-15 Трансляции. Позднее это также удалось российскому форварду «Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг» Никите Кучерову. Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг — хоккейный клуб: новости о команде. Календарь и расписание матчей Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг, онлайн-трансляции, состав команды Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг, аналитические материалы. The Tampa Bay Lightning look like they've met their match in the Florida Panthers.

Tampa Bay Lightning - Detroit Red Wings 14.04.2023

В тот год «Лайтнинг» выступили намного лучше, во многом благодаря успешной игре вратаря Даррена Пуппы и нападающего Петра Климы , улучшив свои показатели по сравнению с предыдущим сезоном на 18 очков, но снова остались далеко от места, дававшего шанс на участие в плей-офф. На своих домашних матчах команда собирала в среднем 19 656 болельщиков, но многие места были очень дешёвыми и финансовое положение клуба значительно ухудшилось. В 1995 году «Лайтнинг» набрали 37 очков в 48 играх и снова не попали в розыгрыш Кубка Стэнли. В первом раунде им пришлось встретиться с « Филадельфией », и хотя после трёх игр серии Тампа вела 2:1, «Флайерз» сумели переломить ход, выиграть последующие три матча, а с ними и всю серию. Из-за нестабильной игры вратарей и спада в игре многих ведущих игроков многообещающий год закончился полным провалом, и команда снова оказалась вне плей-офф. Перед своим следующим сезоном «Лайтнинг» потеряли своего ведущего нападающего Криса Грэттона , соблазнённого большим контрактом с « Филадельфией », затем получил травму вратарь Пуппа, и команда покатилась вниз по турнирной таблице. Эспозито уволил тренера Тэрри Криспа и пригласил на этот пост Жака Демера. Команда была продана американскому миллионеру Арту Уильямсу. Произошли перемены и в руководстве клуба — в начале сезона был уволен Эспозито; многие ветераны команды были обменяны, и на их места пришли молодые игроки. Но «Лайтнинг» осталась среди аутсайдеров НХЛ. В 2001 году «Тампа Бэй» сделали свой самый громкий обмен, приобретя российского голкипера Николая Хабибулина из « Финикс Койотис ».

Со старшим тренером Джоном Тортореллой , разыгравшимися форвардами Мартеном Сан-Луи , Лекавалье, Брэдом Ричардсом и надежно действовавшим Николаем Хабибулиным «молнии» вошли в число сильнейших команд лиги. Уступив в тот год во втором раунде плей-офф « Нью-Джерси Девилз », в 2004 году «Лайтнинг» удивили многих, заняв сначала первое место в регулярном чемпионате в Восточной конференции, а затем пройдя всю дистанцию в плей-офф и выиграв свой первый Кубок Стэнли. Голкипер «Тампы» Хабибулин пропускал всего по 1. Также 12 шайб забросил Руслан Федотенко , в то время как Мартен Сан-Луи с 94 очками стал лучшим бомбардиром регулярного чемпионата. Ввод «потолка зарплат» в НХЛ сразу после локаута 2005 года нанёс чувствительный удар «молниям» — команда просто не нашла достаточное место в бюджете для всех своих «звёзд», и Николай Хабибулин перебрался в « Чикаго Блэкхокс ». Перестройка и поражение в финале править После неудачных сезонов с 2008 по 2010 годы в «Тампе» произошла значительная реорганизация.

A collapse around that time of year has been an annual tradition for the Red Wings since the start of their rebuild. In previous seasons, the Red Wings were sellers at the trade deadline, leading to an exodus of talent that resulted in a stockpile of losses to finish out the season. Even though Yzerman elected to mostly stay put at the deadline this season, that familiar collapse still happened, and they were never truly able to recover from it. There are a number of explanations for why this happened. Regardless of the reason, the Red Wings let a massive cushion in the standings slip through their fingers; if they had just a. Good 3: Griffins Make the Playoffs Despite their playoff chase this season, the Red Wings have not made the playoffs since 2016. Key phrasing there: had not.

В составе хозяев отличились Даниэль Спронг и Алекс Дебринкэт. В начале второй двадцатиминутки Лукас Рэймонд вывел «Детройт» вперёд. Через восемь минут Стивен Стэмкос оформил дубль.

After the February 26 trade deadline, the Lightning won only five games. Finishing with a 31—42—9 record, with 71 points, they had the highest chance of winning the top overall pick in the 2008 NHL Entry Draft through the draft lottery, which they eventually won on April 7. The Lightning were the worst team on the road in the NHL, winning only 11 games. In the 2006—07 season, the Lightning had one of the best extra period records, winning 15 games in either overtime or the shootout. However, in the 2007—08 season, they won only three games, losing nine. Vincent Lecavalier suffered a dislocated shoulder as the result of an open-ice hit from Matt Cooke of the Washington Capitals in the game before the season finale in Atlanta. Head coach John Tortorella was fired by the Lightning following their worst season since Tortorella was hired. He stated, "I miss not having a dog in the fight. The next day, the Lightning officially introduced him as their new head coach. On July 4, 2008, Dan Boyle, despite coming off a recent contract extension, was traded along with Brad Lukowich to the San Jose Sharks in exchange for Matt Carle , Ty Wishart , a first-round draft pick in 2009 and a fourth-round pick in 2010. In the fallout from the trade, Boyle would call Lightning ownership "liars" [25] for misrepresenting the aforementioned events to the public, while former coach Tortorella later labeled them as "cowboys" and said he had zero respect for them. Barry Melrose would record his first win as a head coach in over 13 years on October 21, 2008, with a 3—2 victory over the Atlanta Thrashers. However, the Lightning did not get off to a great start as hoped, and Melrose was eventually fired by the Lightning with a 5—7—4 record. Rick Tocchet , who had been hired as assistant coach during the previous off-season, was promoted to interim head coach. Louis with the Lightning during the 2009—10 season. He signed a four-year extension with the team in the 2010 off-season. After the firing of Melrose, the Lightning went 19—33—14 and would finish the season 24—40—18 with 66 points, their lowest point total since the 2000—01 season. With the second overall pick in the 2009 NHL Entry Draft , the Lightning selected Swedish defenseman Victor Hedman , who would also be another major part of the franchise for years to come. In the 2009 off-season, the Lightning removed the interim status of Rick Tocchet, making him the full-time head coach and signing him to a multi-year contract. Despite an overmatched roster on paper, and a team that struggled in the first two periods of many games, the Lightning remained competitive in the playoff race until March, when they went 5—10—1 for the month and fell eight points out of a playoff spot. Unable to make a final push for the playoffs, they were officially eliminated from contention within the first week of April. The Lightning finished the season 34—36—12 for 80 points, fourth in the Southeast Division and 12th in the Eastern Conference. Following the late-season collapse, Vinik cleaned house, firing both head coach Rick Tocchet and GM Brian Lawton on April 12, 2010, one day after the season ended. Yzerman then hired Guy Boucher from the Montreal Canadiens organization to succeed Tocchet as the head coach two weeks later. On July 1, 2010, veteran blueliner Andrej Meszaros was traded to the Philadelphia Flyers in exchange for their second-round pick in 2011. Later that day, the Lightning signed star winger Martin St. With starting goaltender Mike Smith injured, the Lightning called up Cedrick Desjardins , who played with a. The team then acquired veteran Dwayne Roloson from the New York Islanders for further coverage in net. After holding the first place in the Southeast Division for several months, they fell to second after a poor performance in March. However, their record was solid enough for second in the Southeast Division and fifth in the Eastern Conference, and they returned to the playoffs for the first time since the 2006—07 season. Scoring 31 goals and assisting on 68, Martin St. Louis finished second in the NHL in points. Lecavalier scores the game-winning goal in Game 2 of the 2011 Eastern Conference semi-finals. The team went on to sweep the Washington Capitals in the series. After losing Game 4 at home in the second overtime period, they fell behind in the series one game to three. However, the Lightning went on to win the next three games, including a 1—0 Game 7 win on the road, taking their first playoff series since winning the Stanley Cup in 2004. In Game 4 of the series, the Lightning trailed 3—0 at the end of the first period. When Dwayne Roloson was pulled for Mike Smith, the Bruins failed to score again, and the Lightning tied the game in the second period by scoring three goals in 3:58, going on to win the game 5—3 and tying the series at two games apiece. The series went the full seven games, though the Lightning were eliminated by a single goal, as the game was lost 0—1. The Lightning finished the 2011—12 season with a 38—36—8 record. With only 84 points, they fell short of reaching the playoffs, ending the season third in the Southeast Division and tenth in the Eastern Conference. Individually, Steven Stamkos scored a franchise-record 60 goals. He won the Maurice "Rocket" Richard Trophy for the second time in his career. On March 25, 2013, head coach Guy Boucher was dismissed for following a 7—16—1 record. Louis won his second Art Ross Trophy with 60 points in the shortened season, as Stamkos finished runner-up 57. On June 27, 2013, the team announced that they would exercise one of their two " compliance buyouts " on captain Vincent Lecavalier, as permitted by the collective agreement. This move made Lecavalier an unrestricted free agent beginning July 5 of that year. On November 11, 2013, going into the day tied for most goals during the regular season, Steven Stamkos suffered a broken right tibia after crashing into one of the goalposts during play against the Boston Bruins. He would miss 45 games and was not cleared to play again until March 5, 2014. Callahan was acquired by the team in a trade that sent Martin St. Louis to the New York Rangers. After Stamkos was not medically cleared to play in Sochi in early February, Yzerman ultimately named St. Louis to Team Canada as an injury replacement. In late February, it was reported St. Louis had requested a trade from Yzerman the month prior. Louis, who had a no-move clause in his contract with Tampa Bay, reportedly consented to only being traded to the New York Rangers. On March 5, 2014, St. Louis was sent to New York along with a conditional 2015 second-round pick in exchange for New York captain Ryan Callahan , a 2015 first-round draft pick, a conditional 2014 second-round pick and a 2015 conditional seventh-round pick. Louis cited his decision based on his family and thanked Lightning fans for their support during his tenure with the franchise, but would not specify any further about the reasons leading to his request. However, Tampa Bay was eliminated in the first round, losing to the Montreal Canadiens in a four-game sweep. Tampa Bay eliminated the Detroit Red Wings in seven games in the first round of the playoffs before facing Montreal in the second round. The Lightning won the first three games of the series and had a chance to sweep the Canadiens; however, Montreal responded with wins in Games 4 and 5 to extend the series to a sixth game. Tampa Bay won the sixth game of the series to eliminate the Canadiens and advance to the Eastern Conference Finals for the first time since 2011, facing the New York Rangers. The series then shifted to Tampa, where the Lightning had a come-from-behind overtime victory in Game 3 but lost Game 4 to even the series at two games apiece. During Game 5 in New York, goaltender Ben Bishop recorded his second shutout of the playoffs in a 2—0 victory, but the Rangers responded in Game 6 by scoring seven goals to tie the series at three games apiece. In Game 7, Bishop recorded his third shutout of the playoffs in another 2—0 victory against the Rangers to lead the Lightning to their first appearance in the Stanley Cup Finals since 2004. The Lightning not only became the first team to defeat the Rangers in a Game 7 at Madison Square Garden , but they also became the first team to successfully defeat three Original Six teams in the first three rounds of the playoffs. However, they became the first team to lose the Stanley Cup Finals despite beating three Original Six teams. The season was filled with controversy for the team, starting off with the contractual questions regarding captain Steven Stamkos and with the former third overall pick Jonathan Drouin publicly requesting a trade and being suspended from the organization. The Lightning picked up their play at the beginning of 2016 and set the franchise record to nine consecutive wins on March 5, 2016, when Alex Killorn scored with 42. On March 26, 2016, the Lightning announced cornerstone defenseman Anton Stralman had suffered a fractured leg in their game against the New York Islanders at home. Due to unfortunate circumstances, the team had no other option but to bring Drouin back to the team. The Lightning ended up finishing second in the Atlantic Division and would once again face the third-seeded Detroit Red Wings in the first round of the playoffs. Next up, the Islanders who had recently defeated the Panthers to win their first playoff series since the 1992—93 season would face the Lightning. In Game 1, the Islanders defeated the Bolts 5—3.

Результат матча Тампа-Бэй Лайтнингс - Детройт Ред Уингз 07 декабря 2022

Explore the 2023-24 Tampa Bay Lightning NHL roster on ESPN. Действующие обладатели Кубка Стэнли «Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг» обыграли в матче регулярного сезона НХЛ «Детройт Ред Уингз», сообщает победу в основное время со счетом 2:1 одержала команда Детройт Ред Уингз. TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING: все контракты игроков НХЛ в одном месте. «Тампа» в матче регулярного чемпионата НХЛ уступила «Детройту» со счетом 4:6. Соперник, Тампа-Бэй, пока играет без основного голкипера, что может быть слабым местом команды.

Детройт Ред Уингз - Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг (НХЛ): смотреть онлайн, прямая трансляция 22 декабря 2022

Четвертый матч пройдет в Тампе в ночь на 28 апреля. Счёт в этой серии также в пользу победителей 3—0. Гол российского защитника Дмитрия Орлова стал первым в текущем плей-офф. Двумя голевыми пасами отметился форвард хозяев Андрей Свечников.

Это помогло «Лайтнинг» занять шестое место в Восточной конференции и выйти в плей-офф. Для «Детройта» поражение от «Тампы» стало пятым подряд. В Восточной конференции клуб остановился на 12-й позиции, что не позволило ему выйти в следующую стадию.

Во встех трех атаках победителей поучаствовал бывший шведский защитник казахстанского «Барыса» Виктор Хедман, записавший на свой счет три результативные передачи. Четвертую шайбу в нынешнем сезоне забросил российский защитник «молний» Михаил Сергачев.

Stamkos went down in the 17th game, against the Detroit Red Wings. It was revealed he suffered from a torn left meniscus, which put him out for the rest of the season. However, there were positive signs as winger Nikita Kucherov emerged with 40 goals and goaltender Andrei Vasilevskiy stepped up after Bishop left. The Lightning bounced back with this talent in the last third of the season, but it was not enough as they missed the playoffs by one point.

In the off-season, the Lightning made a deal with the Montreal Canadiens to send Jonathan Drouin to their franchise in exchange for defensive prospect Mikhail Sergachev and a second-round pick in the 2018 NHL Entry Draft. They also signed defenseman Dan Girardi for two years and winger Chris Kunitz to a one-year deal. The Lightning won their first Atlantic Division title and first division title since the 2003—04 season, as well as securing the top seed in the Eastern Conference for the 2018 Stanley Cup playoffs. Andrei Vasilevskiy was nominated for the Vezina Trophy. Nikita Kucherov scored 100 points during the regular season, finishing third overall in the league. During the playoffs, the Lightning eliminated the New Jersey Devils in the first round and the Boston Bruins in the second round, both in five games.

However, they were defeated in the Eastern Conference Finals by the eventual Stanley Cup champions, the Washington Capitals , in seven games. Record-breaking season marred by playoff failure[ edit ] On September 11, 2018, it was announced that Steve Yzerman would be resigning from his position as general manager, and Julien BriseBois would be currently taking his place. Winning their final regular season game against the Boston Bruins , the Lightning finished with 62 wins, tying the NHL record set by the 1995—96 Detroit Red Wings for most wins in a season. Left winger J. Miller was traded to the Vancouver Canucks. Backup goaltender Louis Domingue was dealt to the New Jersey Devils for a conditional seventh-round draft pick in 2021.

Defenseman Anton Stralman signed a three-year contract with the Florida Panthers. Louis Blues , was also signed to a one-year deal. The Lightning re-signed centers Cedric Paquette and Brayden Point to two and three-year contracts, respectively. The Lightning began the season with a 17—13—4 record after 34 games. After this point, they won 23 of their next 26 games, including two separate win streaks of at least ten games, the second of which eventually set a new franchise record of eleven consecutive wins. They lost captain Steven Stamkos to injury once again, as he underwent surgery to repair a core muscle in March.

He was expected to miss 6—8 weeks as a result, which at the time was expected to keep him out for the remainder of the regular season and the start of the playoffs. At the time, the Lightning had a record of 43—21—6 and were second in their conference. To finish the season the league expanded the 2020 Stanley Cup playoffs to include 24 teams. In July, it was announced that the playoffs would begin August 1, and would take place in the Canadian cities of Toronto as the Eastern Conference hub, and Edmonton for the Western Conference. By virtue of having one of the top four highest point percentages at the time the season was suspended, the Lightning not only qualified for the playoffs, but would first compete in a single round-robin opening round group with the Boston Bruins , Washington Capitals , and Philadelphia Flyers to determine seeding. Following the round-robin, the Lightning drew the Columbus Blue Jackets again in the first round.

The first game of the series ultimately became the fourth-longest NHL game in history, as the game-winning goal was scored by Brayden Point at the 10:27 mark of the fifth overtime period. Point also scored in overtime for a second time in game five, eliminating Columbus. The Islanders extended the Lightning to six games, but Tampa Bay would once again prevail in overtime to win the series, with the game-winning goal this time being scored by Anthony Cirelli. The win earned the Lightning the Prince of Wales Trophy for the third time in their history, and their first trip to the Stanley Cup Finals since 2015. The teams split the first two games of the series. In game three, Steven Stamkos returned to the lineup, having missed the entire playoff run to that point after suffering an injury prior to the start of the playoffs, unrelated to an injury he sustained during the regular season.

Tampa Bay did, however, win both game three and four to take a 3—1 series lead. Dallas stayed alive in the series by winning game five in double-overtime, but the Lightning closed them out with a 2—0 win in game six to win their second Stanley Cup championship, and first since 2004. Nikita Kucherov set a new franchise record for points in a single playoff season with 34, and also became the franchise leader for playoff goals, assists, and points. The team set a league record with over 221 minutes played in overtime periods alone. The victory led to a new tradition for Tampa Bay sports teams: boat parades. The 2020 Lightning held a parade of boats on the Hillsborough River rather than a traditional victory parade through the streets of the city, mainly to comply with COVID-19 regulations, but subsequent championship teams in Tampa have held similar parades even with those restrictions lifted.

The team once again played in a shortened season, playing 56 games in total. Nikita Kucherov would miss the entire regular season with a hip surgery he had in December 2020. Entering the playoffs, the Lightning would face against the Florida Panthers in the first round, making this the first time the state rivals would meet each other in the playoffs. The Lightning would win the series 4—2, with the last game continuing a playoff series clinching shutout streak that had carried over from the 2020 Stanley Cup Finals against Dallas. In the second round, the Lightning would face the Carolina Hurricanes. In the third game of the series, Brayden Point would score the first goal in a playoff goal-scoring streak that would last for 9 games, coming in second to Reggie Leach with 10 games in a single playoff year.

Due to the lack of conferences for this season, this series would not be called the "2021 Eastern Conference Finals", but instead it would be known as the "2021 Stanley Cup Semifinals". The Islanders would once again take the Lightning to an extended series, having won game 6 in overtime to force the series to seven games. However, the Lightning would clinch the series in game 7 with a single shorthanded goal scored by Yanni Gourde. In the first three games, the Lightning would prevail, a notable highlight being the diving goal Blake Coleman would score with 1. The Lightning however would win the Stanley Cup in game 5, with a single goal scored by Ross Colton in the second period. The game would also see the Lightning win in their own arena, the second time in team history, and the first time since the Chicago Blackhawks won the Cup in 2015.

Andrei Vasilevskiy won the Conn Smythe Trophy with 5 shutouts during the playoffs, 4 of which were series-clinching shutouts. Patrick Maroon would win his third consecutive Stanley Cup, one with the St. Louis Blues and two with the Lightning. Maroon cited the strong thunderstorm during the outdoor celebration as the reason, and the Cup was quickly repaired with no further issues. The Lightning would win the game against the Predators with a score of 3—2, with Steven Stamkos receiving first star. On April 14, 2022, the Lightning clinched a playoff berth after a 4—3 overtime win against the Anaheim Ducks.

However, in the 2022 Finals , they came up short for a third consecutive Stanley Cup title, in game six against the Colorado Avalanche on June 26. However, this time, the Maple Leafs would avenge their loss the previous year and eliminated the Lightning 4—2. Despite a 7—3 game one win, Tampa would themselves lose 7—2 in game two. The Lightning then became the first team in Stanley Cup playoffs history to lose three overtime games at home, including a 2—1 loss in the deciding game six. For the first time since 2019, the Lightning failed to win the Eastern Conference Finals. Greg Lenelli is the pregame and intermission host.

The Lightning television broadcasts can be seen on Bally Sports Sun. From 1995 to 2020, the television play-by-play announcer was Rick Peckham. He announced that he would be retiring following the 2019—20 season. His final game for the Lightning was game five of their First Round series during the 2020 Stanley Cup playoffs , in which the Lightning won in overtime to win the series. The studio host is Paul Kennedy. Caley Chelios , daughter of Hall of Fame defenseman Chris Chelios , was the in-arena host and Lightning reporter for 5 seasons.

Former Lightning player Dave Andreychuk and former color commentator Bobby "The Chief" Taylor assist with the television pregame and postgame broadcasts. On December 10, 2014, long-time color commentator Bobby "The Chief" Taylor announced he would be retiring from the broadcast booth at the end of the 2014—15 season. Taylor cited that he desired to be home with his wife Jan more. He has continued to serve as a studio analyst during the games on Fox Sports Sun for both home and away games. Team colors and mascot[ edit ] Since 2010, the Lightning colors have been blue, black and white.

«Тампа» без Василевского в овертайме одолела «Детройт»

"Детройт Ред Уингз", которая состоится 14 апреля в 02:00 по МСК? Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг (goalnik), который состоится в 20:00 26 Апреля 2024 в рамках турнира NHL 24 eSports League: лучшие коэффициенты, широкая линия - в БК Леон! Tampa Bay Lightning. регулярный сезон 2023-24,Detroit Red Wings - Tampa Bay LightningСтадион: Литтл Сизарс-арена (Детройт, США),19 515 зрителей (100% при вместимости 19. Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг – Детройт Ред Уингз.

"Тампа-Бэй" выиграла у "Детройта", отыграв три шайбы

Приятная команда Тампа Бэй. Играют спокойно, используют моменты. Все о хоккейной команде Детройт Ред Уингз: последняя информация о составах команды, трансферах и слухах, статистика игроков, положение клуба в турнирных таблицах, рейтинги, результаты игр, последние новости. Детройт в городе Тампа (США) на стадионе Amalie Arena (вместимость - 19500) со счетом 2: 4. «Тампа Бэй Лайтнинг» в гостях одержала победу над «Детройт Ред Уингз» со счетом 2:1 в матче регулярного чемпионата Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ). Meanwhile, in the playoffs, Tampa Bay scored just 2.24 GF/60 through three games, an entire goal less than their regular season average. Тампа-Бэй Лайтнингс-Детройт Ред Уингз пускай тут и дают фаворитами финалиста кубка Стэнли но и Детройт не подарок и команда может дать бой.

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