Новости билд аурелион сол

Everything about playing AURELION SOL for LoL Wild Rift. Build Guide Items Builds for AURELION SOL: Spells, Runes, Abilities, Skills Leveling, Counter pick and much more. Активация: Аурелион Сол начинает Channeling icon поддерживать умение.

Pick Rate: 26.49%

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Аурелион Сол: сборка

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Being ahead on tempo means you can have those turns later to safely invest a lot of mana into a big game-ending threat. Consider also that the list above does not run healing spells, but instead needs to develop a Solari Sunforger or a Radiant Guardian in order to get some health back. Again, being in charge of tempo means you actually get to abuse the Lifesteal keyword on these threats. Meanwhile, your deck wants to develop a strong board first and foremost. It is okay to let it go, and instead, develop another one in its place? Know which units are dispensable, and which ones are very important to keep safe. Remember, you will have many more threats to develop once you reach the late-game and get access to your Celestial high-costed units that can close out the game.

Knowing that sometimes it is okay to lose a mid-game threat. Zoe is a great example of this, as for just one-mana investment, she will always net you positive tempo as your opponent will usually have to use more than her price in mana in order to take her out. So, even if it hurts, instead of protecting her at all costs, it is sometimes better to just let her go in order to build a bigger threat later. Be smart about your cheap spells As said before, most of your mana will be invested in developing your units. This is actually the reason why Strafing Strike is played alongside Single Combat in the deck: it is cheap enough to be played with only spell mana, making it usable on turns where we tap out for the big threat ex. Aurelion Sol or Eclipse Dragon. Your cheap spells can have a huge impact in the right setup as they can net a great tempo swing for a low mana investment. Try to think ahead on which turns you will have to invest a lot of mana so you can keep that cheap option as support in case something unexpected happens.

Mulligan Plan Zoe and The Grand Plaza are your two best friends in the early game, you can keep them against pretty much any opponent and they will serve as the foundation to your early gameplan. The rest of the mulligan is very matchup dependent, but there are three basic mulligan plans that exist for you: early tempo, healing, mid-game tempo. Early tempo plan. Against decks that are aiming to beat you through an early board advantage, find units Mountain Goat and Spacey Sketcher are great and cheap combat tricks to stabilize early. Going even though that stage of the game is usually enough to take over in the mid-game. Healing plan. Against damage- and burn-based decks, we need a Solari Sunforger or a Radiant Guardian and as many ways to abuse them as possible. Of course, any of your early units are valuable, but these 2 are game-winning once they are able to attack and when you draw a Single Combat or Strafing Strike.

Mid-game tempo plan.

The main goal is to put yourself in a position when we can curve Eclipse Dragon into Aurelion Sol as safely as possible. Matchups Click on the box to read detailed info about a matchup of choice: Scouts: Favored The one that gets Plaza out is obviously very favored in the matchup. Scouts is a board-centric deck and gets an edge when it repeatedly can secure favorable trades to set up a good board to abuse. So our only goal is to deny them this kind of scenario. As such, our mulligan should be focused on looking for Plaza and early units to answer a possible explosive start from our opponent. The Celestial cards from Zoe and Spacey Sketcher are great in this matchup, as they help us keep up with the pace. Stunning two units for 3 mana with Crescent Strike to deny a Scout attack or some unfavorable trades can be life-saving. Our deck is much slower than Scouts, but there is no way that our opponent would be able to deal with Asol. Play for the board, stay safe from a Relentless Pursuit and do not let Miss fortune or Quinn get out of control.

We want to limit the damage output through their board flow and only worry about direct damage from their hand. This will give us a lot of space when the time comes to invest most of our mana into big units to push for heavy damage in the late-game. Plaza is of course a great way to achieve that, but be careful about a huge tempo swing with Scorched Earth. Having lots of small blockers will slow down your opponent significantly. Radiant Guardian is the important midgame piece that puts you in a great position, as Lifesteal and Tough are great keywords to have in this matchup. Have some units prepped to sacrifice in order to trigger Radiant Guardian. The combat tricks are very important in this matchup — you need them to remove their important units Ezreal, Draven but also to take advantage of Lifesteal of Sunforger and Guardian if needed. If you reach the late-game, look to grab Celestial units with the SpellShield, they will dominate the board and prevent any removal from your opponent. Tech cards: Starshaping; Sharpsight; Guiding Touch. Once again, the one that gets Plaza is obviously favored, but the true king in the mirror match is Aurelion Sol.

His SpellShield protects him from a possible Concerted Strike and his huge stat-line allows him to face off in combat against pretty much anything. The longer Aurelion Sol will stay on the board the more value he will generate, and leveling him up is almost an instant game-winner. Big celestial units will help you completely dominate the board in the late-game and it is usually how the game will end. The only exception to this is when a player tries to apply a lot of pressure in the mid-game, usually abusing Zoe and cheap units to create a large board and deal a lot of damage early. Once a player starts falling behind because of this early pressure, playing out the larger units can become much riskier.

Central execution is determined by the health percentage of enemies and influenced by Stardust. Usage: A control tool for team fights, zoning, and potentially executing low-health foes. Use in combination with other spells for maximum impact.

Gathering sufficient Stardust evolves it into The Skies Descend, offering an enhanced impact with knock-up instead of a stun, followed by a damaging and slowing shockwave. Usage: A versatile ultimate, ideal for engaging, disengaging, or turning the tide of a battle. Timing and positioning are key to harness its full power.


Aurelion Sol cannot be turned around once he is established a course, and enemy damage sends Aurelion Sol crashing back downto Earth, rebuilding its orbiting star. Aurelion Sol probuilds reimagined: newer, smarter, and more up-to-date runes and mythic item builds than any other site. Aurelion Sol, has just been reworked and released to the live client and I have not played with him or against him yet.

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Aurelion Sol Build Guides, Runes and Items

У Аурелиона Сола очень уникальный стиль игры, поскольку его урон почти полностью основан на его движении, без немедленных бросков или значительного увеличения скорости. The much-awaited Aurelion Sol rework has finally made its way to the Summoners Rift in League of Legends patch 13.3. Find LoL ARAM Aurelion Sol builds, Aurelion Sol ARAM runes, items, skills, skill order, summoners, ARAM modifiers and ARAM changes for Patch 14.7 in League of Legends. Here is the full guide on how to play Aurelion Sol in League of Legends season 13 like high elo Challenger players. Похоже, игроки уже нашли оптимальный билд Аурелиона Сола.

Aurelion Sol Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips

Аурелион Сол станет первым чемпионом, подвергшимся ВОГ. The best Aurelion Sol players have a 59.53% win rate with an average rank of Grandmaster on the Aurelion Sol Leaderboard. Find LoL ARAM Aurelion Sol builds, Aurelion Sol ARAM runes, items, skills, skill order, summoners, ARAM modifiers and ARAM changes for Patch 14.7 in League of Legends. Aurelion Sol’s R: Falling Star / The Skies Descend. Middle Aurelion Sol build with the highest win rate. Runes, items, and skill build recommendations and guides for Emerald + in Patch 14.08. n Wild RIft Aurelion Sol is not a champion for complete beginners, so I strongly advise you to learn the basic game mechanics and how to farm properly.

Aurelion Sol

Каждый раз, когда цель поражается огнем 1 секунду суммарно, она получает дополнительный урон в зависимости от количества собранной звездной материи. Если цель — чемпион, это умение дает Аурелиону Солу звездную материю. Во время полета он может применять другие умения. Кроме того, в течение этого времени Дыхание солнца можно применять без ограничений и оно наносит дополнительный урон. Оставшееся время перезарядки Космического полета сокращается, когда погибает вражеский чемпион, которому Аурелион Сол недавно нанес урон.

Aurelion Sol is one of the more popular designs in League of Legends from a visual standpoint, but Aurelion Sols uncommon kitand unique playstyle means he is one of League of Legends more niche champions. As devs explained on a recent champion roadmap, Aurelion Sols game rate has been terrible over his time, but Champion Surveys has painted Aurelion Sol as one of themost well-rendered characters in the game -- as such, he is kept his model, theme, and narrative, but has been given anentirely new set of mechanics. Aurelion Sol cannot be turned around once he is established a course, and enemy damage sends Aurelion Sol crashing back downto Earth, rebuilding its orbiting star. Aurelion Sols immense strength was funneled to immortal God-warriors in defense ofRuneterras seemingly unimportant world -- now, yearning to reclaim his cosmic mastery, Aurelion Sol will pull a very star outof the sky, if it has to, in order to restore his freedom. His sheer menace will often frighten opponents in the lanes to thesafety of their own lanes, giving Aurelion Sol the perfect opportunity to cast his Celestial expansions and increase hisCyclic Damage.

The opposing jungler will either need to evade cycling stars, like he does with Starsurge, or otherwise stand stunned,watching empty-handed, while his own snipes successfully at his wings targets. If the enemy team stays together, they dietogether; if they split...

Умения, наносящие урон, дают Аурелиону Солу звездную материю, которая навсегда улучшает весь его арсенал. Q Дыхание солнца В течение нескольких секунд Аурелион Сол дышит огнем, нанося урон первому пораженному врагу, а также меньшее количество урона другим противникам поблизости. Каждый раз, когда цель поражается огнем 1 секунду суммарно, она получает дополнительный урон в зависимости от количества собранной звездной материи.

Итак, это все, что мы знаем о переработке League of Legends Аурелиона Сола. Хотите быть в курсе всех событий LoL? Обязательно посетите нашу специальную главную страницу. Поделиться с друзьями: Вам также может быть интересно.

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Аурелион Сол League of Legends

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Aurelion Sol Build Calculator - Automatic Theorycrafter - LoLSolved Активация: Аурелион Сол начинает Channeling icon поддерживать умение.

Aurelion Sol Build Guides, Runes and Items

Aurelion Sol Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips Here is the full guide on how to play Aurelion Sol in League of Legends season 13 like high elo Challenger players.
Aurelion Sol Wild Rift Build & Guide Когда-то Аурелион Сол украсил космическую пустоту несметными чудесами.
Аурелион Сол Счетчики, статистика и сборки - League of Legends - RU Аурелион Сол является одним из сложнейших героев в League of Legends Wild Rift, однако ему собирают базовые предметы и руны агрессивного мидера, независимо от вражеского пика.

Aurelion Sol

aurelion sol,aurelion sol rework, aurelion sol abilities, aurelion sol cgu. The Aurelion Sol rework is finally coming to League of Legends on Patch 13.3! Get viral graphics, memes, rumors and trending gaming news delivered right to your inbox with the Clutch Newsletter. Aurelion Sol build used by the best Aurelion Sol players in the world. Based on runes and items from high elo Challenger, Grandmaster, and Master Aurelion Sol OTPs and mains. Aurelion Sol’s new runes aren’t as solid as his items, and the space dragon will likely go through a few iterations before settling on anything. Aurelion Sol is getting a complete rework in the near future, here are all the changes coming to the Star Forger. Find Aurelion Sol builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds, and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, and support in S10.

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