Новости сентинел плейграунд хаб

ESA Sentinel Hub Playground (Imagery). Sentinel Playground has been made open-source to provide an easier way of trying the Sentinel Hub WMS services. Sentinel-hub Playground. Sentinel-2 imagery taken on February 1, 2019. Fight alongside your own personal robotic companions and battle an array of new foes in the SENTINEL Update!

Файл:Sentinel-2 L2A image on 2020-06-24 Olkhon.jpg

В строке 4 необходимо ввести придуманный пароль используются цифры, латинские буквы и спецсимволы. Тот же набор символов повторяем и в строке 5. Если вы хотите получать информационные письма от сервиса Sentinel Hub на указанный вами e-mail, то поставьте галочку напротив строки 6. Галочка напротив строки 7 подтверждает, что вы согласны с условиями предоставления услуг и политикой конфиденциальности ознакомиться с ней можно, кликнув на зеленый текст.

После того, как вы заполнили всю форму регистрации, нажмите на кнопку Sign up строка 8. На следующей странице мы получаем следующую информацию: Это значит, что нам необходимо зайти на указанную электронную почту и подтвердить свое, как живого пользователя, существование, перейдя по ссылке в письме. После подтверждения почты вам направят письмо примерно следующего содержания: В тексте содержатся ссылки на информацию о панели управления Sentinel Hub, где вы можете установить собственные конфигурации, подготовить доступ к API и отредактировать настройки своей учетной записи.

Также можно найти информацию о том, как можно интегрировать Sentinel Hub в процесс машинного обучения - например, в алгоритмы Python. Как найти снимок нужной области земной поверхности Для получения спутниковых снимков нам необходимо перейти на Sentinel Hub EO Browser. При переходе по ссылке мы видим следующую картину: Крестик под номером 1 закрывает всплывшее диалоговое окно.

Кнопка 3 открывает руководство пользователя EO Browser. Кнопка 4 дает разрешение браузеру продолжить ознакомление с инструкцией. Кнопка под номером 5 дает команду браузеру больше никогда не показывать это диалоговое окно.

Инструкция предоставляется на английском языке и имеет 17 пунктов. Давайте нажмем на крестик под номером 1, так как основные моменты использования сервиса будут даны в этом материале. К инструкции вы всегда сможете вернуться позже.

Пока же пробежимся по панели инструментов Sentinel Hub EO Browser: Панель слева номер 1 используется для настроек поиска космоснимков, выбора спутников и спектра съемки. Правая же панель номер 2 дает возможность работать с картой: с ее помощью можно выделить интересующий участок местности, измерить расстояние, найти космоснимок об этом позже или получить информационную справку. Панель в правом нижнем углу номер 3 позволяет вручную масштабировать карту и показывает текущие параметры.

Для того, чтобы можно было использовать весь функционал Sentinel Hub EO Browser, необходимо авторизоваться. Сделать это можно на левой панели в верхнем правом углу, рядом с выбором языка. После нажатия на Log in появится всплывающее окно, где необходимо ввести почту и пароль, которые вы вводили ранее при регистрации на портале Sentinel Hub.

Теперь можно получить свой первый космоснимок. Давайте представим, что нас интересует область вокруг озера на картинке. Выделить интересующую нас территорию можно с помощью инструмента «Выделить область» пункт 1 на картинке или «Прямоугольное выделение» пункт 2.

Должно получиться нечто подобное: Затем, на левой панели мы должны выбрать спутники, чью съемку мы хотим использовать если не уверены, какой именно спутник вам нужен, ставьте максимум галочек - из найденных снимков отберете подходящие вам.

Оцените сами: 13 Листайте фото — посмотрите, каким будет наше подводное будущее! Среда обитания DEEP Sentinel — модульная, масштабируемая, автономная, восстанавливаемая, реконфигурируемая и повторно развертываемая.

Внутри Sentinel расположены исследовательские лаборатории и помещения для отдыха, а также небольшие, но хорошо оборудованные спальни с местом для сна, полками для хранения вещей и даже телевизором для развлечений. В ванных комнатах есть душ, туалет и раковина. Обеденная зона тоже выглядит неплохо.

Проект обсуждают с экспертами.

We are developing enterprise-level spatial solutions for governmental clients in Europe and Africa.

Sentinel Hub is a simple and efficient way of archiving, processing and distributing satellite data using standard web services that can be easily integrated in any desktop, web or mobile mapping application. We review applications on a rolling basis.

File history

  • GitHub - sentinel-hub/SentinelPlayground: Simple application for using Sentinel-2 WMS service
  • Questions - AddResources
  • Valorant Champions Tour Berlin: G2 Takes Revenge, Hands Out Sentinels First Series Loss at Lan
  • Get started in minutes with our cloud products
  • Sentinel hub playground
  • Sentinel Playground - Bicep Edition

Flood Mapping With Sentinel-1 Script

Кендалл отказался от лоббирования программ Sentinel и B-21, когда стал министром из-за своей предыдущей консультационной работы в Northrop. The first part of a blog post series dedicated to processing Sentinel-2 multiband imagery in ArcGIS Pro. The first part of a blog post series dedicated to processing Sentinel-2 multiband imagery in ArcGIS Pro. Sentinel Hub. Open EO data – Sentinels, Landsat, etc. Choose a place, use a rendering. Портал Sentinel Playground позволяет просматривать и анализировать мозаики снимков, полученных с Sentinel-2, Landsat-8 и MODIS.

Valorant Champions Tour Berlin: G2 Takes Revenge, Hands Out Sentinels First Series Loss at Lan

Есть возможность просматривать в исходном разрешении Landsat 5, 7, 8 и Sentinel 2, 3 в различных комбинациях каналов. a GIS IT company with more than 10 years of experience in working with spatial data. Sentinel 1 is a C-band (5.407 GHz) SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) that is capable of imaging the Earth in dual polarization mode. Fight alongside your own personal robotic companions and battle an array of new foes in the SENTINEL Update! Sentinel Playground Sentinel Hub VoIP vendor Pingtel is spearheading the endeavor by contributing to the open-source movement source code for its Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) software, including software for its SIPxchange “It’s my business intuition to open there. Sentinel Playground Sentinel Hub. Спутниковая программа Сентинел.

OSINT по спутниковым изображениям

Sentinel hub playground - 85 фото Sentinel Hub makes satellite data easily accessible for you to be browsed or analyzed within your own environment.
Подводный город будущего показали на новых фото - Hi-Tech The Sentinel's Playground is a free web based server host for Zandronum.
Search code, repositories, users, issues, pull requests... If you’re looking to download Sentinel 2 data, your best bet is the Sentinel Copernicus Browser (previously known as Sentinels Scientific Data Hub).
Global Volcanism Program | Report on Chirinkotan (Russia) — November 2022 Сентинел хаб плейграунд. Sentinel Playground Sentinel Hub. Спутниковая программа Сентинел.

Sentinel-2A, 2B

A repository of custom scripts that can be used with Sentinel-Hub services. Sinergise, the company that developed Sentinel-Hub, is a software development company focused on large-scale GIS for agriculture and land administration,with a long track record in cloud GIS. Sentinel Playground utilizes Sentinel Hub technology to enable easy-to-use discovery and exploring of full-resolution Sentinel-1,Sentinel-2, Landsat 8, DEM and MODIS imagery, along with access to the EO data products. Choose a place, use a rendering. First major upset in Valorant Champions Tour Berlin Occurred in yesterday's epic clash between EU's powerhouse G2 and NA's Team Sentinels. Sentinel Hub makes satellite data easily accessible for you to be browsed or analyzed within your own environment.

apps.sentinel-hub.com/sentinel-playground — это онлайн-карта, | Полезные ссылки

Improved the steam effect used in various planetary hazards. Improved the meteor impact and trail VFX. Improved the VFX for planetary volcanic eruptions. Volcano VFX update. Main eruption and build up geyser smoke build up updates.

Improved the space atmospherics. Introduced a number of specific Steam Deck optimisations. Introduced support for Steam Deck controls. Introduced support for Steam Deck touch input.

Base Building The maximum number of saveable terrain edits has been significantly increased. Compatible base parts can now be freely rotated around any axis, allowing for more creative and flexible construction. When adjusting the colour or material of a base part, the holographic effect is disabled and illustrative lights are enabled around the part in question. Fixed an issue that could cause nearby base parts to be deleted when moving a base part.

Fixed a case where the player ship would not be correctly placed on an available landing pad when teleporting to a base. Fixed an issue that could cause duplicate parts to spawn within a settlement, blocking player access to buildings. Fixed a number of issues that could cause base parts to snap incorrectly. Improved the clarity of a number of base building error messages.

Improved the positioning and stability of the Build Menu. Fixed an issue that caused parts to become deselected when toggling between placement and selection modes. Fixed an issue that could cause the base part popup information to overlap other parts of the UI. Added audio to a number of Build Menu options.

Fixed an issue that caused the paint option to be visible when the selected part cannot be repainted. Fixed an issue that could cause incorrect colours to be applied to some base parts. Fixed an issue that allowed overly rapid placement of base parts. Fixed an issue that prevented base parts from being replaced in their correct location if the player cancels picking up and moving the part.

Fixed a number of issues that allowed players to build unbuildable base parts. Fixed an issue that allowed players to duplicate unbuildable base parts. Fixed a number of visual glitches that could occur when building in multiplayer. Improved the visual effect when constructing a new base part.

Companions and Creatures The maximum number of companions has been increased from 6 to 18. Companions are no longer dismissed when a player enters a vehicle or ship, and are instead only dismissed when that vehicle starts moving. Creature pathfinding has been significantly improved. Fixed an issue that could cause diplo-class creatures to be cut out of frame in the Discovery UI.

Fixed a number of issues that could occur when creatures or fiends attacked via a long-distance pounce. Fixed an issue that prevented diplo-class creatures from giving their correct specific cooking ingredients when butchered or milked. Fixed a visual issue with the ragdolling of some creature types. Missions and Buildings A new building type, the Sentinel Pillar, can now be found on planets across the universe.

The nearest Sentinel Pillar is located when defeating a level 5 Sentinel alert. A Pillar can also be found via a Sentinel Boundary Map, a special chart that can be harvested from defeated Sentinels. A new player title is available to Travellers who read the entire archive. A substantial new series of story-driven missions has been added.

These missions will probe some of the deepest secrets of the Sentinels… Please note: Players must have a planetary settlement to begin the new missions. During the course of these missions, Travellers will acquire and reprogram their own personal Drone companion. A new player title is available for Travellers who complete this mission chain. Fixed an issue that could cause inappropriate planets to be selected for creature taming or feeding missions.

Fixed an issue that could cause players never to find the needed component during Nexus repair missions. Fixed an issue that asked players for an inappropriate amount of faecium during substance collection Nexus missions. Nexus construction missions now choose from a more diverse range of base parts. Exobiology Expedition The Exobiology Expedition will begin soon.

The Exobiology Expedition will take players on a journey of discovery across the galaxy as they investigate and record all sorts of exotic animal life. The Exobiology Expedition offers the chance to earn an exclusive new jetpack trail, the royal Exotic Wingpack, a Sentinel Quad companion and much more… Bug Fixes Fixed a high-frequency crash that only occurred when playing the game in Japanese. Fixed a crash related to creature navigation. Fixed a GPU crash.

Fixed a crash related to base building. Fixed a crash related to loading large bases. Fixed a crash related to planet generation. Fixed a number of rare networking crashes.

Fixed a number of audio streaming issues on PlayStation 4. Fixed a rare crash that could occur when loading a settlement. Fixed a rare crash related to Short Range Teleporters. Fixed a severe performance degradation issue that could occur when approaching a settlement that had an active mission marker.

Fixed an issue that could cause players to overshoot the end of a ladder and climb infinitely up into the stars. Fixed an issue that could disable planetary gravity when dying underwater. Fixed an issue that caused overly large collision on di-hydrogen crystals. Fixed an issue that could cause the combat supply barrels dropped by Sentinels to duplicate in multiplayer.

Fixed an issue that could cause popping in the third person camera when running on steep slopes.

The small, mostly unvegetated 3-km-wide island of Chirinkotan occupies the far end of an E-W volcanic chain that extends nearly 50 km W of the central part of the main Kuril Islands arc. It is the emergent summit of a volcano that rises 3000 m from the floor of the Kuril Basin. A small 1-km-wide caldera about 300-400 m deep is open to the SW. Lava flows from a cone within the breached crater reached the shore of the island. Historical eruptions have been recorded since the 18th century. Lava flows were observed by the English fur trader Captain Snow in the 1880s.

Fixed an issue that could cause excessive base part pop-in on high-end consoles and PCs. Introduced a number of physics optimisations. Introduced a number of load time optimisations. Introduced a number of memory optimisations. With the AI active and the player on foot, the Minotaur will attempt to follow the player and assist them in combat.

The Minotaur now has a dedicated third-person combat camera. The Minotaur non-combat camera has been improved. The Minotaur turning circle has been tightened. The Minotaur no longer decelerates on turning. The Minotaur now sways less when in combat.

The Minotaur can now back pedal when in combat. Fixed a number of issues that caused popping in the third-person Exocraft and Minotaur cameras. First-person aiming and locomotion for the Minotaur has been improved. When equipped with the appropriate weapon, the Minotaur can now shoot from its arms as well as its head-mounted turret. Sentinel projectiles now correctly collide with Exocraft, meaning that exocraft now take damage from enemy fire.

The canisters dropped by defeated Sentinels can now be picked up while in the Minotaur. Sentinels will no longer investigate when the player destroys a plant or rock by treading on it with the Minotaur. The Exocraft and Minotaur cannons have had their base damage increased. The Exocraft and Minotaur cannons now deal a level of explosion damage on impact, damaging other nearby targets. The Minotaur now has its own bespoke reticles for different weapon modes.

Exocraft marker and interaction labels now use the specific name of that Exocraft. Improved the positioning of exocraft markers. Build costs for the Exocraft Summoning Station have been reduced. The Exocraft Summoning station can now be picked up and carried around in the Exosuit inventory. Fixed an issue that could cause the Terrain Manipulator size preview to appear while using the Minotaur.

The Neutron Cannon is a charged energy weapon that does not use projectile ammunition. Charging the Neutron Cannon releases a fast-moving cone of destruction, similar to the Scatter Blaster. Alternatively, the Neutron Cannon can be fired rapidly, though this deals less damage. Neutron Cannon impacts deal short-range explosive damage. The Neutron Cannon is available to research aboard the Space Anomaly.

Procedurally generated upgrades are available for the Neutron Cannon from weapons dealers across the universe. A new class of secondary grenade launcher has been added — the Paralysis Mortar. The Paralysis Mortar is available to research aboard the Space Anomaly. A new class of secondary Multi-Tool utility has been added, the Cloaking Device. Activating the Cloaking Device will cause the user to become temporarily invisible, allowing rapid escape from Sentinel forces, or for a quick tactical repositioning.

The Cloaking Device has its own power source and does not need to be recharged. The Cloaking Device is available to research aboard the Space Anomaly. A new upgrade has been added for the Pulse Spitter, the Impact Igniter. This technology causes every projectile from the Pulse Spitter to set its target on fire, as well as deal damage on impact. The Impact Igniter is available to research aboard the Space Anomaly.

A new upgrade has been added for the Blaze Javelin, the Waveform Oscillator. The Waveform Oscillator is available to research aboard the Space Anomaly. A new generalised Multi-Tool upgrade has been introduced, the Voltaic Amplifier. When installed, this upgrade increases the damage dealt to stunned targets by all weapons. The Voltaic Amplifier is available to research aboard the Space Anomaly.

The Multi-Tool caches found in the Space Station and in planetary shops have had a visual overhaul. Weapons found in Multi-Tool caches or presented by NPCs may now contain procedurally generated upgrades. A new piece of salvaged equipment, the Hardframe Engine, is now available to those who destroy a Hardframe in combat. Sentinel Drones may now leave behind Salvaged Glass, a strange remnant of another world. Salvaged Glass may be cracked open to reveal a valuable item.

Salvaged Glass may contain a new class of unique procedurally generated upgrade, which applies a wide range of bonuses across multiple Exosuit or Multi-Tool systems. Weapons and Combat The sentinels now deploy their forces in greater numbers, to create more dramatic firefights. All grenade-based weapons have received new icons. Plasma Grenades now deal slightly less damage on impact to all targets, but will now set the target on fire and deal damage over time. The base damage of the Pulse Spitter has been increased.

Pulse Spitter projectiles are now affected by gravity. The positioning of player weapons has been improved in VR. Heavy weapons such as the Blaze Javelin or Scatter Blaster now use a stronger recoil animation, to reflect the power of the blast. Weapon projectiles now apply an impulse to Sentinel drones, pushing them backwards. The rumble and camera shake of all weapons has been adjusted for both drama and impact, but also player comfort.

When in an environment that prevents weapon use such as the Space Anomaly , the HUD will default to a more subtle crosshair. The Personal Forcefield is no longer locked to one plane, and can be freely moved to block attacks from above or below. Different weapons may now be balanced with different critical hit multipliers. Fixed an issue that caused unnecessary camera movement when cycling between different weapon modes. Fixed an issue that caused camera popping and unnecessary movement when using the Personal Forcefield.

Aggressive Multi-Tool modes such as the Boltcaster now have bespoke first and third person camera settings, to create contrast from non-aggressive Multi-Tool modes such as the Mining Laser.

Sentinel Hub is a simple and efficient way of archiving, processing and distributing satellite data using standard web services that can be easily integrated in any desktop, web or mobile mapping application. We review applications on a rolling basis.

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