This Korean style is mainly seen on young women meeting for random photoshoots in any of the self-studio photo booths seen in Hongdae or Myeongdong. Discover the best Korean curtain bangs that work well with any hair length or style, perfect for changing up your look!
Korean Female Celebrities with the Best Fashion Style
Korean celebs like SNSD’s Taeyeon tend to go for ashy undertones regardless of whether they are going blonde or silver. The most stylish Korean female celebrities do a great job of capturing our attention on screen or via social media channels like Instagram. А в 2012 году композиция Gangnam Style исполнителя Psy стала первым видео, набравшим один миллиард просмотров на YouTube. Sportswear Korean style is the perfect choice for when you’re traveling or even simply meeting a couple of friends at the bar or cafe. Владелец сайта предпочёл скрыть описание страницы. Стайл Кореан (34 фото)Кореан герл стиль 2020 Мода кореянок 2020 Корейская мода Лиза Меркулова Кореан герл стиль Милые женственные образы Кореан герл.
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6 Korean Style Trends You Need to Know About | Корейский интернет магазин STYLE KOREAN претерпел изменения, появилась русифицированная версия, которая лишила нас многих преимуществ. |
Korean Men’s Fashion 2024 – Popular Korean Outfits for Men
She has been featured on street style magazines such as Drop Tokyo. Lee Ho-jung Korean model and actress Lee Ho-jung has not only graced the pages of many publications, she has also made appearances in drama series, films such as Midnight Runners , and music videos. Follow for style inspo that balances trends with simplicity and comfort. Tokyo Fashion Tokyo Fashion features some of the most unexpected and over-the-top looks captured on the streets of Harajuku, Shibuya and other areas of Tokyo. Check out the account for the coolest street style inspiration from well-dressed individuals. Mulbada Korean Instagram influencer Mulbada is known for her girly style with with an edge think: long dresses, animal print skirts, and leather jackets and beauty tips. She also has her own fashion brand called Unbutton , which offers fashionable separates in pastel hues. Hit follow for all the best looks from Korean celebs, models and everyday fashionistas.
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This trendy beautiful Korean style is a striking item in and of itself, emphasizing your upper half and allowing your top to articulate for itself. Звезда реалити-шоу, модель и бизнесвумен Ким Кардашьян кардинально сменила имидж. Фотографии знаменитости в новом образе опубликованы в Instagram*. Below, peruse the best street style looks from Seoul Fashion Week’s spring/summer 2024 shows, through the lens of Young Chul Kim. Style Korean (Code: karas_blushing) for 10% off. «Flex X Cop» выходит в финал сезона на первом месте в рейтинге, поскольку «Wonderful World» завершает первую половину на подъеме. YG Entertainment’s Model Kim Su-bin Marries Korean Actor Yoon Bak. Кто заказывал с этого сайта?
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Реализуется большой объем корейской декоративной и минеральной косметики. Компания продает товары на натуральной основе, с органическими составляющими, минеральными добавками.
Выравнивает тон лица. Почти полностью состоит из экстракта корня астрагала, похожа на тягучий гель, который раскатывается по коже как шарик меда, но полностью впитывается, заседает в коже как желе, создает эффект glass skin, очень сильно увлажняет. Процесс нанесения на любителя, ни на что не похожий продукт. Но эффект отличный.
У сыворотки огромный объем и очень густая текстура. Выравнивает текстуру кожи и снижает ее температуру. Долго сохраняет влагу, делает кожу долее здоровой. Отличные составы.
По словам россиянки, свекровь сочла ее наращенные волосы «дешевыми и неэлегантными». Несмотря на влияние западной культуры, традиционных взглядов придерживаются и молодые корейцы. А цветные волосы он посоветовал оставить попугаям — то есть арт-студентам», — смеется художница. Мать корейской моды В середине прошлого века в мире корейской моды появились первые законодатели трендов — дизайнеры. Матерью местной фэшн-индустрии считается смелая и независимая Нора Но. В 19 лет девушка отправилась учиться в США , а вернувшись на родину, основала первый корейский бренд одежды и провела первый модный показ.
Наряды на подиуме демонстрировали известные актрисы того времени, а «Мисс Корея» О Хен Чжу даже надела платье ее авторства на конкурс красоты «Мисс Вселенная 1959». Нора Но утверждала, что хочет помочь раскрепоститься соотечественницам, которым чаще всего выпадала участь домохозяек или фабричных работниц. Администрация президента сочла набирающее обороты течение декадентским: начали закрываться ночные клубы, зарубежная рок- и поп-музыка подверглась цензуре, а модникам без разбора выписывались штрафы. Однако в конце десятилетия правление Чон Хи закончилось: наступила свободная эпоха 1980-х, переодевшая корейцев в практичные джинсы и футболки. А еще через десять лет зародился музыкальный жанр K-pop — постепенно начинала свое движение волна Халлю, которая накрыла мир, как цунами. Культура свободы Халлю сравнима с лихорадкой: покорив Азию, она распространилась по всей планете. Этому способствовал расцвет K-pop и корейской киноиндустрии — подростки и молодые люди объединились в фан-сообщества, в буквальном смысле сотворив себе кумиров. Исполнителей популярной корейской музыки, среди которых бой-бенд BTS и девичья группа Blackpink, так и прозвали — айдолы от английского idol — «кумир», «идол», «божество». Корпорации и сервисы, начиная от салонов красоты до клиник пластический хирургии, задают правила, а общество следует им беспрекословно. Можно сказать, что у инфлюэнсеров монополия на роль всеобщего компаса в мире фэшн», — продолжает Милена.
Знаменитостей очень любят: вещи, в которых они появились публично, скупают сразу, даже если речь идет о дорогом бренде Миленахудожник-иллюстратор На сцене звезды позволяют себе то, за что обычные жители страны, скорее всего, получили бы осуждение и косые взгляды. Актеры и музыканты умело комбинируют люксовые бренды с нарядами в уличном стиле и вещами из разных эпох, сочетая укороченные ханбоки с мини-юбками. Они красятся в яркие цвета, часто меняют прически, а парни отращивают волосы и пользуются косметикой наряду с девушками. Тхэмин разрушил стереотипы о «мужском» и «женском» в моде: он носил длинные волосы, сетчатые топы, девичью одежду и продвигал андрогинный стиль, который набирает все большую популярность в Корее. В 2021 году в Сеуле открылся магазин спортивного бренда Nike, где одежду и обувь рассортировали не по гендерным особенностям, а по размеру.
Marvel - 29. E выпустят обновленную версию своего лайтстика! Они представили тизер предстоящего лайтстика с... Новый мини-альбом TXT «minisode... Недавно журнал представил новые фотографии... Medvedik - 28. Alexia - 28. На опубликованных в социальных сетях... Как подтвердило 28 апреля агентство SM Entertainment,... В заявлении, опубликованном 28 апреля на Weverse, компания... Хо Юнджин начала интервью, сказав, что... И надо сказать, масштаб события полностью отразил сумасшедший успех, которым пользуется... AnJi - 28.
Korean Men’s Fashion 2024 – Popular Korean Outfits for Men
Звезда реалити Ким Кардашьян перекрасила волосы в холодный блонд | Просмотрите доску «Korean style» пользователя K_POP2023 в Pinterest. |
TOP 100 Korean Singer Brand Reputation Rankings in April 2024 | Просмотрите доску «Korean style» пользователя в Pinterest. Посмотрите больше идей на темы «стильные наряды, модные стили, наряды». |
TOP 100 Korean Singer Brand Reputation Rankings in April 2024
А теперь у вас есть возможность сэкономить на популярных средствах из каталога благодаря промокодам и купонам на скидку Style Korean «Стайл Кореан» за апрель - май 2024 года. Участвуйте в акциях и наслаждайтесь выгодными покупками. Отзывы: Еще нет отзывов. Будь первым!
Casual street fashion or Korean street wear incorporates the aesthetics of rock and hip hop into everyday wear. Men prefer relaxed fit trousers and shorts to pair with their enormous or baggy tops, yet they also appreciate giant or baggy pants and shorts. Aside from that, this appearance is popular among both men and women. What kind of clothing do K-Pop idols like to wear?
Bonobos Known for their extensive range of sizes and fits, Bonobos ensures that every gentleman can find the perfect pair of chinos, combining comfort with classic style. Chinos allow the discerning gentleman to enjoy a wardrobe staple beyond seasons and trends, ideal for the timeless sophist. Tweed Jackets Exuding an air of timeless elegance, sophistication, and a connection to heritage and the outdoors, tweed jackets are quintessential of the old money wardrobe. Originating from Scotland and Ireland, tweed has a distinctive, textured appearance. Design and Fit Tweed jackets feature a structured yet comfortable fit that allows for layering. The classic design includes a single-breasted front with two or three buttons, though double-breasted variants are also appreciated for their formal appeal. Lapels Notched lapels are standard, but peak lapels can be found in more formal or double-breasted styles. Pockets Flap pockets are standard, often with an additional ticket pocket on the right side for a traditional British look. Many tweed jackets also feature a single breast pocket, suitable for a pocket square. Elbow Patches Some styles include suede or leather elbow patches, adding durability and a touch of academic or country flair. Materials Tweed This woolen fabric has a rough, open texture and unique color mixtures. Harris Tweed, from Scotland, is world-renowned for quality and warmth. Weaves and Patterns Herringbone and check patterns are iconic, offering visual interest and depth to the fabric. Plain weaves in muted colors are also popular for their versatility. Patterns Besides the classic herringbone and checks, tweed jackets can feature windowpane patterns and subtle plaids, each adding a unique character to the garment. Occasions Casual and Outdoor Events Perfect for country outings, hunting, or a walk in the park, tweed jackets blend with the natural environment. Business Casual and Smart Casual A tweed jacket elevates a simple shirt and trousers ensemble, ideal for office settings that express personal style. Social Gatherings For gatherings that call for smart yet not overly formal attire, a tweed jacket paired with a turtleneck or a crisp Oxford shirt offers a sophisticated look. Recommended Brands Harris Tweed Hebrides Renowned for producing some of the finest Harris Tweed, their jackets are a testament to traditional craftsmanship and Scottish heritage. Barbour Known for their outdoor and country wear, Barbour offers tweed jackets that balance functionality with style. Ralph Lauren Offers a range of tweed jackets that reflect a classic American interpretation of this traditionally British garment. Tweed jackets symbolize rugged elegance, connecting the wearer to a rich heritage of craftsmanship and the great outdoors. The distinctive texture, warmth, and durability make them a favored choice for various occasions, from casual outdoor activities to more refined social engagements. Overcoats Functional garments designed to protect against the cold, overcoats are a statement of sophistication, elegance, and an appreciation for timeless fashion. In the old-money wardrobe, overcoats are chosen for their impeccable tailoring and classic silhouette that withstand the fleeting trends of fashion. Tailoring and Fit The essence of an old money overcoat lies in the expert tailoring and fit. Length Traditionally, overcoats are cut to knee-length or longer, ensuring adequate protection against the elements while maintaining an elegant silhouette. Collar A wide, notched collar is standard, capable of being turned up against the wind or worn down for a classic look. Closure Single-breasted overcoats with three to four buttons offer a streamlined look, while double-breasted styles provide extra warmth and a more formal appearance. Materials Wool Wool is the cornerstone of overcoat fabrics. It provides excellent warmth, durability, and resistance to moisture. Varieties such as melton or tweed are popular for their texture and insulating properties. Cashmere Luxurious and soft, cashmere overcoats are lighter and offer superior warmth, ideal for those seeking comfort and elegance. Colors and Patterns Colors Classic colors like navy, charcoal, camel, and black are staples within the old-money aesthetic, offering versatility and timeless elegance. Patterns While solid colors are predominant, subtle patterns such as herringbone or a very restrained check can add depth and interest to the overcoat without compromising its classic appeal. Occasions Formal Events A well-tailored, dark-colored overcoat adds a layer of refinement to formal attire, perfect for opera nights, gala events, or upscale dining. Business and Professional It is an essential piece for the winter wardrobe, offering a polished appearance on the commute or in professional settings. Casual Outings When paired with casual wear, the overcoat elevates the entire ensemble, blending comfort with sophistication for everyday elegance. Brooks Brothers An American classic, offering a range of overcoats that combine traditional styling with modern craftsmanship. Crombie Known for luxurious overcoats, Crombie remains a benchmark for quality and timeless style in outerwear. Whether for formal, professional, or casual occasions, the overcoat remains a central pillar of the old money wardrobe, embodying an elegance and sophistication that transcends time and trends. Polo Shirts Polo shirts are a versatile staple in old money style and ideal for creating an elegant yet comfortable look. In the old-money wardrobe, polo shirts are selected for their quality, fit, classic design, and enduring appeal that remains stylish across decades. Design and Fit The essence of an old-money polo shirt lies in its timeless design and impeccable fit. Collar A classic polo collar is distinctive, designed to be worn up or down, adapting to the formality required. Sleeves Short sleeves that end around the mid-bicep offer a clean and tailored look. Placket A two to three-button placket is standard, allowing for adjustability in fit and neckline. Hem The hem is longer in the back than in the front, known as a tennis tail, which helps the shirt stay tucked in if desired. Materials Pique Cotton The most traditional fabric for polo shirts is known for its durability and breathability. The textured weave adds depth to the garment. Jersey Offers a smoother feel and a more fitted look, suitable for various settings. Performance Fabrics Modern polo shirts may utilize technical, moisture-wicking fabrics that maintain the classic look while offering additional comfort for active wear. Colors and Patterns Colors Classic colors include navy, white, black, and hunter green to ensure versatility and a timeless appeal. Patterns Subtle stripes or a discreet logo are acceptable and can add a personal touch without detracting from the overall elegance. Occasions Casual and Everyday Wear Perfect for a day out in the city or a casual gathering, polo shirts pair well with chinos or shorts. Sporting Events Designed for tennis and golf, polo shirts are ideal for attending or participating in sports events. Smart Casual A well-fitted polo shirt can be paired with a blazer and trousers for occasions requiring a smart, yet not overly formal, look. Recommended Brands Ralph Lauren Synonymous with the polo shirt, Ralph Lauren embodies the quintessential preppy, old-money aesthetic with a focus on quality and classic style. Lacoste Known for the iconic crocodile logo, Lacoste offers high-quality, classic polo shirts that have been appreciated in upscale casual events for decades. Brooks Brothers Offers a range of polo shirts that cater to traditional tastes, emphasizing quality, comfort, and timeless design. Fred Perry Blends sportswear with streetwear, offering polo shirts that are both classic and contemporary, appealing to a broad audience. Whether for casual outings, sporting events, or smart casual occasions, the polo shirt remains an essential component of the old-money wardrobe, embodying a blend of comfort, elegance, and versatility. Flannel Trousers Flannel trousers are not just a garment for the colder months but also a statement of style and a subtle nod to timeless, understated elegance. In the old money wardrobe, flannel trousers are a staple for the autumn and winter seasons, and they are chosen for their soft texture, warmth, and classic silhouette. Tailoring and Fit The hallmark of old-money flannel trousers is their impeccable tailoring and fit. Designed to offer comfort and a flattering line, these trousers should sit comfortably at the waist and extend to a slight break over the shoe. Pleats Single or double pleats can add comfort and ease of movement, while flat-front designs offer a more modern, streamlined look. Cuffs Cuffed hems are a traditional feature that adds weight to the trousers, ensuring a clean drape over the shoe. Materials Wool Flannel Wool flannel is the quintessential material for flannel trousers. It is prized for its softness, warmth, and natural breathability. The napped texture provides a unique feel and appearance. Weight Flannel comes in various weights, allowing for versatility from early fall through to the depths of winter. Heavier weights offer more warmth and a richer texture. Colors and Patterns Traditional colors for flannel trousers include neutral colors like grey, navy, and charcoal. Patterns Subtle patterns such as herringbone or checks can add visual interest and depth to the trousers without detracting from their classic appeal. Occasions Business and Professional Paired with a crisp shirt and a wool blazer, flannel trousers can form the backbone of a smart winter business ensemble. Casual Events For a more relaxed look, flannel trousers can be combined with a turtleneck sweater and leather boots, offering extra warmth and style. Semi-Formal Events Matched with a tailored jacket and polished shoes, flannel trousers work wonders at semi-formal evening events. Recommended Brands Brooks Brothers Known for their classic American styling, Brooks Brothers offers high-quality flannel trousers that cater to traditional tastes. Ralph Lauren Provides a range of flannel trousers that embody casual elegance, emphasizing quality fabrics and timeless design. They are noted for their luxurious materials and impeccable cuts. Crew Offers a variety of flannel trousers, including contemporary fits, catering to those seeking both modern and classic styles. Whether for business, casual, or semi-formal occasions, flannel trousers remain essential to the old money wardrobe, embodying a blend of comfort, warmth, and timeless style. Bespoke tailoring is the pinnacle of sartorial craftsmanship, involving the creation of custom garments that are cut, fitted, and sewn to the exact specifications of the individual wearer. This process is a hallmark of old money style, as it ensures a level of fit, comfort, and quality that cannot be achieved with off-the-rack clothing. The bespoke process begins with a consultation between the client and the tailor, during which measurements are taken, fabric options are discussed, and style preferences are considered. The tailor then creates a unique pattern for the garment, uses it to cut the fabric, and constructs the piece by hand. However, the benefits of bespoke tailoring extend beyond just the perfect fit. Bespoke garments are crafted from the finest materials, with skill and attention to detail that mass-produced clothing cannot match. From the hand-stitched buttonholes to the carefully rolled lapels, every element of a bespoke garment is a testament to the artistry and expertise of the tailor. This commitment to craftsmanship is a crucial tenet of the old-money style, reflecting a deep appreciation for the time, skill, and knowledge required to create an exceptional garment. Footwear The quintessential dress shoe, in black or brown — for formal occasions. Brogues More detailed than Oxfords — suitable for formal and semi-formal occasions. Loafers Penny or tassel, in leather or suede — for casual and smart-casual settings. Chelsea Boots Suitable for business casual wear in the fall and winter. Driving Moccasins For casual wear in warmer climates. Oxfords are preferred in the old-money wardrobe for their sleek design, quality craftsmanship, and the ability to complement formal attire, making them the quintessential dress shoe for many occasions. Design and Features Characterized by a closed lacing system, Oxford shoes offer a slim, neat, sophisticated, and understated appearance. Toe Cap The classic Oxford features a toe cap with or without perforations, providing a polished look suitable for formal events. Plain Toe For a minimalist and sleek design, plain-toe Oxfords are preferred, offering versatility and elegance. Balmoral Named after Balmoral Castle, this style represents the height of Oxford sophistication, often chosen for the most formal occasions. Materials Leather High-quality leather is preferred for Oxford shoes — ideal for its durability, breathability, and ability to age gracefully. Patent Leather For black-tie events and occasions that demand a higher degree of formality, patent leather Oxfords provide a glossy, distinguished finish. Colors Black The most formal option, black Oxfords are essential for business, formal events, and occasions that require a suit and tie. Dark Brown Offering slightly more versatility, dark brown Oxfords can transition from formal to semi-formal settings, complementing a wide range of suit colors. Occasions Black leather Oxfords are the gold standard for business meetings, formal dinners, and weddings. Semi-Formal Events Dark brown Oxfords pair well with lighter suits and blazers, suitable for semi-formal gatherings and daytime events. Recommended Brands Allen Edmonds Known for their handcrafted quality and comfort, Allen Edmonds offers a range of Oxford shoes that cater to traditional tastes. John Lobb Offering bespoke and ready-to-wear Oxfords, John Lobb represents the pinnacle of craftsmanship and elegance in footwear. Whether for business, formal, or semi-formal occasions, Oxford shoes remain an indispensable component of the old-money wardrobe, showcasing tradition and elegance. Old Money Brogues Brogues are a distinguished type of footwear that blends functionality, style, and a touch of heritage, making them a versatile choice for formal and semi-formal occasions. Design and Features The essence of brogues lies in their detailed craftsmanship and distinctive design elements. Half Brogues Offering a more restrained design with broguing along the toe cap seam and on the top of the toe cap, half brogues strike a balance between formal and informal. Quarter Brogues The most subtle of the brogue styles, with perforations only along the edge of the toe cap, making them suitable for more formal occasions. Materials Leather Premium leather is the most common material for brogues, offering durability, comfort, and a refined appearance that ages well over time. Suede Suede brogues provide a softer, more casual look, are perfect for less formal occasions, and offer various styling options. Colors Classic Colors Black, shades of brown, and tan are the most traditional colors for brogues, allowing for easy coordination with a wide range of outfits. Bolder Choices Burgundy or navy can offer a pop of color for those looking to make a bolder statement while maintaining an air of sophistication. Occasions Formal and Business Quarter brogues in darker leathers are appropriate for business and formal settings, complementing suits and tailored trousers. Semi-Formal Events Half and full brogues in lighter colors or suede are ideal for semi-formal events and smart casual dress codes — you can even dress down a suit. Grenson With a history of quality craftsmanship, Grenson brogues are celebrated for their style, comfort, and ability to transition between formal and casual wear. Loake Specialists in traditional English brogues, Loake crafts shoes that are stylish, built to last, and suitable for various occasions. Whether for formal business settings, semi-formal events, or casual outings, brogues are essential to the old-money wardrobe, offering a perfect blend of sophistication, tradition, and versatile style.
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Korean Female Celebrities with the Best Fashion Style
Leather belts are a cornerstone of the old-money aesthetic, symbolizing a commitment to quality, tradition, and understated elegance. Silk Ties Silk ties are a quintessential accessory in the old money wardrobe, symbolizing refinement, professionalism, and an eye for detail. Selected for the quality, design, and silent wealth statement they make, silk ties are essential for completing a polished and sophisticated look. Quality The luster and softness of high-quality silk add depth and elegance to the tie, enhancing its appearance and feel. Patterns and Colors From solid colors and classic stripes to subtle patterns, the design choice in silk ties can convey personality and professionalism. Materials Pure Silk Renowned for sheen and texture, pure silk is the preferred material for ties, offering a luxurious feel and elegant drape. Colors and Patterns Colors A solid-colored silk tie, especially in deep blues, burgundy, or classic black, is versatile and suitable for various occasions. Classic Stripes Striped silk ties, often in club or regimental patterns, evoke a sense of tradition and continuity. Subtle Patterns Small, understated patterns like paisleys, dots, or geometric shapes add interest without overwhelming the ensemble.
Occasions Business and Formal A well-chosen silk tie adds a finishing touch of elegance for business meetings, formal events, or occasions requiring a suit. Semi-Formal Lighter colors or interesting patterns can dress down a suit for semi-formal gatherings, offering a touch of personality. Recommended Brands Renowned for exquisite designs and superior quality, Hermes ties symbolize luxury and sophistication. Charvet As a pioneer in fine shirtmaking, Charvet also offers a range of elegant silk ties, renowned for unique colors and excellent craftsmanship. Brooks Brothers An American classic, Brooks Brothers provides a selection of silk ties that cater to traditional and contemporary tastes. Silk ties are not just an accessory but a statement of style, tradition, and attention to detail, making them an indispensable part of the old money aesthetic. A well-chosen silk tie can elevate any ensemble, embodying a timeless elegance for formal, business, or semi-formal occasions. Pocket Squares Pocket squares are the epitome of sartorial finesse in the old-money wardrobe.
They serve not only as a functional accessory but also as an expression of personal style and attention to detail. Small pieces of fabric, tucked into the breast pocket of a suit or blazer, add a splash of color, texture, and sophistication, elevating an overall look. Design and Features The charm of pocket squares lies in their ability to complement or contrast with the rest of the outfit, offering a subtle yet impactful statement. Quality Silk, linen, and fine cotton are preferred for their texture, appearance, and ability to hold folds and shapes. Variety of Patterns Pocket squares allow personal expression from solid colors and classic polka dots to intricate paisleys and bold prints. Edge Finishing Hand-rolled and stitched edges are signs of a high-quality pocket square, adding to its elegance and durability. Materials Offers a lustrous sheen and vibrant colors, ideal for formal and semi-formal occasions. Linen Known for its crisp texture and matte finish, linen pocket squares are perfect for a clean, sophisticated look.
Fine Cotton Provides a softer, more casual appearance, suitable for everyday wear and less formal events. Colors and Patterns Colors It is a simple way to add a touch of elegance, especially when chosen to complement or subtly contrast the tie or shirt. Classic Patterns Stripes, polka dots, and checks offer a timeless appeal, while paisleys and prints can introduce a more dynamic element. Occasions Formal Events A silk pocket square in a classic fold adds a refined touch to formal wear, such as tuxedos and dark suits. Business and Semi-Formal Linen and fine cotton pocket squares can lend an air of professionalism and polish to business and semi-formal attire. Casual Outings For a more relaxed look, playful patterns and colors in any fabric can add personality to casual blazers and sports coats. Recommended Brands Hermes Offers an exquisite selection of silk pocket squares, renowned for their vibrant colors and intricate designs. Simonnot Godard Specializes in fine linen and cotton pocket squares, offering exceptional quality and classic designs for the discerning gentleman.
Tom Ford Provides luxurious pocket squares that embody modern sophistication, focusing on rich colors and premium materials. Pocket squares are a testament to the notion that details matter, serving as the finishing touch that can define the tone and style of an ensemble. Pocket squares symbolize refinement, elegance, and an unwavering commitment to the highest standards of personal presentation. Cufflinks Cufflinks symbolize sophistication and are an essential accessory in the old money wardrobe, adding a touch of elegance and personality to formal and business attire. Cufflinks secure the cuffs of a dress shirt and allow one to express individual style and attention to detail. Variety and Selection Cufflinks come in many designs, materials, and finishes, allowing for personal expression while adhering to the tenets of classic style. Designs From simple and understated to ornate and decorative, cufflinks can reflect personal interests, heritage, or a preference for a particular aesthetic. Materials Precious metals like gold and silver are traditional choices, while mother-of-pearl, enamel, and semi-precious stones add color and texture.
Finishes Polished, matte, or textured finishes can complement other accessories and the overall look of an outfit. Choosing the Right Cufflinks for the Occasion Formal Events For black-tie or formal occasions, wear cufflinks in gold, silver, or mother-of-pearl to ensure they match the tone and elegance of the event. Business Settings Cufflinks should be understated in professional environments, favoring simple designs and materials that convey sophistication without ostentation. Casual Gatherings More casual settings allow for creativity and personal expression in the choice of cufflinks, including playful designs or colorful materials. Montblanc Montblanc produces sophisticated cufflinks that complement its pens and leather goods. Paul Smith Provides a selection of cufflinks with unique and whimsical designs, perfect for adding a touch of personality to any outfit. For those who appreciate the old-money aesthetic, cufflinks offer a perfect opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to quality, tradition, and attention to the finest details. Wristwatches In old-money fashion, watches are not merely tools for telling time but an integral aspect of personal style and heritage.
Classic timepieces are valued for rare craftsmanship, design, and the stories they tell, as most old money watches are heirlooms passed down through generations. Selection Criteria When selecting a watch, several factors come into play, reflecting not just personal taste but also an appreciation for the art of watchmaking: Mechanism Mechanical watches, both manual and automatic, are prized for their intricate movements and the skill required to craft them. Design Classic and understated designs that emphasize elegance and readability over ostentation are preferred. Brand Heritage Watches from brands with a long history of craftsmanship and innovation are preferred as signs of legacy and the value they retain. Material Quality materials such as stainless steel, gold, and platinum are common, and they are chosen for their durability and aesthetics. Choosing the Right Watch — by the Occasion Formal Events A slim, elegant dress watch with a leather strap or a discreet metal bracelet complements a suit or tuxedo perfectly for formal occasions. Business Settings A classic, understated watch with a simple dial is suitable for professional environments. It reflects reliability and attention to detail.
Casual Outings More casual or sporty watches can be worn in less formal settings, though the old money preference leans towards timeless design, even in leisure. Recommended Brands Known for its iconic designs and unparalleled durability, Rolex watches symbolize success and craftsmanship. Patek Philippe The pinnacle of watchmaking excellence, with timepieces seen more as investments than wrist accessories. Omega Combines a rich history of innovation with classic design, making it a favorite for formal and casual occasions. Jaeger-LeCoultre Offers a range of sophisticated watches known for their technical prowess and elegant aesthetics. Watches in the old money aesthetic are more than mere timekeepers but expressions of personal history, craftsmanship, and a deep appreciation for timeless design. Whether passed down as heirlooms or chosen as personal statements, these timepieces reflect a commitment to quality that transcends generations. Classic Style Writing Instruments In an age dominated by digital communication, the choice of writing instruments among those who appreciate the old-money aesthetic speaks volumes about tradition, personal style, and the value placed on the written word.
Selection Criteria Selecting a writing instrument involves consideration of its functionality, craftsmanship, and the statement it makes: Type Fountain pens are highly regarded for their elegance, writing quality, and tradition. Rollerball and ballpoint pens offer convenience and a different writing experience. Brand Heritage Brands with a long history of crafting fine writing instruments are often preferred for their expertise and legacy. Design Classic designs that have stood the test of time are favored for their elegance and understated sophistication. Choosing the Right Pen for the Occasion Formal Signings A fountain pen, with its refined appearance and smooth writing, is ideal for important documents and occasions requiring a significant signature. Everyday Use Rollerball or ballpoint pens can be practical for daily use, offering ease and reliability with a touch of class. Gifts and Heirlooms A well-crafted pen can be a meaningful gift, symbolizing respect and high regard and serving as a cherished heirloom. Recommended Brands Synonymous with luxury writing instruments, Montblanc pens are celebrated for their craftsmanship and iconic design.
Pelikan Known for exceptional fountain pens, Pelikan offers a range of beautiful and functional pens. Parker With a history of innovation, Parker pens are recognized for their quality, durability, and classic style. Waterman Offers a selection of elegant pens that combine tradition with modern writing technology, appealing to a wide range of preferences. Whether used for personal correspondence, professional endeavors, or as a statement piece, a high-quality pen is a testament to the value of thoughtfulness and tradition in an increasingly digital world. Essential Leather goods Leather goods are special in the old-money aesthetic, embodying durability, functionality, and timeless style. From wallets and briefcases to travel bags and accessories, leather accessories of high craftsmanship have a timeless elegance suitable for any respectable gentleman. The careful selection of leather goods is crucial for those who appreciate the old-money lifestyle, with a focus on items that combine practicality with an understated luxury: Wallets Slim, well-crafted leather wallets that age gracefully, accommodating essentials without unnecessary bulk. Briefcases Classic, structured briefcases in fine leather, designed for durability and a professional appearance.
Travel Bags High-quality leather duffel bags or weekenders that blend functionality with style for sophisticated travel. Accessories Leather belts, watch straps, and folios complement the overall aesthetic and serve practical purposes. Materials and Craftsmanship The choice of material and the craftsmanship behind leather goods are key to their appeal and longevity: Premium Leather Full-grain or top-grain leather is preferred for its durability, texture, and ability to develop a patina over time. Handmade Craftsmanship Items crafted by skilled artisans, emphasizing traditional techniques, are sought after for their quality and uniqueness. Selecting Leather Goods When selecting leather goods, the focus is on timeless design and functionality, ensuring that each item is both a practical and stylish addition to the wardrobe or collection: Choose items that are versatile and can be used in various settings, from formal to casual. Opt for classic colors like black, brown, and tan, which age well and match easily with other accessories. Recommended Brands Ghurka: Offers a range of premium leather goods known for their craftsmanship and timeless design. Smythson A British luxury brand that provides a selection of refined leather accessories, combining functionality with elegance.
Tumi While known for their travel luggage, Tumi also offers high-quality leather bags and accessories designed for durability and style. Leather goods in the old-money aesthetic are not just luxury accessories but symbols of a lifestyle that values tradition, quality, and understated elegance. Sunglasses In old-money aesthetics, sunglasses are not mere protective eyewear but a statement of style and sophistication. Sunglasses of the wealthy have a timeless design — aviators or wayfarers — reflecting a preference for traditional styles over fleeting fashion trends. Ideal Sunglass Styles The selection of sunglasses within the old-money aesthetic focuses on classic shapes that offer both functionality and a nod to historical elegance: Aviators Originally designed for pilots, aviators are known for their distinctive teardrop shape and metal frames, embodying a blend of function and timeless appeal. Wayfarers Characterized by a sturdy frame and slightly rounded shape, wayfarers symbolize effortless style since inception. Quality and Craftsmanship Regarding sunglasses, the emphasis is on the quality of materials and construction, ensuring adequate protection and an elegant look. Premium Materials High-quality acetate or metal frames and superior lens technology to protect against UV rays.
Durability Well-constructed sunglasses that withstand daily use and maintain their shape and finish over time. Choosing the Right Sunglasses Choosing the right pair of sunglasses involves considering both the aesthetic appeal and the practical aspects of eyewear: Opt for classic designs that complement various outfits and occasions, from formal to casual. Ensure that the sunglasses provide adequate UV protection, a crucial factor for maintaining eye health. Select a frame color and lens tint that suits your style while also offering versatility and wearability. Recommended Brands Iconic for their wayfarer and aviator styles, Ray-Ban sunglasses are synonymous with classic American cool. Persol Italian craftsmanship and timeless design define Persol sunglasses, favored for their quality and elegant aesthetics. Oliver Peoples Offers a range of sophisticated eyewear designs, focusing on attention to detail and vintage-inspired styles. Old money-style sunglasses are chosen to convey a sense of timeless elegance and understated style.
Classic designs like aviators and wayfarers testify to the enduring appeal of well-crafted, stylish eyewear. Scarves Scarves, made from wool or cashmere, are indispensable accessories in the old money wardrobe, especially during the colder months. Beyond their practical use for warmth, scarves offer an opportunity to add a layer of sophistication and subtle flair to any outfit. The choice of a scarf speaks to an appreciation for fine materials, craftsmanship, and the timeless elegance that characterizes the Old Money aesthetic. Essential Scarf Qualities When it comes to selecting scarves, there are a few key qualities that are prioritized to ensure functional and stylistic needs. Material Wool and cashmere are preferred for their warmth, softness, and durability. These natural fibers offer superior comfort and insulation compared to synthetic alternatives. Design Classic patterns such as herringbone, plaid, and solid colors are favored for their versatility and timeless appeal.
Subtle branding or no branding is often preferred to maintain an understated look. Craftsmanship High-quality scarves are characterized by their attention to detail, including fine stitching and finishes that ensure longevity and a luxurious feel. Choosing the Right Scarf The selection of a scarf is not just about warmth but also about complementing the wardrobe and enhancing personal style. Consider the color and pattern of the scarf to ensure it pairs well with the outerwear and suits your wardrobe. Opt for scarves of a suitable length and width for versatile styling, whether worn draped, knotted, or wrapped. Invest in quality to ensure the scarf looks elegant and stands the test of time, becoming a staple in the cold-weather wardrobe. Recommended Brands Burberry Known for their iconic check pattern, Burberry scarves are crafted from cashmere, offering warmth and a touch of British elegance. Loro Piana It specializes in luxury cashmere and wool scarves and is renowned for its exceptional quality and timeless designs.
Johnstons of Elgin It offers a range of finely crafted wool and cashmere scarves from the finest natural fibers in Scotland. Mixing practicality and elegance, these accessories are a testament to the enduring appeal of classic, understated luxury.
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In Start-Up, she pulled off many business casual looks that were both cute and stylish. What makes her pull off any style she wants is her confidence. Throughout the show, she transitions from office to everyday life and occasionally formal events. Therefore, this is the Kdrama to watch to set up your whole outfit lineup for the year. Park Min-young Park Min Young has been able to show off her fashion sense in her dramas for many years. Those looking for that professional yet flashy look must follow Park Min Young on Instagram. She is known for wearing bright colors and loose-fitting outfits. She has always been known for her gorgeous visuals in the Korean entertainment industry. Those looking for unique everyday styles should also check out all her pictures at the airport on Google. Jennie Kim Jennie Kim has been a fashionista for some time now. We all know her love for Chanel, but she loves fashion. She is known for her effortlessly cool outfits and style, whether in a music video, on stage, or everyday life. Some of her favorite outfits involve cardigans, denim light-wash jeans, and of course, her famous statement sunglasses. She even launched her eyewear collaboration with Korean fashion brand Gentle Monster.
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