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Звезда реалити-шоу, модель и бизнесвумен Ким Кардашьян кардинально сменила имидж. Фотографии знаменитости в новом образе опубликованы в Instagram*. Korean Style | корейский стиль. 16 апреля, 2024, 18:29. Перейти к просмотру видео. Просмотрите доску «Korean style» пользователя в Pinterest. Посмотрите больше идей на темы «стильные наряды, модные стили, наряды». Korean choppy bangs are among the most popular styles in Korea. Style Korean (Code: karas_blushing) for 10% off.

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Aside from that, this appearance is popular among both men and women. What kind of clothing do K-Pop idols like to wear? Oversized clothing is a favorite of K-pop stars because they give them a calm and carefree appearance. Mom jeans, huge Hoodies, drop shoulder T-shirts, and extra-large shirts are some of their favorite outfits.

I was glad to support this business with my purchase. But please consider updating the app. It feels like a mini website. Thanks again for the beautiful collection and shipping it so quickly. I hope you continue to collaborate with James Welsh in the future, and Robert Welsh would be a welcome addition too!

Моя прошлая посылка вообще дошла в рекордный срок — 6 календарных дней с даты заказа! И еще один плюс — это внешний вид посылки и большое количество подарков. Посылки приходят в красивых фирменных коробках, каждая позиция отдельно упакована в пузырчатую пленку, также в каждую коробку вложен конверт с кучей пробников. В общем, если подводить итог по минусам и плюсам, то STYLE KOREAN — это сайт с отличным ассортиментом, хорошими акциями и бонусной программой, быстрой доставкой и качественным сервисом, за который без скидок приходится платить чуть больше, чем за отсутствие такового на некоторых других сайтах. Далее я приведу краткую инструкцию, как это сделать. Первым делом необходимо зарегистрироваться: введите адрес электронной почты, пароль, цифры с картинки. При желании можно войти через аккаунт на Facebook. После регистрации на указанный адрес электронной почти вам придет запрос на подтверждение адреса. На этой же странице зайдите в меню «Edit account» система попросит вас повторно ввести пароль и отредактируйте информацию для доставки: ваши ФИО, почтовый адрес, телефон.

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Годовое расписание выступлений группы Stray Kids на 2024 год. While we love how Parisians have an ineffable, effortlessly chic style by opting for muted hues, the Koreans’ choice of vibrant colours and unique street style is highly covetable. Style Korean has released Style Korean Beauty Advent Calendar 2023 (worth $600).

Корейский стиль женской одежды осень 2023 (75 фото)

The idea for the company was brought to fruition after Karen went to Seoul two years ago and fell in love with the Korean fashion trends there. Today the online shop curates seven Korean designers as well as products from their own line, Closer. So the products that comes out meets that high bar in terms of production but are also aware of whats going on globally. Korean fashion brands also take a lot of risks, and thats whats really exciting about it.

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Это, конечно, не проблема, но было бы удобнее, если бы для поиска нужного оттенка не нужно было выходить в общее меню. Чтобы просмотреть описание и фото конкретного товара, прокрутите страницу вниз, там будет указана полная информация по каждому средству и выпускающему его бренду. Кстати, вы можете добавлять товары не только в корзину, но и в виш-лист — чтобы не забыть то, что вы хотели бы, но пока не готовы приобрести. Наконец, заходим в корзину — там нас уже ждет выбранный товар и возможность добавить подарок по акции.

Далее нужно подтвердить адрес доставки и выбрать метод оплаты — для России сейчас доступна оплата банковской картой через платежный сервис PayPal регистрация в системе PayPal не требуется, но если она у вас есть, вам будет еще удобнее. Когда ваш заказ будет отправлен, вы увидите соответствующую пометку рядом с ним в разделе «Order history» вам также придет оповещение на электронную почту , а еще сможете проверить трекинг. Надеюсь, мой обзор был для вас полезен! Если у вас появились какие-то вопросы, вы можете задать их в комментариях ниже! И не забудьте написать, обзор на какой магазин вы хотели бы увидеть в следующий раз!

Освежает, придает сияние, подтягивает. Выравнивает тон лица. Почти полностью состоит из экстракта корня астрагала, похожа на тягучий гель, который раскатывается по коже как шарик меда, но полностью впитывается, заседает в коже как желе, создает эффект glass skin, очень сильно увлажняет. Процесс нанесения на любителя, ни на что не похожий продукт. Но эффект отличный. У сыворотки огромный объем и очень густая текстура. Выравнивает текстуру кожи и снижает ее температуру. Долго сохраняет влагу, делает кожу долее здоровой.

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You can still maintain your Korean style by setting aside your summer dresses and replacing them with knitted coats and jackets. 23 апреля Ю Джэ Хван поделился со своими поклонниками радостной новостью, сообщив о предстоящей свадьбе. Discover the most popular singers in Korea right now by exploring the latest top 100 Korean singer brand reputation rankings for April 2024. Просмотрите доску «korean style» пользователя minzhu_vi в Pinterest. korean fashion, korean style, kpop.

Купоны на скидку и промокоды Style Korean на Апрель 2024

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10 Korean Fashion Influencers to Follow Now - Asian Social Media Style Influencers Просмотрите доску «korean style» пользователя minzhu_vi в Pinterest.
10 Must-Have Korean Street Fashion Trends for 2023 - Hello South Korea korean style. korean life. 10 of the world’s weirdest foods →.

Неделя моды в Сеуле: 5 трендов азиатского стритстайла, которые ты точно оценишь 😎

Корейский интернет магазин STYLE KOREAN претерпел изменения, появилась русифицированная версия, которая лишила нас многих преимуществ. «Flex X Cop» выходит в финал сезона на первом месте в рейтинге, поскольку «Wonderful World» завершает первую половину на подъеме. Продукты и товары народного потребления. Корейский интернет магазин STYLE KOREAN претерпел изменения, появилась русифицированная версия, которая лишила нас многих преимуществ. At Seoul Fashion Week 2023, designers, models, and celebrities showed off the best of Korean street fashion.

Где и как заказать корейскую косметику? StyleKorean.com — обзор сайта и инструкция

Корпорации и сервисы, начиная от салонов красоты до клиник пластический хирургии, задают правила, а общество следует им беспрекословно. Можно сказать, что у инфлюэнсеров монополия на роль всеобщего компаса в мире фэшн», — продолжает Милена. Знаменитостей очень любят: вещи, в которых они появились публично, скупают сразу, даже если речь идет о дорогом бренде Миленахудожник-иллюстратор На сцене звезды позволяют себе то, за что обычные жители страны, скорее всего, получили бы осуждение и косые взгляды. Актеры и музыканты умело комбинируют люксовые бренды с нарядами в уличном стиле и вещами из разных эпох, сочетая укороченные ханбоки с мини-юбками. Они красятся в яркие цвета, часто меняют прически, а парни отращивают волосы и пользуются косметикой наряду с девушками. Тхэмин разрушил стереотипы о «мужском» и «женском» в моде: он носил длинные волосы, сетчатые топы, девичью одежду и продвигал андрогинный стиль, который набирает все большую популярность в Корее. В 2021 году в Сеуле открылся магазин спортивного бренда Nike, где одежду и обувь рассортировали не по гендерным особенностям, а по размеру. Ни один признак не указывал покупателям на то, что товар предназначен для мужчин или для женщин Правительство страны тоже не остается в стороне. Финансовую поддержку оказывают Неделе моды в Сеуле и Корейскому конкурсу дизайна одежды. Это позволяет начинающим модельерам каждый год показывать свои коллекции наравне с уже зарекомендовавшими себя брендами. Таким образом, они имеют преимущество в сравнении с коллегами из других частей Азией.

В Токио и Сингапуре , например, молодые таланты могут демонстрировать свою одежду только в том случае, если получают спонсорскую помощь или платят сами. Инвестиции в индустрию развлечений стали государственным проектом по развитию экономики Кореи. В нее также вкладываются местные гиганты, такие как Samsung и Hyundai, которые запускают собственные кино- и телекомпании. А музыкальные лейблы открывают школы-интернаты для подростков, где превращают их в звезд шоу-бизнеса. Думаю, что это сочетание очень привлекательно», — охарактеризовала жанр профессор Калифорнийского университета Сук Енг Ким. В 2008 году группа TVXQ попала в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса из-за самого большого официального фан-сообщества, которое насчитывало более 800 тысяч участников. А в 2012 году композиция Gangnam Style исполнителя Psy стала первым видео, набравшим один миллиард просмотров на YouTube Герои сериала «Игра в кальмара» в ставших популярными зеленых спортивных костюмах Кадр: сериал «Игра в кальмара» Фильм корейского режиссера Пон Чжун Хо «Паразиты» получил «Оскар», а сериал его соотечественника Хван Дон Хека «Игра в кальмара» побил рекорды по просмотрам на платформе Netflix. Кстати, после ошеломительного успеха «Игры в кальмара» модные бренды заметили повышенное внимание к предметам гардероба вроде тех, в которые были одеты персонажи сериала. Особенно популярны оказались белые слипоны Triple White — спрос на них увеличился на рекордные 7800 процентов. Благодаря активному продвижению в соцсетях интерес к корейской фэшн-индустрии начали проявлять многие западные звезды.

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Jung Da-won With an impressive 8. Cheri Artist and stylist Cheri is edgy, cool, and openly queer. Emi Suzuki Japanese model Emi Suzuki made her debut in 2005, and remains a prominent figure in the fashion industry. Get a glimpse into her life as a mom, model, and designer for her label Lautashi on her Instagram. Daniel Luna Street style photographer Daniel Luna captures playful concoctions on the streets of Seoul. Check out his curated feed for some quirky style inspo. Mademoiselle Yulia Mademoiselle Yulia is no stranger to the fashion scene; the street style favourite is a regular when it comes to getting snapped by photographers during fashion month. The DJ, singer and designer is known to be a style chameleon, with the ability to rock anything from dainty kimonos to avant-garde outfits from her label, Growing Pains.

Park Gyuri Fashion blogger Park Gyuri channels a romantic, feminine meets street aesthetic via her chic outfits.

Jersey Offers a smoother feel and a more fitted look, suitable for various settings. Performance Fabrics Modern polo shirts may utilize technical, moisture-wicking fabrics that maintain the classic look while offering additional comfort for active wear. Colors and Patterns Colors Classic colors include navy, white, black, and hunter green to ensure versatility and a timeless appeal. Patterns Subtle stripes or a discreet logo are acceptable and can add a personal touch without detracting from the overall elegance. Occasions Casual and Everyday Wear Perfect for a day out in the city or a casual gathering, polo shirts pair well with chinos or shorts. Sporting Events Designed for tennis and golf, polo shirts are ideal for attending or participating in sports events.

Smart Casual A well-fitted polo shirt can be paired with a blazer and trousers for occasions requiring a smart, yet not overly formal, look. Recommended Brands Ralph Lauren Synonymous with the polo shirt, Ralph Lauren embodies the quintessential preppy, old-money aesthetic with a focus on quality and classic style. Lacoste Known for the iconic crocodile logo, Lacoste offers high-quality, classic polo shirts that have been appreciated in upscale casual events for decades. Brooks Brothers Offers a range of polo shirts that cater to traditional tastes, emphasizing quality, comfort, and timeless design. Fred Perry Blends sportswear with streetwear, offering polo shirts that are both classic and contemporary, appealing to a broad audience. Whether for casual outings, sporting events, or smart casual occasions, the polo shirt remains an essential component of the old-money wardrobe, embodying a blend of comfort, elegance, and versatility. Flannel Trousers Flannel trousers are not just a garment for the colder months but also a statement of style and a subtle nod to timeless, understated elegance.

In the old money wardrobe, flannel trousers are a staple for the autumn and winter seasons, and they are chosen for their soft texture, warmth, and classic silhouette. Tailoring and Fit The hallmark of old-money flannel trousers is their impeccable tailoring and fit. Designed to offer comfort and a flattering line, these trousers should sit comfortably at the waist and extend to a slight break over the shoe. Pleats Single or double pleats can add comfort and ease of movement, while flat-front designs offer a more modern, streamlined look. Cuffs Cuffed hems are a traditional feature that adds weight to the trousers, ensuring a clean drape over the shoe. Materials Wool Flannel Wool flannel is the quintessential material for flannel trousers. It is prized for its softness, warmth, and natural breathability.

The napped texture provides a unique feel and appearance. Weight Flannel comes in various weights, allowing for versatility from early fall through to the depths of winter. Heavier weights offer more warmth and a richer texture. Colors and Patterns Traditional colors for flannel trousers include neutral colors like grey, navy, and charcoal. Patterns Subtle patterns such as herringbone or checks can add visual interest and depth to the trousers without detracting from their classic appeal. Occasions Business and Professional Paired with a crisp shirt and a wool blazer, flannel trousers can form the backbone of a smart winter business ensemble. Casual Events For a more relaxed look, flannel trousers can be combined with a turtleneck sweater and leather boots, offering extra warmth and style.

Semi-Formal Events Matched with a tailored jacket and polished shoes, flannel trousers work wonders at semi-formal evening events. Recommended Brands Brooks Brothers Known for their classic American styling, Brooks Brothers offers high-quality flannel trousers that cater to traditional tastes. Ralph Lauren Provides a range of flannel trousers that embody casual elegance, emphasizing quality fabrics and timeless design. They are noted for their luxurious materials and impeccable cuts. Crew Offers a variety of flannel trousers, including contemporary fits, catering to those seeking both modern and classic styles. Whether for business, casual, or semi-formal occasions, flannel trousers remain essential to the old money wardrobe, embodying a blend of comfort, warmth, and timeless style. Bespoke tailoring is the pinnacle of sartorial craftsmanship, involving the creation of custom garments that are cut, fitted, and sewn to the exact specifications of the individual wearer.

This process is a hallmark of old money style, as it ensures a level of fit, comfort, and quality that cannot be achieved with off-the-rack clothing. The bespoke process begins with a consultation between the client and the tailor, during which measurements are taken, fabric options are discussed, and style preferences are considered. The tailor then creates a unique pattern for the garment, uses it to cut the fabric, and constructs the piece by hand. However, the benefits of bespoke tailoring extend beyond just the perfect fit. Bespoke garments are crafted from the finest materials, with skill and attention to detail that mass-produced clothing cannot match. From the hand-stitched buttonholes to the carefully rolled lapels, every element of a bespoke garment is a testament to the artistry and expertise of the tailor. This commitment to craftsmanship is a crucial tenet of the old-money style, reflecting a deep appreciation for the time, skill, and knowledge required to create an exceptional garment.

Footwear The quintessential dress shoe, in black or brown — for formal occasions. Brogues More detailed than Oxfords — suitable for formal and semi-formal occasions. Loafers Penny or tassel, in leather or suede — for casual and smart-casual settings. Chelsea Boots Suitable for business casual wear in the fall and winter. Driving Moccasins For casual wear in warmer climates. Oxfords are preferred in the old-money wardrobe for their sleek design, quality craftsmanship, and the ability to complement formal attire, making them the quintessential dress shoe for many occasions. Design and Features Characterized by a closed lacing system, Oxford shoes offer a slim, neat, sophisticated, and understated appearance.

Toe Cap The classic Oxford features a toe cap with or without perforations, providing a polished look suitable for formal events. Plain Toe For a minimalist and sleek design, plain-toe Oxfords are preferred, offering versatility and elegance. Balmoral Named after Balmoral Castle, this style represents the height of Oxford sophistication, often chosen for the most formal occasions. Materials Leather High-quality leather is preferred for Oxford shoes — ideal for its durability, breathability, and ability to age gracefully. Patent Leather For black-tie events and occasions that demand a higher degree of formality, patent leather Oxfords provide a glossy, distinguished finish. Colors Black The most formal option, black Oxfords are essential for business, formal events, and occasions that require a suit and tie. Dark Brown Offering slightly more versatility, dark brown Oxfords can transition from formal to semi-formal settings, complementing a wide range of suit colors.

Occasions Black leather Oxfords are the gold standard for business meetings, formal dinners, and weddings. Semi-Formal Events Dark brown Oxfords pair well with lighter suits and blazers, suitable for semi-formal gatherings and daytime events. Recommended Brands Allen Edmonds Known for their handcrafted quality and comfort, Allen Edmonds offers a range of Oxford shoes that cater to traditional tastes. John Lobb Offering bespoke and ready-to-wear Oxfords, John Lobb represents the pinnacle of craftsmanship and elegance in footwear. Whether for business, formal, or semi-formal occasions, Oxford shoes remain an indispensable component of the old-money wardrobe, showcasing tradition and elegance. Old Money Brogues Brogues are a distinguished type of footwear that blends functionality, style, and a touch of heritage, making them a versatile choice for formal and semi-formal occasions. Design and Features The essence of brogues lies in their detailed craftsmanship and distinctive design elements.

Half Brogues Offering a more restrained design with broguing along the toe cap seam and on the top of the toe cap, half brogues strike a balance between formal and informal. Quarter Brogues The most subtle of the brogue styles, with perforations only along the edge of the toe cap, making them suitable for more formal occasions. Materials Leather Premium leather is the most common material for brogues, offering durability, comfort, and a refined appearance that ages well over time. Suede Suede brogues provide a softer, more casual look, are perfect for less formal occasions, and offer various styling options. Colors Classic Colors Black, shades of brown, and tan are the most traditional colors for brogues, allowing for easy coordination with a wide range of outfits. Bolder Choices Burgundy or navy can offer a pop of color for those looking to make a bolder statement while maintaining an air of sophistication. Occasions Formal and Business Quarter brogues in darker leathers are appropriate for business and formal settings, complementing suits and tailored trousers.

Semi-Formal Events Half and full brogues in lighter colors or suede are ideal for semi-formal events and smart casual dress codes — you can even dress down a suit. Grenson With a history of quality craftsmanship, Grenson brogues are celebrated for their style, comfort, and ability to transition between formal and casual wear. Loake Specialists in traditional English brogues, Loake crafts shoes that are stylish, built to last, and suitable for various occasions. Whether for formal business settings, semi-formal events, or casual outings, brogues are essential to the old-money wardrobe, offering a perfect blend of sophistication, tradition, and versatile style. Old Money Style Loafers Loafers epitomize the blend of comfort, ease, and timeless style, making them a favored choice for casual and smart-casual settings within the old-money wardrobe. Cherished for their slip-on design and versatility, loafers come in various styles, including the classic penny loafer and the tassel loafer. Each offers a unique aesthetic that can elevate any outfit.

Design and Features The allure of loafers lies in their elegant simplicity and functional design. Without the need for laces, loafers offer a sleek profile that is both stylish and convenient, featuring: Penny Loafers Known for the distinctive leather strap across the saddle with a diamond-shaped cutout, penny loafers are a staple in preppy and business-casual attire. Tassel Loafers Featuring decorative tassels on the front, tassel loafers add a playful yet sophisticated touch for elevating casual outfits. Material Variations While traditionally crafted in leather, loafers are also available in suede, offering a softer look and feel, ideal for less formal occasions. Materials Leather High-quality leather loafers provide durability, comfort, and a polished appearance that complements casual and smart attire. Suede Suede loafers offer a more casual, tactile appeal, perfect for spring and summer looks or smart-casual ensembles. Best Colors Classic Colors Black and shades of brown and tan are the most versatile colors for loafers, easily paired with a wide range of outfits.

Bolder Choices Navy, burgundy, or even green suede can introduce a pop of color and personality to an outfit without sacrificing sophistication. Occasions Casual and Smart-Casual Loafers shine in casual and smart-casual settings, perfect for weekend outings, casual Fridays, or evening gatherings. Business Casual Leather penny loafers, in particular, can complement business casual attire, offering a polished look without the formality of Oxfords or brogues. Recommended Brands G. Allen Edmonds Offers a range of loafers, including tassel and penny styles, crafted with attention to detail and quality materials for lasting wear. Whether for casual outings, smart-casual events, or business casual settings, loafers are an indispensable component of the old-money wardrobe. They offer a seamless blend of comfort, ease, and enduring style.

Chelsea Boots Chelsea boots are a quintessential element of the refined wardrobe, offering a seamless blend of functionality, style, and versatility. Esteemed within old money circles for their sleek design and ease of wear, Chelsea boots are suitable for various occasions, from casual outings to more formal events during the fall and winter months. Design and Features Chelsea boots are characterized by their ankle height, rounded toe, low heel, and notable absence of lacing, which contributes to their clean, streamlined appearance. Elastic Side Panels These boots are easy to slip on and off while offering a snug, comfortable fit around the ankle. Pull Tab Located at the back of the boot, the pull tab helps people easily put on the boots. Material Options Traditionally crafted in leather for a more formal look or in suede for a casual, softer appearance. Materials Leather Offers durability, weather resistance, and a polished look, making leather Chelsea boots a staple for formal and professional settings.

Suede Provides a more casual, tactile appeal, perfect for casual outings and adding texture to an ensemble. Ideal Colors Classic Colors Black and brown dominate the Chelsea boot palette, ensuring versatility and ease of pairing with various outfits. Bolder Choices For those looking to make a statement, burgundy or dark green colors can add a unique touch to an outfit without compromising elegance. Occasions Casual Suede Chelsea boots can effortlessly elevate a casual look, pairing well with jeans or chinos for weekend outings or casual gatherings. Business Casual to Formal Leather Chelsea boots transition smoothly from the office to after-hours events, complementing suits, trousers, and smart attire with sleek silhouettes. Recommended Brands Dr. Martens Known for their durable construction and iconic designs, Dr.

Martens offers Chelsea boots that blend style with rugged functionality. Common Projects Offers minimalist, contemporary Chelsea boots renowned for clean lines and premium materials. Williams Specializing in Chelsea boots, R. Williams crafts classic-style boots of exceptional quality and comfort. Chelsea boots are essential to the old money wardrobe, effortlessly bridging the gap between comfort, style, and practicality. Driving Moccasins Driving moccasins, also known as driving shoes, are a hallmark of leisurely elegance and comfort, making them a favored choice for casual wear, especially in warmer climates. Celebrated in old money circles for their practicality and understated style, driving moccasins embody a relaxed yet sophisticated lifestyle.

Design and Features Driving moccasins are distinguished by their soft leather or suede construction, comfortable fit, and rubber-grommet sole that extends to the heel, designed to provide grip while driving. Soft Construction Typically made from supple leather or suede for ultimate comfort and flexibility. Rubber-Grommet Sole A signature feature of driving moccasins is the pebbled rubber sole extending to the back of the heel, which protects the shoe and provides grip on car pedals. Slip-On Design Easy to put on and take off, driving moccasins are the epitome of casual convenience and laid-back style. Materials Offers a refined look and durability, making leather driving moccasins suitable for various casual settings. Suede Provides a softer texture and a more relaxed appearance, perfect for casual summer outings and warmer weather. Ideal Colors Classic Colors Earth tones like browns, tans, and navy are popular choices.

They offer versatility and are easy to pair with casual wardrobes. Brighter Shades To add color and personality to outfits, driving moccasins come in vibrant red, blue, and green hues. Occasions Day-to-Day Casual Perfect for everyday wear, driving moccasins pair well with shorts, chinos, or casual trousers for a relaxed yet polished look. Travel and Leisure Their comfortable fit and easy slip-on design make driving moccasins ideal for travel and leisure activities, from road trips to strolls in the city. Minnetonka Offers a range of driving moccasins that emphasize comfort and a casual, laid-back aesthetic, perfect for everyday wear.

Korean Style | корейский стиль

This Korean fashion style guide will teach you everything you need to know about Korean fashion trends and answer all your pressing questions. Monochromatic styling has been a popular neutral choice amongst showgoers, focusing on casual silhouettes with oversized denim jeans and t-shirts. Style Korean — интернет магазин корейской косметики напрямую из Южной Кореи. This trendy beautiful Korean style is a striking item in and of itself, emphasizing your upper half and allowing your top to articulate for itself.

Korean Style Glasses

This Korean fashion style guide will teach you everything you need to know about Korean fashion trends and answer all your pressing questions. Просмотрите доску «korean style» пользователя minzhu_vi в Pinterest. This trendy beautiful Korean style is a striking item in and of itself, emphasizing your upper half and allowing your top to articulate for itself. Style Korean has released Style Korean Beauty Advent Calendar 2023 (worth $600). Korean Entertainment Latest News: Find the Latest Korean Entertainment updates, K-pop news, K-drama, Korean Movies, Korean Web series, Korean celebrity style, photos and videos at Pinkvilla.

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