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- LoL Wild Rift Soraka Build & Guide (Patch 5.0) - Runes, Counters, Items, Ability Analysis
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Best Soraka Wild Rift build guide for Season 11 Patch 5.0 in WR. With our Soraka guide you will learn which items to build, runes to select, skills order, and how to Use Soraka Abilities properly. Soraka build used by the best Soraka players in the world. Based on runes and items from high elo Challenger, Grandmaster, and Master Soraka OTPs and mains. Best Soraka Builds, items, runes, skills, guides and counters. Learn how to play Soraka, how to climb with Soraka and analyze Soraka win rates in the meta. The best Soraka players have a 55.56% win rate with an average rank of Master on the Soraka Leaderboard.
Soraka Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips
Сампо в Honkai: Star Rail – лучший билд, характеристики героя, выбор световых конусов, реликвий, планарных украшений, прокачка следов и многое другое. Soraka is an extremely powerful champion in ARAM, both for her quick healing skills and her massive sustain in most situations. Полностью описывать в чём плюсы, минусы и соль билда, не буду, слишком долго, поста не вам билд а вы сами решайте попробовать или нет. New Effect: Rejuvenation's heal over time on Soraka is now front loaded, healing more at the beginning of the effect and diminishing over the duration. Сорака такая ватная на ранних лвл пока хил не хилит вообще, и её стараются слить сразу же потому что это изи фраг по началу, дак вот лишние 240 хп ей не помешают в начале игры (180 от кристала и 60 с дефенс мастериес).
- Soraka Build
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- [8 Сезон]Гайд по Сораке(Саппорт), Лига Легенд
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- Soraka should be positioned in the back row.
Soraka Probuilds: Harnessing the Celestial Healer's Power
Soraka build used by the best Soraka players in the world. Based on runes and items from high elo Challenger, Grandmaster, and Master Soraka OTPs and mains. Check out the most used Build, Items, Boots, Skill Orders, Spells and learn how to play Soraka. Find Soraka builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds, and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, and support in S10. New Effect: Rejuvenation's heal over time on Soraka is now front loaded, healing more at the beginning of the effect and diminishing over the duration.
League of Legends Wiki
Зарянка Робин в Honkai Star Rail – лучший билд, гайд по прокачке, лучшие конусы и реликвии, способности, дата выхода, сливы 15 апреля, 22:30. Check out the most used Build, Items, Boots, Skill Orders, Spells and learn how to play Soraka. Soraka can be stronger when you choose runes that support its abilities. Aggro Soraka. Aggro Soraka. Vote.
Soraka гайд
And all of that for only 2500 gold! But the best thing about Rapid Firecannon is that it increases the range of your auto-attack. This makes it easier for you to kite enemies, especially on a champion with no dashes. Essence Reaver empowers your auto-attack to deal bonus AD damage after you use an ability.
Tips, Tricks, and Guide When Using Soraka Our Soraka guide is not complete without sharing the best practices when carrying the character. We summarize the general tips and tricks to help you get started with one of the best Support champions in Wild Rift.
That said, you must master how to find the ideal position of Soraka. Playing as a duo will help you perform better. Follow-ups on a more aggressive Soraka can win lanes quicker regardless of the lanes. Predicting the movements of other players using Equinox is crucial. It is an important game-changer in objective matches as well as a nuisance for early game battles. Activate Starcall slowly to your benefit.
Hence, you should be mindful of your map and learn how to warn your teammates of possible dangers with pings and wards. Identify an effective player or a potential carry. Prevent them from getting killed as much as possible since they are crucial to help you win games. If you require instant healing, simply tap the affected ally. On the other hand, precise healing requires smart aiming at your allies instead of tapping them.
E 3rd: Equinox Equinox summons a circle which damages and silences enemies within.
After a short duration, enemies who remained inside the circle are rooted and damaged again. Equinox is tough to land but chaining it with 1st, Starcall, helps because of its slow. Melee casters like Yasuo, Zed, and Fizz are great targets for Equinox because they become vulnerable without their abilities. R Ultimate: Wish Wish is a global ability that instantly heals all allies regardless of where they are on the map. Always wait for the last possible moment before activating this ability for the bonus heal. Look at who is fighting the ally you are going to heal.
If they are fighting a high burst damage champion like Fizz or Zed, it might be better to heal earlier. The portraits beside the minimap are your friend. There are few champions who can survive HP trades with a Soraka bot lane. If the enemy team has no good all-ins then Soraka has a good chance of winning the early game. If you can hit your 1st, Starcall, you can damage the enemy and use 2nd, Astral Infusion on your ADC with little consequences. Save your 3rd, Equinox for crucial situations, either for securing kills or for disengaging.
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Top 5 Best ADCs With Soraka to Pair in League of Legends
For crucial times, preserve your Equinox for disengaging and securing kills. Command your ADC to provide you with Honeyfruits. Although it is risky, it is essential in keeping the entire team alive while retaining map advantage. If you have an effective jungler, you can assist them in bullying opponents. Due to your healing powers, the opponents will have a more challenging time eliminating your teammates. Hence, they will come after you as their main target and use their powers to eliminate you first. That said, always position Soraka in a safe location that is distant from her opponents. It is perfectly fine to join the battle a little late since your ultimate skill can reach long-range areas. If possible, utilize Wish to heal different allies. However, picking the best champion according to your preference can be daunting. Depending on what type of role you want to assume, you can find the ideal champion with a distinct game style.
Soraka is your best champion to play if you want to help your allies when it comes to healing and shields. Aside from that, you can also apply a little bit of damage to your opponents.
Notably, she even mends those with ill intentions towards her. Despite witnessing the continuous strife of the world, Soraka firmly believes in the untapped potential of its inhabitants. With a 0. However, with popularity comes the target of bans, and Soraka has a 0.
These items will all increase your self-healing so you can keep spamming the W button on your allies. Conclusion Playing AD Soraka and overpowering your enemies with wild bananas is one of the most fun experiences you can have in League of Legends. The good thing is that there are multiple builds that work for AD Soraka. Feel free to mix things up and experiment with different items and runes.
Tribute: Gains 1 charge s every 30 seconds up to 3 times. When a teammate is nearby, using abilities or attacks to deal damage to enemy champions or structures consumes 1 charges to grant 65 gold and restore 20-80 Health.
Your share of the bounty from the minion kill will be entirely given to nearby teammates.
Soraka Build, Runes & Counters for support Soraka
Если у вашего союзника проблемы с ХП на другом лайне во время тимфайта, то вы можете спасти его, нажав на R, а себе заработать ассист. Будьте внимательны! Ультимэйт не подействует на цели, которые «не могут быть выцелены» в определённый момент например, когда Владимир уходит в «лужу», Физз «встаёт на посох», либо союзник под «Жоней». Поэтому в игре за Сораку очень важен тайминг. Важно делать хил до Игнайта или после того, как он пройдёт, так как Игнайт ополовинивает отхил. Тактика и тонкости Сораки Имейте в виду, что Q не просто наносит урон, а срезает магическую защиту, следовательно рациональнее сначала использовать Q, а потом уже Е, если вы атакуете врага.
Так как Сорака — саппорт, и все миньоны должны достаться вашему кэрри, встаёт вопрос о том, откуда брать золото? Помимо стандартных вещей, генерирующих деньги, Сорака может хорошо «зарабатывать» при помощи ассистов. В этом плане ей помогает её глобальный ультимэйт. Следите за количеством жизней союзников, либо просматривая время от времени другие лайны, либо просто на панельке с левой стороны экрана. Кроме того, ассисты Сорака получает и за W и Е.
Always wait for the last possible moment before activating this ability for the bonus heal. Look at who is fighting the ally you are going to heal. If they are fighting a high burst damage champion like Fizz or Zed, it might be better to heal earlier. The portraits beside the minimap are your friend. There are few champions who can survive HP trades with a Soraka bot lane. If the enemy team has no good all-ins then Soraka has a good chance of winning the early game. If you can hit your 1st, Starcall, you can damage the enemy and use 2nd, Astral Infusion on your ADC with little consequences. Save your 3rd, Equinox for crucial situations, either for securing kills or for disengaging. Ask your ADC to give the Honeyfruits to you. Because of this, always position yourself in a safe spot, far from your enemies.
It is fine to enter the fight a bit late because your ultimate has a long-range anyway and your passive grants you bonus movement speed when running towards allies. On using your ultimate, Wish, do not use it when you can reach that ally with your 2nd, Astral Infusion. If possible, use your ultimate to heal multiple allies, except when your priority teammate, the one who is fed, preferably the ADC, needs emergency healing.
Если что я серебро рашки и на Сораке сыграных игр оч много. Первые 4 предметика обязательны. Статик если сапорт мешает фармить.
Сап предмет берется в зависимости от матчапа на лайне, ведь в условного дрейвена бц тебе будет сложно стакать свой серп, а щиток более универсален на всех сапов, тк позволяет стакать сам себя с убийства крипов, так еще и немного хп заливает, что тоже приятно. У нас наверное немного разные взгляды на сораку и я вижу много противоречивых моментов по билдам, но если буду расписывать то это будет прям долго, так что если захочешь поговорить насчет сораки, то можешь ответить на комм.
Soraka Guide: How to Play the Best Healer in LOL Wild Rift
Build Guide Items Builds for SORAKA: Spells, Runes, Abilities, Skills Leveling, Counter pick and much more. Спасибо за просмотрПо сути из названия ролика понятно, про что он, так что не буду Вас вательный формат для меня в новинку, поэтому:Не ст. Программа Сорака LoL образы Сорака Программа Сорака League of Legends skin Loading. Find Soraka builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds, and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, and support in S10. Here you will find all skins belonging to the Soraka champion.