Синдра кидает в указанную область темную сферу, которая наносит 70/110/150/190/230 + (0.65*AP) магического урона и остается лежать на этом месте в течении 6 секунд.
The Best Syndra Skins in League of Legends
Syndra ARAM Build - Best Guide and Runes for Syndra on Patch 14.8 | Повелевай тьмой вместе с Синдрой, которая появится в игре 18 января Последние новости о Wild Rift – на сайте. |
Zed X Syndra | Довольно стандартный AP билд. |
Syndra Skins
However, you must stack her Dark Sphere by casting it multiple times beforehand. This way, you have additional damage to Unleashed Power. Syndra Early Game Guide In the early game, you would want to get aggressive but with good positioning, as much as possible, leaving enemies with little space. This constant pressure will help Syndra get ahead of her opposing lane, thanks to her poking abilities, such as Dark Sphere. However, you must be wary of ganks and strategically ward off the bushes to get informed when an enemy gank is on the way. With this strategy, you can snowball into the late game beautifully. Additionally, if you get behind in the early game, you would still pressure the enemies from time to time, but you should focus on farming more until you have the required build into the late game. Syndra Late Game Guide In the late game, Syndra is now being unleashed after acquiring the required build for her. She can decimate enemies at a distance, without taking risks and damage, especially in team fights.
And now they have shared an updated LoL Syndra splash art. The new splash art, which also features amazing art direction, has given her the confidence she has always had. The amazing attention to detail in the textures and hues makes this splash art a step above the last one. The fact that Syndra will be available on Wild Rift in patch 5. The splash art is also a part of the upgrade.
She must also utilize this ability to poke enemies. Additionally, Syndra can reposition her Dark Sphere using this ability to get a guaranteed stun from her Scatter the Weak. Scatter the Weak is a great crowd-controlling ability, especially in team fights. Poke enemies with her Dark Sphere first, then cast Scatter the Weak to get an almost guaranteed stun. Abuse this combo more often to never let enemies take space. R Unleashed Power This ultimate ability can unleash devastating damage by casting it on an enemy. However, you must stack her Dark Sphere by casting it multiple times beforehand. This way, you have additional damage to Unleashed Power. Syndra Early Game Guide In the early game, you would want to get aggressive but with good positioning, as much as possible, leaving enemies with little space.
I would enjoy playing with this skin just for its cute factor. Benefits A beautiful blend of bright colors Too much going on with the demon-headed abilities.
Syndra Build Guides, Runes and Items
View TFT Set 6.5 Syndra champion guide covering item build, stats, abilities, and synergies here. В рейтинговом матче мидер Team SoloMid Сорен «Bjergsen» Бьерг воспользовался ультимейтом Syndra, чтобы убить Shaco. В этот момент чемпион создал клона и стал неуязвивым на время. Best Syndra Builds, items, runes, skills, guides and counters. Learn how to play Syndra, how to climb with Syndra and analyze Syndra win rates in the meta. У Синдры интересно с ней взаимодействует ульта, каждый шар ульты выдает по проку мураманы, а это очень больно. Других билдов собственно и нет. Такие изменения помогут лучше уклоняться от заклинаний Синдры. Синдра появится в обновлённом виде на тестовом сервере вечером 5 октября.
Руководство по запуску League of Legends: Syndra the Dark Sovereign
Learn to use Q-W-Q-E to stun. Use Unleashed Power R into E during team fights. During team fight, although its best to use your ultimate on a squishy carry, doing so might put you in a bad position. Using R on the enemy front line and E after, which will result in a team wide stun. E over W because increasing the width of your stun at max E makes landing stuns way easier. It also decreases the cooldown for more stuns. When your mana is above 60 to 70 percent, or when blue buff is acquired, spam Q whenever it is ready. While spamming Qs camping for a kill, use W on the ball disappearing soon. This way you will get additional damage for your R as more Qs are available.
Credit: Riot Games 5. Roam for your team, but beware of assassin counters Syndra is a godlike roamer once you have your ultimate.
The fact that Syndra will be available on Wild Rift in patch 5. The splash art is also a part of the upgrade. The prior splash art seemed far more strong and untamed, while the new one appears like a "bad bitch" from some type of teen cartoon.
Another League member commented that while the new splash art is excellent, the eyes seem a little strange; "I liked how the old eyes felt kinda "lifeless". The public is generally grateful for the new splash, but her eyes were much cooler in the original and the purple feels excessively bright.
Осколки гнева усиливают Синдру и ее способности.
Синдра восстанавливает 20—215 в зависимости от уровня 1—8 маны всякий раз, когда собирает осколки у врага. Значки способностей также меняются при обновлении Базовая статистика.
Scorch Scorch allows Syndra to deal more damage when poking in the laning phase her Dark Spheres. Cheap Shot Syndra has many ways to impair the movement of enemy champions which will allow her to deal extra true damage with her combo. Transcendence Ability Power mages like Syndra love to build as much Ability Haste as possible so she can use her abilities more often. Flash Ignite For summoner spells, Flash is a must on Syndra. Ignite is also a great spell for Syndra since she can use it most of the time when she hits her Scatter the Weak on an enemy to deal a little bit of extra damage.
Soligo's Guide to Syndra in Season 11
Why is Syndra getting a visual update? Syndra’s updated abilities can often feel unclear in terms of where is or isn’t safe to stand in order to avoid certain effects. Syndra, known as the Dark Sovereign, is a mage that hails from Ionia. Syndra probuilds in a new quick clean format. Syndra mythic item builds and runes. Meta crushing 15 minute updates. Patch 14.8.
Синдра Билд
Bjergsen применяет два ультимейта Syndra. Видео | Он сбалансировал различных персонажей, подарил Синдре мини-переработку, обновил визуальные эффекты Жанны, представил новые облики и ввел новую систему пропусков. |
Syndra Skins | statistically derived tier list, win rates and frequency. Data on the best items and builds on Syndra. |
One moment, please... | Discover the latest news stories on Syndra and share them with your friends. |
League of Legends Wiki | statistically derived tier list, win rates and frequency. Data on the best items and builds on Syndra. |
All Syndra Skins in League of Legends | Он сбалансировал различных персонажей, подарил Синдре мини-переработку, обновил визуальные эффекты Жанны, представил новые облики и ввел новую систему пропусков. |
Syndra build, runes, items, counters: A guide by Chawy
Syndra, known as the Dark Sovereign, is a mage that hails from Ionia. Смотрите видео онлайн «Гайд по синдре(League of legends)» на канале «Геометрия: открытие тайн мира фигур» в хорошем качестве и бесплатно, опубликованное 28 декабря 2023 года в 16. Syndra One For All Builds & Runes Patch 14.8. Syndra counter Wild Rift stats: All the Syndra info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more! В билде с синдрой в миф+ тоже берем косу.
Обновленный Бренд! Гайд на Бренда на мид линии против Синдры / Brand Guide vs Syndra
Best Syndra Builds, items, runes, skills, guides and counters. Learn how to play Syndra, how to climb with Syndra and analyze Syndra win rates in the meta. Syndra’s midscope update is here, while Blitzcrank, Twitch and more all get buffs in the hope they become more popular. The most detailed and best Syndra Build, Runes & Counters Guide for middle Syndra on LoL Patch 14.8 are found on LoLalytics.