Новости симс 4 платье

The holidays are behind us and while most sims have enjoyed their time off from work/college, it was definitely not all fun and games for everyone.

Лучшие моды для The Sims 4 — новые города, одежда, причёски, карьера, секс и многое другое

Создайте особое настроение с помощью весёлой и кокетливой домашней одежды из комплекта «The Sims 4 Симтимная мода». Your sims deserve to feel beautiful on their big day and these sims 4 wedding dress cc options are a must-have in your game. Официальная одежда для Симс 4 Ваши симы готовятся выйти в свет на какое-нибудь общественное мероприятие? Мэйзи Уильямс продемонстрировала длинноногую фигуру в коротком твидовом платье на мероприятии "Вопросы и ответы" в Нью-Йорке в субботу. Дизайнеры надеются, что их одежда подтолкнет игроков к экспериментам как на просторах The Sims 4, так и в реальной жизни.

The Sims Wiki

Женская одежда СИМС 4 | Скачать Моды Calico Dresses A simple patterned dress perfect for your 19th century games.
Симс 4 платья Explore Nyx ghoul's board "Patreon Sims 4 outfit cc" on Pinterest.

Обзор комплекта The Sims 4 Карнавал

Мы собрали для вас лучшую одежду от талантливых авторов со всего мира. В нашем каталоге вы найдете разнообразную одежду для всех возрастов и полов. У нас есть моды на повседневную одежду, спортивную, вечернюю, свадебную, а также костюмы для работы и учебы.

Madlen included other color swatches, so your Sims can use it other big days, too! And this wedding dress CC pack is absolutely incredible. Each dress is based off of a different Disney princess! And even something for the flower pals too! This set comes with 3 long dresses, 2 short dresses and even a jumpsuit! I love the floral detail on this dress and the soft color swatches. I can totally see this gown in a woodland Henford-on-Bagley Sims 4 wedding!

The corset top and high-low skirt are so different compared to most Sims 4 wedding dress CC. This dress is also part of a full-on Wedding CC pack, so your Sim can get the full look from her veil to her jewelry to her shoes. Definitely a must-have CC pack! This set not only comes with wedding dress CC, but it also comes with a few hairstyles for your Sims 4 bridal needs! Two, actually. The Bridal Pack comes with 2 different dresses for your Sims 4 brides. One is more fitted and chic, while the other has a ball gown with modern straps and interesting corset detailing. Perfect Sims 4 wedding dress CC for the fashionable brides in your game! This pack has wedding outfits including some gorg Sims 4 wedding dress CC for the entire party: the guests, the groom, the bride, and even flower pals!

Она курирует экспозиции модного искусства и создаёт проекты, в которых пересекаются искусство, музыка, театр, дизайн и культура. Она работала куратором и менеджером в Совете модельеров Индии, возглавляла запуск первой виртуальной недели моды в Индии и была творческим директором на неделе моды в Индии. У неё большой опыт в этой области, но в первую очередь нам захотелось сотрудничать именно с ней потому, что она тесно связана с модой Мумбаи и Фэшн-Стрит. До этого я вообще слабо представляла себе, что же это такое — поход за покупками». С тех пор Сингх регулярно посещает Фэшн-Стрит. Несмотря на то, что теперь она общается и работает с лучшими дизайнерами Индии, она до сих пор любит торговаться.

В этом вся суть Фэшн-Стрит. Это место — рай для шопоголиков, который просто ошеломляет.

It has it all. There are wedding outfits for everyone in the wedding party, including for toddlers! Sims 4 Eleanor Wedding Dress by Metens The Eleanor wedding dress is an alpha cc dress that comes in 9 gorgeous color swatches. The mesh with the silver flower details are so well-done and one of the main reasons I HAD to have this dress on the list.

It is alpha cc, but honestly, it takes my breath away so I HAD to include it on this list. It comes in three color swatches: white, light pink, and light blue. This is a super realistic wedding dress in my eyes. What do you think? Vampire Wedding Dress by Sentate This dress is not super traditional nor is it marketed as wedding dress cc, BUT I thought it would be perfect for a sims 4 vampire wedding dress. I think the two swatches you see above would look stunning on a vampire sim!

Обзор комплекта The Sims 4 Карнавал

Просмотрите доску «Одежда Симс 4» пользователя nd в Pinterest. Хоакин симс 4. Стрим SIMS 4. The SIMS 4. веселимся вместе. Whether your Sims are heading out for a casual day with friends or lounging at home, they'll look effortlessly chic in these timeless staples. Новости Sims 4 Анимация и звуки вампиров в новом игровом наборе Симс 4 | Скриншот 4. Переходите прямо сейчас и скачивайте моды и дополнения для Симс 4 бесплатно!

Вязание в моде — EA Games показала одежду из нового каталога The Sims 4

Chill outside, pool-side. Heat things up on the new barbecue grill and serve up some refreshments at the new patio bar. Dress down, kick back. Show the other Sims you know how to really relax outside with lots of casual, comfortable clothing options including swimsuits and slim-fit polos.

Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent.

В комплект «Книжный уголок» вошёл: «мягкий подоконник, модульные книжные полки и уютные диваны, которые помогут симам полностью погрузиться в сюжет книги и проникнуться волшебством слова. Вот и готово новое любимое место для отдыха!

But a wedding is not complete unless the guests look good, too! Plus, it comes in a few different beautiful colors, from soft pastels to bold silver, so you can match it perfectly to your unique style. Lace Flower Dress Your blushing bride Sim will look ethereal in this head-to-toe lace dress. Lace is synonymous with timeless elegance and sophisticated style. Whether frothy and whimsical or structured and bold, these beautiful gowns capture the hearts of brides the world over. The CC creator really outdid themselves with this bridal gown. Not only is it completely lace patterned, but it also has romantic full-length long sleeves of see-through white fabric.

Bridal Lingerie Your Sim can have the perfect wedding with the perfect dress; but what about after? When it comes to quality lingerie, there is no better choice than a classy and stylish selection that perfectly captures the spirit of a strong, empowered woman. Part of a dream wedding includes a dreamy night after the formal event, right? This bridal custom content is like a dress your Sim wears after her dress. Bridal Lingerie comes in classic off-white with a delicate crisscross closure down the front of the short-cut nightgown. Your Sims new spouse will thank you for downloading one of the best Sims 4 wedding dress CC pieces. Designed specifically with southern belle Sim in mind, this stunning gown puts a unique twist on traditional wedding attire. Boasting a chic cowboy-inspired look, it features whimsical details like colorful embroidery and delicate fringe accents. Plus, to complete the outfit, the dress also comes with an authentic felt cowboy hat, adding a fashionable touch to the overall ensemble. Summer Wedding Dress This style is perfect for hot weather weddings, as it features a sheer and airy upper body that allows your Sim to feel comfortable even in the heat while remaining absolutely stunning.

The matching bikini-style detail around the bust gives a stylish finishing touch to the look while still keeping her feeling cool and confident. Lorena Wedding Collection If you are looking for a dress and jumpsuit option, look no further! This Lorena Wedding Collection CC includes a short skirt dress and a sharp jumpsuit with lovely lace long sleeves and a train. Both CC include a white silk sash tied at the waist and off-the-shoulder sleeves, making for classy and modern wedding attire. This CC is a mix of white and ivory shades and only comes in this color scheme. This collection is available for Sims ages, teen to elder. This CC is perfect for players who want more options aside from traditional princess-styled dresses. This brilliant whiteVictorian-inspired Vintage Wedding Dress CC is perfect for Sims 4 players who want a modern wedding dress with an old-fashioned twist. This dress is a floor-length, off-the-shoulder piece that has multiple textured layers in a gorgeous floral lace pattern. Paired with pieces from the Sims 4 vampire pack or other Victorian CC, this dress is a great addition to any Sims playthrough.

This vintage dress can be used by teens Sims up to elder Sims and only comes in white. With the Duchess Cambridge Wedding Dress , your Sim will be transformed in this full-bodied, princess-style dress. This dress was inspired by the incredibly beautiful and luxurious dress worn by Kate Middleton and comes in five colorways. Amour Butterfly Dress Everyone wants a whimsical, magical wedding day. What could be more fitting than giving your bride a dress covered head to toe in butterflies? These winged friends will circle around your Sim as they cascade down the long skirt, making for one beautiful gown. Especially for the girls that would much rather have something toned down and simple, there need to be good options available.

Скоро в The Sims 4 появится новое бельё и беспорядок в ванных комнатах

Download Sims 4 cc | Female clothes Here comes a little late Easter gift for you: a shiny 1895 dress for your vintage sims.
RedAppleNet v2.0.2a от 25 мая 2022 - Simstone The holidays are behind us and while most sims have enjoyed their time off from work/college, it was definitely not all fun and games for everyone.
Женская одежда для Sims 4 Создайте особое настроение с помощью весёлой и кокетливой домашней одежды из комплекта «The Sims 4 Симтимная мода».

The Sims 4 - Одежда для “народного” каталога

Голосование за новый каталог для The Sims 4 началось в ноябре 2019 года. Пользователи выбрали тему «Творчество и поделки». Во втором раунде игроки проголосовали за художественное оформление «Творческий досуг» с уютными мелочами и домашней обстановкой. В третьем раунде геймеры проранжировали 95 предметов гардероба.

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В нашем каталоге вы найдете разнообразную одежду для всех возрастов и полов. У нас есть моды на повседневную одежду, спортивную, вечернюю, свадебную, а также костюмы для работы и учебы.

Вы можете создавать уникальные образы для своих симов и делать их еще более яркими и интересными.

Загрузите только одну версию мода. Извлеките файлы из системы. Загрузите Redapplenetoffice 6. Убедитесь, что в вашей игре включены скриптовые Моды.


Кроме того, первые четыре расцветки являются отсылкой к нескольким ЛГБТ флагам, а пятая — к флагу Бразилии. Учитывайте это при выборе наряда. Вариант ниже идеален для пляжа. К слову его вполне можно использовать в качестве верхней части купальника, но нужно отключить фильтр категории купальных костюмов. Зато в итоге получится довольно оригинальный пляжный комплект. Третий топик практически целиком состоит из кристаллов. За счет этого он довольно яркий и блестящий, так сразу и не найдешь ему применения. Но кристаллы заслуживают похвалы — это не просто плоская текстура, они объемные. И пожалуй ему не хватает менее пестрых вариантов.

В черном цвете, например, он бы наверное смотрелся неплохо. В категории нижней части одежды двое шорт и две юбки. Наверное это наиболее разочаровывающие предметы комплекта. Судите сами — такие или очень похожие джинсовые мини-шорты в игре уже есть, как в базе, так и в DLC. Вторые шорты могли бы быть интересными, если бы ремешок с кошелечком не был просто нарисован поверх. А так… плоско и скучно. Теперь что касается юбок. Пышная мини-юбочка… Очень.

Задумка видимо была сделать многослойную пышную юбку с легким прозрачным верхним слоем, но его прозрачность не очень то заметна, воздушности нет, а кристаллы на поясе просто нарисованы.

All in the Details — What would an outfit be without accessories? Bangles, sparkling necklaces, and flashy rings catch the eye while sandals finish it off with laid-back flare. Express your style with henna tattoos and fun sunglasses, too.

Ведь смена нарядов необходима для всех случаев жизни: идете вы на работу, с друзьями на вечеринку, на прогулку по городу или просто для дома.

Моды на одежду Sims 4 Для игры Симс 4 моды на одежду создаются постоянно, коллекции и виды шмоток неустанно пополняются новыми моделями, фасонами. Существуют моды на детскую одежду, на мужскую и женскую. Среди тысяч вариантов обликов вы можете выбрать нарядные платья для праздника, костюмы для занятий спортом, снаряжение для походов в горы, удобную одежду для повседневной носки, строгую классику для официальных встреч, пижамы для сна и даже интимное красивое белье.

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Набор нарядов (320 вариантов)

Одежда для Sims 4 — модификации добавляющие в игру новую одежду: спортивную, деловую, платья и т.д. Established in 2007, Sentate is a luxury virtual fashion house that seeks to bring high fashion to the world of The Sims. Мод для Симс 4 — привлекательное мини платье с воротником-бантом в стиле ретро для непревзойденных и потрясающих женщин симок разного возраста от молодого до более взрослого и пожилого. Whether your Sims are heading out for a casual day with friends or lounging at home, they'll look effortlessly chic in these timeless staples. Discover and download for free The Sims 4 CC Maxis Match dresses for your sim. Лучшие моды на Sims 4 — одежда для мужчин и женщин.

Sims 4 — Платье-сетка (Net Dress)

Мы собрали для вас лучшую одежду от талантливых авторов со всего мира. В нашем каталоге вы найдете разнообразную одежду для всех возрастов и полов. У нас есть моды на повседневную одежду, спортивную, вечернюю, свадебную, а также костюмы для работы и учебы.

Because of the grand fabric, all styles look sophisticated and elegant. And yes, the style comes also in white for the traditional touch, but also in additional 14 colours. This ethereal gown belongs in the category of unconventional wedding dresses due to its modest, yet alluring cut. The off white hue of the dress is deceptively simple, but upon closer inspection, the intricate detail work becomes apparent. The sides of the dress are left open, held together in the middle by a rose gold and silver leaves belt. Those same delicate leaves repeat along the shoulder seam and add an ethereal touch to the overall look, whereas the skirt flows softly down to the ground. This dress is fit for a goddess, and any lucky bride who wears it is sure to feel like one on her big day. And of course, what the bride wears is one of the most important details of all!

And with the Wedding Clothing Set, available in five beautiful colours, they get it all in one. This set includes everything you need to make sure your Sim is looking gorgeous on her big day, from the strapless wedding dress with its soft lace bustier and opulent A-line skirt, to the matching bridesmaid mini dress and sexy lace lingerie for the honeymoon. This romantic A-line dress is pure white, with long off-shoulder lace sleeves and a wide flared skirt that gives it a fairy-tale vibe. The real beauty of the dress, however, is in its simplicity. The lack of distracting details allows the eye to focus on the lovely lacework along the collar and sleeves, and the big bow sitting sidewise on the hip adds just a touch of whimsy. Whether your Sims are getting married in a grand cathedral or in their backyard, this dress fits it all. Wedding Sims 4 CC Mini-Set When it comes to weddings, the bridesmaids are often considered an essential part of the big day. The Wedding Mini set includes both a wedding dress and a bridesmaid dress, each available in 12 different colours. The wedding dress itself is a stunning mermaid-style design with intricate slit detailing at the collar. Another beautiful detail is the pearl belt around the waist, which adds just the right amount of sparkle.

The bridesmaid dress is a simple A-line style with a pretty lace high collar top. So, with its combination of style and comfort, the Wedding Mini Set is sure to please everyone in the bridal party. Lace Wedding Gown Looking for a romantic and beautiful wedding dress for your Sims 4 game? Then look no further than this amazing lace gown! This dress comes in four different colours: white, off-white, pastel blue, and rose. It features a straight cut design with an abundance of lace. The interesting corset top with a cut-out part adds sensuality, while the long gloves enhance the elegance without being overbearing. Your Sims will definitely look like a queen in this dress! The top of the dress is very low cut, creating the illusion of two pieces held together by the waistband. The back of the dress has two delicate straps that also meet at the lace band.

From there, the skirt flares out widely in an array of lush and expensive fabric. This dress is the perfect blend of simplicity and elegance. The strap top is in a wrapped style with a flattering cleavage. Nothing distracts from the bride or the delicious satin fabric flowing down along the figure in a flattering way. And if your Sim bride wants to add a bit more to the presentation, she can choose from 30 colour options. This dress is sure to make your Sim bride feel like the belle of the ball on her big day. Then check out Wedding Dress DR. This lovely dress comes in five different colours, and two different styles. The first style features a corsage-type top with embroidery on the skirt, while the second style has a simpler bustier top with a solid fabric skirt. Both tops have straps that are tied on the top of the shoulders, creating an interesting statement.

The skirt starts at the waistline with subtle pleats and flares out beautifully, giving your Sim a regal look that is perfect for their big day. With its sophisticated details and flattering silhouette, the Wedding Dress DR can be the perfect choice for your Sim bride. It is perfect for royals and non-royals alike, with its romantic a-line shape and court length skirt. The skirt extends in a train, making it perfect for a grand entrance, while the fabric of the long sleeves are a sturdy lace that will hold up to all the hugs and kisses your Sim will be receiving on her big day. The heart neckline creates a flattering cleavage, ensuring that she will look her absolute best as she walks down the aisle. The white fine lace texture is romantic and extends over the lining bustier in a very flattering way. The back and sleeves of the top are a soft tulle that is intertwined with intricate lace, providing both comfort and style. The skirt cinches at the waist and flares out widely, making it easy to dance the night away. The skirt is also all in lace on top of a lush satin fabric, giving the dress an extra touch of luxury. This is truly a dress fit for a princess out of a fairy tale.

The skirt is folded in a few pleats and flares out widely from the waist, providing a stunning and elegant silhouette. The dress comes in 35 different colours, so you can find the perfect match for any wedding theme. Whether your Sim wants a classic white dress or something more colourful, the Power Puff Silk Dress has plenty of options for a wonderful wedding. The youthful design of the dress is accentuated by the off shoulder top with short lace sleeves. The top is also covered with a delicate layer of lace, which gives it a romantic touch. The wide satin band emphasizes the waist delicately, and the skirt flares out in a beautiful A-line. The tulle overlay gives the dress an extra flair of romance. Sims 4 fans will absolutely love this gorgeous chic wedding dress CC. Wedding Dress 18 Wedding Dress 18 is a beautiful wedding dress with precious lace allover designed in flowers. It comes in two white hues plus three additional colours.

The tight fit holds everything in place, but the mermaid skirt made of satin pleats gives enough space for dancing through the night. The corsage top is adorned with one flower lace strap going down the back emphasizing the simple beauty. It is a sophisticated, elegant, special wedding dress that will bring joy to your Sim bride for her special day. Look no further than the Tri-Wedding dress CC pack! This pack features three gorgeous styles in a beautiful soft pink, all made from the same base fabric. Whether your Sim is looking for a sweet and simple style, a modern and sensual mermaid gown, or a classic piece with a cinched waist and flowing skirt, this pack has it all.

Кстати, бюджет исчезает вместе со взрослыми, поэтому подростку придется подзаработать и подождать, пока сим-ребенок не подрастет.

Ранее мы писали о странном баге игры: симы многих пользователей в The Sims 4 начали желать инцеста и быстро стареть. Отличная новость: ошибку уже удалось пофиксить.

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