Новости ревит 2024

In conclusion, Revit 2024 brings a host of exciting new features and enhancements that improve usability, enhance visual representation, and streamline workflows. Вышел новый Revit 2025, и я тут же установил его, чтоб потыкать палочкой и посмотреть на ответную реакцию. In Revit 2024: The templates have been reworked to include more “best practice” features. Чтобы избежать возможности повторного появления этой проблемы в более старых версиях Revit 2024 в модели проектных групп.

Best 9 New Features in Revit 2024

Заключение Autodesk Revit 2024 предлагает не просто улучшения существующих функций, но и открывает новые возможности для архитекторов, инженеров и дизайнеров. I've done a few light searches but haven't seen any discussions or speculation about the new version of Revit. Чат внутри программы Revit 2024 имеет встроенный чат, который позволяет участникам команды общаться между собой без необходимости использования внешних мессенджеров или почты. Revit 2024.2 marks a significant step towards seamless interoperability by including native support for STEP file import, removing the need for previous workarounds.

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  • Revit-2024: что нового для инженеров | Блог Вадима Муратова | Дзен
  • Top 20 Amazing Revit 2024 New Features You Should Know
  • Revit-D5 Render Showcase
  • Autodesk Revit 2024.1 Build by m0nkrus (MULTi/RUS)
  • Revit 2024 design & rendering software
  • What’s new in Revit 2024 | Revit Tips #19

Revit 2024 – What’s New

While some MEP mechanical, electrical, and plumbing and structure enhancements are mentioned, the complete details can be found in the Autodesk blog post. It is commonly used by professionals in the construction industry, such as architects, structural engineers, MEP mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineers, designers, and builders. The software empowers users to create exact 3D models and analyze them thoroughly. The use of BIM tools has significantly transformed how buildings are designed and constructed; therefore, it is not surprising that most Revit Software users belong to the construction industry. The release of Revit 2024 is quite interesting. However, the software is not evolving slower than the industry would like. Some of the tools should be recreated from scratch instead of getting patched. Nevertheless, Autodesk did a good job overall. This article covers the general and architectural features of Revit 2024. The new design includes redesigned icons for both light and dark themes, which aims to reduce screen glare and enhance the viewing experience.

Можно сохранить изображение из проигрывателя, щелкнув его правой кнопкой мыши. Траектория солнца на видах в перспективе! Теперь операции редактирования путем перетаскивания доступны на виде в перспективе. При работе с видами в перспективе можно перетаскивать солнце вдоль его траектории Изменение размера всех строк в спецификациях, размещенных на листах! Теперь для четкого представления компонентов, таких как текст, изображения и графические данные, можно изменить размер всех строк спецификации, размещенной на листе. Для этого на палитре свойств «Графика спецификации» задайте значение «Все» для параметра «Изменить размер строк» и введите требуемое значение для параметра «Высота строки». Теперь высоту строк в спецификациях можно будет легко настроить по ГОСТ высотой 8 мм. Размещение нескольких видов и спецификаций! На листе одновременно можно разместить несколько видов и спецификаций, перетащив их из Диспетчера проекта или выбрав несколько элементов в диалоговом окне «Выбор вида». С помощью функций поиска в диалоговом окне «Выбор вида» можно легко находить виды и спецификации, которые требуется разместить на листе. Выбранные виды и спецификации размещаются плитками рядом с курсором, что упрощает их упорядочивание на листе. Сортировка параметров проекта! Параметры проекта сортируются в алфавитном порядке в диалоговых окнах «Тип» и «Свойства экземпляра». В Revit 2024 параметр "Группа модели" переименован в "Модель" Если выделить какое-то семейство, в панели "Свойства" нажать "Изменить тип", то ранее в версиях 2023 и ниже можно было всегда увидеть в разделе "Идентификация" параметр "Группа модели"... Экспорт условных и моделирующих образцов из модели в файл PAT. В диалоговом окне «Образцы штриховки», которое можно открыть на вкладке «Управление», выберите один или несколько образцов для экспорта в файл PAT. Экспортированный файл содержит определения для каждого выбранного образца. Условные и моделирующие образцы необходимо экспортировать в отдельные файлы PAT. Визуальные стили при предварительном просмотре типа! Для лучшей визуализации того, как элемент отображается в модели, примените к нему визуальный стиль в диалоговом окне «Свойства типа». Воспользуйтесь элементом управления в левом нижнем углу области предварительного просмотра диалогового окна «Свойства типа», чтобы изменить визуальный стиль в этой области. Улучшенная навигация по Диспетчеру проекта! Для изменения масштаба содержимого в Диспетчере проекта используйте прокрутку с помощью мыши, удерживая нажатой клавишу CTRL. Выполнив поиск, используйте клавиши со стрелками для перемещения вверх или вниз по результатам поиска. Для навигации по Диспетчеру проекта используйте клавиатуру и мышь. При выполнении поиска используйте клавиши со стрелками вверх и вниз, чтобы менять выбранные объекты. Изменение выравнивания текста для нескольких выбранных элементов! На ленте можно изменить выравнивание текста для нескольких текстовых элементов одновременно.

Similarly to sub-regions, you can extend the boundaries beyond the limit of the toposolid without receiving a warning. Sub-Divisions are placed on top of the toposolid. You can then pick a material and set a thickness in the instance properties. Sub-Division have a thickness instance parameter. There is another parameter called Inherit Contours. It allows you to decide if you want to see the contours on the subdivision or not. In Revit 2024: Building pads are gone. Instead, Autodesk recommends using the Massing tool to create void geometry. These tools are more complex and potentially more confusing than building pads, but they allow you to create more complex shapes. In this example, we create a void shape for a parking driveway. You could also use the model in-place tool, but uh... Overall, this is probably for the best... In Revit 2024: Each toposolid type can have different kinds of topography contours. In the type properties of a toposolid, you need to click on Contour Display. You can decide to have a toposolid type with lots of contours. However, the contours are not visible when editing the points. And maybe you want a water toposolid without any contours. In this example, the toposolid is cut to accommodate the foundation wall and footing. The volume of the toposolid accurately reflects the substraction of the these elements. This can be use to create curbs.

For those of us who used to work in AutoCAD, not having a dark theme in Revit always took a while to get used to. We finally have a dark theme in Revit and it does very much seem worth the wait. It has several options to really customize it. To turn it on, you will need to navigate to the File tab in the upper right and then select the Options button. There is a new tab in this property box named Colors. In this tab, you will be able to set Dark Theme or Light Theme with the dropdown. The rest of the colors can be customized in each theme using RGB colors. After making the change to Dark Theme, the UX and drawing area will go dark. The nice thing is that the drawing area can be controlled separately. This is a really nice feature for those that like dark theme in the UX but still want the white background in the drawing area. You will find that some property boxes will still be in Light Theme. Autodesk will likely get to all of these properties boxes in future, but this is certainly a great start. This new visual style is in between Consistent Colors and Realistic. If there is no image applied to the material, the Texture visual style will simply use the RGB color on the graphics tab. Add Multiple Views and Schedules You have always been able to drag one view from Project Browser to a Sheet, but now Revit has added the ability to do multiple at a time. Once you have all the views selected, you can drag them into the sheet. You can also do this from the View tab by selecting the View icon, which will open a window that will also allow you to select multiple views at a time. But, overall this is a really nice feature and a time saver.

Revit-2024: что нового для инженеров

Fresh from the Factory, Revit 2024 is rolling out globally! Autodesk Revit 2024, the latest version, has just been released with a range of nice new features and improvements. Revit 2024 is the latest version of the software, offering several new features and enhancements compared to its predecessor. Revit 2024 не исключение и привносит ряд значительных улучшений по сравнению с предыдущей версией 2023. TopographySurface and SiteSubRegion elements have been superseded as of Revit 2024 by a new element (lid) and related classes.

Чем грозит уход Autodesk из России. Архитекторы и инженеры срочно ищут альтернативы

Previously the EAM was created from everything in the model with the only filtering options being phase or room bounding, which would be considered destructive in most cases to required modeling and documentation workflows. Why is this helpful? Here are just a couple of examples I have encountered: A large existing warehouse-type facility with an attached, much smaller two-story office addition. The office has its own HVAC system. Previously, Revit could only create one large EAM that included the warehouse and would also calculate its energy loads. A penthouse remodel within a high-rise building. Unless the entire building below was set to non-room bounding, it would be included in the energy model. Small non-conditioned out buildings on a property, such as a barn, garage, pool equipment building, etc. This new workflow is still not perfect, but a step in the right direction. For example, there needs to be an option to define some wall s as adiabatic when using this new workflow option.

Figure 1. Creating an energy analysis model based on the current view. Figure 2. Energy analysis model created based on the current view. These models are represented within Revit as lightweight geometry and can be easily navigated. Sub-elements can be selected, and their properties are listed in the Properties palette. If you were paying close attention just now, you might have connected the dots that a Revit model can be linked in as a lightweight model. This might be helpful with specific consultant models. Here is the big news, with this new feature … not only can you link in a Revit model, but you can link different versions of Revit models!

For example, your Revit 2024 model can link in a Revit 2022 model without needing to upgrade the 2022 model. This is a brave new world. Figure 3. However, until now, the local location was not editable. If you have a laptop, for example, with a smaller SSD C: drive, and a larger D: drive, there was no way to point the local BIM 360 storage to the more spacious D: drive. This could easily cause the C: drive to fill up if you worked on several BIM 360 projects or just one mega project. Thanks, Autodesk. Figure 4. New cloud model cache location option in the Options dialog.

Templates and Sample Projects Two things that almost always stay the same in a Revit upgrade are templates and sample projects. This year, we lose some sample projects and gain a new template and sample project. New Imperial Template There is a new multi-discipline template. Previously there were only discipline-specific and systems i. Due to the settings and loaded families required by specific commands and workflows, some tools in Revit would not work correctly depending on which template you started from. With the new all-discipline template, this problem can be avoided. Figure 5. The new imperial template supporting all disciplines. New Sample Model There is a new robust set of sample models which can be used to explore Revit features and model organization.

It includes seven linked models and contains phasing and design options. There is even a point cloud file that can be downloaded separately. One slight downside related to this is that the old sample models are no longer included. So, while this new sample model is a great new resource for those learning Revit, I will miss the easy access to the lightweight residential sample model to open quickly for troubleshooting. Of course, the older versions of these files can still be downloaded per this post I wrote on my blog: Templates and Families Not Installed. Figure 6. The new sample project has seven linked models. Figure 7. Platform There are several new features in Revit 2024 that are not discipline specific.

User Interface The user interface has a number of changes.

Autodesk прекращает поддержку российских лицензий, и у многих уже стали появляться окошки «Используемая лицензия Revit недействительна». Причем коснулось это даже «народных» версий.

Подумаем, как с этим жить. Обойти ограничение несложно, даже не потребуются какие-то спец инструменты. Для начала надо запретить службе AdskLicensing выход в интернет.

Для этого воспользуемся стандартной функцией Брандмауэра Windows.

This article covers the general and architectural features of Revit 2024. The new design includes redesigned icons for both light and dark themes, which aims to reduce screen glare and enhance the viewing experience.

After using it, I prefer it. The Canvas Theme button on the View ribbon tab enables easy switching of the graphics window between light and dark without affecting the rest of the interface. Interface adjustments are available in the options on the Colors panel.

This more interactive feature, highlighting entries as you order, is handy for large projects with numerous views, sheets, schedules, and families in the project browser. These color books resemble the AutoCAD versions, incorporating RAL and Pantone color books, and offer the flexibility to craft personalized color books. This customization feature empowers users to establish a palette of custom colors tailored for specific applications like room color fills and filled region colors.

This style falls between Consistent Colors and Realism. This makes it a lighter option than Realistic, allowing you to showcase materials with their respective images.

Exterior elevation view comparing realistic and textures view styles sun shadows on. Sun settings on ribbon When running a solar study, the sun settings are now presented on the ribbon as shown below. Clicking the sun setting button opens the traditional sun settings dialog with the same settings. Another enhancement includes the ability to select much shorter time increment options.

Figure 22. Sun settings are now shown on the ribbon in solar study mode. Figure 23. Solar study now has shorter time increment options. Site tools Looking at the massing and site tab below, you will notice a lot has changed. The site tools represent the most significant change in Revit 2024 for architects, which is both exciting and a little scary!

We now have a toposolid command rather than a toposurface. As the name change implies, the ground is now represented by solid geometry rather than a 2D surface. This is the exciting part. Missing from the ribbon below is the building pad command, which is the scary part — I will explain this in the next section. Figure 24. Comparing Revit 2024 site tools to previous versions.

Toposolid Replaces Toposurface Although the toposurface and building pads are no longer available, they are preserved when a model is updated to Revit 2024. Those elements can be modified and copied. You just cannot create new instances as the commands are gone. Figure 25 shows a toposurface and building pad after an initial model upgrade. Figure 25. Example of a pre-Revit 2024 toposurface and building pad.

To convert a toposurface, select it and follow the steps shown in Figure 26. Step 2 involves selecting a toposurface family type that can have several surface characteristics preset. Figure 26. The steps to upgrade a toposurface to a toposolid. The toposurface is not deleted as this would delete the building pads which need to be recreated manually. Since there is no building pad tool, Autodesk recommends that an in-place mass set to cut the toposolid be created, as shown in Figure 27.

This provides a lot more options, like tunnels and sloped edges. The biggest challenge is that the workflow is not as intuitive for the average Revit user, in my opinion. Figure 27. The suggested replacement for the building pad tool is an in-place mass void. Sub-regions are automatically converted to sub-divisions. Figure 28 shows the various type settings for this new element.

Notice two things. First, the toposolid is fundamentally based on the floor element. Second, the contour settings are now set per object type rather than globally. Figure 28. Toposolid properties. Knowing that the element is essentially an enhanced floor element, note that apply materials is a little odd.

Then I had to paint a grass material on the surface. The tricky part with painting is that the surface is made up of several facets and required several picks to paint the entire surface. Toposolid — Creation Workflow A toposolid is created similar to a floor element. You start by sketching the perimeter of the ground to be defined and then finish the creation mode. Next, you select the toposurface and use the Add Points option on the ribbon, adjusting the offset value also on the ribbon. Roads and walkways are created using the Sub-Divide tool found on the ribbon when a toposolid is selected.

This is similar to the sub-region tool where an enclosed area is defined within the larger toposolid perimeter.

What's New in Revit 2024 – Top New Features in Autodesk Revit 2024

  • Revit 2024 Upgrades Site Design, Environment for Revit® 11.0 Takes it Skyward | Arch-Intelligence
  • What's New in Autodesk Revit 2024
  • Revit 2024 – What’s New – Autodesk Revit Structure
  • What s New in Autodesk Revit 2024
  • Dynamo for Revit 2.19

Обновление Revit 2024: что нового?

AutoCAD 2024 и Revit 2024 Autodesk Revit 2024 расширяет возможности проектирования и документирования, функциональной совместимости и передачи данных, а также аналитических данных и анализа.
Blog | What's new in Autodesk Revit 2024 | Cadac Group Главная» Новости» Ревит 2024 что нового.


Revit 2024 выходит на рынок по всему миру! В этом выпуске Autodesk объединили долгожданные дополнения, такие как инструменты сайта для ландшафтных дизайнеров, с улучшениями. Revit 2024 is the latest version of the software, offering several new features and enhancements compared to its predecessor. Revit 2024 is here and is full of new features, bug fixes, and general updates that should be of interest to just about everyone who uses Revit. Главная» Новости» Ревит 2024 что нового.

Autodesk Revit 2024: Революция в 3D-моделировании

TopographySurface and SiteSubRegion elements have been superseded as of Revit 2024 by a new element (lid) and related classes. Ревит с нами | 2013-2024 Материалы опубликованы под лицензией CreativeCommons Attribution-ShareAlike. Чтобы избежать возможности повторного появления этой проблемы в более старых версиях Revit 2024 в модели проектных групп. всё как вы любите↓↓↓ СОДЕРЖАНИЕ: ↓↓↓00:00 Начало обзора1:20 Изменение стартового эк. In Revit 2024, the add-in has been updated to reveal the full geometry of elements which are within the visible portion of the cropped view when the sectioning tool is disabled. Autodesk Revit 2024, the latest version, has just been released with a range of nice new features and improvements.

AutoCAD 2024 и Revit 2024

Discover What's New in Autodesk Revit 2024.2: Enhancements, Integratio В Revit 2024 появилась более законная функция темной темы.
Revit 2024 design & rendering software всё как вы любите↓↓↓ СОДЕРЖАНИЕ: ↓↓↓00:00 Начало обзора1:20 Изменение стартового эк.
What's new in Revit 2024 | Revit Tips #19 - ArchSupply D5 Render for Revit 2024 builds the best design experience for architecture and landscape designers.
Revit 2025: Новинки общие и архитектурные Autodesk Revit 2024 brings a plethora of new features and improvements to enhance your BIM experience.

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