Статья автора «Блог Вадима Муратова» в Дзене: 4 апреля для загрузки стал доступен Ревит 2024. Revit, со слов Ручьева, занимает более 50% рынка в сфере архитектурного моделирования и проектирования. Autodesk Revit 2024 для проектирования зданий и сооружений. Скачать Autodesk Revit 2024 торрент Repack с активацией можно на нашем сайте бесплатно. Autodesk Revit 2024, the latest version, has just been released with a range of nice new features and improvements. Fresh from the Factory, Revit 2024 is rolling out globally!
Нововведения в Revit 2023 для конструкторов
With improved search functionality that accounts for typographical errors and provides more relevant results, designers can quickly locate the specific nodes and packages they require, thereby saving time. This version also introduces enhanced package node identification and a more refined Python editor experience, among other upgrades. Revit Home Tech Preview and Dark Theme for Schedules The new Revit Home, currently in Tech Preview, introduces better navigation within Revit, while the dark theme for schedules and improved color conversion contribute to a user experience that is more consistent, comfortable, and conducive to extended work sessions. This early-stage design tool supports critical decisions regarding solar panel placement and window orientation.
Офис Autodesk в Москве. Фото: c-f-c.
Так в России появился Autodesk Р. Именно «Р» — потому что в те времена формулировку «РФ» использовать было запрещено законом. С 1992 года компания наконец вышла на самообеспечение, начала развивать партнерскую сеть в России и бывших странах СССР, получала новые контракты, в том числе с государственными структурами. Компания развивалась и процветала до тех пор, пока в России не случился кризис. Тогда западное руководство компании решило закрыть представительство в России.
Эту часть истории редакция Hi-Tech Mail. Как это было? Альманах выпустили к 30-летию компании. Вы тоже можете прочитать эти истории по ссылке. Письмо, подписанное советником по законодательству Autodesk Энни Горансон было разослано 12 августа 2014 года.
Autodesk запретил не только продавать и внедрять свои продукты, но и обновлять программное обеспечение. Участники образовательного саммита Autodesk 2018.
The following pages are going to cover these significant changes. What if floors and toposurfaces had a baby together? The new toposolid tool works in a very similar way to floors. First, you need to sketch an extrusion boundary with purple lines. Then, you can modify the Sub Elements in a similar way to Roofs and Floors.
Add points at specific heights to create the slopes. The points contextual menu is a bit different from the standard floors and roofs you are used to. This new menu has actually been available since Revit 2023. When adding a point, you can either pick Along Surface or Absolute Height. This tool now works with concave site shapes. Again, the new toposolid tool is similar to floors. You can modify the structure with materials of various thicknesses.
That means you can create fun site elements such as lakes without using floors. When selecting a toposurface, use Generate Toposolid to convert to the new tool. To be safe, you can keep it in the archives. There are a few quirks here. When generating a toposolid, building pads are ignored completely. Also, subregions will be converted into subdivisions. In Revit 2024: Subregions has been replaced by Sub-Divide.
The base idea is the same: draw boundaries over the toposolid.
The matched keywords are highlighted in the filtered list on all levels of the hierarchy in the Project Browser. Schedule Revision Clouds Quickly manage your revision cloud parameter information using revision cloud schedules. Create revision cloud schedules to better review and manage all the revision clouds in your project, and see which view or sheet they belong to. This way, you can easily see each revision in your project and make modifications, or directly edit the schedule fields if necessary.
What’s new in Revit 2024 | Revit Tips #19
Усовершенствованная производительность Autodesk Revit 2024 внесла значительные улучшения в производительность, что позволит пользователям работать более эффективно. Autodesk Revit 2024, самая популярная программа для проектирования зданий и сооружений, вышла со множеством новых функций и улучшений. In Revit 2024, with the introduction of the Toposolid, Autodesk has addressed this inconsistency and also given its site tools a significant, much-needed makeover.
Revit 2024 – What’s New
Для начала надо запретить службе AdskLicensing выход в интернет. Для этого воспользуемся стандартной функцией Брандмауэра Windows. Найдите его через Пуск: Перейдите в Дополнительные параметры: Выберите Правила исходящего подключения — Создать правило — Для программы: Далее надо указать путь к файлу. Далее — надо сломать службу Autodesk Genuine Service. Сначала через «Диспетчер задач» завершаем процесс GenuineService. Нас интересуют файлы GenuineService.
Итак, вот какие новые фишки Autodesk Revit 2023 могут быть полезны для проектировщиков раздела КР.
Параметры IFC при создании элементов. Выбор рабочей плоскости. Теперь при задании расположения рабочей плоскости вручную на виде есть возможность выбрать ее по любой грани в модели, не заходя при этом в диалог задания рабочей плоскости. Преобразование линий сгиба в линии разделения перекрытий и крыш Для перекрытий и крыш появился инструмент, позволяющий преобразовывать линии сгиба в линии разделения при изменении субэлементов. Автоматическое размещение стальных соединений Теперь стальные соединения можно размещать не только вручную или с помощью распространения соединения на однотипные конструкции, но и с помощью нового инструмента «Автоматизация стальных соединений», который, основываясь на дополнительных параметрах узла, например, заданном диапазоне сечений или величине усилий в элементе, разместит соединения на элементах, подходящих под эти критерии. Создание аналитической модели В версии 2023 создание аналитической модели происходит через отдельную функцию «Автоматизация аналитических моделей».
Благодаря тому, что аналитика теперь является как бы отдельным элементом, появилась возможность добавлять отдельные аналитические элементы вручную, не создавая отдельную геометрию с аналитикой.
Оптимизация рабочего процесса: Автоматизированные функции и улучшенный пользовательский интерфейс значительно упрощают рабочий процесс, позволяя сосредоточиться на творчестве и дизайне. Что делает Revit 2024 лучше, чем 2023 Одним из ключевых аспектов, отличающих Autodesk Revit 2024 от предыдущей версии 2023, является его расширенный функционал, нацеленный на повышение эффективности и точности проектирования. Вот некоторые из заметных улучшений и нововведений: Повышенная точность моделирования: Revit 2024 внедряет усовершенствованные алгоритмы для создания более точных и детализированных 3D-моделей, что критически важно для сложных архитектурных проектов. Улучшенная интеграция с другими программами Autodesk: Обеспечивает более плавную совместимость с другими продуктами Autodesk, что значительно упрощает обмен данными и совместную работу между различными программами. Расширенные возможности для устойчивого проектирования: Revit 2024 предлагает дополнительные инструменты для оценки экологического воздействия и энергоэффективности зданий, что становится всё более актуальным в современном мире.
Our team is certainly looking forward to being able to host families on toposolids.
Revit has made it so floor-based families and railings are able to be hosted onto them, which is definitely something that can be used in a variety of projects. Both of these buttons have an arrow for additional options. These options have been available in a project file for annotation items and work the same as they do in the. We will definitely be using this feature to arrange the annotation files when creating families. It might take a while to get the hang of how it works but it seems like a good addition. For those of us who used to work in AutoCAD, not having a dark theme in Revit always took a while to get used to. We finally have a dark theme in Revit and it does very much seem worth the wait.
It has several options to really customize it. To turn it on, you will need to navigate to the File tab in the upper right and then select the Options button. There is a new tab in this property box named Colors. In this tab, you will be able to set Dark Theme or Light Theme with the dropdown. The rest of the colors can be customized in each theme using RGB colors. After making the change to Dark Theme, the UX and drawing area will go dark. The nice thing is that the drawing area can be controlled separately.
This is a really nice feature for those that like dark theme in the UX but still want the white background in the drawing area. You will find that some property boxes will still be in Light Theme. Autodesk will likely get to all of these properties boxes in future, but this is certainly a great start.
Best 9 New Features in Revit 2024
Чтобы избежать возможности повторного появления этой проблемы в более старых версиях Revit 2024 в модели проектных групп. Чтобы избежать возможности повторного появления этой проблемы в более старых версиях Revit 2024 в модели проектных групп. Revit, со слов Ручьева, занимает более 50% рынка в сфере архитектурного моделирования и проектирования. Explore the newest features in Revit 2024, including site tools, upgrades to the project browser, and more.
Обзор Revit 2024. Что нового в Autodesk Revit
Small non-conditioned out buildings on a property, such as a barn, garage, pool equipment building, etc. This new workflow is still not perfect, but a step in the right direction. For example, there needs to be an option to define some wall s as adiabatic when using this new workflow option. Figure 1. Creating an energy analysis model based on the current view. Figure 2. Energy analysis model created based on the current view. These models are represented within Revit as lightweight geometry and can be easily navigated. Sub-elements can be selected, and their properties are listed in the Properties palette. If you were paying close attention just now, you might have connected the dots that a Revit model can be linked in as a lightweight model.
This might be helpful with specific consultant models. Here is the big news, with this new feature … not only can you link in a Revit model, but you can link different versions of Revit models! For example, your Revit 2024 model can link in a Revit 2022 model without needing to upgrade the 2022 model. This is a brave new world. Figure 3. However, until now, the local location was not editable. If you have a laptop, for example, with a smaller SSD C: drive, and a larger D: drive, there was no way to point the local BIM 360 storage to the more spacious D: drive. This could easily cause the C: drive to fill up if you worked on several BIM 360 projects or just one mega project. Thanks, Autodesk.
Figure 4. New cloud model cache location option in the Options dialog. Templates and Sample Projects Two things that almost always stay the same in a Revit upgrade are templates and sample projects. This year, we lose some sample projects and gain a new template and sample project. New Imperial Template There is a new multi-discipline template. Previously there were only discipline-specific and systems i. Due to the settings and loaded families required by specific commands and workflows, some tools in Revit would not work correctly depending on which template you started from. With the new all-discipline template, this problem can be avoided. Figure 5.
The new imperial template supporting all disciplines. New Sample Model There is a new robust set of sample models which can be used to explore Revit features and model organization. It includes seven linked models and contains phasing and design options. There is even a point cloud file that can be downloaded separately. One slight downside related to this is that the old sample models are no longer included. So, while this new sample model is a great new resource for those learning Revit, I will miss the easy access to the lightweight residential sample model to open quickly for troubleshooting. Of course, the older versions of these files can still be downloaded per this post I wrote on my blog: Templates and Families Not Installed. Figure 6. The new sample project has seven linked models.
Figure 7. Platform There are several new features in Revit 2024 that are not discipline specific. User Interface The user interface has a number of changes. Most of the icons have been refreshed in support of a new dark theme option. The project browser is also completely updated and now includes a search option at the top. Figure 8. Most icons have been refreshed and the project browser is completely updated. Dark Theme Revit 2024 now has a more legitimate dark theme feature. This new feature can be set to follow the operating system setting.
When first used, the canvas area is also set to a dark theme.
With the update of Revit 2024 comes some exciting new features including Site Tools for landscape designers and bar bending details. In response to popular demand, Revit 2024 has also introduced a dark theme. Working with this professional design software, architects and landscape designers may need to visualize their Revit models in a realistic and immersive way, allowing them to quickly make changes, improve collaboration, and better communicate design ideas. Thus, real-time rendering provided by D5 Render comes in handy for an instant preview of design projects.
I tested the redesigned user interface, site tools, visual styles, analytical views, and linked models from previous versions in a 2024 project. A single template file for all the disciplines. The new sample model, Snowdon Towers, is a mixed-use development that includes residential, commercial and retail space. The model is highly detailed and demonstrates best practices for modeling, documentation, and collaboration. It includes seven linked models, phasing and design options , and a detailed site model created with the enhanced tools from this release.
Dark mode applies to all primary UI elements, such as ribbons, palettes, dialogs, and main menus. The canvas viewport background will also be automatically set to a dark or light color based on your UI selection. But not really, because the dark theme does not cover the secondary menus yet. Hopefully this will be fixed in one of the next hotfixes for this release. I find that the new icons and the dark mode make the interface a lot clearer and easier to use. The TopoSolid tool allows you to create site elements that have depth and thickness, unlike the TopoSurface tool, which only created flat surfaces. The TopoSolid tool works similarly to the floor tool.
Finally, taking a few minutes to add some Enscape assets, but still, no edits to the Revit model; look how lively the scene becomes! Notice the building being reflected on the vehicle in the foreground. Previously there were only discipline-specific and systems i. Due to the settings and loaded families required by specific Revit commands and workflows, some tools would not work correctly depending on which template you started from. With this new all-discipline template, this problem can be avoided. FYI: the original templates can still be found by clicking the Browse… button. Dark theme Revit 2024 now has a more legitimate dark theme feature. This new feature can be set to follow the operating system i. Windows setting. When first used, the canvas area is also set to a dark theme. This can be adjusted back to a light color, as shown in the second image below, while still in the dark theme if desired. Revit cloud collaboration cache relocation When using BIM 360 to host Revit models in the cloud, the files are synced locally via Autodesk Desktop Connector for improved performance. However, until now, the location of the local files was not editable. If you have a laptop, for example, with a smaller SSD primary drive e. C: drive , and a larger non-SSD secondary drive e. D: drive , there was no way to point the local BIM 360 storage to the more spacious D: drive.
AutoCAD 2024 и Revit 2024
Well, Autodesk Revit 2024 is already here. And while 2023 certainly is not "old & busted," 2024 is already making waves in the community for some of the cool, new features is has to show. В этом уроке мы познакомим вас с последними обновлениями и функциями Revit 2024. Усовершенствованная производительность Autodesk Revit 2024 внесла значительные улучшения в производительность, что позволит пользователям работать более эффективно. Revit 2024 is the latest version of the software, offering several new features and enhancements compared to its predecessor. Revit 2024 не исключение и привносит ряд значительных улучшений по сравнению с предыдущей версией 2023. Well, Autodesk Revit 2024 is already here. And while 2023 certainly is not "old & busted," 2024 is already making waves in the community for some of the cool, new features is has to show.
Revit 2024 design & rendering software
Архитектурные изменения: 7. Так что новинка как мёртвому припарка, всё равно нужно отдельно моделировать такие решения как и раньше. Допили немного так сказать Добавили возможность сделать выему под смоделированным элементом перекрытием, фундаментой плитой и т. А сразу так нельзя было сделать? Но и здесь не без проблем — выемку делает, а насыпь нет. Так что ещё надо допиливать. Для меня так же важно что теперь при редактировании вершин отображаются горизонтали! Теперь хоть работать с топотелом можно. Добавили ещё возможность создавать топотела по Форме, как крыши и перекрытия ХЗ зачем , кнопку упростить топотело не тестировал продолжает ли он упрощать сам при создании по точкам , и переключение отображения сглаженного рельефа и «гранённого» 9. Редактор материалов Говорят ускорили отрисовку миниатюр, засекать и сравнивать не стал, ну может немного быстрее стало.
И добавили возможность с шифтом выделить несколько материалов и скопом их удалить, при чистке проекта или семейства полезно.
Now the font height is the minimal value instead of fixed value. Schedule revision clouds. Ability to create schedule that contains revision clouds provides a suitable way to track issues in your project. You can use Comments, Mark, and Revision parameters alongside with other groups of parameters that you can select in the upper drop-down menu of the Schedule Properties dialog. Apply revisions to multiple sheets. Improved Scope Boxes. Fixed issue related to display of 2D regions in 3D families.
The display of 2D regions created in 3D families is consistent in family and project environment, vector and raster print. Also you can use draw order for the regions. Improved Dynamo 2. This menu makes it easier to create input nodes; it recommends nodes that you can use as inputs. Hardware acceleration for Dynamo.. It ensures better performance; you can find this option in the Preferences dialog, Visual Settings tab, and it is enabled by default. In-product node documentation. This feature enables you to view node documentation in a side panel directly in Dynamo instead of in an external browser.
Improved Dynamo Player. Dynamo Player provides the Issue Viewer to displays warnings. Dynamo Player provides the Graph Dependencies to display missed packages. Improved cloud worksharing Cloud-enabled coordination. Link a collaboration models and views from Autodesk Docs into your current Revit project for coordination purposes. No need to download the file to the local disc. Change the cloud model cache folder in the local disk. If you work with the cloud models BIM360 you can change the location of the local Revit files.
You first sketch an extrusion boundary with magenta lines, then you can modify the sub-elements by adding points at specific heights to create slopes. There are six site solids to choose from in the type selector. I added a floor, slab edges, and then a section box , which allowed me to create the detailed view below. Nothing overlapped, YES! You can also change the structure and material of TopoSolids, allowing you to create more complex site elements such as lakes, hills, roads, and more. I can now use voids or floors to cut site models, which makes it much easier to create section views and have lots of printable details in place. This is a great addition that eliminates the need to use floors or other workarounds to create site elements. This view style allows you to view materials with textures without the performance hit of the Realistic view.
The Textures view style is ideal for creating presentation-ready views that showcase your design intent and material choices. Shaded visual style. Textures visual style. I find it very helpful to be able to create high quality images of my model without having to spend too much time or resources.
The new button has replaced the Pantone button on the Color window, but the nice thing is they added all the Pantone colors as Color Books so you will not lose anything. The one thing we do hope they add soon is a search bar in the Color Books window.
They do have a Color field but we have found that you have to be pretty specific for it to work. The nice thing about Color Books is that there are some available out there to download and use since they have been around for so long. Search in Project Browser Once you use this new feature you will wonder what took Autodesk so long to add it. In the Project Browser box, you will see at the top a Search bar. This will allow you to search anything in this property box, incluing all the views, schedules, sheets, families, groups, Revit Links, and basically anything else loaded into the project. The search is super responsive — it will start the search as soon as you start typing and is pretty fast and smooth.
Open Sheet Directly from Drawing Area In the last few years, Revit has added more connections between views and sheets. This year they added another one with the Open Sheet command. If you click on that it will open the sheet the view is placed on. You can also do this from the project browser by right-clicking on a view in the Project Browser list and then selecting Open Sheet. This also works if you select multiple views. Revit also added a nice warning window in case you do select a lot of views that would open up several sheets to give you a chance to rethink how much time you have to wait until all the sheets are open.
The feature has icons for positive or negative feedback, intended to help the software better customize the cards shown to you. This feature does not appear to be immediately available at the time of publishing, which may indicate the need for it to gather some usage data. This is really great feature, especially for those that have been using Floors as a workaround to place families onto a site. You can now use those floor-based families on the toposolid.
Discover What's New in Autodesk Revit 2024.2: Enhancements, Integration, and Features Update
Вышел новый Revit 2025, и я тут же установил его, чтоб потыкать палочкой и посмотреть на ответную реакцию. Заключение Autodesk Revit 2024 предлагает не просто улучшения существующих функций, но и открывает новые возможности для архитекторов, инженеров и дизайнеров. С выходом нового 2024 Revit было связано много ожиданий, изменения в инструменте работы с рельефом требовались давно. Check out the BIM features for architecture, structural and MEP for Autodesk Revit users in What's New in Autodesk Revit 2024.
Нововведения в Revit 2023 для конструкторов
In Revit 2024, the add-in has been updated to reveal the full geometry of elements which are within the visible portion of the cropped view when the sectioning tool is disabled. Autodesk officially released Autodesk Revit 2024 and the relatedfamily of Autodesk Building Solutions 2024 products. С сегодняшнего дня доступна полная поддержка AutoCAD 2024 и Revit 2024!