Несмотря на то, что после развода Фил добился частичной, а позже и полной опеки над ребенком, Роэн Джозеф Бронштейн изъявил желание жить с мамой! В 2004 году экс-супруг Стоун, журналист Фил Бронштейн, отсудил у актрисы опеку над общим приёмным сыном Роаном в результате бракоразводного процесса. Актриса была замужем за журналистом Филом Бронштейном.
Фил Бронштейн покорил сердце Шэрон Стоун анекдотом (редкие снимки актрисы с детьми)
I was unaware that US actions were enabling a massive land theft and ongoing ethnic cleansing that has caused profound tragedy in the Middle East, deep damage to our own nation and endangered American lives. My personal awakening to these facts and others began in the autumn of 2000 when the Palestinian uprising known as the Second Intifada began and was, for a while at least, in the American news. I grew curious about this conflict, determined to follow the news on it, and noticed quickly how one-sided the news coverage appeared to be. While we heard from and about Israelis frequently, the Palestinian side seemed to be largely glossed over at minimum, and was sometimes completely hidden. I began searching for additional information on the Internet and was astounded at what I learned. Israeli forces were killing hundreds of largely unarmed Palestinian men, women and children; many of the children were being killed by gunshot wounds to the head. While some Israelis were also being killed during this period, these deaths were far fewer and virtually invariably occurred after Palestinian deaths. Over 90 Palestinian children were killed before a single Israeli child. Over 140 Palestinian men, women and children living on their own land were killed before anyone in Israel was. I finally decided to quit my job as the editor of a small community newspaper in northern California and go and see for myself what was going on, travelling to Israel-Palestine as a freelance reporter in February and March of 2001. Israel-centrism and patterns of distortion We have conducted a number of statistical studies on this issue and found that US media were covering Israeli deaths in far greater detail than they were covering those of Palestinian.
A great many are Israeli citizens though this is almost never disclosed or married to Israelis, their children also being Israeli. I discovered that the Associated Press control bureau for the region, from which virtually all news reports that appear in US newspapers were transmitted, was located in Israel and was staffed almost entirely by Israeli and Jewish journalists many of whom had served in the Israeli military. I learned that the son of the New York Times bureau chief was serving in the Israeli military while his father was reporting on the conflict. I also discovered that this pattern of Israel-centrism went beyond the regional reporting. In fact, the regional filtering of the news may not even be the most significant factor in the broken media reporting on this issue that Americans receive. Within US-based journalism per se I discovered patterns of Israel-centrism that were deeply troubling. In some cases I personally experienced the intentional suppression of information on Palestine. Following are a few examples. San Francisco Chronicle While I was on my first trip to the Middle East I had met with a managing editor at the San Francisco Chronicle before I left and told him of my intention to report from the region. He had been quite interested and asked me to send him my first-hand reports.
Учредитель: Автономная некоммерческая организация содействия информированию и просвещению населения "Медиахолдинг "Общественная служба новостей" ОГРН 1187700006328. Мнение редакции может не совпадать с мнением авторов.
Он занимал эту должность до 2000 года. Когда в 1996 году аллигатор сбежал в городское озеро, Бронштейн прибыл в акваланг, чтобы помочь с поимкой, но полиция отвергла его. Фил Бронштейн был старшим вице-президентом и исполнительным редактором «Хроникл». The Chronicle была другой крупной ежедневной газетой для области залива Сан-Франциско. Херст уже владел Examiner и решил объединить две редакции. Бронштейн стал старшим вице-президентом и исполнительным редактором «Хроники» в ноябре 2000 года. Бронштейн стал редактором после слияния, которое произошло одновременно с общим спадом в газетной отрасли, что еще больше усложнило работу. Бронштейн произвел кадровые изменения, создал новые функции и попытался перенести Хроники в эпоху Интернета, при этом сохранив культурную точку зрения Залива.
В первые два года после слияния штат сотрудников был сокращен с 520 до 485 человек, и в ежедневной газете стало меньше контента. В январе 2008 года Hearst Corporation объявила Бронштейна главным редактором обеих газет Chronicle. В своей новой роли Бронштейн вел еженедельную колонку в «Хрониках». Он также писал записи в блоге для SFGate.
Но хуже всего было то, что Фил, законной супругой которого она пробыла почти 6 лет, сумел убедить судью, что она просто не может быть хорошей матерью. И в качестве основного аргумента он привел тот факт, что она снялась в «Основном инстинкте». Так фильм, сделавший ее звездой, стоил ей возможности воспитывать Роана.
Фил получил полную опеку, а она — всего лишь право посещать сына 1 раз в месяц. Читать материал Впрочем, сейчас проблемы Шэрон с сыном уже остались в прошлом. Он вырос и разобрался, кто был прав, а кто — нет.
Phil Bronstein Latest Celebrity News & Gossip
Listen to music by BRONSHTEYN-MAKHNOFIL on Apple Music. Find top songs and albums by BRONSHTEYN-MAKHNOFIL including Профеминист, Торговый центр and more. Phil Bronstein’s net worth or net income is estimated to be $1 million – $3 million dollars. Смотрите видео на тему «Phil Bronstein» в TikTok. Добавить инфо. Фил Бронштейн. Phil Bronstein. Любимая звезда. Актриса была замужем за журналистом Филом Бронштейном.
Искусство требует жертв: Актеры, которые пострадали от экзотических животных
Phil Bronstein was named executive chair of the board of The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) in April 2012, when the organization merged with The Bay Citizen. Последние новости про Фил Бронштейн за сегодня на сайте Bronstein began his journalism career in his teens as a film reviewer. Однако раньше ее практически не видели с Роаном, которого она усыновила в свое время вместе с экс-супругом Филом Бронштейном. Breaking news for everyone's consumption. Шэрон Стоун и Фил Бронштейн поженились 14 февраля 1998-го года.
Фил Бронштейн — последние новости
Леди Гага и Тейлор Кинни Она - самая эпатажная певица рубежа десятилетий. Он - модель и актер, известный по нескольким сериалам например, «Дневникам вампира». Познакомились они в 2011-м - Тейлор снимался в клипе Гаги «You and I», - и вскоре начали встречаться. А 14 февраля 2015-го Тейлор официально сделал своей знаменитой подруге предложение. Сейчас пара разбежалась - но расставание сопровождалось большими нежностями. Судя по последним сплетням, они до сих пор разговаривают по телефону чуть ли не каждый день, Тейлор в каждом интервью расхваливает актерскую работу бывшей невесты в фильме «Звезда родилась»… В общем, может быть, не все еще потеряно. Летом 2007-го на фестивале «Кинотавр» актер сделал избраннице предложение. А в следующем году, в день св. Валентина, их отношения зарегистрировали в московском Грибоедовском ЗАГСе - первом московском Дворце бракосочетаний, открывшемся в 1961 году. Летом они обвенчались, а 08.
They wrote some poems that were based, in part, on our reporting. In this case, these kids, these three poets, went into the projects with the report and so had that experience. Join our free email newsletter to receive our latest news and updates directly in your inbox. You have Successfully Subscribed! In that way, open the door to younger people understanding what we do and also understanding what they do and having a better relationship. I think that happened. I think the Richmond experience…and they made a video, these three poets. EE: It sounds like it could be a great marriage of exposing them to journalism and showing them the tools that they can use to get their message out, as well. Then you can make an impact. You can harness those two things. Phil: The kicker of it is this is what CIR does that no one else does. There are other great journalism organizations out there, fortunately, investigative journalist organizations. We do our own video work. Innovation as we reflect the area we live in. EE: You guys were just a lot more nimble in adapting to the new… Phil: We were a lot more, sometimes, impulsive in a way that I think is mostly good. Opportunity comes along to do something differently and with greater impact. A [Carnegie] Mellon Fellow for two years here. We hope she stays. Those trolls! Phil: I hope that becomes journalism, where the public does play a role. EE: I think the exciting thing for Emeryville residents is right here in our 1. Phil: All right here within Emeryville, right by the train tracks. Motivated by that whistle every day. So, what makes a good investigative reporter? Phil: I would say that I have known great investigative journalists who personally probably are much more Conservative than some others. Conservative or Libertarian even. I think that the political climate is really not what creates great investigative journalists. They probably should know. What I looked for was was there any hint of magic in their writing? Were there lyrical turns of phrase that just hit you? Did they understand that writing a story or telling a story is like a musical piece. You have to compel people to read it. You want to make it compelling as a story. To do that, you have to pay attention to where you put the quote attributions and you use this word versus that word. But mostly, it was inviting curiosity and an open mind. If you had those two things, you had the makings of a really good journalist. Writing is partly teachable, partly innate. EE: I wish more people had that. When I went to The Examiner in 1980 I was 29. That was a very encouraging thing. That was the boomer class of journalists. EE: I guess we need another catalyst like that … Phil: It happens every day in journalism. Something is exposed.
In 2008, Bronstein was granted full custody of Roan. His net value has been boosted by his career and his reputation as a journalist. He is a war correspondent, executive board member, and executive chair of the Center for Investigative Reporting in Berkeley. His work as an investigative journalist has earned him many awards, including the Pulitzer Prize in 1986. Throughout his career, he has been recognized for his work as a Pulitzer Prize finalist. His first major achievement was his coverage of the overthrow of the Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos. His work has earned him many awards, including two Pulitzer Prizes. He is a successful journalist with a long and varied list of honors. The media industry has always been an important source of his income, and his reputation has contributed significantly to his success. He has been involved in many major projects for the San Francisco Chronicle, and is a Pulitzer Prize finalist in 1986.
Ей пришлось столкнуться с непониманием и несправедливостью со стороны очень многих людей. В том числе, и от своих коллег по шоу-бизнесу, и от собственного мужа, с которым они разводились, и даже от судьи, который их разводил. Разумеется, ни о каких съемках не могло быть и речи. И муж именно в этот момент решил ее покинуть. Еще он отсудил у нее возможность опеки над ребенком, которого пара ранее усыновила.
Почему Шэрон Стоун поставила крест на личной жизни?
Фил Бронштейн (Phil Bronstein). Breaking Irish and International News. Phil Bronstein was named executive chair of the board of The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) in April 2012, when the organization merged with The Bay Citizen. Phil Bronstein’s net worth is a result of his numerous awards and honors. Актриса и ее второй супруг Фил Бронштейн усыновили малыша в 2000 году.
Phil Bronstein Latest Celebrity News & Gossip
Архивы Фил Бронштейн - StarsLife - Новости шоу бизнеса | An exclusive interview with Phil Bronstein who left a 31 year career with the Heart Corporation to work for The Center for Investigative Reporting in 2012. |
The International Women's Media Foundation's 2010 Courage in Journalism Awards | В 2008 году Фил Бронштейн получил полную опеку над сыном, на данный момент Роэн проживает с отцом в Сан-Франциско. |
Phil Bronstein « Aletho News | Фил Бронштейн одержал победу в борьбе за опеку с Шэрон Стоун. |
Фил Бронштейн
инстинкта Шэрон Стоун на год лишится сына: таковы условия необычного соглашения об опеке над ребенком, которое актриса заключила с бывшим мужем Филом Бронштейном [.]. Breaking Irish and International News. Пока кинозвезда восстанавливалась после инсульта, ее муж, редактор газеты Фил Бронштейн подал на развод.
Phil Bronstein Is Sharon Stone's 2nd Husband — a Recap of Their Marriage That Turned Pretty Messy
Следующие три года были относительно спокойными, пока Фил Бронштейн не подал на развод, мотивировав свое решение «непримиримыми разногласиями». Американский журналист и издатель Фил Бронштейн считал, что женился на зарабатывающей миллионы суперзвезде, и в его планы не входило заботиться об утратившей былую красоту. Behold "Phil Bronstein At Large," featuring the Chron's political scribe, Carla Marinucci. Phil Bronstein is a 71-year-old American journalist & editor.