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Early ganks from mid-Huskars can bring significant changes to the gold lead. Outworld Destroyer came out as a strong midlaner in the new patch. Undying maintain the tempo in the mid-game as his Tombstone has proven to be immensely helpful to disrupt enemies and slow their movements. Последние новости Dota 2. Страница мидера команды B8 по Dota 2 Данила Dendi Ишутина стала самой популярной на портале Dotabuff среди всех киберспортсменов данной дисциплины.

Илья Yatoro Мулярчук стал самым популярным игроком на Dotabuff

Dive into the dynamic world of Dota 2 heroes with our comprehensive Trends page. Analyze win rates, pick rates, and other key statistics to identify the most powerful heroes to play in each role. Dotabuff streams live on Twitch! Check out their videos, sign up to chat, and join their community. Тем самым многие не могут проверить свою статистику в дота 2 через дотабафф и похожие ресурсы. Сервис Dotabuff обновил рейтинг самых популярных киберспортсменов. Лидером стал игрок Team Spirit Илья Yatoro Мулярчук. Он сыграл 1038 матчей. Смотрите новые видео в TikTok (тикток) на тему #дотабафф. Dotabuff's Dota 2 Source 2 Replay Parser in Go.

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The platform provides you a centralized way to have all the actionable data and develop a better understanding of the gameplay, and you can compare the current stats of the player with your personal profile and do what is required for the next game. There is also a possibility to share data with your friends and players and or just keep an eye over the stats that will be updated at every moment when progress is made. All is required just to add your game authentication code, and the system will robotically track your progression and other things vibrantly and in systematic order.

The platform is the means through which players may establish a source of insight into their games and then further enhance their... CS:GO Stats It is an online platform that provides statistics information, matches, and rankings for your CsGo account in an automatic manner. Using the platform, you can gather all of the actionable data in one place and have a better knowledge of gaming. You can also compare...

His abilities are mostly focused on helping and enabling his allies, rather than dealing damage or stunning enemies. This means that skilled Io players can make a huge impact on the game by positioning themselves well and making timely saves or ganks. However, this also means that playing Io effectively requires a team that understands how to work with it and take advantage of its abilities. Io is a high-risk, high-reward hero that can be a game-changer in the right hands. Why is Io a powerful support? Upon usage, it heals Io and his allies in an AoE, replenishing their HP and mana, while also removing negative debuffs from Undying s the caster. Ghost Scepter - Upon usage, it makes Io immune to physical attacks while making him unable to attack at the same time. He also takes increased magical damage under its duration. This is an exceptional item to save yourself from the onslaught of foes. Holy Locket - Can be used to heal allies or Io himself on usage, based on the charges which are granted based on enemy hero casting spells, basically a glorified Magic Stick. This provides the tiny bit of sustain and healing required to withstand enemy damage. Bloodseeker - Rupture forces Io to stay in place, preventing it from using the Tether bonus movement speed to escape. Enchantress This bubbly and friendly creature is a devastating force if bothered! Enchantress has the mystical force of nature beside her, guarding and coaching her through the deep forests. She is often overlooked due to her low base attack damage but that should not make you ignore her mid and late-game potential. She can work smoothly as a roaming and laning support, even playing in the offlane if needed. Enchantress is in high demand due to her domination with her impressive buffed toolkit in the current meta. Enchantress can be a great addition if your team lacks a support hero. Her versatility allows her to fit into various roles, which makes her quite flexible in the drafting stage. Enchantress can also easily transition into a semi-carry in the mid and late game if she is given the necessary items and space to farm. In the laning stage, she can harass enemies with her range and slowly chip away at their health, making it easier for her carry to secure kills. What makes Enchantress a powerful support? Enchantress can use her enchant ability to take control of neutral creeps and use them to gank enemy heroes, making her a powerful ganker in the early game. Enchantress has a long attack range, allowing her to harass enemy heroes from a safe distance and secure last hits on creeps. With her ability to control neutral creeps, Enchantress can use them to push lanes and take down towers quickly. Top 5 Best End-Game Items for Enchantress Holy Locket - Can be used to heal allies or herself on usage, based on the charges which are granted based on enemy hero casting spells, basically a glorified Magic Stick. Glimmer Cape - If enemies initiate you or your allies without any disabling items then you can quickly get away with using Glimmer, it is an essential item on support Enchantress. Dragon Lance - Provides increased stats and regen along with increased attack range. It can further be upgraded into a Hurricane Pike. Solar Crest - Solar Crest grants armor, attack speed, and movement speed to the targetted ally while reducing the same stats if used upon enemies. This makes them unable to stand firm in teamfights. Enchantress is strong against Lycan - Lycan relies heavily on right clicks making Untouchable very effective against him. Ember Spirit - Impetus will deal huge amounts of damage when he uses a Fire Remnant to escape. Juggernaut - Blade Fury dispels the slow from Enchant and can burst Enchantress down during the laning stage. Nyx Assassin - Vendetta breaks Untouchable and deals great damage against her. Undying Dirge, the undefeated Undying is nothing short of a nightmare to the enemy team. Picking him first ensures you threaten your enemy with strength steal and harass potential. Having high HP as support will guarantee your carry ally a free rein as you will be busy shoving your foes away from the XP range while your carry safely farms and outpaces his opponents. Undying maintain the tempo in the mid-game as his Tombstone has proven to be immensely helpful to disrupt enemies and slow their movements. His enemies stand no chance once he transforms into the Flesh Golem. Undying has various skills which help him be highly relevant right from the get-go. His high HP makes it easy for him to tank the teamfight and lets his team deal damage from a safe distance. Undying is the ideal support in the current brawling meta where all the heroes seem to just fight it out mercilessly in the laning stage. He is a threat to melee and strength heroes as he can sap their strength and deal high damage to them. What makes Undying a powerful support? Undying has a low cooldown on most of his spells, making them spammable and ensuring he can teamfight at any point in time. He is highly relevant right from the laning phase with his Decay ability which steals enemy strength. His Tombstone allows him to fight without any hassle, and slow his opponents while dealing high damage to them all at the same time. Items to buy on Undying Force Staff - Pushes Undying or the targetted unit in the direction they are facing. It can be used both offensively or defensively depending on the situation.

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Новости Dota 2

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Damage and Healing Breakdown: Dota 2 contains tons of variables such as damaging, healing, debuffing, swapping and many more. True Sight can provide details of all the spells, including the spell type active or passive. Personal Hero Ranking: You can identify the performance rate of each hero along with other necessary details ranking, high score, matches, and many more. It will act as a reminder that you have to give a chance to other players as well. Later on, track those points and resolve the drawbacks. Interactive Vision Map: Wards are a crucial asset in Dota 2 — good placement of wards can change the result of a game. True Sight provides Map Vision, you can track your prior match with it.

It will mark all the areas of the map where wards were placed and destroyed. After reviewing all the placements, you can come up with new tactics. To get better with warding in Dota 2 , checkout this detailed guide! Item Build Timeline: Are you fond of your opponent or ally who totally dominated a match? Track their build! This feature will provide complete information on all the builds such as when an item was bought and when it was sold or dropped. With the help of charts, you can track the rate of change and how the change occurred that led the team to win.

Detailed Combat Logs: You can filter out all the major combat logs that include helpful information such as, final attacks used to kill a hero, lost gold, gain gold, the assisted hero if any , and the death time.

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