В течение следующих 5 секунд атаки Сивира реверберируют до 10 раз, нанося физический урон пораженным противникам и накладывая эффекты удара. После активации следующие 3 атаки Сивир рикошетят от основной цели и наносят 30/40/50/60/70% физического урона дополнительным целям. Sivir Runes's Boomerang Blade returns to her after reaching the max range, so you can shift position to hit enemies who would otherwise have evaded it. #wildrift #lolwr #вайлдрифт Донат быстро и безопасно: Подпишись! Теги: сивир wild rift, сивир гайд wild rift, как играть на сивир wild rift, сивир вайлд рифт, сивир новый.
League of Legends: гайд по Сивир со всеми подробностями
Sivir Runes, Builds & More - Patch 13.20 - LoLRift | Aphelios: Sivir's spell shield can negate Aphelios's crowd control and poke abilities, disrupting his combo potential and reducing his effectiveness in trades. |
В LoL экстренно ослабили Sivir | LoL Новости Ставки и прогнозы Матчи Турниры Команды Игроки. |
Best Sivir build in League of Legends - Dot Esports | Find Sivir builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds, and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, and support in S10. |
Sivir Build Calculator - Automatic Theorycrafter - LoLSolved | LoL Новости Ставки и прогнозы Матчи Турниры Команды Игроки. |
Sivir/LoL/Patch history | League of Legends Wiki | Fandom | Build Guide Items Builds for SIVIR: Spells, Runes, Abilities, Skills Leveling, Counter pick and much more. |
Sivir Wild Rift Build & Guide
For extra damage, use your W on the minion wave when the enemy laners are quite close to the minions so it can bounce on to them and deal damage. Use your R to engage a team fight by speeding up your teammates and catching them off guard. Her ultimate also provides a significant power spike. Mid Game: In the side lane, focus on farming and pushing waves quickly with your abilities.
Removed: No longer able to bounce to new targets indefinitely. New Effect: Basic attacks bounce to other nearby enemies, up to 8 total bounces. Bounces can target each enemy up to one additional time per attack. Bounces prioritize the nearest new target, then the nearest target if no new targets are available.
However, Sivir should still be cautious as she is still a marksman champion and could be eliminated easily by assassin champions. Sivir should position herself carefully, especially in team fights, kiting the enemies without taking huge damage. Synergies For our Sivir Wild Rift Guide, we highly recommend using her with the following champions as they synergize well with her. It is also worth noting that his ultimate is great at teamfights, or whenever Sivir engages because Braum can easily leap to Sivir whenever she casts her On the Hunt. Sona is also one of the great supports for Sivir, as she can speed Sivir up even more with her Song of Celerity whenever she is beside her. Sona can also engage the enemy for Sivir with her Crescendo, while Sivir can follow up with On the Hunt, leaving enemies have no room for escape. However, Draven can also scale with Sivir, making her late-game even more painful. Also, Lucian can bully Sivir without any major repercussions with his Dash, which basically leaves Sivir in a poor early game. Sivir is an A-tier champion in Wild Rift. Sivir is valued for her high-pushing capabilities, especially in Dragon Lane.
However, Bone Plating will help Sivir take reduced damage from the first three instances of damage, which can save her life. The best 2nd spell is Ghost. With Ghost, Sivir can get a massive burst of movement speed to help her escape from enemies or chase them down to get into auto-attack range. Early Game Sivir can struggle in the early game. Remember to use Boomerang Blade and Ricochet to clear minion waves so you can stay back and play passively. Late Game Once Sivir reaches the late game and gets a few levels and items, this is where her scaling comes into effect, and she can be strong in teamfights thanks to her ultimate On The Hunt. As an AD Carry, staying grouped with your team is always the best.
Смертность Сивир строит полный гид 13 сезона (Мастер)
Sivir Wild Rift Build (Patch 5.0) | Marksman Build | Build Guide Items Builds for SIVIR: Spells, Runes, Abilities, Skills Leveling, Counter pick and much more. |
LoL Wild Rift Sivir Build & Guide (Patch 5.0) - Runes, Counters, Items, Ability Analysis | We’ll be looking at Sivir’s entire skin line-up and ranking all of her skins based on their price, features, as well as their overall appeal. |
League of Legends: гайд по Сивир со всеми подробностями | League of Legends Sivir Build for Patch 14.8, Best Runes, Item Builds, Skill Order for Sivir. |
Sivir Build: Items, Runes, and Strategy | У Сивир всего 500 радиус атаки у нее слабая мобильность и она по прежнему остается очень сквишовым стрелком. |
Top 7 Best Supports for Sivir in Season 12
Sivir's next few basic attacks gain additional attack speed and bounce to nearby targets, dealing reduced damage while bouncing. Original PAX Sivir Original PAX Sivir owners will automatically receive Neo PAX Sivir and a special loading border for their original skin. The best Sivir players have a 55.57% win rate with an average rank of Diamond II on the Sivir Leaderboard. Hey, I’m Zathong and this article is all about the Sivir wild rift build. All Sivir Skins. Browse News Tournaments Matches.
First detailed preview of Sivir rework revealed, will hit PBE this week
Best Sivir build in League of Legends | Find the latest Sivir build, strategies, tips and tricks for Wild Rift in 2024 and climb up in the ranks. |
Sorry, your request has been denied. | Sivir Runes Sivir ADC Build. |
Сиджвин в Геншин Импакт – когда выйдет, баннер, билд, сливы, способности, дата выхода | Bottom Sivir build with the highest win rate. Runes, items, and skill build recommendations and guides for Emerald + in Patch 14.08. |
Гайд по Sivir (League of Legends) - описание скилов и тактики игры в Лига легенд (LoL) героем Сивир | У Сивир всего 500 радиус атаки у нее слабая мобильность и она по прежнему остается очень сквишовым стрелком. |
Sivir Gets A Rework | With items, skill order, summoner spells, this LoL Tank Sivir ARAM guide offers complete Tank Sivir ARAM Build for Patch 14.7 in League of Legends. |
Sivir Wild Rift Build & Guide
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Sivir Pro Builds - How to Play Sivir in Season 14
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Known for her fearless resolve and endless ambition, she prides herself on recovering buried treasures from the perilous tombs of Shurima—for a generous bounty. With ancient forces stirring the very bones of Shurima, Sivir Runes finds herself torn between conflicting destinies. No results found Champions.
Она всегда уничтожала сквишовые команды начиная с мидгейма. Проблемы могли возникнуть только с танками. Этот реворк просто уничтожение принципа игры персонажа и его исключительности. Сивир станет обычным типовым стрелком, без каких либо особенностей. Ответить Мария Н.
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Sivir Wild Rift Counter: Champions & Tips
Sivir Patch 14.8 builds including Runes, Items, Skill Order, and Summoner Spells. Watch the video НОВЫЙ АДК СИВИР | League of Legends: Wild Rift online with your friends. Views 7 thousand. Added user Kazur. Duration 04 minute 26 second. Video uploaded by 15 August 2023 in. Билд CheapBunny приносит дождь залпами своих Артиллерийских баллист, используя преимущества нового уникального шлема Возмездие Вильмы! Riot Games выпустила крупное обновление 4.4B для мобильной MOBA League of Legends: Wild Rift, вместе с которым была добавлена новая героиня по имени Сивир.
НОВЫЙ АДК СИВИР | League of Legends: Wild Rift
Sivir Runes Sivir ADC Build. ЧАСТЫЕ КРИТЫ НА ПОЛНОМ ЗДОРОВЬЕ FALLOUT 76. Сивир очень зависима от предметов и своего саппорта, ведь у нее нет каких-либо умений контроля.