Бак вернулся в дом Эдди и отчаянно хотел узнать результат, он просто хотел, чтобы с Эдди все было в порядке и все вернулось на круги своя, когда он приехал, он быстро подбежал к Эдди, который сидел на его кровати.
What does this mean for Buddie?
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Buck and Eddie shared a kiss in the season five finale of 911. Is 911 based on a true story? In conclusion, the relationship between Buck and Eddie in 911 has been a topic of discussion among fans for a long time. The kiss they shared in the season five finale has left fans wondering about the future of their relationship. While it is still unclear what the future holds for these two characters, fans can expect to see more of their relationship in the upcoming season. We hope you have enjoyed our work, if you liked it Please help us reach more people like You.
And romance? Well, Eddie was initially introduced as a single dad to his wonderful son, Christopher, though that changed slightly when his still-married-ex Shannon came back into the picture.
A post shared by 9-1-1 on FOX 911onfox In contrast, Buck has had a very different on-screen history with relationships, both romantic and sexual in nature. After playing the field regularly for some time and nearly losing his job as a firefighter thanks to some poor choices on that front , his outlook on relationships changed entirely after meeting Abby. Despite their rocky ending, he managed to hold on to his new beginnings as Buck 2. As for other life events, Buck has taken quite a journey since season 1. Out of all of the characters on 9-1-1, Buck has arguably gone through the most growth by far from his first appearance to now.
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И всё ещё иногда мельком любуюсь. Нас всегда палили, и всегда я получал пиздюлей. Я пожимаю плечами, мол, ну да. Я пизжу как дышу. Зато как весело было. Каспбрак тяжело вздыхает, и мне стоит огромных усилий неуместно не щёлкнуть его по носу.
Иногда он незаконно милый. Понимаю, почему девчонки тают, глядя на него. А он, дурак, и не понимает всей силы своего обаяния, думают, что с ним из вежливости лыбы тянут. Завтра всё-таки первый день универа. Я шутливо прикладываю ладонь к груди, мол, клянусь, бля, но в его глазах уже вижу, что всё он понимает. Мы всегда так говорим, и всегда всё заканчивается одним и тем же - я вдрызг пьяный засыпаю на его половине кровати, чуть не сталкивая его на пол, а Эдди наутро жалуется и проклинает меня за то, что у меня нет меры. Но по-прежнему дружит со мной, по какой-то магической причине. А я всё ещё держусь за него. Крепко так, что хуй он сдыхается меня.
А ведь он пытался. Поначалу так особенно часто отматывал назад. Пиздец расклад, да? У меня с собой даже денег на еду не было. Только на автобус до вокзала. Эдди пьяный. Довольно предсказуемо. Кто там кричал больше всех, что ему завтра рано в универ? Сейчас он закидывает в себя хрен знает какую рюмку коньяка и с горящими, раскрасневшимися щеками снова и снова рассказывает мне о своей мамке.
Подобные вечера у нас как сеансы у психоаналитика. Только с алкоголем что делает времяпровождение ещё круче , и в конце счёт на кругленькую сумму не потребуют. Он говорит мне о своём пиздеце, а я вываливаю ему своих скелетов из шкафов. Постепенно, понемногу, их становится всё меньше и меньше, и Эдди узнаёт меня всё лучше.
Эддикаспбрак Истории
Buck later breaks down in front of Christopher, who comforts him over his own father. Once Eddie awakens, Eddie tells Buck that if anything were to ever happen to him, he would want Buck to have custody of his son. Thank You!
Для меня это слишком. Вам, спасибо за прекрасную озвучку. Jan 29 16:06 Елена Елена Спасибо Ри за такое произведение,за озвучку! Глубокае по эмоциям и мыслям история,рассказанная Береникой! Поразило ,как вы Ри озвучивали и,осознавали и одновременно анализировали и выдавали в конце свои мысли!
Who plays Buck in 911? Who plays Eddie in 911? When did Buck and Eddie kiss in 911? Buck and Eddie shared a kiss in the season five finale of 911. Is 911 based on a true story? In conclusion, the relationship between Buck and Eddie in 911 has been a topic of discussion among fans for a long time.
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Who Does Buck End up With in 911?
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911 Buck and Eddie Kiss, Who Does Buck End up With in 911?
Купить автозапчасти для иномарок в интернет – магазине Emex можно с помощью каталога запчастей или воспользовавшись поиском. Оригинальные запчасти и замены в наличии и под заказ: японские, американские и европейские. Доставка. Эдди понял это тогда, когда сам начал испытывать теплые чувства по отношению к Баку, когда стал просить ег. 370dbcfde1ea1f282d9ed3f6bc282948cad2d99ff92767c5bcb4cba67ea06ccd. Новости. Трансляции. Главная. Vampirka Di.
Бак и Эдди
5923ea6665bcf109913ff9a6 – все находящиеся в продаже товары и предлагаемые услуги. Buck and Eddie’s companionship has intrigued the ardent admirers of the show ever since the second season, making them wonder whether they have kissed while yearning to see them end up together. Сервер предоставляет авторам возможность свободной публикации и обсуждения произведений современной прозы. Так привыкла вашему голосу, теперь не хочется читать фф. Эдди понял это тогда, когда сам начал испытывать теплые чувства по отношению к Баку, когда стал просить ег. Намек на то, что Бак и Эдди в дальнейшем могут оказаться вместе, можно также усмотреть в рождественском эпизоде из прошлого сезона, когда дружелюбный эльф по ошибке принял Бака и Эдди за супружескую пару, сказав им.
911 - Финал 4 сезона || Снова квирбейтинг?! || Бак, Эдди, Кристофер || Buddie и другие пейринги
Бак и Эбби работали, потому что зрители полюбили Эбби до того, как она встретилась с Баком, и в первом сезоне большое внимание было уделено их отношениям, что позволило фанатам вложиться. Но с тех пор никому не давали времени ни им, ни их роману с Баком, чтобы выделиться. Наталья работала бы лучше как персонаж, если бы она развивалась вне своей профессии Доулы Смерти, но маловероятно, что она получит такое количество экранного времени в качестве повторяющегося персонажа. Поэтому, если у Бака будет удовлетворительная романтическая арка, она должна быть в другом регулярном сериале. Это еще больше сбивает с толку тот факт, что сериал не смог сделать то же самое для Бака.
Конечно, самым простым решением проблемы взаимоотношений Бака было бы, наконец, дать ему роман с Эдди Диасом, которого фанаты добивались с тех пор, как Эдди был представлен во втором сезоне.
Вот полная цитата и видео для вашей справки: «Я восприимчива к этой идее. Кажется, в этом есть что-то интригующее, и между нами определенно есть связь. Если дело пойдет в этом направлении, я считаю, что из этого может получиться интересное повествование. Однако, мы должны действовать с осторожностью. Я не хочу создавать сюжетную линию, в которой персонаж выходит из туалета только для того, чтобы его друзья-мужчины просветили ситуацию».
Когда люди спрашивают о потенциальном развитии шоу, мне часто приходится обдумывать свой ответ, поскольку я не могу контролировать его направление. Однако, когда меня спрашивают, желаю ли я такого развития событий, я оказываюсь в равной степени неуверенным, но открытым для такой возможности, если она соответствует видению шоураннера Тима Майнера относительно продолжения сюжетной линии.
Shipping is a common practice for fans seen across many forms of media, including but not limited to films, television, books, and video games. So why now? Buck and Eddie have multiple seasons of major life events, intense story arcs, and relationship woes under their belts. He was left fighting for his life again in season 4 when a sniper shot him on a call.
Eddie also went through a difficult period in the past with anger issues that placed him in dangerous situations, which he was eventually able to address in therapy. And romance? Well, Eddie was initially introduced as a single dad to his wonderful son, Christopher, though that changed slightly when his still-married-ex Shannon came back into the picture.
Прежде чем начинать читать фанфик, советуем внимательно ознакомиться с его кратким содержанием. Обычно в нем указаны основные действующие персонажи, характер их взаимоотношений, а также детали, которые могут отпугнуть потенциального читателя — насилие, смерть главного персонажа, наличие сцен сексуального характера.
Кроме того, полезно обратить внимание на популярность автора на ресурсе, иначе есть риск наткнуться на книгу человека, который только вступил на непростой путь писателя.
Фанфики с участием: "Баки Барнс/ОЖП"
Смотреть стрим Eddy FF (eddy-ff) - онлайн трансляция Youtube, видео и клипы - CQ | История. Eddie and Frank (Addie and Frank). |
Фф джейк - фото сборник | Plus, what to expect from Buck and Eddie's conversation in Episode 5. |
'9-1-1' Promo: Eddie Interrupts Buck's Date With Tommy (PHOTOS) | Новости. Трансляции. Главная. Vampirka Di. |
Бак и Эдди
Well, Eddie was initially introduced as a single dad to his wonderful son, Christopher, though that changed slightly when his still-married-ex Shannon came back into the picture. A post shared by 9-1-1 on FOX 911onfox In contrast, Buck has had a very different on-screen history with relationships, both romantic and sexual in nature. After playing the field regularly for some time and nearly losing his job as a firefighter thanks to some poor choices on that front , his outlook on relationships changed entirely after meeting Abby. Despite their rocky ending, he managed to hold on to his new beginnings as Buck 2. As for other life events, Buck has taken quite a journey since season 1. Out of all of the characters on 9-1-1, Buck has arguably gone through the most growth by far from his first appearance to now. What does this mean for Buddie?
Is 911 based on a true story? In conclusion, the relationship between Buck and Eddie in 911 has been a topic of discussion among fans for a long time. The kiss they shared in the season five finale has left fans wondering about the future of their relationship. While it is still unclear what the future holds for these two characters, fans can expect to see more of their relationship in the upcoming season.
We hope you have enjoyed our work, if you liked it Please help us reach more people like You. Share this article with your Friends using below buttons.
Buck brings the celebration to the 118, giving them the holiday they had hoped for. When his cord gets cut 50 feet down, Buck starts to furiously dig with his bare hands into the mud — during a torrential downpour — in order to save him. Buck later breaks down in front of Christopher, who comforts him over his own father. Once Eddie awakens, Eddie tells Buck that if anything were to ever happen to him, he would want Buck to have custody of his son.
В этот момент начинается самое интересное. But I loved you before that. I am using this book to write about how I feel and basically tell you about my life journey of love, whether it being a crush or me finally loving myself. I hope we can enjoy this journey together and thank you for all the support. She was saved from being attacked by a demon but her Savior the Hashira soon become her tormentors. Continue reading to find out. She often meets famous people before their concert, because her job was putting mics on them for their performances, but one band changed her life. One Direction.
Баки и Эдди (Бадди)
We deliver meaningful results based on professionalism, hard work, technical skill and clear communication. We deliver what you need and expect from us as a critical addition to your team. Of course, we can help you select a development approach, platforms, languages, tools and techniques for your project. We are happy to brief you on industry best practices - but we also respect your need to solve critical business problems and recognize what trade-offs need to be made, by whom, and by when. Not hacks, but engineering tradeoffs based on experience, intuition, facts and circumstances. In our world as in yours, results matter.
Marjan then pulls up and tells Eddie to hurry up.
Eddie is confused and he and Hen head out to their assignments. Trapped between his parents and his sister. Also planning his awkward apology. Buck says no, and Eddie says that even though he could have come at it differently, but he had every right to say how he felt. Buck says that being in danger was the only way to get his parents attention, but now he knows why, they never wanted another kid. They just had him for defective parts.
Bobby drives Buck back to the station where Eddie is waiting for him. He leaves the two alone, and Eddie calls Buck a show off. Buck says that he had to do it, and Eddie knows that he did. Eddie says that Buck has some visitors, and watches him as he heads upstairs. Buck asks what that was, and an annoyed Eddie says "check" instead. Eddie continues to do this, when Hen and Chimney join them, wondering who thought it was a good idea to give Buck a clipboard.
Eddie says that Buck is allowed to take time to process everything, which Buck knows. Eddie asks Buck if he ever replays conversations in his head and worry he sounded like an idiot. The air is filled with helium and the two start laughing when Bobby talks in a high pitched voice. Buck says that she could have known, and that his apartment is now no longer his safe space. They then hear a rustle and Eddie realizes that the Turkey is behind them. The two then get some food and the net and are able to catch him.
Eddie said he had to take a detour due to construction and asks if Christopher is in bed. Buck confirms and Eddie says that Buck is a miracle worker. Buck jokes about how he thought he was single for too long and then heads out. Eddie is a panic, unable to find Christopher when his phone goes off. Two brains are better than one. Eddie suggests that they work on it together, but Buck already made a deal with Taylor.
Eddie looks a little annoyed, so Buck asks how he feels about splitting it three ways. At Buck apartment later, Taylor tells Buck that he needs to split his half with Eddie. Eddie asks if she really needs the money that bad, and Taylor said that she already agreed to split hers with her cameraman. Taylor says that they need to narrow things down, and Buck says that he and Eddie might know a guy. Ravi then tells them about all the ones they had the day before. He asks if they remember Sheila from the other day, and Buck asks if she was the woman with the sick kid.
All the signs point to her poisoning him, and Buck asks with what. Eddie remembers seeing eye drops in the kitchen, and Buck asks why she would do that. He then gets a call from Charlie. Buck says that Charlie is just luck he met Eddie, when Captain Mehta offers to let Eddie ride with Charlie to the hospital. Eddie starts to answer when suddenly, Eddie is shot. Just as a shot is about to hit Buck, Captain Mehta pushes Buck, who is still in shock, to the ground behind the firetruck.
From under, Buck looks to Eddie, who reaches out to him as he slowly closes his eyes. He gabs him by the arm and pulls Eddie under the truck till they have protection. He then lifts him into the truck, and everyone scrambles inside to get away. He tells Eddie to stay with him, when Eddie deliriously notices the blood on Buck. All Eddie has to do is hang on. They arrive at the Hospital and Buck hops out telling the nurses where Eddie is.
He then helps Eddie down onto the Gurney and watches as the Nurses take him inside. Mehta asks if Buck is alright, and Buck stays silent till he walks away. Taylor meets Buck at the hospital and notices the blood on him. Buck says it happened right in front of him, but is unable to say more, just that he needs to tell Christopher. Buck then goes to see Christopher, who asks where Eddie is. Christopher asks if it was in a fire, and Buck tells him that someone hurt him.
Buck then gets a text from Bobby who tells him that Eddie got out of surgery and things went well. Buck says that Eddie is going to be alright and starts sobbing, Christopher comforting him as he does. But today he could to protect everyone else. Buck then rushes down to the hospital, where Eddie is. He tells Buck hey, and Buck lets out a sigh of relief. Buck kinda lost it when telling him that Eddie got shot, and apologizes for not holding it together.
Buck walks back into the hospital room and tells Eddie that the nurse is getting his discharge papers. Eddie says that since they have minute, and Buck asks if everything is alright. Buck sits beside him and Eddie says that he did almost die, again.
Всего один миг и все переместилась вновь к дверям Академии. Э: - " Что? Мы снова сдесь? На этот раз всё казалось бы довольно-таки на своих местах, но этот факт всё ещё опровергал то, что они в этот самый момент находились в полной безопасности, поэтому все пока что оставались на чеку. Как только члены семьи пересекли холл и вошли на кухню, покрытую совсем новым пакетом, то из-за угла кладовки показалась мама.
Their mutual inability to find long-lasting romance has also contributed to speculation that they are destined for more than just friendship. That will come back around later. When Buck notices Eddie is still acting off, he discovers his friend has been street-fighting in order to cope with his PTSD instead of attending therapy. By the end of the episode, he admits that hanging out with Buck and his son does more for him than any professional help ever could.
9-1-1’s Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley and Eddie Diaz’s Friendship Timeline: From Strangers to Family
What happened between Buck and Abby on Fox's '9-1-1'? In the Season 3 finale, the characters and fans finally got the closure needed to move forward. Бак, Эдди и Краш наводят суету в новом трейлере «Ледникового периода» | КГ-Портал. Просмотрите доску «Бак и Эдди» пользователя Мария Тарасюк в Pinterest.