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Мокап городских афиш
A bar code place is also created on the button of the ticket for electronic verification if there is a high-class security measure. The counterpart is also there with a perforated easy separable option. Get here 1. Yellow Color Free Ticket mockup If you are an event organizer and there is an entry fee for the user, then a ticket is necessary. This template could easily be a preferred choice. Get Here 2.
It uses smart objects and it is very easy to edit and add your own design. It has a really clean and simple composition that will make your design shine. The commercial license includes more angle and perspective choices.
Newspaper Mockup Free This is a beautiful high definition newspaper mockup. It also presents the inner pages and details. Craft paper texture included! This is a nice freebie of a newspaper mockup that comes in a fully editable PSD file. It is perfect for vertical designs and it is easy to add your own project. Take a look and see if it works for you! Complete Mockup This is a clean and easy to edit magazine mockup of different views of a magazine. This also includes smart layers.
You get lots of angles and viewing positions including front cover, back cover and also the interior of the magazine! It has a nice glossy look and a classy magazine feel. Bifold Brochure Mockup This is a lovely, print-ready mockup of an open brochure. The PSD includes smart objects and the dimensions are 3000 x 2000 at 300 dpi. It has a very clean, minimalistic look with a wonderful background that would make any black and white design, photograph or typography pop!
Yellow Color Free Ticket mockup If you are an event organizer and there is an entry fee for the user, then a ticket is necessary. This template could easily be a preferred choice. Get Here 2. It brings good positive vibes among the music lovers to enjoy an excellent different quality music genre with friends and family. The music festival arranges various music style performances, so the music event ticket should not specify any particular music type and carry an overall music vibe. We have added a classic design template that is sophisticated and perfectly represents the main music event theme.
Get here 1. Yellow Color Free Ticket mockup If you are an event organizer and there is an entry fee for the user, then a ticket is necessary. This template could easily be a preferred choice. Get Here 2. It brings good positive vibes among the music lovers to enjoy an excellent different quality music genre with friends and family. The music festival arranges various music style performances, so the music event ticket should not specify any particular music type and carry an overall music vibe.
Fair mockup: изображения без лицензионных платежей
Интерфейс генератора мокапов Artboard на первый взгляд напоминает Adobe Photoshop. На макете видна сетка с водяными знаками, потому что он создан в режиме бесплатного теста PlaceIt В онлайн-генераторе PlaceIt вы сможете легко и быстро брендировать мокапы и создавать маркетинговые материалы. Как пользоваться: после регистрации выбирайте подходящий мокап из обширной библиотеки и изменяйте его здесь же, на сайте. Базовый функционал позволит загрузить своё изображение, обрезать его, поменять цвета объекта и фона, добавить на макет картинки, иконки и логотипы. Где найти мокапы: в разделе Mockups и в коллекции Free Templates. Бесплатно: работа с мокапами из коллекции Free Templates. Работу на основе шаблона из этого раздела вы сможете скачать без оплаты, на ней не будет водяных знаков. Платно: если вы создадите дизайн на основе мокапа из платной категории, то для скачивания его нужно будет купить или перейти на платную подписку.
Делать скриншот бессмысленно: пока вы не оплатите изображение, оно будет защищено водяными знаками. Особенности сервиса: с платной подпиской вы сможете делать качественные каталожные изображения — вместо съёмок в фотостудии.
Newspapers are one of the oldest means of advertising. Even in this era of internet the demand for newspaper has not gone down. Newspaper mockups template designs are best suitable for testing your design look on newspaper before sending to print.
In that section, you can add your event date and duration. The price of the entry fee, venue location, and timing details are printed. There is a special discount part section, and you can use that if you are offering any discount for online booking. Ignore or get rid of the discount section by deleting the layer in the PSD file.
If you would like to replace that section with anything else, create a separate layer and drag and drop into that area.
Multiple editable PSD vector layers can make the whole thing way more exciting! Free Photorealistic Newspaper Ad Mockup Download Use the photorealistic newspaper ad mockup to show your promotional designs or layouts in a brilliant way. In this PSD mockup, there is the stack of newspapers with one newspaper open beneath them and you can place your design in the article columns. Feel free to download this impressive mockup for your future projects that too for free!
Free Flyer & Poster Mockups (2022 Update)
Including multiple different psd mockups like party flyer, clean poster and empty frame mockups. Бесплатный инструмент для создания мокапов с использованием ваших изображений. Here are some of the best newspaper mockup templates available for instant download. Где найти мокапы: в разделе «Все мокапы». Формат мокапов: исходные изображения только на сайте, их нельзя скачать. Free Mockup PSD.
36+Best Free Daily & Event Ticket Mockup Templates in PSD, AI & Vector Format
The PSD includes smart objects and the dimensions are 3000 x 2000 at 300 dpi. It has a very clean, minimalistic look with a wonderful background that would make any black and white design, photograph or typography pop! It is very easy to add your own design and it offers a photorealistic layout. It includes separate soft shadows and changeable, clean background options. You just need to insert your own newspaper design! All the files use smart objects that are fully editable and very easy to customize.
You can check your own advert design in different angles and dimensions with this useful mock-up. Just download it and see what option fits you best! They are easy to customize and to add your own design. Inserting your own work is really fast by using smart objects and both dark and light designs will look good on this. The look is very realistic and professional.
It includes automatic background perspective and blurring second plan. Download all of them and use them in your projects. This mock-up is hi-res with 5000 x 3500 files and two smart objects — one for the left page and one for the right page. We hope this helps you! It was created using smart layers and it comes with clear instructions.
А тут вывески. В архиве более 15-и мокапов, на которых изображены вывески на двери, афиши, объявления на столбе, заборе, кирпичной стене. По традиции я размещу каждый мокап по отдельности, а внизу будет ссылка на архив со всеми мокапами из этой сборки.
Newspaper Magazine MockUp This is a great newspaper magazine mockup with 4 different front pages and also a spread. It comes with 5 high-resolution PSD smart layers with many different backgrounds. You just need to open it, insert your designs and save! Newspaper Mockup This is a nice set of 6 high-quality newspaper mockups. It comes with clear instructions and each file is easily customizable to fit your own design. All of them have a very realistic look and they come in high resolution multi-layered PSD files with changeable backgrounds and design.
Newspaper mockups Free Psd This is a great selection of free newspaper mockups. These come in a PSD file and are very easy to customize and to add your own design because they come with smart objects. They have a very clean and simple look and will make your design stand out. Take a look and see if they fit your needs! Free Newspaper MockUp This is an excellent newspaper mockup that will make your design look amazing. You can either use it for presentations or for showcasing your work in a very professional and clean way. It comes with 3 changeable backgrounds for maximum effect. Download it for your collections. Newspaper Ad Mockup Sample Here is a neat newspaper mockup created by the talented designer Piotr Szmilyk that you can use to showcase your designs.
It is very easy to customize and add your own project and it will look beautiful.
Download these great freebies and premium designs and add them to your collection. They have amazing designs and are guaranteed to make your project look more professional and stand out. It uses smart objects and it is easily customizable.
Try it and see how well it suits your needs! It uses smart objects and it is very easy to edit and add your own design. It has a really clean and simple composition that will make your design shine. The commercial license includes more angle and perspective choices.
Newspaper Mockup Free This is a beautiful high definition newspaper mockup. It also presents the inner pages and details. Craft paper texture included! This is a nice freebie of a newspaper mockup that comes in a fully editable PSD file.
It is perfect for vertical designs and it is easy to add your own project. Take a look and see if it works for you! Complete Mockup This is a clean and easy to edit magazine mockup of different views of a magazine. This also includes smart layers.
You get lots of angles and viewing positions including front cover, back cover and also the interior of the magazine!
15 Free Newspaper Mockup Templates
Browse through the 4,538 newspaper mockup templates. Ищите среди тысяч не требующих уплаты роялти Festival Mockup готовых изображений и видео для своего следующего проекта. Soap Mockup | 25+ Best Free Soap Packaging Box PSD Templates 2018 Collection. Бесплатный инструмент для создания мокапов с использованием ваших изображений. Отличный сайты, где можно скачать мокапы без регистрации и использовать на своё усмотрение. Где найти мокапы: в разделе «Все мокапы». Формат мокапов: исходные изображения только на сайте, их нельзя скачать.
«МОКАП ДЕНЬ»: фестиваль компьютерной графики в Школе дизайна НИУ ВШЭ
36+Best Free Daily & Event Ticket Mockup Templates in PSD, AI & Vector Format | Главная» Новости» Афиша мокап. |
Free Premium Mockups - Instant Download - | Отличный сайты, где можно скачать мокапы без регистрации и использовать на своё усмотрение. |
Free Flyer & Poster Mockups | Free Psd Mockup Templates - Mockup Hunt | Мокап афиши на стене. афиша мокап mockup бесплатно скачать постер afisha poster. |
«МОКАП ДЕНЬ»: фестиваль компьютерной графики в Школе дизайна НИУ ВШЭ | Смотрите 70 онлайн по теме мокап фестиваль. Смотрели сегодня Мокап фильм, Сцена Мехико, Фестиваль мокап, Festival Mockup, Мокап фильм, Афиша мокап, Mockup афиша, Poster film. |
10 сайтов, где можно бесплатно скачать мокапы
Including multiple different psd mockups like party flyer, clean poster and empty frame mockups. В архиве более 15-и мокапов, на которых изображены вывески на двери, афиши, объявления на столбе, заборе, кирпичной стене. В архиве более 15-и мокапов, на которых изображены вывески на двери, афиши, объявления на столбе, заборе, кирпичной стене. Browse through the 4,538 newspaper mockup templates. Отличный сайты, где можно скачать мокапы без регистрации и использовать на своё усмотрение.
Сборка PSD мокапов баннеров, объявлений, афиш
Смотрите 70 онлайн по теме мокап фестиваль. Смотрели сегодня Мокап фильм, Сцена Мехико, Фестиваль мокап, Festival Mockup, Мокап фильм, Афиша мокап, Mockup афиша, Poster film. Мокап афиши на стене. афиша мокап mockup бесплатно скачать постер afisha poster. На этой странице вы можете бесплатно скачать Мокап афиша в формате psd. Готовый мокап афиши и баннеров можно отредактировать в режиме онлайн. Browse 11,222 incredible Event Mockup vectors, icons, clipart graphics, and backgrounds for royalty-free download from the creative contributors at Vecteezy! На этой странице вы можете бесплатно скачать Мокап афиша в формате psd.