Новости фанфики ллойд и харуми

Princess Harumi and Master Lloyd #NinjagoSonsOfGarmadon Lego Ninjago Lloyd, Innocent Bystander, Lego Art, Kids Shows, Miraculous, Favorite Character, Sons, Fan Art.

Lloyd and Harumi

Read to find out! Lloyd thought he was over her. He thought he had finally moved on. He thought wrong. His feelings for her are still in tact after all this time. Or is she?

They finally reunite and things are going great. Until SHE arrives. A rivalry between two women. Though Lloyd and Harumi still love eachother, that wont stop Akita the Formling from trying to tear them apart and had Lloyd all to herself. Meanwhile the Sons Of Garmadon have returned and have hatched a new plot to bring Ninjago to its knees.

Harumi, who just faced a near death experience at the hands of the man she brought back, was forced to see the reality behind her actions. Desprate to get out of there, she seeks help from the ninja. But at what cost? Lloyd, who just found a slight bit of hope that his friends are alive, was now the leader of a resistance they had formed with the other elemental masters.

Блондин дернулся и нахмурился, но не убирал руку Харуми. Рука Харуми дернулась к себе, притягивая ниндзя к себе, крепко держа. Парень конечно же пытался отолкнуться, но мёртвая хватка злодейки не позволяла. Вторая рука Руйлинг потянулась к паху Ллойда, чуть сжав и поглаживая.

Наконец-то, ниндзя смог все-таки отолкнуться. Все лицо было пунцовым, вплоть до кончиков ушей.

Друзей она просит называть её Руми. Gacha Nox. Ninjago react. Я Настя Совина, автор блога Вайлет. Мой сайт про вязание и рукоделие для начинающих. Здесь вы найдете простые и понятные советы по вышивке, поделкам и ремонту одежды в домашних условиях.

Ниндзяго Ллойд и Зейн. Ллойд Ниндзяго. Ллойд Ниндзяго арт. Ллойд Гармадон и Харуми. Ллойд и ния. Ниндзяго Ллойд и ния. Ниндзяго ния и Ллойд любовь. Морро и ния. Ллойд Гармадон и Джей. Ллойд Гармадон арт Морро. Лего Ниндзяго Ллойд Гармадон. Гармадон, Мисако и Ллойд. Ллойд и Мисако. Ниндзяго Ллойд и Мисако. Ллойд Гармадон. Ллойд Гармадон Ниндзяго арт. Ллойд Гармадон человек. Ниндзяго Ллойд хуманизация. Kai x Lloyd. Ниндзяго арты. Ниндзяго Ллойд Гармадон и Ллойд. Ниндзяго Ллойд и Мисако и Гармадон.

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Фанфики по DanMachi/Может, я встречу тебя в подземелье? Сигма, - Ниндзяго - Ніндзяго - Ninjago - Ллойд - Lloyd - Харуми - Harumi. Harumi in the bottom left smiling. На этой странице представлена подборка книг «Фанфики ВРИ», в нее входит 65 книг. Harumi Chihiro – Read Raw manga, Isekai manga raw, Manhwa raw.

Lloydxharumi Stories

Harumi in the bottom left smiling. Описание манги Обожаю тебя: Пейринг: Кролик/Джек Шершавая поверхность в руках пестрит и переливается различными цветами. Рисонок сделанный с душой откликается в сердце, наполняя его трепетом. Украшенное пасхальное яйцо теперь драгоценность. Важнейший подарок на. Автор пина:marcelo baldivieso. Находите и прикалывайте свои пины в Pinterest! Акита Ллойд и Харуми/Дабл БеременностьНиндзяго Подробнее. ллойд и харуми фанфики. Lloyd had a crush on Harumi when he first saw her at the Emperor and Empress’s castle patrolling the palace.

Ллойд и ожп фанфики

За ним шел паренек в шляпе. Он как-то неудачно споткнулся и задел впереди идущего, так что с того слетели очки. Два синеволосых и красноволосый парни схватили блондина за руки, а коротыш попытался напялить на него очки, но Сацуки раскидал их в разные стороны. Я подняла очки и пола и подойдя к парню нацепила их ему на нос. Не теряй, пожалуйста, - улыбнулась я. Не понимаю.

Тут мелькнула знакомая фигурка. Котенок отказалась знакомится, - и рыжий обиженно посмотрел на меня. Она будет вашим новым композитором, - сообщила подруга, а я рассматривала мыски своих туфель.

She confronts Lloyd at the edge of the temple trying and failing to convince him to join her.

Harumi became nervous and a little panicked, telling him not to jump and say that he would die if he did, gradually stepping closer and closer to him. Then grabs her hand and jumps off the temple, dragging her with him. She screams and Lloyd pulls her to him and holds her close, Harumi then buries her head in his shoulder. Then they land in a river below.

Harumi is temporarily rendered unconscious. Lloyd swims after her and paddles the two of them to a low hanging palm tree. Lloyd and Harumi trudge through the jungle of Prime Evils Eye. With Harumi being treated as a captive.

Harumi tries flirting with Lloyd which proves ineffective in the end, although it did seem to bother Lloyd emotionally. She manages to get her sword from Lloyd and runs off. Lloyd runs after her and they both fall into quick sand. Lloyd convinces Harumi to give him her sword so he can cut some vines and free himself so that he can in-turn free her.

Lloyd gets free and throws a vine and pulls her free. However the force of pull in her out causes her to crash into Lloyd landing on on top of him, they fight and Harumi loses and Lloyd ties her hands. Later, Harumi manages to get free and get her sword pursuing Lloyd who jumps onto the Destinies Bounty thanks to the timely arrival of Master Wu and Nya. While Garmadon was try to teach Lloyd how to transform into his Oni Form with him failing, Garmadon brings up Harumi, making Lloyd angry and made him conjure the elemental power of Destruction turning his hands purple.

She choses not to at that moment. However, when the Crystal King declares that he was the one that corrupted The Great Devourer and ultirealizing aused her parents deaths, realizing that Lloyd was never responsible for her parents demise, she rages at the Crystal King preeminently changing sides. She chops his hand off and declares "You took my parents. You took everything from me!

This however is short lived when Lloyd retracts his Oni form in shock and shame upon seeing his reflection. The Crystal King calls Lloyd a fool and proceeds to blasts him off the temple. Towards the end of the fight, Harumi called out to Lloyd and he told her to take cover, to which she obeyed. Lloyd then takes her aboard he Golden Ultra Dragon.

When returning to the rest of the ninja with Garmadon who faked his death , and Harumi, Lloyd explained to the ninja that Harumi was on their side now.

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On the verge of collapse, both she and Lloyd looked at each other with slight affection. The ninja said her name before the building got down and Harumi falling to her death. Lloyd wanted finish the game, so he got into the ring. His opponent was a resemblance to Harumi. Surprised, Lloyd fought the Harumi Avatar. The avatar tried to manipulate the green ninja, but when he asked a question to her about a past event, she answered wrong. Both ended up defeating each other, with Lloyd transforming into a cube. When approaching him, the masked figure questioned the barely conscious ninja if he figured out their identity. By singing a familiar lullaby , Lloyd fearfully realized who was behind the Kabuki mask.

During the episode of "A Sinister Shadow" Harumi tells Lloyd how she came back to life after the building collapsed during Hunted and her meeting the Crystal King and why she was collecting Vengestone. Harumi would later reveal to Lloyd of her plans to take the Golden Weapons from the Monastery. Harumi would try to walk away when Lloyd freed himself to prevent her from taking the weapons while calling her "Rumi" while Lloyd was distracted Mister F would upper-hand him with Harumi revealing that their would be peace within the dark by the Crystal King who seeks to destroy the balance. Lloyd woke up in a cage and tried to break out, but Harumi would tell him that the cage was made out of Vengestone, Lloyd would try to convince Harumi that she could change her mind while it seemly worked Lloyd fell for manipulation. Harumi tries to manipulate Lloyd him that he has side of him that he tries to keep hidden that he has a dark side like his father, being part Oni. When an alarm goes notfying that the ninjas were getting close Harumi revealed to Lloyd that she planned to prevent the ninja from getting to close. Lloyd would watch as Harumi uses the Crystal Spiders to "kill" the ninja. Lloyd however refuses and in that moment it prompted him to tap into is Oni side making his eyes turn purple and he breaks out of the cage. Lloyd goes with option number three, "Escape and live to fight another day!

The Crystal King noticed her hesitation and asked what was wrong. The Crystal King declared that moment had passed telling her to obey him and destroy Lloyd. Harumi then obeyed her master and ran after Lloyd. She managed to run in the lead before the rest of the council. When Lloyd came to a fork in hallway, Harumi was the only one who saw which path Lloyd took. Stopping at the fork Pythor asks Harumi which way Lloyd went. Harumi thought for a moment then pointed to the opposite hall lying to the Council and directing them away from Lloyd as she went after Lloyd alone. She confronts Lloyd at the edge of the temple trying and failing to convince him to join her.

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8:05 Ллойд читает фанфики. 6:33 Переписка Ниндзяго:Кая и Ллойда(Акита и Харуми на ринге). dom фанфиков» фанфики любовь» фанфики ллойд и харуми любовь (120) фото. 2. Ллойд и Харуми фанфики любовь. Манга и Манхва онлайн. Новости. Автор пина:marcelo baldivieso. Находите и прикалывайте свои пины в Pinterest! Ниндзяго Ллойд и Харуми любовь.

Ллойд и Харуми💚

Переводы фанфиков Авторские фанфики. Там Ллойд влюбляется в нефритовую принцессу Харуми которую император и императрица когда-то удочерили. Фанфики по DanMachi/Может, я встречу тебя в подземелье? Новости. Трансляции. Harumi knew that she loved Lloyd, even up until the building collapsed. Так же добавили новые фото про Ниндзяго Кай и Ллойд любовь, Ниндзяго шип Харуми и Ллойд, Ллойд и Кай 18 шип, надеемся они вам тоже понравятся.

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