Новости черты характера днд

Выбирайте черты характера для создания всесторонне развитых, интересных персонажей DnD Вы с нетерпением готовите нового персонажа D & D для кампании 5e, повышаете статистику и выбираете класс для них, но вы понятия не имеете, какими чертами характера их наделить. Character Traits. Traits are aspects of a character's personality, background, or physique that make him better at some activities and worse at others. In many ways, traits resemble feats: A character can have only a limited number of traits, and each trait provides some benefit. Unlike feats, however, traits.

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  • Отыгрыш характера в системах DnD (Ден Вайлхорн) / Проза.ру
  • Типажи персонажей
  • Черты характера DND (Полное руководство)
  • Personality, Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws - DnD -
  • UA:Character Traits - D&D Wiki

Отличительные черты, недостатки и прочие дополнения

Хаос подразумевает свободу, приспособляемость и гибкость. С другой стороны, хаотичное поведение может означать безрассудство, недовольство по отношению к законной власти, непредсказуемость действий и безответственность. Те, кто сознательно придерживаются хаотичного поведения, полагают, что только безграничная личная свобода позволяет людям полностью выразить себя и что всё общество получает преимущество от потенциала, который имеет каждый, кто является его частью. Те, кто нейтральны, с уважением относятся как к закону, так и к хаосу, не имеют конфликтов с властями и не чувствуют ни принуждения к подчинению, ни порыва к повстанческой деятельности. Они честны, но могут солгать или провести другого.

Отдельные создания во внешних землях, такие как многочисленные и сильные Modrons , всегда отличались принципиальным поведением, в то время как Slaadi представляют собой порождения хаоса. Гномы обычно законопослушны, тогда как эльфы большей частью хаотичны. Законопослушный добрый[ править править код ] Законопослушные добрые англ. Lawful Good, LG.

Персонажи с этим характером верят, что организованные сильные общества с хорошо работающим правительством могут работать, чтобы сделать жизнь лучше для большинства людей. Чтобы гарантировать качество жизни, надо создавать законы и подчиняться им. Когда люди уважают законы и стараются помогать друг другу, общество в целом процветает. По этой причине законопослушные добрые персонажи борются за вещи, которые принесут самые значительные выгоды большинству и меньше всего причинят вреда.

Честный и усердно трудящийся крестьянин, добрый и мудрый король или суровый, но справедливый судья — примеры законопослушных добрых людей. В качестве примера законопослушного доброго персонажа авторы приводят Бэтмена. Lawful Neutral, LN. Они верят в сильное и хорошо упорядоченное правительство, будь то тирания или великодушная демократия.

Выгоды организованности и систематизации перевешивают все вопросы морали, поднятые их деятельностью. Инквизитор , решивший любой ценой преследовать изменников, или солдат, никогда не обсуждающий отданных ему приказаний, — хорошие примеры законопослушного нейтрального поведения. В качестве примера редакторы приводят Джеймса Бонда. Lawful Evil, LE персонажи методично получают то, что они желают, действуя в рамках собственного морального кодекса или в рамках законов, не обращая внимания на страдания окружающих.

Целью может быть как личная выгода типичный пример — злой колдун, пытающийся захватить мир или его часть , так и благополучие общества в таком виде, в каком его понимает конкретный персонаж кардинал Ришельё. Законопослушный-злой персонаж ценит традиции, преданность и порядок, но не ценит свободу, достоинство и жизнь. Он соблюдает правила, но играет без милосердия и сострадания. Он склонен действовать в рамках иерархии; он предпочитал бы править, но зачастую готов служить.

Он не любит нарушать законы и обещания; отчасти это вызвано его природой, отчасти — тем, что законы могут защищать его от противников, придерживающихся иных убеждений. Некоторые упорядоченно-злые персонажи действительно преданы какой-то злой идее, злому божеству или злому повелителю, как паладины преданы идее добра. Такие существа с радостью способствуют распространению зла.

If you later gain immunity to fear, you lose the benefit of this trait. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might consistently urge talking rather than fighting, or they might do little to encourage that their companions avoid combat and simply remain as far away from foes as possible, using ranged weapons or spells. Detached You maintain a distance from events that keeps you grounded but limits your reaction speed.

Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait are likely to be quiet and restrained, but they might be vocal when others falter in their beliefs. Dishonest You are naturally deceitful and insincere with others. You have a talent for lying, but have difficulty convincing others when you do speak truthfully. Drawback You take a -2 penalty on Diplomacy checks. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might be portrayed as crafty liars, or lying might simply be second nature to them, making actually telling the truth a difficult chore. Distinctive You have some distinctive physical feature such as a scar, a prominent nose, a limp, or some similar characteristic that is hard to disguise or conceal.

Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Disguise checks. Special This trait is available only if your campaign includes the Reputation variant. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might be sensitive about it, or they might play up its presence to gather attention, sympathy, or notoriety. Easygoing You are naturally friendly. Others feel comfortable around you, but this trait also makes it more difficult for you to be pushy or suspicious. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Intimidate checks and Sense Motive checks.

Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might be more easily manipulated in interactions with NPCs, or they might simply prefer not to argue and instead use their natural talent to learn more about the world around them. Farsighted You have difficulty focusing on nearby objects, but your distance vision is more keen than normal. Drawback You have a -2 penalty on Search checks. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might be sensitive about it, or they might simply be oblivious to its presence, having never known any different way of experiencing the world. Focused You can keep your attention on a task despite many distractions; however, events in the background pass you by. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait often seem single-minded or even obsessive in their focus on a specific task.

Hard of Hearing You have a slight hearing impairment, and to compensate, you have become more in tune with your other senses. Drawback You take a -2 penalty on Listen checks. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Reflex saves. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might see their physical prowess as normal and look down on less hardy individuals, or they might see it as their duty to play the role of protector and help those less able to endure physical hardship. Honest You are naturally straightforward and sincere. This quality helps you persuade people to your viewpoint, but you have difficulty telling lies and seeing deception in others.

Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Bluff checks and Sense Motive checks. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might be naive and too unsophisticated to lie, or they might be aware of worldly matters and simply choose to take a higher ground. Illiterate You cannot read, but you have devoted yourself to learning other skills. Benefit Choose any one skill except Decipher Script or Forgery. Drawback You are illiterate. Special You can eliminate the negative effect of this trait by spending 2 skill points to become literate.

Unlike with the barbarian, you cannot become literate by taking a level in any class other than barbarian. Benefit Choose a skill that allows complex skill checks. Drawback You take a -4 penalty on any complex skill checks made with the chosen skill. Special You can take this trait more than once. Its effects do not stack. Instead, choose a new eligible skill each time you select this trait.

This trait is available only if your campaign includes the complex skill checks variant.

Недостаток: вы получаете штраф -1 к проверкам Переговор ы и Обман. Идеи Отыгрыша : персонажи с этой чертой могли бы быть шумливыми и ре зкими, или вкрадчивым и зловещими, но в любом случае , большинство находит их смущ ёнными или раздраж ёнными.

Рассеянный Вам очень нравиться узнавать всё новое, вы способны быстро решать самые сложные задачи. Однако, ваша озабоченность знаниями д елает вас немного отрешёнными от окружающего. Недостаток: вы берете штраф -1 к проверка м Слуха и Внимательности.

Идеи Отыгрыша : персонажи с этой чертой могли бы метаться от одной идеи к другой, замолкать на середине предложения или бормо тать во время дум. И на оборот, персонажи с этой чертой могли бы очень чётко говорить , но их мысли обгоняли бы темп речи. Агрессивный Вы быстр о хватаетесь за оружие и имеете тенденцию наседать на атаки, как только присоединяетесь к битве.

Ваш энтузиазм делает вас опасным противником, но вы иногда забываете про защиту , чего избежал бы более осторожный воин. Недостаток: Вы берете штраф -1 к КЗ. Идеи Отыгрыша : Персонажи с этой чертой часто импульсивны и вспыльчивы, или просто дума ют, что лучшая защита — это нападение.

Вы любите очень близкий бой , инстинктивно хватая и удар яя кулаком вместо того, чтобы сражаться оружием. Недостаток: вы бер ёте штраф -1 ко все м другим броска м атак. Специальн ое : бонус от этой черты не применяется к естественному оружию.

Персонаж с навыком Улучшенный Безоружн ый Удар не может выбрать эту черту если персонаж с этой чертой получает указанный навык поз же, он теряет эту черту. Идеи Отыгрыша : персонажи с этой чертой часто презирают использование оружия, а некоторые , в конечном сч ёте, изучают более «чистые» боевые искусства, основанные на их инстинктивных методах борьбы. Много скандалистов мог ут даже не осознавать, что они сражаются не так как все ; они просто знают, что лучший способ вывести кого-то из строя состоит в том, чтобы захватить его или ударить ку лаком в лиц о.

Осторожный Вы осторожны в бою, даже немного труслив ы, и вы больше чем другие печётесь о защите. Однако, эт а осторожность делает вас более восприимчив ым к эффектам страха. Недостаток: вы берете штраф -1 к спасброскам, сделанным, чтобы сопротивляться эффектам страха.

Специальн ое : вы не можете выбрать эту черту, если вы имеете иммунитет к страху или его эффектам. Если вы позже получаете этот иммунитет, вы теряете выгоду от этой черты. Идеи Отыгрыша : персонажи с этой чертой могли бы заканчивать столкновение разговором, а не борьбой, или они могли бы подбивать своих компаньон ов избегать боя и просто оста ваться как можно дальше от противников, использ уя оружие дальнего боя или заклинания.

Замкнутый Вы держитесь обособленно от событий, но это ограничивает вашу скорость реакции. Идеи Отыгрыша : персонажи с этой чертой, вероятно, будут одиночками и тихими, но они мог ут быть достаточно убедительны , когда другие колеблются в своих верованиях. Лживый Вы по природе обманчивы и неискренни с другими.

Вы можете располагать к себе людей , но вам трудно убедить други х, когда вы действительно говорите правд у. Недостаток: вы берете штраф -2 к проверкам Переговор ы. Идеи Отыгрыша : персонажей с этой чертой мо жно изобразить ка к лукавы х лгунов, или ложь может быть их второй натурой , что делает донесение правды очень трудной задачей.

Особые Приметы Вы имеете некоторую отличительную физическую особенность типа шрама, выдающегося носа, хромоты или некоторой другой подобной особенности, котор ую трудно замаскировать или скрыть. Репутаци я в Главе 6. Недостаток: вы берете штраф -1 к проверке Перевоплощения.

Специальн ое : эта черта доступна, только если ваша кампания включает вариант Репутации , описа нной в Главе 6. Идеи Отыгрыша : персонажи с этой чертой могли бы стесняться её , или они могли бы наоборот гордиться ей, вызывая внимание, симпатию или славу. Душа Компании Вы от природы очень дружелюбны.

Другие чувствуют себя «в своей та релке» рядом с вами , но эта же черта делает вас менее настойчивым или подозрительным. Недостаток: вы бер ёте штраф -1 к проверке Запугивания и Проницательности.

Он не любит нарушать законы и обещания; отчасти это вызвано его природой, отчасти — тем, что законы могут защищать его от противников, придерживающихся иных убеждений. Некоторые упорядоченно-злые персонажи действительно преданы какой-то злой идее, злому божеству или злому повелителю, как паладины преданы идее добра. Такие существа с радостью способствуют распространению зла.

Это одно из самых опасных мировоззрений, потому что оно показывает сознательную, методичную и успешную сторону зла. Тиран с железной рукой, хитрый и жадный торговец — примеры законопослушных злых людей. К таким персонажам относятся, например, чёрные маги. Также это мировоззрение представляют властные и жестокие персонажи, соблюдающие при этом определённый «кодекс чести». Нейтральный добрый[ править править код ] Нейтральные добрые англ.

Neutral Good, NG персонажи верят, что равновесие сил важно, но интересы порядка и хаоса не стоят выше необходимости добра. Так как вселенная обширна и населена многими существами, борющимися за разные цели, решительное стремление к добру не опрокинет равновесия; оно даже может поддержать его. Если для того, чтобы способствовать развитию добра, нужно поддерживать организованное общество, то тогда так и надо делать. Если добро может прийти только через свержение существующего общественного порядка, пусть так и будет. Сама по себе структура общества не имеет для них значения.

Барон, отказывающийся выполнять указы короля, так как считает их злыми, — пример нейтрального доброго персонажа. Если не считать ограничения по мировоззрению, предполагаемые классами, то данное мировоззрение может подходить для любого отыгрываемого класса. Истинно нейтральный[ править править код ] Истинно нейтральный англ. True Neutral, TN персонаж не отдаёт предпочтения ни одному из путей как в выборе между добром и злом, так и в выборе между хаосом и порядком. Персонаж такого типа считает, что добро лучше зла, но по каким-либо причинам не может или не хочет следовать путём добра, когда этот путь требует от него каких-либо затрат, будь то деньги или необходимость подвергать свою жизнь опасности ради других.

Такой персонаж предпочтёт жить среди добрых соседей и с добрым королём. Вполне возможно, он будет защищать таких соседей и короля, однако вряд ли добровольно отдаст за них свою жизнь. Маг, посвятивший себя полностью своему искусству, нейтрален. Однако существует и другой тип нейтралов — персонажи, посвятившие себя философии нейтральности гармонии. Эти персонажи видят в добре, зле, порядке и хаосе опасные крайности и считают, что путь нейтральности — это наиболее сбалансированный путь «для долгой дороги».

Друид, верящий в великое равновесие сил и считающий своим долгом следить, чтобы все эти силы оставались в уравновешенном противостоянии, придерживается философии нейтральности гармонии. Нейтральный злой[ править править код ] Нейтральные злые англ. Neutral Evil, NE персонажи в первую очередь заняты собой и собственным продвижением. У них нет особых возражений против работы с другими, но часто многие из них действуют в одиночку. Единственный их интерес — продвижение вперёд.

Руководство по 5-ой редакции Dungeons & Dragons для начинающих: Часть 2, Игровые механики.

Некоторые черты позволяют вам использовать навыки необычным способом, изменять эффекты талантов, улучшать расовые особенности и даже использовать умения других классов. Мы обнаружили, что черты характера Dungeons ad Dragons DND относятся к тому, как персонаж находится в игре. Факт 1: Днд черты представляют собой особые способности и характеристики, которые определяют поведение и возможности персонажей в игре. Главная» Новости» Черты dnd. сайт, посвященный DnD 5-й редакции. Тут можно найти: расы, происхождения, классы, заклинания, бестиарий, снаряжение, магические предметы и инструменты для облегчения игры как игрокам, так и мастерам - все в одном месте. Выбирайте черты для создания всесторонне развитых, интересных персонажей DnD Вы с нетерпением готовите нового персонажа D & D для кампании 5e, повышаете статистику и.


  • Отыгрыш характера в системах DnD
  • Отыгрыш характера в системах DnD (Ден Вайлхорн) / Проза.ру
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Отличительные черты, недостатки и прочие дополнения

Если вы когда-нибудь потеряете необходимое условие черты, вы не сможете использовать эту черту, пока не восстановите необходимое условие. Главная» Новости» Динамические черты днд. Черты характера Dungeons and Dragons (DND) относятся к тому, как персонаж выглядит в игре. Каталог всех черт в Dungeons & Dragons.

Типажи персонажей

How To Use Personality Traits in DnD 5e: For Players and DMs. While your ideals, bonds, and flaws speak to the underlying nature of your character that shines through in moments of intense stress or moral dilemma, personality traits are great at helping you roleplay more mundane, day-to-day situations. Мы обнаружили, что черты характера Dungeons ad Dragons DND относятся к тому, как персонаж находится в игре. Черты характера DND (Полное руководство). Главная» Новости» Динамические черты днд.

UA:Character Traits

Love doing a New York accent? Go for it! Here are a few traits to help encourage creative roleplay. I change my voice and accent as easily as changing hats. I am incredibly unlucky. Things just seem to go wrong around me, and I tend to expect the worst.

I prefer to sing rather than speak and make up little songs throughout the day. Beauty, grace, confidence, brains AND brawn — I have it all. And no one can convince me otherwise. I have an anecdote for everything. A mimic?

When folks think they have me figured out it makes them much easier to get them to do what I want! I take a small trophy from every monster I vanquish, dungeon I explore, and city I visit. I love to display my collection and tell the stories associated with each. I wholeheartedly believe that cow muck is good for everything. And the common cold.

Present me with a problem, and I will present you with a cow muck-based solution. Funny Personality Traits Looking for something less serious and more silly to liven up the table? Choose from some of our funny traits for a rollicking good time. I suspect everyone I meet of being the villain who slew my father until proven otherwise. No one else can see him, but Derrick the ghost has been around for as long as I remember.

I am a cheesemonger, born and bred. I have a dissociative identity disorder that I am not aware of. Sometimes I become the renowned luchador, Javier Santiago Cortez; noble fighter and legendary lover of women. To experience things! All the things!

Ooooh, a butterfly! I have a good sense of smell and explore the world with my nose. When meeting new people, I give them a good sniff. I use my hands when I talk. Like, a LOT.

Watch out for your eyes!

I am constantly eating, chewing on, or licking something. I do not understand idioms. At all. I am a completely literal thinker. Could chewing a toothpick like your Paladin who used to work on a farm remind you to speak in character? Try it out!

You can read through and pick one to snag ideas from, or randomize them yourself by rolling a d8. Acolyte Personality Traits The Acolyte is someone that was raised or spent significant time in a religious organization. The temple of a bustling city, a remote monastery, a shadowy clan — get creative! The gods try to speak to us, we just need to listen. Rough living grates on me. Perhaps she is a politician, a traveling snake oil salesman, or simply a sleezy shopkeep. Perhaps they were part of an organized group, or maybe they prefer to work alone.

I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me. Those who seem the fairest often have the most to hide. Never tell me the odds. Whether dancer, singer, or juggler he lives to perform and captivate the hearts of his audience. Her defining event could be that she stood up to an oppressive ruler, prevented a natural disaster, or was blessed by a mystical entity of power. I prefer action. When am I going to get on with my destiny?

He may be an alchemist, blacksmith, or even a chair-maker. He could be a hard-working landlord, a disgraced aristocrat who lost the family fortune, or an orphan boy with undiscovered royal heritage. We all have the same blood. Perhaps she was part of a nomadic clan, a wild animal tamer, or was an explorer. He could be a professor of multiversal archaeology, a research magician, or a collector of religious lore and artifacts. Options include an officer on a naval vessel, a pirate Queen, or a simple fisher woman. This can be anything from a town guard to a War Wizard — the possibilities are endless!

A simple, direct solution is the best path to success. He may have been abandoned in a big city to fend for himself, run away to live in the woods and brave the elements, or fallen on hard times and had to learn the ways of the streets. Randomize a full character from their personality trait, flaw, race, name, age, and right down to their lowest ability score. You choose between positive and negative traits and the application throws out 10 single word traits that you can build upon and customize. For example:.

Drawback You take a -2 penalty on Intimidate checks. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might be honestly polite and kind, or they might simply be adept at mimicking social conventions to get what they want. Quick You are fast, but less sturdy than average members of your race. Drawback Subtract 1 from your hit points gained at each level, including 1st a result of 0 is possible. Special You must have a Constitution of 4 or higher to select this trait. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait typically try to stay away from physical combat, but a rare few might relish it, striving to see if their superior speed is enough to best hardier warriors. Reckless You naturally sacrifice accuracy to put more power behind your blows. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on melee attack rolls. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might be loudly passionate about entering combat and overcoming foes through strength of arms, or they might be quiet and so desperate to avoid confrontation that they put extra effort into every blow in an attempt to end the encounter more quickly. Drawback Any effect or condition that would normally cause you to become fatigued instead causes you to become exhausted. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait may see others as soft or weak, especially anyone who complains about being tired or fatigued. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Handle Animal checks. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait rarely bother to consider animals as good for anything other than mounts, but they are extremely confident about their riding abilities. Skinny You are very slender for your race. Drawback You take a -2 penalty on Strength checks to avoid being bull rushed or overrun. Roleplaying Ideas Skinny characters tend to be pushed around by tougher types, so those with this trait might be shy, or they might be very defensive when faced with such situations. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on all other grapple checks. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might fear close combat, knowing they are less adept grapplers than most opponents. On the other hand, good escape artists with this trait might enjoy baiting larger foes into grappling them, knowing they can easily slip out of the grasp of most foes. Slow You are slow, but sturdier than average members of your race. Drawback Your base land speed is halved round down to the nearest 5-foot interval. Special You must have a base land speed of at least 20 feet to select this trait. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait tend to be relatively immobile in combat. Specialized You have a knack for one kind of work or study, but other tasks are harder for you to accomplish. Benefit Choose one specific Craft, Knowledge, or Profession skill. Drawback You take a -2 penalty on all other checks using the same skill Craft, Knowledge, or Profession, based on the skill chosen. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait often see themselves as elite artists or experts rather than mere professionals, and they might regard their chosen vocation or study as more useful or interesting than other tasks. Spellgifted You have a gift for casting spells from a certain school. Although your spells from this school are more potent than those of other casters, you are not as effective at casting spells from other schools. Benefit Choose a school of magic. Add 1 to your caster level when casting spells from that school. Drawback Reduce your caster level by 1 whenever you cast a spell that is not from your chosen school. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might be loudly vocal about the merits of the school of magic that they understand most readily, or they might feel awkward and out of place around "normal" spellcasters as a result of their unusual aptitude. Stout You are heavy for your race. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Escape Artist checks. Roleplaying Ideas Overweight characters are often bullied, so those with this trait might be shy, or they might be very defensive when faced with such situations. Some turn to humor to defuse such situations, while others become bitter. Suspicious You are naturally suspicious of everyone and everything. While this trait makes you hard to fool, it makes others slightly less likely to agree with you or find you threatening. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Diplomacy checks and intimidate checks.

Каждую черту можно брать только один раз, если в её описании не сказано обратное. Вы должны соответствовать всем необходимым условиям, указанные в черте, чтобы взять эту черту. Если вы когда-нибудь потеряете необходимое условие черты, вы не сможете использовать эту черту, пока не восстановите необходимое условие. Например, черта Борец требует наличия Силы 13 или выше.

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DnD Personality Traits: 5e List + 60 Homebrew Ideas!

Мир ДнД это свободный мир, а значит вы не заключены в рамки предыстории, представленных в книгах, а можете создать свою. Для создания собственной предыстории вы можете изменить одно умение на любое другое, выбрать два любых навыка и выбрать владение инструментами и языками, чтобы в сумму их было не больше двух, из образцов других предыстория. Вы можете взять набор снаряжения из выбранной предыстории или потратить золото для закупки снаряжения если вы покупаете снаряжение за золото, то уже не получаете начальное снаряжение, даруемое для вашего класса. И наконец, выберите две черты характера, один идеал, одну привязанность и одну слабость. Если вы не можете выбрать умение предыстории, которое подходит именно вам, посоветуйтесь с Мастером и создайте свою собственную. Имя игрока. Это ваше имя — в принципе заполнять его стоить, только если вы играете с незнакомыми людьми для упрощения работы мастера. При создании персонажа игрок указывает его мировоззрение, а не игровым персонажам мировоззрение определяет мастер игры. Мировоззрение влияет как на отыгрыш роли, так и на некоторые возможности и ограничения для игрока.

Существует 9 основных видов мировоззрение отражающие поведение Вашего персонажа в той или иной ситуации. Законопослушно-Добрый персонаж будет желать помочь всем нуждающийся независимо от выгоды для себя и не приемлет зла полностью такими персонажами обычно являются Паладины и Жрецы добрых Богов. Законопослушно-Злой персонаж придерживаться правил и кодекса даже если жертвами станут невинные такими персонажами часто являются Колдуны. Во время первой игры лучшее мировоззрение — это то каким Вы являетесь сам, что позволяет лучше вжиться в роль Опыт. Это общее количество опыта, полученное персонажем во время его странствий. Существует так же метод где опыт не начисляется вовсе, а мастер привязывает уровень персонажей к событиям приключений. Левый столбец листа персонажа Сила. Отвечает за то, сколько может тащить с собой персонаж, так же на урон оружием ближнего боя и подобное.

В общем сильнее бьем, дольше можем бежать и подобное. Это Ваша подвижность и возможность уклониться от атаки, так же отвечает за урон оружием дальнего боя и некоторых видов ближнего например со свойством "Фехтовальное". Запас Вашего здоровья и устойчивость Вашего организма к потреблению разного рода неправильной пищи. Например, яда. Эта характеристика отвечает за внимательность. Это возможность почувствовать малейшие колебания в воздухе, расслышать чей-то шепот или заметить небольшую нить, натянутую между стенами или приподнятую пластину на полу. В общем это то, на сколько остро Вы ощущаете мир вокруг. Это возможность влиять на других людей, умение их впечатлить, запугать, убедить и то, как хорошо к вам относятся в общем.

У каждой характеристики помимо её значения существует модификатор. Он может быть, как с положительным значение если характеристика больше 10, так и с отрицательным. Этот модификатор прибавляется и вычитается всегда независимо от того владеете вы навыком или оружием, или нет. Модификатор равен значению характеристики минус десять, разделенной пополам. Округляется всегда в меньшую сторону и если он отрицательный, то меньшая сторона, это дальше в минус. Очки вдохновения. Это очки, которыми мастер может наградить Вас за пламенную речь персонажа, за какое-либо действие и т. Каждое очко позволяет один раз перебросить любой бросок кубика, который вам не понравился.

Вы так же можете передавать эти очки другим сопартийцам, при желании. Бонус мастерства. Это прибавка к навыкам, которыми вы владеете. Это прибавка к бросок кубика д20 на проверку того что вы избежали чего-то. Например, вы выпили пузырек какой-то дымящейся жидкости, и чтобы пережить это, вы кидаете спасбросок телосложения. К спасброскам которыми вы владеете прибавляется бонус мастерства. Перейдём к навыкам - эти показатели отвечают за Ваше владение. В скобках помечены от какой характеристики зависит.

Акробатика Ловкость.

Идеи Отыгрыша : персонажи с этой чертой могли бы стесняться её , или они могли бы наоборот гордиться ей, вызывая внимание, симпатию или славу. Душа Компании Вы от природы очень дружелюбны. Другие чувствуют себя «в своей та релке» рядом с вами , но эта же черта делает вас менее настойчивым или подозрительным. Недостаток: вы бер ёте штраф -1 к проверке Запугивания и Проницательности. Идеи Отыгрыша : персонажи с этой чертой м огли бы более легко взаимодейств овать с НИПами, или они могли бы просто предпочесть не вступать в дискуссии, а вместо этого использовать их естественный талант узнавать больше о мире вокруг них.

Дальнозоркий Вам очень трудно сосредот очиться на близлежащих объектах, но ваше му зрению на расстояния можно только позавидовать. Недостаток: вы имеете штрафа -2 к проверке Поиск. Идеи Отыгрыша : персонажи с этой чертой могли бы очень переживать по этому поводу , или они могли бы просто не обращать внимания на эту черту , не подозревая о другом способе ощущать мир. Сосредоточенный Вы можете сконцентрироваться на задаче, несмотря на отвлечения; однако, события на заднем плане вас обходят. Недостаток: вы бер ёте штраф -1 к проверка м Слуха и Внимательности. Идеи Отыгрыша : персонажи с этой чертой часто кажутся сосредоточенными или даже одержимы ми на определенной задаче.

Вы имеете небольшое ухудшение с луха , что компенсируется улучшением други х ваших чувств. Недостаток: вы бер ёте штраф -2 к проверк е Слуха. Идеи Отыгрыша : персонажи с этой чертой могли бы очень переживать по этому поводу, или они могли бы просто не обращать внимания на эту черту, не подозревая о другом способе ощущать мир. Выносливый Вы более крепкий , чем средний человек , но вы не столь быстры, чтобы реагировать на опасные эффекты. Недостаток: вы получаете штраф -1 к спасброскам по Реакции. Идеи Отыгрыша : персонажи с этой чертой могли бы видеть их физическое превосходство как нормальн ую вещь и смотреть свысока на менее выносливых индивидуумов, или они могли бы видеть это как их обязанность играть роль защитника и помогать менее вын осливым персонажам.

Честный Вы от природы прямы и искренни. Это качество помогает вам склонять народ к вашей точке зрения, но вы испытывает е трудность в обмане других , и плохо отличаете ложь от правды. Недостаток: вы бер ёте штраф -1 к проверкам Обмана и Проницательности. Идеи Отыгрыша : персонажи с этой чертой могли бы быть слишком наивными и бесхитростны ми, или они могли бы разбираться в мирских вопр осах или … or they might be aware of worldly matters and simply choose to take a higher ground. Неграмотный Вы не умеете читать, но вы посвятили себя изучению других умений. Выгода: выберите любое умение кроме Расшифровки или Подделки.

Недостаток: вы - неграмотный. Специальный : вы можете устранить отрицательный эффект этой черты, тратя 2 очка умения, чтобы стать грамотным. В отличие от варвар а, вы не можете стать грамотными, беря уровень в любом другом классе кроме варвара. Вы не можете выбрать эту черту, если ваш персонаж уже неграмотный из -за расы, класса или любой другой причины. Невнимательный Вы можете быстро и с успехом решать простые задачи, но вам надо гораздо больше времени и сил для более сложны х задач. Выгода: выберите умение, которое позволяет сложные проверки умения.

Недостаток: вы бер ёте штраф -4 к любой сложной проверке умения, сделанн ой с выбранным умением. Специальный : вы можете взять эту черту несколько раз. Её эффекты не складывают. Вместо этого, выберите новое приемлемое умени е каждый раз, когда вы выбираете эту черту. Эта черта доступна, только если ваша кампания включает вариант сложных проверок умени й, описанный ранее в этой главе. Идеи Отыгрыша : персонажи с этой чертой могли бы ме таться от одного предмета к другому в течени е разговора, или они могли бы казаться обычными в большинстве ситуаций, но оставлять большинство их долгосрочных дел незаконченным.

Вы способны почти ко всему, что требует силы, но меньшего всех разбираетесь в задачах, которые требуют координации. Недостаток: вы бер ёте штраф -2 к проверка м умени й на основе Ловкости и проверка м характеристики.

I want to live forever—in the flesh as long as possible, and as a spirit afterward. Orzhov Representative, Any Change. Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it. Outlander, Chaotic Greater Good. Outlander, Good Honor. If I dishonor myself, I dishonor my whole clan.

Outlander, Lawful Might. The strongest are meant to rule. Outlander, Evil Nature. The natural world is more important than all the constructs of civilization. Outlander, Neutral Glory. I must earn glory in battle, for myself and my clan. Outlander, Any Leadership. The oppressed need someone to inspire them to courageous acts.

Phlan Insurgent, Good Unpredictability. Keeping the enemy guessing and off-balance is my tactical strength. Phlan Insurgent, Chaos Determination. Threats to my home must be eliminated at all costs. Phlan Insurgent, Any Freedom. Those who are enslaved and unjustly imprisoned deserve my aid. Phlan Insurgent, Good Resourcefulness. Phlan Insurgent, Any Unity.

Working together, we can overcome all obstacles, even the most seemingly insurmountable ones. Phlan Insurgent, Any Justice. Corruption brought Phlan down, I will not tolerate that any longer. Phlan Refugee, Lawful Acceptance. Stability is a myth, to think you can control your future is futile. Phlan Refugee, Chaotic Hope. I am guided by a higher power and I trust that everything will be right in the end. Phlan Refugee, Good Restraint.

I hate those who caused my loss. It is all I can do not to lash out at them. Phlan Refugee, Any Strength. As shown in Phlan, the strong survive. If you are weak you deserve what you get Phlan Refugee, Evil Openness. I am always willing to share my life story with anyone who will listen. Phlan Refugee, Any Justice. Those who break the law need to answer for their crimes.

Plaintiff, Lawful Freedom. People must have the freedom to do what they want and pursue their dreams. Plaintiff, Chaotic Greed. Plaintiff, Evil Chaos. This whole realm is out of order! Plaintiff, Chaotic Humility. So is everyone else. Plaintiff, Neutral Responsibility.

We all have our roles to play. Plaintiff, Any Guild. Rakdos Cultist, Any Hedonism. Death comes for everyone, so take as much pleasure as you can from every moment of life. Rakdos Cultist, Neutral Creativity. Rakdos Cultist, Chaotic Freedom. No one tells me what to do. Rakdos Cultist, Chaotic Equality.

I want to see Ravnica remade, with no guilds and no hierarchies. Rakdos Cultist, Chaotic Spectacle. People are inspired by the greatness they see in art. Rakdos Cultist, Any Advancement. Money and power can be gained more easily within an organization. I plan to gain as much as possible. Rival Intern, Evil Structure. Life goes much more smoothly when you follow the rules and work within a system.

Rival Intern, Lawful Uncertainty. The more chaos that swirls around me, the more opportunities I can find to profit. Rival Intern, Chaotic Justice. I do whatever it takes to stop injustice and those who flout the law. Rival Intern, Lawful Pleasure. Rival Intern, Any Power. Rival Intern, Evil Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge.

Sage, Neutral Beauty. What is beautiful points us beyond itself toward what is true. Sage, Good Logic. Emotions must not cloud our logical thinking. Sage, Lawful No Limits. Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility inherent in all existence. Sage, Chaotic Power. Knowledge is the path to power and domination.

Sage, Evil Self-Improvement. The goal of a life of study is the betterment of oneself. Sage, Any Respect. The thing that keeps a ship together is mutual respect between captain and crew. Sailor, Good Fairness. We all do the work, so we all share in the rewards. Sailor, Lawful Freedom. The sea is freedom—the freedom to go anywhere and do anything.

Sailor, Chaotic Mastery. Sailor, Evil People. Sailor, Neutral Aspiration. Sailor, Any Quisling. Supporting the rulers of the land and following the laws is the road to salvation. Secret Identity, Lawful Scoflaw. The laws and lawmakers are corrupt. I follow laws only when it suits me.

Secret Identity, Chaotic Optimist. Everyone Is basically good. Though the government is misguided it will all be okay. Secret Identity, Any Secretive. I am in the habit of not talking about myself. My business is none of yours. Secret Identity, Any Heroic. I do everything I can to help non-humans, regardless of the personal cost to me.

Secret Identity, Good Depraved. I have lost my moral compass. The ends justify most any means. Secret Identity, Evil Guild. Selesnya Initiate, Any Harmony. Nothing is more beautiful than voices and actions aligned in common purpose. Selesnya Initiate, Good Order. Like a well-pruned tree, society thrives when everything is kept in good order.

Selesnya Initiate, Lawful Life. Preserving life and nature is always a worthwhile endeavor. Selesnya Initiate, Good Humility. Ambition and pride are the roots of strife. Selesnya Initiate, Good Evangelism. When all have joined the Selesnya Conclave, Ravnica will finally know peace. Selesnya Initiate, Any Hope. I know even if I need do evil acts, history will be my redemption.

Shade Fanatic, Chaos Dedicated. I have found the truth of the Shadovar and want to share it with everyone. Shade Fanatic, Any Frugal. I horde my possessions knowing that someday I will be called upon to give everything I have to the cause Shade Fanatic, Any Eloquent. I use my words to sway others to my beliefs. Shade Fanatic, Any Compassionate. It is through love that others will join in our cause. Shade Fanatic, Good Crew.

Shipwright, Good Careful Lines. A ship must be balanced according to the laws of the universe. Shipwright, Lawful Invention. Make what you need out of whatever is at hand. Shipwright, Chaotic Perfection. To measure a being and find it lacking is the greatest disappointment. Shipwright, Evil Reflection. Muddied water always clears in time.

Shipwright, Any Hope. The horizon at sea holds the greatest promise. Shipwright, Any Guild. Simic Scientist, Any Change. All life is meant to progress toward perfection, and our work is to hurry it along—no matter what must be upended along the way. Simic Scientist, Chaotic Knowledge. Understanding the world is more important than what you do with your knowledge. Simic Scientist, Neutral Greater Good.

I want to reshape the world into higher forms of life so that all can enjoy evolution. Simic Scientist, Good Logic. Simic Scientist, Lawful Superiority. My vast intellect and strength are directed toward increasing my sway over others. Smuggler, Evil Peace and Prosperity I smuggle only to achieve a greater goal that benefits my community. Smuggler, Good People For all my many lies, I place a high value on friendship. Smuggler, Any Daring I am most happy when risking everything. Smuggler, Any Greater Good.

Our lot is to lay down our lives in defense of others. Soldier, Good Responsibility. I do what I must and obey just authority. Soldier, Lawful Independence. When people follow orders blindly, they embrace a kind of tyranny. Soldier, Chaotic Might. In life as in war, the stronger force wins. Soldier, Evil Live and Let Live.

Soldier, Neutral Nation. My city, nation, or people are all that matter. Soldier, Any Loss. I freely give those who offend me what was so brutally denied me, death. Stojanow Prisoner, Chaos Dedication. I never betray those who trust me. Stojanow Prisoner, Law Vengeance. I use any means to get information I need; I have been well taught.

Stojanow Prisoner, Evil Redemption. Everyone deserves a second chance. Stojanow Prisoner, Good Resilience. I can survive any challenge Stojanow Prisoner, Any Leadership. The best teams are made up of those that society has discarded. Stojanow Prisoner Kinship. Family is most important in life. Ticklebelly Nomad, Good Preservation.

Nature must not be despoiled by encroaching civilization. Ticklebelly Nomad, Any Wanderlust. One must expand their horizons by seeing the world and exploring. Ticklebelly Nomad, Chaos Isolation. My tribe and its ways must be protected and shielded from outside influence. Ticklebelly Nomad, Neutral Protection. Threats to the land and to the people must be dealt with at any and all costs. Ticklebelly Nomad, Law Belonging: All creatures have a place in the world, so I strive to help others find theirs.

Ticklebelly Nomad, Good Hope. Once I start an investigation, until told to do so, I do not quit, not matter where it leads. Trade Sheriff, Lawful Nation. Trade Sheriff, Any Mercenary. When I do investigations, I expect answers immediately. Trade Sheriff, Any Eloquent. I use my words to sway others to give me answers. Trade Sheriff, Good Might.

It is through threats and force that I get my answers. Trade Sheriff, Lawful Respect. All people, rich or poor, deserve respect. Urchin, Good Community. We have to take care of each other, because no one else is going to do it. Urchin, Lawful Change. The low are lifted up, and the high and mighty are brought down. Change is the nature of things.

Urchin, Chaotic Retribution. The rich need to be shown what life and death are like in the gutters. Urchin, Evil People. Urchin, Neutral Aspiration. Urchin, Any Solidarity. The worthy must respect the worthy. In the afterlife, all will be united in goal and action. Vizier, Oketra Knowledge.

The worthy shall cultivate a nimble mind, so as to perceive the wonders beyond imagination that wait in the afterlife. Vizier, Kefnet Strength. The worthy shall hone a strong body that can withstand the boundless energies of the afterlife. Vizier, Rhonas Ambition. The worthy shall strive for greatness, for supremacy in life leads to supremacy in the afterlife. Vizier, Bontu Zeal. Vizier, Hazoret Naktamun. The life of the city is ordered according to the plan of the God-Pharaoh, and that order must be preserved at all costs.

Vizier Order. The will of the crown is absolute. Volstrucker Agent, Law True Loyalty. The Cerberus Assembly is greater than any power, even the crown. Volstrucker Agent, Law Death. The penalty for disloyalty is death. Volstrucker Agent, Evil Determination. I cannot fail.

Not ever. Volstrucker Agent, Neutral Fear. People should not respect power. They should fear it. Volstrucker Agent, Evil Escape. The Volstrucker are pure evil! Volstrucker Agent, Any Friendship. Witchlight Hand, Good Empathy.

Witchlight Hand, Good Wanderlust. Witchlight Hand, Chaotic Changeability. Witchlight Hand, Chaotic Honor. Witchlight Hand, Lawful Rule of Three. Witchlight Hand, Lawful Obsession. Witchlight Hand, Evil Greed. Witchlight Hand, Evil Bonds I would die to recover an ancient relic of my faith that was lost long ago. Acolyte I will someday get revenge on the corrupt temple hierarchy who branded me a heretic.

Acolyte I owe my life to the priest who took me in when my parents died. Acolyte Everything I do is for the common people. Acolyte I will do anything to protect the temple where I served. Acolyte I seek to preserve a sacred text that my enemies consider heretical and seek to destroy. Acolyte My mentor gave me a journal filled with lore and wisdom. Losing it would devastate me. Anthropologist Having lived among the people of a primeval tribe or clan, I long to return and see how they are faring. Anthropologist Years ago, tragedy struck the members of an isolated society I befriended, and I will honor them.

Anthropologist I want to learn more about a particular humanoid culture that fascinates me. Anthropologist I seek to avenge a clan, tribe, kingdom, or empire that was wiped out. Anthropologist I have a trinket that I believe is the key to finding a long-lost society. I aim to find it, learn its secrets, and earn my place in the history books. Archaeologist I want to find my mentor, who disappeared on an expedition some time ago.

If the DM allows it, players may add traits to their characters after 1st level. The DM might allow a player to assign a trait to her character after she has roleplayed the character in a manner consistent with the trait in question, or after a traumatic or life changing experience after dying, a character might develop the Cautious trait or the Aggressive trait. If the DM includes this option, a character should gain a new trait no more frequently than once every five levels. Behind the Curtain: Designing Traits Although this section provides a large number of character traits, a player who wants to create a character with a distinctive personality may ask the DM to design a new trait.

If that happens, the DM should keep in mind that the traits variant is only effective if the benefits and the drawbacks of the traits are related. If the drawback and benefit of a trait apply to disparate or unrelated aspects of the game, it becomes too easy for a player to choose a trait for her character that provides a bonus on a commonly attempted ability check or skill check while the corresponding penalty applies to a rarely used or never used aspect of play. For example, a trait that gave a bonus to Armor Class and a penalty on attack rolls would be poor design because spellcasters make very few attack rolls making the penalty far less severe yet continuously gain the benefit-of the increased Armor Class. As long as the DM and player talk about a new trait ahead of time and view it in light of what skills and abilities the character uses most often, this potential pitfall is easy to avoid. First, the character might view the trait as a weakness. A character with this view might try to hide the trait or make excuses for his behavior. On the other hand, he might seek out others with the trait to feel better about his own idiosyncrasy. Second, the character might view the trait as a strength. A character might call attention to the trait, encourage others to act in ways that mimic the trait, or simply assume that those without the trait are less worthy than those who possess it.

Finally, the character might not acknowledge the trait at all. The character might not be aware of the trait; for example, a nearsighted character might not realize that others see better at a distance because his impairment is mild and the onset was so gradual that he never noticed the change. The character might be aware of the trait but not want to admit that he possesses it. For example, an abrasive character might realize that his mannerisms affect others, yet find more solace in putting the blame on those whom he offends rather than on himself. The character might know but simply not care. Traits You are difficult and demanding in conversation, which tends to oppress those around you. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Diplomacy checks and Bluff checks. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might be loud and abrupt or quiet and sinister, but either way, most find them disconcerting or irritating. Absent Minded You are fascinated by knowledge and learning and are capable of pursuing complex trains of thought quite quickly.

However, your preoccupation with such thoughts makes you a little less aware of your surroundings. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Spot checks and Listen checks. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might flit from idea to idea, trailing off in mid-sentence or mumbling their way through complex ideas. Conversely, characters with this trait might be extremely articulate but still allow their thoughts to move faster than the pace of a conversation. Aggressive You are quick to initiate combat, and you tend to press the attack once battle is joined. Your enthusiasm makes you a dangerous foe, but you sometimes leave yourself open to blows that a more cautious warrior would avoid. Drawback You take a -1 penalty to Armor Class. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait are often hotheaded and quick to anger, or simply think that the best defense is a quick offense. Brawler You naturally move close to your opponents when fighting, instinctively grabbing and punching rather than striking with weapons.

Drawback You take a -1 penalty on all other attack rolls. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait often disdain the use of weapons entirely, and some eventually learn more refined martial arts based on their instinctive fighting techniques. Many brawlers might not even be consciously aware that they fight differently from other characters; they simply know that the best way to take someone out of a fight is to grab him or punch him in the face. Cautious You are cautious in combat, even a bit cowardly, and you take more care to defend yourself than others. However, this caution renders you susceptible to fear effects. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on saving throws made to resist fear effects. Special You cannot select this trait if you have immunity to fear or fear effects. If you later gain immunity to fear, you lose the benefit of this trait. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might consistently urge talking rather than fighting, or they might do little to encourage that their companions avoid combat and simply remain as far away from foes as possible, using ranged weapons or spells.

Personality, Ideals, Bonds, and Flaws for 5th Edition D&D

Reckless You naturally sacrifice accuracy to put more power behind your blows. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on melee attack rolls. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might be loudly passionate about entering combat and overcoming foes through strength of arms, or they might be quiet and so desperate to avoid confrontation that they put extra effort into every blow in an attempt to end the encounter more quickly. Drawback Any effect or condition that would normally cause you to become fatigued instead causes you to become exhausted. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait may see others as soft or weak, especially anyone who complains about being tired or fatigued. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Handle Animal checks. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait rarely bother to consider animals as good for anything other than mounts, but they are extremely confident about their riding abilities. Skinny You are very slender for your race. Drawback You take a -2 penalty on Strength checks to avoid being bull rushed or overrun. Roleplaying Ideas Skinny characters tend to be pushed around by tougher types, so those with this trait might be shy, or they might be very defensive when faced with such situations.

Drawback You take a -1 penalty on all other grapple checks. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might fear close combat, knowing they are less adept grapplers than most opponents. On the other hand, good escape artists with this trait might enjoy baiting larger foes into grappling them, knowing they can easily slip out of the grasp of most foes. Slow You are slow, but sturdier than average members of your race. Drawback Your base land speed is halved round down to the nearest 5-foot interval. Special You must have a base land speed of at least 20 feet to select this trait. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait tend to be relatively immobile in combat. Specialized You have a knack for one kind of work or study, but other tasks are harder for you to accomplish. Benefit Choose one specific Craft, Knowledge, or Profession skill.

Drawback You take a -2 penalty on all other checks using the same skill Craft, Knowledge, or Profession, based on the skill chosen. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait often see themselves as elite artists or experts rather than mere professionals, and they might regard their chosen vocation or study as more useful or interesting than other tasks. Spellgifted You have a gift for casting spells from a certain school. Although your spells from this school are more potent than those of other casters, you are not as effective at casting spells from other schools. Benefit Choose a school of magic. Add 1 to your caster level when casting spells from that school. Drawback Reduce your caster level by 1 whenever you cast a spell that is not from your chosen school. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might be loudly vocal about the merits of the school of magic that they understand most readily, or they might feel awkward and out of place around "normal" spellcasters as a result of their unusual aptitude. Stout You are heavy for your race.

Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Escape Artist checks. Roleplaying Ideas Overweight characters are often bullied, so those with this trait might be shy, or they might be very defensive when faced with such situations. Some turn to humor to defuse such situations, while others become bitter. Suspicious You are naturally suspicious of everyone and everything. While this trait makes you hard to fool, it makes others slightly less likely to agree with you or find you threatening. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Diplomacy checks and intimidate checks. Roleplaying Ideas This trait might express itself as comic levels of paranoia, or it might make the character quietly cautious about others. Drawback You take a -2 penalty on initiative checks. Roleplaying Ideas Torpid characters may be seen as lazy, or as methodical and measured in their actions.

Uncivilized You relate better to animals than you do to people. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Bluff checks, Diplomacy checks, and Gather information checks. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait are likely to feel awkward in many social situations; that might be expressed as shyness and quiet behavior, or it might be expressed through an overly exuberant need to participate in conversations.

Whether or not it is true, I firmly believe that I speak cat. Sometimes I switch to meowing and purring mid-conversation. I am constantly eating, chewing on, or licking something. I do not understand idioms. At all. I am a completely literal thinker. Could chewing a toothpick like your Paladin who used to work on a farm remind you to speak in character? Try it out! You can read through and pick one to snag ideas from, or randomize them yourself by rolling a d8. Acolyte Personality Traits The Acolyte is someone that was raised or spent significant time in a religious organization. The temple of a bustling city, a remote monastery, a shadowy clan — get creative! The gods try to speak to us, we just need to listen. Rough living grates on me. Perhaps she is a politician, a traveling snake oil salesman, or simply a sleezy shopkeep. Perhaps they were part of an organized group, or maybe they prefer to work alone. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me. Those who seem the fairest often have the most to hide. Never tell me the odds. Whether dancer, singer, or juggler he lives to perform and captivate the hearts of his audience. Her defining event could be that she stood up to an oppressive ruler, prevented a natural disaster, or was blessed by a mystical entity of power. I prefer action. When am I going to get on with my destiny? He may be an alchemist, blacksmith, or even a chair-maker. He could be a hard-working landlord, a disgraced aristocrat who lost the family fortune, or an orphan boy with undiscovered royal heritage. We all have the same blood. Perhaps she was part of a nomadic clan, a wild animal tamer, or was an explorer. He could be a professor of multiversal archaeology, a research magician, or a collector of religious lore and artifacts. Options include an officer on a naval vessel, a pirate Queen, or a simple fisher woman. This can be anything from a town guard to a War Wizard — the possibilities are endless! A simple, direct solution is the best path to success. He may have been abandoned in a big city to fend for himself, run away to live in the woods and brave the elements, or fallen on hard times and had to learn the ways of the streets. Randomize a full character from their personality trait, flaw, race, name, age, and right down to their lowest ability score.

Drawback You have a -2 penalty on Search checks. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might be sensitive about it, or they might simply be oblivious to its presence, having never known any different way of experiencing the world. Focused You can keep your attention on a task despite many distractions; however, events in the background pass you by. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait often seem single-minded or even obsessive in their focus on a specific task. Hard of Hearing You have a slight hearing impairment, and to compensate, you have become more in tune with your other senses. Drawback You take a -2 penalty on Listen checks. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Reflex saves. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might see their physical prowess as normal and look down on less hardy individuals, or they might see it as their duty to play the role of protector and help those less able to endure physical hardship. Honest You are naturally straightforward and sincere. This quality helps you persuade people to your viewpoint, but you have difficulty telling lies and seeing deception in others. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Bluff checks and Sense Motive checks. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might be naive and too unsophisticated to lie, or they might be aware of worldly matters and simply choose to take a higher ground. Illiterate You cannot read, but you have devoted yourself to learning other skills. Benefit Choose any one skill except Decipher Script or Forgery. Drawback You are illiterate. Special You can eliminate the negative effect of this trait by spending 2 skill points to become literate. Unlike with the barbarian, you cannot become literate by taking a level in any class other than barbarian. Benefit Choose a skill that allows complex skill checks. Drawback You take a -4 penalty on any complex skill checks made with the chosen skill. Special You can take this trait more than once. Its effects do not stack. Instead, choose a new eligible skill each time you select this trait. This trait is available only if your campaign includes the complex skill checks variant. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might flit from subject to subject in conversation, or they might seem typical in most situations but leave most of their long-term projects perpetually unfinished. Musclebound You are good at almost everything that requires strength, but less adept than most at tasks that require coordination. Drawback You take a -2 penalty on Dexterity-based skill checks and ability checks. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait are likely to solve problems with physical strength rather than through trickery or finesse. Nearsighted You have difficulty focusing on distant objects, but your eye for detail is more keen than normal. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Spot checks. Nightsighted Your eyes are particularly well suited to using darkvision, but they are less well adapted to what others consider normal light. Benefit Add 10 feet to the range of your darkvision. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Spot checks when in areas of bright light. Special You must have darkvision as a racial ability to have this trait. Passionate You are made of tougher stuff than the average person, but you are highly suggestible. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Will saves. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might be gruff and place extreme value on overcoming physical obstacles, or conversely, their weakness against magical enchantments might leave them fascinated and fearful of such things. Plucky You have a strength of will not reflected in your limited physical gifts. Drawback You take a -1 penalty on Fortitude saves. Roleplaying Ideas Characters with this trait might be annoyingly positive-minded, or they might only show their mental resilience in times of dire need. Polite You are courteous and well spoken.

The economy functions best when chaos is kept under control and everyone knows their place. Orzhov Representative, Lawful Eternity. I want to live forever—in the flesh as long as possible, and as a spirit afterward. Orzhov Representative, Any Change. Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it. Outlander, Chaotic Greater Good. Outlander, Good Honor. If I dishonor myself, I dishonor my whole clan. Outlander, Lawful Might. The strongest are meant to rule. Outlander, Evil Nature. The natural world is more important than all the constructs of civilization. Outlander, Neutral Glory. I must earn glory in battle, for myself and my clan. Outlander, Any Leadership. The oppressed need someone to inspire them to courageous acts. Phlan Insurgent, Good Unpredictability. Keeping the enemy guessing and off-balance is my tactical strength. Phlan Insurgent, Chaos Determination. Threats to my home must be eliminated at all costs. Phlan Insurgent, Any Freedom. Those who are enslaved and unjustly imprisoned deserve my aid. Phlan Insurgent, Good Resourcefulness. Phlan Insurgent, Any Unity. Working together, we can overcome all obstacles, even the most seemingly insurmountable ones. Phlan Insurgent, Any Justice. Corruption brought Phlan down, I will not tolerate that any longer. Phlan Refugee, Lawful Acceptance. Stability is a myth, to think you can control your future is futile. Phlan Refugee, Chaotic Hope. I am guided by a higher power and I trust that everything will be right in the end. Phlan Refugee, Good Restraint. I hate those who caused my loss. It is all I can do not to lash out at them. Phlan Refugee, Any Strength. As shown in Phlan, the strong survive. If you are weak you deserve what you get Phlan Refugee, Evil Openness. I am always willing to share my life story with anyone who will listen. Phlan Refugee, Any Justice. Those who break the law need to answer for their crimes. Plaintiff, Lawful Freedom. People must have the freedom to do what they want and pursue their dreams. Plaintiff, Chaotic Greed. Plaintiff, Evil Chaos. This whole realm is out of order! Plaintiff, Chaotic Humility. So is everyone else. Plaintiff, Neutral Responsibility. We all have our roles to play. Plaintiff, Any Guild. Rakdos Cultist, Any Hedonism. Death comes for everyone, so take as much pleasure as you can from every moment of life. Rakdos Cultist, Neutral Creativity. Rakdos Cultist, Chaotic Freedom. No one tells me what to do. Rakdos Cultist, Chaotic Equality. I want to see Ravnica remade, with no guilds and no hierarchies. Rakdos Cultist, Chaotic Spectacle. People are inspired by the greatness they see in art. Rakdos Cultist, Any Advancement. Money and power can be gained more easily within an organization. I plan to gain as much as possible. Rival Intern, Evil Structure. Life goes much more smoothly when you follow the rules and work within a system. Rival Intern, Lawful Uncertainty. The more chaos that swirls around me, the more opportunities I can find to profit. Rival Intern, Chaotic Justice. I do whatever it takes to stop injustice and those who flout the law. Rival Intern, Lawful Pleasure. Rival Intern, Any Power. Rival Intern, Evil Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge. Sage, Neutral Beauty. What is beautiful points us beyond itself toward what is true. Sage, Good Logic. Emotions must not cloud our logical thinking. Sage, Lawful No Limits. Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility inherent in all existence. Sage, Chaotic Power. Knowledge is the path to power and domination. Sage, Evil Self-Improvement. The goal of a life of study is the betterment of oneself. Sage, Any Respect. The thing that keeps a ship together is mutual respect between captain and crew. Sailor, Good Fairness. We all do the work, so we all share in the rewards. Sailor, Lawful Freedom. The sea is freedom—the freedom to go anywhere and do anything. Sailor, Chaotic Mastery. Sailor, Evil People. Sailor, Neutral Aspiration. Sailor, Any Quisling. Supporting the rulers of the land and following the laws is the road to salvation. Secret Identity, Lawful Scoflaw. The laws and lawmakers are corrupt. I follow laws only when it suits me. Secret Identity, Chaotic Optimist. Everyone Is basically good. Though the government is misguided it will all be okay. Secret Identity, Any Secretive. I am in the habit of not talking about myself. My business is none of yours. Secret Identity, Any Heroic. I do everything I can to help non-humans, regardless of the personal cost to me. Secret Identity, Good Depraved. I have lost my moral compass. The ends justify most any means. Secret Identity, Evil Guild. Selesnya Initiate, Any Harmony. Nothing is more beautiful than voices and actions aligned in common purpose. Selesnya Initiate, Good Order. Like a well-pruned tree, society thrives when everything is kept in good order. Selesnya Initiate, Lawful Life. Preserving life and nature is always a worthwhile endeavor. Selesnya Initiate, Good Humility. Ambition and pride are the roots of strife. Selesnya Initiate, Good Evangelism. When all have joined the Selesnya Conclave, Ravnica will finally know peace. Selesnya Initiate, Any Hope. I know even if I need do evil acts, history will be my redemption. Shade Fanatic, Chaos Dedicated. I have found the truth of the Shadovar and want to share it with everyone. Shade Fanatic, Any Frugal. I horde my possessions knowing that someday I will be called upon to give everything I have to the cause Shade Fanatic, Any Eloquent. I use my words to sway others to my beliefs. Shade Fanatic, Any Compassionate. It is through love that others will join in our cause. Shade Fanatic, Good Crew. Shipwright, Good Careful Lines. A ship must be balanced according to the laws of the universe. Shipwright, Lawful Invention. Make what you need out of whatever is at hand. Shipwright, Chaotic Perfection. To measure a being and find it lacking is the greatest disappointment. Shipwright, Evil Reflection. Muddied water always clears in time. Shipwright, Any Hope. The horizon at sea holds the greatest promise. Shipwright, Any Guild. Simic Scientist, Any Change. All life is meant to progress toward perfection, and our work is to hurry it along—no matter what must be upended along the way. Simic Scientist, Chaotic Knowledge. Understanding the world is more important than what you do with your knowledge. Simic Scientist, Neutral Greater Good. I want to reshape the world into higher forms of life so that all can enjoy evolution. Simic Scientist, Good Logic. Simic Scientist, Lawful Superiority. My vast intellect and strength are directed toward increasing my sway over others. Smuggler, Evil Peace and Prosperity I smuggle only to achieve a greater goal that benefits my community. Smuggler, Good People For all my many lies, I place a high value on friendship. Smuggler, Any Daring I am most happy when risking everything. Smuggler, Any Greater Good. Our lot is to lay down our lives in defense of others. Soldier, Good Responsibility. I do what I must and obey just authority. Soldier, Lawful Independence. When people follow orders blindly, they embrace a kind of tyranny. Soldier, Chaotic Might. In life as in war, the stronger force wins. Soldier, Evil Live and Let Live. Soldier, Neutral Nation. My city, nation, or people are all that matter. Soldier, Any Loss. I freely give those who offend me what was so brutally denied me, death. Stojanow Prisoner, Chaos Dedication. I never betray those who trust me. Stojanow Prisoner, Law Vengeance. I use any means to get information I need; I have been well taught. Stojanow Prisoner, Evil Redemption. Everyone deserves a second chance. Stojanow Prisoner, Good Resilience. I can survive any challenge Stojanow Prisoner, Any Leadership. The best teams are made up of those that society has discarded. Stojanow Prisoner Kinship. Family is most important in life. Ticklebelly Nomad, Good Preservation. Nature must not be despoiled by encroaching civilization. Ticklebelly Nomad, Any Wanderlust. One must expand their horizons by seeing the world and exploring. Ticklebelly Nomad, Chaos Isolation. My tribe and its ways must be protected and shielded from outside influence. Ticklebelly Nomad, Neutral Protection. Threats to the land and to the people must be dealt with at any and all costs. Ticklebelly Nomad, Law Belonging: All creatures have a place in the world, so I strive to help others find theirs. Ticklebelly Nomad, Good Hope. Once I start an investigation, until told to do so, I do not quit, not matter where it leads. Trade Sheriff, Lawful Nation. Trade Sheriff, Any Mercenary. When I do investigations, I expect answers immediately. Trade Sheriff, Any Eloquent. I use my words to sway others to give me answers. Trade Sheriff, Good Might. It is through threats and force that I get my answers. Trade Sheriff, Lawful Respect. All people, rich or poor, deserve respect. Urchin, Good Community. We have to take care of each other, because no one else is going to do it. Urchin, Lawful Change. The low are lifted up, and the high and mighty are brought down. Change is the nature of things. Urchin, Chaotic Retribution. The rich need to be shown what life and death are like in the gutters. Urchin, Evil People. Urchin, Neutral Aspiration. Urchin, Any Solidarity. The worthy must respect the worthy. In the afterlife, all will be united in goal and action. Vizier, Oketra Knowledge. The worthy shall cultivate a nimble mind, so as to perceive the wonders beyond imagination that wait in the afterlife. Vizier, Kefnet Strength. The worthy shall hone a strong body that can withstand the boundless energies of the afterlife. Vizier, Rhonas Ambition. The worthy shall strive for greatness, for supremacy in life leads to supremacy in the afterlife. Vizier, Bontu Zeal. Vizier, Hazoret Naktamun. The life of the city is ordered according to the plan of the God-Pharaoh, and that order must be preserved at all costs. Vizier Order. The will of the crown is absolute. Volstrucker Agent, Law True Loyalty. The Cerberus Assembly is greater than any power, even the crown. Volstrucker Agent, Law Death. The penalty for disloyalty is death. Volstrucker Agent, Evil Determination. I cannot fail. Not ever. Volstrucker Agent, Neutral Fear. People should not respect power. They should fear it. Volstrucker Agent, Evil Escape. The Volstrucker are pure evil! Volstrucker Agent, Any Friendship. Witchlight Hand, Good Empathy. Witchlight Hand, Good Wanderlust. Witchlight Hand, Chaotic Changeability. Witchlight Hand, Chaotic Honor. Witchlight Hand, Lawful Rule of Three. Witchlight Hand, Lawful Obsession. Witchlight Hand, Evil Greed. Witchlight Hand, Evil Bonds I would die to recover an ancient relic of my faith that was lost long ago. Acolyte I will someday get revenge on the corrupt temple hierarchy who branded me a heretic. Acolyte I owe my life to the priest who took me in when my parents died. Acolyte Everything I do is for the common people. Acolyte I will do anything to protect the temple where I served. Acolyte I seek to preserve a sacred text that my enemies consider heretical and seek to destroy. Acolyte My mentor gave me a journal filled with lore and wisdom. Losing it would devastate me. Anthropologist Having lived among the people of a primeval tribe or clan, I long to return and see how they are faring. Anthropologist Years ago, tragedy struck the members of an isolated society I befriended, and I will honor them. Anthropologist I want to learn more about a particular humanoid culture that fascinates me. Anthropologist I seek to avenge a clan, tribe, kingdom, or empire that was wiped out. Anthropologist I have a trinket that I believe is the key to finding a long-lost society.

UA:Character Traits

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