Новости глаз на англ

I hope all these London Eye facts helped you to plan your next visit to London, and decided if you want to ride it or not. The latest world news and headlines from Yahoo News and international publishers, breaking stories, ongoing events, and coverage.

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Я чувствую, что если я закрою сейчас глаза, то больше не смогу открыть их снова. I feel like if I close my eyes now, I might not wake up. Сейчас глаза разбегаются, сколько фирм предлагают свои услуги, но как же вычислить мошенника или неопытного новичка? Now look at first how many firms offer their services, but how do you calculate the cheater or the inexperienced beginner?

What this means in practice is that travellers within the capsule have a full 360-degree panoramic view, unhindered by spokes of wheel struts. The Eye measures 424m 1. The wheel is supported on huge A-frame legs, made up of 2200 tonnes of concrete on 44 concrete piles set 33 metres deep in the earth. Who designed the London Eye? The Eye was created as a symbol for the end of the 20th century, and it opened to the public in March 2000.

Since that time it has become the most popular visitor paid attraction in the UK. Over 3. There are 32 capsules attached to the wheel, one for each of the 32 boroughs of the city of London. Each capsule has bench seats, and its own heating and cooling system. Each capsule weighs 10 tonnes. In total, up to 800 passengers can travel in the Eye at any one time.

The giant wheel can carry 800 passengers on every revolution. This is one of the London Eye facts that surprised me! The London Eye has 32 capsules around its wheel, one for each borough of London. A capsule weighs 10 tones, which means the entire wheel weights 320 tones. Each capsule can carry 25 passengers, and I was really surprised that we are able to walk around in the capsule; they are that big. Also, the capsules have air-condition, and comfortable sits. The 32 capsules of the London Eye are actually numbered from 1 to 33. Quite funny! After being used by more than two million people, the Great Wheel was demolished in 1907.

A capsule weighs 10 tones, which means the entire wheel weights 320 tones. Each capsule can carry 25 passengers, and I was really surprised that we are able to walk around in the capsule; they are that big. Also, the capsules have air-condition, and comfortable sits. The 32 capsules of the London Eye are actually numbered from 1 to 33. Quite funny! After being used by more than two million people, the Great Wheel was demolished in 1907. Last year, it was light up in the colors of the British flag, the Union Jack, in red, white, and blue, in order to celebrate the wedding of Prince William with Kate Middleton. Usually, the London Eye is light up in blue, but in 2005, it was lit pink, to celebrate the first Civil Partnership performed on it. We really enjoy riding the London Eye, but how many people know it took 7 year to be contrasted, and some of the most famous architects in the world designed it, including Daivd Marks, Mark Sparrowhawk, and Julia Barfield.

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We thank everyone who participated in this extraordinary collaborative effort.

Literature Слава богу, я не успела ее отвязать, иначе она бы наверняка вырвала себе глаза. Literature Ее гениальные мозги заработали в полную силу с той секунды, когда она открыла глаза. Her giant brain had been working at full capacity from the moment she opened those brown eyes. Literature Единственной ее добродетелью в глазах Лукаса было то, что она опытная няня. Literature Мгновение спустя Мейс посмотрел в его грустные зеленые глаза: After a moment, Mace looked up into his sad green eyes.

Literature Посмотрите мне в глаза, Джэнсон, — я хочу узнать, верите ли вы сами в то, что говорите. Literature В один момент, я был готов поклясться, что видел, как глаза Уилла закатывались в экстазе. Literature Она вскинула на него свои смеющиеся глаза, но не прервала чтения, пока не докончила фразы. She greeted him with smiling eyes but did not stop reading until she had finished her sentence.

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All subjects underwent a comprehensive ophthalmological examination, as well as a microbiological examination of the conjunctival cavity before surgery and 8 days after surgical treatment. The second group showed a similar increase.

The OSDI scores across in all subgroups ranged from 16,6 to 25,0 points indicating normal values.

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