он проникается к динозавру уважением и грустит, когда в конце мультфильма его побеждают. Бак и Эдди S2E06 №1. Посоветуйте, пожалуйста, фф про именно взрослых Риччи и Эдди (т.е постканон после 2 части фильма, если такие есть вообще).
Лучшие фанфики про семейку Харгривз | theGirl. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. in caught act the ff14 Demon lord retry. Эдди Бак. Актер, Продюсер, Режиссер, Сценарист. Лучшие фильмы: Прорваться в НБА. Новый клип 6-го сезона 9-1-1 показывает как Эдди игриво пользуется новообретенными способностями Бака.
В центре внимания
- 9-1-1’s Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley and Eddie Diaz’s Friendship Timeline: From Strangers to Family
- 911 Buck and Eddie Kiss, Who Does Buck End up With in 911?
- Потерять – значит найти
- Читать фанфики в электронной библиотеке
- Самые популярные альбомы Eddy & The Backfires:
Волшебный поцелуй Бака и Эдди: история любви без слов
BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. Новый клип 6-го сезона 9-1-1 показывает как Эдди игриво пользуется новообретенными способностями Бака. Бак И Эдди» в сравнении с последними загруженными видео.
Волшебный поцелуй Бака и Эдди: история любви без слов
Почувствуйте, как чарующая магия любви и притяжения пронизывает каждую фотографию и переносит нас в атмосферу неповторимых взаимоотношений Бака и Эдди. Эдди, дружище, отличная подборка треков, начало на первой минуте прям такое интригующее, ощутил себя в концертном зале, где тёмная сцена плавно начинает освещаться сафитами разных расцветок и появляется вот это чувство предвкушения и ожидание музыкального шоу. Buck and Eddie’s companionship has intrigued the ardent admirers of the show ever since the second season, making them wonder whether they have kissed while yearning to see them end up together. А Эндшпиль, надеюсь, Бак и Эдди? Оно как бы с 1 серии 2 сезона намекается жирно! Бак решил подработать стриптизером, а Эдди как хороший друг вынужден смотреть на него из-за кулис. Почему Оливер Старк деактивировал твиттер? До чего доходят некоторые неадекватные Бак/Эдди фанатки?
9-1-1’s Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley and Eddie Diaz’s Friendship Timeline: From Strangers to Family
Гей момент в американском сериале 911 Каждый поцелуй - воплощение нежности и страсти, а в их объятиях они способны перенести нас в мир, где время останавливается и существует только они вдвоем. Смотришь на эти фотографии, и кажется, что ни одно слово не может описать всю мощь и силу этих поцелуев, которых нам так не хватает в повседневной жизни. На каждой фотографии видно, что именно поцелуй делает их счастливыми и полными.
Тяжкая история жизни "Я не думал возвращаться. Была страшная буря, когда он услышал огромного динозавра, каких прежде не видел - это был Руди, динозавр, лишивший нашего героя глаза. Бак чудом выжил, когда этот зверь его чуть не проглотил - к тому же, успел прихватить трофей в виде зуба. Обычно после таких историй персонажи становятся злодеями - обозлённые на мир и свою судьбу, они клянутся отомстить обидчикам и завидуют простым смертным, на чью долю не выпали такие тяжкие испытания. Присмотритесь к характеру Бака: он весел и оптимистичен, при этом любой другой на его месте давно бы польстился желанием отомстить подземному миру и истребить всех динозавров.
Одиночество Но на этом неприятности не заканчиваются. Бак, похоже, единственный разумный говорящий зверь в мире динозавров. У него нет ни друзей, ни семьи.
Chris asks Buck if he can spend Christmas with him this year, catching him off guard. Buck looks to Eddie, but Eddie sadly shakes his head no. Eddie says that Christopher was right though, he did lie to him. Buck thinks that he might be over-correcting. Buck tells Eddie that he read a book on Jim Abbott while in the hospital, and it turned out that he was able to pitch a no hitter, even though he was born with one hand. Eddie asks how he did it, and Buck explains that he practiced different tricks so that he could play the field. Eddie brings Christopher to the park where Buck and Carla are waiting with a modified skateboard.
They hook him up to the skateboard and Buck and Eddie push him along through the park. Buck asks if Eddie ever just wears it, and Eddie jokes that he never had an outfit to go with it. Eddie takes it back, and says that they already know that. Chris wants Eddie to tell the story to his class, and Buck asks if Eddie can tell it to fourth graders. After Chimeny pulls Hayden out of the well, lightning strikes and the rig starts to fall. Buck pushes Bobby to the side, and in the tunnel debris starts to fall on Eddie. Buck tells Bobby that they have to dig, but the drill is ruined. Buck says they could dig by hand, but Chimney says that the rain would cause a collapse. He asks how long Eddie could survive down there, and then looks around. He believes everyone thinks Eddie is dead, but Bobby says that nobody thinks that.
Eddie is in disbelief that Buck wants to do a rope rescue, but Bobby says that Eddie is going to go with him. The two rush along the roof and throw their stuff over to the other side. They then back up and take a running start to jump to the other side. Eddie then help Buck lower himself to the correct window, and help him get down with the victim. The roof starts to go, and Bobby tells him to secure the rope and get out of there. Eddie does so, and lets Buck know. Eddie asks for a description and looks to a shocked Buck as he does. Once they have a picture, Eddie is about to pat Bucks shoulder but runs off before he can. Buck hates to break it to Eddie, but if he has any smart technology, than anyone can spy on him. Buck tells him welcome to the future, and Eddie asks why that sounds terrifying to him.
Buck is playing video games with Christopher, who is bumping him to cheat. Eddie says he only mentioned it to Buck in front of the Hildy. Eddie just crosses his arms and shakes his head, so Buck has no choice but to say no. Eddie is at home when he suddenly gets a package. He then hears Christopher laughing and sees him on the phone, telling Buck that they got Eddie. Marjan then pulls up and tells Eddie to hurry up. Eddie is confused and he and Hen head out to their assignments. Trapped between his parents and his sister. Also planning his awkward apology. Buck says no, and Eddie says that even though he could have come at it differently, but he had every right to say how he felt.
Buck says that being in danger was the only way to get his parents attention, but now he knows why, they never wanted another kid. They just had him for defective parts. Bobby drives Buck back to the station where Eddie is waiting for him. He leaves the two alone, and Eddie calls Buck a show off. Buck says that he had to do it, and Eddie knows that he did. Eddie says that Buck has some visitors, and watches him as he heads upstairs. Buck asks what that was, and an annoyed Eddie says "check" instead. Eddie continues to do this, when Hen and Chimney join them, wondering who thought it was a good idea to give Buck a clipboard. Eddie says that Buck is allowed to take time to process everything, which Buck knows. Eddie asks Buck if he ever replays conversations in his head and worry he sounded like an idiot.
The air is filled with helium and the two start laughing when Bobby talks in a high pitched voice. Buck says that she could have known, and that his apartment is now no longer his safe space. They then hear a rustle and Eddie realizes that the Turkey is behind them. The two then get some food and the net and are able to catch him. Eddie said he had to take a detour due to construction and asks if Christopher is in bed. Buck confirms and Eddie says that Buck is a miracle worker. Buck jokes about how he thought he was single for too long and then heads out. Eddie is a panic, unable to find Christopher when his phone goes off. Two brains are better than one. Eddie suggests that they work on it together, but Buck already made a deal with Taylor.
Eddie looks a little annoyed, so Buck asks how he feels about splitting it three ways.
Очень популярны сборники одного автора, чаще всего написанные им по одной вселенной. Прежде чем начинать читать фанфик, советуем внимательно ознакомиться с его кратким содержанием. Обычно в нем указаны основные действующие персонажи, характер их взаимоотношений, а также детали, которые могут отпугнуть потенциального читателя — насилие, смерть главного персонажа, наличие сцен сексуального характера.
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Да, любовь бывает разная. Ох ты ж, чёрт, сука, всю работу прослушала и не одной слезинки, а вот сейчас рыдаю. Для меня это слишком. Вам, спасибо за прекрасную озвучку. Jan 29 16:06 Елена Елена Спасибо Ри за такое произведение,за озвучку!
Eddie said he had to take a detour due to construction and asks if Christopher is in bed. Buck confirms and Eddie says that Buck is a miracle worker. Buck jokes about how he thought he was single for too long and then heads out. Eddie is a panic, unable to find Christopher when his phone goes off.
Two brains are better than one. Eddie suggests that they work on it together, but Buck already made a deal with Taylor. Eddie looks a little annoyed, so Buck asks how he feels about splitting it three ways. At Buck apartment later, Taylor tells Buck that he needs to split his half with Eddie. Eddie asks if she really needs the money that bad, and Taylor said that she already agreed to split hers with her cameraman. Taylor says that they need to narrow things down, and Buck says that he and Eddie might know a guy. Ravi then tells them about all the ones they had the day before. He asks if they remember Sheila from the other day, and Buck asks if she was the woman with the sick kid.
All the signs point to her poisoning him, and Buck asks with what. Eddie remembers seeing eye drops in the kitchen, and Buck asks why she would do that. He then gets a call from Charlie. Buck says that Charlie is just luck he met Eddie, when Captain Mehta offers to let Eddie ride with Charlie to the hospital. Eddie starts to answer when suddenly, Eddie is shot. Just as a shot is about to hit Buck, Captain Mehta pushes Buck, who is still in shock, to the ground behind the firetruck. From under, Buck looks to Eddie, who reaches out to him as he slowly closes his eyes. He gabs him by the arm and pulls Eddie under the truck till they have protection.
He then lifts him into the truck, and everyone scrambles inside to get away. He tells Eddie to stay with him, when Eddie deliriously notices the blood on Buck. All Eddie has to do is hang on. They arrive at the Hospital and Buck hops out telling the nurses where Eddie is. He then helps Eddie down onto the Gurney and watches as the Nurses take him inside. Mehta asks if Buck is alright, and Buck stays silent till he walks away. Taylor meets Buck at the hospital and notices the blood on him. Buck says it happened right in front of him, but is unable to say more, just that he needs to tell Christopher.
Buck then goes to see Christopher, who asks where Eddie is. Christopher asks if it was in a fire, and Buck tells him that someone hurt him. Buck then gets a text from Bobby who tells him that Eddie got out of surgery and things went well. Buck says that Eddie is going to be alright and starts sobbing, Christopher comforting him as he does. But today he could to protect everyone else. Buck then rushes down to the hospital, where Eddie is. He tells Buck hey, and Buck lets out a sigh of relief. Buck kinda lost it when telling him that Eddie got shot, and apologizes for not holding it together.
Buck walks back into the hospital room and tells Eddie that the nurse is getting his discharge papers. Eddie says that since they have minute, and Buck asks if everything is alright. Buck sits beside him and Eddie says that he did almost die, again. Buck tries to interrupt him, but Eddie asks to let him finish. He tells Buck that after the well collapsed on top of them, he needed to make sure Christopher was well taken care of when he died. So he had his will changed so that if he died Christopher would be taken care of by Buck. Buck says that Christopher has other family, but Eddies says that they all tried to guilt him into giving Christopher to him after Shannon left. Buck asks if they would fight for Christopher, and Eddie says they probably will.
But no one will ever fight for Christopher as much as Buck ever will. While they help vent patients, Buck asks Eddie why the doctor was asking about him. Eddie says it was nothing, and that the doctor just checked him out the other day. Buck asks if he thought he had a heart attack, but Eddie asks Buck to drop it. Eddie gives him a "seriously", before they leave. Buck comes over and gives Christopher a big hug, and Eddie introduces Ravi to Christopher. Ana awkwardly introduces herself which Buck notices, and continues to observe as Eddie acts weird over Ana being there. Eddie finds an excuse to walk off as Buck stays, looking perplexed over what just happened.
Buck says that Eddie needs to tell him is something is wrong and Eddie finally admits that he had a panic attack. But he did. He admits that he thinks it was Ana, and Buck says that he thought things were great with her. Buck thought he could help fix things, but ended up failing. Buck asks if Chim is gonna forgive him and Eddie jokingly says no. He sees how sad Buck looks and explains out loud that he was joking.
Buck later breaks down in front of Christopher, who comforts him over his own father. Once Eddie awakens, Eddie tells Buck that if anything were to ever happen to him, he would want Buck to have custody of his son. Thank You!
Their mutual inability to find long-lasting romance has also contributed to speculation that they are destined for more than just friendship. That will come back around later. When Buck notices Eddie is still acting off, he discovers his friend has been street-fighting in order to cope with his PTSD instead of attending therapy. By the end of the episode, he admits that hanging out with Buck and his son does more for him than any professional help ever could.
Get Out #01 – Venom/Eddie Fanbook
Бак и Эдди 911 Buck amp Eddie. Смотрите видео онлайн на Смотрите сериалы бесплатно, музыкальные клипы, новости мира и кино, обзоры мобильных устройств. In the fifth season finale, fans were left wondering about the future of Buck and Eddie’s relationship. Лучшие фанфики про семейку Харгривз | theGirl. Эдди: увидишь. и эдди целует колетт в губы. и их поцелуй продлился 50 сек и эдгар сказал колетт: скажешь хоть одно посторонние слово. учти будет хуже. Громкая новость пришла из Тольятти.
Eddy & The Backfires
Почему Оливер Старк деактивировал твиттер? До чего доходят некоторые неадекватные Бак/Эдди фанатки? Узнаете из этого ролика про «реальные актеры НЕ их персон. Бак и Эдди 911 служба спасенияПодробнее. Ever since ‘9-1-1’ premiered in 2018, fans have fallen in love with the relationship between Oliver Stark’s Buck and Ryan Guzman’s Eddie. Эдди уходит, и Бак не может на это смотреть. В последний раз, когда Эдди пропал из его поля зрения, он оказался один на один с вооружённым преступником, а Бак наверняка лишился нескольких лет жизни, услышав тот выстрел. Дункан и Эдди → Q&A 4. В качестве подарочка на Рождество, Червил опубликовал любимые прошлогодние ответы на вопросы с Патреона.
9-1-1: Сюжетная линия Бака о бисексуальности назревала уже давно
And romance? Well, Eddie was initially introduced as a single dad to his wonderful son, Christopher, though that changed slightly when his still-married-ex Shannon came back into the picture. A post shared by 9-1-1 on FOX 911onfox In contrast, Buck has had a very different on-screen history with relationships, both romantic and sexual in nature. After playing the field regularly for some time and nearly losing his job as a firefighter thanks to some poor choices on that front , his outlook on relationships changed entirely after meeting Abby. Despite their rocky ending, he managed to hold on to his new beginnings as Buck 2.
As for other life events, Buck has taken quite a journey since season 1. Out of all of the characters on 9-1-1, Buck has arguably gone through the most growth by far from his first appearance to now.
Бак, исследуя свою сексуальность, вытащит его из колеи Бак наконец-то может вырваться из цикла неудач в отношениях Помимо Эдди, путь самопознания Бака играет важную роль в его собственном развитии. Большая часть повествования Бака вращается вокруг его личной жизни, включая его сложные отношения с эмоционально далекими родителями и череду неудачных романтических встреч. Он продолжает подниматься по лестнице самосовершенствования, но затем скатывается на несколько ступенек назад.
После своих отношений с репортером Тейлором Келли Бак, похоже, зашел в тупик. Несмотря на почти смертельный опыт в более поздних сезонах, самой впечатляющей сюжетной линией Бака остается его открытие о том, что он стал братом-спасителем неизвестного брата из 4 сезона. С тех пор повествование Бака вращается вокруг одной и той же темы — поиск любви в неправильных местах. Бисексуальность Бака — это для него новая возможность открыть ту часть себя, о существовании которой он никогда не подозревал. Или, может быть, он знал, что она есть, но по какой-то причине просто подавлял ее.
Подобно тому, как 9-1-1 добрался до корня комплекса Бака «сначала действуй, потом думай», когда представил токсичную семейную динамику, сериал может решить проблемы в отношениях Бака, наконец позволив ему быть самим собой. Трудно сказать, приведет ли это к появлению Бадди, но следующий шаг Бака в его личном путешествии важен для роста его собственного характера. Новые серии сериала 9-1-1 выходят в эфир каждый четверг в 20:00 по восточному времени на канале ABC. Смотрите также.
По предварительному плану в случае перехода в СКА он должен отправиться на год в аренду в «Сочи», чтобы сразу получить возможность попробовать свои силы в КХЛ. Дела казанские «Ак Барс» делает все, чтобы расстаться с защитником Вячеславом Войновым и нападающим Вадимом Шипачевым. Ранее опровержение от агента Станислава Романова уже было. Возможно, и новое тоже скоро появится. По информации «СЭ», ничего не изменилось — ветеранов ждет выкуп или перевод в список отказов, откуда их заберут клубы, не имеющие проблем с деньгами и потолком зарплат.
У «Ак Барса» масштабные селекционные планы и надо освободить место в платежке, чтобы подписать новичков, а также продлить контракт с Кириллом Семеновым. Тимур Билялов. История получилась долгой, а развязка — предсказуемой. По информации «СЭ», вратарь будет зарабатывать 55 миллионов рублей за сезон. Больше оклад в лиге из представителей его амплуа только у Эдди Паскуале из «Барыса».
Переговоры были не самыми простыми.
Eddie and Buck enter the ambulance and start to prepare to remove the grenade. Eddie instructs Buck on how much pressure to apply, and they get it out, Buck holding open the box for Eddie to place it in. They wheel the man into the hospital, and take a second outside. Buck says that Eddie can have his, causing Eddie to snicker. He calls it a deal and they shake hands as Bobby comes up. Eddie is playing pinball, as Buck tries to suggest nicknames, but Eddie still says no. Bobby then comes up and tells them they picked a winner for the calendar. Buck says no hard feelings no matter who won and he and Eddie fist bump. Buck is shocked that Eddie has a kid, and Eddie shows him a picture.
Eddie confirms, and Buck assures him that Christopher is fine. Outside of the collapsing high rise, they notice a victim stuck to the window. He suggest taking the ladder to the fourth floor, and climbing up from there. Bobby gives them permission and they go ahead. As they reach the fourth floor, Buck tells Eddie all the safety precautions that they placed in schools for Earthquakes, trying to assure him that Christopher is in the safest place possible during one. Eddie jokes about Buck saying earlier that that was a high rise, causing them to smile as they climb inside. They reach the eleventh floor and find the room. They set up a line and open the door. Once inside Eddie starts to make his way to the man trapped between the furniture and the window, while Buck tries to help the woman, Ali. Buck holds the rope steady for both Eddie and Ali, when an aftershock suddenly hits.
They find a new one when they hear a call from one of the rooms. They find a man and realize that he has a spinal injury. Buck gets an idea and they all head towards the elevator. Buck drives Eddie to the school, and he quickly runs in and hugs Christopher, as Buck watches on. Eddie arrives at the hospital, with Buck and tow where he meets his aunt Josephina. He asks if Christopher is fine, but Josephina tells him that it was his grandmother who was hurt not Christopher. She notices Buck, and asks who he is. Eddie tells her that Buck is his co-worker, and officially introduces him. He smiles and goes over to him, leaving Buck with Josephina. Buck says that it must be rough for Christopher and Eddie, Josephina agreeing.
At the fire station, the group is talking to Christopher when, Bobby shows up. Eddie starts to apologize for bringing him, but he had nowhere else to take him right now. Bobby says that he did, the 118. Buck had called ahead and Bobby was able to get it approved by the chief. The alarms go off and they rush to the trucks. Back at the station, the crew take care of Christopher till Josephina shows up. At the end sending him down the fire pole with Eddie and Buck catching him at the bottom. While making dinner with Maddie, Buck tells her about how he feels bad for Eddie. Christopher is great, he just needs extra help, but getting the help is kind of a huge mess. He loves him and is a really great dad.
Buck answers the door to meet his friend Carla. He introduces her to Eddie, and explains that she is a health care aid who might be able to help him with Christopher. Buck says that Eddie is just protecting Christopher, since Shannon ran out, but Eddie says that he ran out first. When Christopher was first diagnosed, Eddie re-enlisted and told himself it was to pay bills, but it was really to run away. He got called a hero, but when Shannon left, she just got called evil. Christopher then finishes with Santa, and Buck and Eddie walk over. Eddie picks up Christopher and starts to walk away, as Buck watches. The woman who helped Christopher down, tells Buck that he and Eddie have an adorable son. He calls Buck trying to unlock the phone from an unconscious Chimney a bold move. Buck was more worried about Maddie, and how all the extra rules were going to get Maddie killed.
Buck remembers how he had told Maddie to start over in L. Eddie says that they already are, and asks if they have to get married again. Buck suggests talking to Bobby, since he might be able to get them a discount. He then walks away as Eddie laughs. Buck tries to ignore him and head back to bed, when Christopher says hi from the couch. Eddie tells him that Christopher is going to spend his day with Buck. He should take Christopher out, have fun, might learn something from the kid who never feels sorry for himself. He then says bye to Christopher and heads to work. He calls Maddie and tells her what happened when he sees Eddie there.