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Эдди Бак (Eddie Buck). Бак и Эдди 911 служба спасенияПодробнее.

6 смешных и эпичных фанфиков по «Академии Амбрелла»

Eddie does so, and lets Buck know. Eddie asks for a description and looks to a shocked Buck as he does. Once they have a picture, Eddie is about to pat Bucks shoulder but runs off before he can. Buck hates to break it to Eddie, but if he has any smart technology, than anyone can spy on him.

Buck tells him welcome to the future, and Eddie asks why that sounds terrifying to him. Buck is playing video games with Christopher, who is bumping him to cheat. Eddie says he only mentioned it to Buck in front of the Hildy.

Eddie just crosses his arms and shakes his head, so Buck has no choice but to say no. Eddie is at home when he suddenly gets a package. He then hears Christopher laughing and sees him on the phone, telling Buck that they got Eddie.

Marjan then pulls up and tells Eddie to hurry up. Eddie is confused and he and Hen head out to their assignments. Trapped between his parents and his sister.

Also planning his awkward apology. Buck says no, and Eddie says that even though he could have come at it differently, but he had every right to say how he felt. Buck says that being in danger was the only way to get his parents attention, but now he knows why, they never wanted another kid.

They just had him for defective parts. Bobby drives Buck back to the station where Eddie is waiting for him. He leaves the two alone, and Eddie calls Buck a show off.

Buck says that he had to do it, and Eddie knows that he did. Eddie says that Buck has some visitors, and watches him as he heads upstairs. Buck asks what that was, and an annoyed Eddie says "check" instead.

Eddie continues to do this, when Hen and Chimney join them, wondering who thought it was a good idea to give Buck a clipboard. Eddie says that Buck is allowed to take time to process everything, which Buck knows. Eddie asks Buck if he ever replays conversations in his head and worry he sounded like an idiot.

The air is filled with helium and the two start laughing when Bobby talks in a high pitched voice. Buck says that she could have known, and that his apartment is now no longer his safe space. They then hear a rustle and Eddie realizes that the Turkey is behind them.

The two then get some food and the net and are able to catch him. Eddie said he had to take a detour due to construction and asks if Christopher is in bed. Buck confirms and Eddie says that Buck is a miracle worker.

Buck jokes about how he thought he was single for too long and then heads out. Eddie is a panic, unable to find Christopher when his phone goes off. Two brains are better than one.

Eddie suggests that they work on it together, but Buck already made a deal with Taylor. Eddie looks a little annoyed, so Buck asks how he feels about splitting it three ways. At Buck apartment later, Taylor tells Buck that he needs to split his half with Eddie.

Eddie asks if she really needs the money that bad, and Taylor said that she already agreed to split hers with her cameraman. Taylor says that they need to narrow things down, and Buck says that he and Eddie might know a guy. Ravi then tells them about all the ones they had the day before.

He asks if they remember Sheila from the other day, and Buck asks if she was the woman with the sick kid. All the signs point to her poisoning him, and Buck asks with what. Eddie remembers seeing eye drops in the kitchen, and Buck asks why she would do that.

He then gets a call from Charlie. Buck says that Charlie is just luck he met Eddie, when Captain Mehta offers to let Eddie ride with Charlie to the hospital. Eddie starts to answer when suddenly, Eddie is shot.

Just as a shot is about to hit Buck, Captain Mehta pushes Buck, who is still in shock, to the ground behind the firetruck. From under, Buck looks to Eddie, who reaches out to him as he slowly closes his eyes. He gabs him by the arm and pulls Eddie under the truck till they have protection.

He then lifts him into the truck, and everyone scrambles inside to get away. He tells Eddie to stay with him, when Eddie deliriously notices the blood on Buck. All Eddie has to do is hang on.

They arrive at the Hospital and Buck hops out telling the nurses where Eddie is. He then helps Eddie down onto the Gurney and watches as the Nurses take him inside. Mehta asks if Buck is alright, and Buck stays silent till he walks away.

Taylor meets Buck at the hospital and notices the blood on him. Buck says it happened right in front of him, but is unable to say more, just that he needs to tell Christopher. Buck then goes to see Christopher, who asks where Eddie is.

Потенциал для романтики также проявляется, когда Эдди застрелен и чуть не убит. Если не считать Кристофера, это событие больше всего повлияло на Бака, и важность Эдди для него очевидна. Тем не менее, защитники Бадди утверждают, что двое друзей еще не достигли точки перехода от глубокой дружбы к чему-то романтическому. Старк прав, признавая, что к любому изменению в их отношениях нужно подходить деликатно. Если эта трансформация действительно произойдет, ее следует изобразить достоверно, а не торопиться или представлять вяло ради зрителей. Также стоит иметь в виду, что Бак и Эдди в настоящее время встречаются с другими людьми, что потенциально может разрушить романтический союз. Однако, учитывая, что 8-й сезон 9-1-1 подтвержден на канале ABC, определенно существует вероятность, что в следующем сезоне ситуация может измениться, и не повредит то, что Старк открыт.

Eventually, Eddie left Texas with Christopher, moving to L. What episode does Buck and Eddie kiss? What is going on with Eddie on 9-1-1? Now he can focus on moving forward in a good way. Takedown request View complete answer on thehealthyjournal. In the 9-1-1 winter finale, pillar of the 118 Eddie Diaz Ryan Guzman left his team in search of a position with a higher chance of coming home to his son every night — and EW has an exclusive preview of his new desk job in the video below. Takedown request View complete answer on ew. So, will the two 9-1-1 cast members ever get together in a romantic way? In "Haunted", Buck breaks off his relationship with Abby and moves out of her apartment. He later lives with Maddie after Chimney kicked him out.

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More 9-1-1 ended its 100th episode with a moment that has everyone talking, one that set Buck Oliver Stark on the path to explore his sexuality. Then, in the final scene, Tommy stopped by to clear the air and kissed Buck—and the two made plans. Meanwhile, Eddie and Marisol take a closer look at their relationship, and Buck navigates his new feelings.

Тимур Билялов. История получилась долгой, а развязка — предсказуемой. По информации «СЭ», вратарь будет зарабатывать 55 миллионов рублей за сезон. Больше оклад в лиге из представителей его амплуа только у Эдди Паскуале из «Барыса».

Переговоры были не самыми простыми. В некоторые моменты казалось, что мосты уже догорают. Сведения об интересе «Ак Барса» к опальному канадцу Картеру Харту, а также появление Билялова на радарах «Авангарда» и московского «Динамо» выглядели как мощные элементы взаимного давления. Контакты с другими клубами у представителей Билялова были. Но о степени их серьезности сейчас рассуждать уже бессмысленно. Нынешний вариант кажется идеальным и для Билялова, и для «Ак Барса».

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This arc will continue for some time, Stark told TV Insider. Episode 4 ended without Buck and Eddie talking after the former accidentally injured his best friend on the basketball court, but both Stark and showrunner Tim Minear told us that conversation is coming in Episode 5.

Let us know in the comments section, below, and scroll down to check out photos from the episode.

911 Buck and Eddie Kiss, Who Does Buck End up With in 911?

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There it was - a thump. Got into the finals and currently waiting for results! I dare you to read and not enjoy! Katniss is ready to get to know Peeta better than she has. Will Katniss have time to get to know Peeta, and most importantly, can she save everyone she loves?

Идя по этому лесу она случайно натыкается на Костяк и Кирпич. Немного пообщавшись кошка продолжает путь и на пути ей встретился Бич. В этот момент начинается самое интересное. But I loved you before that.

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У 9-1-1 есть новая возможность открыть новую сторону характера Бака, которая предлагает многообещающую сюжетную линию, полную роста и принятия. Ниже приведены спойлеры к 4-й серии 7-го сезона 9-1-1 «Бак, обеспокоенный и сбитый с толку», которая вышла в эфир в четверг, 4 апреля, на канале ABC. Вместо убедительного повествования романтические отношения между персонажами, обычно называемыми «кораблями», исторически способствовали успеху многочисленных телевизионных шоу. Бурный роман между Даной Скалли и Фоксом Малдером из «Секретных материалов» породил термин «шиппинг». Дин и Кастиэль из «Сверхъестественного» — еще одни любимые отношения, которые так и не материализовались. Поклонники усилили эти корабли с помощью фанфиков и спекуляций в социальных сетях. Однако ни один из них не вызвал такого энтузиазма у телезрителей, как динамика Эдди Диаса и Эвана «Бака» Бакли в «9-1-1», которая пролила свет на сексуальность последнего. Дружелюбный, которого называют «Приятель», динамика Эдди и Бака развивается со второй части шоу, а седьмой сезон 9-1-1 знаменует их значительный прогресс. Пожарные Эдди и Бак наслаждаются глубоким духом товарищества, который, как уже давно подозревали зрители, имеет романтический подтекст. Поскольку Бак служит наставником сына Эдди Кристофера, и оба имеют общую слабость, когда дело касается отношений, они являются ближайшими доверенными лицами друг друга. Однако 9-1-1 не исследовал их отношения до 7-го сезона, 4-й серии, где Бак раскрыл свою бисексуальность — поворотный момент, который не только развивает потенциальный романтический угол между Эдди и Баком, но и формирует Перейдите к важной арке персонажа. Бак выступил в роли бисексуала в 7 сезоне 9-1-1 9-1-1 наконец положил конец многолетним спекуляциям Хотя Эдди часто сталкивается с вопросами о своей сексуальной ориентации со стороны фанатов, именно Бак стал главным объектом внимания создателей «9-1-1». Если романтическая связь между Баком и Эдди, известным как «Бадди», в какой-то момент разовьется, обоим персонажам будет полезно иметь свои собственные сюжетные линии, чтобы справиться с этим аспектом своей жизни, который они еще не исследовали.

Every other plan to get her hands on diapers or pull-ups has failed up to now. But this time it is going to be different. This time it is going to work. The plan is simple. All Madelyn has to do is intentionally begin to wet the bed at night. Then, her parents will have no choice but to get her the diapers she so badly desires. What could possibly go wrong? Update schedule: Every 3 days at 4 p. When Erin came around the book stack, she gave a sigh of relief.

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5923ea6665bcf109913ff9a6 – все находящиеся в продаже товары и предлагаемые услуги. Фф Ричи и Эдди Хогвартс. Новый клип 6-го сезона 9-1-1 показывает как Эдди игриво пользуется новообретенными способностями Бака. Смотрите видео на тему «Фанфик Баки Барнс И Ожп» в TikTok.

Do Buck and Eddie Kiss? Do They End Up Together in 9-1-1?

He introduces her to Eddie, and explains that she is a health care aid who might be able to help him with Christopher. Buck says that Eddie is just protecting Christopher, since Shannon ran out, but Eddie says that he ran out first. When Christopher was first diagnosed, Eddie re-enlisted and told himself it was to pay bills, but it was really to run away. He got called a hero, but when Shannon left, she just got called evil. Christopher then finishes with Santa, and Buck and Eddie walk over. Eddie picks up Christopher and starts to walk away, as Buck watches. The woman who helped Christopher down, tells Buck that he and Eddie have an adorable son. He calls Buck trying to unlock the phone from an unconscious Chimney a bold move. Buck was more worried about Maddie, and how all the extra rules were going to get Maddie killed. Buck remembers how he had told Maddie to start over in L. Eddie says that they already are, and asks if they have to get married again.

Buck suggests talking to Bobby, since he might be able to get them a discount. He then walks away as Eddie laughs. Buck tries to ignore him and head back to bed, when Christopher says hi from the couch. Eddie tells him that Christopher is going to spend his day with Buck. He should take Christopher out, have fun, might learn something from the kid who never feels sorry for himself. He then says bye to Christopher and heads to work. He calls Maddie and tells her what happened when he sees Eddie there. Maddie tells him that he has to, but Buck insists that he has to keep looking. As Eddie goes to help the new patients, he sees Buck to his surprise. Buck starts to explain how he and Christopher were at the pier when the tsunami hit.

Buck tries to continue on, but Eddie walks past him straight to Christopher, Buck turning to see him as well. Eddie corrects her and the woman tells him that Christopher was looking for Buck. As Buck watches, the rest of the 118 come over, and he finally collapses in exhaustion, happy that Christopher is safe. The next day, Buck answers his door to see Christopher and Eddie. Christopher gives him a hug as Eddie walks past and explains all the stuff he brought for Christopher. Buck is surprised that Eddie wants him to watch Christopher, after everything that happened. Eddie reminds him that it was a natural disaster, but Buck thinks more about how he lost him. Eddie tells him that Christopher remembers Buck saving him, and now maybe he can do the sane for him. Buck says that he was supposed to look out for him. He loves Christopher enough to never stop trying, and knows that Buck does as well.

He places his hand on Bucks shoulder and tells him that there is no one he trusts with Christopher more than him. He says goodbye to Christopher, and thanks Buck for not giving up just before leaving. He tries to play it off as a coincidence, but abandons it and starts apologizing for the lawsuit. Eddie interrupts him and asks what he thought was going to happen, lawsuit was bad enough, but he told the lawyer personal things about the 118. Eddie calls Buck exhausting, they all have their own problems, but they suck it up. Buck says that he just needed his job back, he missed it and being part of the team, he never meant for anyone to get hurt. But he gets it now, and is truly sorry. Buck smiles at him and the two hug. Eddie goes quiet for a moment, before asking Buck about the package. He should have been there to talk sense into Eddie, or at least talk him out of buying the truck.

Eddie thinks that Buck would have just convinced him to get something more expensive, which Buck takes as a fair point. Buck asks him to be honest with him, and suggests that Eddie might have been throwing his punches at the wrong guys. Buck says that he could still take him, Eddie asking if he thinks so, and Buck says he does. He walks closer to Eddie and asks if wants to go for the title. They then go play Street Fighter with Chris. Chris asks Buck if he can spend Christmas with him this year, catching him off guard. Buck looks to Eddie, but Eddie sadly shakes his head no. Eddie says that Christopher was right though, he did lie to him. Buck thinks that he might be over-correcting. Buck tells Eddie that he read a book on Jim Abbott while in the hospital, and it turned out that he was able to pitch a no hitter, even though he was born with one hand.

Eddie asks how he did it, and Buck explains that he practiced different tricks so that he could play the field. Eddie brings Christopher to the park where Buck and Carla are waiting with a modified skateboard. They hook him up to the skateboard and Buck and Eddie push him along through the park. Buck asks if Eddie ever just wears it, and Eddie jokes that he never had an outfit to go with it. Eddie takes it back, and says that they already know that. Chris wants Eddie to tell the story to his class, and Buck asks if Eddie can tell it to fourth graders. After Chimeny pulls Hayden out of the well, lightning strikes and the rig starts to fall.

Every other plan to get her hands on diapers or pull-ups has failed up to now. But this time it is going to be different. This time it is going to work. The plan is simple. All Madelyn has to do is intentionally begin to wet the bed at night. Then, her parents will have no choice but to get her the diapers she so badly desires. What could possibly go wrong? Update schedule: Every 3 days at 4 p. When Erin came around the book stack, she gave a sigh of relief.

Well, Eddie was initially introduced as a single dad to his wonderful son, Christopher, though that changed slightly when his still-married-ex Shannon came back into the picture. A post shared by 9-1-1 on FOX 911onfox In contrast, Buck has had a very different on-screen history with relationships, both romantic and sexual in nature. After playing the field regularly for some time and nearly losing his job as a firefighter thanks to some poor choices on that front , his outlook on relationships changed entirely after meeting Abby. Despite their rocky ending, he managed to hold on to his new beginnings as Buck 2. As for other life events, Buck has taken quite a journey since season 1. Out of all of the characters on 9-1-1, Buck has arguably gone through the most growth by far from his first appearance to now. What does this mean for Buddie?

П Пятый : - " Что-то подсказывает мне, что сдесь всё не совсем так... П: - " Отец? Б Бен : - " Пап, что это за придурки? Л Лютер : - " О чёрт. Всего один миг и все переместилась вновь к дверям Академии.

Баки и Эдди (Бадди)

Бак играл с Эдди в гостиной в уно, лениво проводя субботнее утро, когда Кристофер вернулся домой после ночёвки у друга. Пожарные Эдди и Бак наслаждаются глубоким духом товарищества, который, как уже давно подозревали зрители, имеет романтический подтекст. А Эндшпиль, надеюсь, Бак и Эдди? Оно как бы с 1 серии 2 сезона намекается жирно! Эдди уходит, и Бак не может на это смотреть. В последний раз, когда Эдди пропал из его поля зрения, он оказался один на один с вооружённым преступником, а Бак наверняка лишился нескольких лет жизни, услышав тот выстрел. Get Out #01 – Venom/Eddie Fanbook.

Youtube канал Eddy FF

Бак и Эдди 911 Buck amp Eddie. Почему Оливер Старк деактивировал твиттер? До чего доходят некоторые неадекватные Бак/Эдди фанатки? BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. And though Oliver Stark’s Evan “Buck” Buckley initially perceived Eddie as a threat to his own job, given how close they were in age and skillsets, the two were soon able to move past their differences. Get Out #01 – Venom/Eddie Fanbook.

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