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Poster style DnD group commission. Ильматер ДНД 5. Бог Илматер ДНД 5. Калаштар ДНД 5. Ильматер DND. Главная» Новости» Днд черты. Малая иллюзия днд. Ильматер ДНД 5. Дворфы раскраска. Главная» Новости» Ильматер днд. Ilmater's Aid is an uncommon Amulet that allows the wearer to deal additional force damage with non-cantrip spells when their health drops below half.
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Расы днд 5 - 90 фото | Герои узнали у местных дорогу к храму Ильматера и спустя час уже стояли на его потрескавшихся от старости ступенях. |
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Elminster was originally thought to have been destroyed, but when he later reappeared it became apparent that he had merely been transported to another plane of existence for a time. With the present crisis averted, all seemed calm, but the Shadowmasters had other ideas. Elminster and the Rangers Three, along with their allies, managed to frustrate and foil the plans of this race of shapeshifters. Elminster also confronted the overgod, Lord Ao , over his instigation of the Time of Troubles while innocents were being killed. As the critical moment of the Time of Troubles approached, Mystra knew of what was to come and shed most of her power into the human wizard Midnight, so that all of her essence would not cease to exist. Since Elminster obtained his power from Mystra, this change left him personally powerless at a critical juncture. The two of them were later reunited with the other two members of the band, Itharr and Belkram, but even the Rangers Three could not prevent Elminster from being wounded in battle. Despite this setback, Elminster and the rangers, along with their allies, freed High Dale and defeated Manshoon of the Zhentarim. They also outlasted the Time of Troubles, and Elminster regained his magic. The collision tore at the fabric of reality and created a rift to the Nine Hells.
Elminster realized that the only way to close the portal before a legion of devils spilled forth onto Toril was to close it from the other side. In the opening of Elminster in Hell, Elminster narrowly managed to close the portal at the expense of much of his magical strength. In the most graphic scenes of The Elminster Series , Elminster was subjected to brutal tortures, surviving only because of his exceptional endurance and ability to heal himself with silver fire. Realizing that her presence in Hell was less than inconspicuous, due to the Pact Primeval that prohibits the presence of any god in the Nine Hells, Mystra retreated and dispatched more subtle agents to find him; first Halaster Blackcloak , the Mad Mage of Undermountain who was defeated and then the Simbul. After much searching, the Simbul found him, and together they defeated Nergal and returned home. Narnra is a thief who was raised by a single mother in Waterdeep.
Half a dozen cosmic eggs were laid, followed by an egg made of iron. The bird then gathered them all up, sat upon them and went to sleep... And now Ilmatar was faced with a problem familiar to anyone with a household pet. How do you move without waking them up? Her leg was aching, her knee was hotter than an incubator and she desperately wanted to go to the bathroom. Slowly, carefully, she began to stretch out her leg.. Now, cosmic eggs are delicate things, and no sooner had they touched the water than the shells cracked and a vast Cosmic Omelet was formed upon the waves.
In short, I will not paint for a long time what a fine fellow I am. Perhaps, I will make the second part of the album, if I find an inspiration and you support me enough.
Характер[ ] Нежный и добродушный, Илматер - тихое, миролюбивое божество, охотно берущее на себя трудности и слезы давно страдающего мира. Хотя его и нелегко возмутить, гнев Сломанного Божества перед лицом чрезвычайной жестокости или злодеяний ужасен. Он предпринимает огромные усилия, чтобы защитить и оберегать детей и молодёжь, и он сурово карает тех, кто способен повредить им. Поклонение[ ] Неправильно понимаемая большинством, жалеемая и даже иногда презираемая, церковь Илматера все же имеет на Фаэруне чуть ли не больше всего преданных последователей. В жестоком мире страдающие, больные и бедные могут полагаться лишь на последователей Плачущего Бога, которые помогают всем. Церковь Илматера широко любима простым народом всех заселенных земель, и его духовенство может рассчитывать на щедрую поддержку в своей пожизненной миссии лечения. Те, кто не могут постичь, как кто-либо по своей воле может подвергнуться мучениям и жестокости, как это преданные преданные Илматера, просто неверно истолковывают суть церкви. Среди тех, кто презирает слабых, церковь Плачущего Бога считается слабой и глупой - жестокие тираны и мощные злодеи опасно недооценивают ее членов. Илматари разделяют то, что имеют, с теми, кто нуждается, и всегда находят время посоветовать тем, кто опечален, и позаботиться о поврежденных. Илматари защищают угнетенных, ведут потерявшихся, кормят голодных, оберегают бездомных и собирают травы и делают лекарства для грядущих бедствий. Они хоронят мертвых, ухаживают за больными и дают еду, питье и дрова бедным. Жизнь для них священна и в то же время полна страданий, но они не стоят на пути желаний других и не осуждают их за избранный ими путь. Когда ожидается война и позволяет время, жрецы Илматера собирают палатки, повязки и фургоны лекарств и излечивающих микстур для тех, кто вскоре может пострадать. Они также совершают поездки по самым состоятельным городам и поселениям Фаэруна , по разному ходатайствуя для поддержки церкви. Храмы Илматера, как правило, располагаются в сельской местности на главных торговых маршрутах, служа путевыми станциями для утомленных путешественников.
Малая иллюзия днд
Герои узнали у местных дорогу к храму Ильматера и спустя час уже стояли на его потрескавшихся от старости ступенях. Ilmater (pronounced: /ɪlˈmeɪtɛr/ ihl-MAY-ter listen), known to the Iulutiun people of the Great Glacier as Ayuruk and to the Angulutiun people as Itishikopak, was the Faerûnian intermediate deity of. Тир ДНД 5. Средневековая тренировочная площадка. #PCCHИ #DnD_PCCHИ #DnD Разговор с мастером о партии, которая полезла на рожон и теперь загибается: ДМ: Ну, не напролом же ломиться надо! Расы днд 5. Homebrew расы ДНД 5. Хомбрю ДНД 5. Хоумбрю расы ДНД 5. Dnd5 иной. Tiefling Paladin. Dnd.
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С того момента Илматер становится верным союзником Тира, а позднее к ним присоединяется Торм, младшее божество правды и долга, бывший военный лидер Тира, обрекший статус божества. Вмести они формируют Триада. Ильматер и его последователи фигурирует во многих романах, играх и модулях по Forgotten Realms. Последние записи:.
He is described as having the appearance of "a broken man, with smashed hands which he constantly uses. He is the willing sufferer," and that he has the "power to manifest himself in creatures being tortured, but only if such creatures are of good alignment and have not done anything to deserve such treatment. He seeks to offer words of comfort and calming to those in pain, oppressed, or in great need. He will seek to endure any pain if it will lessen the pain of another.
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- Church of Ilmater
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Forgotten Realms - Religion | законно-добрый бог, стойкости. |
Church of Ilmater Organization in Not Forgotten Realms | World Anvil | Главная» Новости» Днд черты. |
Отчет паладина и первосвященника бога знаний Огмы
Фото для голосования выбраны по одному, но на все кокурсные посты даны ссылки. Голосуйте, если вам нравится любая фотография из предложенных участником а не только та, которая прикреплена здесь - мы выберем лучших псов! Будут учитываться голоса только от участников группы!
Traditionally, this flower formed the name of their respective monastery, but this was not a rule.
Companions of the Noble Heart: An aggressive order that focused on fighting and destroying those who were cruel or enjoyed the pain and suffering of others, particularly the church of Loviatar. Morgan the Taciturn[4][6] Disciples of St. Sollars the Twice-Martyred: A monastic order that specialized in genealogical studies.
Dionysus: An often-inebriated order active in the Bloodstone Lands. Uzurr: An order that governed the city of Uzurr in Lapaliiya. Jasper of the Rocks[4][6] Weeping Friars: These were the most fanatical believers in the idea of "bleeding" for others.
They were usually named after Ilmatari saints. Many were built like manor houses, surrounded by protective walls and containing a chapel, a chapter house, a stable, and garden. It was common for these temples to contain an area for treating the sick and injured.
They could also include a library and quarters for monks or barracks for a knight order. Thus, almost every settlement had a shrine to Ilmater, whether formal or homemade, and a great many Ilmatari hostels, abbeys, and seminaries lay across the countryside outside the cities. Ilmater was central to both cultures, and most Damarans regularly offered a prayer to the Crying God or one of his saints.
These lands were home to several Ilmatari orders, temples, and monasteries, and often ruled by paladin-kings of Ilmater, which made the Church of Ilmater the state church of both realms. Damaran Ilmatari used the bloodstained rack symbol of Ilmater or the yellow rose of St. The wizards themselves suspected the priests of helping slaves escape and healing victims of state torture.
Though there were no temples, there were number of shrines, mostly mobile, and the highest priest was a runaway slave who remained always on the move. Like most priests there, they were considered eccentrics by the wider community, and were scattered and few. From their enclaves, they gave aid to those who came to them.
It was also the biggest center for the manufacture of medicines. Uzurr dominated the city of Uzurr in Lapaliiya, and the Abbot of the temple also ruled the city. Uzurr took Ilmater as its civic deity.
For ceremonial occasions, the Ilmatari wore plain, solid gray vestments of tunics, trousers, and tabard, or robes. They also wore skullcaps, which were gray for ordinary clergy and blood-red for senior clergy, while unadorned novices wore none. The holy symbol of Ilmater was worn on a chain around the neck or as a badge pinned over the heart.
Some older members of the clergy had a gray teardrop tattooed beside one eye. However, over their clothes or armor, they often wore gray tabards with the holy symbol stitched over the chest by the left shoulder. The Tome of Torment, the holiest book of the Church, which actually took the form of a horsehair-shirt.
Weapons Dornavver, a sword forged to slay demons. Artifacts The Feet of Ilmater. The Iron Helm of Heroes.
This saw the Ilmatari particularly harshly treated. He ramped up the persecution of the Ilmatari. Hereafter, none shall raise a hand against a servant of the Crying God save if the servant attacks first.
Harming a true Ilmatari, one of the Adorned of the god, will see such harm visited a hundredfold upon thee and thine. When his daughter fell from a horse and injured her head, and court healers pronounced she would die, Amahl Shoon V sought an Ilmatari hermit, dwelling in a tiny hut in the Forest of Mir by the shores of the River Agis. Fearing the earlier harassment if he went to Shoonach, the hermit asked for the girl to be brought to him and duly healed her.
Enormously grateful, Amahl Shoon V told his people of the beneficence of Ilmater and his priests, and decreed that none should harm an Adorned servant of the Crying God unless they struck first, else the perpetrator would suffer the same hundredfold. Then he worked a mighty spell across the empire to enforce the decree. For his actions, in the centuries since, the church of Ilmater debated the issue of canonizing Amahl Shoon V as a saint, though without resolution.
The sword was entrusted to the Holy Warriors of Suffering. Knights of the three faiths from as far as Amn and Calimshan joined the crusade, and vanquished the demon horde after two years of fighting. These knights brought their faith, and their rule, to Impiltur.
High Priest Ilnger Obskoth proclaimed it as "the hand of holy Ilmater made manifest among us", and it swiftly became the most venerated sacred object in Carathryn. The Tome saw extensive use around the southern Sword Coast for some three centuries, and became the holiest book in the Ilmatari faith, despite several thefts, the sinking of Carathryn in the Year of the Talking Spiders, 1132 DR, and spending time in the possession of a Loviatan priestess. There, the Spontaer, then the senior Sage-Priest of the church, sacrificed himself to render the Tome usable only by priests of Ilmater.
Bloirt Waelarn, leader of the Keltar house, declared all those of the "degenerate" Mussum house "heretics" and called for them to be cast out and treated as mentally ill. A few ambitious minor priests joined Waelarn and together they journeyed to the Mussum house, intending to "cleanse the filth". The priests of Mussum recruited the Companions of the Noble Heart paladin order to their defense, and attacked Waelarn and his followers, who were labeled "false clerics" and "subverted by evil".
An angry Waelarn summoned three other knightly orders—the Holy Warriors of Suffering, the Knights of the Bleeding Shield, and the Order of the Golden Cup—to his side and vowed holy war against the "unclean ones of Mussum" and their allies. Finally, Lord Sir Jargus Holenhond of the Golden Cup declared an end to the bloodshed between true believers, insisted that the Tome of Torment be transferred to Keltar as planned, and blamed Bloirt Waelarn for the senseless violence, determining that he should be removed from office and sent into hermitage for the remainder of his years. The weary paladins accepted and carried out his judgment.
Althea said that Ilmater had given them the Tome for the "low and truly needy" priests to "further the will and work of Ilmater in the wilderlands and perilous places of all Toril", and recruit non-believers to the faith of the Crying God. Althea selected Blaermon the Blessed, a knight of the Holy Warriors of Suffering, to take away the Tome of Torment to those "wild places" and bestow it upon the first "needy and worthy" Ilmatari he met, someone who worked or fought for the benefit of the common people and their faith, not merely for wealth and adventure. In the Year of the Daystars, 1268 DR, Blaermon gave the Tome to Flaergon of Glister, who devoted his efforts to assisting miners and caravan-workers in the frozen north of the Moonsea.
But within a year, Daern was murdered by the returned Bloirt Waelarn, who stole the Tome and escaped, journeying toward Mussum. Waelarn was finally confronted by Sir Guth of the Order of the Golden Cup, who challenged him to single combat before their god. Waelarn accepted, and promptly used a cairn spell from the Tome to bury Guth, then dismembered him.
But Ilmater caused Sir Guth to rise from his grave as an unrelenting zombie, which tracked the rogue priest across Sespech. Waelarn finally collapsed of exhaustion and the zombie Guth strangled him as he slept. Guth hid the Tome of Torment then constructed a funeral pyre for both Waelarn and himself.
In fact, it eventually found its way to Crimmor in Amn, to the merchant Beguld Thormon—also a doppelganger, as Ilmatari investigators later found—then to a Thayan crime gang. An Ilmatari strike-force assaulted their house in Athkatla, destroying the house and pursuing and slaying the Thayan band through the streets. The Ilmatari suspected that these cultists were under the influence of Beshaba, Cyric or Loviatar.
The cult was mostly eliminated by 1369 DR, following a hostile reaction from authorities and the nobility. Recovering it became a mission for all followers of Ilmater, setting them on a vigorous search across the Realms, and their probing efforts provoked conflict with those who wished their privacy or had something else to hide. A 40,000-gp reward was offered for the return of the complete and undamaged Tome.
At least twice, fraudsters delivered fake Tomes to the House of the Broken God, and were punished for their trickery. The whereabouts of the Tome of Torment were still unknown by 1370 DR. The five disemboweled themselves in order to experience extreme pain, and died.
During this time, he disappeared mysteriously. Though the overlords were cast down, it was only by bloody means.
И никаких следов не то, что его ухода, а даже того, что он вообще был. Никто не мог даже с полной уверенностью сказать, а был ли он вообще. Тут хочешь не хочешь, а начнёшь сомневаться в собственном рассудке. Но торчать и ждать, не появится ли он из воздуха, мы не могли — задание никто не отменял. Обнаружение гоблинских следов вынудило нас откорректировать маршрут, взяв немного восточнее.
И это себя оправдало, поскольку последующие два дня прошли в размеренном пути и главной моей проблемой были болящие с непривычки ноги и усталость. Не привык я к таким прогулкам, ох не привык. К исходу второго дня мы дошли до некого леска. По мне так этот лес не отличался от любого другого, но Зандан уверял, что это как раз тот лес, что растёт около озера Омайа, то есть мы были уже достаточно близки к Кальяри. В вопросе ориентирования дроу вроде как был компетентен, даже несмотря на то, что днём видел откровенно паршиво. Так что мы взяли севернее, чтобы дойти до побережья озера. Но пока мы пробивались через дебри, нам не посчастливилось нарваться на небольшое стадо диких кабанов.
Весьма агрессивных тварей, как оказалось. Но всё-таки кабаны — это не медведь-оборотень и даже не гоблины. Просто животные, пусть и достаточно опасные. Подобные размышления привели меня к тому, что я решил осуществить одну из давних задумок и попросту сотворил иллюзию, в виде того самого медведя, только куда крупнее. Идея казалась блестящей, ровно до того момента, как большая часть кабанов проигнорировала иллюзию. Тут то до меня и дошло, что походу они плохо видят… Ещё веселее стало в тот момент, когда Зандан и Фрей начали рубить этих зверюг, а Кай отошел назад, чтобы начать стрелять из лука. А на меня ломанулся один из кабанов, которого никто и не думал останавливать!!!
Опасность заставила работать мозги куда активнее, и я понял, что раз кабаны плохо видят, то ориентируются немного иначе. А потому воссоздал медвежий рёв простым магическим трюком. Только опять же его усилил. И вот это уже действительно сработало. Собственно, на этом бой и закончился — живые кабаны прыснули врассыпную. Вон оно торжество разума над грубой силой! Мёртвые кабанчики пошли на мясо, что было очень кстати, ведь добротный дорожный паек стоит целых пять серебряных, после чего мы всё же добрались до побережья озера.
Зандан не ошибся, Кальяри находилось на другой стороне озера, правда видно его считай не было. Зато видно было тёмный дым, поднимающийся в той стороне… Очередное подтверждение моих мрачных предчувствий. Мы двинулись на запад вдоль озера, там как раз виднелись холмы, с которых можно будет лучше разглядеть обстановку. Но добрались мы туда уже ночью, там и разбили лагерь. Тут нам опять не повезло, на лагерь налетел отряд гоблинов, причем командиром там был один гоблин во вполне приличной броне.
They are often used by mages and fire giants as guardians of their homes and previous items. Fire elemental myrmidon CR 7 Book: Monsters of the Multiverse Fire elementals that have been summoned and bound to a suit of armour, erasing their memories and transforming them into servants of war. These creatures are known for being particularly sadistic, enjoying the suffering and torture of others. Azers are often used as salve labour by giants and other races. They are best avoided due to their impressive magic and vicious nature. Giant strider CR 1 Book: Monsters of the Multiverse Looking like a cross between a reptile and an ostrich, these creatures are impervious to fire and can act as a mount for natives of the plane of fire. Phoenix Book: Monsters of the Multiverse Huge, flaming birds, that can be reborn when they die.
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