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Сборочка на Свейна. ОНИ ВЫПУСКАЮТ МОНСТРА, СВЕЙН ОБЗОР Вайлд Рифт | League of Legends Wild Rift #wildrift. Swain probuilds reimagined by : newer, smarter, and more up-to-date runes and mythic item builds than any other site. Here's everything you need to know about Winterblessed Swain in League of Legends.

Свейн из Билджвотера

Полное руководство по поддержке Swain в 11 сезоне (обновление MoonStaff). And in this post, I’ll explain the 5 best supports for Swain in LoL according to synergy, playstyle, and overall success across all servers and elos. Swain tank boss raid. Best build Swain Wild Rift and latest Runes. How to play combos, skills, pros and cons, and counter this champion in the current meta. Best Augments, Item Builds, and champions to play with Swain in patch 14.8. Встречайте новый облик Свейна в обновлении 8.3 игры League of Legends.

Swain's Abilities

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Swain Wild Rift Build | Best Items, Runes, Spells & More

[УДАЛЕНО] Свейн больше не может притягивать врагов, контролируемых толпой. Как лучше осуществлять Свейна билд, можно узнать из гайда. Как лучше осуществлять Свейна билд, можно узнать из гайда. Demonic Ascension lasts as long as Swain has Demonic Energy, decaying by 5 every 0.5 seconds, increased to 7.5 after 5 seconds have elapsed. Трубят рога, вороны собираются в стаи. Империя расколота гражданской войной. За ее пределами рождаются новые королевства. Возьмите меч.

Свейн League of Legends

This is a teaser spotlight of Winterblessed Swain with ingame gameplay! Best Augments, Item Builds, and champions to play with Swain in patch 14.8. [УДАЛЕНО] Свейн больше не может притягивать врагов, контролируемых толпой. Here is the best build for Swain in League’s 12th season. THE FINALS has three classes to use with Light, Medium, and Heavy builds and I've devised the best build combinations of weapons and gadgets that you should use. Свейн выстреливает своей демонической рукой вперед, нанося 35/70/105/140/175 + (0.25*AP) магического урона всем врагам на пути.


You should never take smite for him as he is weak in the jungle, and going jungle swain is just trolling. Swain Runes Here is the set of LoL Wild Rift Runes to strengthen the build of Swain: Runes Description Conqueror Since Swain is a fighter that is always engaged in fighting, he can make full use of this time and stack his conqueror for max damage Gathering storm Gathering Storm is good for the late game as Swain is a late-game champ, and this rune scales well with him. Second wind Since you are weak in the early game, going second wind will help you sustain in lane. Mana flow band Since he struggles with mana problems going mana flow band solves this problem. Swain Items Here are the best Wild Rift Items for the Swain Build: Rod of ages Rod of Ages is the perfect first item for Swain build, as you can scale, and this item grants you health, magic power and cooldown. This item is also very good at the late game as it stacks more after every takedown making you a late-game monster. Rift maker Since he has lots of aoe abilities, he benefits very well with rift maker as it grants spell vamp, so going rift maker as a second item is very good. Rylais crystal This item grants you tons of health and sustain, and grants slow in all of your ability power which can be useful to catch up with enemy champs.

Early Game In the early game, Swain has the opportunity to pick up a lot of Soul Fragments to increase his maximum health by landing Nevermove and Visions of Empire. However, be wary, as mana can be an issue if you start spamming these abilities a lot without landing. Once you reach your core items, you will have the opportunity to burst most squishes and even shred tanks, thanks to Giant Slayer. Always look for picks with Nevermove and Visions of Empire, as a single pick can change an entire team fight and ultimately win you the game. When Swain is grouped with his team, you can be at the front line tanking a lot of damage and dealing AOE damage to everyone on the enemy team. With the healing from your Ultimate and Riftmaker, this is enough for you to stay alive and deal a lot of damage.

So rushing it third item grants you extra bonus damage and ability power. Morellos Your last item will be Morellos for the extra cooldown and reduced healing. Swain Counters Since Swain has no mobility and dashes, one of his weaknesses is his lack of mobility. He can not catch up with enemies and can get kited easily. Another weakness of Swain is anti-heal. Most of his durability and tackiness come from his constant life steal. Once the enemy team gets anti-heal, he will be reduced drastically in sustain. So, the champions that counter Swain are Vayne, Gwen and Yone.

Fixed a crash that occurred when two quests used the same hideout. Fixed a crash that occurred when leaving a kingdom while there was an active Prodigal Son quest. Fixed a bug that caused parties to constantly change their minds and move between two targets. Fixed a bug that prevented the ranged troops from manning the walls in defensive sieges. Multiplayer Fixed a crash that occurred during matchmaking games. Fixed a crash that occurred when clicking the clan button in the lobby on GOG. Fixed a crash that occurred in the lobby if the client had a slow internet connection. Fixed a crash that occurred in the lobby when attempting to exit the game from the mission or character editor. Fixed a crash that occurred when the intro video ended. Fixed a bug that caused leave punishments on matchmaking games to be applied twice.

Early Свейн Build

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Патч 8.3: новые эмоции и переработанный Swain

Now hitting an opponent with a basic attack or your E extends the duration of Ragnorak by 2. The tooltips seem to imply this can be refreshed forever. However, it scales from an initial 6 seconds duration, to the refreshing 3 seconds, giving you a half-second window to hit someone. Now with improved tools for this, and the ability to wade in and decimate opponents, he feels more like the badass his backstory implies His passive has removed his pull, and given him more health regen and healing. Far more fitting for a tactical genius. Meanwhile, the pull has been moved onto E, making it a more reasonable active ability, than synergizes with his Ult. As for his Ult, Demonic Ascension has now had its duration lowered, but augmented with something called Demon Power. Swain starts with 50 Demon Power and it drains at 10 Power per second.

Initially seeming like a rather weak Skill, its true power relies on the effects of his Talent. This functions as a multiplier increase, greatly increasing his overall damage output, and the reason he deals more damage than one would initially expect.

With his Skill also being a Bounce ability, it also deals vastly increased Toughness damage, and the extra hits offset the lowered base chance to apply the Slow, since you just have more hits to try and apply it with. It quite literally says that affected units are unable to take action. What this means is that Welt can just deny Elites and Bosses their Extra Actions they usually take, removing much of the danger they normally pose. Malefic Ape charging up an attack on someone? True Sting wanting to start charging his big AoE? Ebondeer about to teamwipe you with his AoE upswing?

Riot Games has released patch 12. Advertisement Swain will now receive more healing from his passive effect, and while the champion will no longer pull in enemies immobilised by allies, his E can now be re-activated to pull in all enemies hit, rather than just one. However, the pull itself will no longer deal extra damage.

После активации ультимейта подсчет количества потерянного ХП сбрасывается и начинается заново Талант Каждый раз, когда герой получает атаку или расходует ХП, он накапливает 1 стак статуса Заряд максимум 5. Каждая атака дает 1 стак Заряда. Если текущего ХП недостаточно, после активации техники текущий показатель здоровья опускается до 1 ед.


The full rework of the League of Legends champion Swain has officially been revealed with the [ ]. Swain is gearing up for a significant number of changes in League of Legends patch 12.8, as Riot Games will look to introduce a plethora of tweaks to every part of his kit. Блэйд в Honkai: Star Rail – лучший билд, характеристики героя, выбор световых конусов, реликвий, планарных украшений, прокачка следов и многое другое. Гайд на Юнь Цзинь – билд 2024, лучшие команды, артефакты и оружие, стоит ли брать бесплатно.

League of Legends - Тизер реворка Свейна

And in this post, I’ll explain the 5 best supports for Swain in LoL according to synergy, playstyle, and overall success across all servers and elos. Первые впечатление от нового героя Свейн на Казура. Swain counter Wild Rift stats: All the Swain info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

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