Новости сент луис блюз матчи

В матче регулярного чемпионата Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ) «Сент-Луис Блюз» в гостях проиграл «Вегас Голден Найтс». Шайбы Бучневича и Тарасенко не спасли «Сент-Луис» от поражения в матче с «Вегасом».

St Louis Blues Multi-Year Table

последние новости, интервью, фото, видео, история клуба. Статистика, трансферы, расписание игр, результаты и другая информация на «Сент-Луис Блюз» дома на арене «Энтерпрайз-центр» обыграл «Лос-Анджелес Кингз» со счётом 4:3 (OT) в матче регулярного чемпионата Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ). последние новости на сегодня, расписание, результаты и обзоры матчей, состав команды, трансферы игроков. Сент-Луис Хоккейный клуб «Сент-Луис Блюз» (St. Louis Blues) из города Сент-Луис (штат Миссури, США) основан в 1967 году. Выступает в Национальной Хоккейной Лиге (НХЛ), обладатель Кубка Стэнли 2019 года.

Сейнт-Льюис Блюз

  • Хоккей, США: live-результаты Сент-Луис, расписание, завершенные матчи
  • Тампа-Бэй Лайтнинг — Сент-Луис Блюз прямая трансляция 20.12.2023 | Спорт онлайн
  • St Louis Blues Multi-Year Table
  • «Даллас» разгромил «Сент-Луис» в матче НХЛ
  • Сент-Луис Блюз, клуб НХЛ — новости, состав команды, фото, видео - Чемпионат

08.03.2023 - Сент-Луис - Аризона. Бучневич П. 0:1 Гол (Фолк Дж. + Кайру Дж.) Сент-Луис

В предыдущих девяти таких случаях «Блюз» восемь раз доводили встречу до победы. После этого матча статистика улучшилась до девяти из 10. В начале третьей 20-минутки «Бостону» выпал шанс на третье большинство, но кроме опасного броска Пастрняка хозяева ничего не придумали. После третьего матча, в котором «Брюинз» реализовали четыре большинства из четырех, они не воспользовались пятью шансами подряд. Но это все равно положило начало мощному отрезку, за который «Бостон» создал несколько подряд опасных моментов. Однако то броскам хозяев не хватало точности Макэвой после выхода «два в один» не попал в ближний угол , то надежно играл вратарь «Блюз». После попытки Пастрняка протолкнуть шайбу в ворота Биннингтон плотно прижал щиток ко льду - гол был близок, но после видеопросмотра судьи сообщили, что взятия ворот не было. А потом гости довели этот отрезок до логичного конца, когда Перрон сделал счет 2:0. Форвард «Блюз» простреливал шайбу вдоль ворот, но она залетела в сетку рикошетом от щитков Раска.

За несколько секунд до этого Бозак столкнулся в чужой зоне с Аккари, который упал на лед и не смог продолжить встречу. Судьи нарушения правил в эпизоде не зафиксировали, хотя «Брюинз» были крайне этим недовольны. StanleyCup pic.

Under Arbour, the Blues essentially matched their 1969—70 regular season performance in their fourth season, and were still the best of the expansion teams; however, it was only good enough for second place in the West as St. Louis finished 20 points behind Chicago. The Blues would go on to be upset by the North Stars in six games, thus failing to advance past the first round for the first time in franchise history. Defensively, however, the Blues were less than stellar and saw Chicago and the Philadelphia Flyers overtake the Division. After missing the playoffs for the first time in 1973—74 , the Blues ended up in the Smythe Division after a League realignment. This division was particularly weak, and in 1976—77 , the Blues won it while finishing five games below. Drafted by the Blues in 1976, Bernie Federko played with the team from 1976 to 1989. He holds the record for games played with the Blues. In the meantime, the franchise was on the brink of financial collapse. This was partly due to the pressures of the World Hockey Association WHA , but mostly the result of financial decisions made when the Salomons first acquired the franchise. One of them was Emile Francis , who served as team president, general manager and head coach. In hopes of saving the franchise, Francis persuaded St. The Salomons sold the Blues to Ralston on July 27, 1977. However, longtime Ralston Purina chairman R. Hal Dean said that he intended to keep the Blues as a Ralston subsidiary only temporarily until a more stable owner who would keep the team in St. Louis could be found. Ralston renamed the arena the "Checkerdome. After being one of the worst teams a couple of years before, they were one of the best in 1981 , as they finished with a then-franchise-best record of 45—18—17 record which translated to 107 points and the second-best record in the league. They also had strong goaltending led by Mike Liut. Their regular season success, however, did not transfer into the playoffs, as they were eliminated by the New York Rangers in the second round 2—4 after beating the Pittsburgh Penguins in the first round 3—2. The Blues would underachieve greatly the following year as they posted a 32—40—8, but they beat the Winnipeg Jets 3—1 in the Norris Division Semi-Finals before dropping to the Chicago Black Hawks in the Norris Division 2—4. However, Dean took the losses philosophically, having taken over out of a sense of civic responsibility. In 1981, Dean retired. His successor, William Stiritz, wanted to refocus on the core pet food business, and his personal sporting interests were in horse racing rather than hockey. He saw the Blues as just another money-bleeding division, and put the team on the market. While the fans were stunned, the players were aware of this. These distractions would greatly affect their performance as they squeezed into the playoffs with a 25—40—15 record in the 1983 season, good enough for 65 points. The Blues then fired 60 percent of their employees. The remaining staff included the accounting department, scouting staff, and coach Barclay Plager. They also requested that the court allow them to give up the team and bar the NHL from interfering with the sale of the team. On June 3, Ralston announced that it had no interest in running the team anymore. Because they were not required to participate in the 1983 NHL Entry Draft , they did not send a representative, which led the Blues to forfeit their picks. Louis Blues hockey operation. It then took control of the franchise and began searching for a new owner. League president John Ziegler said they would try to keep the team in St. However, had the league not found a new owner by August 6, it would dissolve the team and hold a dispersal draft for the players. Louis-based investors for the team and the arena. Ornest ran the Blues very cheaply, though the players did not mind. According to Sutter, they wanted to stay in St. Louis because it reminded them of the rural Canadian towns where many of them grew up. For instance, Ornest asked many players to defer their salaries to help meet operating costs, but the players always got paid in the end. Louis, plus three on their farm team, the Montana Magic. Most NHL teams during the mid-1980s had over 60 players under contract. During this time, Doug Gilmour , drafted by St. Louis in 1982 , emerged as a star. While the Blues remained competitive, they were unable to keep many of their young players. Sutter and Federko were the only untouchables on the Blues during that era. By 1986 , the team reached the Campbell Conference Finals against the Flames. Years later, Sutter argued that had the Blues made it to the Stanley Cup Finals , they would have likely beaten the Canadiens, having won two out of three games against the Habs in the regular season. Louis businessman Michael Shanahan. Playing with the team until 1998, he holds the record for goals scored with the team. Louis kept chugging along through the late 1980s and early 1990s. While the Blues contended during this time period, they never passed the second round of the playoffs. Nonetheless, their on-ice success was enough for a consortium of 19 companies to buy the team. They also provided the capital to build the Kiel Center now the Enterprise Center , which opened in 1994. Only Wayne Gretzky found the net more than Hull during any given three-year period. Despite posting the second-best regular season record in the entire league in 1990—91, the Blues were upset in the second round of the playoffs to the Minnesota North Stars , a defeat that was symbolic of St. Mike Keenan was hired as both general manager and coach before the abbreviated 1994—95 season , with the hope that he could end the postseason turmoil that Blues fans had endured for years. Keenan instituted major changes, including trades that sent away fan favorites Brendan Shanahan and Curtis Joseph, as well as the acquisition of the legendary-but-aging Wayne Gretzky and goaltender Grant Fuhr , both from the declining Los Angeles Kings. During the season, he publicly criticized Gretzky, who entered free agency after the season, declined an offer from the Blues, and took a less lucrative contract with the New York Rangers. Louis included a first-round exit in 1995 and a second-round exit in 1996, and he was fired on December 19, 1996. Caron was reinstated as interim general manager for the rest of the season, and general manager Larry Pleau was hired on June 9, 1997. Hull, who had a lengthy feud with Keenan, left for the Dallas Stars in 1998. The Blues ended the 1990s as the only NHL team to make the playoffs for the entire decade, although a Stanley Cup title still eluded the franchise. However, they were stunned by the San Jose Sharks in the first round of the 2000 playoffs in seven games. In 2001 , the Blues advanced to the Western Conference Finals before bowing out in five games to the eventual champions, the Colorado Avalanche. Nonetheless, the team remained competitive for the next three years, despite never advancing beyond the second round.

Каким исходом завершится предстоящий матч? Освежим в памяти результаты нескольких матчей с участием «Далласа» за последнее время. В сухую, пропустив три гола, «Шерифы» дома проиграли «Виннипегу». На прошлых выходных с разницей в пару шайб «Даллас Старз» выиграл у «Сиэтла» 3:1.

В параллельном матче «Вегас», занимающий 8-е место в Западной конференции, разгромил «Миннесоту» 7:2 , и его отрыв от «Сент-Луиса» вырос до 5 очков — при том, что «Блюз» до конца регулярного чемпионата осталось провести только две игры. Тем временем «Каролина» на «Востоке» вплотную приблизилась к лидеру конференции и всей «регулярки» «Рейнджерс»: 109 очков против 110. Обеим командам предстоит еще по два матча — как и «Далласу», с 109 очками возглавляющему таблицу «Запада».

Прогноз редакции на матч Сан-Хосе - Сент-Луис 17 ноября 2023

Сент-Луис Блюз Сент-Луис. NHL - hockey team page with roster, stats, transactions at St. Louis Blues. Местонахождение. Сент-Луис, штат Миссури (США).

Нью-Йорк Метц — Сент-Луис Кардиналс (27.04)

Не играют на руку команде и многочисленные травмы игроков атаки. И здесь нет разницы, где проходит матч, дома или в гостях. Единственное в чем гости еще не так хороши, так это игра в большинстве.

Как и Дмитрий Куликов у «Анахайма». Проводящий первый сезон в составе «Дакс» после перехода из «Миннесоты» защитник находился на площадке 18:09, в течении которых нанес 1 бросок по воротам, провел 1 силовой прием и сделал 1 блок при показателе полезности «-1». Примечательно, что «Дакс» до сей поры в текущей кампании, по итогам 19 поединков еще не выиграли ни одного из них в основное время 5 в дополнительное.

Доигрывает его с переменным успехом. По результативности Кракен не является образцом для подражания относительно многих клубов НХЛ. Тем не менее 209 голов в 79 матчах чемпионата забить он сумел.

Но и пропустили "кальмары" 226 шайб.

Доигрывает его с переменным успехом. По результативности Кракен не является образцом для подражания относительно многих клубов НХЛ. Тем не менее 209 голов в 79 матчах чемпионата забить он сумел.

Но и пропустили "кальмары" 226 шайб.


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  • Голы Бучневича и Торопченко принесли «Сент-Луису» победу над «Анахаймом» - МК
  • Смотреть онлайн Сент-Луис Блюз – Вегас Голден Найтс 06.12.2023 прямая трансляция
  • Второй случай за 15 лет в НХЛ! «Сент-Луис» забил 4 гола с 4 бросков в матче

«Сент-Луис Блюз» выиграли пятый матч кряду. У Павла Бучневича – 0+1

Louis coming close to achieving this in 1999, with an unsuccessful attempt to purchase the then- Vancouver Grizzlies , and it was thought that this desire caused him to neglect the Blues. On November 14, 2005, the Blues announced that SCP Worldwide had officially withdrawn from negotiations to buy the team. On December 27, 2005, it was announced that the Blues had signed a letter of intent to exclusively negotiate with General Sports and Entertainment, LLC. However, after the period of exclusivity, SCP entered the picture again. The Blues are currently the only team in the four major North American sports ice hockey, basketball, baseball, and American football to be owned by a private equity firm. Keith Tkachuk with the Blues. During his time with the team he became the third American player to score 500 goals, and the sixth American player to reach 1,000 points.

Following the disappointing 2005—06 season, which saw the Blues with the worst record in the NHL, the new management focused on rebuilding the franchise. Under new management, the Blues promptly installed John Davidson as president of hockey operations, moving Pleau to a mostly advisory role. Louis after a brief and productive stopover in Carolina. Weight was again traded in December 2007 to the Anaheim Ducks , along with a minor league player, in exchange for Andy McDonald. At the beginning of the 2006—07 season , the Blues looked to be competitive in the Central Division. However, injuries plagued the team all season, and the lack of a bona fide scorer hampered them as well.

Fan support was sluggish during the first half of the campaign, and the end of the calendar year was capped by an 11-game losing streak. Oshie , Erik Johnson and David Perron. On January 4, 2007, the Blues had a record of 6—1—3 in their previous ten games, which was the best in the NHL during that stretch. Despite a healthy 24-point jump from the previous season, the strain of playing in a conference where seven teams finished with more than 100 points kept them out of the playoffs for the second year in a row. Just before the 2007 NHL trade deadline , the Blues traded several key players, including Bill Guerin, Keith Tkachuk and Dennis Wideman , in exchange for draft picks, though they re-signed Tkachuk after the season ended. Brad Boyes , picked up from the Boston Bruins in exchange for Wideman, became the fastest Blues player to reach 40 goals since Brett Hull , doing so during the 2007—08 season.

On October 10, the Blues introduced a new mascot, Louie. Two months later, they traded Doug Weight, a 38-year-old four-time All-Star center, to the Anaheim Ducks as part of a package to acquire 30-year-old center Andy McDonald. Louis native, Cam Janssen. He made his debut two days later, wearing number 55 against the Phoenix Coyotes. After spending the first half of the 2008—09 season at or near the bottom of the Western Conference standings, the Blues began to turn things around behind the solid goaltending of Chris Mason. After a strong second-half run, the Blues made the 2009 playoffs on April 10, 2009, after defeating the Columbus Blue Jackets 3—1.

On April 12, the Blues clinched the sixth seed in the West with a 1—0 win against the Colorado Avalanche. For the first time in five years that is, since the lockout , the Blues were in the playoffs. The Blues fired head coach Andy Murray on January 2, 2010, after a disappointing record 17—17—6, 40 points , sitting in 12th place in the Conference. Especially galling were the frequent blown leads after two periods, and with the worst home record 6—13—3 posted in the entire NHL. Louis Blues were for sale. They fired their head coach, Davis Payne, and named Ken Hitchcock as his replacement on November 6, 2011.

David Backes was also announced as the new team captain. David Backes was named the 20th team captain of the Blues, and remained as captain until 2016. On March 17, 2012, the Blues became the first team to reach 100 points and clinch a playoff berth in the 2011—12 season under Hitchcock, qualifying for their first playoffs since 2008—09. They would finish second in the Western Conference, behind the Vancouver Canucks. During the 2012 playoffs, they won their first playoff series since 2002, eliminating the San Jose Sharks in five games. In 2012—13 , the Blues completed the lockout -shortened season in fourth place in the Western Conference.

They were again eliminated by Los Angeles, however, this time in six games in the first round of the playoffs, despite taking an initial 2—0 series lead. The following season, 2013—14 , the team hit the 100-point mark for the sixth time in franchise history, and gained a franchise record of 52 wins. The slump haunted them, as they blew a 2—0 series lead to the defending champion Chicago Blackhawks , losing the first-round series in six games. This marked the second-straight year the Blues lost in the first round of the playoffs to the reigning champions in six games after leading the series 2—0. In 2014—15 , the Blues won their second Central Division championship in four years and faced the Minnesota Wild in round one of the 2015 playoffs. However, for the third straight year, they lost in the first round and in six games.

During the off-season, forward T. Oshie was traded to the Washington Capitals in exchange for Troy Brouwer. The Blues took on the defending champion Chicago Blackhawks in the first-round series. The Blues jumped to a 3—1 series lead, but struggled in games 5 and 6. Louis ended their first-round losing streak by beating Chicago 3—2 in game 7 of the series. They moved on to the next round, where they defeated the Dallas Stars in another seven-game series to advance to their first Western Conference Finals since 2001.

The Blues season would come to an end at the hands of the San Jose Sharks , who eliminated them in six games. On June 13, 2016, it was announced that Mike Yeo would replace Hitchcock as head coach of the Blues following the 2016—17 season. The 2016 off-season saw big changes for the Blues, as team captain David Backes left the team to sign with the Boston Bruins , and goaltender Brian Elliott was traded to the Calgary Flames , while veteran forward Troy Brouwer also signed with Calgary as a free agent. Steve Ott also left the team, signing a free-agent deal with the Red Wings. Jake Allen was now the starting goaltender for the Blues, while the team also signed former Nashville Predators backup Carter Hutton. Former Blues forward David Perron was brought back on a free agent deal, while defenseman Alex Pietrangelo was named team captain.

The team started the season by posting a record of 10—1—2 in their first 13 home games. However, they only won three games on the road during the first two months of the season. Despite an impressive run into the end of the season, when they gained most points in the league from February 1, when Hitchcock was fired, to the end of the season, [20] the Blues were eliminated in the second round by the Nashville Predators in six games. Before the season began, the Blues were hit hard with injuries as they lost Robby Fabbri before the season began. Other players like Patrik Berglund , and Alex Steen did not return in time for the season. Despite these losses, the Blues raced out to a 21—8—2 start in their first 31 games.

The Blues lost more players as Jay Bouwmeester suffered a season-ending injury, and Jaden Schwartz missed a large portion of the season. The Blues also dealt away Paul Stastny to the Winnipeg Jets at the trade deadline for their 1st round pick as they won only 23 games of their remaining 51, but they still had a chance to get into the playoffs on the last day of their season against the Colorado Avalanche. After losing Vladimir Tarasenko to injury during the game, the Blues lost to the Avalanche 5—2 as they missed the playoffs for the first time in seven years. Louis native Pat Maroon , and goaltender Chad Johnson. On May 29, the Blues won a Stanley Cup Finals series game for the first time in franchise history after getting swept in three previous series 1968—1970 , when they defeated the Boston Bruins 3—2 in overtime. However, they would continue their strong play even despite being plagued with various other injuries, consistently remaining at or near the top of the Western Conference.

Louis, which had not submitted a formal expansion bid. The Black Hawks owners felt they could establish a "lovable loser" much like the Cubs with the St. Louis hockey team. Wolfson, who were granted the franchise in 1966. Sid Salomon III convinced his initially wary father to make a bid for the team. Former St. He played with the Blues from 1967 to 1972.

Lynn Patrick initially served as general manager and head coach. However, he resigned as head coach in late November after recording a 4—13—2 record. He was replaced by assistant coach Scotty Bowman , who thereafter led the team to a winning record for the rest of the season. As part of the expansion, the NHL had agreed to put all of the expansion teams in the new Western Division , an arrangement which was intended to ensure all of the new teams all had an equal chance of reaching the playoffs. Although they had finished in third place, St. Louis was regarded as fairly evenly matched with the other three Western qualifiers since only four points separated first and fourth place. However, St.

Louis was swept in their first Finals appearance by the heavily favored Montreal Canadiens. Under Bowman, the Blues dominated the West for the next two seasons, becoming the only expansion team to compile a winning record, and they captured division titles by wide margins each year. While the first Blues teams included fading veterans like Doug Harvey , Don McKenney and Dickie Moore , the goaltending tandem of veterans Glenn Hall and Jacques Plante proved more durable, winning a Vezina Trophy in 1969 behind a sterling defense that featured players like skilled defensive forward Jim Roberts , team captain Al Arbour and hardrock brothers Bob and Barclay Plager. He gave his players cars, signed them to deferred contracts and treated them to vacations in Florida. The players, used to being treated like mere commodities, felt the only way they could pay him back was to give their best on the ice every night. The Stanley Cup playoff format changed in such a way that a Western team was no longer guaranteed a Finals berth, and also the Chicago Black Hawks were moved into the Western Division following the 1970 expansion. The Blues lost Bowman, who left during the 1970—71 season following a power-sharing dispute with Sid Salomon III who was taking an increasing role in team affairs , [6] as well as Hall, Plante, Goyette and ultimately Berenson, who were all lost to retirement or trade.

Veteran player Al Arbour hastily stepped in to coach the team. Under Arbour, the Blues essentially matched their 1969—70 regular season performance in their fourth season, and were still the best of the expansion teams; however, it was only good enough for second place in the West as St. Louis finished 20 points behind Chicago. The Blues would go on to be upset by the North Stars in six games, thus failing to advance past the first round for the first time in franchise history. Defensively, however, the Blues were less than stellar and saw Chicago and the Philadelphia Flyers overtake the Division. After missing the playoffs for the first time in 1973—74 , the Blues ended up in the Smythe Division after a League realignment. This division was particularly weak, and in 1976—77 , the Blues won it while finishing five games below.

Drafted by the Blues in 1976, Bernie Federko played with the team from 1976 to 1989. He holds the record for games played with the Blues. In the meantime, the franchise was on the brink of financial collapse. This was partly due to the pressures of the World Hockey Association WHA , but mostly the result of financial decisions made when the Salomons first acquired the franchise. One of them was Emile Francis , who served as team president, general manager and head coach. In hopes of saving the franchise, Francis persuaded St. The Salomons sold the Blues to Ralston on July 27, 1977.

However, longtime Ralston Purina chairman R. Hal Dean said that he intended to keep the Blues as a Ralston subsidiary only temporarily until a more stable owner who would keep the team in St. Louis could be found. Ralston renamed the arena the "Checkerdome. After being one of the worst teams a couple of years before, they were one of the best in 1981 , as they finished with a then-franchise-best record of 45—18—17 record which translated to 107 points and the second-best record in the league. They also had strong goaltending led by Mike Liut. Their regular season success, however, did not transfer into the playoffs, as they were eliminated by the New York Rangers in the second round 2—4 after beating the Pittsburgh Penguins in the first round 3—2.

The Blues would underachieve greatly the following year as they posted a 32—40—8, but they beat the Winnipeg Jets 3—1 in the Norris Division Semi-Finals before dropping to the Chicago Black Hawks in the Norris Division 2—4. However, Dean took the losses philosophically, having taken over out of a sense of civic responsibility. In 1981, Dean retired. His successor, William Stiritz, wanted to refocus on the core pet food business, and his personal sporting interests were in horse racing rather than hockey. He saw the Blues as just another money-bleeding division, and put the team on the market. While the fans were stunned, the players were aware of this. These distractions would greatly affect their performance as they squeezed into the playoffs with a 25—40—15 record in the 1983 season, good enough for 65 points.

The Blues then fired 60 percent of their employees. The remaining staff included the accounting department, scouting staff, and coach Barclay Plager. They also requested that the court allow them to give up the team and bar the NHL from interfering with the sale of the team. On June 3, Ralston announced that it had no interest in running the team anymore. Because they were not required to participate in the 1983 NHL Entry Draft , they did not send a representative, which led the Blues to forfeit their picks. Louis Blues hockey operation. It then took control of the franchise and began searching for a new owner.

League president John Ziegler said they would try to keep the team in St. However, had the league not found a new owner by August 6, it would dissolve the team and hold a dispersal draft for the players. Louis-based investors for the team and the arena. Ornest ran the Blues very cheaply, though the players did not mind. According to Sutter, they wanted to stay in St. Louis because it reminded them of the rural Canadian towns where many of them grew up. For instance, Ornest asked many players to defer their salaries to help meet operating costs, but the players always got paid in the end.

Louis, plus three on their farm team, the Montana Magic. Most NHL teams during the mid-1980s had over 60 players under contract. During this time, Doug Gilmour , drafted by St. Louis in 1982 , emerged as a star.

Лучшие моменты были у Брэда Маршана, который попал в штангу, и Шона Курали. В середине периода отличный шанс после броска в упор упустил Тайлер Бозак, затем могли отличаться Джей Боумистер и Давид Перрон. Но и Туукка Раск в эти 20 минут был безупречен. В одном только первом периоде команды применили 41 силовой прием 23-18 в пользу «Бостона» , что вполне точно отражало ход игры. Соперники не щадили друг друга, раз за разом применяя убойные хиты.

Но главная заслуга в голе - у Зака Санфорда, который отдал совершенно блистательный пас вслепую между ног из-за ворот, оставив не у дел Хару и Чарли Макэвоя. Для Санфорда очко стала третьим за три встречи. Перед финальной серией он в последний раз играл 14 апреля. Странным образом гол не придал матчу динамичности, а даже немного остудил пыл соперников. По-прежнему надежно играл Биннингтон, а «Бостон» в середине периода провел очень невзрачные две минуты в большинстве. Однако концовка осталась за гостями, которые провели несколько классных смен и едва не забили снова, когда за 10 секунд до перерыва Давид Крейчи чудесным образом бросился в ворота и спас «Брюинз» после броска Алекса Пьетранджело. Впервые в серии на третий период «Сент-Луис» вышел, ведя в счете.

Предыдущая игра St. Louis Blues Предыдущая игра St. На вкладке матчей St.

Также есть все запланированные игры St. Louis Blues во всех хоккейных турнирах, в которых она собирается сыграть в будущем. График эффективности и формы команды St.

«Даллас Старз» – «Сент-Луис Блюз»: прогноз на матч Национальной хоккейной лиги

последние новости, интервью, фото, видео, история клуба. Статистика, трансферы, расписание игр, результаты и другая информация на Сент-Луис Блюз — Сиэтл Кракен. В матче регулярного чемпионата Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ) «Сент-Луис Блюз» в гостях проиграл «Вегас Голден Найтс». Шайбы Бучневича и Тарасенко не спасли «Сент-Луис» от поражения в матче с «Вегасом». «Сент-Луис Блюз» дома на арене «Энтерпрайз-центр» обыграл «Лос-Анджелес Кингз» со счётом 4:3 (OT) в матче регулярного чемпионата Национальной хоккейной лиги (НХЛ).

Сент-Луис Блюз (St-Louis Blues)

«Вегас Голден Найтс» отправятся на выезд, чтобы сыграть с «Сент-Луис Блюз» в четверг в Enterprise Center. «Вегас Голден Найтс» ведут с результатом 16-5-5 и во вторник проигрывают «Сент-Луис Блюз» со счетом 1:2, прервав свою победную серию из двух игр. St. Louis Blues. Местонахождение. Сент-Луис, штат Миссури (США). последние новости, интервью, фото, видео, история клуба. Статистика, трансферы, расписание игр, результаты и другая информация на «Сент-Луис Блюз» — профессиональный хоккейный клуб, базирующийся в Сент-Луисе и выступающий в Национальной хоккейной. Клуб основан в 1967 году. Все о хоккейной команде Сент-Луис Блюз: последняя информация о составах команды, трансферах и слухах, статистика игроков, положение клуба в турнирных таблицах, рейтинги, результаты игр, последние новости. Представляем обзор линии БК Pinnacle и вариант для ставки на матч 31-го тура.


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