Новости синдра билд

Синдра. Новости об игре. Изменения обновления 10.16. Get the best Syndra builds, based on analysis of 10000+ matches in all regions and ranks. Climb in patch 14.8 with Syndra builds provided by Mobalytics! Синдра – это чемпион, который атакует прокастами (всеми 3-4 умениями за короткий промежуток времени), а это значит, что как раз эти прокасты и надо усовершенствовать. О сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам.

Syndra TFT Build Set 11: Items & Comps Guide

Your opponent like Azir or Tristana can also influence your buying decisions. Your starter trinket should be Stealth Ward. So make sure to buy accordingly. During champion select you have the possibility to choose two spells for Syndra. They can play a big role in team-fights. Countless team-fights have been decided by a well-used flash. Statistics have proven that the best choice is Flash and Teleport.

Poke enemies with her Dark Sphere first, then cast Scatter the Weak to get an almost guaranteed stun. Abuse this combo more often to never let enemies take space. R Unleashed Power This ultimate ability can unleash devastating damage by casting it on an enemy. However, you must stack her Dark Sphere by casting it multiple times beforehand.

This way, you have additional damage to Unleashed Power. Syndra Early Game Guide In the early game, you would want to get aggressive but with good positioning, as much as possible, leaving enemies with little space. This constant pressure will help Syndra get ahead of her opposing lane, thanks to her poking abilities, such as Dark Sphere. However, you must be wary of ganks and strategically ward off the bushes to get informed when an enemy gank is on the way. With this strategy, you can snowball into the late game beautifully.

They also turn their heads in the Q ability animation. This prestige skin is a true masterpiece, nonetheless. I would enjoy playing with this skin just for its cute factor.

Разработчики заявляют, что с помощью этих изменений они хотят улучшить ее пассивный навык и дать игрокам ощущение масштабирования силы при сохранении ее основного игрового процесса. Разработчики постараются отладить ее комплект, пока игроки опробуют ее в течение следующих нескольких недель, прежде чем она будет выпущена 5 октября 2022 года вместе с патчем 12.

Подробнее об обновлениях среднего уровня Синдры см. Лига легенд Прежде чем двигаться дальше, сначала важно предоставить список всех изменений, которые Синдра получает в своем наборе, а также промежуточные обновления в League of Legends.

Syndra TFT set 5.5: Item build, Abilities, & Synergies

The foundations of the temple shook. The morning light seemed to pale. Syndra rose from the floor, as her frustrations surged within her. The ceiling gave way, rubble raining down, burying the sacred gardens in dust.

Never had such negative energy been so concentrated in one place, and it was the Spirit of Ionia that swelled to counter it. The bedrock opened up beneath Syndra, dragging her down to a cavern deep underground—roots pulled her into a pool of living water to suppress her powers, and trap her in a magical slumber. Syndra dreamed for what seemed an eternity.

Most of the world forgot she had ever existed. Some came to kill her, while others hoped she would aid them against Noxus, but she unleashed chaos upon them all. Ripping apart the walls of the fortress that had been built on top of her island prison, Syndra raised the greatest tower into the skies to carry her far away.

She would not be controlled.

When Syndra reaches level 5, stay away from her if you are low on health. Avoid gathering in groups during combat to reduce the effects of Scatter the Weak. Scatter the Weak has a long cooldown, you can attack her now.

Fueled by betrayal, she now harnesses her dark spheres of energy, vowing to crush those who dare limit her. An astounding 48. Dive into our Syndra Guide, where we unravel Pro Syndra Builds, offering a deep dive into how the pros maximize her potential. With a blend of damage, sustain, and survivability, the Pro Syndra Builds are optimized for victory.

Я играю и делаю гайды по Лиге Легенд с самого первого сезона. Если вы хотите поднять ранг и научиться играть лучше, то вы зашли по адресу. У меня многолетний опыт как обучения игроков, так и профессиональных команд.

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В билде с синдрой в миф+ тоже берем косу. League of Legends Syndra Build for Patch 14.8, Best Runes, Item Builds, Skill Order for Syndra. Syndra in Wild Rift is a late-game powerhouse, unleashing devastating magic blasts that can obliterate enemies in a single combo. Everything about playing SYNDRA for LoL Wild Rift. Build Guide Items Builds for SYNDRA: Spells, Runes, Abilities, Skills Leveling, Counter pick and much more. Какой билд/предметы ставить/делать на чемпиона?

League of Legends: гайд по Синдре

Эти обновления внесут множество изменений в комплект Синдры, особенно в ее пассивное умение. Следовательно, все изменения, которые Синдра должна получить, а также ее промежуточные обновления, подробно описаны в этой статье. Разработчики заявляют, что с помощью этих изменений они хотят улучшить ее пассивный навык и дать игрокам ощущение масштабирования силы при сохранении ее основного игрового процесса. Разработчики постараются отладить ее комплект, пока игроки опробуют ее в течение следующих нескольких недель, прежде чем она будет выпущена 5 октября 2022 года вместе с патчем 12.

Ask him for his input on the strengths and weaknesses of Syndras and what we should play if it is good. Is an option if Syndra wants to do heavy snowball battles early in the game, or if she has to carry an enemy with one shot. In addition to these factors, if she plays a less combative and more useful role, she can use her ultimatum to position herself with the Dark Sphere in front of her and establish a simple massive stun that will strike the majority of enemies. S Tempest has undergone some changes to improve her ability to do more damage, but it is not enough to put her as the best mythical object for Syndra as a whole above the other options. Horizon Focus is an item designed for long-range mages like Xerath, Zoe, and Caps, and works well with Syndra. The best Syndra rune is on the primary path and on the secondary path. An interesting selection of items for caps that you can buy in Horizon Focus is the Syndra. Caps in season 11 can perform a Syndra teleport blitz in their game. As the match progresses, it is best to get the maximum out of it and have a strong ability to build a lead and dominate your opponent. It unfolds its full cataclysmic power and sends 3 dark spheres into orbit around it, 4 of which create an enemy champion. As a child, Syndra disturbed the village elders because she was ruthless and wild with magic.

If you are looking for the best rune builds for Syndra, we have something for you. In terms of jugglers and bruises, Syndra is considered a champion who dances early in the game, has access to great sustain, and minimizes his methods of exerting pressure and poking enemies. For example, there are champions who surpass Syndra in most games, such as Azir, Vladimir and Kassadin. Ask him for his input on the strengths and weaknesses of Syndras and what we should play if it is good. Is an option if Syndra wants to do heavy snowball battles early in the game, or if she has to carry an enemy with one shot. In addition to these factors, if she plays a less combative and more useful role, she can use her ultimatum to position herself with the Dark Sphere in front of her and establish a simple massive stun that will strike the majority of enemies. S Tempest has undergone some changes to improve her ability to do more damage, but it is not enough to put her as the best mythical object for Syndra as a whole above the other options. Horizon Focus is an item designed for long-range mages like Xerath, Zoe, and Caps, and works well with Syndra. The best Syndra rune is on the primary path and on the secondary path. An interesting selection of items for caps that you can buy in Horizon Focus is the Syndra. Caps in season 11 can perform a Syndra teleport blitz in their game.

We only recommend the best winrate Syndra builds that have been used by ranked players enough times for us to propose them. With so many matches in our dataset, we are quite confident in our recommended builds.

Syndra Skins

League of Legends Wiki Guide - IGN. Такие изменения помогут лучше уклоняться от заклинаний Синдры. Синдра появится в обновлённом виде на тестовом сервере вечером 5 октября. Синдра кидает в указанную область темную сферу, которая наносит 70/110/150/190/230 + (0.65*AP) магического урона и остается лежать на этом месте в течении 6 секунд. Syndra build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. Syndra counter Wild Rift stats: All the Syndra info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!

Bjergsen применяет два ультимейта Syndra. Видео

Между ними возникнет связь, дающая возможность героини использовать его в дальнейшем. Также все сферы, которые находятся на земле, будут отброшены. Если одна из таких сфер пролетит через врага, то оглушит его на 1,5 секунды. Unleashed Power Это основная способность героини, с помощью которой она выбирает противника и бросает в него всеми сферами, которые в этот момент лежат на земле. Манакост: 100 единиц Гайд по Syndra Лига Легенд, билды: Вариант 1 Заклинания: 1 Flash - с помощью этого заклинания, герой будет моментально перемещен на небольшое расстояние в указанном направлении. При телепортации будут игнорироваться все препятствия: леса, обрывы и так далее. Кулдаун: 265 секунд.

Доступно с 12 уровня. Кулдаун: 180 секунд. Доступно с 7 уровня.

Recently, Riot Games decided to tweak her kit slightly to bring her back into the meta, and her small rework proved successful: her gameplay feels more rewarding and allows for higher skill expression. She has more scaling now, which changes how their setups are to get to her spikes. To help you quickly master her, we will go through the most popular builds on the champion. Here are the best builds for Syndra in League. She has lower damage early in the game but spikes a lot more in the later stages once she gets items and her passive stacked. For this reason, First Strike is the new rune for her since it allows her to gain extra gold during the laning phase, and it synergizes perfectly with her combos and burst. Proccing the rune is easy since Syndra has a range advantage in most matchups, and she can quickly follow with the rest of the spells to amplify the gold earned.

Once you reach those two and three items spikes and stack your passive , you will nuke most squishy targets. Magical Footwear: This is a standard rune that most players go for since it saves you the 300 gold needed to buy the Boots of Speed and allows you to focus on rushing the Mythic Item.

Similarly, if you are battling a varied enemy team comp, you should really consider grabbing Syndra the Sorcery, and Resolve runes. In recent matches, she won the largest percentage of her matches when using these runes. We calculated our Syndra build guidance by analyzing 70,514 recently ranked League rounds with her selected.

Avoid gathering in groups during combat to reduce the effects of Scatter the Weak. Scatter the Weak has a long cooldown, you can attack her now. Refrain from letting Syndra put you down before a team fight breaks out.

Zed x Syndra

How to play Syndra. Syndra Syndra – the Dark Sovereign – is based on our LoL Mid Tier List on patch 13.24 a S-Tier Mid champion. Syndra: The Spirit of Freedom. A Syndra build guide by head coach Wong "Chawy" Xing Lei, his trademark champion when he was competing professionally in League of Legends. Syndra probuilds reimagined by : newer, smarter, and more up-to-date runes and mythic item builds than any other site. Updated hourly. Patch 14.8. В рейтинговом матче мидер Team SoloMid Сорен «Bjergsen» Бьерг воспользовался ультимейтом Syndra, чтобы убить Shaco. В этот момент чемпион создал клона и стал неуязвивым на время.

Syndra Builds

Get the best Syndra builds, based on analysis of 10000+ matches in all regions and ranks. Climb in patch 14.8 with Syndra builds provided by Mobalytics! A Syndra build guide by head coach Wong "Chawy" Xing Lei, his trademark champion when he was competing professionally in League of Legends. Syndra's new splash art has just been revealed!

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