Filed Under: Shoes for males Tagged With: ShakeProductions, shoes, Sims 4, sneakers, The Sims Resource, TSRMarch 22, 2022. самый популярный симулятор жизни.
Мужская обувь
Also, it looks super stunning with a suit! But it does — this work of art can be yours now! Variety is key — they come in 24 maxis match swatches. The end result? Leave me a comment below! I mean, seriously, just look at this hair! It is gorgeous and perfect for completing any look. Seeing this Sims 4 male hair cc makes me want to instantly leap into my virtual world and hit the hairdresser! Tied Locks is such an unusual and fun hairstyle, and the ombre version is even more special we will come back to it later!
Trust me, this hairdo and the whole pack! This smooth hairstyle can be your perfect companion, from a casual beach day to a romantic evening. This Sims 4 male dreads cc comes in 16 swatches. Dez Dreads Sims 4 CC by Sheabuttyr This dreads Sims 4 cc is an awesome hairstyle that will keep your dreadlocks firmly in place but still manage to look amazingly relaxed. It brings together dreads and braids, making a vivid and bold style for your Sims. This cc is base game compatible and hat compatible.
Мужские классические ботинки для симс 4. Симс 4 обувь 2020. SIMS 4 туфли Алмаз. SIMS 4 туфли на шпильке. Туфли - лодочки SIMS 4. Madlen SIMS 4 джинсы. SIMS 4 cc Shoes. Мартинсы симс 4. SIMS 4 военные ботинки. Симс 4 черные ботинки. Туфли на шпильке симс 4. Обувь на платформе симс 4. SIMS 4 туфли декор. Мужская обувь New Balance мод симс 4. SIMS 4 лаковые мужские туфли. Лоферы симс 4. SIMS 4 Nike. Sneakers SIMS 4 cc. SIMS 4 Sneakers вфкеу77. Обувь одежда мод симс 4. SIMS 4 меховые сапоги. Boots with fur SIMS 4. Симс 4 кеды мужские. Симс 4 кеды мужские конверс. Симс 4 Marigold носки. Симс 4 сандали. Симс 4 туфли на высоком каблуке Madlen. SIMS 4 тапочки. Симс 4 шлепки мужские. SIMS 4 шлепанцы. Мужские кеды Converse симс 4. Туфли SIMS 3. Симс 3 берцы женские. Jordan 4 симс 4. SIMS 4 кроссовки Jordan.
Мы передаем информацию о ваших действиях на сайте в обезличенном виде нашим партнерам: социальным сетям и компаниям, занимающимся рекламой и веб-аналитикой. Наши партнеры могут комбинировать эти сведения с предоставленной вами информацией, а также данными, которые они получили при использовании вами их сервисов. Продолжая пользоваться данным сайтом, вы подтверждаете свое согласие на использование файлов cookie в соответствии с настоящим уведомлением.
For this list of the best Sims 4 male dreads cc specifically, I wanted to highlight the Hypersonic Dreads cc. However, this set contains another twenty hairstyles that are definitely worth checking out. Even though there are no dreadlocks there, they are totally fantastic! These incredibly detailed turban locks and turban twists over 20K poly! The turban overlay is found in the accessories section. This one is a game-changer; it creates a totally new and fun locks vibe for my Sims. Lennard hair is one of a kind in The Sims 4, from the soft, gentle touch feeling of the curling side locks and the dreads coming together in a low hair bun. What I absolutely love the most about it, though, is how unusual it looks; it simply screams individuality! Messy Locks Pt2 by Khadijah551 Get the wild look your male sims desire with messy locks! These lively dreads come in 24 maxis match swatches. It is part of a lovely bigger collection that radiates spring and summer vibes. The dreads are short, making them perfect for a warm day. Not only are they great for everyday use, they also look low maintenance while still looking extremely cute. These were the best Sims 4 male dreads CC out there. Each one of these custom content pieces is a ticket to a whole new world of personality and style for your Sims.
The Sims 4 Мужская мода
This smooth hairstyle can be your perfect companion, from a casual beach day to a romantic evening. This Sims 4 male dreads cc comes in 16 swatches. Dez Dreads Sims 4 CC by Sheabuttyr This dreads Sims 4 cc is an awesome hairstyle that will keep your dreadlocks firmly in place but still manage to look amazingly relaxed. It brings together dreads and braids, making a vivid and bold style for your Sims. This cc is base game compatible and hat compatible. You can also customize with 21 swatches to choose from. Calcite Hair 23 by Qr19Sims This short dread hairstyle is the ultimate in chill style! Rock the uncomplicated vibes and look good while doing it. Available for both sim frames, it comes in 24 EA swatches so you can pick your favourite colour.
This male hairstyle is base game and hat compatible. For this list of the best Sims 4 male dreads cc specifically, I wanted to highlight the Hypersonic Dreads cc. However, this set contains another twenty hairstyles that are definitely worth checking out. Even though there are no dreadlocks there, they are totally fantastic! These incredibly detailed turban locks and turban twists over 20K poly! The turban overlay is found in the accessories section.
New Facilities Door and Swatches The new facilities door is pretty much the same in mesh design, other than it has a new toilet icon on top of it. Both type of doors feature new swatch presets that you can go through in Build Mode.
The Circle and Square Facilities Sign feature 17 unique icon designs on two different colors: black and blue. You can check out what the new signs look like below. Wondering about the Wall Sign designs?
Check out the following list. Download CC Madlen Zora Boots These boots are perfect for Sims who are looking for an exciting look that will stand out on the Modder stage or in any social setting Download CC Noctis Boots These exciting boots are perfect for Sims 4 players who want to stand out from the crowd. They feature a sleek design and a high level of detail, making them the perfect choice for any fashion-savvy Sim.
Каждый город обладает своими уникальными особенностями и возможностями.
Вы можете купить пустой участок земли и построить дом с нуля, воспользовавшись новыми опциями — поворотом комнат, изменением высот потолков, растяжением помещений. Или же приобрести готовый дом со всей необходимой техникой и мебелью в соответствии с вашим бюджетом. Чтобы ваши симы могли позволить себе дорогие покупки и открыть особые предметы, отправляйте их на работу, развивайте навыки и продвигайтесь по карьерной лестнице. Не забывайте давать персонажам отпуск — отправляйте их путешествовать по городам или в настоящие экзотические поездки.
Моды симс 4 обувь мужская
S072313 изсозданы специально для Sims 4. Они являются универсальным для любого образа и дают ощутимую прибавку к имиджу твоего Sim. Closet Threads, new in Fashion Authority 2, allow you to curate a Sim’s closet beyond their CAS outfits and automatically override their outfit changes when they move about their day. videogame_asset The Sims 4. close. Ready to stock up your CC folder with the most fantastic Sims 4 male shoes CC ever? Здесь вы сможете скачать дополнения для симс 4, а именно обувь для женщин и мужчин, Моды для The Sims 4.
GCS - April's CC 2024
Доктор Мартенс 1460 Я думал, что «1460» - это просто случайная вещь, которую создатель добавил туда, чтобы выделить их среди всех других документов Симмера. Но оказалось, что это на самом деле самая точная версия ботинок на данный момент. Doc Martens 1460 - самый культовый из всех, поскольку на самом деле это оригинальный дизайн. У них силуэт с восьмью глазками, тонкая подошва и, конечно же, старая хорошая желтая строчка. Детали здесь потрясающие, и все действительно всплывает. Эта версия предназначена только для симов-мужчин, и вы можете повеселиться с ними. Все мы знаем, как сложно подарить им уникальные наряды. Но когда они задействованы, все становится немного более уникальным. Лучше, чем Моск. Сапоги Откровенно говоря, Док Мартенс для многих из нас дороговат.
Нельзя сказать, что они не стоят каждой копейки, но они просто вне досягаемости. Итак, что вы делаете, когда желаемый товар от известного бренда стоит немного выше ваших средств? Конечно же, найти лучшее. Есть много ботинок, явно вдохновленных оригинальным правителем мира ботинок. Я не говорю, что этот создатель был подделкой, это на самом деле редакция официально выпущенной пары ботинок из набора Moschino Stuff. Это просто показывает, насколько могущественным и влиятельным может быть один бренд, когда он действительно набирает обороты. Эти стильные ботинки - потрясающее творение, в них есть все, что вы хотите видеть, например четкая шнуровка, гладкая композиция и толстые каблуки. Что действительно круто, так это то, что они доступны для обоих полов и представлены в 32 образцах.
Теперь на поведение ваших персонажей напрямую влияют их эмоциональные состояния. Хмурый сим будет радоваться дождливой погоде и уединению, а весёлый и жизнерадостный персонаж будет стремиться к новым знакомствам и приключениям. Подбирайте характеры с умом. Также вы можете детально настроить внешность сима — мышцы, жир, пол. После создания персонажа, вы можете поселить его в любой из доступных игровых локаций.
SIMS 4 male сандалии. Симс 4 обувь кроссовки. Ботинки симс 4 симс 4. SIMS 4 Джейкоб. Симс 4 обувь для детей. Симс 4 обувь для детей кроссовки. Туфли для детей в симс 4 для мальчиков. Симс 4 обувь для детей мальчиков кроссовки. SIMS 4 мужские кроксы. SIMS 4 мод ботинки кожаные. SIMS 4 adidas. Симс 4 child Boots. Симс 4 зимняя обувь. Кроксы симс 4. Кроссовки адидас симс 4. Lightnings Shoes. Ботинки для тодлеров в симс 4. Симс 4 детская обувь Бреанна. Мокасины для детей симс 4. Симс 4 доктор Мартинс. Симс 4 мужские сапоги. SIMS 4 мужские туфли с позолотой. Симс 4 японские сандали. Симс 4 шлепки. Симс 4 гэта обувь. Мужские классические ботинки для симс 4. Симс 4 обувь 2020. SIMS 4 туфли Алмаз. SIMS 4 туфли на шпильке. Туфли - лодочки SIMS 4. Madlen SIMS 4 джинсы. SIMS 4 cc Shoes. Мартинсы симс 4. SIMS 4 военные ботинки. Симс 4 черные ботинки.
С их помощью привычный гардероб симов заиграет новыми модными красками. Напомним, что не так давно для The Sims 4 выходили наборы « Фэшн-Стрит » и « Стиль Инчхона », которые добавили в игру одежду, вдохновлённую модой Мумбаи и Сеула.
Симс 4 обувь
Мужская обувь от Sim2me. Madlen Stromboli Shoes(MALE) for The Sims 4 by MJ95 Male version of Stromboli sneakers. [Джиус] Повседневная обувь 02-Мужской. Want your male Sims to rock epic dreads in The Sims 4? In this post, I'll show you the best Sims 4 male dreads CC for a fabulous Sim makeover. Скачать моды из рубрики "Обувь для мужчин" для игры Симс 4 возможно абсолютно бесплатно в огромном каталоге нашего сайта Then, simply use the WW body selector to select the Evev9.1 top and bottom for your sims.
Мужская папка MODS - Одежда, обувь, прически
Симс 4 обувь | Просмотрите доску «Мужская обувь» пользователя Катя Близнецова в Pinterest. Посмотрите больше идей на темы «мужская обувь, симс, симс 4». |
The Sims 4: Мужская обувь | Custom Content - CC - Sims 4 - Shoes Male - Page 1. |
21+ Coolest Sims 4 Male Dreads CC (Maxis Match and Free!) | Подборка модов мужской обуви для Симс 4. Со ссылками на страницу автора, где вы сможете их скачать, либо выбрать что-то еще. |
The Sims Resource - Shoes Male | S072313 изсозданы специально для Sims 4. Они являются универсальным для любого образа и дают ощутимую прибавку к имиджу твоего Sim. |
Обувь для The Sims 4
Want your male Sims to rock epic dreads in The Sims 4? In this post, I'll show you the best Sims 4 male dreads CC for a fabulous Sim makeover. Скачайте мужскую обувь для The Sims 4. В этом разделе вы сможете найти туфли, берцы, ботинки, сапоги, кроссовки, кеды и другую мужскую обувь. Whether your Sims are craving for trendy boots, comfy flats, stylish sandals, or sporty sneakers, we’ve got you covered with all the hottest and trendiest shoes we included on this list. Папка Mods с одеждой для мужчин. Добавляет одежду, прически, обувь, бороды, немного тату.
25+ Sims 4 Male CC Shoes To Complete The Outfit
К его созданию привлекли организацию British Fashion Council и знаменитый лондонский лейбл Stefan Cooke. Вместе с новой современной мужской одеждой игроки смогут дать волю фантазии и поэкспериментировать со стилем своих симов. Набор будет включать 23 новых предмета, в том числе пиджаки, брюки, костюмы, юбки, обувь, шерстяное пальто и не только.
The thinner sole gives a sleeker appearance, while the thicker sole provides additional support. The Humming Derby shoes are the perfect finishing touch to any outfit. They are fashionable and stylish, yet comfortable and practical. Chukka Boots The Chukka boot is the perfect accessory to any outfit. They are high top leather boots available in ten colours, and they are both elegant and comfortable. Their leather design, slim sole, and low heel make them versatile and perfect for any occasion. Whether your Sim is going for a walk in the park or dressing up for a night out, these boots will complete the look.
Plus, their light weight will give your Sim the impression of walking barefoot, and they will love the freedom for their feet. So go ahead and pick up a pair of Chukka boots for your next Sims 4 adventure. Your Sim will thank you for it. Then check out these super stylish and comfortable Adidas Sneakers! They come in 26 different colours, and your Sim will sure find the perfect match for their outfit. The shoes are made from high quality materials, and feature a thick sole that provides plenty of space for your feet. The thicker material also makes them perfect for wearing during colder days. And with their laces, they can adjust the fit to make sure the sneakers are always comfortable. Now, the fact that the heel is covered and protected, it will assure great support with every step.
The Adidas Sneakers are a great choice if your Sim is in need for a comfortable and sportive shoe. Strappy Male Sandals These sandals are the perfect summer footwear for your Sim man. The leather straps keep the cork sole in place, while a strap in the back ensures that they stay on your feet. The strappy Male Sandals are also a great choice for hot days, as they are an elegant alternative to slippers. Plus, they can even be worn to dinner if they are paired with some slacks. The laces are a darker hue than the body of the shoe, and the silver rings at the lace holes add an extra touch of chic. These shoes are a comfortable alternative to high tops during the spring and summer seasons. These elegant and slim high tops come in both white and black, and the laces are in the same colour as the shoe for a smooth look. The thicker sole protects the foot from harsher grounds, but the thin leather lets your feet breath.
With a business attire your Sim can even get away with them at work. So why not add a little Mandu magic to your their outfit? These oversized sneakers come in 10 different colours, so your Sim can find the perfect pair to match any outfit.
Those running shoes are solely made for the male Sim and enhance masculinity. They are the perfect finishing touch to that sportive look.
Waterproof Boots Sims 4 has an impressive array of Male CC shoes, but none are as practical and stylish as the waterproof boots. Whether they are looking for a boot to wear in the rain or one that can withstand more than just a shower, they are the perfect choice. These boots are a classic style that never goes out of fashion. Have your Sims choose from seven different colours to really make your their outfit pop. They are also easy to clean and perfect for wear throughout the year.
With an amazing choice of 30 styles, these sneakers are sure to add a touch of personality to any outfit. The base colour is either white or black, with a decor in different colours adding a touch of visual interest. A cool design feature is the rounded top leading to the sole which matches the colour of the decor on the shoe, giving them a distinctive look. In addition, these sneakers also offer great support and comfort. The wider sole keeps the foot balanced and secure, and also helps to buffer the impact of running.
Norae Loafer The Norae Loafer is the perfect shoe to finish any look. Whether your Sim is sliding into a pair of jeans or completing a more formal outfit, this loafer will elevate their style. Made from luxurious and soft leather, the Norae Loafer has an impeccable attention to detail. The fixed flap gives the shoe structure, while the low heel enhances its elegant appearance. So let your Sim slip into a pair of Norae Loafers and they are ready to take on the world in style.
Short Boots Short boots are gaining more and more popularity, and for good reason! These boots are stylish and modern, available in 10 colours, and the insert of the black stretchable material makes it easy for your Sim to slip in and out. Not to mention, they reach over the ankles and keep warm during the cooler seasons. However, the best part about these short boots is the suede leather which gives the sportive design a touch of elegance. Whether your Sim is dressing up for a night out or just trying to stay warm, these short boots are a great choice.
The thick sole makes walking on harder surfaces comfortable, and protects the feet from small stones and other hazards. The formed footbed embraces the feet, providing support and preventing fatigue even after extended walking. Look no further than Love Me More Sneakers. These compact running shoes hug the feet and provide support and protection, while the leather is soft and sturdy. The extended back part protects the foot, and the rounded front provides ample space for the toes.
Plus, the name says it all — your Sim will love these sneakers more than any other shoe!
Gloomtown Brats Shoes Crocs are the type of shoe that you either take or leave. But, what if the crocks were decorated with spikes? The Gloomtown Brats shoes are decorated with not only spikes on the back strap but also a chain on the front. It makes the croc look very intimidating.
Canvas Sneakers There is just something about Converse-style sneakers that never get old. With the Canvas sneakers by Jius-sims, you have two different versions. One is a solid color and the other is multicolored. Each comes with a certain amount of swatches and are both HQ compatible. Techwear Sneakers In this modern, techy world you may want your clothing to showcase this.
In the Techwear Sneakers CC, you get just that. It is a shoe for male sims that comes with 10 swatches. Sims-aged teens to elders can wear this. Spice Boots Plaid never gets old and with the Spice Boots , your female sims can embrace plaid in their footwear. These CCs come in two different styles.
One has socks and the other is without them. It comes with ankle boots, derby shoes, casual shoes, leather ankle boots, and finally leather loafers. The Xmas shoes come complete with an adorable bow on the front. In total, it comes with 55 different swatches. Some are solid colors while others are multi-colored!
It comes with matte boots, metallic boots, and leather boots. For those that like heels, it comes with snake heels, star heels, and finally a chunky heel sandal. Maeve Buckled Heels There is just something adorable about chunky heels complete with an ankle strap. The Maeve Buckled Heels come in three different versions such as glossy, matte, and finally with over-knee socks. Each come with their own set of swatches as well.
These sneakers provide not only comfort but also stability for the sim that chooses to wear it. Cheetah Heels Animal print never gets old and the Cheetah Heels are a great way to celebrate this type of style. This CC which is base game compatible, comes with 49 swatches. These heels go all the way up to the knee have your sim pair it with a pair of shorts or a short skirt! Nike Air Jordan Air Jordans are a popular type of shoe for not only the player but also the sim themselves.
T he Nike Air Jordan will let your sim embrace their love for this classic shoe. It comes with 11 swatches and is for male and female sims, teen to elder. These boots come in 25 color combinations and feature some typical country looks like spurs and chains. It even comes with a pentagram which is not very country, but is pretty cool looking. Omens V2 The Omens V2 boot is a knee-length boot that will go great with a pair of shorts or a skirt to show them off completely.
There are three different versions. One is flat, one comes with chunky heels, and the other with a stiletto. All of them come with several swatches. With the Hourglass booties , you get a single swatch that is for a female frame. It might not come with several swatches but you have to realize that black is a classic color.
Your sim can pair it with everything. This piece of CC comes with a single swatch and is for female frames only. It might only come in one color, but black is a classic color that can be paired with everything. Nike Airforce 1 The Nike Airforce 1 shoes for adults is a comfortable shoe that features the classic Nike label on the side.