Новости идан амеди фауда

Idan Amedi, an Israeli actor in the Netflix show “Fauda," has been injured while fighting against terrorists in the Gaza Strip, according to local reports. Idan Amedi, one of the stars of Fauda and a popular singer, is among the wounded on Monday in Gaza, his family announced in the evening.

Idan Amedi, Israeli actor of the series Fauda, seriously wounded in the fighting in Gaza

Amedi, who acted as an undercover man in Fauda, shared an emotional video message, in which the actor is seen donning the war outfit and reassuring his fellow Israeli civilians. He said, "As you can see, I am in slightly different attire today. This is not a scene from Fauda; this is real life".

What may be lesser known is his connections to the Kurdistan Region.

Amedi, 32, was born and raised in the Kurdish quarter of Jerusalem, where he says he was often reminded of his roots. His paternal grandfather left the Kurdistan Region for then-Mandatory Palestine in 1926. The singer placed second in the 2010 season of talent show Kachav Nolad, kickstarting a prolific musical career.

Subscribe to our Daily Roundup Email Amedi, 35, sustained serious wounds while serving in a reserve combat engineering unit in the Gaza Strip some two weeks ago. An explosion left him unconscious for days, with shrapnel in his eye sockets, jaw and neck. Amedi was initially scheduled to hold a press conference on Monday to answer questions about his rehabilitation and future plans.

He has released several popular albums, and his songs have millions of views on YouTube. In recent seasons, he began a romance with fellow counterterrorism unit member, Nurit Rona Lee-Shimon , that was a big hit with fans.

Amedi has been married to Miriam Binyaminov, a social activist for people with disabilities, since 2018. They have a daughter and a son.

Звезду сериала «Фауда» серьёзно ранили в бою в секторе Газа

IDF reservist Idan Amedi, known for his role in hit TV show Fauda was injured while fighting Hamas and was airlifted to hospital. Bollywood Hungama» News» International» Fauda fame Idan Amedi sustains injuries while serving in IDF counter-terrorism unit amid Israel-Hamas war. Israeli singer and actor, Idan Amedi, best known for his role in the TV series Fauda, was seriously injured during the fighting in Gaza and was airlifted to the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv where he is currently sedated. Известный израильский актер и музыкант, звезда сериала «Фауда» Идан Амеди отказался от предложения зажечь факел в ходе официальной государственной церемонии в День Независимости. Idan Amedi, 35, is in critical condition in the ICU at Sheba Tel Hashomer Medical Center near Tel Aviv, a spokesperson for the hospital said.

‘Fauda’ star Idan Amedi seriously injured while deployed in Gaza

Idan Amedi, a prominent actor in the popular web series ' Fauda ' on OTT platform Netflix and a renowned singer in Israel, has sustained serious injuries while fighting Hamas terrorists in Gaza as a reservist in the Israel Defense Forces' counter-terrorism unit. Актер «Фауда» Идан Амеди получил осколочные ранения во время боевых действий за Израиль в секторе Газа. On Fauda, Idan Amedi plays the role of Sagi, an Arab-Israeli who joins the Israeli security forces.

‘I’m Kurdish and proud’: Fauda actor on his Kurdish roots

Об этом сообщает Bild. Звезду доставили в больницу имени Хаимa Шиба в Тель-Авиве. При этом неизвестно, как именно Амеди был ранен. В то же время израильское онлайн-издание Walla News отмечает, что медики извлекли из тела актера осколки. На момент получения ранения 35-летний резервист Амеди находился в секторе Газа со своим подразделением — инженерно-боевым корпусом.

The Fauda star was doing backup duty in the Corps of Engineers when he was injured. Hospitalized, he underwent urgent, serious and lengthy surgery, reports Channel 12. In a video message recorded last week at the height of the war, Amedi called for an end to internal dissent among Israelis: "After 90 days of fighting, we continue to destroy the armored missile emplacements, launch sites and command facilities of the terrorist organization Hamas.

Am Israeli chai [The nation of Israel lives]. Six soldiers were killed and several others, including Amedi, were injured in the incident, which was apparently accidentally caused by troops. Shrapnel pierced my neck and spine, and I am lucky that none of it hit any main blood vessels. Another member of the Fauda cast and crew, Matan Meir, died in combat in Gaza in November after being called up for duty.

Идан Амеди был выписан из больницы в феврале. Он надеется вернуться к карьере артиста и однажды рассказать о том, через что прошел на войне в Газе. День независимости Израиля в этом году отметят 13 мая.

Star of ‘Fauda’ Netflix series badly injured during combat in Gaza

Idan Amedi, star of the hit Israeli TV show “Fauda,” was severely wounded on Monday during fighting in the Gaza Strip. 'Fauda' Actor Idan Amedi, who joined the IDF to fight against Hamas in the wake of the Oct. Highlights: Idan Amedi is one of the most well-known faces in Fauda.

Раненый актер сериала "Фауда": "Не сердись, мама, я вернусь на фронт"

Об этом он рассказал в соцсетях. Это реальная жизнь», — писал звезда. Сегодня пришли вести о том, что 35-летний Идан тяжело ранен, сейчас он находится в госпитале. Семья обеспокоена состоянием певца, его сестра обратилась к многочисленным поклонникам с просьбой молиться о его здоровье.

The people of Israel live.

He has since recorded five studio albums and has garnered millions of views on YouTube with songs related to his military service in the Combat Engineering Corps.

После всемирного успеха сериала Амеди получил сообщение от курдского телеканала «Rudaw TV», в котором говорилось, что они хотели бы сделать получасовое интервью с ним как израильским актером с курдскими корнями, после того как его фамилию заметили в списках актеров сериала. Интервьюеры расспрашивали Амеди о его актерской и певческой карьере, а также о его семейных корнях.

В связи с этим звезде «Фауды» предложили войти в число 12 человек, которые зажгут огонь на горе Герцль во время празднования перехода от Дня памяти к Дню независимости. Власти напомнили о том, как Амеди обгорел во время взрыва в начале января — его даже не сразу опознали в больнице. Тогда он был командиром резерва Боевого инженерного корпуса и потерял в том происшествии шестерых солдат. Это назвали героическим поступком.

Что известно о состоянии тяжелораненого актера Идана Амеди

Израильский певец и актер Идан Амеди, получивший тяжелое ранение в секторе Газы, провел пресс-конференцию в больнице «Шиба», где проходил лечение более двух недель. Idan Amedi, best known for his role in the TV series "Fauda," was seriously injured during the fighting in Gaza and transported to the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv. Israeli singer and actor, Idan Amedi, best known for his role in the TV series Fauda, was seriously injured during the fighting in Gaza and was airlifted to the Sheba Medical Center in Tel Aviv where he is currently sedated. Главная Новости ИзраильВ ходе боевых действий в Газе тяжело ранен актер сериала «Фауда» Идан Амеди. Israeli singer and actor, Idan Amedi, best known for his role in the TV series Fauda, was seriously injured during the fighting in Gaza and was flown to.

Израильский певец, звезда сериала «Фауда» Идан Амеди тяжело ранен в бою в секторе Газа

Amedi is best known for playing agent Sagi Tzur in “Fauda,” a Netflix drama about an elite Israeli undercover unit trying to track down a notorious Palestinian terrorist. Singer and soldier Idan Amedi, who has appeared in 36 episodes of the hit Israeli TV show Fauda, was airlifted to an Israeli hospital on Monday. 'Fauda' Actor Idan Amedi, who joined the IDF to fight against Hamas in the wake of the Oct. Актер Идан Амеди, известный по сериалу «Фауда» на Netflix, получил серьезное ранение во время боевых действий против ХАМАС. В своём «Instagram» Идана Амеди опубликовано видео, где перед уничтожением одного из объектов террористов, израильский военнослужащий поясняет, что сейчас этим взрывом почтит память погибших соотечественников и однополчан. Идан Амеди, другой Fauda актер, играющий Саги в сериале, опубликовал видео X (ранее Twitter) 12 октября, объяснив, что его призвали на службу в резервы ЦАХАЛа в ответ на нападения.

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