Новости годжо сатору техники

Gege Akutami created Satoru Gojo with the idea of being one of the strongest characters in the entire series, but at the same time being easy to understand to the readers. наруто, парень аниме, годжо сатору, аниме смешные, персонажи аниме. Kagome wasn't one to back down from a fight, even when faced with the oddity that was one Gojo Satoru. Сатору Годжо во время битв продемонстрировал хорошие тактические навыки, тем самым быстро разгадывая замыслы противника и придумать контратаку.

Сатору Годжо и Утахиме Иори

Годжо был первым человеком за четыреста лет, родившимся с обоими Шестью Глазами и клановой техникой Безграничного Проклятия. Доминатор — это техника Сатору Годжо, которую можно описать как гибрид притягивающей и отталкивающей силы. Смотрите видео на тему «обратная техника годжо» в TikTok (тикток). О сервисе Прессе Авторские права Связаться с нами Авторам Рекламодателям Разработчикам. Если ангел может уничтожать все техники то получается бесконечность годжо уже не имба?

Годжо Сатору/Утахиме Иори

Таким образом, фанаты, скорее всего, могут ожидать возвращения Годжо в Годзё довольно долго пропадал в манге, пока. Дисбаланс Заказывали? |. высокий, привлекательный мужчина с торчащими во все стороны белыми волосами. редкая наследуемая проклятая техника в клане Годжо, полученная Сатору с рождения в двух экземплярах, раскрывающая полный потенциал Безграничности, а также дающий и некоторые другие преимущества. Он смог увернуться от Проклятой Техники Сатору: Синий, полностью избегая поля притяжения, прежде чем Сатору даже понял это.

Почему Годжо Сатору носит повязку на глазах? Загадочная история из аниме "Дзюдзюцу Кайсен"

While at work, He rocks a black high-necked jacket with complimenting pants and black boots. In his past life, Gojo has worn bandages rather than a blindfold. Sometimes he wears long sleeves hoodies to beaches with trunks that are black in color. His power and abilities are feared by most of the higher-ups belonging to jujutsu society, none of them are brave enough to challenge him for a one on one duel as he could kill them all easily. As he has overpowered Ryoumen Sukuna efficiently, it is assumed that Sukuna even at his full power will not be able to beat Gojo. Noritoshi Kamo and special curses are also feared of him up to an extent where Kamo stated that any special grade curse would die.

Even momentarily using his Domain for 0. Mythical Motifs : The Buddha. I alone am the honored one", based on the statement Zen Buddhists believe was made by Shakyamuninote The Japanese name of Gautama Buddha when he reached enlightenment. He is also a foil to Geto, who has the motif of a corrupted bodhisattva. Nigh-Invulnerable : The most basic application of his Limitless technique, "Infinity", divides the space between himself and potentially harmful substances an infinite amount of times, rendering it impossible for them to reach him. Obsolete Mentor : Averted. His youthful features are made even more apparent when the blindfold is off. One-Man Army : He is the strongest jujutsu sorcerer after all. After activating his Domain for 0. One of the Kids : Might be even more childish than his own teenage students. Is Serious Business : The most emotion he usually displays beyond playful taunting is rage, but there have been a few moments where his mask slips: First was the death of Riko Amanai. That was the only time Gojo panicked and when he shows his anger at Suguru for betraying him, he does so very visibly, much more than he does in the present times. Rather than remaining calm on the outside but raging on the inside when Yuji died, his expression when he let Suguru go was outright sad. Person of Mass Destruction : His Hollow Technique: Purple causes a crevasse throughout the entire forest area around Jujutsu High while he was trying to smoke Hanami from miles away mid-getaway. Yuji and Todo are predictably flabbergasted by the sheer destruction on display. Power High : Had a massive one after resuscitating and healing himself by mastering Reversed Cursed Techniques on the brink of death when Toji crushed his throat and stabbed him in the head. The entire time, Gojo has a deranged wide look in his eyes, is rambling to no end, and has the body language of someone in the deep end of a drug-induced psychosis. Toji: Is he on drugs? Power Limiter : Gojo often wears blindfolds or extremely dark sunglasses to keep himself from using too much energy with his Six Eyes and wearing himself out. In his early years, he had plenty of fangirls. In addition, he showcases rare Tranquil Fury towards the curses in Shibuya, but only after they implied they could beat him. Proud Beauty : In his teenage years, Gojo was well aware of how attractive he is and took time out of the Riko Amanai mission to impress a class full of girls by briefly showing them his eyes , despite being in the middle of a life-and-death situation at the time. He is also considered by some to be the most powerful Jujutsu Sorcerer in the world. Put on a Bus : He is sealed in the Prison Realm in Chapter 91, which leads to him being absent from the story for over three years in real-life. The Scapegoat : After the Shibuya Incident, Gojo was declared a direct accomplice of Suguru Geto and therefore also responsible for the attacks. Freeing him from the Prison Realm is also now considered the highest possible offense. The elders always had it out for Gojo due to his defiance and used the first opportunity they could to paint him as an irredeemable villain. In Shibuya, he succeeds. While he primarily uses alter space in different ways, His Domain, Unlimited Void, can also inflict My Skull Runneth Over by exposing the minds of everyone trapped inside to an infinite amount of stimuli. It forces the opponent to see, feel, and know everything, rendering them unable to act. The effect is crippling, and would kill the average human being, but he later demonstrates he can greatly lessen its effect on civilians by activating his Domain for a very brief period of time. This includes pausing to show Jogo that it is metaphysically impossible for him to lay a hand on him, and bringing Yuji over for an instructional demonstration. Significant Wardrobe Shift : In his fight with Sukuna, he walks in with a fully decorated Onmyouji robe, only to strip it down after his initial surprise attack for the exact outfit worn by Toji on the day Gojo met him; A skintight black shirt, baggy white Kung Fu pants and black Kung Fu shoes to show that he means business. Toji: What a copycat. Skewed Priorities : He went to buy Kikufuku mochi while Yuji and Megumi nearly died fighting a curse. Smug Super : Gojo is extremely, though understandably, confident in his abilities as the strongest jujutsu sorcerer in the world, with his opinion of his enemies dependent on their strength and showing an aggressive, merciless fighting style that flaunts his powerful techniques to establish his superiority over an opponent. Sociopathic Hero : Gojo can very easily give the impression he is a high-functioning sociopath, having an intellectual understanding of and expressing empathy, but only because he taught himself to. His inner sociopath however still lies at the core of his character, and will reveal itself when pushed far enough. When he was younger, he was a Smug Super who regularly struggled to understand why Geto thought they had to protect the weak, regularly having Geto act as The Conscience for him, as on his own he tended to not give a shit about others. Even after Riko was killed he was more focused on the power high he attained from perfecting reverse cursed technique and fighting Toji again. It was only after it sank in that he failed Riko and Geto was Madden Into Misanthropy that Gojo began to learn how to express empathy, coming to care for his students and wanting to be a good mentor to them. In its base state Gojo can use it to teleport vast distances and conjure an endless amount of space between two objects, while the three more advanced techniques Lapse:Blue, Reverse:Red, and Hollow Purple allow him to create a singularity that sucks in and crushes the surroundings, an incredibly potent repelling blast, and an area of paradoxical "imaginary space" that erases anything caught inside. As such, with Sukuna sealed inside Yuji and otherwise uninterested in helping, the villains have to plan around mitigating or avoiding him, and several arcs only have stakes because Gojo is either elsewhere or being kept out of the action somehow. By the Shibuya Incident arc, the villains develop special techniques designed to counter him, force him to fight while taking care not to harm civilians, and set a trap to ensure he comes alone — and even then, he wipes the floor with the Special Grade Curses, only falling when they take advantage of his past with Suguru Geto to stall him long enough for a binding cursed artifact to seal him. This allows him to be perfectly healthy all while having what is essentially unlimited cursed energy. And he does this while also constantly maintaining Infinity. Superpower Lottery : Gojo is the first member of the Gojo clan in over four centuries to wield the Six Eyes along with Limitless which is pure Awesome, but Impractical without the Six Eyes trait , giving him a host of powers including Nigh-Invulnerability , telekinesis, teleportation , and flight. Which, in addition to incredible Super-Senses , reduces the losses of cursed energy when powering his Limitless to a number "infinitesimally close to zero", giving Gojo functionally unlimited Cursed Energy. Super-Senses : The Six Eyes technique allows him to view the world around him with incredible detail through Cursed energy even when blindfolded, right down to objects with no Cursed energy like buildings through the leftover Cursed energy around them. A comment by Jogo during their fight implies that it may not just be Cursed Energy reinforcement which increases his speed. This is confirmed later by Kusakabe to be the pull from his Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue enhancing his punches, and the act of compressing space coordinates to achieve small scale warps. Chapter 236 immediately begins with Gojo appearing in an Afterlife Antechamber , greeted by the deceased Geto, with the chapter revealing that Gojo was cleaved in two by Sukuna. Sweet Tooth : Per his profile. According to the official fanbook, his favorite food is sweet things. He initially ate sweets to stimulate his brain, but he eventually got a craving for sweets. So much so in the beginning of the story he showed up late because he stopped to get kikufuku on the way. Sympathy for the Devil : Gojo empathizes with Sukuna because he relates to his immense power making him feel lonely and disconnected from others.

Толджи отрезал голову, он бы выиграл. Но вместо этого этот опыт пробудил скрытые силы в Годжо и позволил ему взорвать технику «Секретная пустота»: фиолетовый до неподготовленного Тоджи и убить его. Неясно, почему, но вскоре после рождения Мегуми Тоджи решил покинуть свою семью, поэтому он никогда не видит лицо своего сына, и Мегуми никогда не знает, как выглядит его отец. Но на всякий случай, в своем умирающем дыхании, он также сказал Мегуми Сатору Годжо. Читайте также Лучшая аниме серия 2021 года Во время арки инцидента Шибуя джудздзюцу колдун удается вызвать душу Тоджи в тело живого человека. Что они не понимают, так это того, что Тоджи настолько силен, что в конечном итоге захватывает человека, эффективно возродился и становится машиной для убийства. Находясь в этом штате, он случайно встречает и борется с Мегуми. Само собой разумеется, Мегуми не узнает своего отца. Понимая, что он сражается с собственным сыном, первое, что он спрашивает, это имя Мегуми. Когда Тоджи слышит, что Мегуми все еще использует имя «Фушигоро», он улыбается и говорит: «Хорошо для тебя», когда он наносит удар себе в голову. Таким образом, заканчивает жизнь одного из самых сильных людей на земле, который не знает ничего, кроме ненависти и насилия на протяжении всей своей жизни.

Geto wishes to create a shaman-only world. He then helps the young Okkotsu to understand the true nature of his powers. As the event starts, Gojo watches it through monitors with the other faculties. When intruders invade the site, Gojo heads over to the site along with Utahime and Yoshinobu. He decides to handle Juzo first, and easily manages to restrain him. Gojo then uses a Hollow Purple technique on Hanami, but they cannot tell for sure if he is killed. As a result, Satoru is widely respected by sorcerers and holds high influence in the sorcery world. When he and Geto were both sophomores, they were assigned to escort the Star Plasma Vessel Riko Amanai , who was to merge with the immortal sorcerer, Tengen. Gojo confronts Geto about his crimes, but is unable to kill him and lets him go. Nevertheless, Gojo has Okkotsu to take the favor of protecting Yuji from being executed should something bad happen to him.

All Satoru Gojo's Techniques & Abilities in Jujutsu Kaisen

В нужны момент достает духа по своей воле , что позволяет ему эффективно переключать оружие в зависимости от необходимости. Усиленные чувства: Благодаря его Небесному Ограничению, недостаток проклятой энергии Тодзи привел к тому, что его пять чувств были обострены до своего абсолютного пика. Он мог видеть проклятия и магов только с помощью своих повышенных чувств и даже развил сопротивление им. Это также позволяло Тодзи выслеживать магов без использования остатков, так как он мог следовать за человеческими следами и запахами. Огромная сила: Тодзи обладает сверхчеловеческой физической силой, достаточной для того, чтобы без особых усилий вырвать Игривое Облако из рук Маки, другого человека с большими физическими способностями.

Используя Игривое Облако, инструмент, который зависит от физической силы, Тодзи смог легко пробить самые сложные шикигами Дагона. С помощью другого проклятого инструмента он смог прорезать самое жесткое проклятие Сугуру и голыми руками избил Такуму Ино по лицу так сильно, что тот чуть не умер. Огромная скорость и рефлексы: Тодзи был замечен в нескольких случаях, чтобы иметь сверхчеловеческую скорость, настолько, что его противники не могут прочитать его движения. Он смог увернуться от Проклятой Техники Сатору: Синий, полностью избегая поля притяжения, прежде чем Сатору даже понял это.

Мегуми также заявил, что Тодзи был до смешного быстр, даже быстрее, чем Сукуна с двумя пальцами. В их борьбе Тодзи смог избежать прямой колющей атаки, несмотря на то, что его нога попала в тень Мегуми благодаря невероятной ловкости и рефлексам. Он также заявил, что видеть Тодзи, когда он движется, почти невозможно, и был впечатлен его скоростью, соперничающей с Сукуной без проклятой энергии. Высокий тактический интеллект: Когда дело доходило до его заданий, Тодзи подходил к своим заданиям с тщательным расчетом, осторожностью и терпением.

Тодзи сохранил множество сведений, полученных от членов клана Зенин, включая понимание работы Безграничного и Шести Глаз. Оказывается, что существует организация, члены которой исключительно люди и огромные фанаты Мастера Тенгена. Только вот их фанатичность бьет через край и она готовы помешать ему слиться с новым сосудом, чтобы тот вышел из под контроля и они были убиты Мастером.

Limitless is from the Gojo family. It allows the user to manipulate space to an atomic level. He can do various applications of his inherited technique. One of these would be Infinity, which we see firsthand in his battle with Jogo at Episode 7. He explains it with the Achilles and the tortoise paradox.

Бесконечная сила проклятой энергии Годжо — человек, который, несмотря на то, что не использует проклятую технику, обладает неисчерпаемым резервуаром проклятой энергии. Этот огромный запас энергии позволяет Годжо выполнять несколько Расширений Домана ежедневно, что подавляющее большинство других магов может достичь только один раз в день. Это, в некотором смысле, объясняет, почему он склонен к высокомерию. Этот метод в основном используется для лечения и является важной частью боевого арсенала Годжо. Он усовершенствовал его после почти смертельного боя с Тодзи Фушигуро, а также использует его для усиления своей Безграничной Техники. Использование этой техники превращает проклятую энергию пользователя в черную вспышку, увеличивая осознание пользователем своей собственной энергии. Однако техника требует невероятной концентрации и не может выполняться по желанию. Однако неизвестно, сколько раз Годжо успешно использовал Black Flash подряд. Но только те, у кого есть шесть глаз, могут полностью овладеть им.

Битва между Тодзи Фушигуро и Годзё Сатору была захватывающим зрелищем! Неприятно, но то, как Тодзи ударил Годжо, было чем-то действительно новым для поклонников Годжо. Несмотря на всю уверенность, которую Годжо всегда несет с собой в битву, Тодзи в мгновение ока уничтожил всю эту уверенность и оставил так называемого сильнейшего Волшебника с ранами, которые никогда не могли оставить смертное живое существо. От порезов на груди до шеи Тодзи оставил тело Годзё открытым с помощью своего смертоносного Перевернутого Небесного Копья и оставил его умирать на полу. Однако, когда Тодзи почувствовал, что все улажено, и покидал место встречи, он снова столкнулся с Годзё Сатору, и на этот раз его вид выглядел зловещим, а напряжение наполнило воздух. Выясняется, что Годжо свеж, как лайм, и готов снова сразиться с Убийцей чародеев.

Сейю Годжо Сатору отменяют из-за откровенных шуток

Сатору обладает крайне редким сочетанием проклятых техник, которое замечено впервые за тысячу лет: Техника Безграничности клана Годжо, а также врожденное свойство Шесть глаз. Безграничный, самая сильная проклятая техника в дзюдзюцу кайсен. Сатору Годжо — сильнейший колдун Магической битвы, способный использовать самые мощные техники проклятой энергии в мире.

Эстетика и аниме | оформление

К сожалению для него, в тот момент, когда Тоджи ударил шею Годжо, Годжо сразу же сосредоточился на выполнении обратной проклятой техники и начал исцелять себя. Толджи отрезал голову, он бы выиграл. Но вместо этого этот опыт пробудил скрытые силы в Годжо и позволил ему взорвать технику «Секретная пустота»: фиолетовый до неподготовленного Тоджи и убить его. Неясно, почему, но вскоре после рождения Мегуми Тоджи решил покинуть свою семью, поэтому он никогда не видит лицо своего сына, и Мегуми никогда не знает, как выглядит его отец. Но на всякий случай, в своем умирающем дыхании, он также сказал Мегуми Сатору Годжо.

Читайте также Лучшая аниме серия 2021 года Во время арки инцидента Шибуя джудздзюцу колдун удается вызвать душу Тоджи в тело живого человека. Что они не понимают, так это того, что Тоджи настолько силен, что в конечном итоге захватывает человека, эффективно возродился и становится машиной для убийства. Находясь в этом штате, он случайно встречает и борется с Мегуми. Само собой разумеется, Мегуми не узнает своего отца.

Понимая, что он сражается с собственным сыном, первое, что он спрашивает, это имя Мегуми. Когда Тоджи слышит, что Мегуми все еще использует имя «Фушигоро», он улыбается и говорит: «Хорошо для тебя», когда он наносит удар себе в голову.

Blood Knight : Gojo barely bothers to veil it, prone to flashing unhinged smiles when even remotely challenged. It is indicated that this is because Gojo is so powerful that if something is able to somewhat stand up to him, it is exhilarating for him. Especially seen in his fight against Ryomen Sukuna. Satoru constantly smirks and smiles throughout the fight and at one point when feeling some shred of doubt. Satoru has an image of Toji Fushigoro that immediately takes him from feeling doubt to being able to feel Satisfaction for the first time in 11 years since their battle. He was born so powerful that his birth shifted the balance of power between curses and sorcerers, with curses becoming stronger to compensate. Break the Haughty : Was quite the arrogant jerk back in high school, openly questioning why he even needed to help humanity.

Therefore, instead of toppling the core of Jujutsu society and ruling it as a tyrant, Gojo resolves to play the long game by nurturing the new generation to reach his own level as a teacher, so that he would no longer have to Lonely at the Top and changing Jujutsu society from within not alone, but together. The Bus Came Back : Gojo is finally released from the Prison Realm in chapter 221, 130 entire chapters after his sealing. Chick Magnet : Only among Muggles though, especially in his teens. No one he works with and knows personally would be able to stomach his personality despite his looks. Cool Shades : His other way of covering his eyes aside from his cloth. Flashbacks show this was his default when he was younger. If a normal person looked through them, they would only see pitch black. Cool Teacher : And how. Gojo may be a figure of authority assigned to teach newbies about the dangerous world of jujutsu sorcery, but he can be casual, friendly, and not above messing around.

Cosmic Motifs : An unconventional example: Gojo is frequently associated with the idea of space as an infinite, unknowable beyond. Both because bending space is the crux of his powers and because almost nobody has any idea how to reach his level. Defence Mechanism Superpower : A year after the Hidden Inventory Arc, Gojo learns to keep his Infinity continuously active to protect himself, sorting objects by level of cursed energy, mass, speed, and shape. By simultaneously using his Reverse Cursed Technique, he keeps his brain always fresh without frying it. Deflector Shields : A variation. His most basic technique, Infinity, takes the finite amount of space between himself and a target and divides it an infinite number of times, creating an impossibly wide gap of space around him that prevents any harm from reaching Gojo. The only things that can bypass it are himself, a Domain Expansion or an ability that can dispel cursed techniques altogether. The heroes then struggle through the Culling Games without him, aware that he could easily solve the situation were he present. Akutami keeps him out of the field until the Darkest Hour has come, with Megumi possessed by Sukuna and Tengen captured by Kenjaku, at which point it gives the heroes time to properly prepare for the final battle and sets Gojo to fight Sukuna, the only villain who could challenge him.

Died Standing Up : In chapter 236, Sukuna bisects Gojo at the waist, with his torso falling to the ground and his lower body standing perfectly still. Disintegrator Ray : His Hollow Purple technique fills space with an "imaginary mass" by simultaneously repelling and attracting everything in the target trajectory with the two halves of his Technique. This causes an overlap over any mass that is already there, effectively erasing it from existence. Dissonant Serenity : Maintains an eerie calm and smile when he decapitates Jogo by yanking his head out, complete with blood erupting out, after trapping him in his Domain Expansion. Domain Holder : His Domain Expansion, Unlimited Void, traps the target inside an Acid-Trip Dimension that forces them to experience an infinite amount of sensory information, inflicting paralysis and eventually death. Thanks to his Six Eyes , he can both easily overwhelm most other Domain Expansions and cast his Domain multiple times in one day without tiring. Everyone Has Standards : Satoru is cold-blooded and capable of sacrificing others to achieve a particular objective, but he prefers keeping bloodshed to a minimum. In the Shibuya Incident, when placed in a situation where he could kill all the Disaster Curses at the cost of all civilian lives present, he is visibly horrified and stretches his abilities to the maximum, slaughtering a thousand enemies in 5 minutes, to save as many innocents as possible. When Suguru casually mentions Satoru can kill humanity by himself, he is visibly disgusted.

Expy : His initial appearance with bandages covering his eye is a reference to Tonbo Tobitake according to Akutami. As a child, he is also seen wearing a dragonfly-patterned yukata, with tonbo meaning "dragonfly". Eye Motifs : His famed "Six Eyes" are a pair of unnaturally, eerie blue eyes which provide an incredible perception of vision and cursed energy. Symbolizing that Gojo sees the true nature of Cursed Energy in a way no other Sorcerer is capable of. Eyepatch of Power : His Six Eyes grant him incredibly powerful Super-Senses and perception of Cursed Energy, so he usually wears a blindfold or thick sunglasses to lessen the chance of Sensory Overload. Word of God states that even with his eyes blocked his vision is like high-resolution thermography. Failure Hero : While Satoru does his best for his students, in the grand scheme of things... Case in point: Satoru successfully kills Toji Fushiguro. Satoru successfully disabled Jogo but before he can properly interrogate Jogo for information.

Hanami uses their abilities to successfully distract Gojo long enough for the disaster curses to escape. Satoru disables Juzo and attacks Hanami with his Hollow Purple. However, Mahito gets away scot-free with all the information the disasters need which in effect also led to the Shibuya arc. Satoru nearly wins against Ryomen Sukuna but unfortunately with a well calculated attack that he himself could not see coming, he was bisected in half and killed by the Big Bad of the series. The author stated it was intended as Gojo has little regard for social tradition. Both feel a great degree of pride over those beneath them, but Geto actively looks down on others, whereas Gojo simply views himself highly. To Toji Fushiguro. Both are laid-back individuals who absolutely excel in what they do Gojo with his sorcery, Toji with his physical ability and sit on opposite ends of the physical strength-spiritual strength scale. Towards the end of their encounter, they both fight purely to affirm their own strength.

Satoru is associated the color blue and with divinity; born with ethereal beauty and strength of which he is proud of. Sukuna is associated with crimson and is portrayed as a demonic entity and a perversion of the divine. Sukuna is also not above taking the techniques of others if it benefits him, even resorting to underhanded tactics if it nets him an advantage, and does not seem to care about his physical appearance. Their physical appearances are complete contrasts during their climactic match in Shinjuku: Gojo is buff, white-haired with blue eyes, while Sukuna is lean, dark-haired with red eyes. Nanami has to clarify that while he thinks Gojo is reliable, he has no respect for him as a person.

He attempts to talk to you only to be met by subtle rejections and your fake excuses to go somewhere else. Gojo who finally realizes the damage he has done with your relationship and how good he had it with you. Gojo who misses it when you used to look at him with soft, loving eyes. Not the one driven out of primal need and lust you always give him before the two of you fuck. Not because he wants more of you. Gojo who wishes you would give him a chance to explain everything, to win you back and allow him in your life again.

Иллюстрация Jump Giga также подтверждает этот аспект теории. Седовласый колдун наконец отомстит и положит конец давней вражде. Однако сможет ли он победить Кенджаку самостоятельно, без своих шести глаз? Именно здесь Дзюдзюцу Кайсен мог увидеть учеников Годзё, помогающих ему добиться победы. Несомненно, Годзё долгое время защищал своих учеников от опасности, поэтому теперь пришло время его ученикам защитить своего учителя. Наконец, теория дзюдзюцу кайсен утверждает, что Годзё может прожить остаток своей жизни в качестве директора Токийской школы дзюдзюцу. Хотя седовласый колдун будет страдать без своих шести глаз, это также будет причиной его душевного спокойствия. Таким образом, Годжо, скорее всего, проживет горько-сладкую жизнь. Следите за новыми новостями аниме и обновлениями манги в 2023 году. Igrostrana Anime теперь в Твиттере! Следуйте за нами здесь, чтобы быть в курсе последних новостей и обновлений. Поделиться с друзьями: Вам также может быть интересно.

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