Новости симс 4 платье

Разнообразьте свой стиль с помощью одежды с модных мумбайских улиц из комплекта «The Sims™ 4 Фэшн-Стрит». Просмотрите доску «Одежда Симс 4» пользователя nd в Pinterest. 12 tessa dress sims 4 cc 15 Best Sims 4 Maternity Clothes CC & Mods. Is it true that a baby’s body might be squished to death by clothing that is too small? Well here’s a great dress your pregnant Sim, which comes in 36 swatches – enough options to cover the whole period of pregnancy!

Комплекты "Симтимная мода" и "Ванные принадлежности" выйдут 19 января

Первая часть огромной подборки предметов для свадьбы в Симс 4. Только свадебные платья в этой Ь в теме в моём блоге MonikaSpieltSims http://monik. Мэйзи Уильямс продемонстрировала длинноногую фигуру в коротком твидовом платье на мероприятии "Вопросы и ответы" в Нью-Йорке в субботу. Комплект The Sims 4 Карнавал вдохновлен эффектным стилем бразильской суперзвезды Паблло Виттара и создан в сотрудничестве с ним. I know that in The Sims 4 High School Years expansion pack aren't enough graduation dresses and that's why I created this set.

The Sims 4 "Коллекция новых платьев"

Sims 4 Eleanor Wedding Dress by Metens The Eleanor wedding dress is an alpha cc dress that comes in 9 gorgeous color swatches. The mesh with the silver flower details are so well-done and one of the main reasons I HAD to have this dress on the list. It is alpha cc, but honestly, it takes my breath away so I HAD to include it on this list. It comes in three color swatches: white, light pink, and light blue. This is a super realistic wedding dress in my eyes. What do you think? Vampire Wedding Dress by Sentate This dress is not super traditional nor is it marketed as wedding dress cc, BUT I thought it would be perfect for a sims 4 vampire wedding dress. I think the two swatches you see above would look stunning on a vampire sim! Or they could use the white swatch and have that traditional vibe. I think the classic is probably my favorite, but I am a traditionalist at heart.

Первый полосатый, с рукавчиками и высоким воротом, но голым животом — это классика уже. Кроме того, первые четыре расцветки являются отсылкой к нескольким ЛГБТ флагам, а пятая — к флагу Бразилии. Учитывайте это при выборе наряда. Вариант ниже идеален для пляжа. К слову его вполне можно использовать в качестве верхней части купальника, но нужно отключить фильтр категории купальных костюмов. Зато в итоге получится довольно оригинальный пляжный комплект. Третий топик практически целиком состоит из кристаллов. За счет этого он довольно яркий и блестящий, так сразу и не найдешь ему применения. Но кристаллы заслуживают похвалы — это не просто плоская текстура, они объемные. И пожалуй ему не хватает менее пестрых вариантов. В черном цвете, например, он бы наверное смотрелся неплохо. В категории нижней части одежды двое шорт и две юбки. Наверное это наиболее разочаровывающие предметы комплекта. Судите сами — такие или очень похожие джинсовые мини-шорты в игре уже есть, как в базе, так и в DLC. Вторые шорты могли бы быть интересными, если бы ремешок с кошелечком не был просто нарисован поверх. А так… плоско и скучно. Теперь что касается юбок. Пышная мини-юбочка… Очень.

You will also find a long-sleeved top, a pair of boots, hairstyles, and even an eyeshadow. Sims 4 Summer Dresses by Euno sims These deep v-neck mini dresses will be the star of the summer season with their adorable colors and patterns. Besides the cute cherries and floral designs above, there are 12 swatches, including my favorite: the strawberry pattern. Sims 4 Violet Dress by Candysims4 Need a sexy date night dress for your sims or something to wear to the bar with friends? This mini corset dress with a slip has a structured look to it. Casual Sims 4 Dresses by Clumsyalien These casual summer dresses would fight right in with your sims cottagecore wardrobe. You get a short version with three-quarter-length sleeves. The longer dress version has a belt, shorter sleeves, and hits around the calves. Both dresses come in 20 swatches, and you can grab any of the two hairstyles. Cloud Dresses for Sims 4 by Miiko These beautiful maxis match sims 4 dresses have a structured yet flowy look. The bust is cupped like a corset minus any strings; the dress then falls into a loose fit. There are 15 swatches to choose from, and while the pastel colors are lovely, I especially love the florals and clouds options. It can also be worn to a wedding, provided your sim opts for a color other than white.

Она курирует экспозиции модного искусства и создаёт проекты, в которых пересекаются искусство, музыка, театр, дизайн и культура. Она работала куратором и менеджером в Совете модельеров Индии, возглавляла запуск первой виртуальной недели моды в Индии и была творческим директором на неделе моды в Индии. У неё большой опыт в этой области, но в первую очередь нам захотелось сотрудничать именно с ней потому, что она тесно связана с модой Мумбаи и Фэшн-Стрит. До этого я вообще слабо представляла себе, что же это такое — поход за покупками». С тех пор Сингх регулярно посещает Фэшн-Стрит. Несмотря на то, что теперь она общается и работает с лучшими дизайнерами Индии, она до сих пор любит торговаться. В этом вся суть Фэшн-Стрит. Это место — рай для шопоголиков, который просто ошеломляет.

Комплекты "Все для праздника" и "Модная ностальгия" выйдут 18 апреля 2024

Ростоманы возвращаются в The Sims 4 вместе с новым испытанием! | Новости Sims 4 Просмотрите доску «Одежда симс 4» пользователя Кристина Прокопьева в Pinterest.
Sims 4 Update! – Telegram Просмотрите доску «Симс 4 ОДЕЖДА.
Скачать бесплатно для Sims 4 Официальную одежду для симов и симок » Страница 8 В этой категории публикуется только лучшая женская одежда для Симс 4 от самых разных авторов.
Passion by Judith Ward Collection 💎 Скачать Платье для симс 4 коллекция модов. Платье со свитером Quilted от MysteriousOo.
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Скоро в The Sims 4 появится новое бельё и беспорядок в ванных комнатах

Справедливости ради, комплект «The Sims 4 Фэшн-Стрит» вдохновлён модой города, однако сложно говорить о стиле Мумбаи без упоминания торговой улицы. Новое обновление Sims 4 дает игрокам бесплатные варианты нижнего белья в базовой игре и столь необходимые варианты размещения их беспорядка в ванной. Разнообразьте свой стиль с помощью одежды с модных мумбайских улиц из комплекта «The Sims™ 4 Фэшн-Стрит»*. Converted from TSM and adapted for Sims 4 this outfit will give your peasant sims of all ages a nice new outfit in many color options. Переходите прямо сейчас и скачивайте моды и дополнения для Симс 4 бесплатно!

Female clothes

Кстати, у симулятора The Sims непростая история, но вот уже несколько десятилетий игра про виртуальных людей остаётся хитом. В нашем материале рассказываем, как The Sims завоевал весь мир. Сейчас читают.

Если сим съест этот плод, он превратится в зеленого, покрытого листьями ростомана на пять сим-дней. Ставшие ростоманами симы не только будут выглядеть по-другому, но и повысят уровень навыка садоводства, а их потребности слегка изменятся. Если вам нравится быть ростоманом, по окончании испытания дерево останется у вас, и вы сможете превращаться в ростомана когда угодно!

Кстати, бюджет исчезает вместе со взрослыми, поэтому подростку придется подзаработать и подождать, пока сим-ребенок не подрастет. Ранее мы писали о странном баге игры: симы многих пользователей в The Sims 4 начали желать инцеста и быстро стареть.

Отличная новость: ошибку уже удалось пофиксить.

Express your style with henna tattoos and fun sunglasses, too. Windows 7 SP1 , Windows 8, Windows 8. See minimum system requirements for the pack.

Best Sims 4 Dresses

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Лучшие моды для The Sims 4 — новые города, одежда, причёски, карьера, секс и многое другое

23+ Sims 4 Dresses For Every Style - We Want Mods Find the best downloads for The Sims 4 in one place. Download now hairstyles, clothes, shoes, accessories and much more.
Sims 4 Update! – Telegram Дизайнеры надеются, что их одежда подтолкнет игроков к экспериментам как на просторах The Sims 4, так и в реальной жизни.
Одежда для Симс 4 Просмотрите доску «Симс 4 платья» пользователя Nastya Tarakina в Pinterest.
MSSIMS — YOUR PRESENT DRESS FOR THE SIMS 4 ACCESS TO... Моды для Sims 4 / Моды на одежду для Симс 4.
ts4novvvas - exclusive content on Boosty Комплект The Sims 4 Карнавал вдохновлен эффектным стилем бразильской суперзвезды Паблло Виттара и создан в сотрудничестве с ним.

Мода девяностых и яркий декор: EA анонсировала два новых комплекта для The Sims 4

Вы сможете скачать все модели и аксессуары бесплатно, чтобы создать потрясающую коллекцию женской одежды для The Sims 4! Разнообразьте свой стиль с помощью одежды с модных мумбайских улиц из комплекта «The Sims™ 4 Фэшн-Стрит»*. Established in 2007, Sentate is a luxury virtual fashion house that seeks to bring high fashion to the world of The Sims. Established in 2007, Sentate is a luxury virtual fashion house that seeks to bring high fashion to the world of The Sims. [SIMS4] reina TS4 gakuran uniform(f) + acc. Мод на платье королевы на Хэллоуин для Симс 4 сделает вашу симку главной героиней праздничной вечеринки.

Lilith & Angela Pleasant Part 3/3.

The first style is a jumpsuit with a stunning long sleeve off-the-shoulder lace top. A satin belt cinches in the waist, extending into tight pointe pants that end at the ankles. To add to that modern look, the jumpsuit comes with an ankle-long lace skirt, creating the image of a train. The second style replaces the pants with a short skirt to create a softer appearance. Both styles are sensual and stunning, and are made with excellent quality. Wedding Collection N2 The Wedding Collection N2 mermaid wedding dress is a classic style that has been brought to the next level.

The short sleeves are just cupping the shoulders and complete the formfitting elegant, but sensual look. The dress continues tightly around the hips and tights and flares then in its mermaid style. The back features intricate lace work flowing down from the neck to the middle back leaving the sides open. All of this is done in a brightly white silk fabric. The high collar is in a mock turtle style and has an adorable pendant as a special detail.

The long sleeves have a whimsical bow at the upper arm and end with flared out cuffs at the wrist. The waist is slightly etched creating the image of a higher sitting fabric belt. The skirt flares almost straight down covering the shoes. The fabric is a stunning handcrafted lace which makes this frock luxurious and traditionally elegant. The dress comes in seven darker colours besides the traditional white, off- white and blush.

Rainbow Dress What could be more beautiful than a bride wearing a stunning rainbow dress on her big day? These two styles of Rainbow Dresses are simply stunning, with an unusual touch that is sure to make your wedding day extra special. The first style features a sleeveless top with wide pleats that meet at the hip, adorned with white fabric roses. The wide pleats continue on one side of the dress to contrast the opposite side, where the fabric is sewn in waves in shimmering rainbow colours. The second style also has a sleeveless top which creates the image of a vest resting on the hips, giving way to waves of pastel soft rainbow colours which flow dreamily down.

Both styles are completed with a veil with lace etching. Nothing can top the bride in this outfit! It features a simple tank top style with a wide pleated waistband to enhance an hour glass shape. The attached light flaring layer reveals the skirt underneath, which is embellished with a shimmering flower pattern. The fabric is a rich satin and the dress comes in eight colour options, each more enchanting than the other.

The simplicity of this dress does not take away from its elegance and beauty. This gorgeous mermaid-style dress features a plunging neckline that ends at the waistline, long sleeves with lace inserts at the shoulders and underarms, and a top part all crafted in lace that artfully flares sidewise to hug the hip area and leads further down to the mermaid flare. The stunning white fabric of the skirt makes it look luxurious and tops the elegance of the overall style. Let your Sim feel like a queen and wow her groom on her big day. It is available in six colours: four pastel colours, and a rich red and black.

The front of the dress is made in lace, with a high collar and long sleeves in a plain silk fabric. The back of the dress is open, falls deep to the lower part of the back, and is rimmed with a lace part. The skirt is again a plain silk fabric and flares into a slight mermaid style. This beautiful gown comes in five different colours — white, embroidered white, ivory, rose, and sky — and is inspired by none other than Kate Middleton herself. The full skirt falls like a dream and is beautifully embroidered with intricate patterns, while the heart neckline and tight fitting bust add the romantic touch every bride wants.

Plus, the long sleeves give the style the elegance we know from the Duchess of Cambridge. She can wear a white gown like everyone else, or she can choose a romantic wedding gown that comes in 11 colours, including pastels and richer hues. The top is worked like a bustier in intricate luxurious lace, and the tule overlay has a flower decor which changes to more lace as it gently flows down the long sleeves and covers the open back. It keeps the dress in style with the romantic theme, but does not take away any of the sensuality. The multiple layers of the skirt flow gently down and display another firework of lace along the rim.

The simple dress is available in 30 options. The back has three delicate silver cords which hold the top on the shoulder cup, creating a diagonal design with one off shoulder. The top itself fits tight and cinches in at the waist to create an hourglass shape. The skirt is white and leaves enough room to dance through the night. The rich fabric has a leave like embroidery, adding to the princess charm of the dress.

Whether your Sim is getting married in a cathedral or on a beach, this dress will make their special day even more magical. The Bohemian Wedding Dress is everything a flower power girl could hope for — vintage, crochet-like, and bright white. The mini dress is perfect for channeling all the magick of that time frame and will make any bride feel like a Bohemian goddess. The loose, see-through sleeves flare out at the ends, while the body part has a lining to keep the ensemble decent but just pretty. The dress is short, true to the Bohemian style.

Adding a flower tiara to complete the look and all your bride needs to do is celebrate. This dress leaves nothing to wish for and will bring out the beauty of any bride wonderfully. Vintage Wedding Dress Every bride wants to look her best on her wedding day, and there is no shortage of beautiful wedding dress options to choose from. For those who want something a little bit different, however, vintage wedding dress styles are a great option. This particular dress features a simple but beautiful A-line silhouette with a lace insert extending from the bust to the neckline.

The belt sits right on top of the hips, cinching in the waist and adding a touch of medieval flair. The result is a stunning and unique gown that is sure to turn heads. Whether you are looking for something original or simply want a classic look with a twist, this vintage wedding dress is sure to impress. It comes in white, off-white, a deep red, and stunning black. The sleeveless dress has a bustier style top that moves in at the waist and then flares out wide like a ball dress.

The fabric is a soft luxurious satin that still holds up to all the demands of a wedding dress. The style creates a vibration of romance and promises, but most of all it makes your bride drop-dead gorgeous. The detailed work on the bodice and skirt are what make this dress so special.

Check out the Scandalace collection! These beautiful dresses come in a blushing hue, with sequences of rhinestones and lace. One style comes in a knee length version with a wider skirt, while all the other styles are maxi length. The fabric is light and flows nicely around the figure, making these dresses perfect for any bride who wants to feel like a princess on her big day. Eleanor Dress Elegance is always in style, and the Eleanor Dress is a picture of just that. The luxurious satin fabric flows close along the figure into a maxi length.

The top features a corsage style and extends in tulle up to a high collar. A touch of romance is added with the lace on the shoulder cups and the rims at the wrists. If you are looking for a beautiful and romantic dress for your wedding, look no further than the Eleanor Dress! And with good reason — a beautiful dress can make the whole day feel even more special. The simple strap dress style is flattering and loose-fitting, while the beautiful lace straps add a touch of elegance. The neckline is deep but decent, and the back line plunges down to the lower back, leaving plenty of space to display the intricate lacework of the extended straps. Vintage Wedding Dress Every bride has many choices to make when it comes to her wedding dress. A vintage wedding dress is the perfect option for the Sim who wants to feel like a classic beauty on her big day. This dress features a truly classic design, with an off-shoulder top made completely of lace and a three-tier skirt that flows down elegantly.

The lining underneath adds an extra touch of elegance, and the skirt follows every move beautifully. A dress like this is sure to make a statement and will be remembered by everyone who sees it. So if your Sim bride is looking for a truly stunning wedding dress, let her go vintage! This particular Andrea Sims 4 CC Wedding Dress has all of that, plus a bit of an ethereal quality thanks to the mermaid-style skirt that flows lovely down to a maxi Length. The high collar has beautiful embroidery that extends to frame the open back and ends at the lower back rim. And of course, the classic white colour enhances the elegant vibe of this dress. Arielle Simple CC Wedding Dress Every bride wants to look beautiful on her wedding day, and finding the perfect dress is a major part of that process. The strapless top and mermaid-style skirt are flattering for all body types, while the white silk fabric exudes luxury. Whether it is a traditional ceremony or a more modern affair, this dress will help her look like the bride she has always dreamed of being.

The short strapless top is attached to a high waist skirt that flares out widely and extends into a train at the back. The rich fabric has the right heaviness to make that gown extraordinaire. Another exciting detail are the butterflies. They are crafted in a way that it looks like they are floating around the bride instead of being just attached to the dress. Either way, she will be sure to turn heads on her big day. The top of the dress is an intricate mix of shimmering lace flowers and a graphic pattern which go together beautifully. The lace is see-through but covers the breasts to give the bride a secure and comfortable feeling. The bottom part of the dress provides three choices: a long flowing skirt, a slim fitting pant, or a mini skirt. Because of the grand fabric, all styles look sophisticated and elegant.

And yes, the style comes also in white for the traditional touch, but also in additional 14 colours. This ethereal gown belongs in the category of unconventional wedding dresses due to its modest, yet alluring cut. The off white hue of the dress is deceptively simple, but upon closer inspection, the intricate detail work becomes apparent. The sides of the dress are left open, held together in the middle by a rose gold and silver leaves belt. Those same delicate leaves repeat along the shoulder seam and add an ethereal touch to the overall look, whereas the skirt flows softly down to the ground. This dress is fit for a goddess, and any lucky bride who wears it is sure to feel like one on her big day. And of course, what the bride wears is one of the most important details of all! And with the Wedding Clothing Set, available in five beautiful colours, they get it all in one. This set includes everything you need to make sure your Sim is looking gorgeous on her big day, from the strapless wedding dress with its soft lace bustier and opulent A-line skirt, to the matching bridesmaid mini dress and sexy lace lingerie for the honeymoon.

This romantic A-line dress is pure white, with long off-shoulder lace sleeves and a wide flared skirt that gives it a fairy-tale vibe. The real beauty of the dress, however, is in its simplicity. The lack of distracting details allows the eye to focus on the lovely lacework along the collar and sleeves, and the big bow sitting sidewise on the hip adds just a touch of whimsy. Whether your Sims are getting married in a grand cathedral or in their backyard, this dress fits it all. Wedding Sims 4 CC Mini-Set When it comes to weddings, the bridesmaids are often considered an essential part of the big day. The Wedding Mini set includes both a wedding dress and a bridesmaid dress, each available in 12 different colours. The wedding dress itself is a stunning mermaid-style design with intricate slit detailing at the collar. Another beautiful detail is the pearl belt around the waist, which adds just the right amount of sparkle. The bridesmaid dress is a simple A-line style with a pretty lace high collar top.

So, with its combination of style and comfort, the Wedding Mini Set is sure to please everyone in the bridal party. Lace Wedding Gown Looking for a romantic and beautiful wedding dress for your Sims 4 game? Then look no further than this amazing lace gown! This dress comes in four different colours: white, off-white, pastel blue, and rose. It features a straight cut design with an abundance of lace. The interesting corset top with a cut-out part adds sensuality, while the long gloves enhance the elegance without being overbearing. Your Sims will definitely look like a queen in this dress! The top of the dress is very low cut, creating the illusion of two pieces held together by the waistband. The back of the dress has two delicate straps that also meet at the lace band.

From there, the skirt flares out widely in an array of lush and expensive fabric. This dress is the perfect blend of simplicity and elegance. The strap top is in a wrapped style with a flattering cleavage. Nothing distracts from the bride or the delicious satin fabric flowing down along the figure in a flattering way.

С новой коллекцией декора для ванной персонажи всех возрастов смогут оставлять косметику и расчёски прямо на тумбе или же убирать их в специально предназначенные ящички. Комната для всей семьи В этом комплекте найдётся что-то для всех — от детских настенных аппликаций до вставной челюсти бабули. Создайте реалистичное представление о семье с помощью предметов для всех возрастов. Очень личное пространство Превратите ванную комнату своих персонажей в элегантное убежище, куда можно сбежать от будничного хаоса, или же впустите этот хаос туда.

Благодаря этому комплекту вы сможете создать помещения, которые соответствуют личностям самых разных персонажей.

All in the Details — What would an outfit be without accessories? Bangles, sparkling necklaces, and flashy rings catch the eye while sandals finish it off with laid-back flare. Express your style with henna tattoos and fun sunglasses, too.

одежда Симс 4

Custom Content Infant Clothing for The Sims 4 While it hasn't been even a month after the release of infants and Growing Together EP for TS4, a lot of simmers already want some CC clothes for the little ones! 18 апреля выйдут два новых комплекта для The Sims 4. Компания EA анонсировала наборы «Модная ностальгия» и «Всё для праздника». Просмотрите доску «Симс 4 луки без модов» пользователя rada lyk в Pinterest. The Sims 4 Kourtney Sweater Dress (Mesh) by Sentate An oversized sweater dress with baggy sleeves. Коллекция праздничной одежды от Ice-CreamForBreakfast для Sims 4.

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