Новости по тегу «Атиба Хатчинсон».
Бывший губернатор Арканзаса Хатчинсон объявил об участии в выборах президента США
Asa Hutchinson announced Sunday he will run for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, calling himself a. Бывший губернатор штата Арканзас Аса Хатчинсон принял решение о выходе из предвыборной гонки за пост президента США от Республиканской партии. Former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson announced on Sunday that he's entering the race for the White House in 2024.
В США из предвыборной гонки выбыл ещё один соперник Трампа
In this campaign for President, I stand alone in terms of my experience, record, and leadership. As Governor of Arkansas, we cut taxes and created record surpluses. He said he refused, and as a result, businesses survived. Hutchinson, per his prepared remarks, targeted the Biden administration, emphasizing that the president has turned his back on American workers.
Tim Scott of South Carolina, have largely avoided criticizing Trump and have at times defended him. The city of nearly 57,000 people in the northwest part of the state is where Hutchinson first served as a city attorney starting in 1977 and where he first ran for office with an unsuccessful bid for local prosecutor. Elected to the U. House in 1996, Hutchinson won a seat his older brother, Tim, had held for two terms. Serving as one of the House managers prosecuting the impeachment case against President Bill Clinton starting in 1998, Asa Hutchinson stayed in the House until 2001, when he resigned to serve in the Bush administration.
During his third term in Congress, President George W.
Bush appointed him director of the Drug Enforcement Administration and later as an undersecretary in the newly created Department of Homeland Security. His experience established him as a national resource for his expertise on trade, energy, national security, and education. The Governor was invited to the White House several times to join discussions about health care, Medicaid and education issues.
Поэтому задам вопрос: вы говорили об этом с кем-либо из крупнейших работодателей, крупнейших компаний в Арканзасе? Кто-либо из этих компаний звонил вам по поводу законопроекта?
Вы… Я просто хочу внести ясность. Вы говорили с какими-либо корпоративными игроками в штате Арканзас об этом законопроекте? Я ответил на этот вопрос. И я сказал: «Нет, не говорил». И, конечно, нам оставалось только поверить ему на слово.
Он был очень экспрессивен: «Нет, не говорил». Но похоже, что он… как бы вам сказать… солгал! В день нашей беседы с Асой Хатчинсоном семья Уолтонов поддержала его решение наложить вето на закон, только что принятый законодательным органом Арканзаса. А Уолтоны — это не просто какая-то семья, это богатейшая семья в мире! И, конечно же, самая могущественная семья в штате Арканзас.
И они хотели, чтобы Аса Хатчинсон знал, что он поступил именно так, как они хотели. Цитирую: «Мы поддерживаем недавнее вето губернатора Асы Хатчинсона, — пишет семья Уолтонов.
Asa Hutchinson
The Governor was invited to the White House several times to join discussions about health care, Medicaid and education issues. Governor Hutchinson grew up on a small farm in Gravette. He is a graduate of the University of Arkansas School or Law. He and his wife, Susan, have been married 49 years.
Hutchinson, 72, has long been considering a presidential bid and visited the key first-in-the-nation caucus state of Iowa in late March. I was born here. I have a history here.
I practiced law here, tried cases here and live in northwest Arkansas, so a lot of source of pride there, and I think that helps to tell the story as to who I am," he said.
В ноябре 2024 года американцы будут решать, кто будет возглавлять страну в течение следующих четырех лет.
У соответствующего указа ожидаемо нашлись противники.
В частности, у здания местного Капитолия состоялся митинг, на который вышли несколько жительниц штата. Стоит отметить, что уже в 14 американских штатах, где у власти находятся представители Республиканской партии, предложили ввести полный запрет на аборты. Так, в прошлом месяце, их перечень пополнился за счёт Южной Каролины. На тему абортов в США ведётся острая дискуссия.
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- Asa Hutchinson
- Asa Hutchinson formally launches 2024 campaign in Arkansas
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- Экс-губернатор Арканзаса объявил об участии в президентской гонке в США
- Asa Hutchinson
Asa Hutchinson
Будьте в курсе последних новостей: Губернатор американского штата Арканзас Аса Хатчинсон заявил, что прекращает участие в президентской гонке. кандидат в президенты Соединенных |, 26.04.2023. Уильям Аса Хатчинсон американский политик — республиканец, 46-й губернатор Арканзаса.
Asa Hutchinson
—Asa Hutchinson at the first Republican Presidential debate. Губернатор американского штата Арканзас, республиканец Аса Хатчинсон подписал документ, практически полностью запрещающий делать аборты в пределах штата. Asa Hutchinson dropped out of the 2024 presidential race in January 2024. Asa Hutchinson visited Colorado, Georgia, New Hampshire and South Carolina this week as he aimed to breathe life into his struggling campaign. Governor Asa Hutchinson is a Republican candidate for President of the United States. Бывший губернатор американского штата Арканзас Аса Хатчинсон сообщил, что прекращает свою президентскую предвыборную кампанию.
- Аса Хатчинсон решил выйти из гонки за президентский пост в США
- Республиканец Аса Хатчинсон объявил о намерении баллотироваться в президенты США в 2024 году
- asa2024.com
- Аса Хатчинсон - Asa Hutchinson
- Ex-Arkansas GOP Gov. Asa Hutchinson is running for president – Sun Sentinel
Еще один республиканец будет бороться за пост президента США в 2024 году
Parade of Mediocrities Gets Longer: Somebody Named Asa Hutchinson Is Running For President | Бывший губернатор американского штата Арканзас Аса Хатчинсон сообщил, что прекращает свою президентскую предвыборную кампанию. |
Хатчинсон спустя 10 лет покинет «Бешикташ» 08.06.2023 новости на | Губернатор штата Арканзас Аса Хатчинсон заявил, что на фоне победы своего конкурента Дональда Трампа на конкурентных праймериз Республиканской партии. |
Аса Хатчинсон - последние новости - | Бывший губернатор штата Арканзас Аса Хатчинсон принял решение о выходе из предвыборной гонки за пост президента США от Республиканской партии. |
Asa Hutchinson Formally Launches 2024 Campaign In Arkansas
Asa Hutchinson speaks during a meet and greet at the VFW Post 9127, Thursday, April 13, 2023, in Des Moines, Iowa. Губернатор американского штата Арканзас Аса Хатчинсон сообщил, что из-за победы своего конкурента Дональда Трампа на собраниях сторонников Республиканской партии в Айове. Бывший губернатор штата Арканзаса Аса Хатчинсон отказался от участия в борьбе за пост президента США. Губернатор Арканзаса, Аса Хатчинсон, который стремился к посту президента США, объявил о своем непредвиденном решении выйти из предвыборной гонки. Governor Asa Hutchinson is a Republican candidate for President of the United States. Губернатор Арканзаса, Аса Хатчинсон, который стремился к посту президента США, объявил о своем непредвиденном решении выйти из предвыборной гонки.
В США из предвыборной гонки выбыл ещё один соперник Трампа
Carlson immediately punched back, noting Hutchinson had in fact said children should be able to choose their gender and parents should be able to affirm that by, for example, putting the child on puberty blockers. Hutchinson attempted to recover by saying he believed schools should inform parents if a child says at school that he or she is transgender. Carlson and Hutchinson have a history of heated interactions , particularly when it comes to the topic of surgery and puberty blockers for children who believe they are transgender, as TheBlaze reported Thursday. Hutchinson declared his candidacy for the Republican nomination in April amid an increasingly crowded field, as CNN reported. Hutchinson said Arkansas had no governmental mandates related to COVID vaccines and had fought the Biden administration in this area, alongside other states, as it related to requirements for National Guard members.
Carlson pressed further, saying that "an awful lot of people" had been injured by the vaccine and asking why there is so little conversation about it, again, to audience applause. Hutchinson defended his record on pandemic-era policies on two fronts — keeping businesses open by calling any job that provided an income for a family "essential business" and keeping schools open when many other states had kept students out of the classroom, forcing kids into virtual learning. Hutchinson, who was in charge of border security during the Bush administration, said that the number-one issue with respect to the southern border is dealing with the Mexican cartels to declare them foreign terrorist organizations.
These are children who are being altered permanetly," Tucker said, when Hutchinson compalined he had hoped to discuss "issues" during the interview. Carlson immediately punched back, noting Hutchinson had in fact said children should be able to choose their gender and parents should be able to affirm that by, for example, putting the child on puberty blockers. Hutchinson attempted to recover by saying he believed schools should inform parents if a child says at school that he or she is transgender. Carlson and Hutchinson have a history of heated interactions , particularly when it comes to the topic of surgery and puberty blockers for children who believe they are transgender, as TheBlaze reported Thursday. Hutchinson declared his candidacy for the Republican nomination in April amid an increasingly crowded field, as CNN reported.
Hutchinson said Arkansas had no governmental mandates related to COVID vaccines and had fought the Biden administration in this area, alongside other states, as it related to requirements for National Guard members. Carlson pressed further, saying that "an awful lot of people" had been injured by the vaccine and asking why there is so little conversation about it, again, to audience applause. Hutchinson defended his record on pandemic-era policies on two fronts — keeping businesses open by calling any job that provided an income for a family "essential business" and keeping schools open when many other states had kept students out of the classroom, forcing kids into virtual learning.
He said the formal announcement will be made later in April. Former U. Hutchinson has dedicated his career to public service.
And while Trump has fixated his campaign message around his false claims about the 2020 election he lost, Hutchinson has said voters need a candidate who is not focused on the past.
Hutchinson has argued that neither Biden nor Trump is focused on the future. They, along with expected and potential candidates like Florida Gov. Tim Scott of South Carolina, have largely avoided criticizing Trump and have at times defended him. The city of nearly 57,000 people in the northwest part of the state is where Hutchinson first served as a city attorney starting in 1977 and where he first ran for office with an unsuccessful bid for local prosecutor.
Аса Хатчинсон объявил об участии в президентской гонке в США
Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas continued to vocalize his support of the House select committee investigating the Jan. Asa Hutchinson said Sunday he was running for president and called on former President Trump to withdraw from the race over his. Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas continued to vocalize his support of the House select committee investigating the Jan. американский бизнесмен, поверенный и политик, с 2015 года занимающий пост 46-го губернатора Арканзаса. Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas has suggested that people who begin claiming Social Security benefits early should be allowed to continue working while still receiving the benefits.