1 уровень Сглаз, очарование. Днд - Dnd - Dungeonsanddragons - Нри - Dnd5E - Baldursgate3 - Билд. [5e] What are the best spells in DND? Quickly accessible list of spells for every class and level. Sort, filter, and read the full descriptions for every spell in 5th Edition D&D. 1.8 DnD 5e Wizard Level 7 Spell List.
Жрец. Руководство по классу (Cleric guide dnd 5e)
[Top 10] D&D Best Illusion Spells And What They're Great For | Taking everything into consideration, it is evident that the article provides valuable insights regarding Dnd 5e Gnome Wikidot 5e Wizard Spells. |
DnD 5E Гайд для новичков по скрытным атакам | Burning Hands dnd 5e spell stat block. |
D&D 5th Edition Spells List
Удивлен, что в топе нет контрспела, который, как мне кажется, является абсолютным мастхевом для всех кастеров с трудом представляю, как без него живётся , на уровне с щитом. Показать полностью... С бардом как-то странно, всё ещё не могу понять этих хил спелов , которые просто скипают ход, хилл на 1к4 - это несерьёзно.
It also has a list of 14 different sample poisons with their descriptions and prices. It also has information on purchasing poison and on crafting and harvesting poison. You can buy a vile for 100gp.
You can coat one slashing or piercing weapon or up to three pieces of ammunition with it. Applying the poison takes an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 poison damage. Once applied, the poison retains potency for 1 minute before drying. Plenty of time for the typical encounter.
The poison damage is in addition to any other damage the weapon would normally inflict. So it is up to the DM to decide. Perhaps some types of poison are more evil than others?
Я искренне убеждён, что если вы победили Страда за один раунд, или победили, не потеряв ни одного сопартийца, или никогда не хотели избить вашего мастера за очередной финт ушами, то вы играете у неправильного мастера и вам нужно найти другого.
Страд - неисправимый генерал и патологический завоеватель. Дело в том, что Баровию он завоевал для своего отца, однако эта прекрасная долина вовсе не хотела сдаваться так просто. Он провёл в походах и завоеваниях всю свою жизнь, именно поэтому он считает себя самой землёй. Он пролил слишком много своей крови, вгрызаясь в эту страну.
И, став вампиром, он нисколько не потерял в своём таланте. А это чего-то да стоит. Роман "Я, Страд: Война с Азалином" показывает его тактический гений во всей красе. Он выкрал одного из офицеров Азалина, магическим образом подчинил своей воле и разрушил верхушку командования врага изнутри.
Просто перерезав глотки генералам. И, ведя Проклятье Страда, вы должны держать марку или хотя бы стремиться к такому же уровню хитрости. Давайте вспомним арифметику. Первое слагаемое - Страду скучно.
Второе - Страд умеет воевать, он невероятно изворотлив и хитёр. Но есть и третье - Страд злодей. Глубоко порочный, падший в пучину боли и ненависти, в том числе к себе. Поэтому отступим от приключения.
Главная цель Страда вовсе не получить Ирину он всё равно знает, что она умрёт , нет. Его главная цель - сломать персонажей игроков, обратить их ко злу и доказать самому себе, что сломаться может каждый. Это и есть сумма всех трёх слагаемых его личности. Однако мучение, как хорошее вино, должно настояться.
Да, можно явиться на первом же уровне и уничтожить партию Страд за удар наносит 24 единицы урона, на первых уровнях это фатально , однако это скучно. Издевательство должно быть изобретательным, долгим, мучительным, несправедливым. Можно даже пнуть их собаку, прямо как Дио. Я не просто так обратил внимание на то, что Страд затопил целый город.
Страд не просто так заявляет: "Я - древний, я - сама земля". Он подчинил себе Баровию без остатка. Он властвует над её флорой и фауной. Он может заставить любое животное атаковать игрока, даже кролика.
Если он в ярости - с неба льёт ливень и сверкают молнии. Баровия кишит его шпионами и он всегда знает, где находятся игроки. Пусть интерес Страда растёт постепенно. В конце-концов, не все приключенцы могут пережить встречу со стаей волков, они должны заслужить внимание графа.
Когда игроки сделают что-нибудь значимое например, раскроют коварный план по наводнению города Валлаки голодными вампирами во время фестиваля , Страд присылает им письмо с приглашением отобедать в своём замке. Продумайте ужин. Интересные блюда, их подачу. Малиновый десерт.
Представьте игрокам невест Страда, дайте им интересный характер и особенности. Например, малышка Волента носит костяную маску , всеми силами пытается собрать волосы у персонажей, чтобы использовать после для магии вуду. Этого нет в приключении, но это отлично ложится на её образ. Не стесняйтесь своей гадкой в хорошем смысле фантазии.
Ещё у Страда есть Эшер, но кому на него не насрать. Сделайте ужин торжественным и богатым, но не забывайте про порочность. Дьявол в деталях, а боль и разложение Страда в грязных платьях его невест, мутных бокалах, плесени на стенах и прожжёной скатерти на столе. Это кажется мелочью, но Страд - аристократ, который никогда бы не позволил себе принять гостей с лишней пылинкой на столе.
Но его ненависть к себе и другим толкают его на такие поступки. И тут мой Страд предлагает игрокам работу. Некий Василий фон Хольц, его давний враг, революционер и повстанец, ведёт подрывную деятельность. По слухам, он и вовсе бессмертен.
Его убежище возможно есть на старой мельнице, а ещё он ищет некие магические драгоценности, которые было бы неплохо отдать Страду. Вскоре окажется, что драгоценные камни позволяют земле вновь стать плодородной, а на мельнице обитает весьма опасный ковен ночных карг - мерзких и довольно сильных ведьм. Если игроки переживут столкновение на мельнице и найдут камни а то и вовсе отдадут Страду , то их ждёт третий сюрприз. Василий фон Хольц - это сам Страд, а происходящее - не более чем спектакль, чтобы проверить, насколько игроки поддаются обману.
С этого момента можно активно использовать Страда в том числе под личиной Хольца в бою. Про тактику Страда Сложность: Hurt me plenty. Основной козырь Страда - его Сердце. Огромное хрустальное сердце, висящее в самой высокой башне замка Равенлофт.
По книге оно имеет 50 хитпоинтов и принимает урон на себя. Страд может ворваться в бой, получить 45 урона, но это никак на нём не отразится, потому что всё сожрёт Сердце. Однако само по себе оно довольно хрупкое. Если Сердце получит более 50 единиц урона, то сломается навсегда.
А что, если Либерти Сити - это Баровия в будущем? Полная чушь, отказать. Нам нужно добиться от игроков ужаса, поэтому снова меняем правила игры. Добавим два условия: 1.
Сердце не должно ломаться навсегда, Страд может его починить. Сердце может поглощать другие артефакты и становиться сильнее. Помните про драгоценные камни, которые могут сделать землю плодородной? Всего в игре их три, так пусть один уже будет внутри Сердца и даст ему эти самые 50 хитпоинтов.
Второй камень накинет ещё 50, а третий разгонит сердце до 150. У самого Страда их 144, что даёт в сумме 294 хита. При этом Страд может пить кровь игроков pun intended , восстанавливая до 28 хитов, и регенирует на 20 каждый ход. Но вернёмся к Сердцу.
Не стесняйтесь описывать ужасающие раны, которые игроки наносят Страду. Отсечённые конечности, перерезанное горло, ожоги от кислоты... Потому что их поглотило Сердце. Чем старше арт, тем более всрато Страд выглядит на нём.
Игроки будут в шоке, я вам гарантирую. Когда у Страда наконец польётся кровь, будет уже поздно. За один раунд Страд может совершить 5 атак, нанося по 24 урона за каждую. На низких уровнях это летально.
На высоких он может добивать игроков заклинаниями. Пользуясь Сердцем, Страд может себе позволить себе действовать безрассудно, яростно врываясь в строй приключенцев и сея панику. Вырубайте всех игроков до единого, но не убивайте.
Using this, she can use it as aforroom for flying or augment her magic, allowing for the use of more powerful spells. Weird Magic There is a trick to capturing the attention of a Hag in a trade. They collect peculiar recipes, heinous rituals, and abnormal items throughout their eternal lives. A Hag is rarely subtly in macabre aesthetic. Single-Use Charms and Trinkets for a Hag can be made by a DM by using spells and monster effects used by creatures that are weaker or equal to their CR rating. For example, Cloud of Daggers is a 2nd level spell that fills a five-foot area with daggers that do 4d4 damage to a creature. This can be simulated by a Green Hag CR 3 by using a magic mirror that, upon being broken, releases a variant that uses shards of glass.
Most if not all of these items in the collection are not made by the Hag herself. They instead were collected from adventurers and powerful beings who have successfully bartered their way out of her manipulations. As such, no Hag should be treated with certainty. They are Fey in spirit and soul, aisFey are never sure about anything, minus if they are having a grand ole time or not. More powerful Hags, such as Grandmothers, can recreate these items through powerful rituals and the help of two other hags. These vehicles are often only capable of being used by the Hags. Sometimes, the vehicle is too afraid to cross the Hag to even let an Archfey use it. Bargains Image from critical role fandom Throughout their lives, a Hag will come across a large inventory of horrific rituals, forbidden knowledge, and local lore. The issue is that Hags are still Fey and believe themselves to be better than anyone else, including other Hags.
Последнее желание | Совет Хранителей| Dungeons and Dragons 5e
Also, they can no longer choose Performance as one of their starting skills. Blindsense is gone and has been replaced with Devious Strikes. Slippery Mind now gives Advantage on Charisma and Wisdom saving throws. This concept was introduced in an earlier Unearthed Arcana, which has been well-received by fans.
Weapon Mastery allows characters to add additional properties to certain melee and ranged weapons they possess. Cunning Strike Level 5 : The Rogue can inflict a status effect when performing a Sneak Attack by reducing the damage by 1d6. These include Disarm Dexterity save or drop item , Poison Constitution save or be Poisoned , Trip Dexterity save or be knocked Prone , or Withdraw after the attack, the Rogue can move half their speed without provoking Attacks of Opportunity.
Для него всё живое считается невидимым, тихим и не пахнущим. Одиночество и отчуждение, в конечном счёте, сделают больного антисоциальным. Инфекция Одержимости Эта болезнь развивается после того, как злой дух, демон или другая сила владела жертвой.
Больной становится подавленным и апатичным, по видимому , он мысленно ранен чужим присутствием в его душе. В этом случае отдых никак не поможет. Вам придётся обратиться к жрецам, которые помогут восстановить вашу израненную душу.
Мерзкое отвердевание Природа этого заболевания ещё полностью не изучена. Суть этой болезни в том, что в какой-то момент ваша кожа начинает твердеть, что , возможно , некоторые даже подумают что их благословили боги. Так как это ваша кожа тверда и способна сдерживать кое-какой удар.
И с каждым днём она становится всё тверже и тверже. Но при этом вы с каждым разом будете замечать , что и передвигаться вам всё тяжелее. Ну и когда-то должен наступить тот момент, когда вы вообще не сможете двигаться, а ваши лёгки перестанут дышать.
И как конечный результат — смерть от удушья. Заклинание снятие болезни не работает… здесь вообще мало что работает. Я как-то экспериментировал над таким больным, болезнь саму я не смог вылечить, но мне получилось сдержать отвердевание.
Для этого нужно перемолоть листья Арктического плюща, но только листья! Корень трогать нельзя. Так же вам понадобится порошок из корня мандрагоры..
Ну и группа болезней, которые связаны с тем, чем вы были поражены. Кислотная Лихорадка В основном ей заражаются существа которые подверглись кислотной атаке и в тоже время находятся рядом с большим злом например на осквернённой земле. В общем, у заражённого появляются гнойные нарывы по всему телу, а его кожа чернее и сохнет… Морозный недуг Как не трудно догадаться, вы подверглись холоду!
All three have a distinct approach that affects their casting proficiency. Clerics and Druids draw strength from Wisdom. The wiser they are, the more formidable their spells become. So think carefully and strategically about which class best suits your style, and enjoy weaving potent magic that leaves enemies shaking! Your Spell DC is the number the ogre must meet or exceed on its saving throw to resist falling asleep. How do we calculate this magic number?
Well, it starts with 8 plus your proficiency bonus which increases as you level up plus your spellcasting ability modifier dependent on your class. So if your character has improved their skills and abilities, they can have higher Spell DCs leading to more effective spells. Remember this when strategizing for battles next time — having a high Spell DC might turn the tide in your favor!
But that could be disappointing to the wizard who wants to know more about this cool magic item they just found. Auras of magic are a great way to describe magic items without giving away too much information or having to pick a school of magic!
Perhaps you can describe how the threads of the Weave are pulled into the gem of the ring and pulse out in shimmering waves, like heat waves in the desert. Or, perhaps you see the Weave twisting around the ring and emanating as a protective shield, repelling the cool air away from the item or attuned user. If that seems like too much detail to give the players unless they cast identify, you can always simplify it. The evocation item just changes the effect of the Weave around it, whereas the abjuration item forms a barrier. Feels abjuration-y.
So much of the way we learn and process information comes from what we hear. There is more to the sound of the School of Divination than just the silly voices we create whenever our druid casts speak with animals. Consider describing the sensation of a player casting clairvoyance. Seriously though, I believe every DM has a squirrel voice They are suddenly being able to hear in another room as if they stood there themselves. Or, in a less serious game, maybe the whole dial-up internet spiel.
From the ethereal whispers of the otherworldly murmuring knowledge into your mind to the way a comprehended language manifests to the ear of those under the influence of the Weave, there are countless creative ways to describe the sound of this invisible magic! Smell: Scent is another great way to describe divination magic. Few things trigger memories or emotions like the sense of smell. A room might reek of rot or brimstone when a fiend or undead is nearby. Or, the pleasant scent of nutmeg and spice could accompany the presence of a fey.
Just like Detect Evil and Good, I also use scent to describe the different types of poison or disease a creature is suffering from. Depending on the effects, I flavor the scent to give as much helpful information as I can. A feverish disease will smell acidic, a wasting disease will smell like decay, etc. Some poisons come from certain creatures, like the toxins of a vibrant colored frog from the jungles. In those case, I would tell the player the recognize the scent of the exoctic flowers and know that this toxin came from that specific type of creature.
Humans have more than just 5 senses. Be sure to use the other senses too! Like the sense of time, balance, spritiual attunement and equibrium! While these senses are different from the traditional way we describe the sense of touch, they might still translate into touchy-feely adjectives. This spell gives information about the lay of the land.
In this spell alone, you could lend your description to all five senses. The smell of fresh water, the sound of marching enemies. You could describe the sight of it all as though the player were having an out of body experience. But for me, the real gem of this spell is describing the way the land feels. The caster becomes one with nature, according to the spell description.
This leaves it open to rich interpretation. Instead of feeling their own flesh and blood, the player is suddenly engulfed in the sense of being made from stone and earth. Becoming one with nature can be both a fullfilling and terrifying experience. Nature is so vast and humans are not made to experience so much at once. What toll might this experience take on your player?
They feel the valleys and mountains as the contours of their own bodies, get the sense of the cool streams running along their skin. The cool breeze might cool their own temperature. Or, a magma pit might make them feverish. Whatever the land looks like, you can use the sense of touch to personify the experience to your caster. Taste: Taste is always a hard sense to describe, especially when it comes to intangible magic such as divination.
But though it might take a little more creative effort on your part, the extra dimension it brings to the game will be well worth it. Our sense of taste is so closely related to the sense of smell that the descriptions could be very similar.
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Many players easily overlook how ritual spells can impact adventures, battles, and exploration. Ritual spell casting is an incredibly versatile asset in 5e. Clever Cantrip Uses: Prestidigitation (DnD 5E). The right magic items will save your bacon. Here are five magic items the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division would want. Long gone are the days of the heal-bot Cleric. This class packs a punch in combat and comes with some pretty awesome, game-changing spells.
Is Dispel Magic Good?
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Hexasorcadin 5e
jcquinlan/dnd-spells. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Dispel Magic 5e. Within a range, you need to select magical effect, creature or an object. Any spell of 3rd level or below level on the target ends. You have to make an ability check by using the spellcasting ability but this must be done for each spell of 4th level or higher on the target. Here one can follow the. Айсвинд Дейл ДНД 5. Долина ледяного ветра ДНД. DnD 5e Homebrew. Compendium of Spells 2 by Anathemys.
Все изменения класса клериков DnD 5E (2024)
Curtain Call: A Sharn Adventure Co-written by noted gamer designer Keith Baker , this one shot is a perfect introduction to the Eberron campaign setting and is designed for characters of 1st to 4th level. The adventure takes place in the City of Towers and finds the characters on the hunt for a missing noble while dealing with cultists, spies, assassins and thieves. Get it on DMs Guild 3. Blue Alley Designed for characters from Levels 1-4, Blue Alley is an epic dungeon crawl, despite the fact that it can be wrapped up in about 3-4 hours. The adventure takes place in the city of Waterdeep and finds the players visiting the enigmatic Blue Alley, a hidden maze built by a reclusive wizard to torment adventurers with an array of tricks, traps, monsters and treasure. Get it on DMs Guild 2. Rise of the Redscales One of the most unusual and entertaining one shots of all time, in Rise of the Redscales players take on the role of a party of kobolds who are members of a tribe serving a powerful dragon queen. But after the great wyrm abandons her lair, the kobolds find themselves at odds with another rival tribe, with both sides battling for control of the trap and treasure-filled tunnels. The end results is a mix of roleplaying, puzzle solving and wacky combat featuring kobolds wielding powerful magical artifacts.
Above all, what contrasts wizards is a love of understanding. It lures them from hiding. With excellent training, these people can shoot fire from the hands, get dreams of their future, or jump between different multiverse planes. The darkest of those magic users can get immortal Lich Kings after the necessary sacrifices made and form the very fabric of truth. It is likely why so many unavoidably go mad and make menacing dungeons. For instance, various schools of magic, the 101 of constructing a magician, and the way spellbooks work.
When creating your magician, the major point to work out is that their connection to magic. Wizards are the number of charms. They can do pretty much anything and rely upon their wisdom to achieve that. Wizard Spells 5e First things first, the magician skillset probably means your personality has a little odd job, like from the army or academic study. Nevertheless, many wizards wind up in admin, bureaucratic, and petty criminal characters. So there is no requirement to play a person super crazy.
Or really, even that capable. Perhaps it frees you, or you need something achievable through no other ways. Can you examine at wizard school, such as Harry Potter at Hogwarts, or even find out you are magical through more nefarious ways? Odds are, you are fairly bizarre. You will have spent a great deal of time experimenting and studying. Since the collection of spells available is so enormous, you might have picked up your abilities for all kinds of factors.
Having the ability to shoot fire from your hands may also give you a unique outlook on the world — for better or for worse. A lot of being a magician is a matter of what you will do with your abilities. The origin of your magic is the spellbook. This grimoire can feel and look. However, you would like. As stated before, you receive a good deal of spells.
Thus, planning as a magician is also significant. Be ready for admin. These are different schools of magic located throughout the multiverse. These vary from projecting illusions to increasing the dead. Your choice will give you special skills and spells unique to every school, with brand new abilities coming at several levels. These are the different schools of magic found across the multiverse.
These vary from casting illusions to raising the dead. Your choice will give you special skills and spells unique to every school, with brand new powers coming at several levels. School of Abjuration For people who wish to ward, banish, block, and shield.
This class grants you adequate armor and proficiency using a weapon. You will also receive Bladesong, a key elf song that presents you with all sorts of crazy benefits in conflict. Like a melee fighter, then you will also receive a second attack after down the line. That is because WIS made you a bit wiser and equipped to withstand spells better.
Being smart means, you will be good at plenty of things associated with learning, such as evaluation, languages, and studying. You are going to be interested in your environment and notice things that others may not. In addition to wizards using genuinely nasty brute-force damage charms, such as the notorious Fireball spell, they can also sport a surprising number of pragmatic spells useful for adventuring. Spells like Identify and Mending tell you what things are and also how to mend them. That means wizards are great at creating things. Nevertheless, a lot of wizard spells 5e are only plain bonkers. Such as the charm Animate Objects, which implies you will never look at a salad fork precisely in an identical manner ever again.
Battle subclass in Wizard spells 5e Concerning battle, whatever subclass you select, you are best off close to the rear of this struggle. Wizards are the timeless glass cannon. Any magician that hurtles into the frontline having a pole or small dagger is a dead person. Additionally, you will be juggling your focus spells in conflict. Preparation, generally speaking, is essential for this course. That is because you get to choose out your spells at the beginning of the day. In the very first degree, a wizard starts out using three cantrips and two spell slots.
Besides, you have a spellbook, which lets you select what spells you are putting to those slots out of a number. The amount you get to choose from incomplete is the intellect modifier e. If they hopefully reach level 2, they could add charm to their publication. If your intellect reduces, do not worry. You will also have two new magician spells to bring every single time you get a degree, no matter what. No one can just select any charms, though. You are going to need to choose the magician spells offered to your degree.
Additionally, wizards get arcane retrieval — that lets them regain spell slots faster. That helps ensure that you do not burn your enormous charms before the day gets moving. You may also discover spells out and about through your experiences through scrolls and other magical things. Together with the necessary time, you could even scrawl down these into your publication for keeping. Last, some spells may cast as rituals, which means that they do not use a slot up. Wizards can do anything essentially. Wish to increase the dead?
Learn necromancy.
Wall of Force was mentioned before due to its sheer size and invulnerability to damage, but perhaps you would prefer a spell that fits a rocky, geological theme, that the caster can shape to their will, with the drawback of a smaller area of effect. If so, Wall of Stone is a premium pick spell for you. Wall of Stone erects a solid wall of stone that is impregnable and immune to all damage for its duration.
As implied, the spell allows the caster to shape the wall however they see fit, allowing the creation of an enclosed space or a curve to maximize coverage properly. The wall can also push enemies to either side of it, or lift them into the air, giving access to a spell that separates and thins crowds. The wall is also totally solid, as opposed to Wall of Force being a transparent forcefield, so vision is cut off on both sides. This has equal advantages as it does disadvantages, but the tradeoff is enough to warrant taking this spell.
Overall, Wall of Stone is a great pick that can be used both defensively and offensively- a rare trait among the other wall counterparts. Planar Binding Planar Binding is a powerful abjuration spell that allows you to bind an extraplanar creature to your will. This spell requires a 1-hour casting time and a costly material component, but if successful, it allows you to command the creature to perform tasks for you for up to 24 hours. From a role-playing perspective, the potential of Plane Binding makes it one of the most powerful spells a Wizard can take, especially when it is available at the midgame level 5 point.
Then you can access creatures from the Feywild but not a creature standing right in front of you- but commanding and then summoning a creature from another realm will demonstrate power beyond what others suspected your Wizard to be capable of.
5e Blessings and Charms
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Comprehensive Guide to the Healing Wizard in D&D 5E
It would be awesome if blind individuals could fully use this app. I would be able to recommend this app, I would buy it, pay the subscription and also recommended to others. Please fix these inaccessible features. You seem to have a very refined, interface and menu system. Thank you so much for the great effort! Developer Response , Dear Newdeath gaming, thank you so much for your feedback. Please update the app: you will find a button to close the spell tab and return to the main screen. We hope you like it! Data Not Collected The developer does not collect any data from this app.
In a game where character death is fixable by spells less powerful than Wish and anything else only matters to the story, asking for something beyond the explicit text of the spell should be a step you only take because it fits the story. Duplicating spells With that out of the way, we look at the meat of the issue: how can you use Wish to cast spells better? This means that not only do you get to cast spells with the above advantages, every one of them should be cast at 8th level. Cleric died? Wish them back to life. Duplicate it and enjoy. As previously mentioned, casting something like Resurrection without expending the material components is just as attractive as being able to cast it as a wizard in the first place. Clone PHB Clone comes in at the next-highest total cost of 3,000 gp. This is where things start to get weird.
When the familiar drops to 0 hit points, it disappears, leaving behind no physical form. It reappears after you cast this spell again. As an action, you can temporarily dismiss your familiar to a pocket dimension. Alternatively, you can dismiss it forever. As an action while it is temporarily dismissed, you can cause it to reappear in any unoccupied space within 30 feet of you. Whenever the familiar drops to 0 hit points or disappears into the pocket dimension, it leaves behind in its space anything it was wearing or carrying.
These two spells are higher level than that. But when your soul is pushed to the brink, you may find this spell indispensable. Of course, watch out for Charisma-saving throw spells like banishment, plane shift, or the new Soul Expulsion , which specializes in targeting loose souls like ghosts, wraiths, or those being affected by certain Soul Magic spells like magic jar that allow them or force them to exist as souls outside their body.