Постер к аниме Синий экзорцист: Сага об «Иллюминатах» Симанэ 7.0. The list of the top rated anime you must watch. List 2023 updated with more than 40+ famous anime series.
список 500 лучших аниме
Среди аниме также нельзя не отметить «Магическую битву» (Jujutsu Kaisen) на 10 месте. Аниме, мультфильм, драма. Режиссер: Мари Окада, Тосиаки Кидокоро. В ролях: Дзюнъя Эноки, Рэина Уэда, Мисаки Куно и др. Описание. Фантазия о первой любви, в которой молодые люди сталкиваются с неопределённостью мира и борются с судьбой при помощи любви. 102 Top Anime Of 2022: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming. Подборка топ-20 лучших аниме по жанрам: большой путеводитель по аниме от редакции Wink Блог.
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Топ-500 аниме MALа без лишнего. (01.07.2023)
Вампир Алукард состоит на службе у Королевского ордена протестантских рыцарей и противостоит всякой нечисти. Вскоре к нему присоединится новообращенная полицейская Виктория Серас. Если вы ищете аниме с пушками побольше, то «Хеллсинг» — лучшее предложение из возможных, не зря же автор оригинальной манги Кота Хирано назвал оружие главных героев «космическими стволами с миллионами снарядов».
Шеф-редактор Лайфхакера Избранное В 2024 году японская анимация вызывает у российских зрителей больше интереса, чем отечественные премьеры. Это данные « Индекса Кинопоиск Pro », который анализирует популярность сериалов у зрителей на основе аналитики «Яндекса» и Google. В топ-20 самых популярных проектов первого квартала прослеживается явный азиатский тренд. Самой заметной премьерой первых трёх месяцев года стало аниме «Поднятие уровня в одиночку» Solo Leveling.
To The Top 4 Season Притягательная спортивная драма, вернувшаяся на экраны после продолжительного перерыва. Как отмечают зрители, отбросив определенную критику в адрес визуального стиля, новый сезон сериала делает значительный упор на раскрытие характеров героев, из-за чего сюжет почти не теряет в динамике. Не растеряв запоминающихся персонажей и жарких битв, новая история Мисаки Микото уверенно обходится без лишних филлеров и живо демонстрирует сцены и эпизоды, адаптации которых любители франшизы ждали долгие годы. Романтика, мистика и легкая атмосфера позволили шоу получить свой высокий рейтинг. Руки прочь от киноклуба! Экранизация малоизвестной прежде манги Овары Сумито буквально захватила внимание тысяч зрителей своими нетипичными визуальными решениями, по-простому комичными образами главных героинь и внезапно детальной и познавательной информацией о современном процессе производства японской анимации. Мрачный юмор и безумная атмосфера подарили этому аниме столь высокую оценку.
Но вдруг перед ней появляется сам Бог и предлагает ей переродиться в ином мире. И делает он это не из жалости и не из доброты душевной, а чтобы ответить на вопрос: заслуживает ли человечество и дальше продолжать своё существование. Взамен же он готов ей дать в новой жизни всё, что она только не пожелает.
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Top 500 Most-Watched Anime According to ANN. | Аниме в данном топе это сугубо моё мнение, и цифры одним словом ни на что не влияют а просто для нумерации. |
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Top 100 Best Anime To Watch In 2024 [Top Anime List To Watch] | Вот список 10 лучших аниме-студий в Японии прямо сейчас, в произвольном порядке. |
Top 500 Anime | Ranking the top 10 greatest anime ever. Based on over 100K votes from anime fans around the world. Vote on Death Note, Dragon Ball, One Piece and more. |
Топ 500 аниме которые стоит посмотреть :innocent:
Топ 50 Аниме Опенингов По Просмотрам, Best Anime Openings Patrick Music. ваш источник самых свежих и захватывающих аниме 2024 года! ТОП 10: НОВЫЕ аниме весны 2024, которые стоит посмотреть каждому. Портал CBR собрал топ-10 лучших японских анимационных шоу согласно пользовательским рейтингам платформы MyAnimeList. Прошлая коллекция: Топ-500(525) аниме MALа без лишнего.
список 500 лучших аниме
Позже оказалось, что мэтр уходить не собирается, но мультик от этого хуже не стал. История мальчика, который теряет мать и оказывается в непростой ситуации, Миядзаки смог в своем стиле раскрасить необычайными разговорами, не забыв и о главном, о человеческом. Фильм до сих пор можно посмотреть в российских кинотеатрах. Провожающая в последний путь Фрирен Продолжительность: на текущий момент вышло 19 эпизодов, идет 1 сезон Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники Здесь и далее: прощадка для лицензированного просмотра аниме Crunchyroll не работает в России, там может не быть перевода и русскоязычных субтитров. Одна из самых ярких новинок этого года — история о долгоживущей эльфийке, которой тяжело понять ценность короткой человеческой жизни. Фрирен возвращается в знакомые места, чтобы попрощаться с постаревшими спутниками, и собирает новую команду для приключений, уже внимательнее изучая чувства и эмоции людей вокруг. Магия и мускулы Продолжительность: 12 эпизодов 1-й сезон Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники Типичный сериал о фэнтези-мире и подростках — если бы не одно «но». Главный персонаж в магии слабоват, зато отлично развит физически: и в стремлении к своей цели готов противопоставить кулаки самым мощным заклинаниям. Семья шпиона Продолжительность: 12 эпизодов Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники В 2023 году сериал про секретного агента, который заводит подставную семью для нового задания и не в курсе, что жена и дочь — киллер и телепат, получил продолжение. Слегка филлерный старт второго сезона по итогу вышел очень ярким, а зимой создатели выпустили еще и фильм «Код белый», тоже собравший отличные оценки. Монолог фармацевта Продолжительность: вышло 15 эпизодов, идет 1-й сезон Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники Новинка, которая по итогам года попала во многие топы и рейтинги.
Тайтлу про девушку-целительницу при китайском дворце удивительно хорошо удается сочетать в себе и детектив, и комедию. Сериал полон дворцовых интриг, наблюдать за которыми всегда интересно, тем более что каждый эпизод рассказывает отдельную историю. Сто девушек, которые очень-очень-очень-очень-очень сильно тебя любят Продолжительность: 12 эпизодов 1-й сезон Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники Сериал исполняет мечту многих — местный бог откликается на мольбу школьника-неудачника и дает ему сотню фанаток, каждая из которых его обожает. Правда, есть одна проблема: любая девушка, которую отвергнет герой, погибнет в мучениях.
Они убеждены, что найдут то место, где будут чувствовать себя на своем месте. Их объединяет страсть к музыке — именно поэтому они и поют, выражая свои чувства и надежды через песни.
В подземелье я пойду, там красавицу найду 401. Семь смертных грехов 403. Волчица и Черный Принц 404. Лиричная волшебница Наноха: Вивио 406. Потерявшийся герой забрал девицу домой 407. Искусственный отбор 408. Песнь проклятия для святого рыцаря 409.
It falls to Amuro Ray, the 15-year-old son of the man who created the RX-78-2 Gundam, to pilot the mecha and fight Zeon. Ichigo Kurosaki gets his newfound powers after a chance encounter with a Hollow, the evil spirits of the series. During the confrontation, a Soul Reaper named Rukia Kuchiki shows up and transfers her powers to Ichigo, turning into a substitute Soul Reaper. It soon became known as one of the Big Three with "One Piece" and "Naruto" being the other two , gaining a dedicated fanbase. The original series ran until 2012, racking up 366 episodes in that time. It came to be known as the weakest of the Big Three in the years that followed, but the series came back with a bang in 2022 when the belated sequel series "Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War" dropped. The comeback show has proven to be extremely popular with fans and critics alike, sitting comfortably in the top ten highest-rated series on My Anime List. Part 2 subtitled "The Separation" arrived to equally enthusiastic reviews in 2023. Slam Dunk Toei Animation There are plenty of basketball anime out there, but the king of the court is undoubtedly "Slam Dunk. It follows the journey of Hanamichi Sakuragi, a troublemaker and underachiever who laments his lack of luck with the ladies. He only gets into basketball after a girl he likes asks him about it, but he soon falls in love with the sport. His natural athleticism makes him a great addition to the Shohoku High School team, which begins a meteoric rise from obscurity to nationwide fame with his help. Of course, these plot beats mirror most basketball anime, but what sets "Slam Dunk" apart is its dedication to capturing the passion and drama of the sport. Inoue is a huge basketball fan and is "credited by some with having popularized basketball amongst a whole generation of high school students," said CNN. After a professional boxer named Mamoru Takamura happens to witness him taking a beating from some local bullies, he takes Ippo to his gym to treat his wounds. An anime series from Madhouse came out in 2000, which made its way to North America under the name "Fighting Spirit. The first season remains the most compelling: With a score of 8. In this world, the fictional Queen Elizabeth III fled to her Stateside colonies after her forces got trounced by Napoleon at the Battle of Trafalgar, and she never returned. The invaders from the West seek to strip the Japanese people of their culture and freedoms, rechristening the country Area 11 and dubbing its inhabitants "Elevens," which, needless to say, does not go down well with the locals. Lelouch adopts the moniker Zero and becomes a masked vigilante, giving the Japanese people a symbol of hope. With the help of his rebel group, The Black Knights, he leads the fight against the Brittanians. He was born with no powers whatsoever, though that never stopped him from wanting to become a hero. It takes place in a world in which humans are forced to live in underground villages by a tyrant named Lordgenome, aka The Spiral King. They use these to keep the humans in check, though many prefer to fight on land rather than retreat below it. The series follows two teenagers named Simon and Kamina, who long to visit the surface world. They get the chance to do so after a Gunmen crashes through the surface into their village during a battle with a gun-wielding human girl named Yoko. Inspired, they decide to use a smaller Gunmen that they discovered underground to go to the surface and join the fight. After Kamina manages to steal a larger Gunmen, they combine the two and name it Gurren Lagann. Dubbed "emotionally resonant and outright epic" by Collider , the series received widespread acclaim for everything from its themes and visual humor to its art style, which would become the calling card of Trigger works. It follows 25-year-old Japanese salaryman Rokuro "Rock" Okajima, who gets taken hostage by the crew of the titular ship. When his boss decides to declare him dead as opposed to paying him ransom, Rock joins the crew, which consists of former U. From their base in Thailand, the Lagoon Company takes on missions for any criminal organization willing to meet their asking price. Even Rock, who for the most part maintains his good nature, begins to understand that nice guys often finish last in this cut-throat world run by gangsters and corrupt businessmen. It looks fantastic, too — South East Asia is brought to life brilliantly by Madhouse, Geneon Entertainment and Shogakukan, who came together to make an all-time great anime. Together, they must fight to stop an alien race to which they unknowingly belong. The Saiyans sent Goku whose real name, it turns out, is Kakarot to Earth to conquer the planet in their name many moons ago, but he suffered a head injury when he landed, causing a pretty bad case of amnesia. Goku forgot all about his mission and grew up believing himself to be a member of the human race rather than an invader trying to overthrow it. The only obstacles he faces are mundane things, like running short of money. The so-called "Naruto run" gained international attention in 2019 when a prankster did one during a news report from Area 51, bringing a bunch of new fans to the classic anime. This leads to Naruto being largely shunned by his peers, but he remains determined to prove himself a worthy leader. While the sequel series sometimes gets the nod from fans due to its superior animation, both are brilliant and worth your time. People have been debating which is better for years, to no avail. Monster Madhouse "Monster" is the gripping tale of Dr. When the doctors that turned on Tenma start turning up dead, the foreigner becomes a suspect, but police can find no evidence against him. Almost a decade passes as Tenma manages to rebuild his life, but Liebert reemerges, and the Japanese doctor is once again suspected of committing his crimes. The series raises some interesting questions about the obligations of medical professionals, but it lets viewers make up their own minds. The story was inspired by "The Fugitive" the David Janssen-led TV series , which left quite the impression on the creator of the original manga, Naoki Urasawa. That storyline really had an impact on me. Despite the puppet shogun imposing a ban on carrying swords, freelance samurai refuse to abide by the cowardly new laws and set about ridding Earth of these unwanted alien pests. One such samurai goes by the name of Gintoki Sakata. After stumbling across a bunch of aliens trying to send a human girl to a brothel, he springs into action and cuts them down, earning the respect and admiration of her brother, Shinpachi. Not all the aliens are bad, however — his crew is later bolstered by the extraterrestrial teen Kagura, who comes from a particularly badass alien clan. The series wrapped with the feature-length film "Gintama: The Final," which was one of the best anime movies of 2021. Cybernetic protagonist the Major full name Major Motoko Kusanagi, a counter-cyberterrorist ace and the field commander of Section 9 goes after the terrorist group the Individual Eleven, as well as the cyber hacker the Laughing Man, in this gripping series.
Топ 500 аниме, которые вы должны посмотреть
Ищите топ аниме сериалов онлайн по количеству просмотров. The list of the top rated anime you must watch. List 2023 updated with more than 40+ famous anime series. Это лучшее место для просмотра аниме в хорошем качестве.
50. Baccano!
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Baccano Different characters, different time periods, and different stories all converge into one interesting tale about train mysteries and the supernatural. Among many anime shows, Baccano stands out for its unique way of showing different perspectives from different characters. Ping Pong the Animation Among the heaps of great sports anime, like Ippo, Slam Dunk, and Haikyuu, we picked a series that is unique, daring, and compelling! Ping Pong the Animation is about two boys working towards their ping pong dreams. The show definitely stands out for its style. It took a creative risk that definitely paid off.
The story is about a brilliant high school student, Shinichi Kudo, known for his impressive detective skills. One day, he got attacked and force-fed an experimental drug that made him shrink back into a young kid. He just has one more important case to solve involving himself. At that time, the impressive thing about Gundam was the story. The people behind it wanted to write a story about war, with humans as the villains instead of creatures or monsters.
Naruto Admittedly, there is a lot of great shounen anime about fighting and adventure. Naruto is about a mischievous orphan boy who dreams of becoming a Hokage in his village. A lot of things from this show have left a mark in anime communities worldwide. From internet memes to real-life Naruto running, Naruto is one of the best shounen anime to exist. Dark fantasy?
With its curses and sacrificial ceremonies, it gets pretty dark, alright! And even though it has heaps of dark fantasy elements, it still has segments grounded in medieval reality. The story is full of adventure, knights, mercenaries, kings, and princesses. But fair warning — although the story is really compelling, things can get really dark and disturbing! A Silent Voice By now, a lot of us know that anime can easily break our hearts and cause a flood of tears.
But our pick for one of the best heartbreaking anime ever is A Silent Voice. Not only does it pull your heartstrings, but the message it delivers is also clear and important. Bullying is a serious issue in a lot of schools, and it gets worse for people with disabilities. In this movie, we see characters go through it and experience the repercussions of their actions. A little compassion definitely goes a long way.
Gintama Comedy anime? Set during the Edo period, the story follows the samurai Gintoki as he takes up freelancing gigs to pass the time. He gets into different hijinks with his friends, too.
Gurren Lagann har clear references to another highly rated anime Neon Genesis Evangelion NGE which can be considered an important precursor of not only the mecha-centered anime. The storyplot focuses on the school adventures of Taiga and Ryuuji. The typical sentimental dynamics of young generations are well captured by Toradora! A must watch for a deep and touching heart series about the most common social interaction problem: the fear of not being understood and beloved. To clarify the ending of Toradora, simply check our article: Toradora: ending and relationship explained.
He had respect, a gang of friends he could count on, and even a girlfriend. But that was twelve years ago. Half a second before a train ends his pitiful life for good, Takemichi flashes back to that same day 12 years ago, when he was still dating Hinata Tachibana. Without thinking, he admits to his seeming death before flashing back to the past. Takemichi urges him to protect his sister before inexplicably returning to the future. Miraculously, he is not dead. Stranger still, the future has changed. It seems as though Takemichi can alter the flow of time.
Review: Excellent animation that deals with gangs and emotions. The tale is mind-blowing, with twists and secrets along the road, and this anime will keep viewers glued to their seats for a long time. I became emotionally attached to the characters, which caused me to cry in several episodes. There will be some sad times while there are pleasurable moments on the verge. This anime was completed on June 5th, 2023. However, after swindling a seemingly clueless tourist, Makoto discovers that he was the one tricked and, to make matters worse, that the police are now after him. While making his escape, he runs into the tourist once again, who turns out to be a fellow con man named Laurent Thierry, and ends up following him to Los Angeles. Accepting the competition, Laurent drops them off outside a huge mansion and claims that their target will be the biggest mafia boss on the West Coast.
This show will reuse characters that we first see in episode one and make them a recurring feat. From Kudou to Shi-won, there are supporting characters that make a funny reappearance as side characters throughout the show. We wrote a complete review about Great Pretender anime here. Honnouji Academy is forcefully ruled by the iron-fisted control of its student council and its president, Satsuki Kiryuuin. Transfer student, Ryuuko Matoi, arrives on campus carrying a giant sword, that is actually half of a scissor. She is looking for the woman who holds the other half of her sword who killed her father. The anime inspects philosophical topics exploiting a very dynamic storyplot. He soon discovers that it is a diary kept by his very popular classmate, Sakura, who reveals to him that she is secretly suffering from a fatal pancreatic illness.
Despite this, Sakura intends to maintain a normal school life, and thus is drawn to Haruki due to his relatively unfazed reaction to her condition. They begin to spend time together and become friends. Spy x Family — ranking going higher? Plot: Spy x Family is one of the most anticipated anime of 2022. As we reported on our related article The 9 Best selling manga of 2022, Spy x Family was really appreciated by fans before its anime adaptation. The series tells the story of a Spy, Loid forger, who has to quickly arrange a Family for his next mission. Loid adapts a child called Anya, who can hear peoples thoughts. However, just adapting Anya is not enough, as he also needs a wife.
Luckily, he finds Yor who agrees to marry him. Little did he know that Yor is an assassin at night. The anime is actually ranking higher than Steins:Gate and Attack on Titan but before giving a final mark we want the first seasons to end 25 episodes expected for the first season. The story of the teacher that reforms delinquents has been done countless times but the story of GTO feels fresh. For one, instead of taking place in a lower class public school district, the students are of a higher class with wealthy parents. Cautiously venturing inside, she realizes that there is more to this place than meets the eye, as strange things begin to happen once dusk falls. Ghostly apparitions and food that turns her parents into pigs are just the start—Chihiro has unwittingly crossed over into the spirit world. Now trapped, she must summon the courage to live and work amongst spirits, with the help of the enigmatic Haku and the cast of unique characters she meets along the way.
In light of their mission, the students have found that killing him is easier said than done. Not only can Koro-sensei move at speeds of up to Mach 20, but he can also resist almost every earthly weapon. Ironically, he also proves to be one of the best teachers Class 3-E has ever had. Review: Assassination Classroom diverges from the ordinary anime, and transforms norms into a show that is original, unique and creative. Through the central plot, the show is able to merge both assassination and education to develop the cast as a whole, manifest individual growth and exhibit the interlinking bonds of the class. Not only this, but this is a show that truly allows you to learn from its many underlying didactic messages as well, both subtle and explicit. And I certainly recommend everyone to try out Assassination Classroom at some point because this is a show that has shown me both inspiration and motivation. The story follows the struggles of a reclusive high school student named Yukiteru Amano after he obtains a Future Diary that can predict upcoming events.
Review: The positive thing about the series, which I loved, is that while watching the series, I always asked questions about what would happen and how it would happen. It builds up tension for me and motivates me to continue watching. The end of the series was good but could have been better. Plot: As a wild youth, elementary school student Shouya Ishida sought to beat boredom in the cruelest ways. When the deaf Shouko Nishimiya transfers into his class, Shouya and the rest of his class thoughtlessly bully her for fun. However, when her mother notifies the school, he is singled out and blamed for everything done to her.
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30 Best Anime of All Time
Naruto represents 18 out of 43 countries, which is 41. Though One Punch Man appears to be the most popular on the map in terms of color spread, that is far from the truth. In reality, it represents just 2. If we dig deeper and take a look at the details, Attack on Titan is the most popular anime in 18 out of 46 countries, representing 39. In second and third place are Naruto and One Piece, which are the most popular anime series in 13 and 7 out of 46 countries representing 28. Naruto is the clear winner for being the most popular anime by country in Africa.
Ведь именно познав простоту и легкость этого удивительного жанра, вы возможно познаете себя. Японская анимация обладает качественными отличиями от своих европейских собратьев. Все дело в особом менталитете и, конечно же, оригинальной рисовке.
Приведу простой пример, в мультфильмах очень часто можно встретить персонажей, которые выражают свои эмоции в скрытой форме японцы замкнутый и скрытый по натуре народ, но при этом они вежливые и гостеприимные, но их широта души не равна русской, так что осторожнее. Не только это до сих пор заставляет поклонников аниме смотреть все новые и новые серии, а некоторые даже собираются на особые фестивали в честь своего увлечения и устраивают костюмированное шоу-косплей.
Самой заметной премьерой первых трёх месяцев года стало аниме «Поднятие уровня в одиночку» Solo Leveling. Это позволило ей занять четвёртое место в квартальном рейтинге.
Среди аниме также нельзя не отметить «Магическую битву» Jujutsu Kaisen на 10 месте. Этот проект сейчас бьёт рекорды популярности во всём мире.
Популярный у фанатов Dota 2 сериал «Токийский гуль» стал 11-м, набрав 13,7 тыс. Культовый тайтл «Евангелион» расположился на 14-й строчке, а одно из первых популярных аниме, транслируемых на ТВ в России, — «Покемон» — оказалось на 21-м месте с 11,8 тыс. С полными итогами голосования можно ознакомиться ниже или в оригинальном посте.
100 лучших аниме-сериалов
Прошлая коллекция: Топ-500(525) аниме MALа без лишнего. Самые лучшие аниме всех времен представлены в каталоге развлекательного портала Канобу. ТОП 10: НОВЫЕ аниме весны 2024, которые стоит посмотреть каждому. Они входят / были 500 самыми популярными в myimelist по состоянию на август 2019 года. хахахаха, но список так и называется " аниме которые должны посмотреть все". На веб-сайте АнимеБит вы найдете самую обширную коллекцию полнометражных аниме всех времен и народов, доступных для просмотра с русской озвучкой.