From shows that inspired generations to the modern-day classics that stand as a shining example of the medium, we're ranking the best anime series of all time. Самые популярные и рекомендуемые к просмотру с другом аниме за Апрель 2024 года. Аниме в данном топе это сугубо моё мнение, и цифры одним словом ни на что не влияют а просто для нумерации. Это первый аниме-канал, где публикуются: новости, анонсы. Владелец сайта предпочёл скрыть описание страницы.
Недавно вышедшие аниме
Вампир Алукард состоит на службе у Королевского ордена протестантских рыцарей и противостоит всякой нечисти. Вскоре к нему присоединится новообращенная полицейская Виктория Серас. Если вы ищете аниме с пушками побольше, то «Хеллсинг» — лучшее предложение из возможных, не зря же автор оригинальной манги Кота Хирано назвал оружие главных героев «космическими стволами с миллионами снарядов».
Почётные места в первой сотне или первой десятке занимают короткометражные, полнометражные фильмы и сериалы разной длины. Главное, что их объединяет, это стилистическая принадлежность к рисованному искусству. Сегодня нет необходимости искать топовые подборки в отдельных журналах, газетах или других периодических изданиях. Не нужно дожидаться, пока результаты очередного голосования озвучат по телевизору, по радио. Достаточно иметь доступ к интернету: вся информация о лучших произведениях среди всего многообразия японской анимации представлена онлайн. Можно сразу ознакомиться с теми шедеврами, которым отдают предпочтение зрители и критики, чтобы затем перейти к просмотру. По качеству, формату, вариантам озвучки ограничивать себя тоже не придётся.
Hunter x Hunter 2011 follows Gon Freecs, a young boy who wants to become a pro hunter just like his father, who he can barely remember. What follows is a magnificent journey, full of friendship, wonder, and hardship, as the talented child learns what it takes to truly be a pro hunter in this dangerous world. Its stories and characters are often cited when people talk about their favorites amongst the medium. The Chimera Ant arc is considered by many to be a masterpiece, and Gon, Killua, and Hisoka are constantly topping popularity polls. The show depicts the difficult life of Shinji Ikari — a teenager forced to wield a giant mech to stop an alien invasion.
While that may sound like a pretty straightforward premise, the plot is rich with deep themes, exploring psychology, environmentalism, and gender roles, to name a few. Thanks to this, many find Neon Genesis Evangelion more relatable and thus more accessible. Since debuting in 2012, the series has become one of the hottest series in anime around, as it tells the bizarre stories of the Joestar family and the many gifts they bear. The show has become so popular in the US that demand for it has actually surpassed that of Japan. Originally starting out as a webcomic back in 2012, the series was arguably the hottest anime of the last few years when it was adapted back in 2015.
This premise results in a lot of comedy while also satirizing the shonen genre and its over-the-top fight scenes. The show got so popular that fans actually started comparing it to other big names in terms of animation and characters. After a long wait, four years to be exact, fans were met with crude animation and a lackluster storyline, with fights taking too many shortcuts that severely affected the impact of the stories that were being told. Death Note Image Source: Madhouse Death Note is the show that everyone points to as the best anime where the protagonist was actually the villain. That story follows Light Yagami, a teenage genius who discovers a mysterious notebook known as the Death Note.
While his intentions seem noble at first, wielding this power corrupts Light, creating a god-complex that results in mayhem, murder, and a whole bunch of covering his trail. Akira Image Source: Tokyo Movie Shinsha When you think about the most important anime of all time, Akira is often mentioned in the number one spot. Its unique sci-fi setting, visuals, and animation influenced future media like The Matrix, Stranger Things, and so much more — most of which even pay homage to it in one way or another. Internationally, Anpanman looks more like a gross misspelling of One Punch Man and not coincidentally, was part of the inspiration for that character. You might not have heard of this superhero with a red bean pastry for a head, but the children of Japan certainly have, with the 70s character topping popularity polls for that demographic as recently as 2014.
Anpanman is a hero with a tasty anpan for a noggin, protecting the populace from Baikinman of the Germ Planet. It has an ongoing anime adaptation that dates back to October 1988, an absolutely breathtaking feat that few could even manage half of. Despite coming out in 1997 and only airing for 26 episodes and a movie, this show is still one of the most popular and beloved anime around, thanks to its genre-defining stories, character, themes, and music. Taking place in the year 2071, Cowboy Bebop follows the lives of a crew of delinquent bounty hunters, showcasing the many different adventures they go on. While some are linear, each story incorporates other genres into its unique style, combining sci-fi, western, and noir tropes into its outer space setting while also exploring themes of loneliness, existentialism, and grief.
With this newfound power, he must figure out how to become the greatest hero of all time. The premise is simple but interesting, as it takes the usual idea of only a few people having powers and flips it on its head. If you need further proof of this success, just take a look at how well each of the My Hero Academia movies has done. Originally released in 2004, this Hayao Miyazaki classic is set in a kingdom where magic and early 20th-century technology are common. Set against the backdrop of a war with another kingdom, it tells the story of Sophie, a young milliner who is turned into an old woman by a witch.
Вампир Алукард состоит на службе у Королевского ордена протестантских рыцарей и противостоит всякой нечисти. Вскоре к нему присоединится новообращенная полицейская Виктория Серас. Если вы ищете аниме с пушками побольше, то «Хеллсинг» — лучшее предложение из возможных, не зря же автор оригинальной манги Кота Хирано назвал оружие главных героев «космическими стволами с миллионами снарядов».
Top 32 Most Popular Anime of All Time, Ranked
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Лучшие аниме-сериалы 2023 года
Аниме - это больше, чем простой мультипликационный фильм. Это вид художественной анимации, которая завоевала любовь людей самых разных возрастов: как маленьких детей, так и стариков. Приятно, что есть возможность смотреть аниме на русском языке в онлайн-режиме в свободном доступе, и что все серии идут последовательно одна за другой. Некоторые люди ошибочно причисляют аниме к мультфильмам, но на самом деле аниме является настоящим творением искусства, которая по сюжетной линии и глубине игры героев зачастую имеет большое превосходство над фильмами, снятыми на пленку в традиционном формате. Искусство аниме зародилось в Стране восходящего солнца - в Японии и уже много лет назад завоевал популярность в других странах. Для многих людей возможность прикоснуться к данному виду необычного искусства было весомым, а порой и основным поводом для посещения Японии. К счастью, сегодняшние реалии в век цифровых технологий позволяют нам приобщиться к прекрасному искусству аниме, не совершая поездок в эту страну. Достаточно зайти на сайт AnimeVostorg и выбрать любое аниме — они доступны онлайн.
This list is a comprehensive one. But with this list, I have got you covered homie. Just pick an anime from this list and start your binge session. I am sure you will have a great time doing that.
Песнь проклятия для святого рыцаря 409. Как создать скучную героиню 410. Котоура-сан 411. Новый завет Владыки тьмы, моей сестры 412. Твоя апрельская ложь 414. Ямада и семь ведьм 415. Японский Аниме Экспо.
Самое обсуждаемое аниме второй половины 2022-го «Человек-бензопила» разместилось на пятой строчке с 16,1 тыс. Популярный у фанатов Dota 2 сериал «Токийский гуль» стал 11-м, набрав 13,7 тыс. Культовый тайтл «Евангелион» расположился на 14-й строчке, а одно из первых популярных аниме, транслируемых на ТВ в России, — «Покемон» — оказалось на 21-м месте с 11,8 тыс.
ТОП 100 лучших аниме за Апрель 2024
Смотрите аниме «Клинок, рассекающий демонов» у нас на сайте в озвучке от студийной банде. Все публикации об Аниме: новости, статьи, обзоры, видео, гайды и прохождения игр от игрового портала Топ 50 Аниме Опенингов По Просмотрам, Best Anime Openings Patrick Music. Over 7K anime fans have voted on the 20+ items on Best Anime Of 2023, Ranked. Ищите топ аниме сериалов онлайн по количеству просмотров.
Лучшие аниме 2023 года
Провожающая в последний путь Фрирен Продолжительность: на текущий момент вышло 19 эпизодов, идет 1 сезон Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники Здесь и далее: прощадка для лицензированного просмотра аниме Crunchyroll не работает в России, там может не быть перевода и русскоязычных субтитров. Одна из самых ярких новинок этого года — история о долгоживущей эльфийке, которой тяжело понять ценность короткой человеческой жизни. Фрирен возвращается в знакомые места, чтобы попрощаться с постаревшими спутниками, и собирает новую команду для приключений, уже внимательнее изучая чувства и эмоции людей вокруг. Магия и мускулы Продолжительность: 12 эпизодов 1-й сезон Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники Типичный сериал о фэнтези-мире и подростках — если бы не одно «но». Главный персонаж в магии слабоват, зато отлично развит физически: и в стремлении к своей цели готов противопоставить кулаки самым мощным заклинаниям. Семья шпиона Продолжительность: 12 эпизодов Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники В 2023 году сериал про секретного агента, который заводит подставную семью для нового задания и не в курсе, что жена и дочь — киллер и телепат, получил продолжение. Слегка филлерный старт второго сезона по итогу вышел очень ярким, а зимой создатели выпустили еще и фильм «Код белый», тоже собравший отличные оценки. Монолог фармацевта Продолжительность: вышло 15 эпизодов, идет 1-й сезон Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники Новинка, которая по итогам года попала во многие топы и рейтинги.
Тайтлу про девушку-целительницу при китайском дворце удивительно хорошо удается сочетать в себе и детектив, и комедию. Сериал полон дворцовых интриг, наблюдать за которыми всегда интересно, тем более что каждый эпизод рассказывает отдельную историю. Сто девушек, которые очень-очень-очень-очень-очень сильно тебя любят Продолжительность: 12 эпизодов 1-й сезон Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники Сериал исполняет мечту многих — местный бог откликается на мольбу школьника-неудачника и дает ему сотню фанаток, каждая из которых его обожает. Правда, есть одна проблема: любая девушка, которую отвергнет герой, погибнет в мучениях. Магическая битва 2 сезон Продолжительность: 23 эпизода Где смотреть: Crunchyroll без русского языка, неофициальные источники Еще одно крутое продолжение — второй сезон зрители оценили даже выше первого. И он действительно раскрыл сериал с новой стороны, повышая ставки и под микроскопом разбирая человеческие отношения. Типичный синопсис про людей и всемогущих демонов отходит на второй план.
A medium that has shaped all of our lives in one way or another. However, within the ginormous pool of anime offered by the industry, there is the presence of certain series that we prefer over others. Some shows hit our hearts harder than a truck and make us feel privileged to be able to have such a great experience. And for all of us, that anime is different.
Поэтому в рейтинге есть и вещи по популярной манге или играм, и фильмы от легендарных мастеров — Хаяо Миядзаки, Синкай, и культовые сериалы, например, «Наруто», «Тетрадь Смерти», «Атака Титанов», «Блич». Присоединиться к фанатам известных сериалов просто: все сезоны этих аниме можно посмотреть онлайн на нашем сайте.
Волшебник Кайто 1412 397. Русал в моей ванной 398. Другое Будущее 400. В подземелье я пойду, там красавицу найду 401. Семь смертных грехов 403. Волчица и Черный Принц 404. Лиричная волшебница Наноха: Вивио 406.
Аниме 2024 года
This is a list of anime television series by episode count for series with a minimum of 100 episodes. Anime like Demon Slayer and Attack on Titan left big impacts on pop culture and the anime community. Топ 100 аниме сериалов – коллекция историй из страны восходящего солнца, которые придутся по душе взрослым любителям манги, ранобэ, компьютерных игр, да и просто яркой картинки и насыщенного действия.
Лучшие аниме 2023 года
Замкнул тройку лучших тайтл «Наруто», который все-таки смог на 200 голосов обогнать «Ванпанчмена». Самое обсуждаемое аниме второй половины 2022-го «Человек-бензопила» разместилось на пятой строчке с 16,1 тыс. Популярный у фанатов Dota 2 сериал «Токийский гуль» стал 11-м, набрав 13,7 тыс.
Оно поднимает знакомые нам проблемы, подвигает на философские размышления. Но кроме этого, оно идеально: потрясающий сюжет, логичные начало и конец, глубоко проработанные персонажи, сложнейшие диалоги, красивое музыкальное сопровождение. Ему нет равных. Сюжет захватывает с двух серий намертво. Многие неанимешники начинают своё знакомство именно с этого шедевра, который запросто увлечёт любого.
Through the central plot, the show is able to merge both assassination and education to develop the cast as a whole, manifest individual growth and exhibit the interlinking bonds of the class. Not only this, but this is a show that truly allows you to learn from its many underlying didactic messages as well, both subtle and explicit. And I certainly recommend everyone to try out Assassination Classroom at some point because this is a show that has shown me both inspiration and motivation. The story follows the struggles of a reclusive high school student named Yukiteru Amano after he obtains a Future Diary that can predict upcoming events. Review: The positive thing about the series, which I loved, is that while watching the series, I always asked questions about what would happen and how it would happen. It builds up tension for me and motivates me to continue watching. The end of the series was good but could have been better. Plot: As a wild youth, elementary school student Shouya Ishida sought to beat boredom in the cruelest ways. When the deaf Shouko Nishimiya transfers into his class, Shouya and the rest of his class thoughtlessly bully her for fun. However, when her mother notifies the school, he is singled out and blamed for everything done to her. With Shouko transferring out of the school, Shouya is left at the mercy of his classmates. He is heartlessly ostracized all throughout elementary and middle school, while teachers turn a blind eye. If you appreciate art, I think you would enjoy the show. Review: Blue Period stands as a remarkable anime that surpasses the boundaries of traditional art-centered narratives. It beautifully intertwines the pursuit of artistic talent with the journey of self-discovery, highlighting the profound impact of understanding oneself on artistic expression. The series has left an indelible impression on me, urging me to delve deeper into my own identity and embrace the artistry within myself. War is his home now. Review: For years, Vinland Saga has been proclaimed as a must-read classic manga, and here the anime does it justice. Presenting the narrative in a different medium where it does falter on occasion, but essentially stays true to the heart of Vinland Saga, even providing original content that compliment the core material with a strong directorial voice and impressive execution. Some may be concerned for where the series can go after such an ending. However, Momonga, a powerful wizard and master of the dark guild Ainz Ooal Gown, decides to spend his last few moments in the game as the servers begin to shut down. To his surprise, despite the clock having struck midnight, Momonga is still fully conscious as his character and, moreover, the non-player characters appear to have developed personalities of their own! Confronted with this abnormal situation, Momonga commands his loyal servants to help him investigate and take control of this new world, with the hopes of figuring out what has caused this development and if there may be others in the same predicament. Review: Must-watch if you like isekai. The story is great and the main character is an absurdly real depiction of a depressed man who lost his friends and now has to rule NPCs with a sort of gravitas unbecoming of him and the life he lived prior. If you can read the novel, I absolutely recommend it it also has spectacular art. The only reason I give this a 9 is because it skips on way too much of the novel. Review: The story is very good, each match is engaging and unique. It makes you celebrate the victories and feel the defeats as if it were your heart team. The animation is great and fluid, which enhances the movements during games. The characters are fun and their motivations are understandable which can make the viewer feel represented in a character. Therefore, Haikyuu!! I recommend it to everyone looking for a school adventure, with the sport theme as a base and with great characters. Noragami and Noragami Aragoto 83. On one of these menial tasks he is rescued from the path of a racing truck by Iki Hiyori Uchida, Maaya who subsequently is subjected to inconvenient out of body experiences when her soul leaves her body. The three fight ayakashi and do odd jobs in order for Yato to one day become a recognizable god with both a shrine and followers. Noragami Aragoto 12 episodes is the sequel season of Noragami 12 episodes. Dorohedoro 83. Dorohedoro takes place in a post apocalyptic future where class differences are at the forefront. There are two kinds of people: Magic users and the others. A second season of Dorohedoro is expected for renewal by Netflix in 2021-2022. Deviman Crybaby 83. DevilMan Crybaby is considered one of the best anime netflix original released. The plot of Devilman Crybaby focuses on Akira Fudo, a weak and unassuming teenagers who is exposed by his childhood friend Ryo Asuka to the exixtence of the demons. In a reckless attempt to save his best friend, Akira unwittingly merges with the devil Amon and becomes a Devilman, gaining an immense power. Devilman Crybaby offers a pessimistic view of the world governed by chaos and purseud by the violence of the humans. For more readings about animes Netflix original which deserve a watch check this article: the best 7 anime Netflix original to watch. Check our articles about Psycho-Pass here. Review: Overall, Inuyasha is very enjoyable. The art is brilliant although in the movies the art does slip because Rumiko Takahashi the mangaka helps with the drawings. The storyline is basic and very easy to follow, however the story does seem to drag on, so if you have patience with animes this could be for you. The characters are pure genius, each with their own running joke. Each character with the exception of Kagome has a dark and kind of upsetting past often including the death of a loved one. My favourite is Miroku by far. He is a perverted womanising monk who flirts with pretty much any girl. However, some characters, like Shippo an adorable fox demon , have a minor role with little or no fight scenes. Kakegurui — Compulsive Gambler 82. A second season, Kakegurui xx has been aired in 2019 for a comprehensive of 24 episodes of the two seasons. The show focuses on Yumeko Jabami, a new student who gambles for the fun of it and is really good at it.
The so-called "Naruto run" gained international attention in 2019 when a prankster did one during a news report from Area 51, bringing a bunch of new fans to the classic anime. This leads to Naruto being largely shunned by his peers, but he remains determined to prove himself a worthy leader. While the sequel series sometimes gets the nod from fans due to its superior animation, both are brilliant and worth your time. People have been debating which is better for years, to no avail. Monster Madhouse "Monster" is the gripping tale of Dr. When the doctors that turned on Tenma start turning up dead, the foreigner becomes a suspect, but police can find no evidence against him. Almost a decade passes as Tenma manages to rebuild his life, but Liebert reemerges, and the Japanese doctor is once again suspected of committing his crimes. The series raises some interesting questions about the obligations of medical professionals, but it lets viewers make up their own minds. The story was inspired by "The Fugitive" the David Janssen-led TV series , which left quite the impression on the creator of the original manga, Naoki Urasawa. That storyline really had an impact on me. Despite the puppet shogun imposing a ban on carrying swords, freelance samurai refuse to abide by the cowardly new laws and set about ridding Earth of these unwanted alien pests. One such samurai goes by the name of Gintoki Sakata. After stumbling across a bunch of aliens trying to send a human girl to a brothel, he springs into action and cuts them down, earning the respect and admiration of her brother, Shinpachi. Not all the aliens are bad, however — his crew is later bolstered by the extraterrestrial teen Kagura, who comes from a particularly badass alien clan. The series wrapped with the feature-length film "Gintama: The Final," which was one of the best anime movies of 2021. Cybernetic protagonist the Major full name Major Motoko Kusanagi, a counter-cyberterrorist ace and the field commander of Section 9 goes after the terrorist group the Individual Eleven, as well as the cyber hacker the Laughing Man, in this gripping series. Production I. When both Shoyo and Tobio end up at the same high school the one formerly attended by The Little Giant they put their brief rivalry behind them and develop a relationship that will put their once-great school back on the volleyball map. An anime adaptation from Production I. Three more seasons came out between then and 2020, with the show seemingly picking up more fans with each one. The anime opens with a race of parasitic extraterrestrials arriving on Earth. The small, worm-like creatures enter human bodies through nostrils and ears, burrowing into the brain and turning the unsuspecting victims into hosts. Luckily for Shinichi, he went to bed listening to music the night the aliens arrived. The parasite that attempted to take over his body was denied entry by his headphones, and when it tried to get in via his nose, the tickling sensation made him sneeze. He woke up, and in a panic, the creature burrowed into his hand instead. The quick-thinking teen used the wire of his headphones to make a quick tourniquet, stopping the invader from getting to his brain. It took over his right hand instead he ends up calling it Migi, meaning "right" in Japanese , with each retaining their own sentience and personalities. By 2022 it was the best-selling manga series on the market, and the anime adaptation from MAPPA has proven to be just as popular. The story unfolds in a world where evil spiritual beings called Curses seek to bring harm to humanity. This is where Jujutsu Sorcerers — who can control the flow of Cursed Energy, which is what leads to the creation of new Curses — come in. The set up is very shonen, and the earnest, big-hearted Yuji is very much your typical shonen protagonist, but after the first few episodes the show starts to play with genre tropes. Despite her initial hesitance, Lain is soon sucked into the world of The Wired and her new life begins to take over her old one. Written by Chiaki J. Konaka and directed by Ryutaro Nakamura who would later collaborate on the similarly themed "Ghost Hound" , this avant-garde anime was eerily accurate in its predictions about a more connected world: Remember, it dropped in 1998, when social media websites were still a niche idea and people were just starting to get their heads around how much the internet would change the world. The Ringer called the show "terrifyingly prescient" on its 20th anniversary. It starts out innocently enough, but once the action moves into the Abyss the giant hole that the town of Orth is built around , things start getting dark. We follow an orphan named Riko, whose mother was a well-known Cave Raider, people who venture into the Abyss hoping to unlock its secrets. Strange creatures dwell within, and those who make it out alive are rarely the same — spending too much time down there leads to a condition that has been dubbed "the curse of the Abyss. Ignoring all the warnings, she takes a trip down into the Abyss, exploring the higher, safer levels first. Those who study the Mushi are referred to as Mushishi meaning "Mushi masters" , though even their knowledge of these ethereal beings is limited. For reasons unknown to us and to him, the Mushi are attached to Ginko. He suspects that they hold the secrets to the meaning of life itself, but the answers remain just out of reach. Psycho-Pass Production I. It all relies on the Sibyl System, a biomechatronic computer network that scans the brains of citizens to determine how likely they are to break the law. If your Crime Coefficient index number goes over a certain threshold, you become a target for the Inspectors. This intelligent crime thriller will keep you guessing and the action is top-notch, as is to be expected with a Production I. The first season of the show, which aired between 2012 and 2013, is the best-rated, with an impressive score of 8. The most recent season sees Inspectors Kei Mikhail Ignatov and Arata Shindou dealing with a shipwreck involving immigrants that they quickly discover was no accident. Violet was abandoned as a child and still bears the emotional scars. She came to the attention of the military after killing a group of soldiers who tried to take advantage of her. When the Great War ends, Violet — who lost both of her arms in a grenade explosion and had them replaced with high-tech prosthetic ones — gets a job at an agency that writes love letters for those who are unable to find the words themselves. Her motive is straightforward: The last thing that her mentor and guardian Major Gilbert the first person to treat the deadly orphan as human said to her was "I love you," and she wants to understand what he meant by that. This is an anime that explores everything from PTSD to feminism in unexpected ways, blending steampunk themes with revisionist history to brilliant effect. Luffy and his crew, who search the Grand Line an ocean route filled with danger and mystery for a legendary treasure known as One Piece.
Аниме ТУТ! База №0 по просмотру аниме сериалов и фильмов
Whisper Me a Love Song takes the top spot of the 3th issue of the Spring 2024 Top Anime Rankings. If not, then here are the anime statistics that show all the most famous anime series in 2022! Самые лучшие аниме всех времен представлены в каталоге развлекательного портала Канобу.
В топ-20 сериалов в России сразу пять аниме. Смотрели какие-то из них?
On that note, let's have a look at the top 10 anime based on IMDb ratings. Смотрите фильмы, сериалы, и мультфильмы из списка "Аниме – сериалы" в нашем онлайн-кинотеатре. What we should be focusing on is how the older anime has managed to remain in the top 500 list despite these changes. In this comprehensive book we have a pick of 500 anime movies, plus TV series, all alphabetically and by genre such as science fiction and mecha.