Актриса Доминик Торн, дебютировавшая в киновселенной Marvel в качестве Железного сердца, в новом интервью для портала Screen Rant сообщила, что обсуждала свою роль с Робертом. Latest News. Dominique-thorne. Dominique Thorne. dominique thorne will get her Marvel debut as Riri Williams aka Ironheart on the big screen, ahead of the release of her upcoming series by the same name. Coming soon to #DisneyPlus, Dominique Thorne is genius inventor Riri Williams in Ironheart, an Original Series about the creator of the most advanced suit of armor since Iron Man.
Cтaлo извecтнo, кaк имeннo Дoминик Topн cтaлa нacлeдницeй Жeлeзнoгo чeлoвeкa (видeo)
По его словам, актриса Доминик Торн уже приступила к съёмкам. Ранее в декабре Marvel также анонсировала сериал «Железное сердце». Как пояснил Файги, он выйдет уже после сиквела «Чёрной пантеры», и поэтому фильм будет приквелом к шоу.
В общем, ждать осталось уже меньше года! Доминик Торн.
Фото: instagram. Родилась в Нью-Йорке в семье выходцев из Тринидада и Тобаго. В свое время Торн участвовала в написании пьесы, посвященной ее предкам, — «Газель из девятнадцатого века». Как это ни парадоксально, но после школы она поступила в престижнейший Корнеллский университет, чтобы изучать политологию и менеджмент, а не театральное искусство и литературу.
Впрочем, естественно, Доминик просто не могла не участвовать в проектах студенческого театра. Первым громким фильмом актрисы стала психологическая драма о расизме «Если Бил-стрит могла бы заговорить» 2018 : роль у нее тут, правда, небольшая, но примечательная — сестра главного героя. В 2020-м актриса сыграла Джуди Хэрман в биографическом фильме «Иуда и черный мессия»: ее героиня состоит в «Черных пантерах» — леворадикальной партии, ведущей борьбу за гражданские права чернокожих. Лента была отмечена наградами Американской киноакадемии в двух категориях — «Лучший актер второго плана» и «Лучшая песня».
So yeah. They also asked her if she had reread the comics, as fans will expect her to be extremely well-versed in the character. She said: I would expect nothing less. It sounds like she was the perfect actress for this job.
The actor was also spotted between takes without his hooded cloak as he took a break from filming. The character first appeared in Invincible Iron Man Vol. He would complete his transformation into The Hood after defeating a Nisanti demon and obtaining its hood and boots, granting him superhuman abilities. Vaughan and artists Kyle Hotz and Eric Powell, debuting with his own five-issue limited comic series The Hood in July 2002 Transform: He would complete his transformation into The Hood after defeating a Nisanti demon and obtaining its hood and boots, granting him superhuman abilities Share or comment on this article: Ironheart set photos reveal first look at Dominique Thorne as the title character.
Exclusive: Dominique Thorne Briefly Talks Disney+ & Marvel’s ‘Ironheart’
Доминик Торн, которая сыграет Рири Уильямс в предстоящем сериале, получила роль, даже не пройдя прослушивание. Complex is the leading source for the latest Dominique Thorne stories. Dominique Thorne confirms Marvel's 'Ironheart' series wrapped filming. The show is set to release on Disney+ on September 3, 2025.
First look of Dominique Thorne starrer 'Ironheart unveiled at D23 Expo
The Hood Thorne was spotted in her Ironheart costume, with splotches of fake blood seen on the chest plate, with her mask up as she stares at an unseen enemy. The full Ironheart suit was spotted on set, with red blood stains seen all over the silver suit. He was donning the traditional crimson hooded cloak of the Marvel Comics villain, under a black shirt, grey suit coat, black pants and black boots. The actor was also spotted between takes without his hooded cloak as he took a break from filming.
I did know about Ironheart before I was approached with the role. So it was it was an awe, inspiring moment to think that I would be chosen to portray this woman and to bring her to the screen in this way. So yeah. What draws you in is the the ability to tell stories that mean something to people.
Working alone, she designs a suit of armor similar to the Iron Man armor using material stolen from campus and begins fighting crime herself, but while trying to prevent the escape of two inmates from the New Mexico State Penitentiary, her suit is damaged and she must return home and continue working on the suit, much to the dismay of her aunt. And did you know about Ironheart? Dominique Thorne: Absolutely.
I did know about Ironheart before I was approached with the role.
Актриса пообщалась с журналистом Screen Rant и рассказала о беседе с Дауни-младшим. По ее словам, актер дал ей напутствие и поддержал во время съемок сиквела "Черной пантеры": У меня не было возможности поговорить с Робертом Дауни-младшим во время съемок, но ближе к их окончанию удалось выкроить время для беседы по FaceTime. Роберт говорил о том, как он сильно верит в Рири Уильямс, и о том, что для нее нужно придумать собственный путь. Также он говорил, что наследие движется в верном направлении.
Dominique Thorne Says Marvel Didn’t Audition Her To Play Ironheart
Dominique Thorne has created quite a stir, following her premiere performance as Riri Williams, a.k.a. Ironheart, in Black Panther. Dominique Thorne is bringing a fan-favorite Marvel character to the screen with 'Ironheart.'. По его словам, актриса Доминик Торн уже приступила к съёмкам. Dominique Thorne. coming soon Yesterday at 9:08 p.m. Dominique Thorne was spotted on the set in Atlanta for the first time in full costume as RiRi Williams, a.k.a. Ironheart. Готовы открыть для себя новые грани актёрского таланта Доминик Торн, исполнившей роль Рири Уильямс, техногения и преемницы Железного человека в "Чёрной пантере 2"?
Роберт Дауни-младший поддержал актрису, играющую преемницу Железного человека
First look of Dominique Thorne starrer ‘Ironheart’ unveiled at D23 Expo | Dominique Thorne Joins 'Black Panther: Wakanda Forever' as Riri Williams/Ironheart: Marking her debut as the 15-year-old engineering genius. |
Торн Доминик, биография и творческие достижения — РУВИКИ | McCullough sat down with Thorne, who played the role of Riri Williams, an engineering student who teamed up with the Wakandan army to protect the vibranium-rich country. |
Эттингер — об игре вратаря «Вегаса» Томпсона с «Далласом»: он был словно Доминик Гашек | новости, статьи по теме. Обсуждение, комментарии, все самое интересное и важное. |
Dominique Thorne
Доминик Торн родилась в Нью-Йорке в семье Нериссы Гай и Нави Гай, иммигрантов из Тринидада. Роль супергероини досталась Доминик Торн. Find the latest Dominique Thorne news, videos and more from Consequence of Sound, your go-to place for music, film, and TV news. Ею станет афроамериканская актриса Доминик Торн.
Dominique Thorne Had No Audition for IRONHEART
Now she has talked a bit about the role in a recent interview with Black Film and TV. When asked if she was a fan of Marvel, and if she was aware of the character before being offered the role, Thorne responded: Absolutely. I did know about Ironheart before I was approached with the role. So it was it was an awe, inspiring moment to think that I would be chosen to portray this woman and to bring her to the screen in this way.
That this legacy is headed in the right direction and all the beautiful encouraging things that you hope to hear from the Iron Man himself.
He lives on through his legacy, a topic that will definitely be explored in the upcoming Armor Wars, which has now been repurposed into a theatrical film. When will we see Riri Williams next? As Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige announced during the summer, we will be seeing Dominique Thorne wear her suit in the upcoming series Ironheart, which will be released during the fall of 2023. The series wrapped production shortly before Black Panther: Wakanda Forever debuted in theaters, and will introduce important elements into the MCU.
There is also a possibility Sam Jackson could appear as Nick Fury. Sam Bailey and Angela Barnes are directing Ironheart from a script by Chinaka Hodge Amazing Stories , who also serves as the head writer on the six-episode first season. About Post Author.
In the meantime, Freeman was spotted wearing an extraordinary look, with a beard development and glasses, decked up in formals as he keeps it together for a scene. The famous Chadwick Boseman, who made the individual a victory, passed on of colon cancer last year. Share this:.
‘Black Panther 2,’ ‘Ironheart’ Star Dominique Thorne Signs With M88 (EXCLUSIVE)
все новости о персоне, интересные факты из личной жизни, актуальная информация. Read Empire’s full Dominique Thorne story in the new The Falcon And The Winter Solider issue, on sale Thursday 18 March and available to pre-order online here. Новый постер фильма #GodzillaVsKongTheNewEmpire. Доминик Торн сообщила, что съемки сериала #Ironheart💔 завершены: "Пристегнитесь. Thorne was asked whether she knew about Riri Williams before accepting the part. Complex is the leading source for the latest Dominique Thorne stories. Dominique Thorne makes a lot of eye contact.
Доминик Торн (Dominique Thorne): главные новости по теме
The upcoming Marvel Studios series 'Ironheart', which stars Dominique Thorne and Alden Ehrenreich, on Saturday, got an official first look at the D23 Expo. Оказывается, что Доминик Торн когда-то пробовалась на роль Шури в первой «Чёрной Пантере», но проиграла кастинг Летиши Райт. Like Captain America (Anthony Mackie) before her, Riri Williams (Dominic Thorne) is largely a legacy character, one who takes on the mantle of the superhero who has moved on. Dominique Thorne made her Marvel Cinematic Universe debut in Black Panther: Wakanda Forever; and while Riri Williams is hardly the only one who knows how to.