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С Этим Билдом Люциан Наказывает! | ЭТО НЕ ЗАКОНТРИТЬ ГАЙД НА ЛЮЦИАНА 5:30.

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KR Challenger - Season 11 Patch 11.22. 2: Новый Билд На Люциана В Вайлд Рифт Просто Нечто • Патч 4 2, Lucian Wild Rift. 1. Виталий, ионки-йому-инфинити вполне адекватный билд на люциана.

LOL Wild Rift Lucian Guide

In recent matches, he won the largest number of his games when equipped with these runes. We calculated our Lucian build guidance by analyzing 108,118 recently ranked LoL rounds with him selected. We only advise the highest winrate Lucian builds that were built by ranked League players enough times for us to reccomend them.

He has a bit of a tougher time against ranged champions, but is still capable of holding his own. He can also dodge skillshots with Relentless Pursuit, and punish the enemy for missing by trading hard onto them.

As a lane bully, Lucian has a great laning phase against most champions. In some cases, this can be wailing on the frontline while sliding around the battlefield with Relentless Pursuit, or it can be with a deep dive onto the backline, assassinating a squishier target with the immense burst damage he can output when played correctly.

Which Ability I should upgrade first when playing as Lucian? When playing as Lucian, first upgrade your Q to the max level, followed by your W and E. Best Runes for Lucian in Wild Rift? Wild Rift Other Champions Guide:.

Нескончаемая погоня Краткое описание Люциан быстро бросается вперед на небольшое расстояние. Автоатаки с эффектом Стрелка света сокращают перезарядку Нескончаемой погони. Подробное описание Пассивно: Перезарядка Нескончаемой погони уменьшается на 1 секунду каждый раз, когда Люциан попадает по врагу Стрелком света.

Что творится в мете - новый билд на люциана, кракен как мейн руна и тд

Urfbuilds - Fun builds for your favorite champions in the game mode URF in League of Legends Lucian Probuild – Patch 14.8. Probuilds for the Purifier: the latest Solo Queue games for Lucian in all regions.
Gayd na lyuciana In Wild Rift, Lucian is considered as a “Moderately difficult to Play” champion as he relies on his abilities and basic attack combos to a significant amount of damage.

the Purifier

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Lucian Build Guides, Runes and Items

Manaflow Band — это просто помогает Люциану больше использовать свои способности, особенно когда он выбирает билд без встроенного запаса маны или регенерации. Because of Lightslinger, Lucian Runes benefits more from Attack Damage than he does from Attack Speed. Лучшие сборки, руны и порядок умений для чемпиона Люциан на основе миллионов игр, которые мы анализируем каждый день. R — Люциан стреляет в указанном направлении в течении 3х секунд. View TFT Set 5.5 Lucian champion guide covering item build, stats, abilities, and synergies here.

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Hextech Flashtraption While Flash is on cooldown it is replaced by Hexflash. Hexflash: Channel for 2s to blink to a new location. Cooldown: 20s. Goes on a 10s cooldown when you enter champion combat. Magical Footwear You get free Slightly Magical Boots at 12 min, but you cannot buy boots before then. For each takedown you acquire the boots 45s sooner.

Perfect Timing Begin the game with a Commencing Stopwatch that transforms into a Stopwatch after 14 minutes.

Different Playstyle for Each Phase Early Game Playstyle Try to play aggressively and control the tempo of the game by making sure you hit your hooks. Once you hook an enemy, Lucian can easily follow it up with a quick animation cancel combo that can lead to a kill or a summoner spell burn. Mid Game Playstyle Roam other lanes with Lucian given that you crash your waves properly. His passive also reduces the cooldown of his E making him dash more frequently, especially with a Navori Quickblade. His aggressive nature is not that effective anymore because enemies are not that squishy anymore. Thresh should play around with his hooks and flays to find kills and picks for Lucian. Nautilus Another champion with a hook, this is great for Lucian because hooks are straight skillshots that hard CC enemies hit with hit.

It s great for Lucian simply because his ultimate is a straight skill shot making him hit enemies easier. But the active effect of this item is really overpowered, knowing that this item also has a crowd control effect, Naut can use this to extend his CC durations even further making him chain more abilities in one engagement. At level one alone e already has an impressive crowd control combo which is super easy to use. Lucian can capitalize on this and take away even more HP from that enemy and depending upon the situation, it can even lead to a takedown. He also has a decent amount of damage that he can deal to help Lucian take enemies down faster.

In combination, both of these champions can work together to instantly stun a target.

For example, Braum can throw his Q, and Lucian can quickly dash and use his 2 auto-attacks. This is such an advantage in 2v2 fights in the bot lane, especially early on. So Braum for the win! Also read: 5 Safest Jungle Picks 2. Thresh Thresh and Lucian is another favorite combo for many bot lane duos. People say that Thresh is the perfect support for all marksmen champions in the game.

With Thresh, Lucian can play both aggressively and defensively. Thresh has a lot of tools to outplay his opponents, starting with his Q. Lucian requires crowd control to fully channel his ultimate, so Thresh can help a lot with both his E and R.

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Характеристики и способности Люциана Дикого Разлома

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Текущая мета pro League of Legends 2023

НОВЫЙ БИЛД НА ЛЮЦИАНА в ВАЙЛД РИФТ просто НЕЧТО • ПАТЧ 4.2 | LUCIAN WILD RIFT В 1962 году Фицджеральд решает стать механиком в Голливуде. ПАВ используются в основном для вручения бездетного масонства на репликах количественной концентрации, люциан билд.
Lucian Build, Runes & Counters for bottom Lucian Master Lucian in League of Legends with : Discover the best builds, items, runes, and strategies for Lucian on 14.8. Perfect your gameplay with tips from Korea [LOL-KR]'s top players.
5 Best Supports for Lucian in League of Legends With items, skill order, summoner spells, this LoL Lethality Lucian guide offers complete Lethality Lucian Build for Patch 14.7 in League of Legends.

Люциан LoL Pro Builds

Best Lucian Wild Rift build guide for Season 11 Patch 5.0 in WR. With our Lucian guide you will learn which items to build, runes to select, skills order, and how to Use Lucian Abilities properly. Master Lucian in League of Legends with : Discover the best builds, items, runes, and strategies for Lucian on 14.8. Perfect your gameplay with tips from Korea [LOL-KR]'s top players. Люциан выпускает мощный заряд, который взрывается при столкновении с врагом или в конце пути и наносит 75/110/145/180/215 + (0.9*AP) магического урона.

League of Legends — Гайд по герою Lucian (Люциан)

В League of Legends есть две жизнеспособные сборки Люциана: 1. Наголенники берсерка — это однозначно лучший апгрейд ботинок для увеличения вашего DPS, а Statikk Shyv обеспечивает еще больший импульс вашим сделкам. И как только вы добавите Infinity Edge, ваши автоатаки будут бить как грузовик. Поскольку передовики — это постоянная проблема для Люциана, возьмите «С уважением, лорд Доминик», чтобы решить ее. Что касается Mercurial Scimitar, вам придется часто прыгать в драку, а очищающий актив пригодится против контроля толпы. Используйте этот билд против подкормленных танков и брузеров. Blade of the Ruined King наносит тонну урона при попадании с Lightslinger и предлагает столь необходимый вампиризм.

Black Cleaver дает вам дебафф снижения брони вы можете быстро сложить его с вашим пассивом и в то же время делает вас более живучим. Наконец, Rapid Firecannnon позволяет вам помечать врагов с очень большого расстояния. Используйте этот билд, если вы хотите усилить свое преимущество на этапе приземления и превратить его в мощную мидгейм. Люцианские ситуационные предметы Несмотря на то, что мы представили множество вариантов в наших основных сборках Lucian, есть и другие ситуационные элементы, которые следует учитывать. Самый важный из них — Ниндзя Таби. Люциану не нужна дополнительная скорость атаки, как другим керри AD, а дополнительная броня и автоматическое снижение урона от атак сделают вас намного более живучим в стычках.

Кроме того, Phantom Dancer является жизнеспособной альтернативой Statikk Shyv и Rapid Firecannon, если вы идете против убийц и сильных громил. Поскольку Люциан постоянно оказывается в центре командных боев, Утроба Мальмортиуса и Ангел-хранитель творят с ним чудеса. Mortal Reminder — еще одна покупка, которую следует учитывать, когда вы сталкиваетесь с такими игроками, как Владимир, Сорака или Маокай. И последнее, но не менее важное: Призрачный клинок Йомуу позволяет вам утвердить господство на линии и прорваться сквозь вражеские хлюпики. Получите его, если у вражеской команды нет танка, на котором нужно сосредоточиться. Люцианский стиль игры Когда выбирать Люциана?

Lucian — это динамичный AD-керри, который лучше всего работает с агрессивными саппортами. Выбирайте его вместе с такими чемпионами, как Леона, Треш, Браум и Нами — в общем, со всеми, кто может блокировать врагов и усиливать пассивную способность Очистителя.

The 3rd skill needs to be of the least priority. This is due to a lack of rune diversity. Conqueror will help Lucian to dish out a lot of damage since the ADC should stay alive in team fights as long as possible.

Brutal There are also other options that one might pick up in this category. Since Lucian is not the most powerful early-game ADC, this rune will compensate for that. Bone Plating Picking up Bone Plating is never a bad idea since it reduces the incoming damage a champion receives. It shines the most when you are facing enemies which have hard-hitting combo attacks. Although as mentioned in the previous Rune description, there are also other runes that are viable or even better in different scenarios.

Each time Lucian uses his passive, the cooldown of Relentless Pursuit is reduced. The Culling: Lucian rapidly fires a barrage of lightning bolts towards the target. Each bolt deals damage and marks the target briefly.

Threading basic attacks between each ability is an important skill that players need to master while playing Lucian. Here are some of his combos that will help players immensely during games: Basic trading combo: Basic Attack- Relentless Pursuit-Basic Attack. There are more combinations that Lucian can utilize in the game.

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His passive also reduces the cooldown of his E making him dash more frequently, especially with a Navori Quickblade. His aggressive nature is not that effective anymore because enemies are not that squishy anymore. Thresh should play around with his hooks and flays to find kills and picks for Lucian. Nautilus Another champion with a hook, this is great for Lucian because hooks are straight skillshots that hard CC enemies hit with hit.

It s great for Lucian simply because his ultimate is a straight skill shot making him hit enemies easier. But the active effect of this item is really overpowered, knowing that this item also has a crowd control effect, Naut can use this to extend his CC durations even further making him chain more abilities in one engagement. At level one alone e already has an impressive crowd control combo which is super easy to use. Lucian can capitalize on this and take away even more HP from that enemy and depending upon the situation, it can even lead to a takedown. He also has a decent amount of damage that he can deal to help Lucian take enemies down faster. His ultimate also cannot be evaded because it is a targeted spell.

If you think you can take on their ADC then engage as soon as you see them. There is no problem as Lucian can quickly finish them given that he has an early game lead.

Wild Rift Lucian Guide with Item Builds, Runes and Summoners Spells

The best and most fun builds for all champions in the game mode URF in League of Legends. The quickest way to find and submit your favorite builds. Best Lucian Wild Rift build guide for Season 11 Patch 5.0 in WR. With our Lucian guide you will learn which items to build, runes to select, skills order, and how to Use Lucian Abilities properly. Even though Lucian is more of a mid-lane pick than ADC in season 12, no one can argue that he is still one of the strongest marksmen on Summoner’s Rift.

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