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Mockup * Мокапы * Архив мокапов
Free Newspaper mockup templates are a great way to showcase your designs in a realistic and professional way. Here are some of the best newspaper mockup templates available for instant download. These templates can help you showcase your newspaper in a way that complements its style and content.
A bar code place is also created on the button of the ticket for electronic verification if there is a high-class security measure.
The counterpart is also there with a perforated easy separable option. Get here 1. Yellow Color Free Ticket mockup If you are an event organizer and there is an entry fee for the user, then a ticket is necessary.
This template could easily be a preferred choice. Get Here 2.
Use smart objects via Photoshop CS3 or higher version to edit those details and populated according to their event information. A bar code place is also created on the button of the ticket for electronic verification if there is a high-class security measure.
The counterpart is also there with a perforated easy separable option. Get here 1. Yellow Color Free Ticket mockup If you are an event organizer and there is an entry fee for the user, then a ticket is necessary. This template could easily be a preferred choice.
Present news in such a package that even gossips become a wholesome staple food for your subscribers. The best part about these mockups is about their alterability. Multiple editable PSD vector layers can make the whole thing way more exciting! Free Photorealistic Newspaper Ad Mockup Download Use the photorealistic newspaper ad mockup to show your promotional designs or layouts in a brilliant way.
Mockup Download
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- 10 сайтов, где можно бесплатно скачать мокапы
- Сборка PSD мокапов баннеров, объявлений, афиш
FREE 29+ Newspaper PSD Mockups in PSD | InDesign | AI | Vector EPS
Скачайте мокап афиши для презентации вашего дизайна. афиша мокап mockup бесплатно скачать постер afisha poster. Если у вас есть мок-апы, которыми вы готовы поделиться, отправляйте в "предложку" через "предложить новость" или в сообщения сообщества. 15 апреля Школа Дизайна НИУ ВШЭ посвятила компьютерной графике и устроила фестиваль «МОКАП ДЕНЬ» в одном из кампусов на Кирпичной.
36+Best Free Daily & Event Ticket Mockup Templates in PSD, AI & Vector Format
Mockups Design is a site where you can find free premium mockups that can be used in your private and commercial work. Главная» Новости» Афиша мокап. Смотрите 70 онлайн по теме мокап фестиваль. Смотрели сегодня Мокап фильм, Сцена Мехико, Фестиваль мокап, Festival Mockup, Мокап фильм, Афиша мокап, Mockup афиша, Poster film. Мокап городских афиш, подборка PSD шаблонов мокапов, которые можно скачать бесплатно.
36+Best Free Daily & Event Ticket Mockup Templates in PSD, AI & Vector Format
Мокап городских афиш | Mockup Download | Free PSD shows of Newspaper Mockup Template. The PSD file is easy and fully editable with smart objects. |
Free Flyer & Poster Mockups (2022 Update) | Качай любой PSD мокап по прямой ссылке с сервера абсолютно БЕСПЛАТНО. |
FREE 29+ Newspaper PSD Mockups in PSD | InDesign | AI | Vector EPS | Browse 11,222 incredible Event Mockup vectors, icons, clipart graphics, and backgrounds for royalty-free download from the creative contributors at Vecteezy! |
36+Best Free Daily & Event Ticket Mockup Templates in PSD, AI & Vector Format | Главная» Новости» Мокап для афиши. |
Сборка PSD мокапов баннеров, объявлений, афиш | Главная» Новости» Афиша мокап. |
20 Best Newspaper Mockups PSD Downloads
If you’re looking for excellent newspaper mockups to showcase your own designs, you’ll find the best free ones right here, in this post! Free Mockup PSD. concert poster mockup stock illustrations. Главная» Новости» Мокап афиши на улице. Мокап городских афиш, подборка PSD шаблонов мокапов, которые можно скачать бесплатно. Collection of free and premium newspaper mockup PSD for the presentation of newspaper ads in a professional way.
Fair mockup: изображения без лицензионных платежей
No movie poster goes viral without going through multiple revisions over and over again and here you can do it for free. How great is that? Just insert your own designs on the free PSD posters to uncover the hidden flaws in your design along the way or check it out one last time before printing it. Without further ado, get yourself a poster mockup from RB and go get them! Having your posters displayed in outdoor environments is not at all the same as presenting them in an indoor setting.
Just download it and see what option fits you best!
They are easy to customize and to add your own design. Inserting your own work is really fast by using smart objects and both dark and light designs will look good on this. The look is very realistic and professional. It includes automatic background perspective and blurring second plan. Download all of them and use them in your projects.
This mock-up is hi-res with 5000 x 3500 files and two smart objects — one for the left page and one for the right page. We hope this helps you! It was created using smart layers and it comes with clear instructions. Newspaper Adverts Mockups with Customizable Layers This is a set of 14 newspaper mockups with a photorealistic design. They were created using smart objects and are very easy to customize and to add your own design.
Best part? Newspaper Magazine MockUp This is a great newspaper magazine mockup with 4 different front pages and also a spread. It comes with 5 high-resolution PSD smart layers with many different backgrounds. You just need to open it, insert your designs and save! Newspaper Mockup This is a nice set of 6 high-quality newspaper mockups.
It has a really clean and simple composition that will make your design shine. The commercial license includes more angle and perspective choices. Newspaper Mockup Free This is a beautiful high definition newspaper mockup. It also presents the inner pages and details. Craft paper texture included! This is a nice freebie of a newspaper mockup that comes in a fully editable PSD file. It is perfect for vertical designs and it is easy to add your own project. Take a look and see if it works for you! Complete Mockup This is a clean and easy to edit magazine mockup of different views of a magazine. This also includes smart layers.
You get lots of angles and viewing positions including front cover, back cover and also the interior of the magazine! It has a nice glossy look and a classy magazine feel. Bifold Brochure Mockup This is a lovely, print-ready mockup of an open brochure. The PSD includes smart objects and the dimensions are 3000 x 2000 at 300 dpi. It has a very clean, minimalistic look with a wonderful background that would make any black and white design, photograph or typography pop! It is very easy to add your own design and it offers a photorealistic layout.
Где найти мокапы: в разделе Templates. Бесплатно: без подписки вы сможете использовать только шаблоны и элементы, у которых нет значка PRO. Бесплатно получится создать три проекта, причём они будут помечены водяными знаками и их нельзя использовать в коммерческих целях. Платно: «профессиональная подписка» уберёт водяные знаки и откроет доступ ко всем элементам и шаблонам. Благодаря ей вы сможете создавать неограниченное число проектов и работать над дизайном совместно с коллегами. Лицензия разрешает коммерческое использование изображений. Цены на подписку — здесь. Особенности сервиса: предметы на мокапе можно перемещать. Платная подписка позволяет создавать интерактивные презентации в этом же приложении. Интерфейс генератора мокапов Artboard на первый взгляд напоминает Adobe Photoshop.