Follow the top teams and make Eurosport your go-to source for Basketball tables and results. Форвард «Лейкерс» Леброн Джеймс в четверг вошел в десятку лучших в истории НБА по реализованным 3-очковым за карьеру. Single-Season Top 50 Leaders.
Леброн Джеймс вышел на первое место в истории НБА по очкам за карьеру
Главная» Новости» Лидеры команд нба 2024. LaMelo Ball was the only Hornets player to make the top 100 list. Леброн Джеймс побил рекорд по сумме очков в НБА, он превзошел рекорд Карима Абдул-Джаббара в домашнем матче с «Оклахомой». #87 of 290 onThe Top NBA Players Of All Time. A 4-time NBA champion and a 5-time league MVP, many would argue that King James deserves the top stop on our top 50 Greatest NBA players of all time. Теперь Джеймс занимает второе место в списке самых результативных игроков в истории НБА.
NBA 2022-2023: Top 50 Most Points in a Game
Counting down the NBA's top 50 players for 2022-23 season: Nos. Who lands in the top spot as the greatest NBA player of all time? The 2023-24 NBA regular season ends on April 14. The Boston Celtics (62-16) currently lead the No. 1 spot in the league, Denver Nuggets, Oklahoma City. NBA Top Shot is a joint venture, started in July 2019, between the National Basketball Association, the NBA Players Association and Dapper Labs, which is best known as the creator of CryptoKitties (which, before Top Shot, was considered the world's most popular blockchain-based game). Our ratings use play-by-play and player-tracking data to calculate the value of every player in the NBA, updated daily.
Леброн Джеймс стал лучшим бомбардиром в истории НБА
Дзюба остается без клуба с начала ноября, когда расторг контракт с турецкой командой «Адана Демирспор». Смольников ищет варианты трудоустройства с конца декабря — после ухода из московского «Торпедо». В конце прошлого года москвичи сменили тренерский штаб — теперь вместо немца Йозефа Циннбауэра коллективом будет руководить главный тренер молодежной сборной России Михаил Галактионов. Как отмечает журнал The Lawyer, если дело дойдет до суда, Панник будет занят полный рабочий день, а его доход составит от 200 000 до 400 000 фунтов в неделю. В 2020-м удалось избежать отстранения от Лиги чемпионов. Теперь клубу опять грозят санкциями Накануне стали известны санкции, которые могут последовать в отношении «Манчестер Сити» в случае, если нарушения будут доказаны.
Как отмечает журнал The Lawyer, если дело дойдет до суда, Панник будет занят полный рабочий день, а его доход составит от 200 000 до 400 000 фунтов в неделю. В 2020-м удалось избежать отстранения от Лиги чемпионов. Теперь клубу опять грозят санкциями Накануне стали известны санкции, которые могут последовать в отношении «Манчестер Сити» в случае, если нарушения будут доказаны. В случае правоты Премьер-лиги за понижение в классе «Сити» выступят и участники турнира. При этом, как сообщает BBC, «Сити» полностью уверен в своей невиновности — клуб предоставил лиге доказательства этого еще до публичных обвинений. На четвертое место в истории «Айлендерс» по числу матчей «на ноль» 15 вышел Илья Сорокин — ньюйоркцы разгромили дома «Сиэтл Кракен» 4:0.
Лидером же по среднему показателю за игру на данный момент является Майкл Джордан, который после окончания спортивной карьеры имеет в активе результат в 30,123 очка в среднем за игру. Второе место по данному показателю, с минимальным отставанием, занимает Уилт Чемберлен, который по итогам своих выступлений набирал по 30,066 балла в среднем за встречу. На третьем месте, с уже более ощутимым отставанием, идёт Элджин Бэйлор , показатель которого составляет 27,363 очка в среднем за игру [2]. А сам Коби Брайант в своё время перекрывал результаты Уилта Чемберлена [6].
Сразу после ставшего рекордным броска матч был прерван, чтобы воздать почести баскетболисту. Во время паузы на паркет вышла семья спортсмена, комиссар лиги Адам Сильвер , а также 75-летний Абдул-Джаббар, который символически передал баскетбольный мяч Леброну. Несмотря на рекорд Джеймса, «Лос-Анджелес» в этом матче уступил со счетом 130:133.
NBA 75: Top 75 NBA players of all time, from MJ and LeBron to Lenny Wilkens
Оба этих достижения в сумме позволили игроку «Лейкерс» стать первым в истории баскетболистом, вошедшим в топ-10 обеих статистических категорий. Ранее сообщалось, что баскетболист «Далласа» Новицки стал четвёртым игроком в истории НБА, сыгравшим 1500 матчей.
He played the fewest games to reach every point milestone from 1,000 to 31,000 in NBA history. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar held the record for 38 years, 10 months, and 2 days 14,187 days from 1984 to 2023, the longest in NBA history.
He is the first player to eclipse 35,000 career points.
Данкан играл за «Сперс» до 2016 года, пока не завершил карьеру. Вместе с командой он стал пятикратным чемпионом ассоциации, не раз становился одним из самых результативных игроков НБА, 9 раз попадал в первую сборную всех звезд, 15 раз участвовал в матчах всех звезд. В 2004 году в составе национальной сборной занял третье место на Олимпийских играх. Несмотря на статус одного из лучших бомбардиров НБА, Уилкинс ни разу не выигрывал чемпионат ассоциации. Однако в 1994 году в составе сборной США занял первое место на чемпионате мира, в 1996 году стал чемпионом Евролиги. С 1986 по 1994 гг он участвовал в матчах всех звезд, а в 1986 году был признан самым результативным игроком регулярного чемпионата. Из-за трудного детства он часто становился агрессивным на площадке, но многочисленные спортивные достижения сделали его спокойнее, о чем позднее рассказывали напарники. Он был выбран на драфте НБА под вторым номером первого раунда в 2007 году командой «Сиэтл Суперсоникс». Тогда же спортивный бренд Nike заключил спонсорское соглашение с подающим надежды баскетболистом.
Попав в НБА, он получил звание новичка года. Дюрант дважды становился чемпионом НБА в 2017 и 2018 годах. В обоих случаях его признали MVP финальных игр. На его счету три победы на Олимпийских играх, в 2012, 2016 и 2020 годах. В 2010 году он также стал чемпионом мира. Читайте также: 12 место: Хаким Оладжьювон, 26 946 очков Статус: завершил карьеру в 2002 году Количество матчей в НБА: 1238 Количество очков за игру: 21. В составе команды Оладжьювон дважды стал чемпионом НБА 1994 и 1995 годы. Он неоднократно лидировал по подборам и блок-шотам, дважды становился лучшим игроком обороны и 12 раз участвовал в матчах всех звезд. В 1996 году Оладжьювон получил звание олимпийского чемпиона. Общественное достояние.
Элвин Хейз начал профессиональную карьеру в 1968 году в команде «Сан-Диего Рокетс». В первом же сезоне он показал один из лучших результатов в своей карьере, набрав 2327 очков в регулярном чемпионате 28. В 1990 году Хейз был включен в Зал славы. До этого он два годы выступал в Американской баскетбольной ассоциации.
Loading Winter Special Premium Basketball... George Mikan George Mikan was one of the big men to take over a court during a game. He truly did rule the roost, winning five NBA titles and showing off sublime skill while doing so. Those that saw him play said that his ability and skill truly defied his size and the fact that he made six All-NBA 1st Team selections and got four All-Stars shows what a great player he was. He averaged 23. Jason Kidd It is hard to believe that Jason Kidd won only one championship in his illustrious career.
That being said, it is clear that he is one of the greatest players of all time by looking at some of the other numbers associated with his career. That was further demonstrated by his adaptability in his later career, becoming a top-notch outside shooter. At just over six feet, Thomas had to battle against the odds in the NBA. Thankfully, battling is what he does best. The year he won the 1990 Finals MVP, he averaged an excellent 27. This is proven by the fact that he has the second-highest free throw percentage in the league, putting away 90. As one of the best players of his era, Nash showed the way forward to future players with his innovative style and technique. There is little doubt in the fact that he is a legend of the game. James Harden Widely known for his iconic trademark step-back 3-pointers, The Beard is also another phenomenal player to make this list. At his prime, James Harden was considered by many people as the greatest scorer of all time.
Despite playing at an all-star level for a bigger portion of his NBA career, James Harden has constantly drawn criticism to his game especially on how he consistently draws fouls and also his constant flopping. Throughout his NBA career, James Harden has many times tried to not only force trades but also in other instances influence certain decisions by the front office. When all is said and done, James Harden is still a solid player and the recent return to form has reminded us of just how good this MVP winner is. James Harden has also scored over 2,000 points in seven different NBA seasons. Loading Caesars Sportsbook Banner... He has both the most assists and steals in NBA history. Perhaps he should be higher up our list for this alone. However, we are rewarding the greatest players in the history of the league, and we think listing him at No. Considering how many players have played in the NBA, that is still an amazing achievement. Chris Paul Chris Paul has carved out an amazing career, despite the fact that he is yet to win a championship ring.
The Golden State Warriors point guard does have two Olympic Gold medals and the complete respect of his peers, though. Not bad for the player, who is still playing excellent basketball. He has averaged 19. He ranks in the top fifty for assists, steals and scoring. Oh yeah, his crossover is the stuff of legend. He was one of the most difficult players to play against ever during the 2001 season, where he was justly awarded MVP for the season. Wade has the most points, games, assists, steals, shots made, and shots taken. He is a legend in Florida, where he guided the Heat to four consecutive Finals from 2011 to 2014, where he won back-to-back championships in 2012 and 2013. That title in 2013 was his third with the Heat. A career return that anyone would be proud of.
Giannis Antetokounmpo Giannis Antetokounmpo is one of the most powerful players playing in the league and when he is at his best, he is impossible to stop. In 2016—17 he became the first player in NBA history to finish a regular season in the top 20 in all five statistics of totals points, rebounds, assists, steals, and blocks. His athleticism is truly crazy, but what sets him apart is his work ethic. Incredible skill, along with a never-say-die attitude has helped him turn into the best player playing in the league at the moment. Kawhi Leonard With Kawhi Leonard on your team, you are more likely to win. That is simply a fact. David Robinson David was an incredible physical specimen who dominated on both sides of the court. He also averaged 21. We are sure that he would give up every single one, for just one championship ring, though. Baylor always played well in those crunch games, too, averaging 26.
Charles Barkley Charles Barkley is now known as one of the most entertaining sports pundits out there. But during the 90s, he was a phenom of a player, particularly around the glass. He is currently considered by many as the best power forward of all time and one of the greatest NBA players of all time. He may be somewhat comforted by the fact that he is viewed as an all-time great, listing in the top 30 for rebounds 12,546 and scoring 23,757. Pippen played second-fiddle to Michael Jordan with the dynastical Chicago Bulls and he was more important than many remember. His elite perimeter defense allowed Michael Jordan to, well, be Michael Jordan.
Top 10 NBA Small Forward
After spending his 10 years of career in the NBA, Chandler Parsons’s estimated net worth is $50 million. The NBA took up 12 spots in the top 50, so it’ll be interesting to see if it can sneak into the second half of the most-watched sporting event rankings with some regular season games to finish out 2023. NBA defensive efficiency, by team.
Первое чемпионство «Денвера», рекорд Леброна, спорный MVP Эмбиида: каким получился сезон НБА
Bob Pettit held the record from 1964 to 1966 and is the first player to eclipse 20,000 career points. Wilt Chamberlain held the record from 1966 to 1984 and was the first player to eclipse 25,000 and 30,000 career points. He played the fewest games to reach every point milestone from 1,000 to 31,000 in NBA history.
His post-up game was lethal, and he still remains maybe the best orchestrator of an offense in the NBA. If all that gets put together, and the Mavs bounce back, Luka will finish as one of the top vote getters. Devin Booker, Phoenix Suns Booker has averaged over 25 points per game in each of the last five seasons, proving to be one of the best scorers in the league. While his team has fallen short of that elusive championship goal, they remain aggressive in trying to accomplish that feat. This offseason, it included ushering out Chris Paul and welcoming Bradley Beal and Jusuf Nurkic, along with a brand new cast of role players.
That also includes Kevin Durant, who the Suns brought in prior to the trade deadline. Safe to say, Phoenix will be really good. They have three gifted scorers, several role players, and Nurkic, I guess. Edwards is coming off a strong offseason with Team USA and is one of the most gifted athletes in the league.
If all that gets put together, and the Mavs bounce back, Luka will finish as one of the top vote getters.
Devin Booker, Phoenix Suns Booker has averaged over 25 points per game in each of the last five seasons, proving to be one of the best scorers in the league. While his team has fallen short of that elusive championship goal, they remain aggressive in trying to accomplish that feat. This offseason, it included ushering out Chris Paul and welcoming Bradley Beal and Jusuf Nurkic, along with a brand new cast of role players. That also includes Kevin Durant, who the Suns brought in prior to the trade deadline. Safe to say, Phoenix will be really good.
They have three gifted scorers, several role players, and Nurkic, I guess. Edwards is coming off a strong offseason with Team USA and is one of the most gifted athletes in the league. It would take a big leap similar to Gilgeous-Alexander last season, or Booker the year before , but Edwards has the talent to be in the conversation for years to come.
It noted that the adversary lost "up to 50 troops, two motor vehicles, a US-made 155-mm M777 howitzer and an electronic warfare station". The military agency noted that, since the beginning of the special military operation, 593 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 23,587 drones, 509 anti-aircraft weapons systems, 15,869 tanks and other armored vehicles, 1,275 multiple launch rocket system vehicles, 9,189 field artillery guns and mortars as well as 21,372 units of specialized automotive equipment have been eliminated. The ministry added that Russian forces delivered strikes on Ukrainian personnel and military hardware in 121 districts.