The best Yasuo players have a 55.4% win rate with an average rank of Grandmaster on the Yasuo Leaderboard. Ясуо, управляющий ветром, снова в TFT со своими ветровыми техниками, чтобы уничтожать своих врагов. Когда Ясуо бьёт по цели второй раз и клинок достигает жертвы, то герой получает второй заряд. Ясуо Непрощенный, готов новый герой в League of Legends – проект совсем не собирается почивать на лаврах даже спустя несколько лет доминирования на рынке. Master Yasuo in League of Legends with : Discover the best builds, items, runes, and strategies for Yasuo on 14.8.
Full AP Yasuo S12 Build – Complete Guide (Master)
Detailed League of Legends Yasuo ARAM Build including spell order, summoner spells, the most important items as well as runes. Find the best Yasuo build guides for League of Legends S14 Patch 14.8. ясуо Yasuo гайд руны предметы умения тактики League Of. Discover the best item builds, skills, and traits for Yasuo in TFT. Если вам понравилось бесплатно смотреть видео ясуо гайд 2023 актуально. Узнайте, с какими предметами и рунами Ясуо побеждает чаще!
Lol Best Yasuo Skins - All Yasuo Skins Ranked Good to Best
All energy users gain 1. Earn progress toward Legend stacks for every champion takedown, epic monster takedown, large monster kill, and minion kill. Legend: Bloodline Gain 0. At maximum Legend stacks, gain 85 max health. Resolve Durability and crowd control Bone Plating After taking damage from an enemy champion, the next 3 spells or attacks you receive from them deal 30-60 less damage.
Jump to navigation League of Legends: Ясуо Непрощенный Ясуо Непрощенный, готов новый герой — проект совсем не собирается почивать на лаврах даже спустя несколько лет доминирования на рынке. Игрокам подарили мечника, опасного бойца ближнего боя, лучше всего проявляющего себя в группе противников.
Use Last Breathe in the last possible millisecond of the knock-up to maximize the duration of the crowd control. Use auto attacks and other abilities to maximize your damage during this time. When executed properly, it leaves no space for the enemy to react. The 1st damage will be transferred to your R target nonetheless. Abuse this fact when facing melee matchups. When facing range matchups, use your 1st, Steel Tempest to secure last hits. Yasuo has limited mobility with his 3rd, Sweeping Blade and that mobility is usually overestimated due to how sleek it feels when using it. But once you are caught by the enemy jungler and you have no enemy minions to jump to. Yasuo is a broken champion in the hands of the disciplined.
Используя Стальную бурю во время действия Стремительного клинка, Ясуо наносит урон всем ближайшим противникам. Пассивно: совершая рывок, Ясуо получает дополнительный Поток. Активно: Ясуо создает стену из ветра, которая медленно движется вперед в течение нескольких секунд. Эта стена блокирует выстрелы противника. Ясуо совершает рывок сквозь врага, нанося урон и ненадолго помечая его. Каждый следующий рывок наносит больше урона максимальный урон ограничен , но Ясуо не может использовать Стремительный клинок против помеченного врага. Ясуо телепортируется к ближайшему подброшенному чемпиону, ненадолго удерживая его и всех ближайших подброшенных врагов в воздухе и нанося урон.
Best Yasuo Skins – Ranked from the Worst to The Best
Смотрите видео онлайн «ЯСУО ГАЙД 2023 АКТУАЛЬНО! зуб Nashors, Riftmaker и Lich Bane, и вы должны получить их в этом порядке! Ясуо, Ёнэ и Киндред используют именно эти артефакты в сборках, поэтому их винрейт и просел.
Возьмите Лигу с собой
В ролике можно увидеть способности Ясуо, Дариуса, Экко и Ари. exclusive content from INQTV, subscribe and get access first! Yasuo counter Wild Rift stats: All the Yasuo info you could want with counter picks, general counters, item counter, lane synergy and more!
Steel Tempest combo is executed in a circular form. Skill 4 — Last Breath This ability triggers when the enemy is airborne. Passive grants him 2-6 bonus damage based on level stacking up to 5 times for a maximum of 10 and 30 bonus Attack Damage based on level. Effective in the early game. This one is effective for spamming skills in a short period. Essential for crowd control fights. Battle Spells Flash Teleport a short distance forward or towards the aimed direction. This spell works well on Yasuo to secure kills by chasing an enemy.
Well, it did not. They were 4 thousand gold behind at the 10 minute mark — by 24 minutes, the game was over. We can only hope for better drafts this week — as an upset win on their side would wreak havoc in Group B. Below you can find YouTube recording of the game.
После создания 2 зарядов Стальная буря выпускает вихрь, который подбрасывает врагов. Стальная буря приравнивается к автоатаке и масштабируется так же, как и автоатака.
Кроме того, передвигаясь, Ясуо накапливает поток для создания щита. Щит срабатывает при получении урона от чемпиона или монстра. При попадании создает один заряд Надвигающегося шторма на несколько секунд. После создания 2 зарядов Стальная буря выпускает вихрь, который подбрасывает врагов.
League of Legends Wiki
League of Legends Wiki | ясуо Yasuo гайд руны предметы умения тактики League Of. |
Yasuo ARAM Build - Best Guide and Runes for Yasuo on Patch 14.8 | Ясуо создает движущуюся стену, которая блокирует все выстрелы врагов в течение 4 сек. |
Yasuo ARAM Build - Best Guide and Runes for Yasuo on Patch 14.8 | Yasuo probuilds in a new quick clean format. Yasuo mythic item builds and runes. Meta crushing 15 minute updates. |
Full AP Yasuo S12 Build – Complete Guide (Master) | exclusive content from INQTV, subscribe and get access first! |
Ясуо: сборка | High elo Challenger, Grandmaster, and Master Yasuo onetricks/OTP/mains from major regions. |
Полный AP Yasuo S12 Полный гид Полный гид (Мастер)
Все эти персонажи будут доступны в демоверсии Project L в ходе ежегодного турнира по файтингам EVO 2023, который проходит с 4 по 6 августа. Разработчики также опубликовали видео, посвящённое основам управления в Project L. В нём сотрудники Riot показали, как выполнять базовые удары, проводить комбо и использовать завершающие ультимативные способности. Среди прочего, разработчики продемонстрировали совместные удары при игре вдвоём за одну команду и основные защитные приёмы.
In recent games, he won the greatest number of his rounds when equipped with these runes. We set our Ясуо build recommendations by analyzing 172 122 recently ranked League of Legends rounds with him in them. We only advise the highest winrate Ясуо builds that have been built by ranked League players enough times for us to suggest them.
Yasuo is one of the many champions in LoL, not the most loved one since the players often "feed" when playing him, but definitely one of the most amusing ones to play. The skin looks pretty much like a 5 year old said what kind of skin he wants for yasuo, and its pretty similar to the Odyssey and Project skins. With nothing much new happening to Yasuo skin bundle, for a whopping price of 1350 RP this skin would be a last pick for most of the Yasuo players.
В ролике показаны некоторые из чемпионов League of Legends в самые разные моменты схваток. Мы видим Ясуо Непрощённого, высшего мага Зерата, Талию Прядущую камни, мисс Фортуну, покорителя времени Экко, истребителя скверны Люциана, умения жрицы Матери Глубин Иллаой и других участников динамичных сражений.
Ясуо создает движущуюся стену, которая блокирует все выстрелы врагов в течение 4 сек. Find the best guides, builds, tips, tricks and strategies for Yasuo in League of Legends: Wild Rift in 2024. Yasuo physical/magical/true damage repartition. Yasuo is an AD champion with only one AP ability in his kit – E. Sweeping Balde does magic damage and scales with both attack damage and ability power.
Ясуо LoL Pro Builds
Find Yasuo builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds, and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, and support in S10. Discover the best item builds, skills, and traits for Yasuo in TFT. Ясуо — мастер как фехтования, так и управления ветром, и эта кожа — хорошая версия его способностей. Опозоренный, Ясуо добровольно пошел под трибунал, готовый заплатить жизнью за свою ошибку. When facing off against Yasuo, regardless of whether it is in the mid or top lane, Doran’s Shield is going to be the best pick to counter the champion early in the game. View all Yasuo skins in League of Legends Wild Rift here featuring from alpha version to the newest release skin including rarity, price, and how to get.
Best Yasuo Skins – Ranked from the Worst to The Best
Once he secures some early kills, it becomes increasingly difficult to stop the champion as the game progresses. As with any champion in League, despite their skillset, they are always beatable. In this article, we are going to cover a few of the best items that will assist with beating Yasuo. The increased health regeneration screen is going to allow you to weather the storm early and provide an even playing field where Yasuo does not have early kills to facilitate his power spike. Ninja Tabi While it may seem obvious due to the armor, Ninja Tabi is the appropriate boot choice for facing off against Yasuo due to its unique passive. Yasuo deals most of his damage through his basic attacks as well as his Steel Tempest. Ninja Tabi also grants the champion 20 armor as well as a movement speed buff, so choosing this set is a no-brainer. Mage-specific items Screengrab via Riot Games Frozen Heart A big issue that will arise in playing against Yasuo as a mage is the lack of durability.
Building a Frozen Heart is going to be a great choice for both mages with low health and tank-based mages alike. This item will grant stat increases of 110 armor, dramatically decreasing the damage dealt by Yasuo, a 20-percent cooldown reduction allowing the champion to burst their abilities against Yasuo at a faster rate, and 400 mana that will also facilitate an increase in ability usage. The item also boasts a unique ability that will see nearby enemies lose 15 percent attack speed, another stat that Yasuo uses to increase his opportunity at success.
To us, when Yasuo has it on, we feel that it makes him look cartoonish. This one has got to be my least favorite, but I have friends who like it, so to each their own. Project Yasuo is quite stylish and striking. With nice particles and a fine model, this theme delivers in one of the most appealing manners.
The price may be a bit high, but it comes with some great extra additions to make it worth it.
What you can do is block damage from both sides so you can stand in the middle to block all damage for a few seconds. This is a great ability to force the enemy to retreat or miss their skill shots since you can easily reposition yourself. However, if you use E on an enemy, you cannot dash through them again for a short period of time. The best way to use this ability is to either chase enemies by dashing through minions or while running away. Plus, you can use it on a few minions to close the gap between the enemy to damage them and use your E to safely get back to safety. Finally, his R allows him to instantly teleport to the enemy and slice them in the air. After a few slices, he slams the enemy on the ground to slow them and deal additional damage.
However, this ultimate can only be used if the enemy champion is knocked up in the air. Regardless of how you use it, Yasuo refills his shield meter as soon as he uses his R and also gains additional armor penetration for a few seconds as well. Combos As with many other champions, Yasuo has some insane combos that will instantly make you a better player if you use them. Some of these combos are extremely fast and they will not give your enemy time to react. While the champion does not have any built-in combos, players have discovered many mechanics over the years to improve the champion. Using the correct combo in the correct situation will not only make for a good replay highlight but also confuse the enemy since they will not have seen anything like it. The higher you climb in ranked, the more of these combos you will see. The Beyblade Starting off with the first combo that is quite handy to learn, The Beyblade.
This combo is surprisingly easy but players do not use it in the lower elo. While this can be only done if you have your flash summoner spell up, using it allows you to avoid a messy teamfight and go straight to the enemy backline and surprise them. To do this, you must first use your Q two times to gain the stack for your tornado. Now, instead of firing your tornado, use your E to dash in the minions or enemy champions. While your E animation is going on, quickly press your flash in the direction of the enemy backline or any champion that you want to target. Immediately after pressing flash, spam your Q to knock up the enemies in that area.
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