Новости калеб мопин

In this second part of a wide-ranging discussion on the Chinese Revolution, Harpal Brar and Caleb Maupin continue in their assessment of the struggle between the Communist Party of China and the. Последние новости о персоне Калеб Мопин новости личной жизни, карьеры, биография и многое другое.

Калеб Мопин: Кровавые бойни — неотъемлемый результат вторжений США

На данной странице вы можете посмотреть без регистрации 3784 видео канала caleb maupin на котором 7 млн просмотров. Posts about Caleb Maupin written by orinocotribune and Orinoco Tribune 2. «Потенциальные риски высоки, и некоторые делегаты могут воздержаться от участия», — написал Калеб Мопин. По мнению Мопина, отношения между Россией и Соединенными Штатами овладела враждебность, и источником этой ситуации являются американские руководители.

Люди высказались против оккупации Кыргбекистана российскими войсками

  • Глава делегации США на ВФМ заявил о поддержке защиты населения Донбасса
  • Путин стал символом объединения России — наблюдатель из США | ИА Красная Весна
  • The Lessons To Be Learned From The Scandalous Claims Against Caleb Maupin
  • Килиан Мбаппе сегодня: последние новости, трансферы 2024 | Футбол 24
  • За призывы «убивать русских» американскому генералу платит Пентагон

Новый поворот: американские журналисты раскопали, кто такой Навальный

Новый поворот: американские журналисты раскопали, кто такой Навальный В фестивале принимает участие и делегация из Соединённых Штатов, которую возглавляет писатель, политолог и активист из Нью-Йорка Калеб Мопин.
Caleb Maupin On July 21, 2022 Caleb Maupin gave one of his most enlightening chats, one that provided the audience with all the explanations needed to understand the deeper roots of the historical crisis.

Калеб Мопин

Форменный абсурд». Критическое замечание Акцентируется, что наблюдатель из США прибыл в Россию с целью поприсутствовать на Всемирном фестивале молодежи. Указывается, что организатором фестиваля является Росмолодежь.

Партизаны пустили под откос грузовой состав в Киеве 25 апреля вечером товарный поезд сошел с рельс около узловой железнодорожной станции Киев-Волынский на юго-западе Киева. Во время движения грузовой поезд сошел с рельсов, люди не пострадали. Установлено, что авария случилась из-за установки на одну из рельс тормозного башмака», — сообщил «Стране» источник в правоохранительных органах.

Установлено, что авария случилась из-за установки на одну из рельс тормозного башмака», — сообщил «Стране» источник в правоохранительных органах. По его словам, сейчас решается вопрос об открытии уголовного дела по статье диверсия. Санкция статьи предусматривает от 10 до 15 лет лишения свободы.

Подписывайтесь и будьте в центре событий.

Все главные новости России и мира - в одном письме: подписывайтесь на нашу рассылку! Подписаться На почту выслано письмо с ссылкой. Перейдите по ней, чтобы завершить процедуру подписки. Закрыть Пятнадцать членов американской делегации прибудут в Россию 28 февраля для участия во Всемирном фестивале молодежи 2024 ВФМ в Сириусе.

Input & Broken Ft. Caleb Slade - Gods of Misfortune (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)

Это показывает, что враждебность исходит не со стороны России, а из Соединенных Штатов, от американских руководителей, которые намерены использовать НАТО и другие силы, чтобы вводить санкции, угрожать, ставить Россию в ситуацию, в которой она должна военными методами защищать себя и новые территории", - объяснил Мопин. Он отметил, что обычные россияне, как и российское правительство, хотят ладить с Америкой - равно как и в США большая часть населения выступает за хорошие отношения с Москвой вопреки агрессивной политике Белого дома.

Источник фото: Фото редакции Калеб Мопин подчеркнул, что США не желали проведения выборов в России и всеми силами пытались препятствовать им. Он отметил, что для американской стороны крайне важно сохранять неопределенность относительно широкой поддержки, наследуемой президентом России.

Рядовые американцы не верят правительству и хотят мира с РФ Рядовые американцы не верят правительству и хотят мира с РФ 08. Аналитик ссылается на результаты соцопросов, согласно которым рядовые граждане спокойно сообщают о том, что противостояние между Вашингтоном и Москвой создано искусственным путём и напрямую связано с интересами газовых и нефтяных корпораций, целью которых является вытеснение России с мирового рынка ресурсов.

Thats the same ideology that brought the African slaves here to begin with, so the alt-right puts themselves in a corner with that one… I know, you can go back and forth all day by saying so and so commie was mean too, blah blah blah.

Most of the time, in almost all cases the mean commies were fighting off foreign or foreign backed rich assholes who were already killing and stealing from their people. I think both sides have winning views, but with the alt-right the racial supremacy and glorifying Hitler is a losing argument to make with most of society. The left guys lose with the tranny and open border stuff, hard to win by glorifying Stalin as well. Not that Hitler and Stalin are guilty of all the things they are accused of, but most of society is just so brainwashed by propaganda that its an automatic turn off.

That Brenton dude knows nothing about Marx and his views on an armed working class shows how little he knows. Bolivia should have done the same.

Caleb Maupin on Trotskyism

Драка или политика: что стоит за обвинением Панарина в избиении девушки :: Хоккей :: РБК Спорт Caleb Maupin is a radical journalist and political analyst who lives in New York City.
Кошмар на выборах в США дискредитирует антироссийскую риторику В этом смысле нас не остановить», — рассказал председатель Национального подготовительного совета США Калеб Мопин.
Килиан Мбаппе - новости Владелец сайта предпочёл скрыть описание страницы.
Килиан Мбаппе On July 21, 2022 Caleb Maupin gave one of his most enlightening chats, one that provided the audience with all the explanations needed to understand the deeper roots of the historical crisis.

Глава делегации США на ВФМ заявил о поддержке защиты населения Донбасса

новости. Kylian Mbappe Lottin. Игры. by Caleb Maupin The truly rich people – the ones who really run the capitalist world – are not the household names, or “the Illuminati, the Freemasons, or some secret society.”. отметил председатель Национального подготовительного совета из США Калеб Мопин. Основателем организации был корреспондент RT Калеб Мопин. Его обвинили в насилии и сексуальных домогательствах несколькими своими подчиненными. Новости RT на русском. Журналист и политический аналитик Калеб Мопин считает, что большинство американцев не доверяют правительству, которое явно нагнетает конфронтацию с Российской Федерацией.

Глава делегации США на ВФМ рассказал о желании американцев заключить мир с Россией

У нас об этом мало пишут, но тем не менее такое практикуется. Для демократов, по всей видимости, судебные и полицейские преследования, использование репрессивного аппарата остаются пока одними из самых главных средств давления на избирателей, — считает эксперт. На что готовы пойти западные страны ради давления на Россию Всемирный фестиваль молодежи пройдет с 1 по 7 марта 2024 года на федеральной территории «Сириус». В мероприятии примут участие 20 тыс. Половина из них — из-за рубежа. На ВФМ-2024 запланированы мастер-классы, тематические дискуссии, спортивные мероприятия, выступления творческих коллективов, концерты и ток-шоу с известными артистами. Депутат Европарламента от Чехии Иван Давид — о провале санкций, финансировании Украины и скепсисе по поводу фигуры Зеленского Политизировать масштабный молодежный фестиваль в России пытаются и в других странах, в той или иной степени поддерживающих партнерские отношения с Соединенными Штатами. В частности, в нем собирается принять участие делегация из Грузии в составе 40 человек, включая экс-депутата парламента и бывшего кандидата в мэры Тбилиси Дмитрия Лорткипанидзе.

При этом грузинская оппозиция заявила, что участие рассматривается как проявление усиления пророссийских сил в стране и попытка вернуть Грузию на политическую и культурную орбиту России. Вице-спикер парламента от правящей партии «Грузинская мечта» Арчил Талаквадзе также отверг возможность участия действующих властей в ВФМ, заявив, что это действие против территориальной целостности страны. С февраля 2024 года в Латвии действует запрет на участие в соревнованиях с российскими и белорусскими атлетами даже при условии их выступления в нейтральном статусе.

Однако встреча оказалась исключительно радушной, подчеркнул представитель США. Это показывает, что враждебность исходит не со стороны России, а из Соединенных Штатов, от американских руководителей, которые намерены использовать НАТО и другие силы, чтобы вводить санкции, угрожать, ставить Россию в ситуацию, в которой она должна военными методами защищать себя и новые территории", - объяснил Мопин.

My second concern is the fact that Caleb has made it clear that he has the intentions to direct his members in a cultish manner. Many people know that he enjoys reading about cults and he will even discuss the history of cults over live-streams, etc.

However, observing his direction of CPI has made it obvious he wants to implement some of the tactics he has read about. I was selected as a facilitator for his June CPI retreat, and noticed multiple instances of these bizarre tactics at the facilitator training. Caleb also requested that retreat facilitators approach attendees in the morning and ask them about their dreams from the night before. He also explained that attendees should be separated from those whom they arrived with, in order for them to make friends with others. Thirdly, facilitators were made to practice group chanting during the facilitator training period. This included multiple minutes of chanting different political slogans and phrases. Maupin explicitly said this activity was meant to break the taboo around group chanting.

Group chanting was used often throughout the entire retreat, usually with some sort of cue that prompted facilitators to begin the chant. It was clear that some of the attendees were put-off and made uncomfortable by this. This consisted of prolonged clapping when he entered the room, him giving out handshakes and hugs, and extended chanting. This rehearsal was repeated three times. It is one thing to want to foster an uplifting, positive environment, it is another thing to use cultish tactics and mechanically rehearse certain behavioral cues in order to manipulate people. I have met a number of excellent, genuine individuals through my work with CPI who I am so glad to call friends. All of us were brought together because of an interest in building a strong and compassionate political community; the ambitions of one self-interested person should not supersede the political goals of all of us.

I had considered Caleb Maupin to be a close comrade since the year 2014 I was 19 years old at the time. For the past 8 years I had consistently defended him and promoted him. He was eventually pushed out of WWP in late 2015. He would go on to form Students and Youth for a New America in 2016. She contributed a tremendous amount to SYNA. I considered her to be a very committed comrade. She brought so many of her friends to SYNA events to introduce them to our politics and to try to get them involved in organizing with the group.

One of the best actions I think that CPI did during this period was leafleting and doing outreach at a Bernie Sanders rally in early 2019. Me, Member 1, Member 2, D. We gave out information about the truth about Venezuela as at that time in 2019 there was an ongoing coup attempt by the US against Venezuela, and we were there to try to give Bernie Sanders supporters an anti-imperialist message and try to push them in a more anti-imperialist direction. A few months later, in May 2019, Member 1 posted screenshots of a confusing exchange where Caleb was picking a fight with her for some reason that was not clear. In the exchange she was clearly asking him to stop, but he continued to pick a fight with her. I had a suspicion that there was something more to the conversation, but I did not want to pry. Member 1 was pushed out of the group following this incident.

Caleb claimed that Member 1 was an alcoholic in an attempt to discredit her. At the time I gave Caleb the benefit of the doubt, I had known him for five years and I figured that he would be honest about the situation. Since getting back in contact with her I have gone over the messages exchanged between her and Caleb during that final argument, as well as when she made clear that she had no interest in doing anything sexual with him, and previous messages where he would talk about his particular sexual interest. Half of the money would go to the John Brown Volunteers members to survive off of, and the other half would go to CPI, or in other words, it would go to Caleb Maupin. The JBVs would spend hours doing this outreach, and as you can imagine, they would bring in very little money, and only half of it would go to them to live off of. I knew that they were not living in good conditions at the time, but I only found out later just how bad their living conditions were. I later found out that Member 2 asked Caleb if the JBVs could just get normal jobs instead of selling buttons to make money to survive off of, they would make more money.

Caleb rejected this idea, which indicates that the idea of selling buttons was not just an ineffective and foolish idea considering that trying to sell random people on the street buttons was not bringing much money , but a calculated plan to keep the JBVs in an impoverished situation so that they would stay reliant on him. This is a clearly abusive cult tactic. I was not yet aware that Member 2 had suggested that the JBVs get regular jobs where they would be making much more money. I was all the more disturbed to find out later that Caleb Maupin was fully aware of this and that Member 2 was using that money to feed themself and the other JBVs. I was even more disgusted to find out that in December of 2021 Caleb had approached Member 2, someone he knew was in a very economically vulnerable situation, and requested that Member 2 do sexual favors for him for money. In case Caleb tries to argue that Member 2 was not part of CPI at the time, I have a screenshot of him from late December where I asked him if Member 2 was still part of the group. There you can clearly see he believes Member 2 was still part of the group.

This was the first time Caleb had mentioned any of this sexual stuff to me and I believe he said it because he had lost track of what he told to whom over the years. To me this was the first major sign that there was something very troubling going on behind the scenes. As you can see in my next texts, I tried to cover my ears and look away. I tried my best to give him the benefit of the doubt. Caleb would say things to the effect that Member 2 was a drug addict and that they could not be part of CPI anymore. This story did not sit right with me, because it took place in September 2021, and he was talking about it to me and others in June 2022. It was the first time I had heard about it, and it was very suspicious because if it had indeed been true I would have almost certainly heard about it shortly after it happened.

It appeared to me to be a way of Caleb further discrediting Member 2. What this meant was that Caleb was lying to me to try to preemptively discredit Member 2 in case they ever came forward about what happened. Regarding the cult aspect of CPI, Caleb has made it very clear that he has studied cults in depth. He often will talk about this cult or that cult during his YouTube livestreams. When Caleb started using the same tactics which he had talked about during his YouTube live streams as cult tactics from cults he had studied I became even more concerned. During the facilitator training Caleb insisted that we do certain things with guests that were very cultish. Caleb also suggested that we ask guests in the morning if they had any dreams.

Caleb also insisted that we facilitators should practice doing chants which we would lead throughout the retreat. There is nothing wrong with chants in and of themselves, chanting is common practice at a rally or protest, but the way that these chants were done was very bizarre. People noticed that the chants would drag on to a point where it would feel uncomfortable. Caleb has talked in his YouTube livestreams about how cults use chants to get people into a psychological state where they are not thinking rationally. Caleb Maupin also insisted on having a grand entrance for the opening of the conference. He insisted that everyone should be waiting around for the event to start and that there should be classical music playing in the background. Then he would arrive and the chanting would begin and he would go around hugging everyone.

He said he wanted the atmosphere to be very calm before he arrived and then when he made his entrance he wanted it to jolt everyone. Caleb made us practice his grand entrance 3 times. I had also noticed Caleb Maupin trying to do more and more bizarre psychoanalysis of people ranging from political figures, to people he claimed were his friends and comrades. He would come to conclusions about strange alleged secret motives that people had which often either betrayed issues that he himself has or was done to try and make members distrust each other. After learning what people I consider to be comrades were put through by Caleb I could not do anything other than support them. From my perspective, the most important thing is that the people he has taken advantage of and abused have their justice, for Caleb to be unable to ever repeat these acts against anyone ever again, and for Caleb to genuinely get the help he needs in resolving whatever deeper issues caused this behavior on his part.

Всемирный фестиваль молодежи проходит с 1 по 7 марта на федеральной территории Сириус. Организатором фестиваля выступает Росмолодежь.

Путин стал символом объединения России — наблюдатель из США

Калеб Мопин, являющийся главой делегации Соединённых Штатов Америки, на Всемирном фестивале молодёжи высказался о том. В Мадриде примут «закон Мбаппе», позволяющий не платить региональный налог — СМИ Тройной форсаж. Кто станет лучшим футболистом мира в 2024 году? Журналист и политический аналитик Калеб Мопин считает, что большинство американцев не доверяют правительству, которое явно нагнетает конфронтацию с Российской Федерацией.

Глава делегации США на ВФМ: вражда в отношениях с Москвой идёт из Вашингтона

  • The Lessons To Be Learned From The Scandalous Claims Against Caleb Maupin
  • Глава делегации США рассказал о враждебном отношении Вашингтона к Москве
  • Правила комментирования
  • Еще более полный перевод статьи т.Калеб Мопин: juche_songun — LiveJournal

Глава делегации США обвинил американских лидеров в источнике вражды в отношениях с Россией

Американскому гражданину нельзя запретить въезд в родную страну, объяснил Мопин. Но власти стараются показать, что не одобряют такие поездки.

И вражда в отношениях наших стран исходит именно от политиков из Вашингтона. Всемирный фестиваль молодежи проходит 1-7 марта 2024 года на федеральной территории «Сириус». В форуме принимает участие до 20 тысяч человек, но желающих поучаствовать было гораздо больше — до 300 тысяч из почти 190 стран мира. Об открытии мероприятия объявил президент России Владимир Путин. Первый заместитель руководителя администрации президента России Сергей Кириенко сравнил Всемирный фестиваль молодежи с «борьбой за будущее» : «те, кто пытался не дать его провести, те, кто пытался ограничить коммуникацию России с миром, просто многие участники говорят, что им или пытались запрещать сюда приехать, или пугали тем, что в «страшной России» их будут встречать очень негостеприимно.

Сейчас видно по глазам ребят, что у них другое понимание, что такое Россия», — отметил Кириенко. Подтверждением этих слов стало заявление Калеба Мопина, который отметил, что теплый прием американской делегации на Всемирном фестивале молодежи показывает: враждебность в отношениях России и США исходит от американского руководства, а не с российской стороны: Калеб Мопин. Калеб Мопин.

Equality of all free citizens is loudly proclaimed, but in practice, the poor —the wage earners—enjoy few freedoms, while the rich work almost unopposed to constantly deepen inequality and their considerable class advantage. Universal suffrage where it exists promises the voters that the majority will see its interests reflected in the agenda of the new political leaders, but in reality, elections are usually rigged from the start, and the idea of citizen sovereignty—artfully imprisoned in parties that despite all the noise and posturing represent only one class interest, the capitalist—is just another self-delusion. In such a situation oligarchic power—with all its vices—flourishes. While largely ignored to this day, at least in the US, Marx and Engels figured this out almost 200 years ago. The capitalist disease, with all its seeming intractability and consequent suffering, is known to be curable. And the cure—the only cure— is socialism. It scarcely needs to be said that the computer revolution has greatly aggravated this crisis in all its possible dimensions, making bourgeois rule all the more fragile.

But, warns Caleb, war, even world wars, mass destruction, may be necessitated by capitalism to recuperate its precarious stability. The Second World War is, of course, the most recent example of this terrible phenomenon, as the stagnant US economy did not emerge from the Great Depression until new markets cropped up in all nations devastated by the conflict.

Наблюдатель выразил сомнения относительно возможных изменений в отношениях между Россией и США после президентских выборов в России.

По его мнению, американская сторона не стремилась к проведению честных выборов, так как не желала раскрывать реальный уровень популярности российского президента. С самого начала выборов США пытались дискредитировать процесс голосования в России.

Люди высказались против оккупации Кыргбекистана российскими войсками

  • Журналист из США: американцы не верят правительству и хотят мира с РФ
  • Я патриот: участник фестиваля молодежи из США о критике власти и мире с Россией
  • В печатном номере
  • В печатном номере
  • Тexнoлoгия

Новый поворот: американские журналисты раскопали, кто такой Навальный

Therefore, people will notice we were all wearing the same ring everywhere. I eventually stopped wearing it because I felt disgusted with everything this represented: a manipulation tactic Caleb used to make each of us think we were individually special to him and that he trusted each of us the most. Caleb also gave one to another member who I was very close to, Lily. This trick of playing members off each other was not limited to Joey and me. Lily has also experienced and admitted to this being a reality.

Very much unfamiliar with daily life in cities the size of Jersey City and New York, I put my car in the parking garage several blocks from our motel. Fortunately for Caleb, my mother was willing to cosign on a dealer loan for another car, with the understanding that if this car was being used to transport members from New York City to Texas, Maupin would make the car insurance payments every month. Caleb readily agreed to this, excited to send us to San Angelo. Around the time of New Years 2022 Caleb sent me a screenshot of an argument he was having with his wife.

In it you can see him mention that he plans to make enough money off of CPI that he can quit his job at RT. After driving this car from New York to Texas, Texas to Chicago, Chicago to Kansas, and countless trips from the retreat center to the airport an hour away, the car gave out. On the last day of the retreat, as everyone was preparing to go home, the transmission gave out, leaving me stranded in Kansas. Caleb also spoke to me about what he was doing sexually with Member 2.

He also made some very lewd comments about Member 2 to me, including through text. After the retreat, Caleb asked me to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Caleb said he would give me the rest of the money he owed me for allowing CPI to use my vehicle if I signed it, which he owed me prior to the creation of the NDA. I restated that the money he owed me was accrued before the idea of this NDA was ever created.

I was strongly inspired by the words of Caleb Maupin, and motivated to get out of the movement and into the masses. There I discovered Caleb was putting together an outreach team in NYC and he invited anyone to talk to him who were interested in joining. I talked to Caleb and he told me to come out to NYC and he would have a place ready for me. At this point I sold a majority of my possessions and used that money to pay for hotel rooms.

After the end of the week I was almost out of money so I was forced to sell my car to pay for the hotel room in Jersey City. I used that money to pay for a room. At the end of the week Keaten Mansfield came to Jersey City, which Caleb felt was worth paying for a hotel room for both of us. During our time at the motel room, I used my food stamps to pay for food for me and Keaten.

Later another individual joined us and my food stamps had to pay for that person as well. Caleb often told us that we had to struggle to achieve Socialism. So my bad diet connected to our limited budget ultimately led to my sugar spiking which fed the MRSA, and caused a MRSA infection which I had to go to the hospital for. Caleb promised to take care of our food, our housing, and any other material needs that we had.

Alas Caleb failed to provide even the most basic resources to help us survive, and insisted we use our canvassing contributions to cover everything. However, canvassing is very slow and tedious work, and it never brought in enough income to sustain us all. I often had to dig through garbage put out by grocery stores just so we could eat. We would ignore these problems, or even sometimes have fights with each other.

Member 3 often would get in conflicts with me and Keaten about how Caleb should be helping us more and we would defend Caleb and his treatment of us. We would say to Member 3 that we had to tolerate the mistreatment because it was for the good of the organization. Later when we went to Texas I came up with the idea of the branch of the CPI I called Bridges to Labor with the goal of building socialist reading groups within work places. Upon Caleb learning of this project he would have private conversations with Keaten Mansfield telling him that I was trying to steal his spotlight, that I was jealous of Keaten as a way to manipulate Keaten to be against me.

After an argument with Keaten that got me kicked out of the John Brown Volunteers Caleb offered to pay for a ticket home back to Pennsylvania. He never offered to pay me back for my possessions I sold for the organization, including my car. He never offered to provide any type of housing until I could get myself on my feet. I ultimately, since getting kicked out of the organization, have been living in an abandoned house to survive, forced into e-begging on the internet to sustain myself while in-between jobs.

This has affected my public image, and thus has affected my ability to make content and organize in the future. Further, Caleb has broken his promises to take care of those who join his organization. I am incredibly disappointed because quite frankly Caleb is the whole reason I am a communist. It pains me to admit that the man I was willing to follow to the end of the earth has mistreated me and many other Comrades.

Caleb has duped me, he has duped many, and he is an endangerment to many within these circles. I am disappointed on who Caleb has revealed himself to be, not a Revolutionary but a grifter trying to build a cult. I was 18 years old and had enrolled to begin college in Manhattan just a month later. Caleb said he wanted to speak with me once I moved to Manhattan for school, he had an idea for a new political project.

This is how our relationship began and the seeds were planted. When I first moved to Manhattan I hardly knew anybody, Caleb had my undivided attention and confided in me multiple times that I was one of the few people who understood him, he saw such potential in me, etc. Fast forward to 2020, our relationship took a turn for the worst. His efforts to get me to isolate myself from my family and friends would intensify when I would come to him when I was experiencing pits in my mental health and was more vulnerable.

There were times when I was crying to him about how unhappy I was generally in life not even bringing up my family or my personal relationships and his advice was to move into some hotel in NJ with other people I hardly knew within the next few days. He wanted me to disappear in the eyes of my friends and family and job to join the John Brown Volunteers. It was at this point that I realized that this was also a point that he would bring up any time I went home for holidays or long weekends; whenever I was outside his sphere of influence or control. Whenever I would express that there were people in my life I did not intend to drop, he would be visibly upset with this and continue to urge me to do so.

I thought this was bizarre, but I figured it was just a friend being over-zealous in trying to convince me to do things they were convinced would make me happier. This day was over 12 hours of driving on my part with 0 compensation besides gas, despite my suggestions to make the trip easier on me. Once I got to the conference site a day or two early to set up and train to be a moderator, I realized once again how nefarious a lot of the tactics and methods Caleb was pushing were. The trip would be around a week long.

At first I was interested and excited about the prospect of going to Nicaragua, but I soon found out that it would be logistically impossible. Caleb did not understand this and argued with me about it for days. Caleb explained that they had raised the money for my ticket. When I was offered a trip to Venezuela through my own contacts there shortly after the Nicaragua debacle, I took it.

Caleb was furious with me. We eventually agreed to stop arguing and came to a rough understanding, but it was clear our relationship was on a greater decline than before. This discussion with him was in December 2021. This was the last time we had a substantive conversation besides small talk.

When I found out that some of the exact same lines that Caleb heaped upon me had also been said to other CPI members, the dots started to connect. They are almost always younger, from 16—20, have little experience in the political realm and crave guidance.

This was the last time we had a substantive conversation besides small talk. When I found out that some of the exact same lines that Caleb heaped upon me had also been said to other CPI members, the dots started to connect. They are almost always younger, from 16—20, have little experience in the political realm and crave guidance. These traits also make somebody the perfect candidate for grooming or cult manipulation.

Caleb made me feel like his star pupil or something to that effect when I was manipulatable and also providing large amounts of exposure and clout for himself and his organization also himself. Once I made it clear that I was not just a manipulatable pawn of his, I was dropped gradually from his interest. I believe that there are people currently in CPI who are in the same position that I was when I was 18 or 19, I hope they are able to understand the danger of this situation before they too outlive their usefulness for Caleb. I will be focusing on one personal conversation as well as a general overview of his recent political retreat in June. A conversation that struck me as strange, in March 2022, seems to have deeper significance given the information brought to light by other members. It felt out of place.

I said I think spanking children is an immoral thing to do. This lines up with the information brought up by Member 1. Given the fact that he has admitted to subtly hinting at his sexual fetish, or outright asking women their thoughts on it, it seems to me that this was his way of testing my reaction. While my particular experience here benign, it seems to fit a pattern of Caleb bringing up the topic of spanking with people who are unaware of his sexual proclivities related to it. If I had not made it clear I was against that sort of punishment, Caleb may have used that conversation to later open up about his sexual fetish with me as he has with others. My second concern is the fact that Caleb has made it clear that he has the intentions to direct his members in a cultish manner.

Many people know that he enjoys reading about cults and he will even discuss the history of cults over live-streams, etc. However, observing his direction of CPI has made it obvious he wants to implement some of the tactics he has read about. I was selected as a facilitator for his June CPI retreat, and noticed multiple instances of these bizarre tactics at the facilitator training. Caleb also requested that retreat facilitators approach attendees in the morning and ask them about their dreams from the night before. He also explained that attendees should be separated from those whom they arrived with, in order for them to make friends with others. Thirdly, facilitators were made to practice group chanting during the facilitator training period.

This included multiple minutes of chanting different political slogans and phrases. Maupin explicitly said this activity was meant to break the taboo around group chanting. Group chanting was used often throughout the entire retreat, usually with some sort of cue that prompted facilitators to begin the chant. It was clear that some of the attendees were put-off and made uncomfortable by this. This consisted of prolonged clapping when he entered the room, him giving out handshakes and hugs, and extended chanting. This rehearsal was repeated three times.

It is one thing to want to foster an uplifting, positive environment, it is another thing to use cultish tactics and mechanically rehearse certain behavioral cues in order to manipulate people. I have met a number of excellent, genuine individuals through my work with CPI who I am so glad to call friends. All of us were brought together because of an interest in building a strong and compassionate political community; the ambitions of one self-interested person should not supersede the political goals of all of us. I had considered Caleb Maupin to be a close comrade since the year 2014 I was 19 years old at the time. For the past 8 years I had consistently defended him and promoted him. He was eventually pushed out of WWP in late 2015.

He would go on to form Students and Youth for a New America in 2016. She contributed a tremendous amount to SYNA. I considered her to be a very committed comrade. She brought so many of her friends to SYNA events to introduce them to our politics and to try to get them involved in organizing with the group. One of the best actions I think that CPI did during this period was leafleting and doing outreach at a Bernie Sanders rally in early 2019. Me, Member 1, Member 2, D.

We gave out information about the truth about Venezuela as at that time in 2019 there was an ongoing coup attempt by the US against Venezuela, and we were there to try to give Bernie Sanders supporters an anti-imperialist message and try to push them in a more anti-imperialist direction. A few months later, in May 2019, Member 1 posted screenshots of a confusing exchange where Caleb was picking a fight with her for some reason that was not clear. In the exchange she was clearly asking him to stop, but he continued to pick a fight with her. I had a suspicion that there was something more to the conversation, but I did not want to pry. Member 1 was pushed out of the group following this incident. Caleb claimed that Member 1 was an alcoholic in an attempt to discredit her.

At the time I gave Caleb the benefit of the doubt, I had known him for five years and I figured that he would be honest about the situation. Since getting back in contact with her I have gone over the messages exchanged between her and Caleb during that final argument, as well as when she made clear that she had no interest in doing anything sexual with him, and previous messages where he would talk about his particular sexual interest. Half of the money would go to the John Brown Volunteers members to survive off of, and the other half would go to CPI, or in other words, it would go to Caleb Maupin. The JBVs would spend hours doing this outreach, and as you can imagine, they would bring in very little money, and only half of it would go to them to live off of. I knew that they were not living in good conditions at the time, but I only found out later just how bad their living conditions were. I later found out that Member 2 asked Caleb if the JBVs could just get normal jobs instead of selling buttons to make money to survive off of, they would make more money.

Caleb rejected this idea, which indicates that the idea of selling buttons was not just an ineffective and foolish idea considering that trying to sell random people on the street buttons was not bringing much money , but a calculated plan to keep the JBVs in an impoverished situation so that they would stay reliant on him. This is a clearly abusive cult tactic. I was not yet aware that Member 2 had suggested that the JBVs get regular jobs where they would be making much more money. I was all the more disturbed to find out later that Caleb Maupin was fully aware of this and that Member 2 was using that money to feed themself and the other JBVs. I was even more disgusted to find out that in December of 2021 Caleb had approached Member 2, someone he knew was in a very economically vulnerable situation, and requested that Member 2 do sexual favors for him for money. In case Caleb tries to argue that Member 2 was not part of CPI at the time, I have a screenshot of him from late December where I asked him if Member 2 was still part of the group.

There you can clearly see he believes Member 2 was still part of the group. This was the first time Caleb had mentioned any of this sexual stuff to me and I believe he said it because he had lost track of what he told to whom over the years. To me this was the first major sign that there was something very troubling going on behind the scenes. As you can see in my next texts, I tried to cover my ears and look away. I tried my best to give him the benefit of the doubt. Caleb would say things to the effect that Member 2 was a drug addict and that they could not be part of CPI anymore.

This story did not sit right with me, because it took place in September 2021, and he was talking about it to me and others in June 2022. It was the first time I had heard about it, and it was very suspicious because if it had indeed been true I would have almost certainly heard about it shortly after it happened. It appeared to me to be a way of Caleb further discrediting Member 2. What this meant was that Caleb was lying to me to try to preemptively discredit Member 2 in case they ever came forward about what happened. Regarding the cult aspect of CPI, Caleb has made it very clear that he has studied cults in depth. He often will talk about this cult or that cult during his YouTube livestreams.

When Caleb started using the same tactics which he had talked about during his YouTube live streams as cult tactics from cults he had studied I became even more concerned.

Также Соединённые Штаты Америки не хотят заниматься защитой «разваливающегося империалистического порядка», а имеют желание следовать инициативе "Один пояс - один путь". Калеб Мопин придерживается мнения, согласно которому, если бы произошёл процесс по закреплению экономики, в основе которой заложены промышленность и рост, это в свою очередь поспособствовало бы процессу сближения Соединённых Штатов Америки и Российской Федерации.

As the CPI was registered as a business with Maupin as the sole owner, [3] he was able to overturn the dissolution. Members were supposed to provide for themselves during that time and pay for the hotel room themselves, while Maupin was living in his own home and had his own job.

One of the members, identified only as Member 2, explained how Maupin essentially made her lose her job by requiring she give more and more time to the John Brown Volunteers the precursor to the CPI , which led to her being fired. He seemingly achieved this because Member 2 was, at the time, in a vulnerable situation and had done such work in the past. By admonishing her when she wanted to get a new job outside of the CPI, Maupin eventually left her no choice but to return to prostitution.

Глава делегации США на ВФМ высказался в защиту населения Донбасса

Последние новости о персоне Калеб Мопин новости личной жизни, карьеры, биография и многое другое. На данной странице вы можете посмотреть без регистрации 3784 видео канала caleb maupin на котором 7 млн просмотров. Caleb Maupin, 40, is a political analyst and writer who appears from time to time on RT and PressTV. Глава делегации США на Всемирном фестивале молодежи Калеб Мопин зяввил о том, что санкции, осложняющие поездки в Россию, являются форменным абсурдом.

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