Калеб Мопин-политический аналитик и активист, базирующийся в Нью-Йорке. Он изучал политологию в колледже Болдуин-Уоллес и был вдохновлен и вовлечен в движение Оккупируй.
Caleb Maupin on Revolutionary Blackout Anti-Imperialist Summit – April 30th, 2022
Жители США не верят своему правительству и хотят мира с Россией, считает журналист и политический аналитик Калеб Мопин. Об этом сообщает РИА новости. По словам Калеба Тодда Мопина, "российское правительство делает максимальным участие населения", отметив, что возможность голосовать есть у заключенных, у людей, которые. По словам Калеба Тодда Мопина, "российское правительство делает максимальным участие населения", отметив, что возможность голосовать есть у заключенных, у людей, которые. Журналист RT Калеб Мопин провел эксперимент, опросив жителей Нью-Йорка относительно «российской агрессии» в отношении выдуманного государства Кыргбекистан. Американское издание The Greanville Post опубликовало материал, автор которого — Калеб Мопин выразил мнение, что электоральный кошмар в США дискредитирует антироссийскую.
Caleb Maupin on Trotskyism
Калеб Мопин, США: Пандемия усиливает раскол среди американской элиты: alexandr_palkin — LiveJournal | Caleb Maupin is a LaRouchite patriotic socialist cult founder from the USA who came to national and even international prominence in August 2022 after accusations. |
Перед зданием суда в Нью-Йорке собралась толпа в связи с делом Трампа | «Потенциальные риски высоки, и некоторые делегаты могут воздержаться от участия», — написал Калеб Мопин. |
Caleb Maupin - ProleWiki | Калеб Мопин (Caleb Maupin). Алексей Навальный только что бросил дерзкий вызов российскому правительству — как он часто это делает, — объявив, что он планирует подать в суд на. |
ВСУ нанесли ракетный удар по промзоне Луганска - Марочко | новости. Kylian Mbappe Lottin. Игры. |
Глава делегации США обвинил американских лидеров в источнике вражды в отношениях с Россией | Читайте свежие новости, все новости о Килиан Мбаппе, актуальная информация. |
Калеб Мопин
По его словам, делегаты из США на фестивале считают себя представителями большинства американского народа, желающего мира с Россией вопреки агрессивной политике Белого дома. Радушный прием гостей из Штатов на Всемирном фестивале молодежи, добавил он, - доказательство, что враждебность в отношениях РФ-США исходит из Вашингтона. Чувствую очень глубокую духовную связь с американским народом", - сказал Мопин.
Глава делегации США обвинил американских лидеров в источнике вражды в отношениях с Россией Глава делегации США рассказал о вражде в отношениях из-за Вашингтона Источник фото: Фото редакции Глава делегации США обвинил американских лидеров в источнике вражды в отношениях с Россией 08:09 05.
Теплый прием, оказанный американской делегации на Всемирном фестивале молодежи в Сириусе, стал поводом для заявлений главы делегации США, Калеба Мопина По мнению Мопина, отношения между Россией и Соединенными Штатами овладела враждебность, и источником этой ситуации являются американские руководители. Парадоксально, что несмотря на напряженные моменты между странами, россияне встретили гостей из США с радушием и теплотой.
Функционирует при финансовой поддержке Министерства цифрового развития, связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации Регион 140411 Новый поворот: американские журналисты раскопали, кто такой Навальный Любитель выпить за холокост, приверженец расстрела властей, агрессор и настоящий волк в овечьей шкуре — западные СМИ начали читать высказывания Навального в Интернете и, мягко говоря, были шокированы. Поводом пристального интереса к Алексею Навальному послужило присуждение ему премии мужества Женевского форума по правам человека и демократии, вручение которой состоится в июне этого года. Этому предшествовало и решение международной организации Amnesty International AI , которая лишила Навального статуса "узника совести". В юридическом и политическом департаменте AI объяснили это высказываниями оппозиционера, которые датируются серединой 2000-х годов. Тогда в организации присвоили его идеям уровень hate speech, поскольку ранее Навальный выступал "за насилие и дискриминацию и на данный момент так и не отказался от подобных заявлений".
Большинство американцев скажет — нет. Должны быть минимальные доказательства того, что человек осознал: ксенофобия ведёт к разрушению общества, сталкиванию его в огонь гражданского противостояния и беззакония. Если это верно для Америки, должно быть верно и для любой другой страны, — так начинается статья Калеба Мопина. Череда скандалов не оставила равнодушными мыслящих людей на Западе, и автор заметки поставил вопрос: на каком основании человек, не отрёкшийся от националистических идей, превозносится западным истеблишментом. Он решил более подробно разобрать взгляды русского оппозиционера и привёл несколько примеров. В том же году он назвал евреев "чуваками в лисьих шапках, лапсердаках, пейсах и всех остальных прибамбасах", а арабов — чумазиками. Четыре года спустя в израильской газете Jerusalem Post появилось сообщение , что на некой вечеринке в редакции The New Times российский оппозиционер произнёс рифмованный слоган "Первый тост за холокост!
Claiming to be "the true revolutionaries", constantly denouncing the mainstream Communist Party, the Trots were and remain middle-class intellectuals with a passion for politics. Poised perennially against all the existing socialist countries, starting with the Soviet Union, etc. Their negative obsession with Stalin remains their most salient and curious trait, to most outside observers. He has traveled extensively in the Middle East and in Latin America.
Глава делегации США подвел свои итоги Всемирного фестиваля молодежи
«Килиан Мбаппе» сегодня: состав, прогнозы, трансферы, слухи, где сейчас. Калеб Мопин, полный перевод--(перевод не полный ранее был тут) Новые санкции в отношении Северной Кореи – это акт войны по любым меркам Международное право запрещает. новости. Kylian Mbappe Lottin. Игры. Caleb Maupin is a journalist and political analyst who appears frequently on RT and PressTV. На данной странице вы можете посмотреть без регистрации 3784 видео канала caleb maupin на котором 7 млн просмотров. Caleb Maupin is a journalist and political analyst who appears frequently on RT and PressTV.
Американцев возмутило вторжение России в Кыргбекистан
Lily has also experienced and admitted to this being a reality. Very much unfamiliar with daily life in cities the size of Jersey City and New York, I put my car in the parking garage several blocks from our motel. Fortunately for Caleb, my mother was willing to cosign on a dealer loan for another car, with the understanding that if this car was being used to transport members from New York City to Texas, Maupin would make the car insurance payments every month. Caleb readily agreed to this, excited to send us to San Angelo. Around the time of New Years 2022 Caleb sent me a screenshot of an argument he was having with his wife. In it you can see him mention that he plans to make enough money off of CPI that he can quit his job at RT.
After driving this car from New York to Texas, Texas to Chicago, Chicago to Kansas, and countless trips from the retreat center to the airport an hour away, the car gave out. On the last day of the retreat, as everyone was preparing to go home, the transmission gave out, leaving me stranded in Kansas. Caleb also spoke to me about what he was doing sexually with Member 2. He also made some very lewd comments about Member 2 to me, including through text. After the retreat, Caleb asked me to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Caleb said he would give me the rest of the money he owed me for allowing CPI to use my vehicle if I signed it, which he owed me prior to the creation of the NDA. I restated that the money he owed me was accrued before the idea of this NDA was ever created. I was strongly inspired by the words of Caleb Maupin, and motivated to get out of the movement and into the masses. There I discovered Caleb was putting together an outreach team in NYC and he invited anyone to talk to him who were interested in joining. I talked to Caleb and he told me to come out to NYC and he would have a place ready for me.
At this point I sold a majority of my possessions and used that money to pay for hotel rooms. After the end of the week I was almost out of money so I was forced to sell my car to pay for the hotel room in Jersey City. I used that money to pay for a room. At the end of the week Keaten Mansfield came to Jersey City, which Caleb felt was worth paying for a hotel room for both of us. During our time at the motel room, I used my food stamps to pay for food for me and Keaten.
Later another individual joined us and my food stamps had to pay for that person as well. Caleb often told us that we had to struggle to achieve Socialism. So my bad diet connected to our limited budget ultimately led to my sugar spiking which fed the MRSA, and caused a MRSA infection which I had to go to the hospital for. Caleb promised to take care of our food, our housing, and any other material needs that we had. Alas Caleb failed to provide even the most basic resources to help us survive, and insisted we use our canvassing contributions to cover everything.
However, canvassing is very slow and tedious work, and it never brought in enough income to sustain us all. I often had to dig through garbage put out by grocery stores just so we could eat. We would ignore these problems, or even sometimes have fights with each other. Member 3 often would get in conflicts with me and Keaten about how Caleb should be helping us more and we would defend Caleb and his treatment of us. We would say to Member 3 that we had to tolerate the mistreatment because it was for the good of the organization.
Later when we went to Texas I came up with the idea of the branch of the CPI I called Bridges to Labor with the goal of building socialist reading groups within work places. Upon Caleb learning of this project he would have private conversations with Keaten Mansfield telling him that I was trying to steal his spotlight, that I was jealous of Keaten as a way to manipulate Keaten to be against me. After an argument with Keaten that got me kicked out of the John Brown Volunteers Caleb offered to pay for a ticket home back to Pennsylvania. He never offered to pay me back for my possessions I sold for the organization, including my car. He never offered to provide any type of housing until I could get myself on my feet.
I ultimately, since getting kicked out of the organization, have been living in an abandoned house to survive, forced into e-begging on the internet to sustain myself while in-between jobs. This has affected my public image, and thus has affected my ability to make content and organize in the future. Further, Caleb has broken his promises to take care of those who join his organization. I am incredibly disappointed because quite frankly Caleb is the whole reason I am a communist. It pains me to admit that the man I was willing to follow to the end of the earth has mistreated me and many other Comrades.
Caleb has duped me, he has duped many, and he is an endangerment to many within these circles. I am disappointed on who Caleb has revealed himself to be, not a Revolutionary but a grifter trying to build a cult. I was 18 years old and had enrolled to begin college in Manhattan just a month later. Caleb said he wanted to speak with me once I moved to Manhattan for school, he had an idea for a new political project. This is how our relationship began and the seeds were planted.
When I first moved to Manhattan I hardly knew anybody, Caleb had my undivided attention and confided in me multiple times that I was one of the few people who understood him, he saw such potential in me, etc. Fast forward to 2020, our relationship took a turn for the worst. His efforts to get me to isolate myself from my family and friends would intensify when I would come to him when I was experiencing pits in my mental health and was more vulnerable. There were times when I was crying to him about how unhappy I was generally in life not even bringing up my family or my personal relationships and his advice was to move into some hotel in NJ with other people I hardly knew within the next few days. He wanted me to disappear in the eyes of my friends and family and job to join the John Brown Volunteers.
It was at this point that I realized that this was also a point that he would bring up any time I went home for holidays or long weekends; whenever I was outside his sphere of influence or control. Whenever I would express that there were people in my life I did not intend to drop, he would be visibly upset with this and continue to urge me to do so. I thought this was bizarre, but I figured it was just a friend being over-zealous in trying to convince me to do things they were convinced would make me happier. This day was over 12 hours of driving on my part with 0 compensation besides gas, despite my suggestions to make the trip easier on me. Once I got to the conference site a day or two early to set up and train to be a moderator, I realized once again how nefarious a lot of the tactics and methods Caleb was pushing were.
The trip would be around a week long. At first I was interested and excited about the prospect of going to Nicaragua, but I soon found out that it would be logistically impossible. Caleb did not understand this and argued with me about it for days. Caleb explained that they had raised the money for my ticket. When I was offered a trip to Venezuela through my own contacts there shortly after the Nicaragua debacle, I took it.
Caleb was furious with me. We eventually agreed to stop arguing and came to a rough understanding, but it was clear our relationship was on a greater decline than before. This discussion with him was in December 2021. This was the last time we had a substantive conversation besides small talk. When I found out that some of the exact same lines that Caleb heaped upon me had also been said to other CPI members, the dots started to connect.
They are almost always younger, from 16—20, have little experience in the political realm and crave guidance. These traits also make somebody the perfect candidate for grooming or cult manipulation. Caleb made me feel like his star pupil or something to that effect when I was manipulatable and also providing large amounts of exposure and clout for himself and his organization also himself. Once I made it clear that I was not just a manipulatable pawn of his, I was dropped gradually from his interest. I believe that there are people currently in CPI who are in the same position that I was when I was 18 or 19, I hope they are able to understand the danger of this situation before they too outlive their usefulness for Caleb.
Опросив ряд людей, ему удалось выяснить, что многим респондентам известен этот конфликт и они осуждают Москву за его развязывание. При этом, высказавшиеся о недопустимости российской агрессии против Кыргбекистана не смогли рассказать что-либо о самом "конфликте". Лишь некоторые из тех, кто "в курсе" ситуации высказали стереотипичное мнение об имперских амбициях России.
Ukraine and Bolivia just recently.
It worked well as far as I can tell, US came out on top. I also think that the fact the CIA and European Intel agencies hired most of the Nazis after and used their experience to continue the war on commies, proves this beyond a doubt. Vietnam war against commies. Who do you think was behind all that?
Its a clusterfuck sometimes. Some interesting stuff on European fascist groups and Bolivia: Salvini thanks Trump for taking out Soleimani.
В настоящее время страна вынуждена защищать свои границы, в частности в Луганске и Донецке, и в этом контексте президент России стал символом национального единства. Наблюдатель выразил сомнения относительно возможных изменений в отношениях между Россией и США после президентских выборов в России. По его мнению, американская сторона не стремилась к проведению честных выборов, так как не желала раскрывать реальный уровень популярности российского президента.
В США назвали абсурдом санкции, осложняющие поездки в РФ
Caleb T. Maupin | Автор — американский журналист Калеб Мопин. |
Путин стал символом объединения России — наблюдатель из США | ИА Красная Весна | Жители США не верят своему правительству и хотят мира с Россией, считает журналист и политический аналитик Калеб Мопин. Об этом сообщает РИА новости. |
Caleb Maupin’s Former Comrades Speak Out, His Abuses Must Stop! | | Его коллега из США, политический журналист и аналитик Мопин Калеб, отметил удобство выборов в России для избирателей, т. к. они проходят в выходные дни, в США — в будни. |
Глава делегации США заявил, что поддерживает защиту населения Донбасса
По его словам, из-за отношений США и России можно было бы ожидать негативного отношения к американской делегации с российской стороны. Однако россияне встретили американцев исключительно радушно. Мопин назвал этот факт доказательством того, что враждебность исходит не со стороны Москвы, а из Вашингтона, от американских руководителей, которые намерены использовать НАТО и другие силы, чтобы вводить санкции и угрожать России.
Does Caleb even see the value in taking a step back from CPI in order to learn more about how to teach youth appropriately and work on himself? This is an opportunity for people to prove if they are a true comrade or not. I have provided the background and details, and I have allowed SYNA members to hold my phone and look through my messages with Caleb. Will you take the side of the predators who wish to silence me, who continue to further break the law by creating libel and slander about me, who wish to intimidate victims into silence? Or, will you actually be a comrade and support injustice everywhere, even if it gives you cognitive dissonance?
Joey and I quickly got to know each other, both having to live in such a small space and travel into Manhattan daily. In the coming months, Caleb and I would get to know each other on a very personal level. Caleb would mention wanting to leave his wife and how miserable it was back in his hometown in Ohio. Looking back, many, if not most, of the things Caleb expressed to me in private, were designed to suddenly pit Joey and I against one another, culminating with the bestowing of the Aqeeq ring immediately before going to Texas in December. Caleb wanted us both vying for his favor at the expense of respecting one another. Caleb saw the Aqeeq ring in Iran; he wears one all the time because it is a symbol of power. Therefore, people will notice we were all wearing the same ring everywhere.
I eventually stopped wearing it because I felt disgusted with everything this represented: a manipulation tactic Caleb used to make each of us think we were individually special to him and that he trusted each of us the most. Caleb also gave one to another member who I was very close to, Lily. This trick of playing members off each other was not limited to Joey and me. Lily has also experienced and admitted to this being a reality. Very much unfamiliar with daily life in cities the size of Jersey City and New York, I put my car in the parking garage several blocks from our motel. Fortunately for Caleb, my mother was willing to cosign on a dealer loan for another car, with the understanding that if this car was being used to transport members from New York City to Texas, Maupin would make the car insurance payments every month. Caleb readily agreed to this, excited to send us to San Angelo.
Around the time of New Years 2022 Caleb sent me a screenshot of an argument he was having with his wife. In it you can see him mention that he plans to make enough money off of CPI that he can quit his job at RT. After driving this car from New York to Texas, Texas to Chicago, Chicago to Kansas, and countless trips from the retreat center to the airport an hour away, the car gave out. On the last day of the retreat, as everyone was preparing to go home, the transmission gave out, leaving me stranded in Kansas. Caleb also spoke to me about what he was doing sexually with Member 2. He also made some very lewd comments about Member 2 to me, including through text. After the retreat, Caleb asked me to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Caleb said he would give me the rest of the money he owed me for allowing CPI to use my vehicle if I signed it, which he owed me prior to the creation of the NDA. I restated that the money he owed me was accrued before the idea of this NDA was ever created. I was strongly inspired by the words of Caleb Maupin, and motivated to get out of the movement and into the masses. There I discovered Caleb was putting together an outreach team in NYC and he invited anyone to talk to him who were interested in joining. I talked to Caleb and he told me to come out to NYC and he would have a place ready for me. At this point I sold a majority of my possessions and used that money to pay for hotel rooms. After the end of the week I was almost out of money so I was forced to sell my car to pay for the hotel room in Jersey City.
I used that money to pay for a room. At the end of the week Keaten Mansfield came to Jersey City, which Caleb felt was worth paying for a hotel room for both of us. During our time at the motel room, I used my food stamps to pay for food for me and Keaten. Later another individual joined us and my food stamps had to pay for that person as well. Caleb often told us that we had to struggle to achieve Socialism. So my bad diet connected to our limited budget ultimately led to my sugar spiking which fed the MRSA, and caused a MRSA infection which I had to go to the hospital for. Caleb promised to take care of our food, our housing, and any other material needs that we had.
Alas Caleb failed to provide even the most basic resources to help us survive, and insisted we use our canvassing contributions to cover everything. However, canvassing is very slow and tedious work, and it never brought in enough income to sustain us all. I often had to dig through garbage put out by grocery stores just so we could eat. We would ignore these problems, or even sometimes have fights with each other. Member 3 often would get in conflicts with me and Keaten about how Caleb should be helping us more and we would defend Caleb and his treatment of us. We would say to Member 3 that we had to tolerate the mistreatment because it was for the good of the organization. Later when we went to Texas I came up with the idea of the branch of the CPI I called Bridges to Labor with the goal of building socialist reading groups within work places.
Upon Caleb learning of this project he would have private conversations with Keaten Mansfield telling him that I was trying to steal his spotlight, that I was jealous of Keaten as a way to manipulate Keaten to be against me. After an argument with Keaten that got me kicked out of the John Brown Volunteers Caleb offered to pay for a ticket home back to Pennsylvania. He never offered to pay me back for my possessions I sold for the organization, including my car. He never offered to provide any type of housing until I could get myself on my feet. I ultimately, since getting kicked out of the organization, have been living in an abandoned house to survive, forced into e-begging on the internet to sustain myself while in-between jobs. This has affected my public image, and thus has affected my ability to make content and organize in the future. Further, Caleb has broken his promises to take care of those who join his organization.
I am incredibly disappointed because quite frankly Caleb is the whole reason I am a communist. It pains me to admit that the man I was willing to follow to the end of the earth has mistreated me and many other Comrades. Caleb has duped me, he has duped many, and he is an endangerment to many within these circles. I am disappointed on who Caleb has revealed himself to be, not a Revolutionary but a grifter trying to build a cult. I was 18 years old and had enrolled to begin college in Manhattan just a month later. Caleb said he wanted to speak with me once I moved to Manhattan for school, he had an idea for a new political project. This is how our relationship began and the seeds were planted.
When I first moved to Manhattan I hardly knew anybody, Caleb had my undivided attention and confided in me multiple times that I was one of the few people who understood him, he saw such potential in me, etc. Fast forward to 2020, our relationship took a turn for the worst. His efforts to get me to isolate myself from my family and friends would intensify when I would come to him when I was experiencing pits in my mental health and was more vulnerable. There were times when I was crying to him about how unhappy I was generally in life not even bringing up my family or my personal relationships and his advice was to move into some hotel in NJ with other people I hardly knew within the next few days. He wanted me to disappear in the eyes of my friends and family and job to join the John Brown Volunteers. It was at this point that I realized that this was also a point that he would bring up any time I went home for holidays or long weekends; whenever I was outside his sphere of influence or control. Whenever I would express that there were people in my life I did not intend to drop, he would be visibly upset with this and continue to urge me to do so.
I thought this was bizarre, but I figured it was just a friend being over-zealous in trying to convince me to do things they were convinced would make me happier. This day was over 12 hours of driving on my part with 0 compensation besides gas, despite my suggestions to make the trip easier on me. Once I got to the conference site a day or two early to set up and train to be a moderator, I realized once again how nefarious a lot of the tactics and methods Caleb was pushing were.
Share He remains innocent until proven guilty, but this scandal still carries with it some significant lessons to be learned. Former RT journalist , renowned patriotic socialist pioneer, and founder of the Center of Political Innovation CPI Caleb Maupin was just accused of abuse by several of his former colleagues. He remains innocent until proven guilty, but this scandal still carries with it some significant lessons to be learned. The lesson here is that a growing role carries with it a growing risk of such a scenario.
Instead, he just sent me the following, originally written in all caps. I am furious with the trannies, this is not an anti-Imperialist organization. This was like a Dominatrix lecturing some kindergarteners. I wore a suit while I spanked them. I have a real whip. These guys are clowns. He even told me that he would engage other people in conversations about corporal punishment and spanking because it turned him on to do so; when we became closer friends in 2021, he finally admitted to me that he would masturbate to the thought of roping unsuspecting people, especially women, into these conversations about their experiences with being spanked and other forms of physical abuse.
Килиан Мбаппе: все новости
Caleb Maupin is a widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst. Калеб Мопин подчеркнул, что именно Путин оказал существенную помощь стране в преодолении катастрофических последствий распада Советского Союза. Caleb Maupin, 40, is a political analyst and writer who appears from time to time on RT and PressTV. Калеб Мопин, являющийся главой делегации Соединённых Штатов Америки, на Всемирном фестивале молодёжи высказался о том. Калеб Мопин выразил уверенность, что его ожидают проблемы по возвращении из России. In the blog post titled “Caleb Maupin’s Former Comrades Speak Out, His Abuses Must Stop.
Килиан Мбаппе - новости
пишет Калеб Мопин. По мнению Мопина, отношения между Россией и Соединенными Штатами овладела враждебность, и источником этой ситуации являются американские руководители. Калеб Мопин работал на российскую пропаганду не только в Russia Today. Аналитик по внешней политике Калеб Мопин заявляет, что Афганистан должен потребовать компенсацию за невинных жертв.
В Москве прошел съезд Международного Совета Всемирного фестиваля молодежи
Poised perennially against all the existing socialist countries, starting with the Soviet Union, etc. Their negative obsession with Stalin remains their most salient and curious trait, to most outside observers. He has traveled extensively in the Middle East and in Latin America. He was involved with the Occupy Wall Street movement from its early planning stages, and has been involved many struggles for social justice.
Многие не заметили подвоха, но часть опрошенных указала на «грубую безответственность» этого заявления. Вмешательство в выборы в Лимпопо Но если оговорку про Крым можно объяснить фонетическим сходством, то слова Уотерс о перевороте в Лимпопо вызвали вопросы у многих.
Пранкеры Вован и Лексус дозвонились до конгрессмена и, представившись премьер-министром Украины Владимиром Гройсманом, решили обсудить с ней положение дел в мире. Пранкеры посетовали на «вмешательство России в выборы в Лимпопо», пояснив, что российские хакеры «взломали систему выборов» в этой стране и «установили режим своей марионетки Айболита». При этом Уотерс невозмутимо продолжила разговор, стараясь выяснить подробности вмешательства Москвы в дела сказочных персонажей, придуманных Корнеем Чуковским. Кроме того, пранкеры сообщили ей, что «армия Путина» захватила запад Украины, дойдя до Львова, а также «атаковала» Габон. На этот раз политик призналась, что не знала об этом, но тем не менее пообещала сделать всё необходимое для помощи пострадавшим.
Я не знала, что там тоже его войска.
Рядовые американцы не верят правительству и хотят мира с РФ Рядовые американцы не верят правительству и хотят мира с РФ 08. Аналитик ссылается на результаты соцопросов, согласно которым рядовые граждане спокойно сообщают о том, что противостояние между Вашингтоном и Москвой создано искусственным путём и напрямую связано с интересами газовых и нефтяных корпораций, целью которых является вытеснение России с мирового рынка ресурсов.
Американцы пожелали гражданам «угнетенной страны» оставаться сильными и непреклонными, отметив, что их не должна покидать надежда. Он заявил, что в мире много стран, у которых «высокие моральные устои». На Западе регулярно говорят о так называемой российской угрозе.